Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Apr 1883, p. 2

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J. Ralph's L. H. Daniels was the trom ahve Sp. et ay yjgood took 1st prize. The Show rosie igh the | aunty was etpedilly goog rupeds had to take it without's mur ---- mur but those who knew how to ex- press their murmurs were intensely | explicit. "The sliow of implements was some: thing grand, the most novel and st- tractivefeature in this class wasPater- son Bros' Cord Belf-Binding Reaper, . | this being the first machine of thekind ever exhibited in this locality was the centre of attraction and close inspec- PRIZE LIST. a aported Blood Stallion--3 entiles ; nt a: StalTion; Imported--8 entries; 1st Horn & Hill's Scottish Lad, 38d Card & Bryant's Young Qhancelor Three-year-old Draught btalion -- 1st James Jones' Scostish Champion. Two-year«old Draft Stallion, Imperted, |' «5 entries--1st John Ralph's Lord Henry 20d Earchman & Sons' Blucher, Draft Stallion, Canadian--32:;. 1st H. H. | Greg. Threesyear-old Draft Stallion, Canadian... 1st Richard Prouee, General Purpose Staltion----dé ; Yet Gard & Bryant, 2nd T, Beswick. Three-year-0ld Gen. Purpose Stallion. -- ist Wm, Hasslewood. Saddle and Carriage Stallion. --3; 1st J. Ralph's L, H. Daniels; 9nd Percy & Young Span Draught Geldings or Mares. lst a, «| & J. Mustard. taken and that in the 'near future self: binders will supercede sll others.-- This is a magnificent machine, is creditable to the superior skill and enterprise of its manufacturers and worthy of the general commendation. it received. Single Reapers were shown by D. Urguhart, for Paterson Bros. J. Dafoe, W. H. Rundle,and E. Walker. "|The perfection to which the manu- facture of such machines has attained is an interesting and. pleasing feature in the. march of progress. Paterson 0 for it before March gor new licenses bring the maching ad near prefée- tion as need be. This machine took first prige. Of the five single Mowers shown E Walker, took first and W. H. Rundle "{second. The Mowers too were very superior and the intelligent and watoh-' ful agents know how to describe their merits. * The show of Gen. Purpose Plows was quite extensive and farmers spoke highly ot their merits R. P. Harman [took 1st and A. Beattie 2nd. Mr. shall' final end not | Beattie is a successful and reliable Sg Any 3 en [Signed & memorial against |, oo ihy 'principle exhibitors, | Mr. Swan, took stand Mr. Dafoe 2nd. | A strong proof of the quality of these | _ | barrows may be formed in the fact "| that Mx. Swan bad an offer for his, Span Gen. Purpose Geldings or Mares-- 1st H. 8. Gould, 2nd W. 8. Ross, Ringle Drivers--13; 1st J. Galloway 3nd J. Sommerville, .~ Draught Brood, MAve--6; 18t James Coates, 30d Bampson Vickery, Gen. Parposo Brood Mare--11 ; 1st Wm, Pacrlel, 20d Joseph Watson, Saddle and Carriage Brood Mare--4; 1st D P, Christie, 2ud J. Dewey. CATTLE. Darham Ball--1st L. Burnett. Two-year-old Durham Bull--3; 1st Jobn Turner, 3nd (0. Jackson. .:One-year-old Durbam Bull--8 ; 1st Wm. Pearson, 2nd Joseph Watson. IMPLEMENTS, Lumber Wagon--1st Johnston & Hobbs. 'Single Buggy, with top--1st Humphrey & Hern, 30d Johnston §& Hobbs: Single Buggy, without top= 6; 1st Hum- phtey & Hern, 3ud Johoston § Hobbs, Gen, Parpose Plow--9 ; 18 RB. Pp, Har- man, 2nd A, Beattie, Aron Hurrows--1st James Sonn, 20d J. Dafoe. ,20d J. "Beoders--4 ; 1st E. Walker, fn Scufffers--4 ; 1st B. P. Hu Dafoe. 2 t Horse Rakes--4 ; 1st Paterson Bres., 2nd W. H. Rundle. Single Benper--4 ; lst Patersap Bek, 2nd W. H. Rundle, beautifying effoous of the painters' art a highly profitable vestment ; that sb le piece of | will be street is by no means keeping with | June. The sts our well constructed generally |of St. Peters the 10th of the create a very rapid tear and wear and call for closé attention and frequent repaires ; this, however, is a source of satisfaction and not of regret; the still increasing rush in ourtown and travel on our streets are just what all want; there is business and profit in the traffic and music in the passing feet.