Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Oct 1883, p. 4

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-* : nt uitted themselves admires | ably. on aed Lr gl through ordinary Ne Vid acrid ¢ Bitar . Mr. Oliver champion of Canada, went number of fancy movements m not : ranell. through & of the McClinton's Medical Hall. Excited Thousands. All over the land are going into ecstasy ois itively cure © vere It is guaranteed to Bron- Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, chitis, Hoarseness, Loss. affection of the Throat and, LuDKs. Bottle free at 8, E. Alliswd's Drug Store, Large size $1,00., uf his re by & simple L'rial Bottle ot Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, whic] caused him to procure, a Jasge bptt completly cured bin, when Doctors,change of climateand everything else had failed, Asthma, B Coughs, and jeg teed | St les S.E. rug Store. Large size $1.00 rorgsatutidlo, sa. xdiéa| © L003] hed) oe cor <4 We most rh say, pyc bat jongs di EE} fg rttinky rin Eh Eo ES rence whether > Cin Bonie is one Jear ora hundred years. For ture, toe oro BRIER, SSB e. Pres- coly@ithy 6 od) lo! Buckine's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. 12 i491 Wi c Cut: S cel hi , C te ed nd eu , BU to el ce ey ref 25 E. A CARD. To all whore suffering frem | aud indescretions of youth, nervous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discov- ed by a missionary in South America. -- Be ssed gpvelol los! XN, St , New Mo M Are you disturbed at night and broken your gest oy a gick child su e oT nd erying yh atl pain once an Ten 4 foniliod of MRS. Rg Ws Bonus NG SYRUP. Jt 4 will relievy e f] p ol ay an iii like magic. It 18 perfectly safe to od { of the Finest Vauivl : pad over Dr, Kings] New Discovery for consum pd 4 ook Trial | S| pwd Ras ennieovod 1s 10 ITH the opening of the Spring 1 fave got {my new pre- of | dealing and 1easonable prices by gettin, tely-- 1 rl ev d relief ate health to the ohiid, - Saline would tnform the public | that her Stock has been enous and is | now . Ri ig of xh oidett ' Has the most extensive and inj America, is noted for its ¢ and inti and is the great _ Quarter Year, Matters throughout the bosity pel 8 H&A DET '= a, Gs & Eg "In "order to increase our already irk Gala €ooath in CHAINS, RINGS, BRGOCHES, LOCK- S10 vs-ptinapin | Fashionabls and Desitable iif The thnds BEE GLOGKS.: {6 Gréat Variety ahd of 'Sdlerior Qual" As 1 purchase my Goods on the ms 1, States. 15th. Remittances sho procuge necessary supp [3 Aldea, 1 k Gk the polis » ay WE vil gettibg Choice and Tux WEEKLY GLOBE, we make the ollowing libegal and magnifi- cent offer to every reader of this adyeriisemen Ee . a bk Foy oe dia KLY GLOBE nk from now to end ot Jecembets 15% and in (Epi AHANDSONE RENTER or comctent ise der, omepuently requires no key. des postage upon Watch to any address A ve will start shipping watches on ld be sent at once, so as to enable us to) by. 2 fil | onions with gs little delay as fe his 48 t Prices | at DEFY comER "fn the County. pt. 19, 18837 late list of yearly sat#eribers to who 'Wishes to take | i TE seal in isa' vs steak a This, offex only holds good Qct ra. d 1-3 i Simba wun "wit DR § Wdesi A 5 Segal a Cheap Good: Watches, Clocks angd.J, ty [1 and neat] pee FUR ake v : 2 1Conge! Aetiuiseary BURRS } Sea TI SE BR. B. DIESFELD, 7 if! Port Perry, Aug. 30, To H*: ING my hy Ter in the o Township of | PORT PERRY! misgs, thoronghif axtapg ALL KINDS UP All pafiti thejr wants supplied frown, myl Find. 2 7501) Bd it a qu un satisfy custome 8. BOOKS, STATIONERY, &C. The quality, style