Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Oct 1883, p. 1

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rs tlie saunr ehinedd ehital oupy;iva wl to # ivod A untilifo } RY and Oraets' die Jeter tid at pavole) shu Ep dua 0 tl! wi boll Ianeg Agent, oh Ey Merron biishine 4 in ce gd vil Pitta tind er b th thm County] Le A en Rs if Sr Ta Be Resend, thelwelling ad od! DRS. ONES GLASGOW, | Ehyaiinne, Surgeons, &o., \FF ICE (fisnidenge, he Be Next WS Tipe a he b wiiuin ee----f S.H.GLASGOW, M.D; M. c. PAS. i RADUATE of the University of Vice: toifa College, M. B., University of Toronto, and member and Liseotiate of' College of Physiciane'aid Surgeons | Office and _sesidence wtih, Dr. ote; Queen 8t., Port Pecty. 3 Port Perry, 4 Aug. 18, 1883, hriatret ei esiet ARE, " Coronor. for the Lounty of, DEAR Physician, Sargeon and Ac- mes baa résidencé, Kir g Street, sl, Primes Albert, Ont. ) A A 'MoCLINTON, M., B,, hpi , SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUM, ce, - ee LH.OL 8, Guy's Ww; ¥ depiors Londen ral d, The lye Ra UT ed oshewal ee BeuvaTtan Lod Vite 'of ' Beaverton, N. Saewi psn Abtoriey ib FE Jor in oar onvey Ancor, Notar &e. bth per row & Carrie's Store suiieal Ce BILLINGS, pies Attor J Ae , &C.i.. he Ontal 3 erry, Ont. jk Port Perry, Sept. 6; 1882, 7 SAI Lane; He a8 of nasil ppt Post OMce N HURD dis A gens he sald gb mis. 00 ty; motigeges; tonght oo Licen ve andor g. | SAVINGS BANK hand'|' : 2tt]a at abi property Laden Hersh! ; patronage which he has received ds Adc. : ned #, Valaater, &e. fo thé Amat 'of Brock, Uxbridge, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa | Grown EE | North Otitarie ; Mariposa; btc., 'in the County of ol ietoci: | 'Resid Eto sol -- hoses i wig ett bund TE Jor 10 aoommile sid wl doslso an0) sri ori B My ws CHAS. HOLLAND, =. Loin rang al biaial ua! DHEan TES) ada #1 a 0H hd! eb | rted nd oT Bah " ingg the 4 SoD) 4 LE Fir PCy. iva 1} bagalto af iw cami At HE Hint FL ew I ahd Gdarantee ne ay The Phanjajirtisi * 1 whom nid il aft yrhoanhal {1 yehe ha \ RR lid Jbl 29408 A an we Fire 'and | Marine, | Liga Ty Fitch vi th premi- will ) 1' i y ' f ble, ar [RUE dent a ee {dea ary Tomy 1a cue non. vo Ea ngriagn Taam AA land Tickets for pa to and from Great tuln sold at rl 4 HE undcrsigned kes! 'this opportunity mv of returning thinks for the very liberal The increased experi- euco and uxtensive practice which I have bad | will be turaed to advantage of patrons. parties tavoring me with their Sales --y tely on their interests being fully pro- tected, No effort will Ue spar-d to make it profitable for pactics to place their Sales in my bands, My Sule Register will be found at Laing & Store and at my own residence, Union A venue, Port Perry. tionuer in the past. C. DAWES, Auctioneer, Port Perry, Au: 17,188). dill nips 3 B. MAJOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All PAY wishing hia services, can call; at the HQbserver" Office, Port, Perry, and arrange for he of Sules. g Sore Perry, Jan 10, 1879. WM. GORDON, ott, {and Eldon, PEF" Parties entrusting their Balcs to me ay rely on Se SS most attention being gies Selsey ¥. GORDON, 'W. EWE dé of 'Brock, 'Thorah, Mara & Rama in ehce--~Cdnnington; Brook. fein Bi ii Ei by ucel- Feb. 1 ives. FU pour Panay 1883. Meharry's Hardware || : ey Brock. | ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township 4 ih , Ll g PREGERS A 90H dE AW Tatar bon Aateh Fim nb [4 WHITE STAR'S NYWiXorli. Liverpool an) retry $75uqnl +11 to ini PR ool ) STR 8 $2620, ows we 1 wi at plows HAG ara 180, Agent. for. the. Collingwood And Lake Superior He ol Steamers... A {RAILROAD _DTICKETS Issued to all parts of Canada and the United tats. vd Parties intending to travel will find it to their advantage to