Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Sep 1883, p. 1

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4 i oF ADVERTISING .$0 08 wes 002 5 00 wr i strictly, > Pamphlets, finnd Bills, grammes; Bill Heads, Blak ay yn Books, 1 Books, Circulars Cards, Ball ; &c.,.of every, iy 0) 'olor, efectited promptly and at lower rates | . than any othepestatilishment in the County. 3@~ Partiesfrom® distance getting hand.|., bills, &¢. printeitchn have jem done to take ith them, | © home wi R. Eid 07. D. And- er .D., Physitian, Burgoon and Accouchedr, | © 06 over (Cotrigan's Store. R esiden: botse 'east 'of school b ailding a a "and 'residence formerly a by Dr. Anerson, Port Perry.' Port Pérry, iil 4, 1883 SAN Bur. J. 2 . goon and A roner for the Qotmity of Ontario Cot + PORT PERRY. Omoe over Notv's LTS Stee corner of tueen and =» Office hou . to 18 m, | Ny Sikdenee eto DRS. JONES & CLASCOW, space they ; for gub fon, "i oho EEE ECT tions, willbe Inserted d sodordingly: | ferirmsr ry 0 PRINCIPAL he od Décember of each year.' 3: MMURTRY, Matager. H. "GORDON, N Publ Commissioner in jotary, By lio, Py Insurance Agent; "* Hépresenting the following ; first-class Five, Life, Accident | and Guarantee INSURANCE COMPANIES : \The Royal, 1 (+= The Phaeniz, . The Imperia The Queen, The Slasens, Ths Canada Fire and Marine, [3 FIRE PoLICIES Insuring all classes of insor- upon, the shortest notice, an at equitable rates. "Lite Policies with premi- payable until death, or for a limited Dr Of years, Endowment Polices pay t a certain date, or on previous death. Aocident Insurance covering death by ucel- dent, and weekly Indemnity In ease of non- fatal injury. £3 Marriage Licenses Issued, "BS and Tickets for passage to and from Great Britain sold at lowest rates. Paxt Berry, April 2, 1851. Ticket Office! q Ty Aha « WHITE STAR" from New York. « MONARCH" from New York. | BEAVER" from Quebec and Klontreal. PRICE OF TICKET. Cabin from New York to London and walt and return, $75, : ; , Bteerage, from Liverpool, to Part Perry, reo LSO Agent for the Collingwood and Lake Superior line of Steamers. A RAILROAD TICKETS Issued to all parts of Canada and the United tates. Parties intending to travel will find it to their advantage to purchase tickets from W. H. McCAW, Port Perry, May 24, 1883. GRAND TRUNK R'Y. CREAT WESTERN R'Y. TICKETS Issued to all parts of United States and Canada at Lowest Rates. >hys'eiwns, Surgeons, &oc. FFICE and Residence, Queen 86 Ne® door west ot Presbyterian Church. " a PERRY. my s1.A8000, M.D.YM.CRAS. A of University of Vic. T toning: | Col fl "WM. B, Dniversity of Toronto, and 'member and Licentintg of College of Physicians aud Surgeons. Office and -esidence wtih Dr. Queen St, Port Peery. Port Perry, Aug. 15, 1883. R. WARE, Coronor for the County of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ae- *eucheur, OfMce and residence, Ki « Street, --Prinee Albert, Ont. McCLINTQON. M. D., Jones, . { A AND Office, Wiliinmsburg, Cartwright, AUCTIONEER. YHE undorkigned takes this opportunity ™ of returning thanks for the very liberal | patronage which he has received as Aue. tioneer in the past, The increased experi- ence and extensive practice which I hav: had will be taraed to advantage of patrons and parti-s tavoring me with their Sulex may rely on their interests being fully pro- tected, No effort will be spared to make it profitable for parties to place their Sales in my hinds, My Sale Register will be fonnd at Laing & Meharry's Hardware Store and at my own residence, Union A venue, Port Perry. . C. DAWES, Auctioneer Port Perry, Au. 17,1881. M. Fo McBRIEN, M.D, M. ii... 8, Guy's LA "osplialf London, Er z 'The kiye R. any LLL | jommawn. 1.3 PATERIUN (late of Beaverton IN. Barrister and Attorney-at Law, Solici- tor in *h '¥, .Comveyancer, Notary Pub- hie, de. Moe o orn "& Curries Siore B. MAJOR, {CENSED AUCTIONEER. 