and prices of i 8 ! All are ritsd to come a3 nape the Btock and Prices. fore puichising elsew here. ered Phe yg Piano Box, Side ig wath i rings Co be The, Best. Material in , the Market, | ind "wit be' Wa atTow ridli or cash hr 68 time 'to sult pirehusers. cat dad amit Thou 3 ah PARTICLIAR ATTENTION PAID TO PAINTING x REPATRIN idol) He. Sdlls moré&igoads than any "Sihor Houle : No Blowing ped CALL EARLY ANDICALL OFTEN. (5 (5 © ar Perey, Bp ngo fon') vy wo v3 made ad : chrs. | Ft od ALSo TEE Sk mre ii afi or sonboRt poitband s oy He elt srer "ing Ig tha o mare Ive Fan ns vuoi Thédat. wai lotr pIR E44 vars To cond d ev. J Noth Cabinet Wite erry. . Port Ay Mageh 23, 1881. To On ed. « My Extensive, Varied and T- STOCK | = oe Via, Fancy ie and LT hot fail to ¥ "W. H. McCAW. hee in all casos, and pleasant 10 the sides ate BASWOOD " " is the prescription of one of the oldest and ASH u | . Pre boat, Lome RICH CR ERL EL with 3h yp10 "san fl Troll lo nlodand 020.£ ited States: ent: oh nae Dota a, i Any Lumber not in stock will be cut to Port Perry, March 28, 1888. Rost BET Emer T 16 (he Buflorinw| Also any quaniity of river SY. FT = " N's HOUSEHOLD PANNAGEA" has no | Hemlocks8jab Wood 22 inches long for sale. 808 for relieving uintbo th fitzrnatand Wanted, Forty Tons of Hay TanCaoh of in Bow . purpatism, hie, yxobange fo: Luwmber, Lux of Bain of Agha, 41! JOSEPH BIGELOW. - et Brahms Poster, July 11, 1683. Hoi ng ack wid Bs ey i HH u F le! = To a fa An en! ht " -~y Should be hua amily handy for use when i i wanted, "as it is really the best remedy in | { ~ the world for Cramps In the Stomach, and | i -- Pains and Aches of all kinds," and for sale by al. Druggisten at 25 cents a boitle. To Consumptives. The advertiser having bes £3 cured of that dread disease, C £ n, by a simple fomedy, is is anxious to nown to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the Diesen pti n used, (free of Share.) with the re: whi Gu sum t 3 5) Pag add . i sb, Errors of Youth. GENTLEMAN who suffered A will for the sake of suffering Tmauity, , send free to all who need i the recipe tion for making he was ¢ , the advertiser! 's rience dressiug in pe onfiden JOHN B.OGDEN 2 Cedar St., New York rer! trom Nervous Debility, Proms dX ELI ¢ and all theeffects of vouthiul indiscretion " and direc- Se 4] Soe ™ an 6 the) Substance Fade," AS ' McEENZIES GG ALTER PORT PERRY," AT THE FOLLOWING LOW PRICES FOR 30 DAYS pp gaa thr = SEAT broty pes, 4 mall Pictures enlarged and framed PT WITH A CHOICE LOT OF | si | FEA tt Perry, ¢ years the id Agriaikimi district! ir oy Pickering GREEN BANK, HE undersizned wonld foform the pub- lic that be has rented for a term of ses formurly known as the Cottage EIotel, GéegBbatik and havigg "thofoughly Seni- v the ¢ Lous bow prepfiredf to 1c: 7 trop Soi ct hi GOOD OPENING. There is adpleiidiTops opening. Steen ink for an enterprising man tp open the Furni- ture and Undertaking Business. A first cluss Shoemaker would find Greenbank a good opening for his business. The village is situated on the Center Road, about 7 miles from Port Perry and abot the same distance from Uxbridge vitliige, 'dod' 9 miles from 'Sanderland. Tt is inthe" debe' 0 a Splen- SAW rioursox. Gréontank, 3rd, 1880 Jan. 3, Mar, HUNGARIAN he ad ORCHARD GR KENTUCKY Bt Ve GRASS ba-1 -- es m = . G. CAMPBELL. , Mar. 28,1885. "hm ad PORT PERRY of Roce & Shaw of Port Perry Marble ks. The liberal patronage received in the t has had the stole of causing Bebty hout this and ---- LE Sueriver having Live ie all with his new and extensive Live is " LIVERY RIGS RELIR 2 A of the finest