Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Sep 1883, p. 1

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hal Thes toms will: in alk cases be I. i eh Department. 'Bills, Posters BA Blank Forms, hopotpt Books, Circulars, Business of every style and -olov, Cure Blt Gare, and at lower rates than an dthereptablishment in the County. arties from a ce gettihg hand bills, &o. printed can Hovethomons fo take home: them, \JBATRE, i H.' PARSONS. | ye-- Professi nal Sarvs i OLEMENS, 'successor to J. D. And- Pied M. D.; Physician, Surgoon and Accouchenr, * Office over Corrigan's Store. Resideiicé--Third house east of school buildings. Office 'and residence formerly occupied-by Dr. Anderson, Port Perry. Post Perry, Jun, 41888 * ANGSTER, M. D., Physician, Sur-] J « geon and Accoucheur, Coroner for the Cotirity of Ontario PORT PERRY. Oiad over Notts Furhiture Store, corner of jueen and Perry Streets. OmMmee hours from va.m. to 12 m. Resonso, the i yelling recently ocoupled oy Foire DRS. JONES & CLASCOW, ' Physicians, Surgeons, &o. FFICE aiid Residence, Queen 86. Next 0 door west of Preabyterian Church. PORT PERRY. ° ee en. 8. H/GLASGOW, M.D., M.C.P.&8,, RADUATE of the University of Vics torin College, M, B, University of | Toronto, snd member and Licentiate of College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office wed esidence wtih Dr. Queen St. Port Perry. Port Perry, Aug. 15, 1883. Jones, Fh RE, Coronor for the County of Oa the 0, Physician, Surgeon and A 2 arcs ce und residence, Ki g Street, Prince Albert, Ont. N. McCLINTON. M. D., Office," Wiliiamsburg, Cartwright. PAYSICIAN, SURGEUN AND ACCOUCHEUR. RIEN LCL 8, Guy's CoNCBRITN Raa. s I'he ye R. . i. 'Oshawa, ¥.. BATERSUN, (late of Beaverton) N, ars istor and Arey a Law, Solici- sor in Hannery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- lie, &c Senos. over,Brown & Currie's Store ON iLiey! Barrister and Attorney- eo) st-Law, &c. Solicitor for the Ontario Baak: Ofice over Ross & Son's Store,Queen 8t., Port Perry, Ont Port Peary; Sept. 6, 1882. [AREWEL LL, B.,Connty Crown fo ty 4olloltor, &c. J: 30% Public ey, ol Office South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. . A, J ET Rivers . hb Jou or Eppa © | tected, We J. McMURTRY,' Manger. 'H. GORDON, |e A in Insurance Agent, Representing the following first-class Fire, Life, Accident and Guarantee INSURANCE COMPANIES : | The Ro yuk, The Pheniz, The Imperial, Queen, The Citszens, The Canada Fire and Mare, The Sovereign, The Unim, and The Travelers. , FIRE POLICIES Insuring a all Sages < id insor- able property; u| the shortest e, and at equitable Airing "Lite Policies with promi: ums payable Sn] death, or for ited number of y Endowment Poltoes pay- able at Ahiniy date, or on previous deat! Accident Insurance covering death by ucel- dent, nd eekly, indemnity In case of non- fatal Injur = ey eake Kicenses Issued, "GR and 1 ioketa for passage to and from Great Bri sold at lowest rates. om Perry, April 20, 1881. AUCTI ON EER. HE didoignee takes this opportunity ot returning thanks for the very liberal patronage which he has received as Auc- tioneer in the past. The increased experi- ence and extensive practice which I have had will be taraed to advantage of patrons, and partis favoring me with their Sales may rely on their interests being fully pro- No effort will be spar~d to make it profitable for parties to place their Sales in my hands, My Sale Register will be found at Laing & Meharry's Hardware Store and at my own residence, Union A venue, Port Perry. DAWES, Auctioneer. Port Perry, Au. 17, 1881. HB. MAJOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties wishing his services can