Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Dec 1880, p. 4

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a largo subscriptio \{/ HILE thanking YY Perry and neigborhood. for the fair of support which they have afforded to him during the past year, takes thisoppor- tunity of informing them that he has deter- Lr mined to supply at the Possible Rates 1 1 what they gained at the | QHOIOR FAMILY FLOUR, timo depreciate the Montreal WrrnEss to make ita special inducement to new subscribers is 'made through their old ones, so that the old subscriber gets equal adventige. The special offer this year is the pre: entation of the cole- | brated picture, "Cumist Lmavisa THE x 1 » to every old subscriber to the Wi 3 who sends a new subscrip- tion with bis owp, and the new subscriber gets a coppy as well, If the names are gent independently of each other, 25 cents in ad- dition to the price of the paper is charged for the picture, or $1.35 in all. By such mans as those, benefiting both old and new subscribers, the WeskLy Wirsess and Norraery Mussexarr have enjoyed a con- stantly increasing subscription list, until together with the Day Wirxess it numbers over ope hundred thousand. -- ete Bppsa's Cocoa. --Gaarervn asp CoN ponrme,--"By a thorough knowledge ot he natural laws which govera the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-sclect- od , Mr. Epps has provided our break. fast tables with a delicately flavoured bever- age which may save ns many heavy doctots' bills. It is by the judicious use of such ar- ticles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us youdy to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." -- Civil Service Gasetie,~Sold only in packets labelled--"Jauzs Epps & Co, Homeopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." -------------- A Wonderful Discovery. Por the speedy cure of Consumption, and ol) diseases that lead to it, such as stubborn neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Hay eves a ein in Hie side Sud eh Cl ng in the throat, ie) Be n roa, roat, and all chronic or Jingerin, g of the Throat and Lungs, Pr. King's New Ciscovery has no equal and bas established a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use in their practice. The formula from which itis pro ared is highly recommended by all med Fabio , The clergy and press have it in the most glowing terms. druggist and geta trial bottle for For sale complimen Go to your ,, teu cents, ora regular size for $1, by all draggists. -------- ¥osrore Furnirore.--Cheaper than ever at John Nott's; see his notice else where, He 1s giving holiday presents by selling choice furniture at the purchaser's prices. Astonishing the World. For n perfect renovation of exhausted and enfeebled constitutions, female weakness and Jone decline, nething so surely and speed- ly produces & permanent cure as does Electric Bitters, Their wonderful cures are astonishing the world. For Kidney and Urinary Complaints they are a perfect e. Do not give up in dospair, for lectric . Bitters will positively cure, and that where everything else fails. Seld by "Wy, B. McGaw, Port Perry, at fifty cents a bottle. Delicate Women. Cases of fomnle weakness, delicate and enfecbled constitutions, and suffering with Btomach, Liver and Kidney complaints, will find Electric Bitters a speedy and certain cure. The sick and prostrated should rejoice that such a reliable remedy is placed within their reach. Health and bappiness will surely follow where Electric Bitters are used. For sale by W. B. McGaw, Port Perry, price only fifty cents. -------- ein Bucklen's Arnica Salve * The Beat Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, _soros, ulders, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter. phupped hands, chilblains, corns and all ki skin eruptions, This salve is guaran- teed to give fect satisfaction in every cage or money nded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. THAT NOBLE THORO-BRED BULL - & A k: 9 WATERMAN. : undersigned will keep for Service at ~ his place, * Husipe Fary," lot 10, in the J concession of Reach, that Superior Thoro'- "Bred Bull "Waterman. 