'All parties || wishing his services can call at the "Qbserver" Office, Port Perry, andarrange for days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. O4N *} rigs rand Al yo JL ERO Ss Ju Office over Rose. &. ous Store,Queen 8t., Port Petry, Ont. | Port Perry, Beni. 6, 11882. K. FAREWELL, L L. B,, County Crown J Gide B dhe Soudty Jalletior, gc, South ah Court } i Wun, ont. YUAN lo ThaneetS, = a le uncer, &¢. OMce--Simooe hie oppoalis 'the Post Office YOUNG "SMIT LL. rth torney: hE Sania and [nsolve! 'Mge--Me.: a Brock street, Whitby. Brosk Tg en TURD Ho real estate rE mortgages bought phar sold. Interest and charges wioderate. Also waated a few Connty for intending purchasers for cash. Office over W. H. McCaw's Jewelgy Sto in his New Brick Block, Port Perry; Port Perry, July 4, 1883. J. A. TE B., Solleiter in| Jassunanos 00M PANY, Ba WM. GORDON, 'Licen Auctioneer, Valuator, &e. JOR "the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and 'Eldon, I Parties entrusting their Sales to me may relyon the utmost attention being given to theirinterests WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in t-| North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will bé'punctnally attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and Remember-- t remittances made. SR LSH E, the Nort Syjario Auction- vont SW ME HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer Undersigned having taken out a License as Auctioneer is now prepared yall sales entrusted to him.-- much experigbce in handling o, Live Stock: such as Horses, also Barming Imple- rue, de &c., ox sale notes turni Toaving 'thelr orders at the powill, Joceive free of nen? choo Raglan. Sept 10,180 ocld oi FUWBNTER {E73 > | sion every effort will be put forth to make WM. HEZZELWOQD, , SETH Magan] Dovert Pr Bas PASSENCERS FOR Manitoba and Western States have choice of route either by Grand Truvk or by Great Western and Michigan Central, For all information apply tp R: W. TWAMLEY, MipLaxp R'y Station, Port PERRY Reb. 7, J583 A At 6. per cent. Aiso on Village Security at a Higher Rate 8" MORTGAGES BOUGHT. . HUBERT IL. FPHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT. } ¥atm. Security. EBBELS, BARRISTER. Port Perry, May 10, 1881. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years. Agent for Wester Canapa Loan Asp Savings CoMPANY. He has also been instructed to inyest a large amount of Private Funds. Inter st Eight per cent. No Commission. N F. PATERSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor MONEY (Private Funds,] 'I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &o., Oshawa 21,1866. 4 THE "WALKER HOUSE, [PORT PERRY } The ungdersigned in resuming accupption of his property--The Walker House--de~ sires to express his grateful acknowledges ment of the: very liberal patronage bestowed on the Walker House during bis former oc- cupahcy, and having now resumed posses. '|the' Walker House all that can: beidesired by Commercial Tiyolore, the + aveling, public aod parties doing business in town. 'W.B MoGAW '3 Port Perry, Dec, 13, 1883. ORT PERRY HOUSE. The wodersigned having Yoaned for wom of years this comfortable, pleasantly located Hotel will epdeayorby strict attention to the t ort Perry Hoise a desirable place 'of nment for the general publio.; Choice | fon the, table and. bar, e stable and yard carefully sitanded do. JOHN RUDDY, . Port Perry, Dec. 9, 1879. . (OMMEROIAL HOTEL, The, het , hay ring tu sucks burg, be Ges t, ints SE "Whe supplies fof the, and | EE iat i fo' Cartwright, March 4, 1899... A NOTO-AMERIGAN, HOTEL, fl a wo fed Mr illiams- Price Albert, June 12, 87 RAE HOTEL, i HE naan ca having leased that ' But let her use the great "TEABERRY ience and ;comfort of guests.to make : with, " rs. Jenkin's can't be me: ir