Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Jun 1883, p. 2

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« number of representatives have been of their seats and have been driven either taking refuge on fl ne or find shelter in the gallery, Buuisipolities whose re- SE deprived of their seal driven either to creep into the home. Of course it is no nd seats for thirty-three fall grown: SL Doubtless there ave far more seats than there gro any necessity for buf 's0 'law sanctions the fd i should be provided lor the members. The fact of the matter is that seven or 'vine members is enough and more than enough to attend to all the little busi- ness pow deft to County Councils. The first two days of tha Gouncil little or nothing is done andas we were abscat both daysand had to have recourse to the minutes for 8 of the procevdings of thusy days the is slender. ho Tozsoay, Jone 5a. A full muster of representatives except we Reeve of Thorah unable to be proscat. " ' WaoxssDAY. A communication from the PM. of fort Peri, comp complainig that parties are dsposing of ten im Port Perry A. and vicinity in & way PE 10 other and asking the c¥uwcil to compel these tes ageiits to takeout a license 'for so disposing of tes. 'The county gaoler memorized the Council for bed; { tn 8 Vegine for the Turnkey. 4XD EXPFEDITURE. oe a prasunt year ia placed $5,433, comprising the following items: " by $1,378 ; trom the Government oe] criminal justice, $2,500 ; Auc-- and Peddlers' licenses, $600; wag- Jeieatia sities, 95; Telubin from Registry oo enditare is ad at $24,789. the following items: Interest account, $1,400 ; to municipalitivs for non- resident taxes; $1093; Sheriff, $1,750; Eomston $5,561 , sad ita" surrgund. 0 ; wages fo Treasorer, xy Toso vaeet fad Auditors, Care taker, $3,100; County property, $900 ; Printing, $400 ; books and 0; eontiigent, $150. Hence there will Le $19, 355 to be provided for by The Somnty Yor the present year. . Wa a a Vote 4 At the roll call all were pleased to sve the Regve of Thorah so far recovered as to be in 'bis The! minutes of Weduesday's session were tread and approved. of ers from $2 to $2 50 per day. ; . A memorial was ted from Mr. C.J. FRIDAY. ge praying the Council tv co-operate The Warden took the chajr at 10:18. with the Council of Simcoe in preventing the lon of the flow of water between. From Mr. Boyle asking a r.fund of the $12.50 paid by him as peddler's license avd threatsuing au action iu the event of are. fusal. Mr. 'Smith, E. W,, chairman of the special eommittey to equalize the assessment rolls of 1883 brought in their report which show ed the rolls te be cqualised as follows :-- . Aw. . Bg committee again procerded to wade through . Te 2358 2d the Int rminable report, i UNICIPALITY. 38088 2 Mr Brethour again tak the floor pro- + 384% fk 83 otedud to discuss the subject' with oes gest i: a 5} spirit and avimation when he was interrupt- ed by the whole committes getting into ey Sj Shim e supreme and inextricable disorder. 14 Ea Mr Larke proposes that the report be read 28 OE lemme 562 chairman dwelt on men oe Loss 6.58 | and wives would be allowed to live together LU 3% 14 | in the Poor House just as they do out of it, W508 1,004,585 4.56 | that smoking and.euch pastimes would be 25,103 296, 131 1.15 indulged, in, but he waa carrying the fo For oe Li 'turce a" little tdo Ee vin Le asserted rs) 5300 23] that the Poor House from which they got 80,700 nm 2.30 | their information had alveady reduced pau. 350 BHO 14] perigm in that county th one-half of what it 188.601 24,009, 100,00 [ was before' the house was 'opened. This 3 ona. capped the climax, the idea of a pour Hat id akiag ouestenth of the a house only three or four months in existence ° property x valuatqss sath xalue of the per: diminishing the poor of - the county 'by one: sonal property adding this to the valua- tion : caoAl property sa Riven by the eounty valuators gives the total syvelisid Mine of the vénl and peréonal progerty fdr the present year, ? It will be seen (rom the third columm of the dboye that of every $100 connty tate the oo Ticked Picking on $18 57 ; Brock pays $12 $12.09. So that of ever ons i these three wuaiei- year for 18,000, we hat the amamnt Fiokarisg Reriug S10 e's law to add fifty per cnt bo the present wages of the members of Council , the wages are; vow $2 a day and the by-law sought to have the wages raised to $3 a day. The proposi- { tion met with. the he_ approbation of quite a: number of bob. members. ho gt useiod A a rs showed nd little dexter to make the it remained ve of re ow a_ Wet blanket over the grabbers by moving seccuded