BAIRD & To andoNs. 'FERMS.--§1 per annum, if paid in ad: "ante; if Rg 150 will wt arged. No 5 a-------- "taken for less than six months; spss no Banger discntjaat until all arrears ware BS OF ADVERTISING. line, first insertion . tn ¥ 08 3 \ 0 oi Ens per line ..003 wp A 8 lines, gana ethos sonia Nii oney, whep ad- 'beat our risk. . oi aid and re goster- od, will | 5 Advert 7 sand churged according to the space they oc-- eupy., 'Advertisements' received for publication, without specific instructions, will be inserted wnil forbid and charged accordingly. No «. +advertise nent will be taken outuntilpaid for | i Alibsrai discount allowed to Merchants and o bevs who advertise by the year or balfayear, g@™ Chess terms will'in all cases be strictly adhered to Job Department. i Pamp' lots, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads; Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulas, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of evory style and solor, exeented promptly and at lower rates shan' any, other establishment in the County. a B&F Parties from a distance getting hand hills, &o. printea can have them done to take Lome with tha. 3. BATRY, sotrenional Caras Yo ANDERSON, MB. MD, FTMS, ' M.O.PS. CL, R. oP. Gradnate of the University of Toronto, graduate of the Uni vorrity of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Licentiate of the Roysl College of Physicians, Edinburg, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. Office over Mr. Corrigan's Store, Pot Perry, H. PARSONS, n H. SANGSTER, M. D,, Physician, Sur- « §eoy and Accoucheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERWY. OMee over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from Ya, m.tol12 m. Residences the dwelling recontly oecupled rs. Geo, Paxton. WARE, Coronor for the County of an Physielan, Surgeon and Ac- soucheur, ce, opposite the town hall. Port Porry. W J F. PATERSON, of Bonverton.) « Barrister und Alttorney-at Law, Solici- tor in "hancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- tle, &o., &c. Omes over Brown & Currie's Store . Port Perry. TF TLLINGS & CAMPBELL, ¢ and Attorneys-at-Law, &c. Solicit orthe Ontario Bank. © Office in Bigelow's Block, Queen St, Port Perry, Ont JOMN BILLINGS. COLIN I. CAMPBELL. Port Pery; Feb, 12, 1881. ee ee mere nee KE. FAREWELI, LL. B, County Crown =}, Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, and Notary Public. Office laiely oc- cupiad by 8, H. Cochrane. Esq., Brock street, Whitby. 1. 8., Guy's Tho lye R. F. McBRIEN, M. Toapizal,| London, » M.R.( gland. YVAN [L. ENGLISH LL. B., Solicitorin ' 4 Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. Oshawa. OMoe--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office YOUNG Jr, Ll. B., Barrister, At- LX, torney- . Solicitor in Chancery, 1nd Insolvency, Natary Public, &e. Oimee--Mo Millan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. HUCH D. SINCLAIR, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SolicitorinChan cory, Conveyancer, &c. Office lately occupied 'by W. M. Cochrane, Digelow's Bok, Port Perry. J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson AF ¢nton, Surgeon Dentist. Qlfice over Corrigan & Camp- . bell's . Store, Port ig Parry. All 'dane. in the very Fd cf and bost style and warranted to give sfacrion. Port Perey, March 28, 1877. "N. VARS, T. DUS. jaserted on all the latest princi- cs of the art, and as cheap as the cheap: | ©! est, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with, Gold and Silver. "Teeth extracted vitheat, pain by. producing local anmsth- Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new =iatia, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. ENRY GRIST, 'PATEN SOLICITOR AND Dravenraay, Ottawa, Canada Tianmets) business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government Copyrights and. the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, sie] 'and other Documents neces. e Patonts o Invention, prepared the Invention. tisomonta - monsured by Nonparell, [ -| cation, and is the cheapest and best. CAPITAL #3 ooo, 005 PORT PERRY Er BRANOE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savin, D rtment-is now open: in Eis his Branch, Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter= est allowed thereon. No notice of withdrawal required. A.A.ALLEN, Miao PR Bed aE patronige which hu has received as Auc- tioneer in the past, The increased experi- ence and extensive practice which I have had will be turacd to advantage of patrons, and partics favoring me with their Sales may rély on their interests being fully pro- tected, No effort will be spared to make it profitable for parties to place their