pe Hak gt ; i . re 3 viioilggald ee wR 3 Sura BE egin® Prin] 1) aha ARE AY 1 at id CR hs ne oo He ¢ god d an bo gi : H 1 i id 5 : 1B stupar Sado le ip bh C= "18 i LR id Hg Fwoz grow tf Tai 2 a L tovht Fol aH malaga chi vids Yapilp fn on | : boar Holt wld tod : i 0h ok ov) ta a . IY wr w Rds hehe sits inire oi 1% 3 ZEA WE A pet: Ly a fiaiopatd it Stn wire 1, TT k: BARE aA tl. fat SY SRLS od T Si % ja BEAM = ol reaped shall "a a Firth He nr #9) hittin, ee N ard Pri iow dion ag motel Hitey of piluden + Da vlad FET RE EER TR wiaalt RO A Ltn ph gees mt at Aine a) ices ever hoard o in this Toney AN MMENSE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM, COME AND SECURE BARGAINS. * C Ny will be closed the first of October, after which the business will be conducted on a Strictly CASH BASIS believing it $0. ie | correct debe 5 for Byer and Seller. : Speirs indebted to al firm will please call and settle their accounts at an early date. Port Perry; Sep. 12, 18806 \ = al i t i) we 1 yl LS. Corrigan | is "Announces Large Arrival or rn hg 4 Ww. PARRISH] ¥ - 5 bi f 8 Muzzle i Trace Laing py : § +1 4 Guns. - Pander 338 Sho! o : ie For every Berar: of his. business 4 LOWER PRICES, IR ost lines, than any other House in the rade. cls per Ib. For any quantity of good | a wi in Tubs. S. CORRIGAN. - PILES OF HE £0088 10 BE SOLD 2 12, 1883. a Pak Lis ult © mpgs iw gok iE i Th . 9% first-class BOTHER IN TUBS! =1) x Bd g nd a God in te Market] wal Ww 33 FORMAN: & & SON! AB Have Removed theirentireStock to the Store lately occupied by BS & PATERSON, Where they will be pleased to sce all old customers and as many new ones as possible. Now in Stock and to Arrive = FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS | Worth of new and desirable s alkiof which are to be 6losed out between now and pis «6oming in of the néw year, weshall continue to sell Goods in » our new place # Jones at the same EXCREDINGLY LOW PRICES ! [hin have made ow Store 80 popular since we opened bininoss in Port erry. cy = = , ey We are here to do yon good. We 'havé come to stay and we are going to sHare our profits with our customers. So come and see us and Get Your Share of the Great Bargains. DAVENPORT JONES' & CO. "Jil, WERT FRG ing. I Have got "my new pres: « My Etensve, ¥ariod ans Hii i Paints, Oils, Vanishes, Glass & Machine Oils A Specialty for the Next Month at Parrish' S. DO YOU WANT A HAPPY HAPPY HOME IF SO. BUY THE Sultana ? I take much pleasure in informing my customers and the public at' lage that In olltag : the SULTANA BASE BURNER, I am offering. - ONE OF THE BEST STOVES Now in use. The Prices of - the several Styles of the SULTANA will "ve found as low as apy Stove in (he market of similar class and in operation perfect soto a guranteed. I bave u full Stock of PARLOR AND Now oN HAND. "Store. 3 fRutnace and Tin Work dono. in all branches. . port Perry, Sept. 12, 1883. 7as% a ha 23nEsS 1 7 1 ni¥e ot [| cook STOVES. i