Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Nov 1880, p. 4

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'Butur-| soa bey eg ho: 11 the animals save $31, 0 'cross Oxford and were valuable for brecding pur- 1s said that the dogs which did the, g to Michael Tierney and the one ott. Michael and Charles will | heavy damages to pay the break the back of $150 if it exceed that amount, but $75 or so is pay for the luxury of owning » lun wom a ils Bd ) r Dyspepsia ver aI some to me under most favorable auspices, being very highly en- dorsed and recommended. Its wonderful affinity to the Digestive Organs and the Li creasing the disolving juices, cor- the acids aud carrying off impurities of the sto: regulating the Liver, an go tested securing a sample bottle which ells at 10 cents, or large Eight ounce Bottles, 75 cents. 3. B. Allison. The Greedy Deep. Mr. McShane, of Montreal lately shipped #nt lot of cattle and sheep for the "but the two steamers which earried them encountered the rough weather of the middle of last month; one vessel carried 148 head of cattle and. 138 sheep and these were all washed overboard and lost, of tho other vessel 756, cattle and 152 sheep were lost. Thus the "greedy deep devoured 223head of cattle 'and 288 sheep on short notice. Mr. McShane loses nothing as he was fully insured. mi 4 HILE Perry and of support which that he has mined to supply at the Lowest Possible Rates ! CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUR, > CRACKED WHEAT, OATMEAL, ALSO FEED OF ALL KINDS. He is pow unloading the various sizes of HARD AND SOFT COAL which as well as his BLACKSMITHS! COAL will be found excellent. Balt always on band. N. B.--The Highest Price paid daily for Hides and Skins. Port Perry, Oct. 6, 1880. D MARBLE WORKS! PORT PERRY HE undersigned would take this oppor~ tunity of expressing their thanks for 'Bpps's Oocoa.--G2atervn axp Com yommiNe.--~"By a thoroughsknowledge ot he naturel laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-select- ed Mr. Epps has provided our break. fast-tables with a delicately flavoured bever- age which may save us many heavy doctors' Vills. It is by the judicious use of such ar- ticles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds 'of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselygs well fortified with pure Vlood and a properly nourished frame."-- Civil Sergice Gaztie.~Sold only in packets labelled -- "Jax ss & Co , Homeopathic Ohemists, 48, T'lireadnecdle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." ry re GI An Man's Ioblcs Work. This is an age of great works and wonder- fol inventions. Steam, clectricity, water, air, all are made to gerve man, but unquestionab2 the greatest inventions are thoss which pre- serve man's health and prolong his life, and un. Kiva's New orl happy to- ay "who once lcoked forward toan early grave, For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Ast Loss of Yoice, Hay Fever, Hoarse- ness, Croup, or ary affection whatever of the Throat Chest or Luags, Dr. ¥iva's New Dis- « ooverY will posiively cure. We can cheer- fully recommend it to all, and ean unhesit- atingly say itis the orly sure-cure for Throat and Lung Affictions. Trial botiles ten cents; regular size $1 For vale by all Druggists. iim. firms Eavied Beauty. What is more handsome than a nice bright, clear complexion, showing the beau- ties of perfect healtli all can enjoy these ad- vantages by using Electric Bitters. Impure blood and all disesses of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs are speedily cured. For nervonsucss and all attendant ailments they are a ncver failing remedy and positively cure where all others fail.-- Try the Electric Bitters and be convinced of their wonderful merits. McGaw, Port Perry, at fifty cents a bottle. -- ett 8 eee - Delicate Women. Cases of femnle wenkness, delicate and enfeebled constitutions, and suffering with Stopacia Liver and Kidney complaints, will "Electric 'Bitters a speedy and certain cure. The sick and prostrated should rejoice that such a reliable remedy is placed within their reach. Health and happiness will surely follow where Elvetric Bitters are used. For sale by W. B. McCaw, Port Perry, price only fifty cunts, ies Sara cot-- Bucklicn's Arnica Salve ¥ The Bet Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers #alt rhéum, fever sores, tetler, ed helithy, ehfiblas, © nd all a 2 nin every case 25 cents