Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Oct 1880, p. 1

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URSDAY, OCT. 28, 1880. pe ------ Business €A PORT PERRY BRANCH. til all arrears " discontinued un RATES OF ADVERTISING. 'without specific accordingly. a a A outuntilpaid for, A liberal 'half-year, ed terms 'will in all cases y awed to Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Oards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and "olor, executed promptly and at lower rates shan any other establishment in the County. Parties from di hand be $0 08 | est allowed ived for publication. rece! Lhe to 0 discount allowed to Merchants sand others who advertise by the year or thereon. * No notice of withdrawal required. liberal would now other property to sel by Auction or Cartwright. My ONTARLO BANK. CAPITAL $3,000,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A, A. ALLEN, ETURNING my. sincere thanks to my friends and patrons for their patronage bestowed upon me as Auctioneer dunng the past eight years, 1 beg to offer my services to who may have Farm Stock, Implements, or anywhere in North Ontario, the township of Mariposa long and extensive prictice a8 Auc- B : PORT PERRY, HAE large sums of money on hand Investment, ie Mortgages Purchased. of Of Stedmships. office iii Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Pefty, Jan. 2, 1870; 2 al HE Subscriber is prepared to fend mon; ofte to twenty years, Agent for Western Cawapa Loan i Savinas Company, INO. & D. J. ADAMS, _ : Money, Land & Insurance ROKERS, A number bf exdellent Farms for ALLAN LINE JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Pott Perry. MONEY TO LOAN. on improved property for terms from hotels. THH PORT PERRY. ER EB Subscriber having leased the ng for hotel, it will be his endeavor to © THE WALKER HOUSE few H hs J by otels in best cities: find in : THE WALKER HOUSE all that can be accommodati I'he Charges are No 'Walker Housé than other Hotel in Town. FIRST CLASS STYLE. tion paid to the convenience and comfort o ALL GUESTS. ey Ni n in the Province, Attentive hostlers, Walker House, it in every particular so as to merit the approbation and patronage of the public, whether for extent or quality of dations is quality accommo | 2 the , Farmers and doing business in the Village and the general public will tired in the matter of lon moderation in charges. Higher at the at any Fhe House is fitted up throughout in The Tables and Bar supplied with the choice of the market and the utmost atten-- No better stable and shed accommodation '} SOPHIE, AN INTERLUDE. | InTwo Cuaprens--CaaprsnIL CONCLUDED: Quite suddenly she turned, laid ber little hands on my arm, lifted those eloquent, wonderful eyes of hers tomy face, as if to read my inmost soul, and said : "Mr Dennis, what is the trouble with you dee [down? You laugh and > oy the surface; but you have a settl- Sled grief. What is 1? . How could Tanswer her? 1 tried fo pass the question by; but she would not suffer iti: "No, no!" she persisted. "You won't baffle me.-- Will yo fell me?" She colored slightly and hung her head. "Tell me, isit anything aboat--money 7" "Remotely money is the cause," I answered, "Oh,ean money mend--can money put it away ?"' She butrayed great agitation, and was flushed and pale by tarns. I could not imagine what agitated hersn strangly. I took the little hands in mine--she was still a child to me--and said : "Why do yon ask f a story to tell. I will relateit bre: 1 would not tell it only it fat El bsequent conduct. © was free. She had been most cruely coerved by her relatives from first to last; tho miserable halfewiut- ed Viscount upon whom they were thrusting her, persecuting her with unwelcome attentions : her father's affairs in 4 tottering condition; her step-mother 'railing at her from morning till night. She wavered for very and consented to become peer's wife to save her father. Just a week before the day fixed for the wedding, a well-known Ioank filed; dragging down many commercial houses in its fall, Mr. Morewood among the number.