Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Sep 1883, p. 2

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Ay XH « L\ :Y IN BEST GO! pnd pinin® Reto NASR UDATAIOE ALTARE T EO YHAET TA6 TA QREAL 1000/0006 BUS. | : ! J TATA 1 ried st iaotd sana fo renil suliged arn Ha Lin hos i 2 " An Answer Waited 2. iw can 16 DHE is case i ak hb ce SL JSY ener AiHvady pop The Next Movey Pusric BuiEvavrors.--Hoar-frosts in'the mornings 'and ice on the waters € admonish ns of approaching 'winter and give 'tis"{ime' for prepration, get tp stoved and otherwise make 'prov- ision' for meéting 'the rigors of winter. {Wh iver supplies us with the best titutes it a scaled are interésted jin bavi more Widel¥ Kildwn. A Qty Spx Leer A drainage of cortnin TRldd 4' #8e 13, 13 and .season of the..year auxicty as foithe quantity and quality of the season's; erdps [has been. laid' _leside as (theiresult.as well for.quan- tity as quality is no longera matter of --In, ! hd Aaa tl ! on thie newspeper, cons ato aes to ha GTA eotfisioh took plage lieré on | 'A Corda, Weatoqme.=~The numer the ahove 'the necessity Taff X/stnmps on néwspa ons friends of C. Dawes, Esq, were greatly pleased at having him return Ee PORT PER 45%. m. doubt it has become a mattor of fact ne. winbor © ; t 7:45 fh. m., wasq e ; 1eans of gecuring winter comdorts at vo Ate heichy. anthoriglON and efforts are' all concentiated in gathering into" places' of safety the rodnce whatever it may be, | Stoves are,the grand requsite for titntes the reward of the | winter comiorts, forthe; toils of thie year. enterprising Tin and, Steve, Megehant ' don; attr tive xcvies of thie mother land. er ssible price is a ~ public d of all things spitable thent hale and Bearty ar his being 4° watering station, the éngife was detached, left] the cars at the statjon 84d went to-| wards the watering disensed parts. E bottle h For vals at soe. bitte bys. Be resting run over the TheShreaténed disqualification of Mr. Boxalt: our |but pliasant and i Rave Ma prox wy Priekos. The" Milton Mr. Fauquier,rM: P. Py elect for Muskoka is evidently ! disturbing the mental i lo ave @indoubtedly saying and doing 7 nis ohghid, thot a great many things which ~ can only ¢ be accounted for ot the principle of temporary menfal disturbance. That the disqualificati t who gave them. be regarded as a not to be wondered-at, but itid foolish fiithem}® howl ere they. get out of thee woods. Somebody has niade a lament- able blunder in this affair bint the best of men do Blinder betimes. withomt even being aware' of it and our: éowrt regulations very wisely. make provision for suchinintentional mishaps. Fauquier's th will doubtless gentleman will 'have "another oppor: tunity of taking the wind out of the sails of the Mowat men' even more exhaustively than &% the'late' election. THa$ some of - Fanquier's agents did or forty roils ahead, but jus as'Tie ap- proached the watér the driver heard al coming' ftom is no; News says, ss We onve threatened & man with| ow us for sev bos Boh 3 pant dealer and when he came, to pay be suid the f no nse to him. but he just tool blit to help us along. We told him it = Woh "not take many hundred such frivhilaas he to, roin us, but ifthe, tule, 'worked beth ways king a few thousand, m gratis, jnst to help pa Mr. Dawes ix now in' fall feather and pre- He knows some "tiiivrg of the quantity Lag got tg hand a most extensive stock ; 3 pared to go into an active business campaign. the has sdenred, the umber of bushels of the very, best quality and. latest &e. %e., Brit the most: important ques- iniproved patterns of stoves now made 'ibn! with'him now is, How myehi will. cooking, porlor and every vaxiety of \ : It is. gtove whether for. burning: wood or c. of chmpatatively litthe use to him as it' coal or both. Parties wisiing a choice is and here is where the grain buyer: stove have a fine wi Workt of the, comes in to advatagé, he steps into from emolish- the breach and: at i judge that after studying the auarkeus, collecting. 11d , dallars| all possible infarination as tothe prob- able quality andiquintity. of the yield a6 well abroad as at home with the nilibrium of the Mowat ring John Winfield proceed" with the drainage] toncelnind that fhe com pleted 'within"fou = New Fall Goods.