per box. -- CHINA HALL! QUEEN STREET, For sale by W. B.y the very liberal patronage bestowed on them and would beg to inform the public gener-- ally that they now enjoy greatly increased facilities for filling orders more promptly, with CHOICE MATERIAL, SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP and at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. (UR GRANITE & MARBLE Pillars, « Monuments, Tomb Stones, and 'Tablets Are much admired by all who see them, As no agent is employed the expense is saved and customers get the advantage. p@ Come and see us in our New Works near the Foundry, ROSE & SHAW. Port Perry, March 24, 1880. MEAT! MEAT! -- QC. CAWKER, b d his Meat Sh S. 'in his old He pene None Shop LEONARD'S BLOCK, Port Perry, where the BEST QUALITY OF MEAT will be alwa Living Profit, Parties will find if to their advantage to boy at his place. HIDES & SKINS. The Highest Price in Cash for any quantity Increased Public Accommodation HE undersigned would inform the public that he is opening a Restaurant In the premises opposite the Ontario Bank where every thing supplied in a first-class Restaurant will be provided and served in a manner which cannot be excelled as it will be conducted by first-class hands. Elot and Cold Meals AT ALL HOURS, SERVED OYSTERS =". A call at Cook's Restaurant will satisfy all that this is what the public require, JOSEPH COOK. Port Perry, Sept. 24, 1879. CAUTION! Each Plug of the Myrtle Navy ! ys kept for sale atthe Lowest ig 18 MARKED o : In Bronze Letters. None other Genuine. | FOR.SAL! = sb FORSALE. (The _ Anglo-American Hote, thi cere AVING purchased two beautiful which of Curtains, Mi ets, and OW! de can farnished on the brie! terms and at prices to sult the times. decorum. A full assortment of Caskets, Coffi the FInest and APPOINTED hearses in style and fini, > Furniture.--A large and times, cheap for cash or on short cred Picture Frami ness. A full stock Frames to select from.. Thanking my friends and patro: in the past, I hope by striot selling at prices cons! the same. 'Eh paying stent. \ nicely trimmed in the latest Amerie: asonic, Oddfellows', and Catholic 1 ni) uitable team of Blac! [it and owning & ment is now fully completed, where =) nl attention ne all Tina: of Mould} Mocking Chair SN RY KK 8, ul k Horses, my Undertaking Depart- eyervihing that is necessary to the fest notice, and on the most erate Funerals conducted with the utmost ng, &c. Without any exception I have HEARSE in Ontario County and equal to city well assorted stock of Furniture on hand atall it to good buyers. iven to this branch of my busi- ngs--Walnut, Ebony, and Rustle tha vory liberal patronage given to me ation to business, fair senting, and aavie profit to merit a continuance of W. J. NOTT, HIE approaching Winter reminds us that HEALTH as ] well as 00 ORT and APPEARANCE demand suitable Outfits and ; Fo. PEARC E'S Merchant Tafloring Eat Is the plice to securo exactly what is wanted The Stock of Cloths is Large, Superior Quulity, Newest Styles and very suitable Goods for the season. Cloths, Tweeds, Over- costings, &c. Gent's Furnishings in abundance, cheap and good. Orders promptly filled, a perfect fit, moderate pricesand satisfaction guaranteed. Leave your meagures and securc one of those handsome Suits so much sought after. Port Perry, Nov. 3,'1880. J. PEARCE. # T their ready and rapid sale. My manufactur: Port Perry, April 10, 1878. pee undersigned has opened out a good Looking Glasses. cents up. Picture Frames. undersold by any in the tr Frames, prices low. "Everything in the Undertaking line. @ive me a call and I will give you Bargail Norg the Prace--Queen Street, ono door Goods delivered Fagg in Town, Mouldings very cheap. ade, Pictures fu Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1879. ONTARID CAR sie y ORT PERRY. HT Subscriber has much pleasure in informing his customers and the public generally that he has just finished and is now manufacturing some of the finest, most desirable NEW CABINET SHOP ! New Furniture and New Prices sisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Matt Chairs of all kinds, wood, cane an Mottoes Framed oorbplete for 23 cents up. Great Bargains will be HAGE WO - CARRIAGES OF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE. Of the best materal and Workmanship. They will be ¢ is now bei larger portion of this Province, and every effort will be put forth to make the man facture of the.Oxrario Casriace Works, Port PERRY, ng run and sought after over { still more deservedly popular, §&AN EARLY CALL I8 SOLICITED. "@a JAMES EMANEY. Important Announcement. an d spring seats, Chairs from given. I will not amed and unframed. Rustics and Waln COFFINS, SBHROUDS, &ec. ns. East of Mr. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store. JOHN NOTT. NEAR THE pairing. M. O'DON OVAN PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. eri GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly.on ignd mage from the best Material -- Work made toorder with neatness and 4 wenatch, Particular attention p.iu to re RKS i sold at'such Prices as will énsure d well selected Stock of Furniture, con< rasses, Cribg, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, A large quantity of Pictures and ce FRE ROA » To Arrive in a few days 2 Car Loads of Bar Iron, 1 Load Carriage Wood Work, 100 Kegs Horse Shoes, 200 Boxes Horse Nails, ALSO, A COMPLETE STOCK OF CUTTER TRIMMINGS, esi AND--= SHELF ~ HARDWARE OF EVERY LAING & MEHARRY. SIGN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, Port Perry, Sept. 29, 1880, C. B. DIESFELD. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ster TN are JALTHAM { aes. wen J ADIES GOLD W ATCHES. JUST TO HAND, ALSO, Ladies' Colored Gold Sets, Lockets, Chains, NECKLETS, &C. A large line of WEDDING and GEM RINGS, very Cheap. A Large variety of all kinds of CLOCES. Also, SPECTACLES to suit all sights, very Cheap. x A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Watch Ropairing a Specialty. All work warranted. Port Perry, Sept. 30, 1880. NothingLikeLeath 6 he Us DESCRIPTION. 34 be] ut er Livery Stables ! FPVHE uudersigned would inform the pub- "1 lie that he bas opened a Livery Estab- hment OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE © _QUEEN-ST, PORT PERRY. Customers may rely ob prompt attention, ood and Suitable Rigs and moderate charges. A share of public patronage is solicited. R. G. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, Nov. 2, 1880. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. T comfortable farm being 50 acres of 22, in the 13th con. of REACH, 40 acres cleared and in a good state of ¢ tivation. There are on the premises a n a full supply ot good water. being 30 rods west of the Seagrave Stati of the W, P. P. & L. Railway. sion. For particulars apply to the proprietor Seagrave, Sept, 1, 1880. HE nnd rH in the "TOWNSHIP D HE undersigned offers for Salé that frame Dwelling House 18 by 24, a new frame Barn built the present season, 30 by 50, aud The location is pleasant and convenient Title indisputable and immediate poses- the premises, if by letter to the Seagrave P. WM. MARKS. Ee BBE FARM to RENT. i ed offers to Rent his farm F FENELON, The wonderful success which has attended my business is accounted for by the fact that I carry an lot Enormous Assortment of Desirable, Ele: gant and Dusable . BOOTS AND SHOES AT BQTTOM PRICES Fall and Winter Stock now completo in all lines. Custom work in all its branches warranted. ul ew on on 0. < i ©. TRICK, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, Port Perry, Sept. 23,1880. . : Pianos:Organs To be found anywhere are at [TOPPERS The quality of his Machines and Instru- ments cannot be beat and No one can undersll him ! Ho also offers to Rent Machines and In- struments at moderate rates. Second band Sewing Machines taken in part payment of New. Any description of Machine order, A full supply of Funishings, Oils, Needles, &e. furnished to Repairing done peatly, cheaply. pF" Show Rooms .two doors east of the Post Office, Port Pry. ©. TUPPER. Sept. 1, 1880 BAKERY! CONFECTIONERY &1. FVHE Undersigned would remind his customers and the public generally that besides Choice Plain aud Fancy Breads of every variety, the - Best quality of Confec. tionery, &c., &c., he supplics everything in the Bakery and Confectionery line at his estublishments Port Perry and Prince Albert. promptly and Bridal and other Cakes Supplied on the shortest notice. Public Teas And other social entertainmeiits promptly supplied find at moderate charges. The best quality of BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED order, at dealers lowest prices, all the leadin; WHEELER & WILSON! And HOWE Sewing Machines, i At Prices as before the New Tar: T The above machines fully warranted and kept in order for a number of yeas free. Machines, not kept in stock, supplied to "The best Sewing Machine Oil ; Needles for v Mat ines, and Sewing: Machin So constantly on hand. BE. HEAP, Manchester. N.B.