-- Bit. repairs on 8 somewhat extensive sane will have to: be gone into on our after one of the most arduous campaigns which one can well think of working through drifts' snd over intermin- able snow-drifts bag alfady bis oll, But the roll is a good ove, peat, accurate and Judiclous. The totals re as follows : Number of acres sree and "occupied 60,001, of those 43,716 acres are cleared. streets, especially on our sidewalks during the sunimer months. The The total assessed value of val property ao Plow--3; Lit, Neattie, 2nd E. |, ments are of vast, j importance and] alk are manifesting themselves in. every. direction round town ; our sireets' sre 'coming out in particularly fine faste 'and i keeping with the extensive and admittedly: attractive stoeks. The lake is: now clear of ice and the pleasing, healthful exercise of boating will soon be indulged fm by pleasure seekers. parties to come and settle inl our town are fast increasing in number and cx- tent and taken all in all there are few locations which offer so.many desir- able and valuable advantages as a resi: dence tor parties either 1n active bus- iness life or for those who may jhave retired from the more active duties of life. For churches, sehools and markets we have all that ould beask- ed while a highly intelligens, order- loving people secure the'safety of pro- perty, the peace of society and the full enjoyment of the many advanfages which the locality offers. Hionry Comuunpanre. It speaks well for both the beads and hearts of our Manchester friends that they know how to be charitable without being! oftensive. The too heavy hand of! sickness has been laid on the father, the end Jase of al Buwerous famil; in t village, a e yo folks of the village and its ngs i the most k guerdus social and whieh should the. afflicted family util performers or secured W Mower--5; 1st EK, Walken, "tnd w. Has Rundle. tet Paterson | Self:Binding Reaper--1 ; Bros. number of DisoreHlonery Prizes | : The many inducements to} 14$3,110,019,53. The total valne of personal proptery 1s $151,130.00, Fotal nesessed income fa $400.00. Total Sulusof teal, personal and income $2,261,5:9 52 < . yous a Numiet 4 sat 1939 202 5704 3046 195% 2068 rx RTRs Lacrosse. Olub has beed re-orgSnised with the elec. tion of the following oficers: President, J. A Murray, L.D. 8, ; V. Pres, A. J. Davis ; Seo, Treas, P. Maitland ; Captain, D. Camp- tell, Committee--Jas. L, Forman, @. T Rigelow, F. Hun W. Isaacs, snd E. J. Mebarey. Tange! 'Services at Prince | Albert.--Mrs. Watson (a converted Roman Cathelio) from England, will preach in the Me "Church each night thie week, and on 'Sabbath morning sud evening, Collection spacial on Sabbath, --Com. Geet The Sweet Language of Flowers ~All classes of people, the uid and the young the sick and thé. healthy alike enjoy the charms of flows favorites--Flowers, bell ever migdtul of the stniforts 3 as wel | the necessities of his customers, has got to hand a beautiful assortment of the most desirable varieties of Flowering House parties {Plants and fnvites a general, inspection of beauties. No. 1, Davis! Block, Sr | needed to the body. PET he St nothing Hike the Fountain of e $1. RE - , in the marc] ign muscles causes foflanimiition and intense suffering, guarantee 'four Bottles of the Fountain o Health tours the worst case In existence, Narorar Russom for diseases, is, and has been, the faith of the people in all ages and 4345 | conntiles, A potent combination of herbs roots and barks, called the Fountain of Aeatih of put up in dollar - bottles, by cleansing the | Mic blood, cures almost all diseases. 