call at the "Observer" Office, Port Perry, andarrange for days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. WM. GORDON, mn Anctioneer, Vsluator, &e. OR The Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Maripds and Eldon, BE™ Parties entrusting their Sales to me may relyon theutmost attention being given to theirinterests. La i ENOLIn, LI. B. Solistorin pris ' )Moe=Binicoe st street; Opposite the Post Office a FONG SMT au tuner. Rotary 151 Winithy. Barrister, At- Sid: Eine Chancery, ok molt IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS By: OCEAN, LAKE, or RAILWAY, W. H. MCCAW Popular lines of Ucean « WHITE STAR" from New York. " MONARCHY from New York. "BEAVER" from" Quebec and Montreal. PRIOE OF TICKET. Cabin from New York to London aud Liverpool sud return, $75. Steerage, from Liverpool to Port Perry, $26.20, A'S Agent for the Collingwood and Lake Superior line of Steamers. RAILROAD TICKETS Jssnen to all parts of Canada and the United tates. Parties intending to travel will find it to their advantage to purchase tickets from W. H, McCAW. Port Perry, May 24, 1883. Ticket Office! CRAND TRUNK R'Y. CREAT WESTERN R'Y. TICKHTS Issued to all parte of United States and Canada at Lowest Rates. PASSENCERS FOR Manitoba and Western States have choice of route either by Grand Trunk or by Great Western gpd Michigan Central, For all information apply to R: W. TWAMLEY, MioLasp R'y Station, Feb, 7,1883. Port PERRY A HE Subscriber is 4 . prepared to : (il LEND ANY AMOUNT j J [] Farm. uELY: At 6; per cent. Aso on Village Security at a Higher Rate $F MORTGAGES BOUGHT. HUBERT L. EBBELS, BARRISTER. Port Perry, May 10, 1881. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years. Agent for Western Canapa Loaw Awp Savings Company, He has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Inter st Eight per cent. No Commission. N. Ff. PATERSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor MONEY . (Private Funds,] T'o Loan on good Farms,at 8 per cent in- terest. ICENSED Aucti; of Victoria. Re Joa. M ATE Patterson & Potton, § 4 o i oy itaToy pt) i WALSH E, the a Ontario Auction- Lm. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer \ ; ned having taken out a ae ig 82 a8 Auctioneer is) 31s ow pre] to oll ble | Hotel.will pth by pod sha to the (PUMERCLAL HOTEL, The subscriber ba ving succeeded Mr "| Dewart in iin i]linms- ROTA ) Og, Vitor inform the pub- i T° TICKET AGENT fot' thé following | Steamers. A Fair Exchange. Will yon exchange a chronic case of Dyspepsii or to break up a Bili- -ous Temperament--to give your torpid Liver activity, and thus strengthen your Di- gestion, regain energy, com- fort, health and spirits, all for 76¢? A single bottle of Zoresa will do this. A few doses surprise those who try Zopesa.. For Biliousness and Dyspepsia in their many forms Zopesa is a Panacea, and is warranted to cure them. It acts speedily and pleasantly. Try a 10 cent sample: AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. A Ad none so trified with by the majority of suffer- i ers, The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious gx- posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL has well proven its efficacy in a forty years' fight with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. "In 1857 11 jock Reovere cold, which affected terrible cough and night ator night night wit] without sleep. The doctors YER'S CHERRY PEC- , induced P, 'orded me the res Denessary for the recovery of m tinued use of the od Bato and ------ Ys HERR me. ORACE FAIRDROTHER.™ Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1882. Croup. -- A Mother's Tribute, " hile in the country last winter ny Ne three yonty old, Si taken {11 wi it soomed as hat th v PECTORAL had saved my darling s fis an you wonder at our gratitude ? inerely outs, Mr A GEDNEY." 159 West 128th St., Now York, May 16, = "I have used AYER'S CHERRY PECTORA! in my family for several years, and do ee hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and we have ever Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. # "I suffered for eight from and after trying HE Fomedics with me sue! cess, I was Suredh BY PECTORA Byhalia, 'Miss., April i 1882. "1 cannot say eno of dyead CHERRY PECTORAL, i as but for its use I should nS Baa nce have Jed from lung troubles. Palestine, Texas, April 22, a ou cupanry, spd having now resumed ' posses- 'tion every effort will be put forth to. make the Walker House all that oan (be desired the oT and parties doteg business | in town. lungs h cannot be lieved Wu. GORDON, L LYMAN ENGLISH, by a oe «t Sunderland, Brock. Bum, ie, and it will always cure when the disease is Shawa | pot already beyond the control of medicine. TH. Al Spe, {November 21,1866. 4 EREARED. PY for the T ee ---- = === of Brock, 'Tlorah, Mara & Rama in THE WALKER HOUSE, Dr.J.C.Ayer & Go., Lowell, Mass. North Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the County Sold by all Druggists. from) PERRY LH Orders left at this office, or at his residence| The undersigned n regnmiog will be punctnally attended to. Debts col o Bl proper he Walker, Hoare: : 4 res express lected in Cntnington, 2 otherwise, an reo oWledger AYER'S PILLS. on the Walker House during his former oc The undersigned having leased for aterm of years th ioe Dore Bory comfort of guests to make Port Perry Hovse a desirable place of entertainment for the general public, Choice SS ey it 5 Jo RUDDY. Port Perry, Dec. 9,1879, view to 'the comfort oR¥ehience | of Cartwright, March 4 1879. B BOLT: wi HOTEL, Anon A Ror burg; Gm oh up witha | ¥ ests, | Fras E he supplies for the fable snd bar care= Sil % ' fully selected. BE ic that having. 3 NewHotel he has se furnished and arrang- these organs, are especiall; to MoGAW | cure the diseases caused by Brg ontog Port Perry, Dec. 13, 1882. + 43{ ment, includh n ORT PERRY HOUSE, and a i "Two year old Gelding or and W re odes obo hla 4 5 on Class 1.--Horses. DRAUGHT. gat any age) deenas, seseses $6 00 $8 00 Sweepstake orses shown in harness, 1st prize fw Mr. "8. F, Acorn Harness Maker, Port or of Pn . 6 50 Brood Mare, foal at foot or evidence of foal, 1st and 2nd | fuizes 6s given by Mr. T. P. Card, Brock House, Sun- Too gu car old Eatir Colt, Ist prize given by Mr.C. HN Maker, Usiridge, o salon Tn ne valued... , 1st prize en by Mr. P. Keenan, of the Sunderland LS Ww x a Bcuffler, ($6 to be refunded by the winner to donor), valued sosecees 18 00 One year old Entire Colt = ...... connne! 2 00 One year old Gelding or Filly WS en seescsnse 2 00 1888, 1st prize given + Tv. P. Card, Brock House, ise ive y 2 00 asece seinen vessces o GENERAL PURPOSE. . Span of Horses shown in harness, 1st and -2nd given by Mr. J. Blong, Hotel Brunswick, a Brood Mare, 1st prize given byMr. W. Calhoun, Morshust, Sunderland, a Gent's fashionable silk bay, valued . Two year old Entire Colt ...... eassnsren Two oe old Gelding or Filly, 1st- prize g iven by Mr. C. ys Harness Maker, Uxbridge, pair Halters, valued One yesr old Entire Colt ...... One year old Gelding or Filly ~~ ...... soassecse Foal of 1888, 1st prize given by Mr. T. P. Card, Brock House, Sunderland viv SADDLE OR CARRIAGE. Span of flores shown in harness, 1st prize given by Mr. , McGaw, Walker House, Port Perry; 2nd prize "by Mr. A. H. Badgerow, V.8., Uxbridge aihaaee Singio iving Horse ole and speed) over 