Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Oct 1880, p. 3

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y whole of my Ld the above departments at the Vey Lowes Ling Pol I have no hesitation in affirming that my - Wjnotations made by those who are continus sally blowing and boasting. that they are "iunderselling everybody else in the trade, Call and got BARGAINS in Cottons, - "Pweeds, Flannels, Wincies, and Wincey Bhirtings, "My Teas are extra good value, and a large Stock of Raisins, Currauts, &c., Cheap. Boots and Shoes, Rubbars anll Over Shoes {in endless va:iety, having been 'bought before the advance in price, will 'be sold very low, z §&@™ Highest market price 'allowed 'for Butter and fggs. ; JACOB DAFOE. "Utica, Dec, 24, 1879. . FINEWATCHES, ANE Ti ~ JEWELRY, CLOCKS, ~ SILVERWARE ~~ SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY. _ROOM-PAPER, > FANCY GOODS, &¢. LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO /_«<§O0BTH ONTARIO. "WIL sell at prices to suit the times, ' Call and examine my Stock. W. H. McCAW, Royal Arcade, Port Perry. IMPROVED ¢ ¥ARM LANDS, _ . FOR SALE! Private Contract, The following Lands situated in the Townships of Reach and Uxbridge, -are offered for Sale ut Low Prices Jor cash or upon shont derms of payment PARCEL 1.--Containing 20) Acres, 1s com. of Lots Nos 1 and 2, in the 8th con. and the parts of Lots Nos. 1 and 2, in She ith concersion of Uxbridge, upon this Breet, hetesire an Orchard, a large Frame oan; The louse, and _ecommodious outbuilde His nearly all clearcd, und is a --Con! about 200 Ae : Omi aa ta Eh Fe Set lh oliing Slots Accommedation, an 14 very Suitable for BLOCK FANINE. --Consists of what, {a known J BT, Together with ths r Proj belong. braces the North-half of ; r 100 Bot BE lh TI | Oinr selections for this season's trade have been made with the entirely, Having gone en oy Stock of and marked every article th prices will bear comparison with the lowest - BL HAVE NOW ON HAND THE BEST,|® ; greatest care and nothing that 'experience, capital, taste and skill can command has been left undone to make our stock unsur- passed for Quality, Style and Value. Our prices, based upon a scale of moderate profits cannot fail to ensure the continued support of our vast army of intelligent patrons. We ave the LArersT ExraBLISHMENT, we carry the LARGEST Stock, we do the Larcest Busi- |~Ess, and give the Best VaLve or any House in Port PERRY. We cannot and will not be undersold. We call special attention to a few of our Departments. IN DRESS GOODS We are unexcelled. Our styles and prices are correct, and it will be our costant sim to have this Department up to the highest standard of excellence. We are now showing some magnifi- cent lines in . An immense variety of Pompa- 'dour and plain colored Vel- vets in all shades. | Langtry Cords, Como Cords, Stocingnettes, Roubaux Twills, Satin De Beiges, Brocaled Cilks and Satins in Polka spots and figures, Fringes and Trimmings to Match all Dress Goods. Our Stock oF WINCEY is unapproachable for extent and excellence of value. No bebter value ever offered. OUR FrLanNkLs Asp TwrEDS are admitted to be the best value ever shown in town. In PriNTs we are showing a magnificent assortment in all the new and popular fall styles. : Our Ready-made Clothing Department Stand supreme ; nothing like it in Pott Perry. The style, quality and woilmanship "o our cloth- ing canuot be-surpassed, and for Price we cannot be approached. BOOTS AND SHOES. --We carry an imménse stock, and the quality and the price of goods in this department cannot be beaten by any house in the trade. GROCERIES, pure and frou, offered. i No trouble to show Goods whether you desire to parison of our Stock and Prices cordially invited. i'ry our far-famed 50 cents Te = (he best value ever purchase or not. An inspection and com- = x es IMMENSE STOCK Stylish Millinery Goods, Hats and Trimmings a Specialty and very Cheap. A large Stock of Ladies' Murtles, Parasols, Dress Goeds, Hosiery, Gloves, Prints, Shirtings, Flannels, Cloths, T'weeds, Towelings, Tickings. Ready-made Clothing, &c. A large "tock of Gent's New and Fashionable Hats. Ladies', Gent's and Children's Boots| and Shees. A full Stock of General Groceries, Crocknay and Glassware. $5000 worth of Bankrupt Stock 'Goods to be Cleared Out at Wholesale Prices. 