mouth shows bad Tee Aron, be danger of iy herself stiches, : Abd sews up the rips iu a fellow's old | breeches ; Quite highly expenaiv A common sense' creas ' | Wanted--A Wife who can handle a broom, To brush down the cobwebs and sweep up the bods i ye of tes and a platterto hen, Cera i A ; And mgkes her own garments--an item that Sa dor dee With 4 mind Da a mod, relat; n ~~ GI = housewife combi; gh E as No Slouch. ' a BUT THE MACHINERY DIDN'T WORK WHEN HE TRIED TO DEMONSTRATE THE FACT. From the HrRanses Traveler. The other day Bill Higginson. a well. known character of the White Springs neigh- will you hclisnge case of Dy o to break up a Bili- 'emperament--to 'give your torpid Liver activity, and thus strengthen your Di- gestion, regain energy, com- fort, health and spirits, all for 75¢? A single bottle of Zoresa will do this. A few doses surprise those who try Zopesa. For Biliousness and Dyspepsia in sheir many forms Zopesa is a Panacea, and is warranted to cure or them. It acts speedily and pleasantly. Try a 10 cent sample. k AYERS Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness' of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and' baldness often, though not always, cured. 1t checks falling of the hair, and stimu. lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures seurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to 'the scalp. As a Ladies' Hair Dressing, the V1GoR is unequalled ; it contains neither ofl nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. Mr. C. P. Bricnen writes from Kirby, 0. July 8, 1883 : * Last fall my hair commenced falling out, and in a short time | became nearly 1 used rt of a bottle of AVER'S HAIR V 1GUR, W! lug of the hair, #nd started a new growth. 1 '® now gor and am convin bi he Jou preparat jon 1 Ed have og entirely bak. oJ. W. havin a ropes of the McArthur (Ohio) Enguirer, 2 AYER'S HAIR VIGOR is a most excellen preparation for the hair. ich stopped the fall- ously 1 speak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the th of new Yair, 8 and makes it glossy soft. The Vicon is also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within m knowledge has the preparation ever fail to give entire satisfaction." > Mn. A Fannin, leader of the Fai! celebrated * hye of Senuish Voealists, A ast Feb. 1880: * Ever since my Tinir ve Ai very evidence of the change Fehioh ting time procureth, I have used AVER'S HAIR Viaon, and 80 have been able to, maintain an appearance of JoutifgIness -- a mstier For ; tors, actors, and in fact every one who tid in the eyes of the public." MRS. O. A. PRESCOTT; writing from 18 Elm St., Charlestown, Mass., April 14, 1882, says : "wo years ago about two-thirds of wy hair 1t thinned very rapidly, and 1 was On wing AY fens HAIR and a new growth eame off. fast growing bald. Vigonr the falling Stopped commenced, and in about a mouth niy head was comple 'toly covered with short hair. has continued to grow, and is now as before it fell. ) regularly used but one. bottle of the V Sins but now use it occasionally as a dressin, We ee hundreds of "similar testimonials to the efficacy of AVER'S HAIR Vigon. It needs but a trial to convinge the most skeptis cal of its value. PREPARED BY Dr.l.C. Miran Mass. Sold by all Druggists. i | that he wauted them him. As they walked along towards the {you ain't going to marry uo slonch, show you that your ewn Bill is looked up to 1 MARVELOUS STORY | " TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: Bi " Gentlemen: My father resides af, t sufferer | \d JE 4 4 Nary red." borhood, came tothis city in company with several young ladies, to oneof whom he was _ | engaged to be married. Bill has always .