)WAY S& OINTMENT. ER ho EA elh The Pills Purify fa Blood, impart tone to the Nervous 'on and act most powerfully yet soothing- Io Weir and wets, promis Diges- assimilation, and endowing the whole frame with Sirengih and vigor. Ner- Yous d , Tremblings with Lassitude tent of these well-known Pills, and they are unrivalled in their efficacy in all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, all obstructions, ski Dleniislioh hd boils better ry oy ot family ne known. Ragen THE OINTMENT HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. [It heals every %ind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound Are sertainly than any other known salve. 1 velous stating powers render it al {avaluable in Throat and Chest Diseases, Surlog Bronchilis. Quinseys, and Astims, re- ucing Glandu y i by) 8 Aut ar Lumps, closing and healing Fistulas, and tor alleviating the excruciating tortures of Rh ism Gout and Neuralgia it is unsurpassed. It never fails to remove Seurf and every species of skin dis- ease. Manufactured only at Professor Houvoway's Establishment, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON; and sold at 1s 13d.,2s. 90d, 4s. 6d., 11s., 22s. Sud 83s. ench Box and Pot, and in Canada at cents, 90 cents, and $1 50, and the larger sizes in proportion, BF CAUTION ~1 have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes, If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. The Trade Marks of my Medicines are re gistered in Ottawa, and also at Washington, Signed, THOMAS HOLLOWAY, "538, Oxford Street, London, Sept. 1st, 1580. Oharles R. Henderson, CCOUNTANT, GENERAL AGENT, &0, Port Perry, Ont. written up in either Single or Double Batry. Statements and Accounts prepared and Collections promptly made, ney to Loan at Fuxy Rates. All orders Jett at W. il. McCaw's Jewelry store will receive prompt atiention. FINE WATCHES, ctor! i JEWELRY CLOCKS, SILVERWARE SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY. ROOM-PAPER, FANCY GOODS, &®. 1 HAVE NOW ON HAND THE BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS EVER = BROUGHT INTO NORTH ONTARIO. Will sell at prices to sult the times, Call and examine my Stock. W. H. McUAW, Royal Arcade, Port Perry. IMPROVED ' FARM LANDS, I Now opened out and ready for inspection at Our selections for this season's trade have been made with the experience, capital, taste and skill can command has been left passed for Quality, Style and Value. Our prices, profits, cannot fail to ensure the continuea support of our vast have: the LarGEst EsTiBLIsHMENT, we carry the LARGEST Stock, we do the LARGEST Busr- NESS, and give the Best VALUE oF any House IN Port Perry. WAFe cannot and will not be undersold. We call special attention to a few of our Departments. IN DRESS GOODS EE greatest care and nothing that undone to make our stock unsur- based upon a scale of moderate army of intelligent patrons, We this Department up to the highest standard of excellence. depart We are now showing some magnifi- cent lines in Langtry Cords, Como Cords, Stocingnettes, Roubaux Twills, Satin De Beiges, Brocaded Silks and Satins in Polka spots and figures, An immense variety of Pompa- dour and plain colored Vel- vets in all shades. Fringes and Trimmings to Match all Dress Goods. Our Stock oF WINCEY is unapproachable for extent and excellence of value. No better value ever offered. OUR FranNeLs Axp TwEEDS are admitted to be the best value ever shown in town. styles. Our Ready-made Clothing Department Stand, supreme ; nothing like it in Port Perry. The style, quality and workmanship o our cloth- ing cannot be surpassed, and for Price we cannot be approached. BOOTS AND SHOES.--We carry an immense stock, and the quality of goods in this department cannot be beaten by any house in the trade. GROCERIES, pure and fresh. Try our far-famed 50 cents Tea ; the best value ever offered. No trouble to show Goods whether you desire to purchase or not. parison of our Stock and Prices cordially invited. In PrinTs we are showing a magnificent assortment in all the new and popular fall and the price An inspection and com- Bigelow's Royal Arcade ! ee Of New and Sty lish Millinery Goods, Hats and Trimmings a Specialty and very Cheap. A large Stock of Ladies' Mantles, Parasols, Dress Goeds, Hosiery, Gloves, Prints, Shirtings, Flannels;€'loths, T weeds, Towelings, Tickings. ,Ready-made Clothing, &c. A large Stock of Gent's New and Fashionable Hats. Ladies', Gent's and Children's Boots aud Shoes. A full Stock of General Groceries, Crocknay and Glassware. $5000 worth of Bankrupt Stock Goods to be Cleared Out at Wholesale Prices. 07 The highest Market Prices allowed for all kinds of Farm Produce. JOSEPH BIGELOW. w= GROCERY, PROVISION, sis AND-- (LIQUOR BUSINESS. 7 PORT PERRY, May 12, 1880, FOR SALE! Lumber, Lath, ~ Shingles, Pickets, The undersigned wonld take this opportunity of rettirning his thost hearty thanks for the and still 1 g Pp ig! on him since opening business in this bed in inf 3 1 oh na the Joists from $6 1 d now takes pl g his and the general public that he cn further arrangements to meet the wishes of bis customers still more fully by the introduction of a * STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM | ' WHEREBY PRICES MAY BE CUT TO THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE. My Stock of Groceries is New, Fresh and Choice. oe Brands of Wines, AND i PET x i a Prams desirous of building can ssailie re to select 3 ng. 5 A ota Dor M fect; Shingles from "pet M ; Lath from 10 cents por bundle. Reliable B Liquors, Spirits, §c. Limp ovine. Port Perry, Aug. 25, 1880, We are unexcelled, Our styles and priees are correct, and it will be our costant sim to have|" UHOICEST GCHEAPRST EVER SHOWN perior Goods and Lowest Possible} An Immense Stock of: NEV FALL Goons NEW CASHMERES, « WINCEYS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, GENTS FURNISHINGS, ETC, 1 " GREATEST VALUE IN " Special Attention To our Stock of Mantles and Mantle Cloths. BITVINTVY DBPABTBINED Our Show Roorti is opened for the Fall Trade and our Stock of Goods in this line this season is ESPECIALLY FINE. LADIES=Do not fail to see our new Fall Styles. All Departments fully assorted. JONES BROS. & CO. Port Perry, Sept. 15, 1880. T.S. CORRIGAN Has just opened out his First Arrivals of FOR THE COIS They are Extra Value. 1-Call and Seb thei. : T. 8. CORRIGAN. HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE Paid for any quantity of Good Butler. T. S: CORRIGAN. Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1880. PORT PERRY GRAIN MARKET REVIVED NP ""E"RIUMPHAN'T! . GET i flow selling his own make of Coarse Boots ahd Coarse: AL $8 68550 pf pair. Workthahship, warrantod: Lumber Yi completely Btocked with all kinds of" Lumber; : he Youd in ; Tite snd Pickuts. This Is thé place to get to! rices; ons 10,000 Sheepskine, 5,000 Hoof Hides and 20 Tons IED will pay the a price. § 30 DAYS! TheCheapest HOUSE IN THE COUNTY is ightman's | PORT PERRY. GREAT Clearing Sale (ODDS SLAVGHTERED ADTD Given Away 18 oiloE 43 Cink Ot yiosant Sticke to aks foun of lash : Ay cis per ib. for any quablity of 19° gobo Both" * CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS, S. H. CHRISTIAN. dh MANCHESTER, Ang. 16; 1880. THE GREAT CHE T. C. FORMAN & \ Ave showing a Store ful an ce 3 WRIGHT |