a melancholy accotnt of Pic-nic to @rimxly cvemhed;and garments ruined in oder dos: n, not entitled to freeadmiftrance, might be made to contribite 10 cents each Nearly all made the best of the sitoation | and spread their baskets benenthjthe dripping earth, but a f w tried to gt shelter oi were driven away. In, 10 was charged for standing of ¥ Lplting storm, or an hour thousands stoud "ont in © cold the Motion?) waiting for the On the return smoking was indulged in fn every car and hundn of young men were the woree of | Mhie lights were extinguished, or never fighted in many core and the most filthy aod obacen: lungnage wag used. In one case some young girls were induced to partie ot ithe liquor 'and . they were so intoxicaled that they had to be helped off the train. To cap the climax a lot of roughy got into sn altereation, and in the comfusion the conductor got mixed, snd no stop was made at Mt, Vernon. On arriving at Burford the conductor went through the car and informed the passangers that we were at Mt, Vernon, One Indy and saw the error, asked th 5.20 Fo and correct it, but be Comply, and hundrids whore waiting for them, were "taken ich, and only got back near Tagine the Egyptian dark- rr and misled crowde of women and children, the hundreds of wait. ing, restleds teams; and :you have some faint conception afwhat we endured in this search for pleasore. I need scarcely add that I hope to never participate in such an awful experience again. vis A A Vierin. rele eg lh Fg Aug' 3L.=Dr. Joseph tity physician of Bunker Nill district, was arrested to-day for assult on a twelve-year-old girl who was sent fo obtain his services for a sick brother -- Williams admits the crime. He is from Montreal, aged 35, and is prominent in social avd medical Sindee, FiriPare Prog Drags asd 0 aod Chemicals and all papular' Patent Medicines, go t McClinton's Medical Hall. ---------------- A Life Saving Present. Mr. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: his life by a simply Saved [rial Bottle of De. King's New Discovery, Consumption, whict caused him to pr 8 large bottle, that cempletly cured him} when Doctors, chang: - * of climate and everything elne had failed Asthma, Bronchitis, Hosree; Sever Coughs, and all throat and Lung dincascs, i ie guaran ure. Trial Bottles free at S.E. All g Store. Large sise $1.00 ----g a The Question has Often been Adkes Can_Rupture--(abdoming beryl That uy x dy offers no exception tu Rise pi Physiological ir w, which govern the whole physical economy and it makes not a tical of difference whether the age of the pture is one year or a hundred years. Fo: proof of this send for & Free Book on Rupture to the Excelsior Rupture Cure ¥'f'g Co., Pres- eott,Ont. Buckine's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burma, Bruises, Cats, Ulcers, 8alt Rhénm, Fever Bores, Can- oers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chapp- | vantageous terms and at the Best Markets I guarantoed ! can sell at the Lowest possible figures, and the public may rely on getting Choice and od Hands, and all skimerup! to cure in every instagcé or moncy refunded 25 cents per box. For sale by 8. E. Avusox A CARD. To sll who are suffering from the errors sod 88. of youth, nervons weak- ecay, loss of manhood, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discov- od by a missionary in South America. -- envelope to the Rx . Station D, New York City. -- 7 Hethers! Mothern!! Mothers!! Axe you distu; at nl and Jroken of your rest pe ah and eryin LYDIA E. PINKHAN'S {is & Positive Cure Porall those Paluful Complaints and Weaknesses population. #0 common tp our A Nodicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman. Prepared by » Woman. Tt removes