-- Thereupon Lord Rathalan's yacht got upsteam, and vanished in the night, 'The next day, Mr. More- wood died of apoplexy, they said ; but I knew from Juliet's face the real truth-- by his own band. Juliet took what portion of goods remain- ed for her--a very scant one--and came to me penniless, well nfgh heart broken, but still my own true love, my Queen of Women. Before I left her she had promised to be mine at once. The lady and gevleman with whom she bad travel ed homearranged to stay in London until" all could be settled ; and half delirious with happiness, 1 almost forgot my friends at the Elma, Severn looked at me in dumb sar' prise for & moment or two; then he said :--* Oan it be possible you have Ot Waser" 1 gape atehitig ] ; ol g at the back of my chair. ° ; Ho looked at me fixedly; arid slow- ly: "Abotit Bophie 7" 1 boted Hotbing. For God's sake what of her?" could mot pro: nounce name; " The room spun round. 1 sithk in: to a chair overwhelmed. Severn before me lookin solemnly in face. "She fad from ina voitée husky with emotion; 'fike & flower: Ons day she would rally the next decline. Wo did all we could--=took her every- where, But no use. She drooped away, and cied in Autumn--a year after you left us' He potised and wiped bis eyes: My own overflowéd I could not speak, He went on i= "Our ba home is altogether broken up. Alfred could ngt bear to stay in England after--bhe lost ber: You know how much he loved her and how we hoped they would come together ; and how--that was all ut an end to. IIe has gone to Rio: have opened a busingss there, of which he has taken charge. Rnity Rufford belongs to a Sisterhood. She works very hard. Only Mary and Ij left." . of blood are in the way, by humens every day, by Love's anoointed. eye While the blinded world gues, by Yen, if all the sighs were ugly Where withal the ait is 'What » gale okies » would swoep the Daden with man's 1 Gently, then. O brother man Do the ritmiost that you can ; God a veth e'en the least Deed of love to mau or beast. a ot 4 Sermon on Push--for Boys When _todsin Will was st home tor vacatioti the boys always : od plenty of fun. The last frolid before he went back to bis studies was a long tramp for bazelnute: they were hurrying along in great glee; they came upon a di 8 looking man und a discouraged iug cart; The cart was standing before an orchard: Thé man was triyng topullit up the hill to his _ house: 1 have been to ber gtave in the beautiful country thurchyard: Some kindly hand has iade it bright with flowers. A wreath #nd cross of wrote a long letter to Severn, 1 fhowover, telling bim the happy sequel of my love story. Strange The boys did not wait to be invit: &d bat ran to help with a good wills ing. "Pash push," was the cry. be man brightened up; the cart W. HABLAM, Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1879. tioneer has enabled me to judge the 'value of Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the 'County, and this is of import- ance as it the Auctioneer i§ pot a good Fe has algo been instructed to invest large amount of Private Funds. i Intercst Eight per cent. No C: ssi N. F, PATERSON, istance getting bills, &c. printed can have them done to take on th them. that. my dear ?", « in "Because--because--I have too Mrotfrosional Cars. T Db. ANDERSON, MB .3MD, FTMS, oJ. Ne P Se, T.R.C.P Graduate of the Winiversity of Toronto, graduate of the Uni. 'vorsity of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Solleye of yeicians and Surgeons ; Licentiate of the yal 'College of Physicians, Edinburg. #Physician, Surgéon, and Accouchenr, Office 'over Mr. Corrignn's Store, Port Perry. aie H. SANGSTER, M. D., Physician, Sor- J. geon and Accousheur, Coronér'for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. . OMee over Nott's Furtitizee Store, corner of 'Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 12 Mm. Residence, the dwelling recently occupied "by Mrs. Geo, Paxton. R. WARE, Coronor for the County of D Antario, hysiclan, Surgeon and Ac- T, "Ooo, opposite the town hall. ' Port Perry. M. Fu M Fispital, a, London, England. The lye R. 'Oshawa. ; y RSON, te of Beaverton)' A and oat Law, Selici- Yordn Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Puab- y od rer Brown & Curries Store ° : = gh BILLINGS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary I + Public, &c, Port Perry. : £9 A large amount of money to loan at 8 'per cent. B., Tounty Crown FAREWELL i Barrister, Attorney, fleitar, and Notary Public. Office lately oc: upiad by 8, H. Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, : Whitby. INGLISH, LL.B, Solicitor in A Bana Conveyaucer, &c. Oshawa. 