Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Apr 1883, p. 2

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but 1 gop farther. ander cian ra ted over on the stingy ping Act. It remained hn A. Macdonald to scale 'and burst the miserable were left by Mowat on pm i a, Se. Evi through : out Britain state that the demand for ] tish markets the interest and sheep in the Bri | will continue 'to '| nearly the 'halt of which was with! verdiot in favor of sent to any damage b ! in | Britain. With a "rapidly increasing, i other EE fon to the no: ico of the Parliament and it is fondly meet a befter fate and le ing, our laws when properly adminis- tered, as near perfection as need be, oar edicational system = makes vision for furnishing every child in the land a practical education such {a8 énables him to discharge t the several | This bill aims at removing the circu. loqution and costly red tape from {ransactions in real estate, by which real estate will be as easily and cheap- ly transferred as a hundred dollars or 'any personal property. This is called the Terence system, it works '| like a' charm wherever it has been as well 'males as John wisely Yeasoned n sons working at home {fathers were entitled to se 28 they poral are, ae a oe ' put a clause in the ng sons and daughters on a nality as tar at least a con- amin. Bo thatin future n of all property rs and of renters too when the 'owned or the rent paid is of the age of twenty- and live at home a Soot Jor otherwise, if they vote the jokot all right but should they -- will know hy law not to tell how she and her beau will know enongh r how slie voted lest the fried. It has been in existence in Australia for twenty-five 'years and has since been introdiiced into Trans- mania, Victoria and New Zealand in all of which it works to perfection. giving the utmost satisfaction to all except lawyers, Mr, Blake when referring to the measure at its introduction in the Commons, closed his remarks by say- ing that '"hé was glad the bill was introduced, but his joy was somewhat counterbalanced by the reflection of what is to become of the lawyers," Fifty representatives like Mr. Me- Carthy would do all the legislation necessary for the Dominion every way better in less time and at a fifth of the cost it now does when runby 211 members. Cheap Music. The day has long gone by if ever there was a time, When the value and importance of music required to be urged ; in all ages of the world's his- tory the charms of music have been fully appreciated and extolled. We read of a time in the rising morn of creation's birth when "the morning dtar sang and all 'the sons of God shouted for joy." From that remote period down to the present the sweet and heavenly sounds of music have lost none of their charms; the en- lightened, the civilized, the barbarian and even the savage and the lower animals delight to listen to the sweet straine of musie. But much time, effort and expense must be incurred' «| ere a sufficient knowledge of thisfinest of all fine arts can be acquired, but when it is acquired it is a most valu- able acquisition. The sanctnary-- the place of worship--has in all ages fipe chance for a and Sir John would : bringing in ot titted been regarded as afitting place for the finest music, in fact it has always been regarded as a highly important and essential part of the sanctuary's serv- ices, a pleasant and prominent part of of the worship; and at no previous time in the world's history has the musical part of the sanctuary's ser- vices been 50 well performed or been regarded with so mach interestas now. The musical part of the services may not 'always be the more impor- and valuable but it very fre quently is, and a congregation where duties réquired of him with profit to himself and credit to the state, in- structing him in what he has a right 'to demand for himself as a freeman and to respect the rights of others. Canada has now entered on a glori- ous career all she wants is a fair field, upright intentions 'and steady perse, verance in the path of industry and thrift. The weeds of aristocracy, snobbery, tyranny and oligarchy must be nipped in the bud and rooted out. If she would prosper and' be a happy home for the teaming millions of earth's trne nobility--theé &ons and daughter of industry, she must frown down and crush out knavery in every form. and swear by the glorious pro- position: 'An honest man's the noblest work of God," and constitute the honest, the industrious and: the upright her only nobility. : Ontario & Quebec Railway. This much needed and highly im- portant work 'goes 'bravely on and whatever limitless: means, concen- trated energy and skill can do to se- cure 'a really first-class road in the shortest possible time will certainly be brought to bear on this grand un- dertakiug; so important a link of the C. P, R. must be hwried forward as fast as thorongh and perfect construc- tion will allow. 'During last summer nearly 4,000 men 'were employed on the work, 2.000 men have been work- ing'on_ it nearly all thrcugh winter and now that the season has again |' opened every man-that can be got is The smelting is to be done and over five thousand "fr be wood are ent and ready for for workmen are being érected.