Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Dec 1880, p. 1

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ig Osu. "18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, ERY DAY MORNING, rey : RL ~ 4 IRD & PARSONS. i pita TERMS. --$1 per annum, if paid in al. 0; if Bok $160 i be charged. ' No n ; ess than six months; discontinued until all arrears ad no first insertion ........ $0 08 , per line ...... 002 under 6 lines, per ANNUM ...4, 5 ~ §@F Letters containing money ion : T- sed to this Office, pre-paid und regeste , will be at our risk, ~ ab i y p charged according to the space they oc- "Advertisements received for publication, without specific instructions, willbe inserted 0 'and charged accordingly. No ent will be taken out untilpaid for: * Alibera} discount allowed to Merchant "and others who advertise by the year or i ear, : i 36 Theso terms will in all cases be y a werd to g Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro mes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt , Checks, Books, Circulars, Business , Ball Cards, &o., of every style and or, executed mptly and at lower rates n any other establishment in the County. eT Parties from a distance getting hand 11s, &o. printed can have them done to take e with them. " J.BAIRD. H. PARSONS, Professional Tavs. : Ny i D. ANDERSON, MB. MD, FT.MS8, 8), M.C.P.S., il * Pniversity of Toronto, graduate of the Uni. reity of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Omserver Office, where a Bale Register will 'Medical School, Member of the College of yeicians and Surgeons ; Licentiate of the Collego of Physicians, Edinburg, L.R.C.P.. Graduate of the | 4.0 o¢ charge, bg a RRY, ETURNING my sincere thanks to my R numerous friends and patrons for their liberal" patronage bestowed upon mo as Auctioneer during the past eight years, 1 tioneer has enabled me to judge the value of Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the County, and this is of import- ance as if the Auctioneer is not a good judge of the value of Stock ho may soon lose far more than his feo in any sale. Bill stamps always on hand, Sale' Bills srranged and notes supplied Days of Sale may be arranged at the be kept. Terms Liberal. Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877. W. MW, ysician, and A Office Mr. Corrigan's Store, Port Perry. H. SANGSTER, M..D., Physician, Sur- «geon and Accoucheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. . OMoe over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of © Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from 9 a.m. to12 m. EL Bigeidence; the dwelling recently occupled By rs, Geo, Paxton. - "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and arrange for days of Sales, H. MAJOR, - ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties wishing his services can call at the Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. WM. GORDON, da A Vv tor, &ec. Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and poucheur, x Office, opposite the town hall. Port Perry. KTM. F. MCBRIEN, M.D., M. : R. U.S, Guy's aan Oshawa, ¥. PATERSON, (latg" of Beaverton) + Barrister and At ey-at Law, Solicl- in Ohaneery, Copteyancer, Notary Pub- Off os over wn & Currle's Stove. Port Perry. Barrister, Solicitor, ort Perry. ELL, LL. B., County Crown for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, otary Public. Office lately oc- Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Whitby. ENGLISH, LL. B., Solicitor in , Attorney, Gonveyancer, &c. Oshawa. 3 coe street, opposite the Post Office H, LL. B., Barrister, At- BS . Uolicitor in Chancery, jyency, Notary Publie, &e. ve v's Block, Brock street, - Whithy. UCH D. SINCLAIR, ORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor inChan very, Conveyancer, &c. Office Intely ed by W. M, Cochrane, Digelow's Perry. the ve , ai and beat ay aud warranted to give rey, Match 38, 1877. 0. N. VARS, I. D. 8. 'H inserted on all the latest princl- cheap ag the cheaps. he bess. Toth tied | Bonu R. WARE, Coronor for the County of | KL i Ae Fx the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, al pg L may rely on the utmost attention being given N Frospital, London, England. The Yoyo R. to theirinterests. Noith Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the County Notary | of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock, Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punetnally atténded to. Debts col= otint of money to loan at 8 Llected in Cannington, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, posa nd Eldon, BE" Parties entrusting their Sales to me WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. EL ee T. H. WALSHE, TCENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Bama in or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Rewenherie WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- WM. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer. nti pe Undersigned having taken out & 44 License as Auctioneer i now. prepared o attend to all sales entrusted to him.-- | Having had much experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &¢., also Farming Imple- ments of all kinds, Farm Produce, &c, &c., parties placing their sales in my hands may rely on getting all for the property thatis seible to bring. a Po orders promptly attended to, sale bills made oul aud sale notes furnished free of charge. Parties leaving their orders at the Ousurver Office, Port Perry, will receive immediate and carcfal attention, Charges Moderate. as $ WM. HEZZELWOOD, > Raglan, Raglan, Sept 10,1878. M. SPENCE, Coxnactor, Bunn, &c. The Subscriber in returning his sincere liberal patronage be- thanks for the very Tol hat ronage be an tert, he will in future give as Contractor, and is attention to his business OT Iris ONTARIO BANK. | Soney.ai& Jy ; Re BR R CAPITAL 3,000,000 ; | al PERRY, re a i : PORT PERRY BRANCH. AVE larg fuds of money on hand for --_-- Invest i] SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.| mor PurchfPed. A Savi Department is now open in| A A a Ay et pvanoh. Deposits of | Seto Op ont for FiveDollars and upwards received and inters z est allowed thereon, : FOR No notice of withdrawal required. - > . A, A. ALLEN; 5 MANAGER, W. M. WILI.OCOX Of Steamshis, : Loy JERS DAVID J. ADAMS, . hve (4 > Office IxMr. Boss' Ontario Buildings, LICENSED AUOTIONEER. 3 1 4 Port Perry, dee Port Perry, 8 % 1879, would now beg to offer my services to all HE Subsord# is prepared to lend money who may have Farm Stock, Implements, or on improdl property for terms from other property fo sell by Auction anywhere [one to twenty @rs. in North Ontario, the township of Mariposa | scent for Wsrenx Cavani LoaN AND or Cartwright. _ « Savas Conrh My long and exiensive Dragtice gs due. He has also #n instructed to invest a laage amour Jo private funds which he. 18 oP St . pxpe: Sm reali terms assured, MONEY TO LOAN. The ui igned hasany amount of Money to lend u: Unusually Low Rates of Interest! 1. ADAMS MONE TO LOAN. large amount Private Funds. ~ Interest Ei per cent, No Commission. N. ff, PATERSON. Port Perry, My 20, 1878. Bolicitor NOTICE T FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. ed would say to the owners B unde He RoAl I to, that he has in his hands a prepared to ivest for periods to sie borrows 8. H, CHRISTIAN: 7. ef, October 17, 157 1 on Farm and Town Property, at Loan cube repild in any manner to suit the borroyer. Also seferal Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for ale, heap. Investmnts made in Municipal Deben tures, Ban and other marketable Stocks, Aply to JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &o. Why, of 10,1510 MONKEY [Private Funds,) I'o Loana good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. LYMAN ENGLISH, Bannister, &0., Oshawa Novem 21, 1868, 4 TE ONTARIQ Fame! Mutual nuance Co'y He! Offices; Whitby, This Comny is naw fully organized and is prepared accept i ks on Farm Buildings and theiontents country School Houses and Churs, Tlase wishing to insure and thereby soort a Tome Insurance Company have now opportinity of doing so, either by applyi ta thé Head Office, or to any of the local oftlie Company. Our rates will be folfd1dw as those of any respon- » sible Mut: ffurance Company in Canada. Head pposite the Royal Hotel Brock St., {Ry . NOURSE, Sceretary. General Agent. PORT PARLIVERY STABLES C. [TYEE Subs! SR21L, ng now fully equly ve Live Sin ul pred Orses an Carriages, is EFrig PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC. 80, 1880; otels. KER HOUSE, PPRT PERRY, THE JOHN RUDDY, Port Perry ec. 0, 18%, (lon AL HOTEL, The subsfiber having succeeded Mr, Dewart in tl Commercial Hotel, Williams- burg, Cartw@iht, intends fitting It up with a view to th® vomfort and convenience of Be: i The supfies for the table and ba; ; fully selec. Ta PETER HOLT. Cartwrighf§March 4, 1870, NGL@AMERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT, 'W. H. PRK, - - - PROPRIETOR. Havingfpurchased the above pleasantly situated Iptel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renowted the entire premises even to the Shedd The Hotel has been furnished in First-Olass Style and Stocked with the