'ca--Simooe street, opposite the x Office Ay ,L. B., Barrister, At- © YOUNG MIT hes to in Chancery, nd Insolyency, Notary Public, &e. Office--Mamiilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. HUGH D. SINCLAIR, PTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor inClian very, Conveyancer, . Office lately toocupled- by W. M. Cochrane, Bigelow's k Block, Port Perry. J. A, MUR RAY, ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon Dentist, Office over 'i 'the vi Bill stamps always on hand, free of charge, be kept. Terms Liberal. Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877. B. MAJOR, I ICENSED AUCTIONEER. | 2 wishing his services can «Observer Office, Port Perry, an days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. Licensed Amnectioneer, and Eldon, pF" Partics entrusting their to their interests. WM. GOR Sunderlan L/ Orders left at this office, or at h will be punctually attended to. prompt remittances made. eer. HE Undersigned having License as Auctioneer is no Cattle, Sheep, parties placi rely on gett ible to bring. made oul and sale notes turn charge. Parties Charges Moderate, ge w Raglan, Sept 10,1878. lected in Cannington, or otherwise, hon Remember-- WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- to attend to all sales entrusted to and Having had much experience in handling prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, and the &c., also Farming Imple. and Churches. ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, v p ng their salesin my hands may have now an opportunity of doing so, either ing all for the property thatis by applying to the Head Office, or to any of judge of the value of Stock he may soon lose far more than liis fee in any sale. Sale Bills srranged and motes supplied Days of Sale may be arranged at the Onserven Office, where a Sale Register will W.M.W. All parties call at the d arrange for WM. GORDON, Valuator, OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa &e. Sales to me OBRIEN, M.D., M. R. C. 8, Guy'* | may rely on the utmost attention being given DON, nd, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, CENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Ratna in North Ontario ; Mariposa, ete, in the County of Victoria. Residence=-Cannington, Brock. is residence Debts col- and WM. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer. fymers' Mutual Insuance (o', aken out a w prepared hint, -- &c., leaving their orders at the Ossenver Office, Pert Perry, will receive immediate an.i careful attention. M. HEZZELWOOD, Raglan, atest aad ik tyty and ted to give gs 2 Perry, March 28, 18%7. ©. N. VARS, L. D. 8. ' thieited on #11 the latest princi- art, and as cheap as the cheap- as the Sitvdr. Teéth 'Hanning & Lally. L. SURVEYORS, qvL uN Ds "thee, Gould's Block, Uxbridge. | ©. W. LALLY, Mowmy Loax.--C. G. Hanning, Agent forthe Frochiold Los & SavingsCo. Ko March 26, 1879. RY GRIST, Patan SOLICITOR AND ass, Otte Patent Ofice o, a : | Port Perry. Teeth filled | River extracted w* SPENCE, CONTRACTOR, The Subscriber in returnin; thanks for the very liberal | stowed on him in the past public generally that havi and moved into the Wu est notice and in the be style, and at the very lowest fi a good job can be doue. The WM. Prince Albert, April5, 1876. J CHRISTIE, suer of Marriage 8 Commissiober &c. T ©. FORMAN, a . Marria One door as i gee New Marriage tow {Th Ang Burosr, &c. his sincere tron wold form the bought of nce ve his 'whole a pro- t mate! SPENCE, TOWNSHIP? OLERK, veyancer, e Licenses. of the Walker House Act. Port Perry, 'July lst, 1874. NRY ' CHARLES having been re- Agent-- 'to fur- Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Bolicitor NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. HE undersigned would say to the owners of Real Estate, that he has In his hands a iazge amount of private funds which he Is prepared to invest for periods to suit borrow- ers--int t at eight per cent. EXpedition able terms asstired. 8, H. UHRISTIAN. Manchester, October 17, 1577. ee ree eet tee D Y, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned hasany amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner tosuit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to a and most reason JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &e, Whitby, April 10, 1873, MONEY (Private Funds] fo terest. LYMAN ENGLISH, BARRISTER, &0., Oshawa November 21, 1866. 