15 hands high, 1st prize given by I. J. Gould, Esq., M. P. P., for Ni Ontario". ...... ensssere Single Driving Horse (style and peed) 16 hands and un- der, 1st prize given by Mr. J. Wells, Mansion House, Uxbridge. ~~ ..... ..... ssnesnnee Brood Mare, 1st prize given * by Mr. E. A. V. Buseck, Har- ness Maker, Sunderland, a whip, valued eee... Two year old Entire Colt, 1st prize given by Mr. R. W. Gilpin, Plank House, Uxbridge «cco. eee. ven Two year old Gelding or Filly, 1st prize given by M M; W. Gilpin, Plank House, Uxbridge One year old Entire Colt ...... One year old Gelding or Filly Foal of 1888, 1st prize given by Mr. House, Sunderland ...... EXTRA PRIZDO. sensen seecscecs 0 PL oe © 8 888 88 8 5 00 Messrs. T. P. Card and W. O. Bryant offer for Foals ot 1888, sired by their Imported Draught Stallion Chancellor" 1st $10, 2nd $5, 8rd $8; also for foals sired by their General Purpose Stallion ""Glancer" 1st $5, 2nd $8, 8rd $2. Mr. John Hill, owner of the Imported Stallion 'Scottish Lad,' will offer any horse, and may be for the best six draught foals of 1888, sired by owned by one or more members of the Society sla. Class 2.---Cattle. THOROUGH-BRED DURHAM. Aged Bull, 1st and 2nd prize presented by Mr. T. H. Dan- caster, Mansion House, Port b Pye. ...$8 00 $2 00 Two year old Bull NEE .. 200 100 fine yearold Ball»... gL, .. 200 100 Bull Calf, under one year ........ .... . 200 100 Milch Cow, giving milk or in 1 calf, 1st and 2nd prize pre- sented by Mr. Thomas Tucker, Nipissing House Sun- derland © na tees . 800 2 00 Two yearold Heifer ...... = #7... .. 200 1 00 One vearold Helfer eid 0 000 «200 1 00 Heifer Calf under one year ~~... ~~ .. 2 00 100 Herd of Durham Cattle, consisting of 1 bull and 4 females of any age or ages, (Sweepstake.) . 256 00 Ball of any age, (Sweepstake) .. .. 400 GRADE. Milch Cow es .. 200 100 Two year old Heifer .. 150 1 00 Yearling Heifer we .:1 50 1 00 Heifer Calf, under one year i .. 150 1 00 FAT CATTLE. Ox or Steer, 1st prize given by Mr. Wm. Wilson, Udora, 50 lbs of Wilson's English StockFeeder, valued 8 50 100 Cow or Heifer, 1st prize ven by Mr. Wm. Wilson, "Udons, 50 Ibs., of Wilson's English Stock Feeder, valued 8 50 1 00 Class 3. worn. oP COTSWOLD, Aged Ram see .. 200 100 Shearling Ram ae oe .. 150 100 , Ram Lamb "" .. «150 100 Two Shearling Ewes 1650 1 00 Two Ewes, two shears and over, 'must have raised larabe the present season .200 100 Two Ewe Lambs .. . 150 100 LEICESTER. . Aged Ram aes oe ot .. 2 00 1 00 Shearling Ram yee . 160 100 Lamb 1 650 100 Two Ewes 2 shears and over, must have raised 4 Laut the present season ... ee 2 00 100 Two Shearling Ewes . 150 1 00 Two Ewe Lambs 1560 100 SHROP, OXFORD OR OTHER DOWNS. Aged Ram .200 100 Shearling Ram as Fl ave ee 1 60 100 Ram Lamb 150 100 Two kind 2 shears and over, 'must h lave raised A Lambe the t season ... ~.200 100 Two Shear She Eves Fo .. 160 100 Two Ewe we - Lian ws 1 50 100 FAT SHEEP ANY VARIETY. Two Fat Sheep oe "on ss «160 100 EXTRA PRIZE. ' Mr, ot Leicester Sheep, &o., Township of Scot AE i pt gh pu by purchased from ony 1st'$8, 2nd $2. - Class 4. S:Swine. LARGE 200 100 ..200 100 «.. 160 100 ..160 100 .. 200 1 00 .. 200 1 00 180 100]! . 180 100 400 200 07 100 50 7% 50 7% 50 3 50 7% 50 76 50 nn ® ------ LIST OF. PRI PRIZES tobe raed oe BAL hoot i Tr bet pt bd bd DO pt 8 888 88 8 8 888 - 2 Factory Cheese, not less than 10 lbs, 1st prize given the Advocate one year .200 100 : Dozen Winter Apples ie jot ..07 0850 Dozen Fall Apples A ven Pe | 50 Dozen Pears os ane ven nal | 50 Dozen Plums Hh nse sontin 08 50 Dozen Crab Apples .. (3 80 Bix Clusters of Grapes, 1st prize given by Mr. I. Galloway, Fruit and Provision Meratiany, Sundetland, canned goods, valued -. 