=All kinds of Sewing Machines an Clocks repaired. Also for sale a number second-hand Lock Stitch Machines in running order, and warranted, Prices from $4 an upward. Manchester, May 21, 1879. Attachments Cures by ABSOF PTION (Naue's wep) i ---------------------------------------------- AL LUNG DISEASES, THROAT DISEASES, BREATHING TROUBLES. ft Drives into the eystem curative agents and healing medicines. 1t Draws rion the diseased parts the poisons that cause death, Thousands Testity to its Virtues. You can be relieved and Cured Don't despair until yon have tried this Sen- sible, Easily Applied aud RADICALLY HFFECTUAL Rentedy. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on res ceipt of Price, $2, by . H HASWELL& CO, ICE CREAM] upplied by medsiire to the public. | Hundsomely fitted up PARLORS "or the convenience ot the public, where refreshments aud daintics so pleasant, Reaithful and refreshing in hot weather, One of the best Fouutains now in use fof making cooling drinks. Childrens' Toys, good and cheap, : C. HISCOX, Port Perry, May 21,1879, MANCHESTER. HEARD'S / Carriage AND ESTABLISHMENT. HT Subscriber has much pleastre in stat ing that he has secured the valuable services of Die of the best wood-worgers in the Pro- vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairsin Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the best material, litest styles nnd superior work- manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING _| and the work done soas to sectire the edse and comfort of the horse in traveling. p@5™ All Charges Moderate and all wo Warranted. Ww. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. C. HEARD. 1 STORE, PQRT PERRY. HANKFUL for many yeats of cri 54 Talloing Establishment | |. | 355% OVER MESSRS, 1ROWN §& CURRIE'S] No. 148 and-150 McGill st., Montreal, Q. Sole Agents for the Dominions | For Sale in Port Perry by ars supplied of the best quality, "those Success t! J). ¢. McGlashan. 13 Send for Testimonials, and our booky "Phree Millions a Year," Sent free, he bost test of Worth THIS - UNIVERSAL MEDICINE Is 4 HOUSEHOLD JL oyisie EVERY The Pills Purify the Blood, impart tone to .the Nervous System, and act mist powerfully yet soothing 1y on ihe Liver and Bowels, promoting Diges- tion and assimilation, and endowing the whole bodily frame with Strength and vigor. Ner- - | Yous Headaches, Tiemblings with Lassitude and General Debility quickly yield to. the po- | tent force of these well-known Pills, and t| are unrivalled in their efficacy in all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, removing all obstructions, skin blemishes pimples and boils better than any other famil; medicine known. THE OINTMENT HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. It heals every kind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound nore certainly than any other known salve, Its tiarvelous penetrating powers render it Discases, and Asth invaluable in all Throat and Chest d tortures of Ooi It ; species of it PRINCE ALBERT. ell Toca atl. bers and About 3} miles from the railway station -- increasi sub and The farm contains 100 acres, 30 acres of which are plowed and there are 7 acres of meadow. There ate on the premises a good | PROPERTY fot sale the above public that he has got There are few _ | more pleasant locations in the Province and fair share of attention a good business 3 are large and There are erected d Frame Bara with Jndergron FOR SALE. offers for Sale 200 Acres lot 3, in the 7th conces- on the premises a Good ad Stables. good mfortable frame frame Dwelling House and Barn. For particulars apply to HITBY, RAILWAY. Commencing Mon uly 19th, Train s will oh Ha Trains Going N A. RICHARDSON, no ir %. erry. Pott Perry, March 24; 1880, 7 © L720 PORT PERRY & LINDSAY Change of Time and Additional Train Service. 1880, DOMINION. We offer sou for the harvest of 1880, the following first Implements: | BROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTER, (Improved) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (mproved:) " Kh | lass Farming 2 1n his néw premises over Mr. with u¢ 4 od ti lon every department of his orders promptly filled his regularly received. The Latest perior Workmauship, 533, yds

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