Sales in my bands, My Sale Register will be found at Laing & Meharry's Hardware Store and at my, own residence, Union e, Port Perry. Sn '%. Dawes, Auctioneer. Port Perry, Au. 17, 1881. BE. MAJOR, " ICENSED AUCTIONEER, All parties wishing his service® can call at the «Observer Office, Port Perry, andarrange for days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. re re at . WM. GORDON, d Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. LASOR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, = Partics entrusting their Sales to mo may rely on theutmost attention being given to their interest® A WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. T. " H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria. Rusidence-- Cannington, Brock: Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be pune tnally attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember-- WALSH E, the North Ontario Auction- eer "wm. H EZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer. THE Undersigned, In having taken out a License as Auctioneer is now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted tohim.-- Having had much experience in handifig | tere ey Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, | Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Jnple. ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &e, &c., parties placing their salesin my hands may rely on getting all for the property thatis possible to bring. All orders p made oul and charge. Parties Jeaving their orders at the Opsgrver Office, Pert Perry, will receive ptly attended to, sale bills i, notes turnished free of Raglan, | Raglan, Sept I 10,1878. om CLIDH CAFTER.) Brain and Nerve Food. TRADE MARK. Is a Sure, Prom pt and Effectual Remedy for Nervousness In ALL stages, Weak ak Memory Loss of Brain Power, xual Srosrayon Night al Wenkness, | and General Loss of ns nin 8 = ner- vous Waste, Rejuvenates the Jaded Intellect, Strengthens the Enfeebled Brain and Restores Surprising Tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs. The experience of thou- sands proves it an Invaluable Remedy. The Medicine is pleasant to the taste, and each box contains sufficient for two week's madhy | n particulars in our pamphlet, Which we desire to mail free to any address. SHACKS MAGNETIC ow is sold b ists at ab) cts. Der oz, or 12 boxes for or will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of the mouey, by addressing MACK'S MAGNETO MEDICINE CO.. Windsor, Ont., Canada. WRG Foe PERRY & LINDSAY . Commenging October 22nd, 1881. Trains Going North. ¥reight. Express. Mail. am, Li a.m, 840 42 U0 8 80 0-50 910 8 50 708 ' 9128 910 722 9 41 1a 7 8L f 50 5 738 9 66 945 is 10404 9 50 7 1016 . 10 3 10 35 HH 8 10 40 40 833 1068 8 10 9 22 9 30 * | De taken of $1. and up Notary. Buphie, Spmmisstonss in Themenoe Agent, Fire, The Royal, 'hoenix, Thee Imperial, ' The Queen, The Citszens, ~~ Ths Canada Fire and Marine, HE undersigned takes this opportunity The Sovereign : T of returning thanks for the very liberal a The ls able property, at equitable raf ums payable util death, or for a limited number of years, able at a certain date, or on. previous deal dent,and weekly indembity lu case of non- fatal' injury. JF Marriage Licenses Issued, "Bx and Tickets for passage to and from Great Britain sold ut lowest rates. MONEY TO LOAN. one to twenty years. Savinas CouMPANy, large amount of Private Funds. Port Perry. May 20, 1878, Also on Village Security at a Higher Rat Port Perry, May 10, 1881. bo terest, November 21, immediate an careful attention, TIAL. Charges Moderate. JOHN BRUCE, WM. HEZZELWOOD, ly,, 30, 1881. Priuce Albert. PORT PERRY MviRY STABLES C. MC KENZIE, T a supply of superior Horses and Oarrliges, is prepared to furnish first class LIVERY RIGS Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1878 ASSURANCE COMPANY. CATITAL current rates on Buildings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss or damage by fire. Port Perry, Jan 22, 1879. ER For HORSES, CATTLE, MILCH COWS, SPAVIN C RE, Will completely remove a Bone Spavi Split, etc., without blistering or causingany NEW HORSE BOOK. "A Treatise on the Horse and bis Diseases," Chemist. and Dr ia BRANCH OFTHE BANK. UXBRIDGE. No notice of withdrawal required, De MINION. three per cent per Auaum: ridge, Sept. 7, 188. R, Land, Loan Representing the following first-class Life, Lccident and Guarantee INSURANCE COMPANIES: - FIRE Poricigs Insuring all classes of wnsor- upon the shortest notice, and 8. Life Policies with premi- Endowment Polices pay ccident Insurance covering death by acel- Port Perry, April 20, 1881." HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money | on improved property for terms from | Agent. for WesTERN Ganava Loan axp He has also been instructed to invest a Inter st Eight per cent. No Commission. N F. PATERSON, Solicitor THE Subscriber is prepared to EN «NU MOUNT --ON-- 8 Farm Securty. At 6 per cent. pe MURTG AGES LOUGHT. HUBERT IL. EBBELS, Barrister. MONEY » [Private Fands,] '0 Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., Oshavs I LOIN HE undersigned is prepared to loan money at 6 per cent, ALL LOANS STRICTLY CONFIDEN- 18686. PROPRIETOR. HE Subscriber having now fully ecuipped his new and extensive Livery Stablss with On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. WEST INCORPORATED 1851. 