Forth Oitarig. dbseraer, £ = + » ¥ god ia pel x | A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICUL TURAL § FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 16 PUBBISHAD AT PORT PERRY, ONT EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS. $1 per annum, if paid in ad. "vance ; if not $1.50 will Le charged. No subscription taken for less than six months; no ager discontinued until all arrears pai RATES OF ADVERT for each line, first insertion ... ubsequent insertions, pet lie Osrds, nnder 6 lines, per annum Letters containing money, 'when ad- to this Office, pre. paid and regestern{' at our risk ; 3 on k. red-bv Nonparell, "mud charged acooiding to the space they oc- Advertisements received for nublication. Nhu specific instructions, will be inserted 'ntil forbid and charged accordingly. No 'advertisement will be taken ont untilpaid for _ Aliberas discount allowed to Merchniits And otaers who advertise by the year or balf-vear. " The terms will in ly eo dto : Job. Department. . Pampiiluts, Hand Bilis, Posters, Pro- mes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt 8, Ohcoke, Books. Circnlars, Business ds, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and olor, vxecuted promptly and at lower rates a any other :stablishment in the County. Parties from a distance gotting hand 1s, &c. printed can have ther done to take me with them. all cases be 1, PARSONS. EM. cop ox and Sareeons College of Physicians Edi an, Surgeon, and Acconchenr Ourrizan's Store, Pore Perry, JAN3STER, W. 1, Physician, Sur and Aceoncheur. oner for the Connty of Ontario _ PORT PERRY. ptt's Furniture Store, corner of 'y Streets. m 9a m. tol2 m. the welling recently occupied Paxton. EB, Cokonor for the County of Physician, Surgeon and c- posite the town hall. Port Perry. [CBRIEN, M.D, M. R. ('. 8,, Guy's hl, London. England, The liye R. Oshawn, ER3)N, (late of Beaverton) er and Attornev-at Law, Solici- ery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub~ Brown & Currie's Store Port Perry. G8 Bavister, Sector, Notary and Eldon, may rely on to their int Add Osi of Victor Orders left will be puil@lly attended to. Debts col- lectsd in el prompt i fi ok open in 3 Fe with thi Branch. Dopontts of gh Rro0n of excellent ana up waits received and inter= | No notig of withdrawal required A.A ALLER | : Marae | fide ord Of Stefghips. 3 oF i JOHN & DAVID . A i a in Mr. Ross' )titatio LICESED AUCTIONEER. ' p »ETURING riiy sincere thanks to my * numba friends and patrons. for their Port Pet Jan. 23, 1870, MVEY TO LCA} 7 HEBusoribier is preparedtd 148 m) onBproved property for | tedhs one to twaty years, | Auvenbifon Werinn CANA SAvin MPANY, Ae hiddiso been instructed to lary nuit of Private Funds; | Inter @Bight pei cent No Com : . N F. PATERON Port Petty May 20, 1878. felic 'NOTICET3 FA! METS & (HE liberal nage bestowed upon me as Auctionevfiring the past cight years, would noweg to offer my services to all who may lye Furm Stock, Implements; or ather prope to sell by Anction, anywhere in North Qbrio, the township of Mariposa or Cartwrlg. My longnud extensive practice as Auc- tioneer hagiabled me to judge the value of Farm Stodwith an accnmey second to none in thiCounty, and this ix of import. ance as ibe Auctioneer isnot a good indg: of Hl ¥ilue of Stock he may soon boxe far mothay his foe inany sale, Bill stam always on hand. Sale peers and notes supplied Go free of cha Days of le may be arranged at the Os erver Qk, where a Sle Rugrister will He kept Terms Lilla Port Perks pt 4. 