'Got by Crown Prince [2029] 1st Dam Water Maid Imp, 'bgDazzler (30852) 2nd } * by Imp. Scot- ; 25100, 19054 GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, OATMEAL, ALSO FEED OF ALL KINDS. . Ho is now unloading the various sizes of HARD AND SOFT COAL which as well as his BLACKSMITHS COAL will be found excellent. ° Salt always on band. N. B.--The Highest Price paid daily for Hides and Skins. Port Perry, Oct. 6, 1880. MARBLE WORKS! PORT PERRY T tunity of expressing their thanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them and would beg to inform the public gener- ally that they now enjoy greatly increased facilities for filling orders more promptly, with CHOICE MATERIAL, SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP and at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. (OUR GRANITE & NIARBLE Pillars, Monuments, 'Tomb Stones, and 'Tablets Are much admired by all who sce them, As no agent is employed the expense is saved and customers get the advantage. REF Come and sce us in our New Works near the Foundry. ROSE & SHAW. Port Perry, March 24, 1880, MEAT! MEAT! MEAT] S 0. OAWKER, has opened his Meat Shop « in his old stand LEONARD'S BLOCK, Port Perry, where the BEST QUALITY OF MEAT will be always kept for eale atthe Lowest Living Profit. at his place. HIDES & SKINS. The Highest Price in Cash for any quantity Increased Public Accommodation HE undersigned would inform the public that he is opening a Restaurant In the premises opposite the Ontario Bank where every thing supplied in a first-class Restaurant will be provided and served in a manner which cannot be excelled as it will be conducted by first-class hands, ETot and Cold Meals AT ALL HOURS, BERVED OYSTERS =~". A call at Cook's Restaurant will satisfy all that this is what the public require. JOSEPH COOK, Port Perry, Sept. 24, 1879. CAUTION! Each Plug of the Myrtle Navy! IS MARKED T. &-B. ve None other Genuine. took: FOR SAL aris Tho Inglo-hmerican Hotel, | PRINCE ALBERT. 0 sale the ab EE Bt bg 44 and | 140 acres of which the people of Port | Parties will find it to their advantage to buy | UNDERTAKER. MAGNIFICENT HEARSE, TAVING purchased two heautiful sets of Plumes for my net Henrie, H which 'a nioely 1 trimmed in the latest Ameriean style, inclndin, iy of Curtaing, Masonic, Oddfellows', and Catholic Emblems, and M quets, and owning asultable team of Black Horses, my nde ing Depart- ment 1s now fully completed, where everything that is necessary to the departed can be ished on the briefest notice, and on the most moderate terms and at prices to suit thetimes. Funerals ucted with the utmost rum, A full assortment of Caskets, Coffins, &e. Without exception T have tho FINEST and BEST APPOINTED HEARSE in Ontario Colby en tovity hearses In style and finish," Furniture. --A latge and well assorted stock of Furniture on hand times, cheap for cash a on short credit to buyers. Band stall Picture Framing --Special attention given to this branch of - ness. A full stock rd all kinds of Mouldings--Walnut, Oa Ramile Fm yng oy PH ds and patrons for the very liberal pat to anking my nds and patron! e vel ral TON! [ven in the past, 1 hope by paying strict attention to ilo Tale ¢ ling, 2 selling at prices consistent with a reasonable profit to merit a continuance of he same. W. J. NOTT, Sign of the Big Rocking Chair. ort, Perry, May 1st, 1879, ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS PORT PERRY. HE Subecriber has much pleasure In informing his customers and the public generally that he has just finished and is now manufacturing some of the finest, most desirable CARRIAGES OF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE. Of the best materal and Workmanship. They will be sold at such Prices as will ensure their ready and rapid sale. My manufacture is now being run and sought after over the larger portion of this Province, and every effort will be put forth to make the manu: facture of the ONTARIO CAnniace Works, Port Punry, still more deservedly