Sculptors and most Artistic Ep i O¥bridee Feo 13) 5 ey Ys ds Port Perey, OG) TACIT HAY IO 43 JAJA XEgcassor io 5 Wright) Ah An s prepared to pay the ighest Vice I: b. C. DOWNEY i big» aongid TIE DY ESTAR Hi fori 538, Oxford ad Tho all Kinds of Bhs AVI pl itn Such Lo vanes pry ving i to Rove) 101 on 2 Freon i] 3 HE SE Sh and the, Jarger BAKERY, Siriaas hs lanithe Potd and Boxes. If the address is wot 538, Ozford Street, London, they are spurious. i gistered in Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed. WE remind - his] Av ced Choice Plain aud AES Breads of AREER 1 AN 100 0 Bonvlied op th WK +) aE pblished 8 i P tr hos I Ls of Nervous rs ~ i RRR 0 ] 1 a+ ERE BOSTCN CHR STALIZED The celebrated anthor, in this admirable Ahr oa at vooing yi sa and sold at 18 horas 3s od, Fe 6d. 8. 1} and ada at Uni red Stat eS rg Ll rout Bed TOBE. ara) CONFECTIONARY, &C. The Trade Marks of my Medicines are re 4 IE Voter and ersigpes public generally that a and other Cakes How Lost, How Restored An d other socal entertainments promptly | puysical Incapacity, Pentisenriy demonstrates, from thirty Alar sont' oa; yr foal, Sul Rips Wor Nal © THO BIAS o----apmte +4 ita : 2300 ¢ A of 3 stiyleNo. 10 gh Manchester, March 13, 1882. 01d Machines takemin ) AEE Jiberal reduction for Cach fhe best Sewing Machine Oil; Needles for all the leading Machines, and Sewing Machin eaEAWT ogMUT JTHT 4 PARLOR ary "supplied © he. public, host' ality, those healthful And bn a in vot. eutatr, One of the best' Fountains how in use for 'pmakiog cooly drinks. Childrens' Toys, good aud cheap. Port Perty Muiy2t, { 1879- ey HIyooX.r | bo pi muy be radically 'without, £} avis ICE: Mr ead Sn we he : a T jon af the knife ; poibting out a mede Supplied bysmeat 2 3 !of cure nt once simple certain and eflectus, Hundso "filted rh H | by means of which every sufferer, no matter, { wing Blseonaitiob ray 18, mdy cake hitwe1} | chiefly, privitely and RADICALLY, #38 This Lecture should be in the hands ¢ © ht of youth and every mah ipnthd inbd. Addi ress eS A] THE CULVERWELL i Ww, ' Pos Office Box woth? _MAN CHESTER, rVHE Subs riber has much ple: i f Mineets He vo tah Teed" TES. Sept 4, Nov 6, Bap 0 Cannington--Feb 14, Mar 21, May 9, June 20 Sept 5, Dec 13. Feb 15, Mar 22, June al, Sep 5 ecls. t | Uptergrove--Mar 23, June 22, Sep 7. Dec 14. LIVERY ST STABLES ! RET ) OPPOSITE JAE MANSION Jon HOUSE Customers Say rely on prompt wontion, rate HOUSE: TI ad doames ben dod ial edt sarsd Tes vives Gh) o HE undersigned would return his Se on him during the Severn, VeArs hn wh , Wii 0} mis levine yeidioao : tiw ob [The atid kid ¥ Ono of the best Gon 47% the ro for mr XAT "1 Rx hn ond 90d of Tron excouted with n o tn jort notice eg nnd superior We HORSE SHOEING the work done so as to secure the ease d comfort of the horse in traveling. All Charges Moderate and all work ie | 111 Se of Cayrigggwith dispatch ely on getting the phat : fm En " by the FrenchAcademy of Medicine ? | for tion of the Urinary wn Dike i rio, zsh only required No nauseous doses of ebs or Copaiba. 4 Rold , Si E n it ALLIABLE) HygIENIC, CURATIVE, PRE. IV) aay i Detroit, Mich,, and Windsor, Ont. _C [TARIO Attachments kept constantly on hand. HD Mf 5 Dl fr 19 tanhnootevO qno2l Ba HEIEAR, h e For - Au ind fa z AS eg Clocks re Paired, le ul mE Sarat | EE BAT in hil al y . 9: Brougham! Mdyz2, Jabya Sejit. A hm dy or be cheerfully hy tdi ey ' D 8AV- sug of mongy, | © or, me Hil Security or Bok viry, rb sd Gh s of any Heo eT «| Tétws bf payaiintand rate ofinteren such 7 at0ofl wo,

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