by thet Roeve of Reach that the by law be read a second tiwe six months hence, The six months hoist was carried by 15 to 18, so that the grab came pretty near carry- ing None knuw better than the County Council thet $here is absolutely little or nothing left for Sounty Council to do and the little Where is to do would be vastly better done and done in half the time if three fourths of the present members were kept at home. The Committee Poor House was now Uxbridge was seen advancing towards the | depel table straggling for all he was worth, nader a ponderous weight of argument in favor of his pet ' Conucil went into committee of Mr. Parker at 'opened proceedings by reading & long, strong and extraordiary report founded upon the thorough experionde well established facts furnished by a Poor Mosse which came into existance during the present year. When Mr. Parker bad finished roading he said if parties wished further information ' be was propared to answer any questions which might be asked, Mr Blow said it was expected by the Council that the committce would Ye in a position to fargish all necessary information or at l-ast give sll they had without keepiog 'anything back, such was the purpose for which they were appointed and they should state all they know without buing asked fpr Mr. Bretbout récommends that Fo tute action be now taken and that the report: be laid on the table till the January sessions of of uext year to be acted upon by 'the new Council wheever they may be, and the rate. payers will thus bave been comsulted ere adtion is taken on eo important & matter The members will have advised with their cunatituents and be in a better ion to act for or against as being jnflacnced by the rajepayers who have * the burden to bear. Dous not 'consider that it would be just in this Couneil to. tie the hands of their successors iu office or to sanction so costly an undertaking 'without the consent pf the ratepayers. Mr. McRae approves of the course proposed by Mr, Brethour, further action should be deferred till the January sessions. On motion of Mr: Christie, the committee arose, reported progressand asked leave to sit again to-morrow. _ Bate n introduced Mg carried y-law on of the Scugog bridge, Mr. Burnett, chairman of the committee on Education, 'broaghtin and carried through their report. ANOTHER DASH AT THE TRYASURE CHEST, The Reeve of Thorab gave notice that he would on to-morrow move fer leave to jn troduce a by law to raise the wages of memb- The minutes of the proceedings of th» previous dey were read and confirmed. Mr. Batman moved thatthe sum of $13.50 be refunded to P. Boyle said amount baving been paid by bim for a Hawkers' license, The chairman of the Finance committee said that the Finance committee had the matter under sideration Mr. Bateman{ withdrew his jon, The committee of the whole on the Poor House was resumed, The chairaian of the half in_»o short & time is palpably absurd -- If (6%poor frightened ones had run into holes to hide they eould scarcely 'have got out of the way in so shott a time, or had the poor house dale commenced the shooting off the poor at the time the house was op ocd they could scarcely bave bad the half of them Shot ofl by ig time, The chairman appears in saxiety to, ate the beoefits 'of a poor' 'house, -- hare overlooked that importaut lol «That which proves too yt daxivts iy i fog." At that rete of dimioution there is no in poor-houses; | iif Shree mo! xistence of a house, reduce 'the poor to Jal shots wombat nother three ' months would: do-eway wi EA the plan would be to reat hy 's'Poor House and run it a few months til} the pour di To thrust the experience of a three months old institution' on public attention is ridicalous ; tn. huge piney only the prese Troe Bors : ra debate the wu | vin, SE ong called on to repost and the worthy Recve of bo, whole on the report. and |, o poséd buildings was passa and the com- arose and Bo, the report without Anam" On motion for the adoption Mr. Larke ! moved in amendment thet it be not now adopted but that it be referred to the com. wi the ammoudment, Mr. in favor of seme better way of providi bod Sonia of the poor than bi present mode, he doee not wish to sce he acedy ee creeping round the , Couch Siawbors, was Eo pleased 'at hearing hie com- mittee tht -- taking. care of and educating the children of indigeats ; they are now entirly neglected dud allo their education ne grow up in vice and idleness; we are rectiving and Providing comfortable homeo the per children of er while btar an . The wit now given to our is just enough to s ei whe their childvén are tages of