-- Some fifty or sixty men will be em- ployed at the start. The car wheel department is expected to be very ex- tensive. The works will be about six miles distant from Kinmont, bul that entire section of conntry will be vastly benefited by the enterprise, the Smelt- ing 'Works will require a very large quantity of eordwood and the large number of hands employed will create a constant and steady market for'all Remember the Reach, Port Perry and Sengog Agricultural Society's Spring Show will be held at Man- chester, on Tuesday, April 24th. "This ought by alli means to be the || best Spring Show ever held by this Society, everything. seems favorable | for a most attractive show ; the num. ber and quality of the stock animals which are expected to exhibit are un- usually promising and much close competion may be looked for. The several classes of horses and cattle will be well represented and some: thing very superior may be looked for. 3 The show of machines, implements aud other manufacturs will doubtless be both extensive and interesting and a very large gathering will doubtless turn out to witness the show. / CARTWRIGHT SPRING SHOW. Get weady for the set to work 'and the close of the pra- ft sent season is expected to find the work in a forward state and ere 1884 is far advanced the iron horse may be skipping along the entire line. If is expected that a branch from Port' Porry will tap the line and one trom Oshawa will tap it at the same point ; the wish may be father to the thought as far as the branches 'are concerned but the thonghtis further strengthened by information which may be con- sidered reliable. Affitoted Ireland. If there be one spot on this terres- trial sphere more to be pitied than another that spot is Ireland, That the country hus been shamefully misgovernad, robbed and oppressed nono bul an idiot wonld attempt to deny, and when furth@ forbearance ceases 10 be a virtue and the nation is driven to deapiration' a few devils incarnate, Ireland's' blackest and]. most deudly foes 'plotting for her utter ruin and destruction, organize the, 'most damnable plots for assass- stan, | whole-sale marder and des- ' 1 The worse than: devilish ""waylay the young ae and the ardent and by. Midmsbarg, o on Friday, April 20th, The shows of this society never lack interest, they are always attractive, the stock animals are superior, espe- pecially the horses. The show of im- plements never fails to both extensive and choice and shown to good advant- age on their fine grounds, The large numbers who turn out to these shows make it pleasant for those who go while the accommodations furnished to all who attend prove an attractive feature of 'the show. If the weather is favorable a grand show may be looked for. Port Perry and Reach aro generally wellvepresented. The Dynamite Age. Tt would almost nppear were fuitly entered on the e Age and if matters' go on as they now do tae time is not iar 'when every third 'man will "ha < of =F quilityand most desirable, hile services which have been in progress weeks, Rov, RL. Ockley (the -- ot | staf of Christian' wankers tajoloe fo. tho " |good that has been 'accomplished. The. ith uur | serviees are being continued, | Tout Sabliath 88 morning E pect: n delicate health for some timo and is unable to attend to any 'of Tuesday 10th inst, Mrs. Wilkinson went to, the stavle to give the horse a pail of water, Yin some way or other the horse got loose and either struck or kicked her, Mr. Peat happened to como Atotnd shortly after and found Mrs. Wilkinson ov thy stable floor in an insensible condition. The old lady was at once taken cam of and medical skill procured. Everything possible' is being done for hot but she secs to. be slow in regaining conscieusness, rr Le Re Lee Thievés Around --On the evening of Sunday last some ote burglnrized the resid ence of Mr. Barton, Creer securing $17 in moucy, Mr, Burton's watch and it may be other property uot yst accerinined. Suspic- ion was nt ence directed against a lately imported party inte the neighborhood. tew days previous money und other property had been taken fiom a house in the locality « party was taken up on suspicion but by some means got off. On the Friday previous to the Snnday's raid some one broke into a box of clothing -at the station and carried | off a suit gents clothing. On Monday last information was laid bes fore our P. M. who issned ® warrant, plac- ing it in the hands of constable W. C. Heard who with his usual dispatch set abont the apprehension of the missing one, making a liberal use of the telegraphic facilities and was 'himself soon in. hot haste after the culprit, et ef Fire !--On the morning of Wednesday | bata 18th inst, a dwelling honse in Ihe south. eastern division of Port Perry, eaugbt fir, from a defective chimney and in an incred. ible short time the whole was rednced to pile of smoking embers. © We lenrn that the loss is more than covered by insurance, -- 'The farniture was nearly all out eve the fire took place as the proprietor was about to move from: the; premiags; 3 ow to mak To make bee keeping -- "pleasant and profitable they must be properly honsed.