Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Mar 1881, p. 1

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get > 1A Patterson & »e Re ; D & PARSONS. ~--$1 per annum, if aid in ad- A mot $1.50 will bo charged. No on taken for less than ix-months; ae nied until all arrears RATES OF ADVERTISING. Fo h line, first insertion ........$0 08 Bubsequent insertions, per line . 002 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum . Letters containing money, ed, will beatourr cupy. Advertisements received without specific instructions, willbe inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. No Rdvertisement will be taken out untilpaid for. "A liberai discount allowed to Merchants and othezs who advertise by the year or half-year. g@y® Thos: terms will in all cases be strictly «= ed to Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Cheeks, Books, Qirculars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c.,of evry style and solor, executed promptly and at lower rates for publ cation, shan any other establishment in the County.' Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them. J.BAIRD, FBrofresio: 0. ANDERSON, MB. MDF TMS. o. M.C.P.S.. L,R.C.U. Graduate of the University of Toronto, graduate of the Uni. vorsity of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Licentiaté of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburg, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. Officy. over Mr. Corrigan's Store, Port Pe H, PARSONS. are i H. SANGSTER, M. D,, Ph siclan, Sur- « geon and Accoucheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over Notts Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. OMmee hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently occupied by Mrs. Geo, Paxton. R. WARE, Coronor for the County of 'Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- zouecheur, Office, opposite the tow M. F. McBRIE Fospital, London, F + aden a, Guy's 0 lye R. Oshawa. PATERSON, (late of Beaverton.) Barrister an 1 Attorney-at Law, Soliet- "hancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- & ec. Ofce gver Brown & Curries Store : Port Perry: a ILLINGS. & CAMPBELL, Barristers and Attorneys-at-Law, &c. Solicitors for the Ontario Bank. Office in Bigelow's Block, Queen St, Port Perry, Ont SOHN BILLINGS. COLIN IT. CAMPBELL . Port Peiry, Feb. 12, 1881. EL pS : BLT, LL. Bi, County Crown » Ta Barrister, Attn ry Snlieitor, and Notary Public. o eurtad by 8. IL, Cochrane. sq. * Whitby. Brock street MAN L. ENGLISH LL. Solicitorin xX ohantery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &¢. Gshawa. street, opposite the éa--Simooe Post Office B., Barrister, At- ims orem bi 3 iL G YOUNG SMITH, Ti or in Chancery, + snd Insolvency, Notary T'ublie, &¢. Ofce--Mo Millan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. referers HUCH D. SINCLAIR, PTTORNBY-AT-LAW, Solicitor inChan very, Conveyancer, &e. Office Intely occupied by W. AL Cochrane, Bigelow's Bick, Port Perry. J. A. MURRAY, Fenton, Surgeon * Dentist. Office over Corrigan & Camp- bell's Store, Port Perry. All work 'done in the very ; fatest and best style and warranted to give "gatisfaction. Port Perry, March 28, 1877. 0. N. VARS, T.. D. 8. EETH inserted on all the latest princi- Tha of the art; and as cheap as the cheap- est, and ag good as the best. Teeth filled with GoM and Silver. Teeth extracted witliout pain by producing local anmsth- esin, ~ Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new sia. \ * glock, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Hanning & Lally. y URVEYORS, CIVIL KN- 'Draughtsmen, Solicitors of Gould's Block, Uxbridge. 0, W. LALLY. [RY GRIST, Patex SOLIGITOR | AND Ottawa, Canada ~~ 'with the Patent Office 500} when ad- 3 mdm this i and regester- is] Bon hat est notiee and in the be style, and at the very Jowest figure at which a good job can be done, and first-class Port Perry. p ts of the Go and 'the Registration of Trade gns procured. Drawings, , and other Documents noces- of , prep model of the Invention. "PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 188 a ------------ el 5 Ears. 0 BANK. CAPITAL $3,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH. Bus ONTAR Loe r-- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this Branch. Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter= est allowed thereon. No riotice of withdrawal required. * A.A. ALLEN, MANAGER. : i] 0 o- (a A R J AUCTIONEER. pantry FUE undersigued having again taken up bis residence on his property BigeTow Street, Port Perry, is now prepared to make M11 necessary arrangements for and conduct i Sales, Valuations, &¢ Auction Bu/eniye C DAWES, Auctioneer. Port Perry, Oct. 7, 1880. a eee BE. MAJOR, [CENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties 1 wishing his services can call at the "Observer! Office, Port Perry, and arrange for days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. © ~ WM. GORDON, Li pd A y VE tor, &ec. YOR the Township of Brock, Uxbyidge, Scott, Thorab, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, ~ pay Parties entrusting their Sales to me on the utmost utteation being given WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, - JCENSED Auctioneer for the Township J of Brock, Thora, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. terpember-- WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer. Wr. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctionecr. YHE Undersigned having taken out a License as Auctioneer is now preparce to attend to all sales entrusted to him,-- Having had much experience in han g Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming lmple- ments of all kinds, Farm Produce, &e, &c., partivs placing their sales in myshands way rely on getting all forthe property that is possible to bring. All orders promptly attended to; sale bills made out and sale notes furnished free of charge. Parties leaving their orders ot the | Opsenver Office, Port Perry, will receive jmmediate and careful attention. Charges Moderate, | WM, HEZZELWOOD, | Raglan. | Raglan. Sept 10, 1878. a INCE, Conriactor, BUILDEL, &¢. The Subscriber in returning Ms siucere thanks for the very liberal patronage be- stowed on him in the past would inform the public generally that having bought a pro- perty and moved into the Village of Prince Albert, ha will in ratare give his whole attention to his business as Contractor, and is now ready to undertake e Work, Bricks Laying, Plastering, and therewith, which he wi thing connecte suteon the short- and most durable The best material nship. workmanehll a. SPENCE, Prince Albert, Aprils, 1870. OHN CHRISTIE, J TOWNSHIP GLERE, suer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, Commisstober &c. Office--Manchester wr iMLarriage 'fico Established 18 Years. | HAVE isstied Manidge Licenses at Port 'I Perry for the past 18 years, and continue to do so ut the sume old spot, corner of Queen and Water Streets. a = ARNRY CHARLES. Port Perry, Feb, 15, 1881. ©. FORMAN, 5 1SSUBR.OF Marriage Licenses. One door west of the Walker House icense. | pont PERRY & LINDSAY Change of Time and Additional Train Service. Commencing Monday, July 19th, 1880, etn whl vt a follows + TRS Whith; IND, & D. J. ADAMS, Money, Land & Insurance BROKERS, PORT PERRY, AVE large sums of money on hand for Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale or to Rent. ; AGENTS FOR THE Gt 2 i RS ee : £3 ALLAN LINE Of Steamships. JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Poft Perry: Port Perry, Jan. 23, 1879, MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years. Agent for WESTERN Caxapa Loan axp Sayinas COMPANY, Te has also been instructed to invest a large ambunt of Private Funds. | Inter-st Eight per cent. No Commission. N. [. PATERSON. | Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor | : a NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. FIVE undersigned would say to the owners | | | of Real Estate, that he has.in his hands a |lasge amount of private funds which he Is | prepared to invest for periods to sult borrow. ers--interest at eight per Expedition and most reasonable terms red. | : HRISTIAN, MONEY TO LOAN, The undersigned has any amount of Money {to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at | | Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Lo the bor 1 8. Manchester, October 17, s can be repaid in any manner to suit wer. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild | Lands for sale, cheap. 1 {Investments made in Municipal Decben Emik end other marketable Stocks, Apply to | tures, JAMES HOLDEN, i Broker, &e. + Whitby, April 10, 1873. MONEY [Private Funds] "I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8: per cent in. terest. LYMAN ENGLISIT, BarnisTer, &o., Oshawa November 21, 1866. 4 THE ONTARI Famers' Mutual Insuance Coy Head Office, Whitby, This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, Phose wishing to ifisure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--Qpposite the Royal Hotel Brock St., Whithy~ 3 C¢. NOURSE, Seeretary. W. H. BROWNE, General Agent. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES C. M'KENZIE, PROPRIETOR. his new and extensive Livery Stablas with a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, is prepared to furnish first class ; LIVERY RIGS ©n Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE, ME Subscriber having now fully ec nipped Port Perry, Aug. 6,1878 WESTERN ASSURANUE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1851, CAPITAL . . (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) 4 'IEAD OFFICE, TORONTO." Tosurances effected at the lowest "|emirent rates on Buildings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss or damage by fico. a 5 INO. & D. J, ADAMS, WY Agents, Port Perry, Tort Perry, Jan 22, 1879. BEEF, BEEF! HE undersigh tall in part of Mr. ed has opened ; a Meat Madill's premises, y of the very £800000. | Ontario Bauk, Port Perry, | b sul ROMANCE OF A POOKET-BOOK. 1 was just twenty-five when I me} Alice