a. moral! intel. léctual and igo: 'education which they such an 'instituion were Mr: Brethour said the undertaking was ame which should be gone inte with caution, a large expense will be incurred, all posible information should be obtained and the matter fairly and fally laid before the elece tors'so that they may at the Jabuary elec- tions eay whether they approve or disap- prove of the scheme ; if they approve let it go on'avd if hot approved of It the matter drop; all he wants is tohave the matter fairly placed before the electors for their sanction, Mr. Larke suggested that the committee also recommend thy selection of a site, The report was adopted. The adoption of the report is not the adoption of "the Poor House scheme Lut simi ly that the committee furnish the ne- cessery inforiation at the January Sessions nd that the clectors bo asked to pronounce yea or nay on the scheme at the Januar elections. This is as it should Le, if the people want a poor house let them say 'so and if hot let them tell the represemiatives to mind their own business aud quit this everlasting barping Poor House and wain- taining a perpeins) committee who areq raking creation for au excuse for the ercc- tion of a papr prison On motion of Mr. Swith the members of Council are to be furnished with a copy ot the estimated cost of the buildings apd grotinds by the first of December next The pames of Mr, Brandun and Dingle | were added to the committee. In the absence of the reeve of Thorah there was no one to father the by-law for jsing the members' wages to $2.50 a day 80 thy watter dropped. The electors will have a chagee to pronounce on this ques tion at the January elections, Mr. Larke, chairman of the committee on struct- | nished to an indigent. On motion of Mr. McFarfane, the assess. ment roll as now revised 0 acted y confirmed, and the Clerk io the the necessary certificate as On motion the Court arose, chair and the Council On motion of My. Bu to be paid to George St. Ji Eris John Heard complained etiaviogs sheep worth $7 killed by dogs. 8. Barrett bad a lamb worth $4 killed | com b] oe on of Mr. McFarlanethe' following sums were ordered to be paid for sheep killed by dogs. A. Williams $333; Somme $6.66 ; J. 3 rrett 2.66; Also Ss. for ing t ng scrapers from Good $1.80 wood furnished to an \ndigent. Mr Bear came before the sg: what were the intention appropriations as there is Whe Soul 'need of such in his locality but if'the council) had determined not to make any grants be would have to do without, bus if grants are to be mado bis claims should not be overlooked. If it is meant to open the concession this season and it is wanted that he remuve his fence from the hill. he will do it but if he will allow parties to pass over bis road for another year. But under any circumstances the bridge would have to be renewed for it is unsafe. Mr Craig said if Mr Bear alfowed parties to pass over his road he should remove the gates at least one of them. ab in: 'deiving down the bill towards it one had #o stop away back walk down and'd) jo gate then return to his team and drive h. The Reeve asked if Mr Bear a any compensation for the use of the road 2 Mr Bear said he bad long given the pre- vilege without charge but in jgstice he ought to have something the would charge R for the present year. Mr Craig said that $106 of the public money had been expended on that road and it would look awkward to sve a public bigh- way blocked g two yates. The ked Mr Bear if he wonld deal generously with the Counéil in the event of their seeking to age a road round the hill ? Mr, Bear seid b 0 would. The Council took the matter into cousin. eration. On motion of Mr Dobson, an order was granted in favor of George Wilkinson for 2.50 being $90 for nine road scrapers and 2.50 for cartage. Oo motion of Mr McFarlane, an order was aanted for $60 buing interest on railway de. bentures up till June lst, 1883. Mr Buraett introduced and carried through A by-law amending by-law 746 so far as changing two pathmasters, On motion of Mr Holman, $14.40 was ordered to be paid to BR Lund for timber and other waterial for a bridge on the 6th con «ast of centre road. Mr Chisholm complained of parties tek- ing sand from the pit on his beat and spoil, ing the road in doing so. The matter was leftin Mr Chisholm's at Finance brought in their report recom | hands mending the raising of $18,000 fot general County purposes and $5,123 for County Educativosl purposes. Mr. L rke introduced and canied through & by-law to assess the County in the above amounts, > Mr. Long, chaiiman of the Committee on County Property and Juil Management, brought ip