faintness, , destroy all raving for stimulant, and 'weakness of he sche and imokache, a cured by its use. @h393 and $35 Western Avenue, 'sither, Six bottles for §6. Sent by mail tn the form ot or of losenges, an roceiys of yrie, § H1perbox for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of DE i ld pow complete, consisting of Choice JEWELRY of the Finest Vaiieties and Newest Styles. GOLD AND SIVER WATCHES +f the most RELIABLE MANUFACTURE. into this county. CLOCKS iu Great Variety and of Shperior Quality, Ax 1 purchase my Goods on the most ad. Cheap Goods. wnd neatly repaired. Charges moderate. Come and examine my Stock. C. B. DIESFELD. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1882. SERIE ™ | Port Perry, Novar, 1882. ¥. DYER. & w Niapsiond, ¥. 4--Roriheos, & THE A MAGNIFICENT MOST POPULAR £5 \EWATOR sew 2 Loins . ---- HE undersigned would inform the publie that her Stock bas been renewed and in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry promptly LUMBER. AVING my Mills in the Township of LUMBER YARD. PORT PERRY. HE undersigned keeps constantly on band. and for Sale at his Yard large & Quantities of LUMBER, PINE AND CEDAR SCANTLING, SHINGLES, POSTS, &U., &C of Good Quality and at MODERATE PRICES Parties wishing good Lumber shingles &c.. &c: Cheap, will do well to call atany yard. LIGHT-RUNNING NEW HOME Including a large quantity of Building Lumber up to 45 feet in length. Also yuantity of Cheap Boards, Scantling, Joists, GRISTING &CHOPPING ' Greenbank, May 3rd, 1880 % P ickets. Done daily at the Union Mills. Ww. J. TROUNCE & CO. N.B. Homse and Lot for SATé with a good stable on the premises. Apply at the Union Mills office. W.J.T. & CO. Port Perry, Nor. 5 any GREENBANK. HE undersizned wonld tnform the pub- lic that be has rented for a term or years the premises formerly known as the Cottage EFIotel, Greenhank, and baving thoroughly reno- vated the same be is now prepared to re. ceive guests. GOOD OPENING. There is a splendid opening in Greenbank for an enterprising man to open the Fumi- ture and Undertaking Business. A first clase Shoemaker would find Ggeenbank a good opening for his business. The village is situated on the Center Road, about 7 miles from Port Perry and about the same distance from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from Sunderland. It is in the centre of a Splen- did Agricultura! district J. V. THOMPSON. Port Perry, Jan i. 1883 conn FINE 600DS A SPECIA (7 Call and examine my Goods it will be a how them. Boot and Shes Em TR parton. (Guaran teed to have fami me Tova) SAMPLE BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY W.L. MARSHALLS CALN A H A LEY (03 China Tea Sets, 4;rockery und (ilassware will be sak: at a REDUCTION for the next T hirty Days to make room to show gods. Port Perry, Aug. 15, 1883. ha HEIN A 0 TUPPER, Rogns second door east Mr. -. Perry. Marc} 23, 1881." PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES C. M°KE NZIE, PROPRIETOR Rapidly taking the place of all other Machines wherever introduced. 200.000 SOLD YEARLY. | HAS MORE POINTS OF EXUBLLENCY THAN ALL OTHER Macmxes OOMBINED. Be Liberal Inducements to Dealers" S% Fine Gas eno + New Home Sewing Machine Co, in CHAINS, RINGS, BROOCHES, LOCK- ETS, PINS and everything in the Jewelry | line for use and ornament of the most | NEW swvassm, Fashionable and Desirable Styles. The Stock as it now stands is decidedly one of the best and most attractive ever brought 30 UNION SQUARE, "Secure the aloe Ere the Substance Fade," -- AT McKENZIE'S HE Subscriber having now fully ecuipped his new and sxlensive Livery Stablas with a supply of superior Horses and Carriges,is prepared to first class LIVERY RIGS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6,1878 