Thorne, the daughter and hair- ess of George Thorne, the great banker. I fell desperately in love with the charming 'girl, knowing well that such love was utter madness. Her father was reported to be a very proud, ambitious man, who would look higher for a son-in-law. I felt that he would not so much as give a hearing to my suit ; and as to winning her without his consent, what would that bring to ber but g misery? I had nothing with which H4o'vopay or compensate her to the sacrifice of such a marriage with my poverty. he hotels. THE WALKER HOUSE, PORT PERRY, I? COMPLETE in all its Departments W. HASLAM. Dec. 15, 1880. : S Pose PERRY HOUSE, The undersigned having leased for a term of years this comfortable, pleasantly located Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the convenience and comfort of guests to make the * Port Perry Hovse a desirable place of entertainment for the general public, Choice supplies for the table and bar. The stable and yard carefully attended to. JOHN RUDDY. Port Perry, Dec 9,1879. . |(|OMNBROIAL HOTEL, The subscriber having succeeded Mr, Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams- burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up with a view to the comfort and convenience of guests The supplies for the table and bar care- fully selected. So wo bade good-bye without a word of explanation, though I knew sho read the anguish in my heart, and tears were in tho soft eyes averted from me. 1 kissed the trembling hand she placed in 'mine, and turned away and' bade farewell to her and hope together. PETER HOLT. Cartwright, March 4, 1879. A Non AMERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, PROPRIETOR. Having purchased the above pleasantly Scarcely had I gone back to situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds, The Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of guests, The tab.e and bar well supplied. W. H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. "A FHSTHORG HOUSE, town, and striving earnestly to drown vain regret in the bustle and interest of business when a terrible misfortune fell upon me. Mr Ovor- ton had given mo a chequo for $20,- 000. desiring me to go to the bank and got it cashed. Having execul- ed my commisson and returned, im- agine my horror ondiscovering that the pocket book containing the money was gone, (LATE ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO, 1. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR, Whether stolen by villians or lost by my own carelesness, what matter- edit? Tt was gone and I was utterly ruined, What I suffered during the next few hours God only knows, and when, aftor boing dismissed, I re- turned to my own room, I was vory nearly desperate ; notonly had I lost a lucrative position, but my future seemed to be irretrivably blasted, for there are suspicions which are JEN'S HOTEL, WHITBY, ONT, McCANN & TAYLOR, PnopRIETORS, Every accommodation for the traveling public. GREENBANK. HE undersigned would inform the pub- lic that he has rented for a term of years the premises formerly known as the Cottage EIotel, Greenbank, and having thoroughly reno- vated the same he is now prepared to re- ceive guests, GOOD OPENING. Tliere is a splendid opening in Greenbank for an enterprising man to open {the Furni- ture and Undertaking Business. A first class Shoemaker would find Greenbauk a good opening for his business. The village is situated on the Center Road, about 7 miles from Port Perry and about the same distance from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from Sunderland. It is in the centre of a Splen- did Agricultural district J. V. THOMPSON, Greenbank, May 3rd, 1880 Increased Public Accommodation ry HE undersigned would inform the i public that he is opening a Restaurant In the prewmlses opposite the Ontario Bank j Lr : where every thing supplied in a first-class I advertised daily in all the promin- Restadrant will be provided and served inalent journals, not offering the | manner which cavnot be excelled as it will f wa ; Soe | be conducted by first-class hands. customary reward, but desoribing ITot and Cold NMeals | MY unfortunate position, my honor AT ALL HOURS lost and my fortune blighted. OYSTERS A call at Cook's Restaurant will satisfy all that this is what the public require. 