| thirsted for notoriety. known by the leading men in towr, and to show people of his community that, though born in obscurity and reared on the farm He can address prominent men in a familiar While the. young ladies were at the He wants way. hotel Bill went into a wholesale store, and approaching the man who sat in the office, said - "Cap'n, you can do me a big favor, if I've got a lot of girls with me, an' I wanter* show em that I ain't no slouch I want 'em to go home an'say that Bill-- that's me--come fo: town an' was knowed by the big bugs. Now;I want to make an I'll go away, and putty soon I'll come around with the gals you will, agreement with you. an' come in here, slap you on the shoulde an' say, d character to ie, lemme tel you." The gentleman said he did not ohject to helping a young fellow long, and that the aspiring William might come io and slap bi, when he would go through with his part of the programme, Bill, highly delighted with the arrange. ment, went to the hotel aud told the girl store, Bill said : "Now, I'm going to show you, 'Liza, that Il an' liked in this town, an' that he is on term with the best of em.' The girl laughed self complacently aud | declared that it was nice to marry a man that "wasn't a stranger an' a slouch." When they reached the store, Bill con- | ducted the ladies to the office, where a man | tious men and had become a camp follower sat looking over accounts. HIE WAS NUT THE MAN Advanclag he struck him a pretty Leavy slap, and exclaimed : "Hello, old chap, how areyou holdin, out 7" "4 Look out, here | * No foolin', ld boy. Don't you remem tone. Sts me : ribs and exclaimed, "Huw are you boldin out?" "The gentleman hauled off withan in bottle and knocked Bill down. bim, punched him in the side, and said: out XD melancholy yellow leaf. ome." « Ain't you goiag to pay my' bill ™ " Would you see me disgraced Aight in place wha' there's so many folks?' " That ain't my look out. I sin'ta goi to pay 'mary cent fur you." ! sorry that I made fun of you.", this here manly shoulder." i J big |The Young, Map Who Showed off (Metroid. Free Press,) to be '01d chap, how do you hold out ?' Then you slap me an' say, * Why Bill, old thd glad to_ see you! That will be over wy county, an' will be wath to take a walk with with whom the arrangement had been made, but Billidid, not recognise the diffurence.-- | gressed and ted and made to feel at home, it , The gentleman sprang to his feet and glar* ed at William, but William, without embar- rassment; punched him along the ribs and } kept on at work, and the widow's place has "said : 80ld ebap, bow are you holdin' out 7' { some to look as if there really was a man What do you mean #" bet the'agreement 7" Lie added in an under- don't you recognize the man what seed you jes' now ?" and then as' he fancied he saw « change of countenance, h'jolted the gentleman amoog the truncate The girle screamed and ran away, and Bill, as soon as he was abla to rogain his feet, sulked away. When he reached the hotel with his face all besmeared with ink, his betrothed ran to «Hello, old chap, how are you holdin' , "This settles it with us," he said vadly, regarding the girl with a look that spoke of "Jest at the me I need your sympathisin' the most, when my old frien's go bagk on me and knock me down you jipe the nemy. Go '| an' pay your hotel bill an' go' « Then "T'11 take it all back an' wd Tam « Nyff said, Come an' put Your head on = , you help me. Yo 0 chap around here and tell him what I'm up| to, and I won't mind Sanding treat oe all | CMTE te) Just then the young man came rushing don} pet hen he up withia ten feet gy Ld fe rt 8 a2 into 'the river el you __ Oh, I guess not," carelossly_roplied the] other, * Base scoundrel! I am here to 'resctie this young irl from your clutches |" « Don't 'doy "buttons off, my young cub I" : The yoting man made a dash. He had to or wilt. He rushed at the big chap with bie arm 'upmised 'and heroism iu his oye, and the next minute 'he was picked up and tossed over among a lot of green hides as carefully as if he had been glass. Then the big man raised' his cap to the girl, smiled sweetly ag hd bowed and scraped his foot, and he was outof sight before' the young man recovered sufficiently to call out: * Minnie, did I kill him ?" " No, Henry," g "Thank heaven that I am not guilly of murder! Let him Leware, however. An- other time I may not be able to restrain my- self." t---- How an Old Woman Discs of ® Pramp. 