on nr SE B: Xmas Groceri ~ Fancy Needle Coser: 'Leather and Plush Satchels, | ~ Poilet Sets and Vases, i ¥ yes Fine Stock of M Painted Cup and Saucers, / Children's 'Tea Sets, rng otto and hand- $ request at this season of the alnuts, &o. Canned Peac 'CHOICE CANDIES! and a ear. New Oranges, Lemons, Malags Sipser Apples, Goosberries, Corn, &c. assortment of General Gr es and select presents for your children and friends. Grapes, Valencia Choice Cranberries. | es. ALL OM PRI Re : 1.0088 : : and AT BOTT RS. i "Come e Ty and buy ORMAN & SON PORT PERRY. ALL PAST EFFORTS ECLIPSED! Piles of goods bought late, BOUGHT FOR CASH at greatly roduced prices. In order to convert them into "filthy lucre" at the carliest possible moment we. have decided to throw our whole stock on the market ab "Greatly Discounted' prices from current figures, "Big Special Sale," > Mammoth Blowing" in this but a useful, truthful announce: % 3 a LO, FORMAN & Hl g BE eA gol A Si \ gag NOTED CHEAP HOUSE, NOTICE TO MILLERS. ANTED byan Active, Aable-bodied, youg man, willing to work, a positien aa apprentice to the Milling Business.-- First-Clugs references, Address, D. McMILLAN. Seagrave P. O. Reach. Seagrave, Nov. 22, 1883. CAUTION EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY 1S MARKED een ee DD EMOV In oaReence of changes inthe Royal Arcade, WW. HE. MCCAW las Removed his Extensive and Valuable Stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Stationery, &¢., to the BS & PATE BROCK wishes his friend a Merry Christmss and would inform them tbat he has to hand & full assortment of CHRISTMAS GOODS which he is bound to sell at such prices that ench customer will feel that BROCK'S- is the place to got the worth of their money, and the right change back, ARRIVED: CAN BALMON, CAN PEACHES, 2 « LOBSTE. « BLUE BERRIES « BARDIN % PEARS, Li h "« MACKE « GOOSKBERRIES in the way<of a SON. 4 Apply at-once to T. & B. IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE! WANED & GexpraL SERVANT tg whom the highest wages will be given. -- HUBERT L. EBBELS! Superior Quality and Port Perry, Nov. 7,1883. of the Newost and Finest Styles. As Thompson Block! Queen Street, Port Perry, where he will carry on business during the erection of his New Parace Watch, Jewelry, &c. Establishment west ot his old stand. The Stock is large of I desire to open my New PaLace Establishment with an entirely New Stock, DO. NAL RAISENS [new] FINNAN HADDIES, " CURRANTS [oew], PEAS, LABRADOR HERRINON, . « TOMATOES, F1a8 COD FISH, We Hs " y PLUMS, PEELS, OYSTEI 4 ESSENCES NEITERIsH, . " SOF PEACHES. IN CROCKERY 1 show buautiful China Tea Sets, Tronatone Tea Sets and Bed Room Sets, Gold: Ivory Bed. Room Sets, COL'D TEA SETS, COLD. IVORY DINNER SETS, 100 PIECES, Glass Ware in. Endless uric Vases and Fancy Toilet Bottles, Mottoed Cups & Saucers and Moustache Cups Lamps &o:, &c., &c. & E INCYS 22 yds for $1, DRESS GOODS 12 yds. for 81. The best 400 BLACK CASHMERE in Town, (42 inches wide), COL'D CASHMERES in ALL-WQOXand UNION, nos OVER COATS and- SCOTCH and Cheap. ant a SPECIAL BARGAINS in LADIES JACKETS, MEN'S ULSTERS and. CANADIAN TWEEDS for the next 40 CHOICE, WELL BRED YOUNG [ WILL GIVE SUCH BARGAINS days. « adios' White and Colored SILK TIES and LACE COLLARS and . ; . | FRILLS, a full assortment. the Thompson Block as cannot fail to clear out a very large portion| No Trouble to show Goods, come and see them. : ) WANTED, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Apples and Poultry. Port Berry, Nov. 33, 1883. n WM. BROCK. STOCK FOR SALE. While I do business in me nndersigned offers for Sale of my Stock: 1 Imported Ram a Shropshire Down, 2 Shropshire Down Ram Lambs, 1 Oxford Down Ram Lamb, | 6 Young, Berkshire Boars and Sows from Snell's Imported Stock. 10 three year old Steers for winter fattening. - Apply to the proprietor, JOHN ADAMS, x * Ambleside Farm, uj : Hougog EMOVAL! I have Removed my Stock of . (BOOTS AND saoeske To MESSRS, ABRS & PATERSON'S GROCERY DEPARTMENT I ha During the Building of the New Store. My Stock of Boots and Shoes is large and compete, and will Ha be sold at fort { . Come and See what Bargains am prepared : to give. . e Now for Your Choice : 'W. H. McCAW. - "CHRISTMAS GOODS BON & CURRIE, or yy vo i, og, OR WEAR. Just the thing for the Holiday Season. All that is Newest. Fresh- est and Most Desirable, Cheap !! PORT PERRY, Aug. 30, 1882. Brown .- A: . Currie will not be undersold |by any reliable house in the trade. The ilighest Market Price for Prod c every description. 3,000 BOS. WHITE BEANS