3 JOSEPH COOK, Port Perry, Sept. 24, 1879. LUGGAGE TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION AND AROUND TOWN. be physically the wound of a rifle ball, ful nature, and I began to realize On realizing all that happened | after my leaving the bank, and the book being taken from the breast- conclusion that I must have dropped | it, and thereupon I resolved to have! recourse to all means in my power | to recover the money. I had saved during the last fow years a considerable portion of my salary, and determined now to de- voto it to the purpose I had in view, For two weeks I kept my loss be- fore the public, and had almost be- gun to despair of any fuvorable re- sult, when one morning a stranger came to mo--a tall, dark, stern looking man, who regarded mo with a pair of kindly brown eyes, that Wad something familiar abont them. The stranger declined the seat 1 offered to him, and beg:n at once, gpouking brusquely and to the point: al have read your advertisement in tho papers, and I feel deeply inter= osted in you. I have just left your late employers, and after the satis- factory manner in which all my in- quiries were answered, I became your surety for the $20,000." "What?" I sprang towards him in the wild- est exciiement. : & Ob, sir," I began but he stopped me. «Tet me finish," he said, " I have d>no this because Tam convinced thas you are an honest, upright man and tho greatest proof of my con- fidenco 1 can give you is that I am about to offer you the position of cashier inj my banking house. My name, sir, is George Thorne." " Goorge Thorne, the father of Alice, the girl that [ loved! Ab, the mystrey was solved | It was of her his eyes had reminded me! It was to her that I was indebted for his help. : 3 Fifteen years had flown sinco the day I lost the pocket book. I had become a prosperous man surround- ed by all the lnxurics that wealth affords. I had found in Mr, Thorne more than a patron; I found a friend; under the brusque manner he had a heart Id, From the first day of our acquaintance he had evined to- 1 o livelest intorest and SERVED TO SUIT. HE Subscriber is prepared to convey Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other description of Luggage to and from the Rail. way, Station or anywhere around town. All otders promptly attended to. Charges moderate. JOS. COOK. Port Perry, Jan. 1, 1874. . MARBLE WORKS! PORT PERRY HE undersigned would take this oppor~ % tunity of expressing their thanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them and would beg to inform the public gener-- ally that they now enjoy greatly increased faciliti © ling orders more promptly, ities for with, CHOICE MATERIAL, SUPERIOR "WORKMANSHIP und ot all who tee them. - tis emp Eee e was goon made partmer, -and en, on a certain blessed day, T be: the husband of Alice, and law, he presented mo with that I had been leniently dealt with. | utter impossibility of the pocket | 10, doctor ; saved from ruin and | dispair by my benefactor here." and pocket of my coat, I camo to the a receipt for the $20,000 that he had paid to the Messrs, Overton for my lose. So time went on. The banking house known as the firm of Thorue & Wallace was in a thriving condi- tion, I had a beautifal wife and two lovely children, and yet, with all the sources of happinoss, I was not quite vontented--there was a crease in the roseleaf, For some time past I had been vainly endeavoring to account for the extraordinary interest which my father-in~law had first taken in me, because I discovered, as I grew older and saw moro of this selfish, ogetis= tical world, that very few such gen- erous actions were performed with- out motive, and the solution of this, to me, difficult problem {frequently occupied my thoughts. At first I had attributed all to Alice's influences, bat I know nov thdt it must have been as great a surprise to her as to myself. About this time Dr. Pollard, one ot Mr Thorne's most intimate friends arrived in New York, and one morn- ing, while sitting at breakfast, ex- pressed great surprise at the numer- ous advertisements in the paper re- lating to money lost and found. "Well," suid he, "I have not the loast sympathy for those who lose money, They are generally care- loss, stupid people not fit to be trust- ed; although I remember having heard of a young man who lost a pocket-book some years ago, contain- ing $20,000, and Ideclaro when I retd his piteous appeals, which were in all the papers, my heart fuirly ached for him. But," continued he addressing my father-in-law, who had become very pale, "you ought to remember the circumstances, for it occured just at the time oft the great failure in Philadelphia, by which you were co heavy a loser." "Yes, I recollect the affair," ro~ plied Mr Thorne, who appeared to as fatal to a man morally, as would | be suffering. | | doctor, "what became of that poor | But I was young and of a hope- «I never heard," continued the follow, and yet I should like to know." "Shonld you ?" said I, laughing, "then let mo gratify your curiosity. I, Arthur Wallace, am the poor fel- I related all the events of the past fifteen year The doctor sprang to his feet and grasped his old friend's hand. " Well and generously done !" said he; but Mr Thorne interrupted him. "I am not well," he said faintly, 'I suffer greatly--let me go to my room." The next day he sent for me to his private office: 1fouud him look- ing pale and haggard. # Sit down, my dear Arthur," said he, in a low voice, "and listen to me. For a long time I have bad a confes- tion to make to you, one that weighs on meso heavily that I must ease my conscience of the load. I can better bear tg do §o now that Ibavein & measure made somo amends for the trouble I onee caused you." : "The you caused me,' cried I.