A REL he © WUE oem. =. TB. Res 3) bythe people" & meniingloss babble? | catile trade. had very acti A. Bongard : Soness of the rails portant band in the buyiig and are no Stens, 1, polioy were brought out and plac: ands | od before the Hone od the country loss liberal in their or less |, generous in 'prices than r. Morgan or Mr. Elliot; ppl . both well mown and highly popular 4 0 for ten or twelve able of liandling so extensive a scheme ; on Parliament is |u8 that of the Canada Pacific Railway, regarded 'a8 too little predictions 'and caléulitions and that are about to demand an had the conntry allowed them to con- I= & week, they wan! an [tinue Tonger in Power {a6 consequences of $1, 500 for their ton | would have been i injurious if not tatal criticising and tenounsing the policy of tho present Government were made to appear supremely ridiculous.' But to know anything of the merits of the hon. gentlement's statement it must be read ; it cannot fail to be both in- teresting and gratifying to all who {read it. ------ Trade in Oattle: There is no other feature in the ¥ if it i8 not to control the |prosperity in an agricultural point of 1 of the country. Is the |view so satisfactoryas thepresent con- dition and future prospects of the -An active and highly eyes and open mouth is | remunerative market for all the good caitle offered is highly encouraging to farmers afiording agit does a ready and highly profitable means of con- verting the 'produce of the 'soil into cash at any season of the year.-- The farmer does not . require fo wait on the somewhat precarious chances of harvest and of an: uncertain: market for the grain eve he can realize any money; by devoting part of his atten. -- | tion to stock raising he will almost at any time be able to command a few hundred dollars by disposing of part a was not always 80; : plow, sow anid. soap, followed 0 on yess | and loss after year in. its wi nous Proves.' g 41 sion and the everlasting réap, reap were bogining fo show their exhanst- 'an alarming extent "was given fo the he opening of the Tonge: to our stock, by the system. Less ANERY" | transpo of our beef catile across the ; o all the ackive legisla Atlantic. Our mst "enterprising aller farmers at once te ddvantage of thie ernment | g1yered ciroumstances and turned their : a ta stook raising, But inorder | successfully' with British feeders it was necessary for our farm: to exstand Boih the seiente and : cattle having been. make beef faster and of i Say' so Mackenzie Government wer incap-|* {i from Toronto ently i in arie. Monday, Tih insti, was.dolivery day in Port Perry, the late purchases of Me, Morgan and his assistants around this were delivered at the station hero on that day and at early morn farmers from the surroundings came pouring in with their quotas of as fine cattle as can be. found any where, and. in they came till 150 head of really fist: class cattle recently purchased for Mr. Morgan were brought into town and properly cared for. Butthese were not all the cattle which came into town on that day for those purchased or the Messers. Elliot alse came in numbering about 100 head of no less excellent eatile, thoy too were pro- perly cared for. Somany cattle. find- 2 ing accommodation in the town at the same time goes far to show the'exient of the stable accommodation furnished in Port Perry. The price of the oattle ;bought in on that day wouldbe over $25,000, a pretty handsome payment tor one day. There was & really lively time in town, farmers looked cheerful and contented, prices were highly satisfactory and the large rolls of bills 'carried away contrasted most favorably with the light and un- satisfactory prices received for cattle in bygone years. The cattle were shipped on the - eight inst., and somo sixtoen on 'séventeen cars of as fine cattle as evo passed over the line left Port Poy, 61 this occasion ; ; they: were highly 'areditablo to the liberal buyers, creditable foithe conutry and|: partionlasly creditable to the success. |. ful feeders, -------------- An Important Busines Chango, | In atown like Pon Porry where busi: ness is kept rushing. and on Bn G8 tensive soale changes rust be 'ex: [Hh pected to. take place more or less fr quently and notwithstanding - the advice of the poct ** Of chance or change, O let not man complain}: still wo do complain when we lose those we would rather retain. It has been the 'misfortune not of the town alone but of