8 A Fauuy Mzpioms. Fountain of Health is a wouderful ionic invigorator and blood cletnser, J€awyblntes to healthy action the "Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. One bottle contains sufficient for oue month's Sro0x" Base ~It in estimated that 240, 000 cattle will be driven out uf Texas this year,against 850,000. - The shipment by rail will probably not exceed 50,000 head. Large herds of horses are elng sent to market. Davighters, Wives, Mothers, look to your | > 79 | health] Tho many painful and weakening 'diseases from which' you suffer, dispairing 29 | of cute, cab be remedied by that unfailing regulator and unfailing tonioc-- Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your Druggist for proof. Thousands upon Thousands. Of dollars have been spent in advertising the celebrated Burdock Blood Bitters, but this fact accounts only in part for its enor- mous sale. Ita merites have made it what it {ie -mthe Lest blood medicine ever devised by ---- Byery © erson to be a Real Buccess In this "fife wust have a specialty ; that ie, must coneentrate the abilities of body and mind on some one pursuit. Burdock Blood "| Bitters has ite speciality as a complete and radical cure of dyspepr'a, | liver and kidney complaints, and 'allimpuridies of the blood. "Grunt it Out." Theabove if an old sawrag savaze 88 it is 21 ¢ ou can't "grunt out" dy: pepsin or nervousness, it 'hey goon get a good bold: They don't remove themselves in this way. The takiog of a few doses of Burdock Blood Bitters is better than "grunting it out." What we Can cure let's not endure. Burdock Blood Bitters Cures sorgfula; erysipelas, salt then, piles and all humors of the blood. - Cres dyspep- | wis, tiver eyimp! ; toe headache, nerv= - | cleaning and genera od and extensive stock of the newest styles, + | best quality and most desirable descriptions of Room Paper. 'Parties requiring room paper will find it bo to their advantage to take so eres wh Lere Stock of Spriog Clothing Boarfs, Hats and Caps, cheap at COB: ousness, female weakness and generaFdebil: H. ity when used in time. MoOaw ling bought én & fine,carviully sclect- | Hollovay's Pills canbe confidently re- commended as a domestic remedy for the ailments of all 0 or Hollo- peculiar to females. ~ Each box is with printed Instructions for the classes. Tate a | Sosoghi Got of th Covaty of it 'mankind, and can be had for onl ' ii mankind, ud ye rs a only ily BIRTHS. » Tn Port Perey, on Monday, 23¢d wife of Mr. James Paxton, ofa daughter. MARRIED. At the Mange, Port Perry on the 2 by the the Rev. H. Srosier, pz enthertt Townablp of Bench to Mi ib We hing young and Soop couple | suucke jay oud» long; proupetens wn woeful { life together. } The Marketa. oo 8 28 a Hay perto Clover Beed . 5828538533383% $588555559888 Socom Uan=OS conan ote gEz888833L oo Rapidly taking the psy intreduced. 200,000, Sn | YEARLY. Has uous papre OF RXURLLENOY THAN gs es MoCLINTON, M. D, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACOOUCHEUR. Office, Williamsburg, Cartwright, - Important to Farmers THE SRORT-HORN DURHAM BULL Bun DOURLAS| will be for service this season at the stables on Lot 22, Con, 24 Reach. Tans--$ THOS. CLARKSON. Bris ot, New Home Sewing Machine Ca. THOROUGHBRED Tr DURHAM BULL ! HE undersigned will. d will keep for serviee-- during the season, 1883--at. his place, fot 24, in the 14th con. of Reach, that fine ahorongh-bred Bull * ROSEMOND." JOSEPH WILSON. Roach, Api 26, 188s, In Inthe Surrogate Court of the County of Ontario. . In the matier of the Guardionship o infant child of Mary Judge, deceas- omer {i hereby. given thal af he ex- pirntion of twunty deys pextafter the first publication of this notice io the Nosrn Ontario OBSERVER -Dewspapor, the date of which anid first publication is the Fifth day |, of-April, 1883 Avplioation: will be behalf of Pat Jugs, of the of the township Mara, fo the rik ay Ontario; of J k Judge Judge, mehip of | © Mara aforesaid, and of bis estate. Dated, Poct Perry, Aout 4th, 1883. . PATERSON, icitor for the: 2 Sppiast,

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