-- "You have been the most generous of men to me. It is through your kindness I occupy my present posi- tion; itis to you 1 owe my happiness and more than all, my honor." Mr. Thorne opened his desk and took from it a pocket book. "Do you remember this?" he said as placed it in my hand. "Yes," replied I, "its the onel lost; but how---' 1 could not finish my question.-- The truth stared me in the face. | sprang to my feet in dismay. "Great heavens!" [ cried found the money ?" " Aye, and kept it," he groaned. with anguish in his voice. "But oh! do not condemn without hearing me. Yesterday you heard Doctor Pollard allude to the great losses I had sustained by the failure in Phila. delphia. 1 did not dare to make m{ embarrassment known, as {hat would have hastenod my ruin--my ruin! God knows that it was not for myself that I cared, but for Alice my darling child, It wasion the 14th of Decomber that you lost the money. It was on that day that I meditated suicide. I was short $20- 000 to meet my liabilities maturing on the 15th, Twas overwhelmed with dispair; the air of the ofiice ed to stifle me, and I rushed iato the 74 I had hardly gone ten yards when yon wy fool struck gomething. It was your pocket book. I "pened it dnd the sight turned me giddy and faint Then com- nenced in my Lreast one of those moral struggles which even to the conguorer 18 | 1 You know the Through my g: passed two weeks Indiscribable anguish 1 have since endeavored to make reparation for the misery 1 had caused, but I also suff ered. Moral atouements are the most cruel because they. eternal, I have kmown and yet fecl the bitterness of expiation,-- Say, my son, can you forgive my Sime?" Could I forgive? I looked at the pallid' face, anguished eyes, What were my suf- | ferings of those two terrible weeks com pared to the secret pain and shame this man had borne for years ?--this man, the victim of one solitary deviation from rectitude, so up- right id all else, and whose life since lad been one long atonement. I grasped his hand, tears filled my eyes, ? « Father," I cried, "Alice's father and mine, all is forgiven, forgotten, Do I not owe all the happihess of my 1ifi to. the same lost pocket book Pie" = : my grape ug lanyard. ¢ again, but the As the lines came nea bore away to the right, and they went ont of range I sen terrible missiles erashing faces and tore a score of : tloody fragments: Thus, thou look grim and murderous, I have my ¢ weakness. Warriors would not look for sentiment in black-mounted cans non, but it you come closer you a seo that thie birds have nested in my throat, and reared their young among the powder stains; ! S-- A Puzzled Dutchman. S------. The Cannon's Story. (Detroit Free Press.) My name? Well, I've had sever- al. When I was tuken from the navy yard, long years ago, and mounted inh a battery on the Poto- mag, they called me "Pat." I was the smallest gun in the battery, and from the way I had of knocking the enomy about tho gunners came to love me. Then I made the sixth gun in a field battery, and wus with Me- Clellan on his Peninsula campaign. I was a lucky gun froth the start. Would you believe that I nevereven lost a wheel until my thirteenth fight was almost ended ? Some can- non aro always in trouble. There were two pieces in my bautary which might bettér have boen left at home, A Wisconsin paper contains the following good story :-- 3 * One who does not believe in immersioft : tor baptism was holding a protracted meet 3 ing, and one night preached on the subjeét of baptism. In the course of his remarks he said some believed in nevessary. to go down into water and come up out of it baptised, but this he claimed to be a fallacy, for the propo+ sition of the Scriptures should be rendered differently, and it does not mean intoat sll times, « Moses;" he said, #we are told, went up into the mountain, and the Saviour was They looked handsome on | taken into a high mountain, &c." Now, we review, but in aetion they had a do uot suppose that either went into the handred oxcuses for not standing up mountain, but upon it, So, with goingdowst to their work. Theammunition was Jutg the etek, it Incase siaply going Sows L al a pa poor, 'the shells was too large --the | jie. in the ordinary ol pe Te ground unfavorable--the range im-| carried this idea ont fully, and in due season perfect--something was the matter and style closed his discourse, when an invis ovory time they were called to the tation was given to any ene who felt so dis= front, posed to rise and express their thoughts. As for mo, I like to scoa cannon Quite a number of the brethren arose and stand right up to its work. Askany said that they were glad that they, had been : . present on the occasion, and they were well one who knows me and they will tell ! ? ve you that I was a fighter. If I had pleased with the sound sermon they had jus kept a list of the number of army heard, and felt their souls greatly blessed; Finaly a corpulent gentlemen of Teutonic