best Liqgors and Cigars! Strict ttention paid to the comfort of guests. ° The tabie and bar well supplied, W. H. PARK Prince' Albert, June 12, 1875. A RViTRONG HOUSE, (LATR ALBION) WHITBY, ONTARIO. McCANN & TAYLOR, ProfrieTors. Every accommodation for the traveling public. GREENBANK. Tue undersigned would inform the pub- lic that he has rented for a term of years the premises formerly known as the Cottage EIotel, Greenbank, and having thoroughly reno- vated the samo he is now prepared to re- ceive guests, GOOD OPENING. There is a splendid ing in Greebbank for an enterprising man to open the Furni- ture and Undertaking Business. A first class Shoemaker would find Greenbank a good opening for his business. The village is situated on the Center Road, about 7 miles from Port Perry and about the same distance from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from Sunderland, It is in the centre of a Splen- did Agricultural district J. V. THOMPSON, Greenbank, May 3rd, 1880 PHOTOGRAPH 0) AKEN in all the latest and most ap~ proved styles, and finished in that SUPERD MANNER For which our work is} 3 justly celebrated. - = Photographs for $1 per dozen for 30 days Pictures enlarged and framed , Call and see specimens before going else~ where. a Gold and Silver Electroplating done to ofder in good style, J. LEON ARD, Photographer, . Opposite Brown & Currie's Perry St. Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1879, LUGGAGE TAKEN TO AND PROM THE 8TATION AND AROUND TOWN. HE Subscriber is. prepared to convey T Chests, Truitks, Boxes and every other description of Luggage toand from the Rail. wi sor = ready to under Ke verything connacte | Cowan's Hew | there Fie will sxeouteon the short- : ion ; Atkinson's Drug Store; King Sheen a RICS or iar po rong is Wen stuck to him for death, thoy say ag good) San be done. nips . Sorat on Terms. ie moderate. JOS. COOK. gs Harry is gone to make his , & Tally | Prince Albert, Aprils, 1876. ph | portperry, An re Port Perry, Jan. 1, 1874. ! "| "What a drondfal thing!' exclaim 'EYORS, CIVIL Eh f ' 3 2 0 Dinah Aon, who had a feel IBY L J s R. Henderson, ERN ed Dinah » Who had a feeling o Gouid's Bios Sondge. | a GENERAL AGENT, &0, ASSUR A COMP A NY. A COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE heart with all her curiosity, CU Lew uy, A' ut Parry, Ot oto or Doub) i FOR SALE. « Ay, 'tis. I think I'd like a .--C, G. Janaing, Agent Entry. Statements and Accounts Prepared © INeO 1851. u mien snack of cold beef, Dinah Ann, ings {mn Lo promptly made. |} desirable property on' Gochrine, Street, | though it is late, I got talking to All orders left. a . 'McOaw's Jewelry y 8800000. fort Fen, four Jots with a Comfortable | your brother in his office and missed stare will reeaive ompyatiention. | io to $1,000,000.) ose hot Sey Saved buat my ten, 0 I've had" nothing since JOHN CHRISTIE, Ls ; 3 with every other Hotteshry convenience, |oneo'clo - dinner, While Phabe le .- FONESNIE SLRRE, TORONTO. Bn ethe yastictlare' apply tothe pe:- puts it on I'll just go and take a look suer of Marriage Hioengrn uOanvepamest, at tho tows ¢ Milly, Ses Et Hh at White Bess." ae RR Lag bts : lerchandise, ihe 39 ¥ 4, I 3 sig " Offico--Mi ahr aa DE yeh die 4.1080. ~b.w. TAYLOR. v, Wie es L) 2 righty sil ; Ex Tig NS rs: + mn otter : D. 3, ADAMS, | A "MBBOTYPES ¢ for 80_cents, at Mo-| that Evan thinks you wight have its, Port For, - es. i For tr ridden borin to-day. No ned to RE {48 Pron To bo ed in January 1851 :| go and see ber now." 8l Harry Leete. are. "aad fidgety be scomed, Th some m alo nd shold -------- NOT A WORD TO DINAH ANN g = te -~ " Ne An ; Divnh Ann herself, the speaker's wife, bad strolled down the garden Ik coMy in all its Departments. |, in the 8weot stillness of the summer bess W. HASLAM. |nightfheard those suggestive words y ag the gig pulled up at the gate and Pe® P HOUSE, ber husband descended trom it. She The tnddined baviog leased bok ater | "2B pleasant little woman of of years ti forse, pleasant) located | 3even or eight and thirty, with dark otel wi vor by strict att: n ti i dots] will qleavar by strict Sen to the brown eyes, a bright, fresh face and the Port fry House a desirable place of | ® D propensity to take her oo Sinn ford the genera} pulley Cholge | 0 , in the house and out of it. Tho staff and yard carefully attended to. Drawing back from tho garden be- hind the well-kept hawthorn hedge, she waited for what was to come next. "Not a word for your life, mind, to Dinah Ann." "No fear," roplied a voice, which she recognized as that of her brother "1 know what womon She'd be for--for revolation- izing the house, and herself, too, once lot her get an inkling of this,.