-- Mr. T. % Corrigan annotinées extensive arrivals of New Goody jnst what customers want for quahty, com- fort, appearance and price. complete, in every "department and he is hurring off the goods. butter question, ofiering 20 cts --See hix But ere he liad gob 'underway' in his, Hom return 'towards the station he was itbring? rin into by tlie engine of a constru tion train 'from the north, tacking party a) 'erasli the engine ed dnd derniled ; w she is a couple of tlio wore of the encounter, gine was damaged to a considerable i extent but. mob disabled. ' But the probable - foreign broken np engineof the coustinctior train blocked the way was brought "to a, Aye; that's "the rub: tunity - of: thanking his pumerons 'such a licking should Reash' Counbil. ig In these days of high rided fuel it is a matterof the ntmost tance (hat parties get thé right kind of stove, a stove which will give out the greatest amount of leat on the | premises surrounded Lv a_ magnificent stock least consumption of fuel; such stoves gf jnst such Boots and Shoes as all should soon savé their whole cost through a bave. saving of fuel, and parties who have ladies. AM ghonld sce Lis fing stock. badly 'constructed Stoves, would fin it profitable to throw away their. fue consumer's and purchase an improved thg™ bnilding pattern which' gives out so ugh more | Aneti heat with much less wood or coal ; | for the better and will be more convenient besides having a fine appearance these | stoves are handy and profitable in : Don't fail to give Boxall 'a call and 'examine, Lis stock,--See The above Council met at the Town Hall, on Monday, 10th inst ine¢hibers all prékent 'The minutes of the previong meeting were : and fins much lense A Disastrous Voyage. ---- -- Mr. Wright in His New Pramises| Wiight may ba found .in his new Havarax;N. S., Sept. 6 --The stcame mport, Cuptain Crows, from Balti London, with a cargo of grain, Inmber, and| : ¥ patio here in distress) he matter of the gravel #t 80 early hour this worning, huving had er machinery disabled in stormy weather. The officers of the ship res port a terrible experience. Out of 170 hend of cattle aboard only survived the storm ; 80 that 130 cattle wery| A communication was rea. Artofbey intimating tint he ction from Mr. E Pouiix to notify the Conncil thint unless some sati-factory made" forthwith in t it 10 ~hichoho Mr. Phosnix) hag-called the? Vichtianof the Council, oML proces ill be instituted without further delay From the Chief Bagineeeof the Midland Railway Co'y acknowledging 'the reedipt w. con mnriication from tho Counei Eréganiing |) tho the milway crossing on the 11th con, 1 home consumption, offers the tarmer | sihatever oprice he can afford to give Still' and thus | for his grain and thus the farmer has ning when the | 80 dpportanity of converting his erops which he don't.wantiito eash which be and feverybody..else wants. course the entire 'weight of 'anxiety is Something specinlly attractive for] (OR SE OR 1 HE nndessizned offirs for Bale or to Ron that: pleasantly located House Prince Albert, third of an 'sere. ~Phi Chandp, of Headqu Prince Alb. rt Post Office hax heen moved to) u The east of the Anglo ieun Hotel This i certainly & chanve obstruction" was . removed and traffic was resumed. There. was no personal injury. sustained. and the damage to the engives though "eostly is: nothir to what it would : haye:been had the engines met at a rapid mte of speed. Had the collision, taken place a few than the late premises; and we think much or an amount of at) wore. pleagant for the incumbent, J least $1,800, besides a number of sheep and! van break their fences it will be neecssary | for the Connell fo have the road "graded and fenced up to 'the Company's property on the | grain buyor.. and it is pleasant to find that' degree- ot respect and confidence between 'bayer and seltér whié¢h make their mwbnal relationship aly at ll cdmmot 'be denied 'but their A. Profitable Change, ry ny at 214.0 C. Harper, 'Sengog, is one "of our eft the city, Satuiday, ist inst. Hor was more foolish than intention- we both sides nud thatwo soon as that is done the Compuny will,do whatever ir necessary, minutes later when theengine was at- tached to the express train and going at its regular rate the; disaster might have been fatal to, an, alaxgping extent his advertisement. : + ) ° foran.all duy ride oo their wheels down-thed 100% 1%, & comfortable and convenient Kingston nnd. 