4 THE ONTARIO Head Office, Whitby, This Company is how fully organized and is ir contents, conntry School Houses Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company the local Agents of the Company. Our rates All orders promptly attended to, sale bills ij] be found as low as those of any respon- ished free of sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. eal Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel | ® Brock St., Whitby. C. NOURSE, Beeretary, W. H. BROWNE, General Agent. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES A | C. MKENZIE, bseritier having now fully equi TE and extensive Livery Stabl:s rs superior Horses Carriages, is ly of s hin to furnish first class pre] "LIVERY RIGS On Moderate Teérms. = ©. MCKENZIE, Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1878 R. RICHARDSON _Re-appointed Isstier Marriage Licenses. Under the New Act. Office, Tot 10, In the 1st con Brock. Brock, Aug. 5,1874. Sittings Of the Division Couts, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, 1880. Published by order of the Court of Genera Sessions, (after sixteen years duty) nish OR SAL lo-American | PRINCE ALBERT Licenses as heretofore--at Port Perry. = Hoe, ls Efellalelsls AT fil if al i Beaverion. Aer iho at Port 3 Port Perry. 8181141 *| © Uxbridge . Hele Ul ale | Perry, August 24th. A y 3 WEL Judge. JF. FAREWELL, ty of Ontario: BEEES | Deo mw LUGGAGE TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION t AND AROUND TOWN. Ln Ra l y | orietar on the { oretaron BINEI PHOTOGRAPHS, only $3 BR 4 Port Perry, Jan. 1, 1874s T'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- £ Pot PERRY HOUSE, the Port Perry Horse a desisable place o supplies for the table and bar, JOHN RUDDY. Port Perry, Dec 9,187. (QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, The stbscriber havin, Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams: guests. fully selected, PETER HOLT, Cartwright, March 4, 1879, PRINCE ALBERT W. H. PARK, the Sheds. in First-Class Style and Stocked with th best Liquors and Cigars! | Striot nests, The tab.e and bar well supplied. W. H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. A PMSTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. HE QUEEN'S HOTEL, WRITBY, ONT. McCANN & TAYLOR, ProrrisToRs. public, WESTERN INCORPORATED 1851. CAPITAL 8800000. (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. cmrent rates on Buildings, Merchandise, by fire, JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Agents, Port Perty. Port Perry, Jan 22, 1870, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. HE Th ised sion of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH 140 acres of which are cleared and in & state of g w There are erected on the ises Frame Barn with undergrou {ubuilding, also a hi welling House and i There are on _the premises a Young Orchard, and » good Wel 'oodshed. XBRIDGE. Jie thriving village of Ux! th Con. of o psom P.O. _ If by letter pre-paid t Reach, Feb. 3, 1880. 00D FARM FOR SALE which are cleared, well state of cultivation. There SEE ood. ; WM. McDONALD. letter. to Epsom P.O. Feb. 11, 1880. Perey, The upderbigned. hating leased for aterm of yeirs this comfortable, pleasantly located Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the convenience and comfort of guests to make entertainment for the general public. Choice he stable and yard carefully attended to. sticceeded Mr, burg, Cartwright, intends fitting It up witha view to the comfort and convenience qf The stipplies for the table and bar care- A NOLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, PROPRIETOR. Having purchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and repovated the entire premises even to The Hotel has been furnished 'attention paid to"the comfort of Every accommodation for the traveling ASSURANCE COMPANY. 9&7 Insurances effected at the lowest and other property, against loss or damage undersigned offers for Sale 200 Acres lot 3, in thé 7th conces- cultivation, the balance of the land is ood bush prem d Stables, good comfortable frame food: thriving Water Privilege. A) od Water Power (a never Blo for Sales, good af ? a ( SAW MILL, concession of the town On lot ad in the 1h It is_about two miles For further TRE Wim, ' TRE SRA Township of Reach. are Bo pre etna partiénlars apply to the pro per dozen at McKenaio's Gallery, Port much, far too much for a little girl. Oh, yon don't know how much J bave; and--couldn't you take some of ity and get rid of your trouble ?' 