8800000. (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. BEF Insurances effected at the lowest JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Agents, Port Perry. SHEEP AND PIGS, KENDALL'S (hag 65 fino engravings. Price. 35 cents, Agent, A. J. DAVIS, Bigelow's - Block i ned a Tailoingi floor over th Tn! WALTER DaRLING. | FOPESA. (FROM BRAZIL.) The New Compound, its won- werful afiinity to" the Es yparatus and the Liver, increas- ing the, diss uices, relicv- ing almos the dreadful results 'of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and the LIVER, makes | Zopesa an every day necessity ix | voz Lope. | It acts gently and speedily in| Bill Ye 'ostiveness, Head- | ache, Sick Headache, Distress | ter Eating, Wigd on the inca, Heartburn, Pains in the Side aud, | Back, Want of Appe etite. Want Eng ,. Low Sp. , Foul Stom- | ach. t invigorates the Liver, car ries off all surplus bile, re, tes | the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this out and take it to you Dru t and get a 10 cont Sample, ora large botile for 75 cents, an tell your &oighbor about it 2A EMPIRE'S DUST LIES | = A 0129 03S "HE undersigned takes this opportunity | 1 of returning -incere thauks for the very | liberal patronace bestowed upon the late firm of Rosé & Shaw of Port Perry Marble Works. The liberal patronage received in the past his had the effect of causing every Ceme- tery throughout this and adjoining Counties | To Reistle with "Tomb stones and Monuments, FROM THE PORT PERRY MARBLE WORKS ! The undersigned now takes the Dusiness and with increased facilitivs and if possible greater attention to business hopes for a still further increase of ily patronage. -- The s of vic 82, Pg BEG one of the finest Sculptors and most Artistic Carvers on Stone have been, secured. All orders promptly attended to. Choice Material, First-Class Workman- ship and Moderate Prices, C. SHAW. Port Perry, Aug. 17, 1881. _ motels. THE WELKER HOUSE, PORT PERRY, 1: COMPLETE in all its, Departments W. HASLAM. Dec. 15, 1880. ORT PERRY HOUSE, The undersigned having leased for aterm | of years this comfortabley pleasantly 'located Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the cqnvenicnce and comfort of guests to make the Port Perry House a desirable place of entertainment for the general public. Choice supplies for the table and bar. The stable and yard gar ily attended to, N RUDDY. Port Perry, Dec isin OMMERCIAL BOTEL, The subscriber having succeeded Mr Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams- burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up witha view to the comfort and convenience of guests. The supplies for the table and bar care~ fully selected. , PETER HOLT. Cartwright, March 4, 1879, A NOLo-aNERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, PROPRIETOR. Having purchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 bave thoroughly repaired and Poti Ne the entire premises even to the Sheds e Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors'aud 'Cigars! Strick attention paid to the comfort of gues! The 'tabie and bar well supplied. RIA : H, PARK. Prince Albert, Jurie 13, 1815. Ase HOUSE, LBION,) ONTARIO. "WHITB Hi A TRONG, PROPRIETOR. v. 0. ow' © TAYion PROPRIBTORS. NT ae seomolifion Torte 8 Saving Oy First-Class thoroughly fur- accommodation = [the laughing waxes--there two women! dark eyes with the memory of long life, guzes afar out on the floating | pass; whilo the other, many years Tt was just int the shade of the rained wali, which towered above blag waters of the river, and when the tide was high dropped: down the 'T._ |long, long trailing vine to kiss sat One with ber arm ing upon a a broken column, her ago stirring their brilliancy into | glonds,her face a sad reflection of the younger, half knelt at her feet, and a smile upon 'her red lips and the {light of hape'tn her' glorious eyes, playing with the light moss on the 'bank beside her. It was 'a perfect picture, for the [twilight erept in and tell across the