-- No fear, James, Tako care, on your side that you don't loose that --or lot Dinah Ann find it." "Tl take care, When aro you coming to smoke a quiot pipe with me? Ishall want your.advice as to--" "One of these evenings," inter- rupted the lawyer, as he droveon up the lane. James Harbury,substantial farmer and agriculturist, came through the gate and turned to fasten it. £. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. he turned the o bor way, to the left . instead of . pa R UOTET,, J eu A sanding against the hedge as close as sho could stand, al- most into it, He did not see her and went straigt up the path to the When his footsteps had died away, Mrs Harbury wound her light summer gown over her black silk apron, caught hold of her lilac cap "Good-night." Bit, hawt hager house, strings, lest the cap should fly off, valk, 'got round to tho back, went through the house, let drop her gown and entered the sitling room, all calmly, as soon a3 her husband, . "Got back ?" she exelaimod with quite a look ofsurprise. « Just come," repliod tho farmer; "Harry drovemo in his gig." « What brings Ilarry up bere in his gig at this time? and why did everything, "Harry hud to come," said the farmor who seemed to be walking about rather restlessly--and who never thought of such a thing as out loss of timo, o'clock." « Just like Peter Hall. him." «Ob, he'll not get as bad aa that. ho is all tight, And how absen Had and ran swiftly up tho narrow side- you not come buck with Hall?" in- quired Mrs Harbury, who liked to be at the beginning and end of refusing to satisfy his wife's ques tions. "Ho got a message from the Down Farm to go over there with: 1 thought I might as well come with him Dinth Ann, As to Hall left him stuck in the tap oom of the Tawny Lion; he didn't order bis gig to bo ready before ten You'd have taken the reins yourself, James, I reckon, had you come hack with But I say, Dinah Ann, it's a sad thing about Partridge at tho Down Farm. A day or two ago he went with the haymakers-- aud you know what a man ho is to work when he does set about it--got into a heat and drank a lot of cold cider, It .| "Better, is she? I should liketo ¢ | give hor @ look." : He took up his hat which still lay on the table, and went out. Mrs | Harbuiry's eyes followed him ; they [wore full of speculation and her mind also, ' #I don't bolieve he bas gove to look at the mare," soliloquized she. "« He'd not disturb hor, now be hears There is "Stepping lightly into the Kitchen and giving her orders to Pnabe about the supper tray, she caught up an old waterproof cloak that hung in the back passage, threw iton to hide ber light dress ard crept out after her husband, In fact it was a very light beautiful night--in fact it could not be said to be yet as dark as it would be, and that is never dark in the fine nights of summer. " For him to lose his tes," ran her thoughts, "of all things. It must be somo uncommonly urgent busin- oss 10 induce James to forego & meal of any kind, I do wonder what secret they have got between them. 'Nota word, for your life, mind to Dinah Ann, cried he. 'No fear,' answers Harry; 'I know what wo- men are--and she'd be revolationiz- ing the house and herself too.' Yes that I should, but its them I should revolutionize, not myself," sho em- phatically pronounced. "It may be that old love affair cropped up again --~that woman who threatened to bring an action for breach of pro- mise when James married me.-- Porhaps she has been writing to him 'Mind you don't let Dinah Ann find it) says Harry, Or perhaps--per- baps James has been foolish enough to let her meet bim. Harry, not a married man himself, and a lawyer, would lend himself to any oarthly thing without scruple, All lawyers do." This rural district, remote from the haunts of the wily men of the world, given over gntirely to farm- ers and farming? interests, simple minded and simple mahnered people, who lived out thoir uneventful lives 7% "It's more mn I shall be" thought Dinab Ann, "unless 1come to the bottom of this," 3 He ate his supper in silence, like a man who hdd preoccupied, He enjoyed it too, for he was very hungry. 2 "James do you ever hear any- thing of that Emma Land? James Harbury laid down his question and looking 'across at his wife, whose face was bent over hor knitting. oh «Do I over \heir anything ot Hmma Land ? ho repeated, " What can mako you ask that, Dinah Ann?" « What can make me ask it? Idon't know. Why should I not ask it? "There is no sense in it---That I soe." " And do you? " Do I what?' « Byer hear of her?" " Why, you know she went out to --where was it #--the West Indies I think--to het friends there--ever go long ago.