-- Selim Pettet's non-swarming, ventilated Bee Hig taunt what is wanted {fl his | probable a military guard will be ang : had an exchange 'pripits. | The 'Bible | Christian Church Shed is undergoing repairs, | The Rev. C. Langford will. deliver | his popnlar lecture next Tussday. night in| the Methodist Church--Suabject, "Why 1 left the Church of Rome, Leoture to com: mence at 8 o'clock, sharp | Admission 15 cents for adults and 10 cents for children, More' Threats. --Orrawa, April 16 The Governor-General and Princess Louise will arrive at moon to-morrow. by. &pecial |; train ou: the Canada Atlantic Railway. His Excellency has of late been the. recipient. of A number of threatening lotters from un. known sources in the United States and Canada, This is one of the reasons wh detailed forduty at Rideau Hall. it is oned at Government House on the arivabel H.R. H. the Princes Lonise. N : IN AUSTRIA. SN Viexxa. April 16. --The. President of the Relschrath has received a letter stating that an attempt will be made sovn to destroy fhe Purliament Buildings, The structure ia now surrounded by mounted police, who will arrest suapicious persons, A Msjanoholy Fact. A thoroughly domesticated individualgets off the following :-- A 'The melancholy days ave come, the andde st of the year, when married men BO | creoping home in trembling and in fear, Foac that his own and only, with 'head in white wash bands, aad broom in hand invite bim in to--DUlister up bis hands. = For carpets must be beat, you know, and. 'stoves kun down ; but "babby" knows a trick Or two--he's got to go down town | Banwy 'BEORCHED, -- LONDON, 13.~A few months aga. large quantities of American Wheat were bought for forward . delivery, The purchasers assumed that the continvous bad weather wotld cause prices to rise. There hae been a decline, "however, %of five] sionals, not. set the congregation ¢ . 1 an anxious glance were cast to th pecting the entrance of the bridal 'party -- The charming strains of the organ was t Barley... Davis, walking up the west aisle, whilo (he fair Bride, leaning ¢ on the arm of her brother- in-law, Mr. James Lang, and accom. panied. by her brides's maid Miss Smith, 'of London, walked up 'the east sisle.-- The partios arranged themselves at the altar and the ceremony proceeded. The Hides beautifal and a) Fate ceremony of { severnl special detectives fron' Toronto oy PRrop ¥ of this Church aud the highly appropriate and per. fect manner in which it was conducted were | both attractive and justructive, and was fraught with admirable counsel, sound {admonition and valuable instruction to sll, [bat especially to the manied portion of those 3 present, Mr, James Lang, gave away the bride. The responses of the bridegroom and bride, were given in clear distinct tones and the ceremony throughout was conducted with excellent taste, t he large gathering gave |, evidence of being much pleased with the entire surroundings, and we only echo the sentiments of all acquainted with the con i tracting parties in wishing them. much Joy, a long, bappy and prosperous life together and that goodness nnd ° mercy may fullow them, The vast number of Yalinble bridal pre- sents bestowed on the fair bride go far to prove how highly she wag esteemed » those best acquainted with her, : oe - Lots of Fear. Bosrox, April 19.2 ~The Marquis of Lorne has arrived. He expects that the Princess will come here from Bermuda. % A small tin bomb: exploded by & carringd] - in front of the post 'office' to-day, caused some commotion, but no damage. The ex-| - plosive nged is unknown. The incident | ve caused talk in connection with thie Mai Licenses, Ta the Editovof thy Dx and you a Taverns and Shops: licensed, and Ames of The Sweet Language of Flowers. | licensees in each caso to be issued for the ~All classes of people, the old and the young the sick and the healthy alike enjoy the charms of flowers, and of' all easons of the year the beantifar opening spring ap- pears to lend additional charms to those universal favorites--Flowers. 'A. G.Camp- bell ever mindful of the comforts as well os license year 1863-4, Uzbridge Tp --L. Hatcheson, James Todd, John Saunders, Thomas Brooks, and William McKay, Uxdridge~A. J. Wells, Gen. Sharpe, Fred Chinn; John Bascom, - and William Buddy, | on condition that he complies with the vill: the necessities of his customers, has got to { age By-law, hand a beautiful assortment ot the 'most | desirable 'varieties of Flowering House Plants and favites a general nspection of the beauties No. 1, Davis' Block, Cel Room Paper! Room 'Paper! : Handsome, Fashionable, Cheap and Lots of it at W. H. McCaw's. To meet the requirements of the honse.! cleaning and general renovating season W.H. McCaw has brought on a fine,carefully select- ff Iw i | Plow Points, Land Slides, caster, J. H. Ruddy, and H. Chalos. : Reach --~W, H, Park, Thos Bennett, L Hurd, Geo. Reynolds, B. Newton, J. V. Thompron, Jas Broad and 8. H Chistian. Seott~--J. Y. Foster, J. M. Soribner, sod A C. Sexton, 5 Brock~--Thos. 1'. ard, Thos. Tacket, F Wethers, and Jas. Harrison. Cannington. --Neil McKinnon, ed and extensive stock of the newest styles, i Sh -| Room Paper. Parties reqn will find it to be to their sdyantage ® look at the yarictios and Quinn's BrataDAY AT Syxngnt AND ~The wiptions of 5 MeVeigh, Wo. Me Celebration of ie Te somt a thel W. Myers, Mey, 1883, wil posters, © droppod ACCIQCUTATTY hh qd If You Want fo preserve your ight mse Lazarus Boss Spectacles. C. Dicsfeld, sole agent, Port Perry. eg -- Farmers l--Farmers will find advantave before porchasing e call ou Jacob-Dafoe, Purt Perry, ing Self 44 in v : snanufag red by A. Harris, Son & Co. 5 Brantford,' all whose mavufactires are universal favorites with the farmers, the Beat in the market; also Seed Drills, Cul- tivators, Harrows, Horse Rakes, &e, manu. | factured by J. 0. Wisner, Son & Co. Brant: | ford, the Best in the. market, also Flows, xo. Also agent |; forthe Impraved Buffilo Pit Theesior and Walerous Engine. loney | Money | More Homey! [The un- del nts in nlso agent for the Hari ton Pro- vident and Loan Society, © JACOB. DAFOE, Office nes near Elwyntor, Port Perry. Home Rule. for Bo "Scotland.

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