3 There is no thi ; that hath not worth; There is no evil anywhere There 1s no ill upon this ea If man seeks not to see Th there. One less tramp makes the rounds of New England now thdn two years since. He was destroyed utterly from the face of the earth by an old woman. There was a double barrelled shot gun in the back bed ruom -- it was not loaded, Tho woman did not use this double barreled shot gun as has becn advised by some. This old woman's only son had taken the few dollars she had saved and ran away to sea. He wasmnot really] wicked, but he was young and wanted to see the world, and, his mother would not consent to his going, this seemed his only means of escape. The sum taken was small, and was really his own, in some sense, and as the old lady had a comfortable home there close by ;the sca she die not suffer at all; But she was very, very lonely as the years swept by, and waited in vain for her boy's return. One day @*tramp came by, hungry. nearly naked, -- He had dropped out of the ranksof ambi~ r 1 in the warfare of life. But the lonely woman pitied him. Her son's clofhies hung there, the prey of moths and mold, She gave the » tramp his clothes. And when he was well Y seemed as if her own son had really return- ed. But the neighbors were horrified. -- 8 «Wait, and you will see him run away.'-- "As my own son did, perhaps," answered the old woman, quickly and they were silenced. But the tramp did not run away. He around. And so the world goes on. Not much in this little story, after all, except the fact that the news of her sons death at | Vera Crus has roached the old lady, and that he died there ot yellow fever about the time the tramp came to her door ; and thats stranger in a strange land, he wes nursed and cared for and buried by an old Mexican woman who could not speak a word of hia ianguage, while all others bad fled the city. Oh, it is a good world after all, And I think that the old Yankee woman has solved the tramp question clearly, Not shot guns and bull dogs , bread and kindness. Bu -_t 2. How Powder Men Were Fooled. g k It is well known among those who have occasion tu buy powder in large qaantities that tremendious rivelry exists between She agents of the California We boast of this ag Sprogions in forces, Le = rei ioe, 7 is likes oer CT tarning and pulli As we did in the lo Fed ra OY The world calls me rich, nd they Boo homage tower) uy Bow we yon , But little they Know tho bit doje I've ever. Were the aay when I drove my old ox-team Together we labored to clear up the land, We rolled up the log-hesps and tore up the sand ; The fallow burned over, and rich as few We dragged in the ' bright seed, I and my My steps have grown feeble, my hair's turn- But I ne'er can forget life's earlier day ; When sleep drops her curtain, in many a I'm ballowing once more to my old ox-team. mongers. Keep straight on in your course, and let their backbiting die the death of of neglect. What ia the use of lying awake nights brooding over the remark of wome false friend, that runs through your head like lightening? What is the use of getting into a worry and fretting over gossip that bas been set afloat to your disadvantage, by some meddlésome busybody who has more time than character ? possibly injure you unless, indeed you take nutice of them, and in combatting them give them standing