foreground just enough to bring the wondrous beauty into relicf. To the artist eye of Ralph Bert- ram, who wandering down the river bank, came upon them, it was a per- fect harmonyof light and shade-- an exact subject for u master piece, -- Then and there he sat down and sketched until darkness shrouded the whole and shut it out from his | view. He took his sketch home, and for bours sat und gazed upon it, enraptured with the glorious besaty of the faces. Who were they? Or {ruther, who was ehe? Who was the girl with the dreamy, happy tace, and dark, melting eyes with | their hopetulness and trust ? When morning duwned he went down again to the river's bank and | watched and waled for hours; but] they never eume, He inquired of every passer; but noone knew them One would gay: "Ay, yes, I have scen them--two women; one old und sad, the other young and happy. 1 do not know thgir names," And another would declare that he was nover aware of their exis. tanco: and thus Ralph found his serch a vain one, He went on working day and night upon his | picture, and at last it was complete ; and when he went up (o his studio in the city, and placed it there, his friends. held up their hands in ad- miration and worshipped it; and before many days it found a place | in the mostrenowned art gallery, | and all the world went crazy over | it, v Thus Ralph Bertram became celebrated; and orders came upon him faster than he could fill them. -- IIe became the lion of thesvuson,and fur and near his praises were sung. Bat to him it was as nothing when thoughts of his beloved picture came and hour by hour he sat and gazed upon the veautitul face like ons en- tranced . "1 Yelieve, Mr. Bertram, that Sou are positively in lové with that young face," suid ja belle as she cam: upon him in the gallory.-- "Was it frog life or your own im- agination that you painted it ?" "From life!" "Impossible! It must havo been adream! No living womiin wis evar blessed with such beauty. "Yes one!" : The woman went away, and before night half the world was jealous of his picture and declared him crazy. "1t must be so, for no woman was ever of such rare beauty. It was a dream, a mero hallucination ?" Bertram beard it all, and laughed | Perchance the day might come when he could bring this wondorous beauty before them, and convince. them ; and with this hope he lubored and sought her far 'and wide. It was a cold, bitter night, and round the corners the wind swept, bringing with it gusts of hard cutiing sleet, penetrating to the bone overy unfortunate being who chanced to be abroad. Bertram game briskly down the street from his studio, warmly wrapped in a heavy ¢oat, with a vision of his plensaut home before him, and lightly humming an opera. He bad turned -trom the the principal street, and was walking along where 'al. is qoict, when he suddenly came upon two women, who stood near the iron railing in front of a house. « Mother," said one, "it is but a little further. Do try to keep up! Here, Loan on me. Mother, mother!" She was vainly trying to support the sinking form, but not all ber strength could prevent her from tull- ing, and 'Bertram sprang forward in time to receive her in hisstrong arms as she fell back: Jo = my mother !" was ling ery. 1, and if you will r mother there." wom exclamation of surpri His pictare, The face of bis idoliz- ed one ! one started up and looked towurd him, 'her bat falling back and the dump waves of chestnut hair clinging to her broad, white forehead, and the great lustrous eyes fixed in wonder upon him! speak. quivering lips. als, lubored until the blood stole back in little flashes and the dark eyes opened. For several minutes she did pot seem to understand strange room and surroundings, but when at length she spoke, said: good, beautiful, saint like, they called him, standing in the room, tho mantle daughter. i told the story. an obeyed him | os, "bore the senseless' is_elegart apartments,-- ight, in thoroom, and 0 inanimate form: , he lighted the gas.-- As the soft. radiance shoneithrough the 130m, he sprang back. with an and delight. Lord Traverse Buy, At the sound the younger How beautiful she was with tender ra: ly th - affection s inthe ah 1 Bertram could not|ed his very heart. «My "mother," she began with « Pardon me, I forgot myself. » And he brought wine and cordi- the | pain. " Agnos, darling," «" Mother, Jou are Yelter Ign " Yes, yeu." Agnes? It was like ) Pure, revive yon." Bertram sat at the window until 'The elder was thrown around her, and one hand resting upon the shoulder of her "I wish to. bid you good night and thank you for your kindness.