puree Wokde ro. he wipiip bm) / 11 Y GRAND TRUNK BY: nx ~GREAT WESTERN RY. : TICKETS : Lssued to all' parts of United States aid , Canada at Lowest Hates. a PASSENGERS' FOR. fanitobn and Western Btates have choice of route either by Grund Trunk or'by Great Western and Michigan Central, For all information apply to R: W. TWAMLEY, Miviaxn R'y Sranioy, Porr Perry rn HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND mn AMOONT Hi] | Fares, oTTIY. oi 6. per cent. Also on Village Security. at 8 bo he Rate MORTGAGES BOVE HUBERT. hp & Baukisati. Port Perry, May 10; 1881. MONEY TO LOAN. pt ge fot the: following |} 2 #MONABCH from New York 1 Cabin from New, York 1,40, London. aod: i Steerage; from Liverpuol! toaPort Perrys) HE Subscriber js prepared to lend money on improved property for terms From one to twenty years, Agent for Westery Cawapa Loax axp Bavinas Company. tat upp "u Hebas also been gat larjcé nmount of Pri aT Iatgr, st Eight per cent, ; No Commission, NF. PATERSON: & Port Perry. May 20, 1878. i. Bolicitor M ON EX [Private Funds,) Tes on Bod Farms, at poy ge gent 18 rR T'o terest. } [PORT raat) The Jersi in iis offioe, Hue; Seat bis tvended fo. Debts vol+4 oF" othatwisel 'and EL ' Remembers L gefl »ortlev nb" the "Perry, will receive Bigaptioy') wi) AB EZZELW 00! ] Wis | "Regen. | 2 ¥ites 10: express his gratelal acknowledge hment of the very liberal patronage bestowed {onthe Walker: House during Bia former oc- {cupancy, and having now! resumed posses- | { pio every effort wilkbe put torthito | make i he Walker House all ii 4 cial Wei Vines . = lafoma. cGA 2 be 15, 18a ror. wah A PERRY HOUSE, 2h Sadgrathypifict venience an i plies for the table apd bar. * T abl and yard earefull attended t rg Carewelghb ih pus to the ©cé ait Cr i ils select Ton fof 1his property -- The Walkvr aH Ngee wh Fo at can be desired || V hot 8 wet sw CE OF. ONPARIO, THURS Aria alas "TgAp Yor AHA pile eno # tori Lvh 1 .. andweak digestion, headache and restless | Sleep arise from " the' Shine cause. Remove thenv with? Zopmsh 'now before Yo get worse. A few doses.' , rowilk dorits ter 46 We Avot an air Vigor | gloss 'and! Sous at oh of a oF br to'A nistaral) rich browwcelor, or deep 'as may be desited.' | By its use light or red hair nuy be Unrkerled, | thin Mmie thickened] snd Balduiess '6ltes, | though not always, cured: + 1t checks falling of she hair, wl: stim Iates a;wenk and sickly growth to vigor. It" | Ha We . [+ prevents aul cpres sourt awd dandeuf, aud: healsynoprly, every slisease -peculiar; to Bie, | scalp, As 3 Lilies' Hair Dressing, the Vioop isianequaled; is contains ueithor.oll Tn renders, the Luiy soft, glossy, and! iu i a ielicabe; lashing perfume. b Rs Busta: ax Tam Sr Ti a" of "a! ers oF ews lain Vi 1oor, whi iy r, row! Mn ow CE ha ot Mir voy but. Tor by on We he Your eutirely bald." a Enquirer, AYERS HATR rth A 10st Sxeetiou aration for the To De Sl the new los it glossy and oar "Me V1G0R 18 and § rt Ix AR i Ae 4 ald hich Sopperf gl © fal Flo ry thi preparation 1 should Lave been OW Bow, Ty of the Merl Apeak of jt fi hs wy X.qen igi lui a up eure. for dandruff. Not within m hy the propagation cer Tailed 10 give entire satisfaction," MR. ANGUS Fala ky, Jender of the celebrated ** Fuirbay AR ry "of Scottish Yocalists, writes iron Boston, i Feb, 1890: * Ever sinoe my hair began to give silt very evidonbo of A lanes Khich ficeting tine procureth, 1 have used Aven's Hart Vi Gon, and 0 have bee able to. ian an rance of youthfulness --a matter of cons erable conséquenée to ininisters, ora- actors, and in fat Lyery ong who lives wl a vas} OF the Fale poi ublic Pasteor, writing Troms 18 En ye bah ipril 14, 3 0-thirds of pA i Vidi te al Was EEE a i itfell. 