200 50 Bix Beets be ' rh 1 50 Bix Table Carrots ... oe ves we 76 50 Two Heads of Cabbage HT. res we 76 50 Two Heads Canlidowers nh et wii: 5 50 Peck Onions 5 oe aie a 50 Dosen Tomatoes ... es vis PARR, 50 Two Citrons i vd ne ws in 1B 50 Two Pumpkins ie Wn ane we 15 50 Two Squashes . Yed ree oe TB 50 Twelve Ears Indian Corn i Sr ier LD 50 Three bunches of Celery ud te 3 50, Six Parsnips 50 manship of the exhibitor) . w. 200 Single Carriage sie sek ... 300 Double Wagon ... 2.00 Catter ... ... 2 00 ) Plow oes ceeese 2 00 Land Roller wees 2 00 Ioiflarowe ©... 0 TE 2 00 Root Cutter vis cisens XB - Scuffler eens 1 50 Set Heavy Double Hares © ies 2 00 Ww . 200 One .. 300 : One 18 '3 One 160 1 8a Lome Six see -i oe ga Four i Mr. C. be Bats in role. Ja prize giren. e Arms, 86.82 VC Church 8t., Toronto, a Silver- Plated Butter Cooler. with winner's name and i Ten Ibs Butter in rolls, 1st Prize given by Usridge Organ Company, a cane seat rocking prise given by Mr. J. Boxall," Tomi Port li : a Brittania metal tea-pot, valued $2 50 ] $4 $9 Tub or Crock of Butter, not leas than 40 Ibs, in good ship- ping order, 1st prize presented by Mr. Geo. B. Gor- on, Merchant, Sunderland, a china tes set valued $6; donor to have the privilege of butter at market price; second prize given by de Watts, 8, Vorspant, Uxbridge, a tea set, val $4... given by Mr. N. McPhaden, Merchant, Sun- wed. 4 fs. of Teas valued 32... ee Tub of 60 Ibs Butter in good shipping order, 1st prise given by Mr. J. Holderness, Albion on Hotel, Toronto to become the property. of the donor $5 $3 ei Mr. Wm, H. Oliver, Carriage Maker, Sunderland, 2 become the property of the donor Class S-- Horticultural. © Collection of Apples (varieties to be correctly named), 1st prize ie by Mr. A. Callahan, Merchant, Sun- derland, 82 ; 2nd prize given by Mr. Wm. Weld, pub- lisher of the Farmers' Asn Londen, a Pye of Class 9--Farm Sera Specimen of Carriage Work oiled and pinta (the work- Set Single Carriage Harness eee 2 00 Class 10.-Domestic Manufactures Five yds Fulled Cloth, home-made, spunand wove by hand 1 50 Five yards Flannel, home- made, spun and wove > hand 1 50 ] Pair Blankets, home- made, 1st prize given by Mr. M. Me¢- Phaden, Stove and Tin Merchant, Sunderland, a table . Lamp, valued wee 260 100 Rag Carpet, woollen warp, 1st prize 'given by Messrs. Davenport, Jones & Co., Merchants, Port Persy;» Tea Bet, valued .. .880 100 Rag Carpet, cotton warp... sessssee | 60 100 All Wool Oarpet Te | 1 00 Coverlet, 1st prize given by Mr. Luke Switzer, Boot and ' Shoe Manufacturer, Sunderland, a pain of Ladies' buttoned Kid Shoes, valued shnssanns oil 7 100 Five is Flannel, 1st prize given by Mr. Wm. Patersor 0 Manifusturer, Sunderland 100 Shawl "e - 0 50 Plaid pit r sae FARA, = 00 050 Pair Woollen Socks ae or 50 5 Pair Woollen Mitts a 5 Pair Woollen Stockings .. 25 Class 11.--Liadies' Departs, Fay Top Bewed Quilt, 1st prize given by Messrs. Brown & Curste, | Merchants, Port Perry, hifla Tea Set , | &L Bag Sabie oul 1st ven by Mr. A. E. Micks, - ve § orgy pA wh ite Trolf Nickle:plate Tea Pot i, Sunderland, a Gran 1600 100 Sewing Machines, &o., Knitted Quilt, 1st prise given b hd 3 Citormsn nT 088I'8. Son, Meroharns, Port Por ' ts, P. to the value of . Tufted Quit, ripe bri ec] 3. Nok, abinet 0 By and Undertaker, Port Perry,.a cabinet photo- Yorer 4 2 00 7% Crochet Quilt, 1k prise given by Mr. J. Dewar, Railroad' : Genta Bliss; te prin given by tho Editor of tho Otsrer, 1a Ly Port Perry *00 ™ i el ann EL ; tb jivn by. Boe N. MoPhaden Li Merchant, 300 Sa | 4 Farmar Vom Top ive by i. Frankish, Thad Sunderland z 5 3

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