and character. said about you is partly true set yourselfright if it is falsu let it go for what it will fetch. If a bee stung you, would you go to the hive to destroy it ? Would not a thousand come upon you? It is wisdom to say little re- specting the injuries you have received We are generally loosers in the end, if we stop to refute all the backbiting and gossip- ing we may hear by the way. They are annoying, it is true, but not dangerous,) 80 long as you do not stop to expostulate and and scold, sustained by ourselves, by our own actions and purpoees, and not by others. Let us always bear in mind that "calumniators may usually be trusted to time and the slow, but steady justice of public opinion." peculiar. door-bell, mistress that a man at the door wanted to know if he could come into the front hall and have a fit. , and og up stieam, blandly inquire Squire? ox-team, ing grey, dream, Keep Straight Ahead. Pay no attention to slanderers and gossip~ The things cannot If what is Our characters are formed and ------ Some people's ideas about hospitality are A servant recently answered the and returning, informed her AT CARLA TL ' boc Jno = A good story is going sbout the concerning a New York millionaire w rs, and it one bustled off. other day a neighbor farmer called 31 curriopity ng | tendent, when the owner, who happened be there, d him. Sepp 32 yes Visits or prying person, Nothing." The owner : Lima at which gato You J i igo ont and the fatujet the snpertinendent came ie sud Saquiedt iF: neighbor so and 80 bad beep: thru,' 0 the only one anywhere about wi! timber they wanted inimediately',* : ah bt : promised to come that morning snd see abou )*§ the sale of it. "Well " said. the owner. of... the farm, "T shouldn't wonder if. 1 had just sent him off with a flea in hisear. 1 found 4 man strolling about here, and supposing |' him tu be one of these stragglers § cleared him out. Where does helive? I will drive overand see him." Off he started at once. Reaching the farm-house he drovein, aud seeing him began an : apology, but. was eut | short by the farmer, who inquired if he knew at which gate he came in. Ho: mid hedid. "Then," said the farmer; "I waat you to get out as quick ss yogis css ;" and the owner of the stock farm was obliged to depart, 1 Sleep and Waste of Life. Bleep will do Sy to cure » treitability of i temper, peevishncss, and uneasiness. It will build up and make strong a weary body It will do much to cure dyspepsia, pare ticularly that variety known as nervous. dyspepsia. It will relieve the languor and felt by It will cure sorrow, Now no masa should do more work of muscle, or of bruin in a day, than he can perfectly recover from the fatigue of ina good night's rest. Up to that point, exercise is good ; beyond, is wWilite of life, exhaustion and decay. When hunger calls for toud, and fatigue demands rest, we are in the natural order, and keep the balance of lite. When we take stimulants to spur * | our jaded nerves, or' excite an appetite, we are wast'nz life. A man should live sv as to keep himself at his best, and with a true economy To eat more food than is needfal is worse policy than tossing money into the don. Itis a waste of labor, and a waste of «Still alive, Uncle Renben, I see. 'Yes, sah ; yes ssh ; an I'se gowin te lib anudder yeab,suah' "How do you know that?" "Why, sah, I'se mos allus notiss dat when I lib fru de monf of March I lib fru de whole yeah." B@F™ Get ready your school out~fit before the term opens. W:JH. McCaw can supply you. ( MoCaw's is the place for good and cheap School Book Lamp, valued a pair of Bracelets, value Specimen of Lace Work Zephyr Flowers, 1st prize giv on represented here. Eaeb isin the estizaation of its special representatives more effective and cheaper than al} the othe, and agents are only too anxions to