their report showing that during the first five months of the present year 71 prisoners had entered the jail for longer or shorter periods, five of these were lemnles and forty of (hem were vagrants, The number of days bomid given to prisoners during she five months was 1312 and rhe average cost of each days board was 8§ cto. On niotion of Mr. Hoover the unaninfous thavks of the Council were tendered to the Warden for the highly satisfactory man- ner in high be had discharged the dutivs of Ward The Warden's rely was judicious and ap- propriate, The Council adjourned sine die. -- Reach Oouneil. The Council of the Township . of Reach wet in the Towa Hall, Manchester, on Mon. dey, 11th inst. Members all present, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, Ob motion of Mr. Burnett, it was decided 'that the road work ef lots 9 and 10 in the 10th; con. be peifurmed on tbe 10th con. as usual, A Williams complained of having bad a sheep worth $5 killed by dogs. J Tummonds cowplained of having hie |. sheep damaged to the extent of $10.by dogs. | On motion the Couacil adjourued: for dinner. Council reshmed. The memburs having made the necessary declaration a Court of Revision was formed the Beeve in thie chair. The assessment roll was placed before the Cane: The Sap read pyer the several apa peals, they were taken up serintim. - The Ametunt ora Prsbutto defend his roll. was 8, Dunlop who commie a rp Rey are somulfing to too high He said be had lately bought ) property at $3.an sore sud. that tia at $8 an fore, #9me disgussion the ay 1 was sus- tained snd thu assessment op reduced 25. per cent, Rev. Mr. Madden, Prince Albert, was the next appellant: He : claimed cxomptios from 'taxation asa winister of the rt sod went into an elaborate defouce is theory. The Assessor the law It was ministers in active suc- charge that is exempt. | waxed: somewhat 'hop' me the Astragor but Lo ic officer ' 3 The Reeve stated that he had a; with Mr Joseph Ward for & 15 years | of a gravel pit in the 4th con. west of the Brock road for the sam of $100. On motion of Mr. Burne(t, the agréement with Mr: Ward was confirmed and the Cf instructed to have the necessary lease out and vxecuted. On motion of Mr Dobsbn, 85 25 was order- ed to be paid to C Marsh for material for a bridge on the 5th con, The Council adjourned, E---- Brock _Oounail. the Town Hall, Sunderland, 12th inst, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr Brethour said that before entering on the busitiess of 'the Council he would like briefly to refeo the responsibility of path- master, . he felt enre that there ure many pathmasters who do not understand to the on Tuesday, J that they are liable to be dealt with 'courts in be the du of the or ie all necessary information should be given them so that they may fully comprehend their position and their liabilities and if it were cousidered necessary, the case of Storms hv Bood might be printed and dis- The Clerk Reeve p86 ordered g Se fur- wi The municipal Council of Bry met at J full extent the obligations resting upon them Mr Hastin, aopherni on pedals of the railway coy. ht complaint the y's are mssossed than -- whiolf the He said that with the assistance of the ye essor he had taken the ansesssed values of J. the lands through Which the road in 8 8 yop 'and that 5 Be br 2s ee on atl 0! nds. wished to do the Assessor bad assessed their Jands" ht and fair to the best of 'his dstos a1 3 ut while ' the toweship was desirous Tug justly with the towmshilp for not a crossing w) ies tended to by the company for the Fyn vii rif i dh he law. and for purt ifitis would leave the matter to the decision of the Co.Judge astheCourt balieves that the assess. | ment is not too high, of course it is for the other. members ofs Court to exfffess their pinion on the matter, p motion of Mr. Brethour the appeal of the "Midland Railway Co'y was digissed and the assessment confirmed. The appellant said bg would appeal tothe Judge. On motion of Mr Brethour, the assessment roll as now revised was confimed, and the Clerk instructed to attach the n cer- tificate as the law directs. * On motion of 'Mr St Jol the Court ad. Journed sine die. The Court arose the Reeve took the chair and the Council resumed. On motion of Mr Brethour $12 was ordered Bae to Jobn Francia for culvert and u the 12th con, * Mr Butherland a ratepayer. of racic me a ou killed EE a auiu wag ina field inthe Township'of Thora when they were killed, be had hired pasture there for bis sheep ; After they were kill, he appealed to the il of Thora compendstion but that cil bad refel him to Brock Council, The council finding