aN ACRES ACRES FREE! IN THE . jo, Lake, Turtle Mountain And Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States Land Office at QAI TURNS) wmne vm BSeorionar Map and Fou particulars mail- d Free 1 0 any address by H. F. McNALLY, Gone ral Traveling Agent, 81, Paol, Mioneapolis & Manitoba RR, 28 E. Front 8t., Teronto, Ont. V ANTED Honest, Capable Men, to sell Fruit and Oruowmental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and Small Fruit Plants 'on Salary or Commission. Previous expenence ot essential, Address with references, C. C. KELLETT, B x 97, Port Perry, Ont. COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Bittings of the Division Coarls for 1883. GALLERY, PORT PERRY, AT THE FOLLOWING LOW PRICES Jish tho veath Harvy, on Pigeon Lake, in fall opera- ir OE ot Mis | Tow 1 ats eropares to furmtels at my yard sn FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. aL wi " Cabinet Phot per dos, $3 00 depend nu re is no mistakenbout tn | PORT PERRY ! tos. 150 There is other on earth who has ever 0 50 need Uhaxho.willwot-tell you at once that it ALL KINDR OF wil EE Oe ie ep. Ta to the 150 bt iS. 10% pertectiy wae i: | PINE. HEMLOCK AND HARDWOOD A. McKENZIE in 'one of the pidest and LUMBER. Port Perry, best ns A0d nurses in the - United States. Sold everhwhere at $i cents s | All parties wanting lumber will find square | gn on . ! | Aealing and 1easonable prices by getting | ad m Rest and Comfort to the Suffering | their wants supplied from my yard. -- = r-- 1 BEM all Bias and " << MLOCK, Lengths. g = aPLE . oS = BEECH ". - -- BIRCH u u a <3 ELEM " " a m BASSWOOD - " - pe ASH " " - S ohy| AoyLumbernot in stock will be cut to| == x ordet, - remove, Tan, | "Xobange fot nstructios | Port Perry, July 11, 1883. Also any quaniity of Hardwood sand Hemlock Slab Wood.23 inches long for sale. Wanted; Porty Tob of Hay for Cash'or in "JOSEPH BIGELOW. "HE undersigned takes this opportunity of returning :incere thanks for the very 1 - patronage "bestowed upon the late Hi bad the effect of causing @very Ceme- tery throdghout this'and adjoining Counties s. The liberal patronage received inthe ' To Bristle with 'omb, Stones and Monuments, i FEOM THE Poood dud charges. Whitby --Jan. 2, Feb. 1, M i; Mar.1, Apr. 2, May 1 June 1, July 3, Sept Y Oct. 2, Nov.1Dec 1 Brougham PHL July 4, Sept. 3. Pickering Jan. 3, Mar. 2, Nov. 2. Port Perry--Feb 12, March 19, Apr8, May 1 June18, July 31, Sept 3,0¢t 10, Nov5, Decl Uxbridge--Feb 13, March 20, May 8, June 19, Sept 4, Nov 6, Cannington--Feb i Ee 21, May 9, June 20 Sept 5, Dec 12. Beavettoussfel 15, Mar 22, June 21, Sep 5 cl3. Opirrove--Nar 23, June 23. Sep 7.Dec 14. LIVERY STABLES! lic that he a lishment hu openet OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE 'QUEEN-ST, PORT PERRY. Suitable Rigs and D. C. DOWNEY, (Successor to J. Wright) Is prepaied to pay the Highest Price for|m all kinds of Ang, 18, 1883, RODUCE! ge Cll kinds: of Coal, Salt. and Plaster Nale. Port Perry, shortest notice. lic Teas he best quality of CHRYSTALIZED for lied by easure to the public. THE WHITE, AND on = wy St = a= = [e 2 oa Styleno. 10 ierfulls exchanged. WHEELER & WILSON, New Ne. 8 Mach Old Machines taken in exchange. Liberal reduction for .Fhe best Sewing Machine Oil ; Needles for all the leading Machines, and Sewing#!® Attachments kept constantly on hand. BE. HEA N.B.