1 looked dwn into the sweet anx- ious face uplifted to mine; and a fancy that she might fill the aching, empty heart to which she stood so close, with light and sweetness, and the desolate life with bloom and sunshine, shdt through my brain; but I put it from me--at least I re- solved to consider the question be- fore I said or did anything definite. "Dear child," I said, «if money at first cansed my trouble, it is, alas! beyond the power of money to cure it now." "Do you think it cannot be cured ?" She. hung her head and cast her beautiful eyes on the gronnd. f "Time only can cure me, My dear, when 1 come buck again, and find" y%u" in your own home --whon you have discovered thatyour fortune is not too much to give 10 the man you love, then I will tell you all my sorrow, and you will see how bard it was to cure." Sle lifted up her eyes tind looked at me steadily. She hud removed her hands from my arm and stood up alone, her eyes looked straight inlo mine with the strangest ex- pression. I bad over scen. Was it reproach? What ever it was it made made my heart beat quick. Before I had time to speak, I heard footsteps on the gravel bo- hind. She looked past me and cried: "Oh, you good Alfred, do come and fetch me into the house, I am so tired |" Then I saw Alfred Severn, who had just returned, take her on his arm, and go towards the house; she walking erect, her head thrown back, her hand clinging to his arm, be bending over her tenderly. She was laughing gaily, and even a snatch of a song came wafted on the the September air. I must say I felt ill at ease with myself and my surroundings all that day. We met at dinner, She was gay us a lark, her little face as red as a rose, her eyes shining like stars.-- Besides she was much more easy and intimate in her manner with Alfred than I bad ever seen her before; she joked and jested, mimicked one or two of our Acquaintances, was the life and soul of us all. After dinner she sang for us, her bird:like voive trilling and warbling deliciously. Noxt morning, shall I ever forget the quick rush of blood to brain and brow--the sudden throb of agonised surprise when I saw that letler Which changed my fate, 15 ing upon my plate at breakfast time! I re member clutehing it up and flying to my roomy, not to read, only to wonder over it, How well I knew the bold, firm charac ters! How every dot and line made my heart thrill. The vague indefin- able perfume which hung about the letter The monogram, J. Bx M, which Uknew so wel. A letter from Juliet--from London! Isat speech- less in my room, dreading to open and learn the truth. At last I found courage and tore it opem It was dated from a West End hotel, and was only a line, « Walter, 1 am in London. "Come to me. Jour." 1 forgot how I said good by at the Elms, I thinkI told Severn some incoherent nonsencc. I found my- self at the station by some means or other. and in an hour [ bad my be e y 1 to say I received no answer. So, just before I was married, I resolved to rua_down and bid them good byo atthe Elme; and 1 confess E wished my interview with Sophie all over. Yet Why? I had done nothing for which I onght to blush. I reasoned with myself, To my amazement, the gates were locked and the house shut up. Only an elderly woman, grim and sour to look upon, appeared at a side door in answer to my ringing of the bell. She told me: "The family;'as gone abroad" --to Paris or it might Germany. She wasn't used with foreign parts. The master's address was at the office. 1f I wanted it I could get it there. I explained to her how I had for- gotten some books and paper in my hurried departure some time ago; and with evident reluctance she ad- mitted me. Even the few days ne- glect and déertion had sadly alter od the beautiful lawn and terraces. [t was now mid autumn. An early frost had scorched and blackered the early partorres. Fallen leaves be strewed the unmown turf. The bright geraniums had been removed from the porch; and a long trailer covered with rosebuds frost:nipped before their time, swayed loosely in the treshning wind across the libraty window. A chill of sadness and desolation struck actress thy heart.