'They reached * Whitby at F'mme Cottage 36x36, two stories high, &!11:10, and' Newcastle at' 4:10, retiring to |} feet ceilings, up stairs and down. "Ig or supper j after which the corrupt. They attempted to fol- the example of the Mowat men much more agreeable satisfac@ory jo. 577 BY frowning down the drinking nsages than it would othérwise be. interest of thé 'seller Littl Tess thay' that of the buyer that the litter make intdirigent, ¢htérpiiting. fumers' who like to. march along in thy path of commendable progress, who know: shat wisdly expended A Pleasant 8end Off. Ac ; Frazer in reply to the TownshipgSolicitor setting forth that the large stone contains 9 large rooms, foundation nnder" thé building had a good Mr. A. J. Hamington, jr. being by generous supplics of 'the stingo ; b at money ing the improvement ofones premises and certainly very ;mueh more des- is the best investment that can be made of tructive to property: The effect of the collision is ani- to as having been lett en the highway had There are a Choice Frujt Bearing rd, a Well of good. Water, a/Stable land shout to absent himself fio finish his course at college, 1 it "fairly profitable, a scllers understand this. having less 'priiétive Tif 'that kind andl the weather C1) usinesd tim the Mowat men they sv ye i wll that could be desired. oir most skillful and soccessful On motion of Mv, 'Holman, $350 was did it above board and as some of the Mowat cligne were always "on hand when it rained whiskey they got their » a ----tl y O AND SEE McCAW'S FINE AS. premis SORTMENT OF S5CHOUL BOOKS. Ae are pleased to find ofr - enter prising, liberal and deservedly popular buyer Mr. 5. H. Christian, Manchester still holding a leading position the buyers of our 3 was entertained to a comnplimentary supper at'the Hotel Brunswick on the evening of Friday, Tth inst. number of his young friends adopting this" method of manifesting" their esteem for: lim as an assopiate and ordered to he paid to the 'Township Clerk for expenses in attending the Judge's Comt at Whitby on the appeal of Revds" Madden pa against their assessment ing a deed and duplicate afladavits fest but the cause: is shot quite so | pbvious, as with the least 'possible degree of caution a collision on this art of the road is impossible except through' the mostror: has been employed for quite a time over- hauling, rebuilding, sand thoronghly. fitting up Me, Harper's farm buildings and has obof them, None: know | 'Puorchasers will be offered a Bargain. ro Ar ----. For patticnlars appl, Eyarything in the, 8stool Book line cheap|letter to the wud good, ut MeCaw's drippings, and of course RW, ady to report proceedings peTsonn) #hare of the Were should be fixid or is bette able to fix them: Ou motion of Mr. Holman, $4 was ordered) Whenever 'required and when they would have the most effect. This) will prove an important lesson to op- i The tarmers of this entire section of country know and have known tor many, years that a.more liberal, honor. able. and energetic biiyer is not fo be found in the, province than 8. H. He Tras already made a hix economical use of material, his skillful and substantinl monner of ATY | buildings together are ¥ + 8 A -- : BEY Gut ready your school out-fit before Sunderland, Sept. 3, 1883. A 6000 100 ACRE FARM nupardonable. carelessness. train from the sonth was on time, she | had the right of way and unless she | had instructions 40 remain at the Port Perry station mntil the construction to he pid to the Akisessor for aftendunce on Court wt Whitby, re Madden and Philp » the corporation in the) qualities as 'an active and exc young man took the opportunity of |séc them, seenring at the x giving him a roasing send oft. E itionists in future. they will not ------e---- in be canght following the example MoCaw's ix the place for good and cheap Mr. Momaw complained of baving two df the Mowat ring in their system of} promulgating temperance 'prmciples by oceans: safety in' fol evil. eyening was appropriately spent, rood singing and interesting speaking filled the intellectual part of the programe and the Hotel Brunswick performed