1877, pas wt invest for periods to soi te hi ver cent > ¥ onable terms assured. {B. MAJOR, 8, H. CHRETIA en Soni vn All parties | Manchebr, October 17, 1577 < wishilhis service can call at the MONEY TO LOA "Ohserver'Sce, Port Perry, nd arviinge for days of Sali z Port Pe The nundrsigned hasany atmountof Md -- {to lend upm Farm and Town Propert, i Unusualy Low Rates of Interd lioars ci be repaid in any manne to the borrower, Also seyural Improved Farms, ad Tands for ke, cheap. Y Investments made in Municipal Del tures, Bank and other marketable Stock Apply to ar edi . vJan 10, 1879. iM. GORDON, aotivnesr, Viluater. &e. waship of Brock, Uxbridge, wah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa Licensed | {% thé Scott, Parl entrusting their Sales to me utmost attention being given WM GORDON Sunderland, Brock. JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, my 'H. WALSHE, ICENSB uctioneer for the Towiiship | of Bro Thorah, Mara & Rama in | Sar puta, ue CURA; annington, Brock. or at his residence Whitby, April 16, 1873, MONKY Co LEER Funds I'o Loan ood Farms, at i tone, & arms, at 8 Br ington, or otherwise, and," LYMAN ERLISH neces. made. Bag pron, ' 8H is oft Remember, N ALSHE the Noith Ona; pt eer. : " Novemberg1, 1866. eLwoon, | T IE ONTA Moneer Fars Mutual Ingi Head Office, Whit fared This Company is now fully brg ng Prepared toceept risks on Fa Lethon. of ntry 10 g 1 p otit 4 Buildi ten ged and | oA torhiitely LI bme reand of all nights in th id there I found myself coop tention to the hests to make fable place of blie, Choice nment for the general for the table and' bar) sible and yard ig Re g dark hours. 7 , Dee 9,1879. RUDDY, ever very numerous. MERCIAL HOTEL, subscriber having # io the Commercial Ho rtwright, intends fittin| b the cd and of the railway company, That ng I felt very low dPliited = nt against the grait fo work flnius eve, when averybody else bar care- Bed to be keeping holiday and ping themselves, ' been engaged about tw yours, for any phospbct of gairiage might be engaged fi twenty 8. Mr. Linncaster, Ca s father, A tradesman in a g ceeded. Mr, nie t np with a i of supplies for the table ented, fa PETY HOLT, ght, March 4, 1879. 0-AMERICAN HOT) g phrchased the abo Howl, I have thoron pvatid the entire prem . The Hotel has bed daoghter murry a A only getting £70 eral times advised Cj 6 up, but # she would to assist me in whiling away night messages at Nowstone There arely any for private people; eforred generally to the hus. forgetting a three volume | should depart pon by me: 1 half eluted told Mr. Darke «No answer," |home. Passing & groop of veople as slammed [standing near a oarei oor, 1 was oeption of the [saddenly started by ap, groff iden of My. | voice 8xclaiming:tosome one, * We 89 than T had [shall be off in half a minute more." merely seen |* I would pick that name from a end ic dh he | thousand #s Me. Darke's," I aid, w. Whether |under my breath, as I glanced quick: young, a fair [ly areund. The group had dispersed 1 was equally |excopt two persons, a man and « women, who wero preparing to take there places ini the train. The per won who I took for Mr. Darke was a bulky, middle-aged man, dressed in a good suit of black clothes. He had black hair and thiok, black eye- brows; his .whixkers werd black, meeting full and bushy under bis chin j his face 'was pale and marked by the small pox, and his eyes were black, bold and cunning--althoigh a fiersie fellow; Whom it would be un- wise to enrage. His companion's face I could not see, it being con- n. Cy e, I had « ke when I I went. butline of 0 198d out 6 t hs an old mr a dark ut Bsr 10 kno Bille in 3 atoll The ma tandhn rather rencl the Ia o'dlod As th 5:30, Rwent off deter Ips from New- rans the dis- lan hour, and place at 5:30 blk pointed to stroll up the that if any ther strange the train he t he was not ime, thejurain o the house; irdsting stance--for they lig iles from Newstono--idi 8 cause. 1 knew that Mr, Lanca vited a number of youn 8 house on Christmas fvdhnd I ctired thom there dandn ating about in her white ess, With the very ribba or waist that I had give onth before. Would any t my misorable self cross he. she movéll among the gay any ? Perhaps my detested inks; the draper, might even 1g with hor, and pressing her bith his arm at that very mol 'houghts not calmly to belbor way 1 went on the platform hinge of scene, : wo oA clear; suardight night Wi keen breeze that whistled shrill§, iry throtgh the telegraph wig hbove my head; and brodyhi to ¢ bars the faint sounds made oft a bweel by distance of the Christmas Lanterns, flitting fre fiames ng the wagons in t yatd ; hoarse and duzonth shrieks of ho\men, and wild shrieks flom dis raged locomotives, that] seemed nady tearing ap sn pply to keep themselves ple to slowly; the vilors| the finger tookl portmanten, | confidence of every Mid - | fro nit came and went; 1 olelack, 2 o'clock. 