-- My grim companion unlocked the door. I entered under protest as it seemed. A wamall douceur, however, improved the temper of thy cicerone, and I cross-questioned her to some effect. The Severn's departure had | been strangely sudden. Only al day's preparation had preceeded it. | They were, however; to spend the whole winter abroad. They wodld be a great loss to the poor; they were all good, 'specially Miss Sophie With an ipexplicable feeling of regret--nay, selt-reproach--1I enter: ed the room, It was just #8 TI had left it: my books and papers lay neatly together. One book only was out of its placé--=a volime of Browning's poems. It lay open up- on the dressing table, and a wither- rose upon the page. I bent and read one stanza which was underlined : Never any more, While I live, Need I hope to see his favs As before, T put back the dead flower and clos- ed the book. I have never opened itsince. Poor little Sophie! In a fow days T was married. In a fortnight I was in Switzerland with my wife I wrote to Severn from Basle; but I sEppote the letter never reached him, as I bad norepiy. In the spring we went back to India, the happiest pair on earth. I bad been truly blest in my noble wife; but--shall I confess ?--I often re- member Sephie, and wish I could hear of her, and wonder if we are to meet again. * * * * I wrote the abovo more than a year ago, when my life's cup seemed full to overflowing and not a cloud dimmed the sky. I write the sequel to duy, a lonely, worn out man, with no tie left upon earth save my moth- erless babe. A month ago I return- ed from lodia, a broken-hearted man, Lucy has tried to console me. Child- less herself, my dear sister has take the poor orphant to her beart, and watches over him with a mothers care. '"Bat,dear me, Walter,' she said yesterday, ** you will be sure to marry again, - There is your friend Harry Se how inconsolable he was after the death of his first. See how happy he is with his second." "Bevern! His name recalled much to my memory. I visited him at his offices ceived me at first, ns I coldly, but when I told him of my t sorrow, his kindly nature as- serted itself; he became friendly and affectionate as ever: There was a subject I longed to ask him: about a name I longed to pronotinte, yet dared not. As I rose to leave, ho said! 'T won't ask you to the Elems, Walter. Mary could not bare it. She has never been quit herself since '-- » Since what?' 1 asked eagerly, re- loved clasped to my heart. Sho had » | Bxtract of Wild Strawberry wh of the snow white blossoms are laid above the warm, loving heatt still and cold forever; and a memory of what was, and what might have besh keeps green within my heart a thousand tender recollections. -- Chambers' Journal, ea The old proverb, "A rolling- stone gathers no moss," will have to be abandoned now, since Herbert 1. Rollingstone has been married at Onillicothe, Ohio, to Miss Emma J. oss. Mark Twain, lecturing on the Sandwich Island, offered to show how the cannibals ate their food if any lady would lend him a baby. The lecture was not illustrated. Hothing is more ridiculons than ignorance which imagines itself wis- dom, An illiterate colonel; about to join his regiment, scoured the country fo find what he called a hors du combat, which he thought was the French for war horse, Now that the season of summer com- plaints is approaching, every individual should be guarded by a proper remedy. The most pleasant, safe, and speedy ctire fot diarrhea, cholera morbus, dysentery, cramps, cholic, nausea, and all bowel complaints, is that old relisble miedicthe, Dr: Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Al dealers supply itat 37} cents per bottle, A baseball boy tripped and fell and toro his clothes while chasing a stray chigken in a neighbors lot. He told his mother that be had been sent to grass by a foul. She reached for homo base, and the youth went out on strikes, howling for the old man to act as referee. The Roman Catholic Bishop of B ----is & fost energetic elerical. He received the other day the con- fession of a little boy. At the closo, said his Right Reverence. * Well have you anything more to tell me?" "No," said the lad, deprecatingly ; ' but I'll have more next time I" Nearly all diseases have their brigin in Im- pure blood, and, impure action of the liver Cleanse the blood, regulate the bowels and keep the glandular system in healthy action by the use of Burdck Blood Bitters and sickness Will b a stranger in your household, Burdock Blood Bitters 1s sold by ail dealers at one dollar per bottle Bdend in the Park (dramatis per- sone a éourting couple): He--Is oo bappy:. 