that the law ras against Breck paying for sheep killed/ in 'Thorab the applicant was directed to apply to. the council of Thorah. " On motion of Mr Bretheur, the Drainage By-law was read a third time and passed, signed and gealed On motion of Mr St. John, an appropria- tioa of $30 to meet a like sum from the township of Thorah wax gflinted to be ex. pevded on the town line between Thorah and Brock, for annged couple who stand in need of & title help from the corporation. The members of council spoke hizhly of. the parties, and on of Mr Brethour The e on of $3 per month was ordered to be hr A Jolt said he as one of the is- sioners appoluted to examive a certain Portion of the town line between Georgina aad Brock, had examined the line aud found, there a quantity of cedar which he considers ed quite: sufficient for the building of the bridge required there, MONEY GRANTS. r Brothour imtrodaced and carried through a by-law gianging the following ap- propriations. Commissions: Lot = Con. h Henderdson. . 2 2 J Wm Taylor, ....... Lewine Johnston ,... 20 8 20 James McHenry .... 12&13 8 30 Wm Crowle.... ... 6& 6 13 67 Geo Thompson...,. 22 &23 6 50 5 31 amo, dide rend 18 &19 MH HG 9 Fogg - David Reekie the several path they ocoupy * The Reeve eaid that he too was anxious (that the officers ef the corporation should have all necessary information to guide them in their dative and remind them of their re- spoanibilities, but cases like the one red to generally get all the necossmy, publicity from the press and pathmasters can svarcely fail to sce the reference, Communications were now read : From McMichael, Hoskins & Ogden re roadbetween lots 12 'and 13 iu the 9th con From B'W Hadley, agent of the Canada Com, yolaiming $ioo for alleged damngus tor the contractor of the drainage works taking tiniber from their property. From the township® of Thorsh eating forth that the Coungil of that enld that as be understood | ME os that they may be fully aware of the position | J . to 6 12 John Thompson . 5 80 Allen McLean...... 15&16 8 50 Thos, Valleotyne ... 14&15 11 15, Hector MeKinoon .. 19 i 30 Thomas Moore ,..,. 24 2 50 Win Carmich 134138 4 100 John Rundle 23 4 30 gS. on 9 8 » Frank Doble, Sunderland 40 M. Philps .. . 21 9 20 M. Reskie .. 1to3 10 10 JagtWaddell , centre road 7 50 prr--_ 40 Wm Gorrell . 10 Wm Walker. 40 Reubin Reekie, 20 M Walker. ... i 80 John Reymard...... 4&6 5 25 M Burgess, side road 13 '15 Jas St John, aderoad 7&8 6 10 Town line, Thorah, conditiona'ly 30 * Bt. John introduced carried en a by-law amending aed by dividing polliag sub-division No, 2 into two sub-divisionaas follows ; # 'That the 1st, 2ud and 3rd' Gone. inclusive, be and are hereby polling sub-division No .3 abd y Floks polling ishall be a Sohool House, ¢, Schoo! Section No. 1. rr at UTE pomtion "| purposes last year was $32,500 To it $18,000.01 $4,600 10 Hastings mos Brock will have to The i said that the corporation of justioe-to the not shown the sme position yy te J « Jo tn: eo ly and | ! 4d io seiros a the pure ns wold 3 lags Me White spplied for a little assistance |. : lot] * No. 1.on the wi boundary river on the an th | 'gon. 'the lot 1 on the west to Jot 6 on the cast, both -- | The appeal was sust MrAlJ a ap malod to have a dog struck off that pad been assessed to him.-- There was a dog on A Sled The'appeal Mr Major appenled to have the Adteaathent bis-property vn Beech street uced , -- that He aid Juopertys he would take that amount for it es J elnnd lad sppetiod firm- ment of Mr, J. W. Burnham, on residence increased On'mofibn of Dr. Jones the opal was diswissed and the aspessment con on the residence of Mr, 'T. 8, increased. Ou motion of Dr. Jones the appeal was dismissed and the assessment confirmed. T.C he obs. ree tho assess~ meot on bis r uce reduced. He said | he $1 3 he was | satisfied it was not proportionately with other similar property. If be could dismissed pod the assesmont y Mr. J Mivioks wd inadvertantly feft off the Roll. He was sisted aid assessed of MeJ "apy Ry of Mrs M ry were withdrawn, Mr J Ireland appealed to have the mss-; emsment of the store of Messrs Brown ¢4 Carrie increased. - They [the owners]. also ed to have it 'reduced; $4,500 they con= sidered too high, Me Cyrrie moved that the assessment be Ha reduced 'by $5600. Mr Parsons moved in amendment that the appeal be dismissed aud the assessment be confirmed. --Cartied. Mr. Ircjand elso Appealed against the assessment of Mr A Richardson being too low be couténded in 8 lice or3a, 510 it hi be asaeesed for $3,600" On motion of Mr Parsons, the appeal wag dismissed und the assessment cunfirmed. Dr. Sangrter.appraled against the assees- ment of is property on Beech street. He said $6,400 was an over assvssment, the property did not cost him that, he could not understand why his assessment should: be increased 10 such an extent in one year. 