populay. ~ #&°AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED,"@&q ; JAMES EMANEY. Port Perry, April 10, 1878. Important Announcement. NEW CABINET SHOP ! New Furniture and New Prices pes undersigned has opencd out a good and well selected Stock of Furniture, cone sisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, Looking Glasses. Chairs of all kinds, wood, cane and spring seats. Chairs from 34 cents up. Mottoos Framed complete for 23 cents up. A large quantity of Pictures and Picture Frames. Mouldings very cheap. Great Bargains will be given. I will not be undersold by any in the trade. Pictures flamed and unframed. Rustics and' Walnut Frames, prices low. ; Everything in the Undertaking line. COFFINS, SHROUDS, &e. Give me a call and I will give you Bargains. Nore ie Prace--Queen Street, one door East of Mr, Wright's Boot and Shoe Store, Goods delivered Faee in Town, JOHN NOTT. Port Perry, Nov. 26,1870, M. O'DONOVAN PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. Be A pairing. FARM FOR SALE. HE undersigned offers for Saie that comfortable farm being 50 acres of lot 22, in the 13th con. of REACH, 40 acres cleared and in a good state of cul- tivation. There are on the premises a now frame Dwelling House 18 by 24, a new f] Barn built the present season; 30 by 50} and a full gupply ot good water, i Theo location is pleasant and convenient being 30 rods west of the Seagrave Station of the W, P. P. & L. Railway. i Titie indisputable and immediate pobes-- sion. : For particulars apply to the the premises, if by letter to the Seagrave P.O. WM. MARKS. % 88-1f FARM to RENT. T= od i od offers to Rent his farm TOWNSHIP OF FENELON, About 3} miles from the railway station The farm contains 100 acres, 30 which are plowed and there ave meadow.. There are on the premises a frame Dwelling House and Barn, | For particulars apply to ea © "TA, RICHA Livery Stables ! HE undersigned would inform the pub- T lic that he has opened a Livery Estab- lishment OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE | QUEEN-ST, PORT PERRY. Customers may rely on prompt attention, Good and Suitable Rigs and moderate charges. 4 A share of public patronage is solicited. BR. G. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, Nov. 2, 1880. PROT PERY ~ FOR SALE. i TOWNSHIP OF REACH, | Seagrave, Sopt, 1, 1880. La Tu GOOD Assortment of Buggicsconstantly on hand made from the best Material -- Work mado to order with neatness and despatch, Particular attention paid to re- 'proprictor on] pronching Winter reminds us that HEALS as COMFORT and APPEARANCE de suitable Outfits and PEARCES Merhart Taluing Esl Is the place to secure exactly what is wanted. The Stock of Cloths ih Quality, NerompStyles and very suitable Goods for the season, coatings, &o. Gent's Faraishings in abundance, cheapand good. Orders promptly filled, a perfect fit, moderate pricesand satisfaction gia Leave your measures and secure ono of those handsome Buits so much gor Port Perry, Nov. 3, 1880. 3 J, iment, Superior To Arrive in a few days 2 Car Loads of Bar Iron, 1 Load Carriage Wood Wor 100 Kegs Horse Shoes, 200 Boxes Horse Nails, ALSO, A COMPLETE STOCK OF CUTTER TRIMMIN ese AND---- 6 SHELF ~ HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. LAING & MEH SICN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Sept. 29, 1880, ARRY. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS me Tet TALTHAM © Hames, wenn LADIES GOLD WATCHES. JUST TO HAND, ALSO, Ladies' Colored Gold Sets, Lockets, Chains; NECKLETS, &C. A large line of WEDDING and GEM RINGS, very Cheap. . Large variety of all kinds of CLOCKS. Also, SPECTACLES to suit all sights, very "heap. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Watch Repairing a Specialty. All work warranted. Yort Perry, Sept. 30, 1880. i ©. B. DIESFELD. NothingLikeLeather ab 2 § : The wonderful success which has attended rity business is accated for by the fact that I carry an Enormous Assortment of Desirable Ele: gant and Durable : BOOTS AND SHOES ------ AT-- Fall aod Winter Stock now complete inal lines. Custom worl in all its branches warranted. ty ¥ " WHEELER & WIL And HOWE = Sewing Machines, At Prices as before the New Tariff Pianos: Organs To be found anywhere aro at [TUPPERS "fhe quality of his Machines and Instiu- ments cannot be beat and No one can undersell him ! Ho also offers to Rent Machines snd In- giritments at moderate rates. Second hand Sewing Machines taken in part payhient of New. Any description of Machine furnished to order, A full supply of Funishings, Oils, Needles, &e. . The above machines fully warranted and kept in order for a number of years free, Machines, not kept in stock, supplied to otder, at dealers lowest prices, 5 "The best Sewing Machine Oil ; N 1 all the loading Nac ines, and Sew! eee foe 3 Attachments kept constantly on hand. % BE: HEAP, : i * Manchester. N.B:i--All kind¥ ofs Sewing Machines and Clocks repaired. Also for second-hand Lock Stitch Machin rder, and warranted, Prices upward. Manchester, May 21, 1879. Repairing done veatly, promptly and cheaply. Show Rooms .two doors east of the| Post Office, Port Perry. CO. TUPPER. BAKERY! CONFECTIONERY &(. HE Undersigned would remind his T custoniers and the public generally. that besides Choice Plain dud Fancy Breads of A l every variety, the Best quality of Confec- tionery, &c., &c., he rupplics everything in the Bakery and Confectionery line at his establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert. Bridal and other Cakes Supplied on the shortest notice. Public Teas And other social entertainments promptly supplicd and at moderate charges. The best quality of BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED ICE CREAM upplicd by measure to the public. Handsomely fitted up PARLORS For the convenience ot the public, where Success the best test of Cues by ABSORPTION {Nalue's wy) LUNG DISEASES, THROAT DISEASES, BREATHING TROUBLES. Tt Draves 1x10 the system 'curative agents and healing medicines. § 1t Draws Fron the diseased parts the poisons that cause death. Thousands Testity to its Virtues. You can be relieved and Cured Don't despair until you have tried this Sen= sible, Easily Applied and RADICALLY EFFECTUAL Remedy. Sold by Druggists; or sent by mail on re« goipt of Price, $2, by + - H. HASWELL & CO, No. 148 and 150 McGill st, Montreal, Sg... ; Sole Agents for the Dominion. » For Sale in Port Perry by ie QO. C. McGlashan. 1% Send for Testimonials, and our book; Three Millions a Year." Sent free. 4 Worth are supplied of the best quality, those refreshments and dainties eo pleasant, healthful and retreshing in hot weather, One of the best Fountains now in use for making cooling drinks. Childrens' Toys, good and cheap. C. HISCOX. Port Perry, May 21,1879. MANCHESTER. HEARD'S TRIS, UNIVERSAL MEDICIN. 185 A i / HOUSEHOLD PEIUISITE & ERY- ; Carriage : Works | AND GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. Purify the Blood, impirt tone to the Neroond Fy and act must boweruliy yet sooth] 1y on he Liver and. Bowels; Dromaiag tion and assimilation, And endowing the wi | bodily. frame with Strengt and vigor. Ni vous Headaches, Tie: ngs with I tude and General Debility quickly yield to the tent force of these well-known Pills, and they are unrivalled in their efficacy in all x % FEMALE' COMPLAINTS, removing all obstructions, gkin Dbl Dimples and boils better than any other fan medicine known. 5 Sn HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable services of © One of the best wood-wotkers in the Pro- vince, and is now better fitbed than ever to fill all orders for 3 Cutters, Sleoighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repalrsin Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles -- superior * work- 'manship, Special attention given to HORS SHOEING soas t ure the ease traveling, oderate and all wo 'WO, HEARD. Manchester, Deo: 17th 1874. 15 o It heals every kind of Sore, Ulcer and more certainly than any othér knows Its ivelous, pegetrating owers: pa All Cha invaluable in ar, Warranted. . QUEEN STREET, Port Perry, Sept. 23, 1880.

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