tle entiie surroundings to lose by. removal daring the present woek fiom Port Perry, one of our highly: ings will be there to wi Our Sunderland friends fortable and they gi : vitation to all tofwrnin to celebrate the day as id 'should: be celebrated. + The concert in the evening'is suder {he anspicos of the Cricket Club and a full staf of performers have been secured tor the occasion. The sports of the day commitened bat 10 a. m. with a grand |Calithumpian Procession whicl all should see, Si------ Itenerancy. The, socially, financially and in- tellectually healthful principle | of Itenerancy amongsttho ministérs of the several branches of the Methodist Church is generally admitted by all who carefully consider its effects, but its 'benefits are most relished inthe distance ; when the effects of itsopera. tions come nearhome, when a locality is about to be deprived ot the valuable : of a zatiif) Pi devoted. pista, 'o valuable and oxemplary fownsman and a respected nei ghbor then we begin to think that the prin ¢iple in that Jaryoular case is by: 10 means desirable. Those in authority in the A, E. Church have decided to remove: from our midst Rev. George Abbs, Presid: ing Elder, and Rev. J. A. Campbell, Pastor of the M. BE. Chureh here, ie former goes fo Georgetown, and latter to Frankford, Colborne District. We congratulaie our Geargetown and} frionds in huving placed over + them - ag - religions teachers) men of good abilities and sterling worth. : Rev. J. J. Ridditt succeeds Mi Canipbell. EC % Trenesrivg To Bomoers. It will ba seen from our advertising colunus nd from posters that the Ty usteas of School Section No. 8, Seugoy, are ask- ing for Tenders for the ere 5 {0 better proof of the intelligence a iberality of a conununity meed-be ask- oil than the character and quality of their schaol buildings. RR EC DY "Teachers Association: The foeting of the County of On- tario Teachers' Association to be held in the Port Perry School Buildings, on Friday and Batur 25th aud 26th inst., 18 looked fo "to with yery much infercst by the numerous friends of sducation | in this Stotion .of country. 0 ramime 18. a fair one and the several jects Aas, merchants, J. A. Wightman, Eq, an] active, thoroughly popula binge? Shoals," D man and Walugble and siterprising | when. we wish lim ninch comfort and septa 4 | recommending the. on the evening of --_-- Mth inst, - Dr. Jones absent; 'The invites of the previous Meeting Beddbara; were read and confirmed. The followidg communications wire then } oad: From thy Seortisy of the Fire Brigade. asking that Mr. Wm, Kent.ody bo appointed Ho Chiff Engineer of sxid Brigade, From Mr. Bigelow offering to supply the corporation with suitable lnwber for $11 a Jdthousand, Tue following accounts were pst; 3 From W. 0", Parrish for Stove, Hardware, Stone, &c, 10 the corporation, $118.25, From we 8. Yaruald, PLS, for survey ing a road through the Driihage Co'y lands and preparing Plans, $25. Fron ©: Major fur road scraper' and ston furnished to the corporation, $10. From Jakob Rubeets for use of premises for polling purposes at the late Purliamen- From T, Madill fur' faruishiog applies for tramps, $3. 15. 3 ? On motion of Mr. Parsons orders were ted on the Treasurer for the above nts, £ On motion of Mr. Richardson, an: order was grantod in fuvor of W. 8, Sexton being for tuxes remitted on his property occupied | dr: by the Bev. Geo. Abby the mg hetigd exempted by law. Mr. Parsons imtroduced and caericd through a Uy.law appoluting Mr. Kounedy ion Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, Mr, Mann asked to' have the ditch op- pexite is property on: Quoen Stet filled up and th 'sidewalk 'properly supported, Mr, GO, Crandell asked tho Council to allow the small Fire: Engine to be locatad atthe west end of the town, he claimed as A 'right that that portion of the town *shuuld Lave somy portion of the Corporation's ap- plisnges with which 'to. combat any fice | $3 which might break out in that portion of 'the corporation ; he would furnish, free of charg, a couvenient und suitable 'building in which to keep the engin: "04 motion of Mr Ri Clikrdto dog fudigent aid was ordered to be patd, vis: Mrs. Koster $¢, J. Tonstall $3, Mrs Iivine $3. On motion of Mr, Curie, the Clerk was instruéted to forward the Plans of the Scuyoig | Marsh Road to the Lake Scugog" Marsh Limds Drainage Cv' y for Registuition, Liss sunot to the Act of Inst Session. : Me, Richardson