1 roan. of the V' 1G0R, but now uke 1 a dressing." We have hundreds of Homie testimonials to the efiicacy of Ay) ERS, Vicon. It needs but a trial to couvince if 16 moat, skephi- | eal of its value. " PREPARED BY Dr.J.C. Ayer&Co. Lowel Mas. ) Sold bys all I Druggiaa us good a bof as pita: aa rt yi i Rov. Father Wilds EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. Wilds, well-known city missionaty in New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of the ' Massachusetts Supreme, Coyrty writes as follows: 378 A. Bath St., RG Nea 'was herbi i El a most | id | (he 'obsgondor" to seo bi ¢ they bays Mite She $10,~4 Il | himself disagre h his, or a ipeh i {towards the ie re our coy 1 keenly on the hed f wA ont, "fon likeslippery principles,a produce fAnother the rascal 1, |#o the tune of over thousand dollars, ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR| "JAMES BAIRD, a ES RRS PORT PERRY, OCT 18, 1888. En Laurd, "ho W og 'hob ladians occupies the lionurable ° tion of Major-General" 'of "thie .C adian Malitia forees bas again thade The poopld 5s, might incline tw piShont Wy 4b insult, offered w the, mes oe choice, in keeping With'its didlidaty doufls aristocravibal bins oukes the follow ih ® bua ing palavert ir win 'of apie organs urging "Luafo' to disthss' rt. 2s [ThodGonéml | iowever, woes ter ' | manifest & on, ; to and. dismiss{ § [eo MERE i J If the Glee sigea not kmow the sooner it learns the better for it that 'ment submit to the "slighitest, inter- ' | ference With ont rulers by. any out. | sider und thut'neither Major-General |Laurd nop Bis masters will be allow- ed to dictate to.our rulers evi Fg The Toronto Globe; f 745 Greo Billion 71 +17 1 John A a a wie | Canadiang " wonld not for:one mo. Ww Albert Day... 1 Taco Tayior © 4 ar Wm & Henry Taylor' Loran Stanton Ther 18 Nottifog Like Cheese. ow m 9 Brien Aaron Day "i bi Eljah: Searles" * MW a Dical Sati Wm Snider T B Stonehouse Henry Taylor Leeson Barker. Ri B.C ' Wm ee Sen ThosPrice «| John MeClintock Andrew Gitioy | A swindlep amed Dowey a pro-| duce merchint Trom' Liverpool, Eng: land, arrived | in Montreal ab about three months agoand being a pretentious Britishor,with-an unlimit ed amoant of cheek 'Was abionce admitted) Tato | tho inner eiftlesof éity plitodency. Ile bag iftsle/money but 'there' was no end ia,big bruss, he pat up atthe | best hotel in the city und' dired, wined and, gigarred his, prospective victims fyfseason aid out of scason untill he'brought them to a welding heat and thea he went for them by the wholesale. Ho took favorubly to cheese and Yoxes:fon shipment to Liverpool; he obtained from Molson Bank an adyanceot $25,000 and placed the Lilly of lading in' colateral. This appeared all right onthe fuce of it: the "choese wus regularly forwarded to Liverpool | and thiere claimed Uy agents of 'thé HMulson Bunk. 'ord "bher parties came the: Bank as But it was not lomg forward showing billsof landing for the same olives as they too had made ad vances It also turned out that the ¢heese was obtained by the swindler imérchant i in London, OnL., eontribut Toa: 1, ,000 of the 3,500 boxes, but he as not yet been paid for them now 48 at all likely ta be, .. One way: .and succeeded ip many friends one, huadped Deeming this enough for one visit, the fraud skip; ped out leaving bis fast and generoiis friends to their own private medita-| [Boi ng + through bis tion-on the poet's significant lines "Mun's inhumanity to * md mikes cotintless thousands | moun," - "Se anxious are tho lute: 'dear! frionds of "iigain \ hy td 0 116) Lia] 000 to secur his taptire thd Prot vide'for his plnisbmont." First oatch ha, bare und then dress ity qdbey: will have' to 'get hiny bk Hey a pupish him; he bas, a hundred, (Bon: und reasons for keeping out of; a