'ittle ootsy wootsoy ? ~ She-- Ob, so happy ! Is topsy nopsy happy too? Hé-=Ob, so happy i-- Sae--What would topsy nopsy do if there weré no ootsy woolsy in the world? Groff voice of a man near by --Snopsy fiopsy would be hugging somo other girl; that's what! Tab- lean. Mothers, d6 ot drif yotir children with poisonous opiates, in the form of Soothing syrups, when one bottle of Dr. Fowler's Seritmbic h allay all and bowels incident to teething. It is pleasant, mild, and barmless, and is a positive specifice for every form of summer complaint. All druggists sell it at 37} Gents pet bottle. You never sce the struggle be- tween duty and inclination more strongly marked than in the respect. fal attitude of a dog sitting on the sidewalk, his head bent back and one foot aimed at the back of his bead, undecided whether So sping up and answer the imperative whistle bis 'master, or ait still and shoot the flea he has just got the exact range and elevation on, That very hour | there thought, | The my heart sinking strangely: trundled along, and in five minutes they all stood pantirig at the top of the hill "Obliged to ye," said the man, "ye just wait a minute," and he hurried into the house, while two or three pifik aptoned children peeped out of thedoor: "Now boys," aaid cousin Will, "this ina small thing; bit I wish we could all take a motto out of it fof lite, 'Push.' If anybody is in trouble and you see it; don't stand back; push! #1f there is anything good doing in any place where you happen to be; * Whenever tnere is a kind thing, a Christian thing, a pleasant thing, whether it is at home or in town, or at school; just help with all your might ; push 1" At that moment the farmer came up w't1 tuts and apples; and thab was the end of this sermon. Press: ---------- Delicate Women: Casts of ferails Wetkness, delicite asd enfeebled coustitiitions, add suffering with Stomach, Liver and Kidoey complaints, will find Rlectric Bitters a speedy and certain cure. The sick and prostrated should rejoice their reach. Health and happiness wi surely follow where Electric Bitters are - For sale by W. B. only filty cents. ee Somermya Strangs.--We clip the follows ing from the Galt Reporter. of last week.<3 On Satitrday evening last, skortly after dark; the bridge crossing the river Nith on the Stratford road, on the outskirtsof New Hamburg, fell with a crash into the stream becoming a totle wreck. Stugilar to state there was nothng whatever on the bridge at the time it fell, During the day parties had been driving across it as usual, the structitre seeming perfeclly sate and secure} and several heavy loads of saw-logs had actually crossed it withen a few hours of its collapse, Only a few days ago the heavy steam fire-engine belonging to the village hid been taken Acfoss the bridge toa fird beyond the village limits and yet on Satur- day evening; without a moments warning tho structire collupssd of its own weight and fell a perfect wreck into the stream be- low. The bridge liad ore span of 11Q feek in length, dnd the water at the spot is some 15 feet in depth, Itis therefore exceedingly fortnuate that the bridge fell asitdid, and that no de was on it at the time of the collapse. The bridge is under the control of the County Council, and immediate steps will be taken to have it rebuilt, ---------------- - nnbaxD SwiAns Sux smavy ax Fron. At & land meeting held at Kilrash a fow day ago amidst the shouts of ten. thousand voices resolutions wer: passed urging the necessity of A peasant proprietary, pledging themselves to take no land froth which any tenant had been evicted for non-payment of exorbitant rent, and advising that branches of the Land League be established In every parish of Clare. Father O'Mears, who presided, Mr. Fin M. Py wed othe speakers, ae predciit aystem dlordist, in ill iou of which it was pointed out that one landlord in the district who gome elght years ago purchased a farm now exacted rent uf £300, as against £120 at the time he botight it. The assembly were then asked by a persohl to take off thelr bat, and vow before high heliveh to vbeerve thé that such a reliable remedy is placed within McGaw, Port Perry, pricd sg

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