-- Itit were in my power I would--" " Madam, I beg you sit down. 1 have spent months in searshing for you, ard I beg you, now that | bave found you, to remain bere. If you are willing to conter a favor upon me, remain here to-night, at least." ¢ Searching for us, What do you mean "You will learn one day. I owe you all I possess." She sat buck seemingly petrified with astonishment. "Whoure you? I never met you. You owe me nothing." " Will you remain here?" "Yes, if you need us." After a time the noble looking {woman sat in a comfortable chair near the grate, her lovely daughter sitting at her feet, and Ralph Bert- ram brought forth the sketch and fault lies. it shall be cheerfully pocket, and it shall brown curls, more liver. plied Perey. "You apple." " And are yon the great painter, Ralph Bertram ?"" asked Agnes. "Iam Ralph Bertram," be ans- wered, smiling. "Aud the great picture of which as if her heart would "Yes my love." between the sobs, wo have read was only poor mam-| "Yes." ma und [sitting on the band of that| * Criss cross 2" beautiful river in the country where| 'Yes, dear." we visited Inst summer. How strange." Agnes La Grange was bappy and contented in the splendid room and with her head resting on her mother's lap, beard her tell the story of her father's death, their flight from their beautiful home in France. and of their struggles and hardships and their utter loneliness and smiled when Ralph gave his hand and usked them to accept his friendship. The Art Gallery was crowded, and all the fashion of London was out and promenuading up and down the grand suloon, and passing before Ralph Beriram's picture to admire and comment. All at once there was a buzz andthe crowd parted on afresh, bat fioully the mill." of astonishment, of her polonaise. words 7" "1 mean, Percy," How perfect!" Ralph meyer felt happier or proud. er than when he stoed with his fair companions and heard their whisper- ed words of praise, and When Agnes whispered : "It is grand Ralph, and 1 am proud of you. " My darling your praise is worth more thun all elseto me," and he pressed her hand tenderly and looked into tha dark eyes, worshipped the glorious beanty with all his heart, Once more the world gathered to' envy and admire, when the hand- some artist and his love stood before the "alter in u fashionable huteh and . were made one: The great picture brought bim a fortune, ands the originale brougit him comfort and peace. -------- A Dotroit aloonist heated a half dollarred hot and put it ou his bar to sue who would shyly pocket ite-- Over twenty men concluded: hat iy, "I care not, man. I will: marry you ney's. from his knee. "1 will" Tord Traverse Bay" siained cheeks '#d footsteps died away. Did you give "Fen, pan LM with her: ise {4 Hazel Quire looked 'quickly el beaming forth from her 'eyes With that old more plain words the deep re him, but there was. ol ing wistfuluess, a | sense of trustfulsecurity, that toueh. i speak, but placing a dimpled arm around his neck crew his face down and kissed him with a soft, melting, three-for 50 cents kiss that she kept on tap only for him; and then her oyes shone forth again the love that her lips sould} not utter, while the dropping mouth quivered as if in "You are not well, Porcy Hanahn (bis week day name)' in agonized tonos, the words nearly choking him us he spoke. bring your vinagret, or a bottle, of seltzer--a quaff or two of that would But Huzel'only laid ber head on Lis shoulder, wound her white arms around his neek, and began to sob us if her heart would break. "Hazel, what bave I done 10 cause you this bitler anguish f Speak, my angel, speak and toll me wherein tho Demand of me any sacrifice, no matter how great, a large, red apple in my overcont yours if you will only speak." Slowly from the shoulder blade rose the little bead with its mass of slowly turning pure, beautitul fuce of Hazel Quirk, until Percy again looked down into those eyes thut had so lately beam- ed forth merry glances and saw once the little nose that bad so often burrowed in his vest. will surely keep your promise?" Hazel asked between the convulsive sobs that seemed to be breaking her heart and seriously disarranging her "Of course I will, my sveet," re- "And is it a reully and trun red one ?" asked the girl, "Hope to die if it ain't ?"