'The Asssessor said that he had increased the assessment of all similar properties. Mr Currie moved, that areduction of $100 be made in the assessment of Dr, Saugster's property, Yeas--Currie and Dr, Jones, Nays--the Revve, Richardson and Parsons. Lost. Mr. Richardson moved to reconsider the asscesment of Mr Major and make a redue- tion of $2560. Y.ss--Currio, Dr. Jones, and Richurdvon, Nuys=sPuarsons. Me. Currie moved to rivonsider the motion to make » reduction of $100 in the sssves- went of Dr, Sangster's property, Yeas-- the Reeve, Dr. Jones, Currie and Richurd- son. Nay--Parsons. Mr. Ireland withdrew his appeals against the assessments on the residences of Messrs J Bigelow, A Ross, W H McCaw and WM Currie. The owners slso put in cross ap= peals to have their assessments for these aa reduced. Go othin of Br Richardson the Appeals Mr Treland oppsaled iets th assess- went of Mr W J McMurtry's reidence ug being too low He said in placs of $2, 200 it shoul d be assessed for $2, SY Mr. Curiie moved to 1 y Wr, or Muriry's assessment 10 $2,7 0. Dr. Joes moved in inant to in- crema it to $2,500, --Cagried.. On motion the appgal of Mr. R. Brown to be placedon the rpll as . tenant of aplo: perty on Union Avenue was sustained. On motion # dog assessed to Mr A k Siucldir was struck off, The following purtiea were entered on the W B McGaw, 1;J. Mcliyre, 1; Joa Cook, 1; H Foy, 1; D Ireland, 1 bite; B Labar, 1 bitch. Dr. Jones was called away, Mr R D Crandell appealed to bave his assersment iucreased from $150 to. $200 on property on Rosa St, He said he paid a rental of $30 per sopum, Mr E Willtame on ner of the property said i and was assessed | 3 de Savi In Me. J. Ireland apposed have tHe naseds. | 3078 appealed to have the i J Ireland to have the assessment | Compe competent' and reliable Parsons. the appeal was | and +}... Deceased wages loving and beloved wife, Roll for dogs .--J Dewart, 1; W Lattimor, 2; | 7 and 28 stoneoutters ; they pay the Iighest- wages and a oll rors el men and teams, They dn boner with their men and 'are thos Express Wagons ouly 75c at Mo- Citas Medical Has . a ------ pee * Pe, 'ancy Goods, Stationery, druggists' an , etc., cheap, at Meeliuton' 's Medical *The man who knows nothing of Mrs Lydia F Pinkham and her sovereign remedy for, women is wanted for a juryman: The fact clearly proves that he does not read the papers --N. H. Register. and lose But remember that Kidney- Wott ls a a frien u cannot afford to lost, Plasters may relieve but they can't cure back, for the kidneys are the trouble and Be want a remedy to act Jirectly on their secre- tions, to purify and restore their healthy eon- dition. idney=Wort has that rpecificiaction. X32 Diamond Dyes are so beautiful and so t that itis a pleasure to use them, ually good for dark or light colors. --10 ots DIED, At Shirley, Reach, on the 12th inst-, Alice, beloved wife of Mr, William Coates, aged 80 years, 8 months, and 8 days. « an affectiondle, sxemplaty and estimable mother, a devoted nod consistent member of the chureh; a sincere christicu snd _aminble nvighbor, Deceased was deservedly esteomed by all acqguaint¢d with her. to take #n nctive and becoming part injevery good wark which was brought to her hotice while the deserving poor found in her a benefactor and friend, Those knowing wost of her many good qualities esteemed her most and most deeply Tament her re- moval from the stage of her usefuloess and will longest revere her memory. Bhe leaves a worthy and devoted husband r Joss... Three. of T ving » mother by her being taken from them, while a ost. of friends shed tears of sorrow, The sympathy ofall go ont to the afflicted family, the love is theirs the gain is hers ; they sorrow while she rejo'ces, they weep but all tours are forever wiped from ber eyes. Near Oshawa, on = Wednesday, 13th inst Mr David Bedlord, in bis 90th y Deceased wasa te Canadian | ug he "best | sense of the term, one of those to whose hon- orable dealing Canada ids wuch for lief y She was always ready |- est,persevering industry and aptigtitand hon- | 'the - ONE PIE 8 OR MUSEUM DEPARTMENT ® will be found! ' MILLE IRENE, The Three-Headed Songstress, the Yaosk mervelont Soatuce cuor prossnted INEZ SINNOTA: or;Eleotri: the South Am gma for di ties. ran pany Sw oNoglegty old friends for the sake of new mother lamen +t hei brea vement Ie 1

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