Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Jan 1881, p. 4

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Both of the above are in a cultivation and the plowing all done ready for Spring Sowisg. They are to be rented together if rented at all. Also the East halt ot Loty inthe Gh of Reach, On the premises there a good Dwelling 30x30,a pron of 88260, and other outbuildii a vigorous Joung bearing Orchard, a Well and a 5 3 For particulars apply to Glassware Soskeu grax. 9 Ashburn P, O, : Reach,' Nov. 13, 1880. of one Special lot of Chamber A PELICKTION wil is ade i To Tog : PPLICATION will be made to the 3 Sets, hich we are selling at ture of Ontario at its next Scasion, ol : for an Act amending the Act intitaled © Aa Ie PRICES. Act to incorporate the Lake Spugog Marsh Lands Draining Company" by allowing seid 3 Company to construct an Embknkment "Also Jorge Stock of Dinner, Dessert, against the south side of the Port Perry and RY n, they are selling off very fast. tween Port Perry aud the Township of] 1 Seugog. To enable the said company or a G.B. ERMOT, company to be formed for that special purs pose to construct the Embankment or Ropd- el ome under said Act; 20 pieces of BI bh Colored Cashmere at| 10 p 3 oh fonol at | ) cents, hy 3000 Maple Los gmeR. i 30 cents 50 € tds + ¥ 3 R 2% 1600 Raswdod 1.0: Pited at Dowimanvil 30 pieces Dress (abd: frotn 7 dents, 75 pe» M.'s Shirts an Draweriat 34] : Blackior Whit sh Logs, November, 1880: pOBERT LinoiR, | 20 386ds Color | Wibcey for $1 | opens 7 0 Soft or Rook 111: Logs, bie. ROBERT ARMOUR, 100 dozen. La: 0 Haudkerchiefs at 3 cents. | 500¢ Atos Bags ali per dozen. " § 0 Oak Logs, 49-Tw] Solicit: for Applicants, | 100 dozen Chil ely Hose at 15 cents, 200 )'eb's and Boy¥ Cap- at 35 cents. % Birch Logs | 6 yards{Flaanel $1. 3 fn Port Perry or the sh. of | ' Lake os or before the st Apr For particulars, apply to nnd e ipersonally or by letter ; of 8, ( ¢ - RE A ---------- 85 Ladies' Mau legit Cost py CLOTHILY Te ore Sets, in beautiful pat-|Scugog Bridge, sufficient to prevent the goods were bought before the | passing of water, in lieu of the Embankment "re | advance in price. Call early and see | or Roadway required by the said Act bead WHICH THE PUBLI Apri | way from the Townshij Scugog to ft Le ORTER. | Tow: bip of Cartwight as a Toll Bond ang Our Sales fof October and Novefgber Angi for Perry, July 1, 1850. a cieon. | 1 re 2! the correctness of our prices) being fir in jéxcest.of aby corres: : he passa sa, 1: Com it ponding ious pines wei have beso fn bifjuese. 5 2 | g and completing the we ¢ Xi » SAR mas 1a con I i ELOW 40 Overcoats from $5. 50. Gen 'a Suiff from #7. Bont Pay, Nov. 2: oo iv] <7 40 Suits Boys' Clothig from $5. 4 Ae HAY! HAY] | made by the best Clothing Hou: in Cauda. "woop, oop! AN TED! te © Wood for all.| ho undersiguod vould inform the intial. | Highest Price of Port Perry and undings that | g | For cil the First-Class Hay that 'can be 'has opened a wood Gn Queen: it, delivered at Port Perry. Perry, Went of Rolph's, Harness shop | Sou may be supplied with any guantity | COURTS, 3 : ee. ts Rolphvs- harnoss shop | _ Fort Perry, Dec. 16, 1880. 