demonstrate thi '{ fact by experments when there isa sale in prospect. Some time ago the military at Vancouver wanted to bulld a new road lead. ing from the garrison, and a survey showed that fifty or sixty stumps would have to be removed. So one of the officers came uver and 'mentioned to several powder agents in {a gémiconfidential way that the army would need some powder and that the quarter: master' would "not: object to competitive teats. Bix agents then. asked for the pris vilege fof 'making, tests, and their request 'was gn On the day appol three th pounds of the best blasti powder The other day a young. man about twenty years of age, accompanied. by a girl two, or three reached the city by a to Vancouver, charges were put in by ged' for That' purpose gents, aad In "two hours. wvéry ene : Bay City fow hotith' some sandwivlies Ter Juhl. The fellow' was by | 4 That's "yin 'To thee: = i oi be right hope.? wn a ek ad evel into. Evo re Youd wht wd wil PRL EY i EE train, antl be eakior round for a fotdrndd to the depot and" Bought heard bragging esto. what ha had done: and (he. had, visited, fad Ton srempiin Hein mii} 7d A ne i soem tome ah dou her Walk 8at'td see, thes rivers' I leave herfor a) moment, |aaid. Some chap comes along and beging to chin Weel. She'd 'wan't 40 ok 01d of Hot riteeid came exp: by the of thi And boom Ew pay] t dromais prrann----beine it society com- n ! Firat dommittee man angrily; *T ris tas pint lorder:1", Second committee ies, rly' "1 tine to order a pint." « Captain, wo are' éntirely out of amimuai- * | Hon," asidithe orderly sergeant of a company { | ot volunteens, at 3 late, review, , "Entirely AT te ply, answered the d the caplite, A : fessor was 'one 'day e Brae ¥ for Tdlences, when the nodive' I wad ciit'ott orn Toa the govemmant did't pay, didn't, pay. cent, fey the hisbusiness' iil Lovina A p-stumps wes scientifically removed. |: oPrivrs. fers --Soete-_Boome--Public-houie B i obs ie by i } latter) for pits oh dd ho pir "whoever. out] Collection of Stufted Birds Phaden, Mezchani, 8 Jar Pickles 8 Specimen of Coop Specimen ot Cal Bro t Horse Shoes * Hien vows fey o tihery + a oa x apart' [3 | RE dad.ng work at my. trade since Jaat| "1 "Poor, man, what ig. your trade 7"! J eBnovelin snop BEES petianidall 4 opay aided som dmsigdy dels Wax Flowers, 1st prize given by Mrs. Diesfeld, Port Perry Sunderland, General fe for A Loaf of Bread, home-made, 1st prize given by Mr. N. Me- underland Fifty Tbs. Flour, the manufacture of exhibitor. Loaf of Bread; Tobe competed for 'by Professiual (Township of Brick Agricultural Society's Prize List--Concluded,) Wax Shells, 1st prize given by Mr. W. L.Marshall, Grocer and Provision Merchant, Port Perry, a Table 8 Yarn ae Ist prize given by Miss Annie J. Chambers, 5 Wilfred, a Toilet Stand Cover, valued . 2 00 7% 7% 100 50 75 50 by Mr. 'Chas. Barker, A. O. Wisner, Son & Co., Brantford, . YY vee on' Ladies' Bonnet is el ves 2 ps fu Ladies' Mantle wie . we 78 50 Baby's Cradle oils . PRE | dd | Chair Tidy i voi AIG 50 Worked Slippers . ; 75 50 Italian Raised Work oe : 75 50 Flat Berlin Wool Work : LE 50 anes Kiting : we' 6 50 Paper Flowers Fn 0 ay HTS 50 x idery i ve we 49 50 Painting pA ie «NTE 50 Water Color Painting ve 4 es] 50 hu Nesting -y ed vii wi 198 50 Fancy Basket 3 - ve WOLL | aa 50 Do. of Crochet Work @* .- J 78 50 © Piece of Crochet Work, all wool ¥. wie ITH 50 Braiding on Cloth or Silk * Ve .. POR, 50 Leather Work ." . on E--] 50 Cone Work ae . PE 50 Crayon Drawing... es ws 18 50 Lamp Mai oe = | 50 Bead Work AF 50 Class 12. Miscellaneous; wee 200 100 eres 100010 BO won YB HBO 00 1 00 00. 100 00 100 60 1:00 80 100. 1:80) 11:00" ¥ £8 Oi FH wii 50 Bakwrs: 76 7 ol FoR) 8 Fa seesrs PY 00 4 ¥ a "ind tr Win. Honey) ms LEED 100 rr 2 vi 41 ia ad oii i 35a

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