vay, Who" thal hud i Food "Slant Sy and if he knows, half as s Mush o art of securing: personal safiy tpg - | liad Du dog, els ora Thos Bspia + John Coates John Stonehouse Alex Stevens Wm Quinn thad tact enough (0 secure over 3,500 John Irish Chas Sears . Town Wm Stephens Edward Smith Richard Rooney R. W. Walker T. Sonley J. 8. Holtby J. W. Holtby Charles Thompson Peter Heels; , Jas Coulter F. McClintock Conrad Johnston Charles Turner Job Balthy - pson. Viel WV. J. Coad 3 John MeDonald* Royal Mo YsDonald . Thomas Ry T. Beckett Adam Fielding « Robert Butson Thomas Lamp Wm. Birkett Mus. T. Coates Gearge Howsam: James Stevens: John SR : Donald P.' Christie, Mrs, Williamson Won, Molitoek' +0 'R. Dobson : Juineh Bak ibe) . Dobsioti 1 mex Wm Penirab¥ bon o! Péter Ohribtigh = | James y Ms. bets Buildin oii +1 . J. Wheeler i gb. 5 wi Rh og ELE RFI SOU do tt os 0. bt pd bb Wide QO © WL 3 tr bd Td pd dd bd hg kk pt Pt BD ed bh 1 et dd Be Bh ed a Dt Pk et bt pk fk pt ek pu fd fd et Bd pd Bd pd Pol pd Gt Ok dk mt dt pt Bd kt bh pt $k be Pp 0 ddd pk DO Bk fk fd pd Bk Pd Bt pd pd pe pt dtd no | ME *» ! | James Campbell "| Robert Stratton ' | Charles Brown -- Thomas Dewey 1 | Wm. Mark T poi w ost Poa api wr A wand 0 ewl - Jet AL RERIENTS Sh oii niin he tov le ge dake Co 4 5 % fake own fn £P * ce ERR eD eT 3 i pk pk' fk ed pk =a cna 385aabENteaus , 5.» kit pk pe fd CPE ETC PTD COOLED ERED ORD XE BD DRIP ohn Hawkins tt pd i © - 2: a coarp~S ERE ER coruirnwr~RE8833 E000 aac aa na mD DoE Mrs. Osborne Wm. Eastley Francis Ward orge Ward Wm. McGregor A. & G. McGeoch Mrs. Wells John Montroy George White George A. Rose John Osborne Johw Lamb Andrew Williams Wm. Taylor J. & A. Fralick Peter Whitney John Bray H. Webster 8. Ganton Robert Watson T.J. & W. Ianson George Fanklin JohniBear . Thomas Bear tbh fe pk pe pd bd pd ft Pd ed pd dk ed fd nd Dt Bd Bd ph fe Bd ped Do El a a ee Thomas Fair Wm. Akhurst John Lee . Thomas Bache. . J. & J. Moon Jolin Bij sei George Murta Hany Welsh rk 1 © BC OT te CB ED HO pd pd ed ft Fred pd pt Pt pt 1 Bt ait L Joseph Bell 1, Sani att g io rida 12 15 AnH 11019 1 at! & dae "B i} 3 1. & A. McFarlane , | James McMillan | Wm. Spence "| country. and-: very , | traveling. in. it, but de. 1 you-haowy: | Millan "097 19.116 11 ~E il = etl cl} FERRE gEEEE oy Foo beni lie EN giEiEReEsEY I et et Bp 5 BO Pt FREESE ' Trt It nd ed Bo Pf nd em 2b BC pd et et 550 tt tt nt 4 in ed bt 9 pe FREE EEC EE REE EEE EE John [Ewen 'James Malyon N. Houck James Stewart T. Clarkson 3 Wilkinson ames Thompson J. & 8. Wilson Thomas Marnin rt Joseph Graham John Christie W A Beattie Robert Balfour D Cash J W 8quelch Geo Henley A Bongard Wm Hambley P Marnian Geo Haines Geo Stecl T May John Jury Geo Hayes Wm B' Campbell Dana Ferguson Sylvester Baltour James Sharp W. H. Hayes John Heard SREsTINRgEngss WR Or OT OF OL OY Or Su OF a -- 3 1 ot ps beet pm Py 4 17 4 16T The above is a "list of persons 'ass. essed 'for 'Dogs and "Bitches in Townsihip of Reach oi fh the year I All parties are Teast] ; fo stabi said list and if any errors or «x -- . | are found therein, to notify the unider- || signed of the same without delay. JOHN eo Manchester, Oct 18, pL Ie: ry No Longer or to Obey. EE Sm Eh RHEE Tr . How farit id bi Catiiéh; Yo wi Lori Clandale, w hod aa: Sravelic: "7 |i0g. in :Arkaneas, when .asiked 'the: [the other; day bow. bet: Yiked, the : country, said :. Aton dT "0b, Lam much pleased with thei» auob enjoyed: « bus yous railroad eating-bouse: aystem fis very anooying? Just..as 8:men: # seLtles down, and ; parsusdes . himsolé "Tinto a, pap, 8 negra, comes along, . , | shakes him and says : fish apt ly nog Th * Ly phen at Cay nam Prey 20ift snl dings gerbes tn insite wi

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