Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Jul 1883, p. 3

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"Secure te Shadow Ee he Substance fae Fal, McKENZIES GALLE RTs PORT PER AT THE Toa ad PRICES POR. 30 DAYS ONLY. Cabinet Phots, per dos Card Photos. ceenne Ambroty pes, Small Flare Sularged 45d framed for,. eenses sone 83 00 160 0 50 cveeen 1 60 a. Mc KENZIE P pli x ai i | Ans. en a P. A. HURD HA Ra resumed the practice of his profession st Law in, Port Perry, bas arranged for the investment of money ou real estate security, mortgages bought and ald. Interest and charges moderate. Also |: wanted a few good improved furws 10 this County for intending purchasers for cash, Office over.W; H. Osws idyelry Store in his New Brick Block, Port Perry. Port Perry, July 4, 18883. NOTICE. having in thei AtE:EA panties ay the. NORTH ONTARIO MECHANICS, INSTITUTE, are requested > return them witht delay. . McCAW, Port Perry, June 27, oy y IDLAND Railway Canada.-- 'Whitby & Haliburton Pe Trains will leave the following places for 'orento as follows : s am, 2 Whitby Town 6 40 25 Manchester. . 7% 400 Prince Albert 726 415 Port Perry 745 6 00 Manilla Statio 8 8 50 'Wick Junction 855 © 6 20 " xbridge.... 9 15 % 6 4 i Toronto, ..:. 8 80 " _Tralns 'will' leave the following places for 'Whitby as follows :-- iad | ysszassss Farm for r Salo. HE ned ofters offers for Sale that fine Farm beinw the South-balf of lot ¢, in Oth con, of the Townghip of ScuGcoaQC! 'There are on the a good fiame Dwelling, a frame Baru: 80x36 and other octbalidhgey es 8 find besciag orchard, 'What is eall or Tea ? Ans. It t r- water over 2 hich on {liquoring the a teebnic- al term quite common in England. q. B62 how cas you give, a8 good Tea traders and give such valuable Books? There must be some catch or swindle in it, or you will give an infocior article. next time we Pv. o the' Compan; y have an enormous ital at their com mand, and are a times more wealthy than any individual mer- $ and cons¢quently can "buy their at their own prices as they: buy in such large quantities, and in the next place one-third: of the profit! will pay on account of the immense quantities they sell ; for instance a trader sells, say from Bb to 20 Tbs. pany would not beaumciént If they only. made one or two sales,. you can see at once that it is the = terest ot the Conipany to give a good article in order to keep their custom. ers and induce them to recommend otliers to buy. H. CHARLES, AGENT, at his Store ¢pposite Ontario Bank, Port Perry. KIDNEY -WORT IS A SURE CURE KIDNEY-WOR To Farmers. Farmers should see the Chatham Self- Binding Reaper, it has mo superior, has all the latest improvements, made of the best material, so that lightness and strength are combined. The construction is as simple as poesible so that there is little liability to get out of order so that as a reliable machine the Chatham Cord Self-Binding Reaper has no equal on the market while the price is as low as any other Scli-Binder Partien may see a Chatham Sclf-Binding Reaper fitted up in the shed behind the Walker House, Port Perry. JAMES PRINGE, Agent, Port Perry, May 17, 1883. BEE HIVES! "HOSE who are interested in the Bee Culture, or intend to be so, would do well to make themselves acquainted with my Non-swarming acd V vtilated Bee Hjvey, ¢Putent No. 15,392, "Selim Pettet's Swa entilated Bee Hive" dated 31st Tons of August, 1882) which has embodied in it all the conveniencies and excellencies con- tained in all the other hives made, which in foality is the movable comb-frame (and that is indispensible to esucvess), and four _ | points ahead of them all. Ist, tbe food he situation ia t and co kr miles of the thriving villa of Port Perry one of the best markets in Province; sad within one mile of Ch and School, This is a most desirable farm id would make an advantageous Homestead or pro- ; 2nd, ion ; 3rd, non-swarm- cling; and 4th =» combination ot nucleus whereby four queens may be raised in the For fur- same hive nnd at the mme time. ther particulars enquire at my manufuctory, Union 5 Avonnes Port Perry, where with the best achinery a at my disposal, I am able to a large mapufacturé and keep on hand: supply of these hives. All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. Indivi- dus) rights to manutacture can be had for fitable investment. For Poaniars apply to the proprietor, ; A. C. BROWNE, ¥ 'Port Perry ; Or AT THIS Ormos. Port Perry, June 26, 1883. POPULAR $10" each. . SELIM PETTET. Port Perry, April 17, 1883. GOODS! ; Customers Sa Fo uur Ton aud why do thoy : 1 | { FE Th h moans that A