07 The highest Market Prices allowed for all kinds of Farm Produce. JOSEPH BIGELOW. PORT PERRY, May 12, 1880. POR SALE! wcs-chaceny, provision, o |LIQUOR BUSINESS. Pickets, Lumber, "The tmdersigned would take fis ppovtunity of returning his mosthearty thanks for the dof the Sonth-hatt hich 1s cleared a ot No. 21, i h a 3% h, and sevel al acres under n the market and CHA ation Joist So generous and still increasing patronage bestowed ou him wince opening business in this place and now takes pleasure in informing his customers and the general public that he has made further arrangements to meet the wishes of his customers still more fully by the en Hutroduction of a STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM | WHEREBY PRICES MAY BE CUT TO THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE. My Stock of Groceries is New, Fresh ond Choice. Reliable Brands of Wines, Boome Toes! ARTIES Sesirom od ding tug secure mate, a Stock rp from. Toit Boards and oists from $6 per M fect; Bhingles from M;; Lath from 10 cents per bundle. Hour, Bran, | Liquors, Spirits, &c. A full supply of PROVISIONS: Superior Goods and Lowest Possible Prices may be relied on. Ch ; eo 7 ES ho W. B. McGAW. "Port Perry, Aug. 25, 1880, fn el 'suitable Outfits and Baki An Immense Stock of BW FALL Goons! NEW CASHMERES, « WINOEYS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, GENT'S FURNISHINGS. " GRENTEST VALDE Special Attention To our Stock of Mantles and Mantle Oleths. OHOCKST GCARAPEST YER SHOW RITIINTBY DBPARPBINT | Our Show Room is opened for the Fall Frade and our Stock of Goods ta this line this season is ESPECIALLY FINE. EA DIES--Do not fail to see our new Fall Styles. All Departments fully assorted. JONES BROS. & CO. Port Perry, Sept. 15, 1880, LOOK OUT FOR NEW ADVER- TISEMENT NEXT WEEK. T.S. CORRIGAN Such Outfits as all J HE approaching Winter reminds us that HEALTH as well as COMFORT and APPEARANCE demand PEARCES Mecha Talog Eablshmen Is the place to secure oxactly what is wanted, The Stock'of Cloths is Large, Superior Qunlity, Newest Styles and very suitablo (loods for the season, Cloths, Tweeds, Over- codtings, &c. Gent's Furnishings in abundance, cheap and good. Ortlers promptly filled, a perfect fit, moderate pricesand satisfaction guaranteed. £ Leave your measures and secure ono of those handsome Suits 80'much sought after. Port Perry, Nov. '8, 1880. J. PEARCE. N.P. Onc WANTED. { QUARTER MILLION FF. HARDIFOOD LUMBER. he Shbucribetia ptepared to pay the bightst price In CASH for Lutnber delivered at his yards in Port berry in quantitios of oy 10,000 Soft Elim Plank 5 inches thick. an000 Sof Elim Plank. 4} faches tick, 10,000 ft, Soft &Nm Plank 3} thick, 10,000 {£. Black Ash 1 inch thick, 100,000 ft. Basswood quuschy of Hardwosd 5,000 féét 3 26, 10,000 ft. Maple and 10/000 ft. Maple and Birch Barrels, Salt, Plaster, &c, 5 A one Lime in I TheCheapest e More EACH DEPARTMEI SOLD AT PRICH ~--THAT WILL GIVE PURCHASERS THE-- Very best Value for their Money Cash for all kinds of Grain 8 H CHRISTIAN: Wightman's | NEW GOODS Everyday © HOUSE IN THE COUNTY 1s ightman's | 'Wightman's Corner, PORT PERRY. | $a Highest Price pald oe ail kinds of Produoe,

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