its part nobly in furnishing an cnjoy- ewes and two lambs Killed by places the damage at $27 ; the two ewes and one of the lambs he hud fonnd but the other) lamb can no where be tonnd but he hag reason tg believe from the othe: ed that that one was Also killed: train had passed she certamly had the right-of way and vo trainsbould have been allowed to<léave Menilla to go south till after the. express train com- ing north had passed, and if instruc- re -------- Paving with Edge Tools. ~--No one should mix chemicals without having a' perfec knowledge of results, A singular affair happened in a Cleveland FOR SALE. HE undersigned offers for Sale that fine Hundred Acre Farm being the Sonth- half of lot 20;4in the 1st Con. of start for the present season paying$1.07 for new fall wheat, and has offpred 756 cents for No. 1 bright barley. hope to seg an aclive, prosperous season for hoth sellers and buvers. dejved fram properly fully laid out and acomgid Bakns and Stables cafinot be over estimated; enrefully. con- structed and judicionsly arianged Stables aivl of vastly more import When Fanquier's threatened disqualification has been removed let | his friends 'rally round him in their might and fumbers and return him this time by such a majority as will show that'any unguarded act of -his friends in the late election so far from inereasing) diminished his majority. There cain neither be apology or extenudtiod ef the slightest -taint The Council informed bim that no dam- age could be puid except where the: owoer swears that to the best of his knowledge and belicf that the damage, was dene hy, logs and that, he had made dilligent search to find out the dogs which Lad done, th damage ; bat when. no teacg of the lamb can he found how can it be known that it is not 1 drag store the other evening, A' woman leame in with a prescription calling. for [vitric acid, mercury and turpentine, and the, [drugyist without recalling the ciccvmstances! that the ingredients formed an. explosiveleomfortable Dwelling good Frame Barn 3 land a vigorous" béaring Orchard' of good tion had been given to hold the ex- press at this_station till the 'coustrne- tion train had passed then somebody here has*blundered and the responsi- bility rests on his or their shoulders.-- The responsibility here or there may under the circumstances, be : disenssed | with some degree of patience; but had ig 2 "| precious. lives; beén 'lost what -good ot corruption in any- election amongst, : : an intellighnit people like that of -the would there have been in hunting re- be ce ta NT AER Rd Shit of the sharp- ngss of the:aword of | justice or demu atgte deepontting so long as one edge the other. and it 1s; | und cent point of view, than very, any, | tavmers or cattle brecders suppose. Suitably arranged stables have sncli ah adyantage over those that are unsuilable that wherever any quantity of stock is keptoit: world pay to | financially and jin. every other way to ,| abandon the badly copstricted and erect new and properly constructed buildings, the extra cost wonld be made np ina verry short timé as well in the comfort, cleanliness maker bore with the skimmers for a | and condition of the stock, #8 Tn "te Tabour few days till le fairly got the guilty | parties right where he wanted them ; | when he got the four milk frauds right wliere guilt could be bro home to them, he then, guilty quartette up standing before Squire Bay who laid on the magis- terial lash with some severity but not a" whit more severe than the mean, contemptible erime demanded. Each of the guilty partie§ was fined $20 and ts. So that they had to pay pretty rly for the eréam they stole off the ro 'they "sent it to the 'factory. Buch stealing of crea is Worse than ordinary stealing itis both theft and 'moral perjury. Every send to the fiictory imi tion on our 'part that the i as it came from the ha REACH. ot iieton Thera ok $0. oes a. r [Sm ------------ ee A-- re. A' Dissolution of Partnership. Cheese Factlory Prigs. The Western Cheese, Factory las | been dealing out "Factory Prigs" that. as those wi 'send skimmed or; otherwise inferior milk to the Factory. It will be s¢en from our advertising columns 'thal the partiersilip bere- tofore existing under the style of Brown & Curie * has béen di and