For particulars, apply to The Manager, Quine Bout, aod H. Gordon, 'Port Perry, Sigh thing I ever y 3 TBY, WH TT EionT PERRY & LINDSAY Commencing October 22nd, 1881. suffering and cryin FE rac¥e SYRUE, 1 wi rer o-. 8 e is not & mother on earth who has ever 1t, who will not tell at once that it will Eh Is, and give rest to the relief and health to the child, lke c. It 1s perfoctly safe to in allcases, easa! b i Phaliant ao 'S| Datted Statens .everhwhere at 25 cents a bottle. ne ri Oil for all kinds of Castor machinery--It is also excllent for Lurness and leather making it water aud weather proof.--For sale by Dealers. Rest and Comfort to the Sufiering " Browx's HOUSEHOLD PANNACEA" hag no no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external. It cnres Pain in the Side, Back and Throa itheamatism, Toothache, 'unacea," being acknow| a the great Pain Reliever,and of double strength of any other Elixir or Lintment in the world, shouid be in every family handy for use when ted, * as it is really the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and for sale by al. Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. A Vexed Clergymen. Even the patience of Job would become ex- hausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to enterest his audience while they were keepipg up an incessant cou, hing, making it LI for him to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avolded by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs and Colds. - Trial Bottles given away at A. J. Davis' Drug Store. Manufacturers@f Reapers, Mowers and Threshing Machi Baprefer Castorine Mach- ne Oil to any other, It will outwear Lard Seal or Elephant and is warranted not to gum. or Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, AD er Bronehits Loss of Voice, or any af- fection of the Throat and Lu are request. ed to call at A. J. Davis', Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption FREE OF CHARGE, which will convince them of its, wonderful merits and show what a regular doilar size bottle wil do Call early. CHOICE CHRISTMAS MEAT 70" THE FRONT. undersigned in returning thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him for the past Twelve Years. wishes toannounce that he has not forgotten that XMAS is near and that he has purchased for that occasion some of the Best Beef ever exhibited in Port Perry. Come and see my Splendid Christmas Meat 4 B.T. CAWKER. Port Perry, Dec 14, 1881 PIMPLES, 1 will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Trains Going F¥reignt, Express. Mail. m, p.m. a.m. 2 sw 50 910 8 iz ik 45 10 04% 5 1015 15 10385 20 1040 33 10 58 10 1110 an 02 12: 2 40 nn uw & South. Mail. Mixed. p.m. m. 40 20 19 435 02 455 20 Po 83 0 10 5 50 05 8 20 10 700 18 716 41 2% 78 35 741 8 00 48 76 He + 815 405 815 Junetion.. 20 415 8 25 GREENBANK. HE undersigned would inform the pub- lic that he has rented for a term of years the premises formerly known as the Cottage EIctel, Greenbank, and having thoroughly reno- vated the same he is now prepared to re- ceive guests, - GOOD OPENING. There is a splendid opening in Greenbank for an enterprising man to open the Furni- ture and Undertaking Business. A first class Shoemaker wonld find Greenbank a good opening for his business. The village is situated on the Center Road, about 7_ miles from Port Perry and about the same distance from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from Sunderland. It is in the centre of a Splen- did Agricultural district = J. V. THOMPSON. Greenbank, May 3rd, 1880 NAGERAL n An RESCOUCHS, Cols THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY YOUR - CROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR & FEED. 18 AT. No. 1, DAVIS' BLOCK, will Each Department now CompLETE, VroeTABLE Baux that will remove, Tan, | not be Brockies, Pimples and Bitehet Joaving ithe kin soft, clear an utiful ; g)so instruction OT J = os roducing aluxuriant growl of hair on a N DERSOLD i es or smooth face. Address, inclosing RY ARVONE, 3¢ stamp, Ben. Vandelf & St, N.Y. To /Consumptives. The advertiser having been permanently cared of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the tion 'used, (free of charge,) with the rections for preparing and using the same i Bnd a sure Cure for Con- WumpHion. Atha, fronetite, £2. tia Parties wishing the Prescription, will please iT g "EA. WILSON, 194 Penn St., Willinmsburgh, N. Y. Errors of Youth. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years 1 ervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthtul indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and diree- tion for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit b; the advertiser's experience. can do so by ad- dressiug in perfect confidence. Co., 5 Beckman JOIN B.OGDEN; 42 Cedar St., New York. | - Farm Lands. THE FOLLOWING ARE IN THE MARKET, BE WILL SOLD CHEAP And on reasonable terms of payment, ¢ "and 2, con. 8, and part of lots 1 and 3, con. 7, Uxbridge, 200 acres. N 3 Jot 14, con. 6, Reach, 100 acres, 'North-half lot 15, con. 7, Reach, 100 acres. Pt of lot 31, con. 16, Reach, 140 acres, illiveay, Barrister, Uxbridge. June 8, 1881. LANDS | Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1881. Inspection Invited, oSatisfaction Guaranteed No Charge to deliver my goods at Prince Albert or in this Corporation. y A. G. CAMPBELL Port Perry, July 27, 1881. WATCHES, Clocks and Jewelry. BUY ELLS QuooLD examine my Stock of Jewelry I) consisting of GOLD AND SILVER SWISS WATCHES, COLORED GOLD SETS. GOLD LOCKETS, GEM RINGS, ROLLED SLATE ALBERTS, FINE LINE OF WALTHAM WATCHES, BOSS GOLD FILLED WATCHES, FRENCH CLOCKS in endless variety. Watch Repairing a Specialty. Blacks Calebrated Spectacles to sult all In Electro-Plate, &c. Undoubtedly the largest Stock ia the County, A call is respectfully solicited. i C. B. DIESFELD. Bigelow's JEWELRY, | Royal Anak I MCCAW'S ia W ATHCES, CLOCKS, - FANCY GOODS, SCHOOL BOOKS, * STATIONERY, ROOM "PAPE R, | Cannot be excelled in gnality or slyle, and | Prices are at the very Lowest Posgible. | The 'Lancaster' Now the Leading Watch of the trade and admitted by all competent Judges to have no superior, is for sale at McCaw's who is the sole Agent in this locality for the "LAN- CASTER WATCH." Come and Inspect my Stock. W. H. McCAW, Port Perry, June 30, 1881. HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION. AXD THE PUREST AXD BEST MEDICAL QUALL- TIES OF ALL OTHER BITTERS. THEY CURE All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Ridnoss, and Urinazy Organs. Li vo eeplessnessand es] emale Complaints. pes $1000 IN GOLD. [Will be paid for a case they will not cure or help, or for anything Impure or injurious found in them. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and them before you sleep. Take no Sther. D.1. C. is an absolute and irresistible cure for] Drunkeness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. SEXD FoR CIRCULAR. |A11 above sold by Hop Bitters Mig. d ite, Cr Rochester, X. Y., & Toronto, Ont WAITS HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. URES EFFECTED by them are radi: eal and certain. They do not cure oue disease and produce another. They will cure a largor per contage ot cases, and in less timo than any wmedicive known, PRINCIPAL XOS. CTRES. PRICE. . Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation, - 2 Nearalgia. Toothache, Facenche, - § Grymg Colic, ar ling of Infants, 25 Sore ¥outh, or Canker. - - 5 Dyspepsia. Billions siomach, + lind or Bleeding. - - Headache, Rick Headaches, Vertigo, 25 Diarrhoea of Children or Adults, EAD ht ters RESS = SERRE e Rana sthma. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, - 'Whites, too Profuse Periuds - Croup. foarse, Difficult Breathing « salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Eruptions - Fever nnd Ague. Chil Fever, , 2 min, Weak or [nflamed Eves. . Kidney Disense, Gravel, Renal Calouil, 25 ervous Debility. 00 ppre: or Pafuful Menses. y, Griping. Bilious Calic, + 25 . Catarrh "Acute or Chronic, Influenza, 25 5. Ear Discharges, Hardness of Hearing, 25 . Disease of the Heart, Pulpitation, 25 87. General Debility, Physical Weak 2 1f your Druggist does not keep them, any num- r will be sent by mail on receipt of price. 2 BRS3 030262 2002 INS SER eS Bat FACTORY, JOHN T. WAIT, Proprietor, Send for Manunl fies, Address, WALT HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE MANU- Arnprior, Ontario. told by A.J. Davis, Druggist, Port Perry UTICA AHEAD, TAKE this opportunity of returning thanke to the many friends and cus- tomers who have favored me with their patronage in the past, and would beg most respectfully to inform them that I have concluded to adopt the CASH SYSTEW ! In my business entirely. Having gone over the whole of my Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS '& SHOES, TARDWARE, &o the above departments at the Very Lowest Living Profs | 1 have no hesitation in affirming that my ally blowing and boasting that they are underselling everybody else in the trade. Call and get BARGAINS in Cottons, Shirtings, iy My Teas are extra good value, and a large Stock of Raisins, Currants, &c., Cheap. Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Over Shoes in endless variety, having been bought before the advance in price, will be sold very low. Butter and JACOB DAFOE. Utica, Deo, 24,1879. Very carefully and marked every article in | prices will bear comparison with the lowest | 2 quotations made by those who are continue | |g Tweeds, Flannels, Wincies, and Wincey | | BEF Highest markot price allowed for Gi Eggs. 4 GRIFFITH'S TOVE & TIN DEPOT Opposite the Ontario Bank, Queen St., PORT PERRY. HE undersigned wonld take this oppor- tunity of thanking their customers for the liberal patronage received since open- ing business in Port Perry, and would in- form the public that they have on hand » large and carefully selected Stock of every- thing in the Of the best quality and newest patterns.-- Hot-nir Furnaces of the most reliable and satisfactory kinds, ' Everything required in Tin, Sheet, or Gal- vanized Iron manufactured to order on short notice, at reasonable prices and in a work- manlike manner, We would call attention to our PAVE TROUGHIN! WIHIICH WE MAKE A SPECIALTY. Repairs promptly, neatly and cheaply done, B&SSATISFACTION GUARANTEED Sa Call and inspect our Stock. J. & B. GRIFFITH. Port Perry, March 1,1881. BLACKSMITHING | AS IT SHOULD BE. HE undersigned takes thie opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the very liberal share of public patronage be- stowed on him since going into business on his own account in Prince Albert, And would now inform the farming com- munity and others that he can always be found at the Blacksmithing Establisbment lately occupied by Mr John Heard, where BLACKSMITHING In all its departments will be done prompt- ly, neatly and cheaply. Repairs carefully attended to, Horse Shoeing A SPECIALTY, and done as it should be. P. B. ENSIGN. Prince Albert, July 4, 1881. STOVE AND TINWARE LINES|™ SINIHOVH ON) t siyie no 190. New No. 8 Machine. 0'd Machines taken in exchange. Iiberal reduction for Cash. The best Sewing Machine Oil ; Needles for all the leading Machines, and Sewing Machine Attachments kept constantly on band. BE. HEAP, Manchester. N.B.--All kinds" of Setring Machines and Clocks repaired. Also for salea few re- built muchines almost as good as As new and warranted for 3 years, the above machines are of the Howe and Singer manufactupe and can not be distinguished from new ones except by ex- rts and will be sold very CHEAP. \ Manchester, Dec 8, 1881. NOW FOR YOUR £7 WINTER QUTHITS! HE FAST APPROACHING CHRISTMAS admonishes all to prepare for the coming Winter, Handsome, Comfortable, Clioice and Cheap Goods tor Winter Outfits in the Greatest Variety, Newest Styles and best qualities at JH My Stock has been purchased with much care and on the most advantageous terms, and will be sold Cheap. A large Stock of Choice Cloths to select from. A large and superior Stock of Gent's Furnishings, just the thing for the season. Orders filled with dispatch, A perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. BEF Leave your measure and secure one of these Fashionable, Winter Suits, J. PEARCE- Port Perry, Nov. 10, 1881. NEW DRUG STORE HE undersigned would inform his friends and the public geoerally that his RUG [ESTABLISHMENT One door Wegt of the Walker H use, PORT PERRY, pe} "LIVERY STABLES ! HE undersigned would inform the pnb- lic that he has opened a Livery Estab- lishment OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUS QUEEN-ST., PORT PERRY. Customers may rely on prompt attention, Good and Suitable Rigs and moderate charges, - * A sbaro of public patronage is solicited. R. G. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, Nov. 2, 1880. Ke J Ce THE MOST POPULAR -- OF ALL-- SURPASSES) OTHERS by } Johmsontlaridea Chere phim Increased Public Accommodation THE Yoderiignel would inform the T public he 16 opening a t will satisfy nassau St., NewY TT Entrance Examination to the ; PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL w il be held on 'ednesda; Thursday, Decem- ber 21 and 22, 1861, commencing each day at 9 o'clock a, m. Intending candidates should notify the Head Master immediately. By order of COUNTY INSPECTOR. Norv. 1, SIRES as 1. "A GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand PEARCE'S Merchant Tailoring Establishment | CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Emory's Bar t Port Moody: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tender for Work in British Columbia. is o EALED TENDERS be received by the undersigned up to NOON on WED- NESDAY, the 1st day of FEBRUARY next, in a lump sum, for the constiuction of that portion of the road between Port Moody and the West-end of Contract 60, near Emory's Bar, a distance of about 85 miles, Specifications, conditions of contract and forms of tender may be obtained on ica = tion at the Canadian Pacific Railway in New Westminster, and at the Chief En gineer's Office at Ottawa after the 1st January next, at which time plans and profiles will be open for inspection at the latter office. This timely notice is given with & view to giving Contractors an opportunity of visiting and examining the giound during the fine season and before the winter sets in, Mr Marcus Smith, who is in charge at the office at New Westminster, is instructed to give Contractors all the information in his power. No tender will be entertained unless on one of the printed forms. addressed to F. Braun, Esq. Sec. Dept. of Railways and Canals, and marked « Tender for C. P. R." , F.-BRAUN, owave Jf aces Are Marvels of Simplicity Combining all the latest improvements, and are finding their way, by their merits, into almost EVERY - HOUSE Where Machines are required. They are almost nciseless, light to run, do light and heavy work, sow any kind of thread, are all made adjustable and warranted for five years. ALSO THE CELEBRATED Bell : retary. Dept, of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, Oct. 24th, 1881. 47-12w Success the best test of Worth Ti HIINTZIMAN PIANOS, ©. TUPPER, Show Rooms second door east of Mr. W.J Notts Cabinet Warcrooms, Port Perry. Port Perry, March 23, 1881. BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY &°. FY HE Undersigned would remind his i customers and the public generally that besides Choice Plain and Faucy Breads of every variety, the Best quality of Coufec tionery, &c., &c., he rupplies everything in {the Bakery and Confectionery line at hir | establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert ES (HOLLOWAY'S 11S UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOBSKUOLD waouisizE EVERY- EEE Purify the Blood, impart tone to the Nervous Bridal and other Cakes system, and act most powertully yetsoothing= Supplied on the shortest notice. iy on ihe Liver and Bowels, promoting Diges- y son and assimilation, and og owing the while x hodily frame with Strength and vigor. Ner- Public. Teas vous Headaches, roe with Lassitude And other social entertainments promptly supplied and at moderate charges. The best gnality of STON CHRYSTALIZED ICE C RE M wedicine known. Supplied by measure to the public. Mi L STIR 11AS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. It heals every kind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound more eertainly than any other known salve. and General Debility quickly yield to the po- tent force of these well-known Pills, und they are unrivalled in their efficacy in all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, removing all obstructions, skin blemishes, pimples and boils better than any other family Iandsomely fitted up Is now open for the Sale of everything in the Deng line. The Stock is complete, all new, carefully selected in the best markets and warranted PURE. Partios wanting anything in the line may rely on getting that that is GEnviNe. | My long experience and extensive practice in the Medical Profession will be of advan- tage to customers purchasing Drugs. PRESCRIPTIONS made up with the utmost care and certainty. » Come and see me at my Drug Store, one door Jest of the Walker House. port Perry, Feb. 9, 1881. N. McCLINTON, M. D. Important Announcement. | -- d HEW CABINET SHOP ! New Furniture and New Prices mae nindersigned has opened out a good and well selected Stock of "Furniture, con« sisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, Looking Glasses. Chairs of all kinds, wood, cane and spring: seats. Chairs from 34 cents up. Mottoes Framed complete for 23 cents up. A large quantity of Pictures and Picture Frames. Mouldings very cheap. Great Bargains will be given. I will not be undersold by any in the trade. Pictures hamed and unframed, Rusfics and Walnut Frames, prices low. Everything in the Undertaking line. COFFINS, SHROUDS, &c. Give me a call and I will give you Bargains. Note Tae Prace--Quecn Street, one door East of Mr. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store, JOHN NOTT. Port Perry, Nov. 26,1879, PARLORS Tor the convenience ot the public, where {are supplied of the best quality, those refreshments and daintier so pleasant, healthful and retreshing in hot weather, Its marvelous penetrating powers render it invaluable in all Throat and Chest Diseases, curing Bronchitis. Quinseys, and. Asthma. re- ducing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing Abscesses and Fistulas, and tor alleviativg the excruciating tortures of Rheumatism Gout and Neuralgia it is unsurpassed. It never fails to remove Scurf and every species of skin dis- ease Manufactured only at Professor HoLLoway's Establishment, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON; and sold at 1s 1id.,23:9d, 4s 6d.,11s., 22s. and 33s. ench Box and Pot, and in Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1 50, and the larger sizes in proportion. BE~ CAUTION.--1 have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 633, Ozford Street, London, they are spurious. The Trade Marks of my Medicines are re gistered in Ottawa, and also at Washington, One of the hest Fountains now in use for making cooling drinks, Childrens' Toys, good and cheap, C. HISCOX., Port Perry, May 21,1879. MANCHESTER. | HEARD'S bl = NC =: . Sie TOMAS HOLLOWAY. - 533, Oxf Sraect: London, Carriage Works | T= N.HOO GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING | === RE 9 ESTABLISHMENT. Eow Lost, How Restored! LE Yon We have recently pblished a Fra new édition of Dr. Culver. % well's Celebrated Essay on the radical and permanent cure (withou medicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments te Marriage, ete., resulting from excesses. Zr Price, in asealed envelope, only 6 cents or two postage stamps. The celebrated anthor, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming eon- HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable services of One of tho best wood-workers in the Pro- vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairsin Wood or Iron executed with --TO THE FARMERS-- "DOMINION. We offer you for the harvest of 1880; the following first-class Farming Implements: di BROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTER, (Improved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Improved.) CAYUGA Jr MOWER, (Improved.) & The above machines require no comment from us, after passing through sucha harvest ns tho past and carrying off the Gold Medal for Canada, We also notify all intending purchasers who want durable machinery and [urpose CASH ON DELIVERY, to call at our office in Whitby, cfore placing your orders elsewhere, as it is our intention to adopt the CASH SYSTEM! As nearly as practicable, and thervby make our price list at lowest living prices, Give us a call. be. : : Whitty, April, 1880, . BROWN & PATTERS ON Me bY. ~ M. ODONOVAN PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER NEAR THE TOWN HAUG, | 0 o« BROCK STREET, WHITB 'made from the best Material -- Workmade to order with neatness and despatch, Particular attention paid to re- pairing. and on short notice . Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work- manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done soas to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. ~~ 8&7 All Charges Moderate and all wo Warranted. sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cureat once simple certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself chiefly, privately and RADICALLY. 23 This Lecture should be in the hahds o every youth and every man in the land. Address THE COLVERWELL MEDICAL 00. 41 Ann St, New York Post Office Box 4586. $ OHN CHRISTIE, . TOWNSHIP CLERK, W. C, HEARD. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874, 15 100K OUT FOR NEW ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK. L. McLEAN, suer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, Commissioner &o. pa Ral Office--Manchegter. FIRST CLASS Sh TAILORING. Fes Sass Tailoring in all its depart . ments, > » AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ~ ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest notice in| the styles and at moderate rates. A Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. RB. HUGOE, PrinoeAlbert, April 2, 1874 15 eee OHN no Whitby, July 29 ron 25 ? »