12 Cakes Toilet Soap for 20 cons, 2 24ll be promptly adtended to. Prices Low. Térms CASH. { IMPROVED CHARLES ROGLRS. Eh HARM LANDS, : JTiC A HEA D, MILL PROPERTY, 4, paresis «onl FOR SALE! thanks - g many friends and cus. who favored me with their re BY ee in the past, and would beg m Hy to QA opabarailGl, lly Jo Juthan them m that | Hod rely. Having gone! are offered for Sale at Low Prices of my. Stock of for cash or upen hort terms of payment. ES. CEL 1.--Contatning 21 Acres, fs coms 4 pond ot Lots N Ain he Sih eon TS 3 ES essgion, and t ith tis of Lots Nos, 1 snd TS & SHOES, 3 in the th due Bik XHrk \dge, upon iis ag r 2 Rety there are an - Orchard, a inrge Frame HARDW ARE, &e. Buin. House, and commadions ouwibujld- ings ; the land Is nemly all cleared, and 4.2 rk od every aiole in| very desirable farm. PARUEL 3.~Consiste of what $8 known as bene Major Grist Mill, togetBer with the n xater powerand privileges Droperiy belong. nel Hiro 1) | $ | ing thereto. A guantily of land in connection may also be obtained y PAUCEL 1.--Fuibiades thd North-half of | 4 id aflrming that my fy SAH THe Gil coneession of. Reach, 100 N risor. with the lowest | fares 'none of whieh fs elpar iy ge Who are continue} PARCEL 'blowing Boast cg that they ave{ No. 13, in ti L--Coufains"178 acres: being Lot 7th concession of eh about Sraeres are red and the balance is Deavily jigdy cls in the trade. timbered. re 8 a good frame Harn .on BARGAINS in Cottons, | His Parc . Wincie: Win PARCEL: 6.--Is composed of fhe Bothenaif Wincies, and Winey | Fk No. 1%. 1b the Ji Conceakion of teach, 100 acres; a stall portion of which. 1s cleat wgood wane, ond 8 &TE8 | ApoE y, 7.190 nores; part of Lot No/#l4 1ckdats, 86. Uhtap, the 10th toneestion of Keach, upon Which. is VB 10t of valuable timber, and several acres inde RagLbers and Over Bhoes oul oi, sabaying been bought] Ajtehisabore lands are {nthe market and 12 bs. Bright Sugar or $1. "hard or soft wood delivered ut their resid- | { Office at Lae & Menaray's Hardware Sfore, 28 Ibe. a al roduce. \ Pou Jerry, Dee. 9, 183 hi YSTEM § | The following Lands. situated in the ia gE *| Townships of Reach and Uwbridge, | will hewold with as little delay as ible.~ a rion, wil bo sold intending purchasers wit fimot be eanfined 4 fie various Jtroséhud divisions 6 SLI + bul cau purchase sueh portiobe ay ey ake price "allowed Tort 100 CENA nt Iroes to suit the tines: : v a Ror Sarther partienlars and information apply HE MANAG Ry ! FATES Bank, ind H. GOI oi " : J. A. NG LE et. ih - Aer, Abridge. | Jandd. £ | STRAY SHEED, J Qi pe ity sid of November last, FOUR SHEEP marked with a stoke of point acress the: Pps 13 a atoms Bn UBIbOr That Off the = BOOTS AND SHOES. Lf hy Undersigned js. prepared in pay the | 3 41] kinds, Styles, and prices at beitom figu Men's Long Boots from $1.50./ No Shoddy, GROCERIRS. Faney Goods Highest Price: for Butter, 'Eggs, | ahd x Li st value din T or: XMAS & WEDDING PRESENT try and all other Farm Hote 33 Ibe Tesflor $1. I 1b, ;00diChewing Tobacco for 38 cents, in Town for 50 cents: An immense Stock of. China Tea Sets, China Cups and other | prove property, pay charges ke a GEO. O'LEARY. | Reach, Dec. 14, 1880. Notice to Forbid. Lid all partes from pu ils slo oid al pres from pi shoulders. The owner is charges ind take then | | ¥ His Stock ¢ comprises 2 alist food, Gh oseridy, fo be thrown, ox every | ment and willbe suid at

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