that in futuyé the business will be conducted y Mi. Brown alone. night saymuch to the honor and credit of the late fim but as longer occupies a place. in the bus- having dissolved = by (mutual consent, such remarks would now be out of place in a business point of view ; but we think thisentite com- munity and all othe "krowijz any- thing of the firm and their manyier of businiéss will agree with us that more 'honorable and relinble firm évér claimed public patronage. Their détdmers are 'loudest in their prai and now though mo 1 { with! bot members of the firm long and lcontifited prosperity 'al UME. Brown" now takes 'the field dloné and 'his! character and" "capacity as' of firsteldss; thorong mixture, procecded "to put 'up'the prescrip- tion. He put the mercury. into a bottle and The quali the » was not present further action was deferred) -- oi horliuudy. "aud. and The k; till 'he should be present. from Port Perry: and. ten, from Mr. Markham lost 3 ewes and 1 lamb kill. | > 3 q § ed by dogs, "he valued each ywd at $7 and the lamb at $3, other, three t pouted in {hé nitric acid trom & jar, a tremendous explosion, took place, shattering the bottle to atoms, and throwing the. pix of glass and bnraing acid into the druggist' knocked down by the, shocl Some gentleman, came in' sived in feeding and attending them ;'moch ed in a thoroughly constructed and y The, morning was\very J Ing was, ed stable will keep stock in it Was intpossible . £6 see any distance oft but that has nothing to do with the matter the, fact is that these or any other two, engines had neither business nor duthority for be- ing on that road at the same time.-- t,. inope of, our business circumstances 10 acé the responsibility, nq personal en gustained the loss fell entirely onthe Company theye is:pre- giops-liff mbt but they will snepeed 16,0008 just where it ought the interest ot public Mitle indisputable abd terms eat. One - thousand dollars of the purchase © down, 'the - balupéein even y arranged stable ; besides the much bé'wanld make fo ¢hargé for th which stock 'is ded and attended - when the arran; ; putting sweet oil on his face by. the acid, and his 80 that he could bardly He was takem home It:ig'8 serious is as sharp as - wielded by the Blind Goddess. GOI (damage as the Tw directs. Fox particular apuY 4014 RRR "Mr. Markham also reported that h Jhon HA : ON ete Lee had had a lamb val The barns aid stables' built by Mr den have all the latest improvements as 1 e.jowner should be present. | Mr. Yainold brangbt in a, report giving wol {the result, of lis professional examinati and the stock wre Thterested 'In having pro- constructed stables having a thorough understand ova + . GE very possible. effort is being--put fortis as tae mtileast.as.the direction is a@ocerned (to Make. the Fall Show to be held on the Bhow: Grounds; Port Perry, an exhibition wonthy. the enter' 0e.and. good taste of prosperous section of eountey,asid ipaist fondly: $0 .be.. hoped that publie at lege will join in with & view 4} COUNTY OF ONTARIO, FOr 13, ton' 3128 :d Cleared, fi commend, and wherever, go up in any locality others follow ; so that this section of cotintry - | dotted every here and thre with' wntskil, He tho. sdctiun of Wise; intelilgdn 18 Mr. Woiden's enbrgy An Important Chengé: 2 to sepuringt 8b desirable an object. Tse attraetons..in the floral- Hall tléan and nnadoltra 'business man are foo well It y per with it in Any we blished to require *a word of 1 4 = on the efforts of td dps gl, 17 1 paratively 's" young has occupied a "corépich the front rifikcof our mercantile forces | BYoEK, hi f Tonesdh yy Oete® ad Wid nl 1oiorin si IThorah, A "CO. Trick t6 the Front--His adver- | activity and good taste of the fiir Ones | and the longer be is | fisement too late for this isene, He informs J is as marked as ever th adva township of Brock; met Medwn hi§™ * 'is hel Vek 3 and dy 107 expect the best highly ap - Gouin, uo Bibi Lindon: Caps Litas re * thoroughly * confirm- {%6f. Brown! having purehused the icon bio cin nl promises -his customers d " ble Bridels «bir: ng "he activeund worthy young coup p bgteor' of ll & Thi mites of the previous: mi pret " geting. ere (LUFF same Far more valuable than fhe gold

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