moved for leave to itp: duct a by~law to amend. the Markgt by-lww by striking out thut portion previdiog for the payment of a macketiclogk, The motion being pub the; mover voted. yen and Messrs, Cuirle and Parsons voted nay 80 the motion was doolared lost. The Chairman | of the Committee on Street Dnprovempnt su lway and iver 'on. the | Mr, WT. Roi of 4 son, this' township, opposite lot, 17, Johnson's yi with a view to © and to dav cdwring the said hill'te make it practicable fur public travel. -- Curried, Moved by Mr. Begdburn, scouted by Mr. Spinks, thut Jumes Beardon - be appointed pathumaster of rosd division No. 1 Justead of | John Banuer who has lett the country, 'and | k during thy season (See 'word' need: be suid in | four years that the Revve and Clerk do wixn this resolu-| tion and affix the corporate Beal Sheteto.- Ci Middle Road Opps, Lindsay, Cambray, | eon, to be gives on 1st Octobel "Possession of the Eust-bulf Sth cou, be given on Ist Teave to. 'lot to on Ist arr o Teade ra for: rent of Weigh Scales = Mariposa, Woodville, Argyle,' Beaverton, . Mr. Buter Holt put in bis tender for (he use of the weigh scales for one year. bid s 'of § + Hy weigh 'sealed bo secepted on oaition dink 'he shall exeonto.a bond, himself to be in the sum of $100 to pay the suid amount quarterly in advance, and that be will sotin | a case charge more thau 10 cents per ht, | and will attend toiand . conduct the of the said weigh: scales in all re- cording, to law. --~OCarried. h Moved by Mr, Spinks, sconded by Mr. 3) that the Pathmuster on road divi- Ty thg fence from off the road allow. (ance between the 6th and 7th cons., oppo Situ Tote 12 sud 13 sud to have the some re- ud iithly 40 days ftom the date hereof. Carr On un the Reeve sigvedorders on the Treasurer ag follows: Robert Wil Tudi- went aid. $1; Wm, Spence, indigeot aid, $4 ; Mrs. Loughead, indigent aid, $4; Wm. M Laughlin; Balary as Assessor, $60 Win. Mo« Lay iti, D. U3; rent of poling booth, m., Hunter, work on As division No ge) 7 the Commissions on Weigh Scales, | for purehase snd "expense of erecting the sane, lumber, &¢;, guia; Elias Spinks, - cit} {ing and drawin off the. quarter line; i adie fur hai? oh the oh con. line, 0, 1ent of polling eler,. dum- - con. line (and furnishing timber for same $41 » Ou motion the Gonngil adjourned nntil the fink Monday in Jane next, at' 1 o'clock p WM. LUGES, y Pras In Pxbridge, onthe st, the wife of a Uxbridge, on the Ist inst. the wife of . Li McKione! 1gh oo At the reaidénen of 1 Myles; i thei tf nas a Mis & Blowny, {or cane. | nxhip Clerk, : Dytryyille, (Sve posters) Young Glancer 15 a noble Agricultural Stallion sud a . groat favorite. with all who know him, a sure foul getter. and his fine stock are © his best recommend, WONDERFUL LAD the * property of Harper & Hazgelwood, will travel this]. BeASOD from Raglan, by Williamsburg, T. y Lunmb's, Reach, Poet Perry, Jackon's,]| Seugog, Prince Albert, Utica, 'Ashburn. -- He isa chgige stock horse and is always welcomed back wherever he bag traveled ; those who employ bim dro pleased to lave Tim again ; his stock is really good, YOUNG 'CHANCELLOR, the property of James & George Hylandjwill travel this season' from, Williamsburg Ty Jobin Mg: KevepBuiton, Ballyduff, Yelverton, Jan. otville, A Mulcony's, B. B. Hpinks', Win "Bpinks', (Bee posters.) Young Chana 'celor has a pediiroe Doth byvsire and dun which wonid be hard to beat sud he shows At wall, He'is a splendid Canadian Draft "and a general favorite, DUMFRIESSHIRE JOCK a waguificlont Draught: Stailion, imported, will 'tribvel "hia schon from Port Perry (hrongh Dy Greenbank, Sulngfield, Buoderlavd, Mag- The entér- ve confrutulntiid on the possession of ¥0 superior & Draught Sthilion the : lich capnot be beat ueitier for We he' is well Kowa. SAO the rout by Lis own good qualities sspeciully the grand stock he hawleft. bras .& 'Huyes tain Mortgage (to dor on day of y, % Lot 13; Concession 13, eh, in the County of pod fie ag follows sw erst wiigle of 8aid lot; thence grees wet 4 chaing 50 links 16 degree east 2 chains grees east 4 chain 50 Huk TORONTO CHIEF, -- 'That. magnificent [Sind trotting stallion, Toronto - Chief, the property of, Messrs, Horn & Hill, will' tive! this souson from his own stable lot 20 con 2 Biock by | oA Perry, Greenbank, Saintfield, g "ton, Deérryville, Sun land, Manilla. Station, Little Britain, Fingerboard. 'The many sNperior gonlitopst this fine horée b!