Dio. 20. The of the Clande. | ' ROSH Joye dhuster covet omidessi consterua- | Fort Perry, March 24, 1880. Eee MEAT! ie 3 Enives from 10 cts to $2. ® quintity of Table Knives. Cfves and Forks from 50 cts to $8 A: Steel from § to 2} inches wide. ine Cf Horse-nnils, Cutter und Sleigh § primo pgs. Vi ito, es, Saws, Files, and Edge Is. 1 TootbBaws, warranted good. Machhe Needles and Oil, a raw Furs. Drtment of Heavy and Shel in inf now 1 "HE Bubesiibe ian much pled that he has Juet Suished and , CO fo. cone and 8p 23 ceuté tp. Al HEL {public generally Port. Perry, Dec.. 23, 1880s ing his customer T , most desirable ufacturing sore of in the County. i 8 ih | LAISG & MEHARRY. SIGN OF THE coLt N ANVIL, "~~ QUEEN STREET, PORT PEERY. The quality of his Machined and Instru- ments cannot be beat and No one can undersell him ! Ho also Offers to Rent Machines aud In- struments at moderate rates. Second hand Sewing Machines taken in part payment of New, Any description of Machine furnished to order. A fall supply of Funishings, Oils, Needles, &e. as will ehaure Po £ bo 2 Repgiring done pestly, promptly and after over the! 5 3 Ee: % cheaply. ¢ the ninth Rk : ofl 8@™ Show Rooms two doors cast pf thy ! A x 4 ' FPP Post Office, Port Perry. C. TPUPFER Septal. 1480, 1, 1880. BAKERY! pe Foe sn 8 oNPROTIONERY &. 2 ' HE WUpdersdencd would remind bis custome: with the pul ! ceenerntly tint ha lng Eslablishmenl oct, ss to " 34 every variety, the Best guinlity" of Corfe Is the place to scourefexn:tly wht is $ant.d Tn: Stock of Cloh: In kv , Superior thoncry, oe, &c., be supplies everything in Quality; Neram Style ard very vitae Goods th £ Cloth Tweedy, Over. the Bikers and' Confectionery Tine ut his # sontings, &e. Gent' tu afshing in dance, cheap and god estabiishments Port Perty ano Prince Albat Orders promptly fillid, a perfec: Ajo emis pricexan satis gion giterant ed, In fal and other ¢ ke . Lieavh your m astiredia d goer o0daf (oss bu [some Sufts <0 Soc wong after, Supplied oh the shortest notice, Port Perry, Nov. 3, 1830, muy Ji PEARCE. 3 3 he - - a te remem nhlic Pens Abd other soci] aitortainments prompts supplivd and at loderate charges, The above machines wes ly kept in order for 8 number of Machines not Kept in stock, st order, at dealers lowest prices. 1th ein ocho ad Sel all the leading Machin Attachments kepr vey on hand. N B.--All kinds of Sewing Pebith Clocks repaired Also for gale a number second-hand Lock Stitch Nachines in run order, sng warranted. Prives from $4 IPWAr Manchester, May 21, 1879. DISEASES, ALL # ROA DIES 3, BREATHING LH LRU ES. ea dxro lie svsiem. enrat] ve aged vetied THOR Mihe Bhecuss d parts the Poisous, hat case death Thousands Testiry to ils Virtues. 1: Youcinb ieliev: d nd ; fespalr nti soit Barve nied shi Se A plied md RADICALL rv Te 47. Remedy. Kald by Dengeists, or sent By mail on re | ceipt of Prive; §2 y H HASWFLL & 00, No. 148 and 150) cOill at, Ul. CREAM applied by measure to the putilie . B. DIES 2ELD. rr 3 SRO Handsomely fitted np PARIOR:, > the wonventence of the pul of the bese ahd duaiiitier wo Heals: ful and refreshiog in hot weather, | tka reonling drivk k tet' Tavs ood and cher 1 T WW | HISCOX, A J 4 7 A i UH HE. Nn Port Perey, Muy 21 1879. 4 2 ein o, jars Le di | "MANCHES § GEM NGS, very (4 fo §1BOTAGL Sho suit afl vi.) {'urriay ESTABLISHMENT. } ny busin sa A ing that hedas secnrod the valuabh " cage, an servious of Onv of the hast woud-workers in the Pio- vince, kd is now better fitted than ever to C fit all orders fr ~ Y ; x J : Cutters, Sl ighs, Bob-Sleighs, a dy Province ad } Hil . 5 t any description of Oarriage with dispatch good hu: 1088 n §& Spu | All repairs in Wood or Iron excouted with | t.cataess and on short notice lL Customers may rely on getting the boat Biaterial, latest styles and superior work. manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING Mi the work done sons to secure the ease abc comfort of the horse in traveling jbo All Charges Moderate aud all wo ranted, W. C, HEARD. Talutnr s stablishme ORer @BSeis. (ROWN § cura [8 STORE, PORT PERRY. vu fof many years Of 1béral aud: pateatnge the subscriber d ilor | Lis customers and the geneval ¢ that he has got thoroughly artanged Chew premiresover Mr' Brown's Store ucreased accommodations for carrying depagtment of his business. ~All promptly fitled The NewestFashicns ly received. The Latest Styles, _. Workmaiship, and perfect fits wu, JAMES RIGGS. 15, 1876. One of the best Fonntaing now in tse for 'GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING I» . e 1 1chester, Dec, ester, Dec, 11th i 1874, 5 Neuralgia oy remove Senet amd fuse Montreat, 9, Sple Agents for the Demin { Fox Sale in Pact Perry by 1 oc CL NF han v imoniale and our boo 4 Miltions '¥ ar Sem free Success the Dost test of Woil rif the Blooa stem, set HE Subscriber hag much pleasire iu stat : aud Gene tent fusee « nrg ubivalied i pimples an Ad bei on tee tinh u it edicine known, HAS 4 WORLD=WE'" REPTTH Tt hive oink XQ more eof 113 mavve pene frat Tuvnliable in dif thro. t and enring Prov ohitis. Quin i Glandular Lu Ng annfivetin H 18, 90 erty, aud $50, § ir Projoreion; BE" CAUFLON =} "hive United States, nor are hy Me Purchasers should ng pe v on the Pots ond Pores The Trade Mak gistered in Ottawa. antubu Signed, THOMAS 533, Oxford Street, Loudon, - Sept. 1st, 1580, = Fr GOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work ade up on tho shottest notice in the styles and at moderate rates. A good fit guaranteed require assing throgh Remon he place, opposite Cook's Hotel, t snd 3 for Canada. R. HUGOE. Ln 1 3 tt, April 2, 1874. machinery ye ice In Whitp, Marr ory