--You know she did Dinah Ann." « But sho might write from the West Indies, Perhaps she doos. Does she write to you ?" Ho shook his head to imply a nogative, and then occupied himself with his supper. Emma Land had at one time been a somewhat sore subject between them, for Dinah Ann was jealous in the old days. "Do you ever 800 her, James?" "Seo who?" "You know. Emma Land." 41 can't think what | bas put &l this Me. gone head to-night Dinah Ann. How is itr in the routine of daily duties. The small market town of Northam, four miles distant, was sleepy and prim- itive, never awakening from its slimbers only on weekly market day. Iv had its parson, its doctor, and its lawyer--IHarry Loete--all three of them being nearly as simple as farmers, Not simple in point of intellect, it must be understaod, but as to life and manners, r "This (Thursday) was market day,--James Harbury had gone to it in the gig of a brother farmer, Peter Hall, his own mare, which ho either rode or drove generally, being sick. Ho was a tall; slender manof nine and thirty yedrs, very fair, with ex- ceedingly handsombo features, and mild blue eyes, looking ds unlike the popular notion of a farmer as a man could look, and presenting a marked contrast to his agricultural neigh- bors, So far as appearances went, none of them, rich or poor could vie with James Harbury,and his temper and his bearing were alike gontle, Ho bad one fault--though perbaps all people would not call it a fault-- love of money. That ke wasone of the "warmest" farmers in the district was universally believed, and the mostsaving of men. Toosaving, his wife would tell him, and where was the use of it? she would ask--con- sidering she had neither chick nor child-- and overy now and then she would make the money fly, for she was a dear lover of smart attire and of having pretty things about her. James would wince and bid ber to bo careful, but he never went the longth of telling her sho spent too much, Ho was fond of her, and she of him. y Neither chick nor child. In that fact had lain a sharp sting. Thay '| had been married eight years now, and the sting was wearing itself away. Time softens all things He had never given her cause for an unbappy thought--until to-night, He bad never had any seeréts from her, except that he could never be brought to tell her what the exact sum was that he was epabled to put by at tho end of each year, Dinah Ann Harbury did not care for that; she knew that, however much it might be, it was all for her. But she did care for this--this mysterious secret which bad came to her hoaring to-night, She knew how good looking James was, how universally he was liked by man and woman, and what 4 kind beart he had--she put it soft--and something like jeolously began to tormient her | spirit, Ali aE When James came in again .the supper tray was at one end of the tablo and Dinah Ano, an unusual light in ber eyes, sat at the other. % Well," she said, as he cut him- self a slice of cold beef, "and how did you find White Bess?" : (jor yon : 3 + «Oh, sho soomis comfortable," ho You decetfiil villian! You know 1|you did not gounear tho stable," t his wife. "You dre spiro you ok 807" sho added aloud, = «Ay! White Bess will be all her- "But do you?" "Do I what ?" "See her." " Why, how could 1sgee ber? re- turned he, in a sort of hu'nless*tone, that his wifo fully thought, was put on. "Bhe is in tho West Indics and [ am here." «@8he may not be in the West Indies now." «I don't know where she is. She's there for all I kndw, and I'm sure it doos not matter, Ask no questions and you'll here no stories," and he quoted the line familiar to her in ber old scheol girl days, « should riot at all wonder, James, but what Emma Land bas come back again." " Maby. Two or three years ago we heard she had married out thora--" "Who heard it--who said it ?" "1 know I heard it; I remember it quite well ; but as to who said it, I forget that--your brother, I think. That she had married her cousin." «Net unlikely. For she was roady to marry anyboby, Sho laid traps to marry you, you know." «That's about true; but I did not fall into them, Dinah Ann." And James Harbury turned from the sup- per tray to reach bis pipe. Dinah Ann resumad bor knitting, and fell into a vory unpleasant roverie, A fow days passed away; things go- ing'on smoethely at the farm. Dinah Ann recovered her temper, and James Harbury was the samo as usual, save at times bo soemed 2 little