wagons and ambulances IL have knocked to piecos and the number | extraction, a stranger to all, arose and broke ot mon and horses I have killed, you, the silence that was painful as followsi-- : * Mister Breacher, 1 ish so glad I vash h 5 would open your eyes in SUFPFISe. | wom things thas 1 tver belived bong, OM. I have seen the time when 1 was the " only gun left in the battery fit for service, andiwhen the entire com- Tish so glad that into does not mean into ad all, but shust close by or near by, for now pany rallied about me 1 felt a bit proud. Let mo sce? I have been at- I can pelieve manish things what I could not pelieve pefore. Wo reat, Mishter Breacher; tached to no less than six different brigades of infantry, three different that Taniel vas cast into the ten of lions and come out alive. Now, I never could pelievd brigades of cavalry, and have been posted in two forts and one earth- that, for the wild beasts wotild shust eathim up ; but now it ish elear to mint mind, He vash shust close by or near to, and did uot work. Askany artilleryman if that isn'ta good I have been struck over 100 times by bullets, go into the den atall, Ob, I ish so glad I ves Liere to-night! Again we reats that the Hebrew schildren vas cast into the firish furnace, and that always looked like a peeg grapshot and pieces of shell, but you SH: 100g for Shey wows Lave been bummed see I am good for another campaign. Pj pat i ie all plain fo my Sint DoW, ; fof 1 was personally acquainted with Me- Dowell, Richardson, Kearney, Burn- side; McClellan, Hooker, Custer, Kilpatrick, Sheridan, Grant and sov- they were shust cast close by or near to the firish furnace. Oh, 1 vas glad I vas here tos eral others, and I believe that [have received words ef praise from all -of night | And den it ish said that Jonah was them, cast into the whalesh's pelly: Now, I could And yet 1 have a stain on my roe. never believe dat, It always seemed to me to pe a peeg feesh story, but itish all plain cord. Sometimes I am sorry about it, but again I am glad, I don't to my mint now, he wag not taken into dé Whalesh belly at all, but sust sumped unto think any of the men laid it up against me, but yet it wasa break in his back and rodo ashore, Oh, I was glad I was here to-night. And now, Mishier Breacher if you will explain two more bash eges of Scriptures, I shall be so happy dat X vas here to-night. One of dem is vere it saish de wicked shall pe cast into a lake dut : 4 \n, | PUIDS mit fire and primstone always, Oh, my saint, Tog a re Misther Breacher, shall I pe cast into a H ! ya [10 l1ght | lake it I am vicket? or just close by or neat with Sheridan, and I joind him only |to--near enough to be comforter? OF, % . five days before the battle of Cedar [hope so! tell me. I will be so glatl ae Creek. When tho men camo to [here to-night. The other basage is dat which count my scars and look me over they agreed among themselves that I was a {rusty piece, and they rejoic- ed that I had came among Lhem. Such talk as this naturally made me anxious to prove true they all pre- dicted, and it wag a fecling of deep gaish, "blessed are those who do these com- mandwents, that they might have right td satisfaction that I saw the battle of Cedar Creek commence. In ten the tree of life, and enter in through the gates into the city.' Ob, tell me shall I get into minuto after the first alarm I was throwing shell among the enemy, thie city, and fot tiear to, shust near enough to see vat IT have lose, and I shell pe so glal and the men around me were shout- ing: 1 vas here to-night 1" « Give it to 'em Beanly; your shooting as true as a rifle." 1 dont care to tell yon the part 1 took in the affair, but youn can judge that I was at the front by the fact that T was hit by bullets no less than twelve times, and every spoke in my wheel bad a stain of blood. As the fight grew hot I forgot myself in my desire to maim and kill. In my eagerness to slay T almost jumped elear of the earth, and I felt a thril of delight when the shells were changed for grape and canister. 1 saw the enemy forming for a charge but 1 did not move. I heard the saying how much depended on me, and I was too proud to give back af foot. Th A ; To . Just in front of me, as t moat came chargi record. Sr-- ; ZOPESA rox Brazin.--As a result of the dew commercial enterprise just assuming importance with Brazil; is the introdu 0 of Zopesa, so juusily celebrated where it is when it is known for the cure of forms of Indigestion. The company h opened a laboratory in Toronto. Zopesa. comes to you highly indorsed and recoms mended, its wonderful affinity to the Digests. Dyspepsia and Constipation, makes ab1 3 ot Pp a ly in The Company minkes sample bottles trifling cost of 10 cents, to be had Allison. : 5 ------ Castorine Machine Oil fo machinery--It iz also excl! and leather making it wat proof. --For sale by 3 enh {oY claims upon me. | Thorne, an hovest, upright man; to m: 1 wag pothing better than

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