1 bat ': ming heroi Tyr | i | No dwarf, efi ways | Monster, Newstone, ed through AY fantastic strguifio find a seat, the sin | mor > OM [ing note, And "a | A slim gentloma ht | young, without d | moustache, whi - | stroking with h ini 0 | chdmt, nd Po quisitely gloved jruntily fiom n smiled amiably touched his cap, portmanteau, od bite i Wo ghtform, and, pushing through ho station | ilkwill be opan ! down {af a glow gl rot be: of do. So {aig bh numb 4418 Snddenly stich a|oathy grown go 118 ; crawlod contented himself witforbidding another \ Y ceuled by. a thick vail; juiging from hor figure she cotild notbe much above twonty years of age. She wan tall, butiather conspicuous at tired having over her wilk dress a valaminots 'scarlet shawl, comfort uble looking enough, ceriinly, on a cold Christmas morning. But see | As sure as I live she has got on the! vrey paif of lemond-colored gloves that were worn by the young dandy who arrived by the night mail] the «ame pair of gloves without & doubt, buving the outside seam of the right. hand u hutle torn. There too, is the idintical lictle bluck portmanteau, sarctully carried this time by Mr, Darke himself, What can it all menn ? Under ordinary circumstances 1 wy into stationjand in ment @ platform was langely attired siness or plen- ravel by night. other sttarige passenger for ' pthers book- vident from their ment the ed ont its warn- ore passonger! ylishly dressed, skors, but with 0 he was fdnd of He alighted t class carriage, the porter, who k up his black «T read in your paper last night," said be, "that Police Magistrate Don. nison furnished s little vagarant with sufficient money to start hit on the stroet as a news boy, and that a city reporter aiigmented the pile. Ia that true "Certainly" " Well, then, God bless thom both, say I. That's the way I got started in life. The™ policemen picked me up on the strosts of New York one night when I -¥as about ten years of age. 1 had no parents, no home, fio friends, no money. i was brought before Mr, Merrill dt the Temba Court the next morning, I reme ber it well, dnd can't forget j Hunger, terror, and dispair, me eloquent, and I told my Well, sir,» tear came into. and he went dowh into his- und brought out a handed it to me. they passel around the raised two dollars and ad! and then I was turned out #1" street, I went straight 4 something to eat, then I boot bluck's outfit, and fi rose through thie grades off boy, olerk, bookeeper, partner 10 have a bi own. Ifit bad nd b kindhenrted gentlumen L might have been deacs worse~n thief, God blesis ciful judge, suy [ again." : World. <hould have gone to a slept ill two or three gu of gate one hurried, nd, broke into a = pes ge (ning was no having breakfad day suit and left intention of taking a lon} uvy folding Joors emerged in, he street. don como to his friends, whero can he in the morni going at this ? None of the above an hoar, hout waitk to consider her it was anjusiness of mine. ved throtglhe folding doors he teavelorfle was walking actoes the lb sqnarein front station, Wing from side to if not knofe which fold to Pk figure glided projection, and b. Tcould hear worde, Then went to the stition to see it I cd not induce a certain friend to accom- pany me, when whom should I meet on the platforai but Mr, Choop, the the chief constable of Newstops Mr. Choop is a small wi looking man with a sa intelligent air, as if he of something to, Mr, amilihg open cotintonad' bis hat very much at heud, and generall ample amount of shi ingly in his quiet 7 ho travelefand, and they {him something that wen{ff tozetherhrapid page in excite him, bring AT eas by. the e a ps... When I hehind ped toward mar of 8 adv view in| his tesih glisten, pelted byt |§ orient as darige drew. mischiefus o tiger fren spri lut The Growth of doris the country. Beforo sottinhyRowepe;, But teli|given by £¢ devising