--1this "Well,--and here she broke down grief und spoke--*Papa bas soaked "What!" exclaimed Percy in tones "soaked the mill thut hus been his home so long ?" "Same mill,"replied Hazel, wring- ing out her handkerchiefand fishing up a dry one from the sleeping-car "Well, that is sad, Percy, "but what matters it to us?" "Ah! you do not understand," ut sobbed the girl, "you do not drop." "Why what do yoo mean, Hazel ? You have concealed, something from me, else why this jugling with " pxclaimed the young "You shall not be sacrificed. throw this vile plan of Jim Rod: "You will 2" pe: the girl, looking at him eagerly and jumping lighuy The little head fell on his , shirt- front with a dull thud, Hazel had fainted. Plucing her carefully on a faiuteuil| borrow a dollar and a hat: from his mother with which to get tie 'marri 'age license. "As the sound of his ferseseg the room a oa aie?" the old man' asked. clei i And did he fallinto theme > 76 pat all things, hides prconan wh ou The: mei |. An effort made "The quail Bs pos make 0s 80 pretend fo have. "Education begin the | ) bat reading, good ey and re, flection must finish him. , ... © Wicked menstumble over srawe in the way to. heaven, but climb ovor hills in the way to distruetion, Gold ean buy pretty nearly every. thing in this world except. which & man wuhts olt=vii, Yap. piness, The two powers that constitute a wise man are those of Soeriuit and forbearing, Neither 8 man nor a woman, is entirely safe until he or she can' endure blame and receive praise without excitement. ' Bhe did not darling," said "Let me The chiet properties of wisdom are, to be mindtul of things past, careful of things present provident of things 10 come. Though averice will preserve a man from being nocessitously poor, it generally makes him too poor to bo wealthy. In the uffuirs of life activity' is to be preferred to dignity, and prae- tica lenergy and dispatch to promed- tated compoture and reserve. Let those who would affact sing- larity with success, first determine 10 be very virions, and he will 'be very sure to be very singular, and made. I have be yours--all the EE-------- Percheron Horses. " You Harper's Monthly forFebruary bas alengthy and exhaustive article on this subject from which we make the following extracts : The Percheron horse is undoubtedly. the most symmetrical and powerful for his size and possesses the finest dction and greatest enduiance of all the large Lreeds in Europe. His geueral type is also the most ancient of any of wLi:h we have record or tradition, d this is the principai reason why he is more prepotent than others in transmitting his sup erior qualities to his offspring. Tradition usserts that the first great im- provement in refining the large horses of Frace was made by Barb stallions captured trom the Moors, In 731 thousands of these fine Barb stallions were captured(for theMoors road suchonly, and never mares) and dis- tributed among the French soldiers, who, on returning to their farms, bred them to their own large native mares. The best and me. & uniform of this produce were then selected and coupled among themselves, the result of which, together with other well-made crosses from time since that period, gives us the improved Percherons of thie' present day described as follows : Head clean, bouy und mall for the size of the animal ; ears short, mhobile, erect and fine pointed ; eves bright clear, large and shall have the aguin sobbing break. mustered her prominent ; forehead Liow ugstris aig open, Neck a tify tf ast ugly indeed," said rounding to body and irved, Brest broad ind deep, Lieut scalar loprueat , sho soplug ; withers hi ack hie ody well ribbed "wp | . ro bread, Jong a id moderately sloping to, JS th which is attached bigh ; quartess wi vell (ut down, and swelling pe ful muscles, Legs fat and wide, with hard cle said Hazel in|¥ 1 exua lurge. stromg, job's, ¢ n' eithor side. Down the opening |low' bitter tones, "that the mill is i Ee re = came Bertram with a lady leaving mortgunged, and that I am to pay the |, iy tough. Apres i 3 ; on either arm, and as bo passod a|debL" Action bold, square, froy and cay murmur went around. "What! my Hazel collateral] Temper kind; disposiion dociln; but "The face in his picture! How security ? It cannot, must not be I" |encrg: tic and Vigor; tier, endaniug aad beautiful. "3 14 wae the toartul response. long-lived ; precociens ; ably te be put to lizLt work at eiglitecn to tweaty mouths old, possessing immense power tor his ¥izo; never batkliig or refusing to draw at a dead pall; stylish, elegant and attractive in appearance; easy, elastic, and graceful in motion. No tendancy to disease of any sort and especially free from diseases of the legs and fect, Buch as spavin, splint ri -bone, and founder. Rn : 8 pe An easy keeper and quick feeder, Koop the Test Dry. - This, is the season of iE "0 productive of colds, ard ling trouble ; ne= - glected "cold or damp feet Is aga does : of these difficulties. Cure your cough with Hagynrd's Pectoral Balsam, . Pleasant 0. tako and always reliable. : to-morrow and Vas kissed the to: r started out tof Dunstan; Quirk