--All kinds of ob Machines and Clocks repaired. Also for sale of LOCKMAN and WANZER MACHINES, in good repair at $5 each. Hand Mag $2. Please to remember that a any machine purchased from me, and not approve month's trial, will be Manchester, March a) \ A B) Port Perry, May 21, 1879, ndersigned would return his thanks HE undersigned would Infarin the pub- T stowed on him during the several years in which fi tation here d town' Al 'nd from trains KI" Coaband Jett at mYiresidence orat the and Charges Moderate. I~ Pott Perry, Aug. 22,1882. = : 1 EN Sl AK! Adtf EE) PROMPTLY sincere i facilities for handlis Hotels or Coal CA AND Te Tesldences to the raflway Station ---- on handon the arrival Frais CW «JAD Customers may rely on pn tion: hndsomely fitted up baking cocling drinks, Childrens' Toys, good and cheap, C. HISCOX. MANC "HESTER. | ter ber Works Carriage AND ESTABLISHMENT. services of fill all orders for IN. PIANGS, ott's [Cabinet Waserous, Port figned would remind his pnd the public generally that Plain and Faucy Breads of he Best quality of Coufec , he supplies everything in Confectionery line at bis Port Perry and Prince Albert, {nd other Cakes al entertainments promptly CREAM RLORS venience of the public, where - sop ed of the best quality, those treshpfnts und daintics so pleasant, | balth fl and reireshing in hot weather, {One of tne best wood-workers in the Pro- , and is now better fitted than ever to utters, Slesana Bob-Slelgns, more certainly In lou 8, Penetrating curing Bronchitis. Quin: dueing Glandular bias Lampe, Abacesses and Fistulas, and Sruciating tortures of eur = is unsurpassed of Manufactured factored only at ow or GR BLE and sold at 1 a and 33s. each 36 cents, 90 Seats, aad $1 50, sizes in proportion. py Gnded Sak on rv be MAS 533, Oxford Sire ours Sept. 1st 1880 How Lost, How Physical Incapacity, or two postage stamps. application of the knife; pol Address THE CULVERWELL | Post Ofce Box 450. Oné of the hest Fountaing now in use for | A CURE. CUARANT:ZED. JUAGNETIG MEDICINE. TRADE Positively cures Nervousness in ising tone and vj ! | Generative Organs in efter' SeX. jh Eh Ordar § for TWELVE pac) oon the 2a - mall to any Medicine i » oid | by os. All repairsinWood or Iron executed with, neatness and on short notice l¢s and | « 'the-work-done seas to p i comfort of the horse in traveling. All Ghasges Moderate and all york NG 'and To aneving the best amount of , BegE shcarity or on reliable paj Terms of payment and rate HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. It healsevery kind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound oy ut other known salve. powers render it sad Chet Diseases, | Sm tor og Fhewmittion ont ana Temove ont and every species ¢ Br LONDON; Box ad bot and in_Canada at 8E™ CAUTION.--1 have no | The Trade Marks of my Medicines gistered in Ottawa, and also at reas e AE new on of Dr. Cul . ell's Celebrated Esany on the radical and permanent cure (withou medicine) of Nervous Deblility, Mental and Impediments Marriage, ete., resulting from excesses. J Price, In a sealed envelope, only 6cents The celebrated anthor, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con. sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the of cureat once simple certain and effectua:, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may eure himsels chiefly, privately and RADICALLY. Zr This Lecture should be in the hands ° every youth and every man in the land. 41 Ann'St., {| FOR OLD AND YOUNG, MALE AND ALE. Me: its stagee Wt Be 1 Al ond General Lows of Pov. Chea Stre; james Bejuvena; enfenien Brain a Int float. Sdatiats x het 2. Sin head gar Wr ARANTEE (O Tt f the treat ment does not eBact. a: hy I8 is the ¢ GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ! Cy ots. per. box, or ST pes Subscriber has much pleasure in stat noble, Medi edicine Windeo ing that he has secured the valuable A prepared to secure Loans of any money, large or small, on mori- BA Fre , 48. 6d.,11s., 22s. » 208 th larger i i3e HOLLOWAY. Restored Ppblished a to nting out a mode MEDICAL 00° New York A the Ex Sozer for Pe such