Bus " Do not propose to do, all the Business of Pt Jeary only theify fall share, x = gros 4 ¥ be this POPU. o good pews. to their homes fo gow fis: HOUSE and dare returnin; An g + Notwithslanding ne moist be asl anfavorabl i Prosposts the CH ini ATO, TT The Wightman Stock 3 Is being closed out at an I And many Thousand Dollaes warth of new Block bod bas ake Tis slave which is oflaed at a smalls dvano (Weare aiguing at ag And desire trade that co comes to us because people - confidenice in our giving them the BEST GOODS IN THE MARKET 'and FULL-VALUE |. ECEIVED EVERY TIME. Now is the time for CHOICE BARGAINS, I=" Butter, Eggs and Wool taken at the highest jmarket prices. DAVENPORT, JONES .& CO. T.S.Corrigan Begs to announce the arrival of a large guantity of tai SUGARS ! BOUGHT sedusily FOR 4 Preserving Purposes, AND WHICH WILL BE FOUND Extraordinary Good Value! : | Port Perry, June 3, 1881. Also Fruit Jars of every description --cheap. 'Special Bargains in Boots & Shoes. [Extra Inducement in every other Department. Highest Price for Butter, Eggs, &c. I.'S. CORRIGAN. Port Perry, July 19, 1883. Laing & Mecharry's HARDWARE STORE 'A large Stock and full assortment of Heavy and Shelf Hardware We Sell a the LOWEST PRICES. Special attention is ; called to the following Goods which : will be found by purchasers to be of extra value. nerican and English Shears and Bofssors '} Granite Iron Kettles for Preserving, Edge Tools, Saws, Plastesing Trowels, Solid Cast Steel Grass Scythes, ? Carriage- Hardware, Galvanised a Oiled Wire for fencing. Sar and Bong fs Horse Nails, Tr far and ar eagerly seeking 4 the oH Beri ol |8ee our Teas from 18 c HARD. gash § eos} 14 lbs Sugar for $1. Dress Goods, Millinery, jery and Gloves, nd White Cot- Parasols} oT Ib upward. WE ARE OFFERING Remember we will not be undersold by any House in the Trade. = « » NEW GOODS wma Tse BROCK'S The Subscriber would intimate to he public that he has just received a fresh ot of NEW PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS AND TROUSERINGS. Bought at a Bargain and will be sold at Bottom Prices for Cash ! See myl0c and 12¢ Prints worth 12ic and16c. NEW GOODS Tweed Nuits for $11, - worth $13 do. « 14, - "do. 16 do. « 17.75 - do. 20 The best value in Grey Cottons in Town. Also a full Stock of Lrockary, Glassware and Groceries --Chea Sugar from 10 to A Ibs for $1. W. BROCK, Jr. Port Perry, July 12, 1883. FORMANS BIG CLEARING SALE {BIGGER BARGAINS THAN EVER - Poo moth of J will ft Goo Prices that must Sell them.-- We will submit many lines of Goods at MUCH LESS THAN COST TO CLEAR. We have a Big lot of Dress Goodson hand which we are determined to «Job out" at some price. : We show the Obeapest Oottons in Oanada. TT. CO. FORMAN & SON. SERARORYY Wax aad tue; te. tn md iti CURRIES, 113: we pio 1 mh ih a sk 'W.T. PARRISH | Bas Geto and best selection of In the County and 'that an examination of them will convince all . that th Iks--all shades, iy hey are the: Of T 4000s and BEST guaLliTy IN TOWN. ts 1A a W.T. PARBISH. P.B. Extn good value in Harvest Mitts and Machine Oils. _--. UST to Hand Monitor Coal Oil Stoves At BOXA LL'S. RE you in want of Tinware, if so, Go. to BOXALL. ILK CANS, large and small At BOXALL'S. At BOXALL'S. At BOXALL'S. At BOXALL'S. n the fine Granite Ware, A At BOXALL'S. press arriving for + BOXALL. At BOXALL'S. At N. B.--Plumbing and Furnace Boxall. "NOW IS THE GOLDEN OFPORTIN TYLISH and reliable SUMMER GARMENTS for Men, Youths, Boys and Children at Prices which can be bad at no other House.-- While maintaining the uniform STANDARD of quality in excellence of work and material, by Good Management, Careful Buying, and Small Margins (with which we areatisfied) we have Raised the Standard and Lowered - the Price until it is a positive fact that The Best Stock of Clothing In this vicinity is now being sold for the least money, ht J. W. ISAACS' MgercuaNT TArLoriNG ESTABLISHMENT, Orpostre THE WaLker House, Port PERRY. N.B. Also a fine line of Straw and Summer Hats and light Summer Under-Clothing, &c., &c. J-W. 1. WELCOME, SWEET SPRING ! the opening of the Spring I have got jmy new pre- mises thoroughly arranged. My Extensive, Varied and MAGNIFICENT STOCK ! Of Jewelry, in' Gold and Silver Ware, Fancy Jewelry, and everything in the Gold, Bilver and Fancy Line for use and 3 ornament, a BOOKS, STATIONERY, 40. 4 The guality, style and 'prices of the gots cannot fail to # satisfy customers. - All are invited to come and inspect the Stock and Be W. H. MeCAW. Port Perry, March 28, 1888. " 3 THE CHINA HALL

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