absent and thoughtful. Ono afternoon he went upstairs to change his every day coat for a better one, « Where are you going?" vried Mrs. Harbury, quickly, as ha came own, « Only into Northam, I home early." : «Into Northam ? It's not a market day", . «No but I ve got a little business there about these sheep you know. I shall get them at ny own price, after all, Dinah Ann." «Qf course you will, Itold you go all along. ButIdo wonder you could not wait till to-morrow." # Oh--market day's is always a bustling day ; ono forgots half one's business or has nottimeto do it. Anyway I thought I'd goin this afternoon. «1 should like to go with you, James!" ; ' Mr. Harbury received tho impul sive wish with a blank look and had no rendy answer at hand. I wish to buy a new silk gown and toorder a best cap and ever so any things, Yos; I willgo with shall be gotting ready." hE # But, Dinah Ann, dot today. I shall go to morrow instead, «Why can't you take me, = « Busiriess." he shortly 1 'And his gy around, White Bosd iv the & got into it without more his wite. «I'll bo ovéd with you, g6lf again to-morrow." odds she, [drove in agaip; an - [#able yard, Leav knife gnd fork in surprise at ihe you, James, I wont be five minutes can't take you this afternoon. You being just thon brought drove aay, caling out goo bo a od gig with Evan, he the house, when bis WOR caught by & huge ¥ puffing out of the oh row building that w to serve as brewHf8né J house until the larg® As it was ont of uses W' fact used for any ple W or'entered by any Lirom end to month's er natorily thought to it like a madm: aus In tho fire placefler the furnace v firo blazed awaybn Which more conls had rocer] been thrown, "Ho rushed: Whiter than deaigmes Harbury made ono frantiojte towards ity while a yell of really seomed like terror brokegh him. Anothet yell saclided, till ansther,then he collasped ut and fell upon 8 low woodot s wild despair, . « Good Tefens!" exclaimed Dinah Ann, vhffhad been stooping over some larfets in the far corneft « What in be ford is the matter ? Is it sprens, Jmes. Let me run for the camplor. "53 « Camphorf indeed I" exclaimed the unhappyyman. ¢« Bring poison rather, Tove rained me. . « {e's off his head," was be pitis « Let me rub you, able suggedion. James. ore is the pain ? In chest ?" : ood Ho flung his arms sround in all directiond, so that she could not got to his chest or any part of hind, « Who lighted the fire he gasped. "Phoebe lighted it, 1 ordered her, The fide in the proper Warehouse en to smoking {rightfully Llapkets are to bo washed tos ill be put in soak to is the fire to you; fe morrow an night, Bat wha James, that you sl about it." Rising from the stool--and Dinah Ainwondered the creaky old thing dit not come down with his weight --I» hastened indoors, at down by thetablo and buried his head upon it. She found him so his face hidden in bi bands, Ne, James, you tell to what afl this \eans--if you are not quite out of yor senses. Come I intend to know' y & Yiyou may know it now," he said, ling up his face in despair, "I hacplaced in tho fireplace of that ol furnace, in my old green Rockenak,. £500 in bank notes, nd--i they burnt. oe y They barnt, Dinalynn pansed, " Where did the noteomo from 9" "Frowyour brother--to mie, A long wh ago, years before I knew you, 1 lea friend over £400, Hp ran awayith it to Australia ; I lost my monand set him down as & rogue. Bbo was not so dishonest as I thout him, he had made his, fortune otheir andis back again in Londoow, and last week trans. mitted tHobt and interest to your brother fame, £500. I brought the notes bomhe night Harry drove mo here,' : i "And n just tell me, James; how you 4 think of putting bank notes into + a plac Robes ite] place #8 a furnace "I did for safety. aver went ihere," 7 Robody 5 " Saftr as there not your ureau upst in your bed 4 " Thats op Jouked Face? ay ways lucked," ; ny Ways kay i : ! out of it." = | oy. Rover Sakon « Ab, I sobat it is--jou were afraid 1shouge the money and A want to spent," : SR " And 80 yyould, Dioah Afth-- * he moekly ropd, pe frills and trons Bonnets - you'd not knothere to stop." * "Well, T mgay, James; you . have been righ gerved for your - want of confice, No husband ever has a copoment from his wife but he is sure t pid ont. It is a loss, taoogh A) 3 heat He groaned, | "My busine morning was brother about} "What is thi before him thet i --with tho baz Dinah An. Dinah Ann!" "Ah, it's now--and whege go without me? ¥ Neo od fright, conceal any gs o g a sumlike thaming unexpectedly; - Rass < Ep SG

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