Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Oct 1880, p. 1

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WEEKLY POLITICAL AGRICUL , & FAMILY NEWSPAPER; [8 PUBLISHED AT PORT PEERY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BYES 00 AIRD & PARSONS. PERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid in ade oe; if not $1.60 will be charged. No L taken for less than six months; \ ¢ discontinued until all arrears DVERTISING. n bsequent insertio Car vr 6 lines dressed ed, will be at our Advertisements, and charged according 'cupy. a Advertisements received for ubliention: accordingly. No without Sues juiuctt until forbid ¢ advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for. scount allowed to Merchants ent Tiberal di ; wd others who advertise by the year or half-year. These terms will in all gases be strictly awed to : Job Department. . ota, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- S111 Tends, Blank Forms, Receipt ks, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Ca¥ds, &c., of every style and . olor, executed promptly and 'at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. ~ g@F Parties from & distance getting hand ills, &e. printed can have thei done to take tome with thom. J. BAIRD. , per annum .... . Letters containing money, when ad- to this Office, pre-paid and regesters measured by Nonpareil, to the space they oc- Paniphl rammes, H. PARSONS, ere D. ANDERSON, MD, os M:C.P.8.. L.R.C.P.. Graduate of the graduate of the Uni. Fellow of Trinity of the College of icentiate of the Edinburg, Office MB ' . University of Toronto, worsity of Trinity College, Medical School, Member Physicians and Surgeons ; 1. Royal College of Physicians, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, over Mr. Corrigan's Store, Port Perry. men -- H. SANGRTER, M. D, Physician, Suar- J « goon and Accoucheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over Notts Furniture Store, ¢orner of Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 12 sidence, the dwelling recent ®y Mrs. Geo, Paxton. R. WARE, Coronor for the County of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- v ¥ © has opposite the town hail. Port Perry. XT, F. MCBRIEN, M.D. M. R. Frespival, London, England. Oshawa, eT CR A PATERSON, (late of Beaverton) Barrister and Attorneysat Law, Soliel- Jor fn Chancery, Conveyaneer, Notary Pub- ie, &e., &e. Office over Brown & Currie's Btore. Port Perry. BILLINGS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary + Public, &e, * Port Perry. 28 A large amount of money to loan at 8 per cent. E. FAREWELL, LL. m. tly ocoupled @.8, guy's Tho bye B. AB ie B., County Crown Attorney, Attorney for Oniasio Barrister,. Rafot AN ary Public. Office iately oe- ors. HE, Godhrane. Esq., Brock street, wouplad by S. Whithy. ¥ YMAN L. ENGLISH, LL. B., Solicitorin 4 Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &¢. Oshawa, $e--Simooe street, opposite the Posi - JUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, Af~ G. YN as Bolieitor in Chancery, snd Insolvency, Notary Public, &e. eoe--MoMiilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. HUGH D. SINCLAIR, 4 PFORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor inChan very, Conveyancer, &c. Office lately occupied. by W. M. Cochrane, Bigelow's Block, Port Perry. AY, "J. A. MURR t Office ATE Patterson & AJ ¥ outon, Surgeon Dentist, Office over Corrigan & Camp- bell's | Btors, Ane In the very fatust and Dest style and satisfaction, Port Perry, March 28, 1817. O.N. VARS, L. D. 8. ted to give it, and as good as the best. th Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted _--o pain by producing local anmsth- esis, entice Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King] Street, wa, XXIII, NO. 45.4 PISETE fasted on ai the Intost. printis | sommes 'ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- pul Teeth filled * ADVER TISER > --- Boiss GATOS. ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $3,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH. ------ SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Depirtinent is now ope in connection with this Branch. Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter~ thereon. = 7 AUCTIONEER. LICENSED ETURNING my sincere thanks to my numerous friends and patrons for their liberal patronage bestowed upon me as Auctioneer dunng the past eight years, 1 would now beg to offer my services to all have Farm Stock, Implements, oF sell by Auction anywhere the township of Mariposa who may other property to Lin North Ontario, or Cartwright. My long and extensive practice as Auc- tioneer has enabled me to judge the value of Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the County, and this is of import. ance as if the Auctioneer is not a judge of the value of Stock hc may soon Jose far more than his fee in any sale, Bill stamps always on hand. Salo Bills seranged and notes supplied: free of charge. ? Days of Sale may be arranged at the Onsenver Office, where a Bale Register will kept. Terms Liberal. W. MW. Port Peery, Sept. 4, 1877. BE. MAJOR, HL AUCTIONEER. All parties wishing his services can call at the «Qbserver Office, Port Perry, and arrange for days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. eet $M. GORDON Licensed Auetidneer, Valuator, We. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Fhorah, Hama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, a pay" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given vo their interests. : WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock, T. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mam & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, etc, in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to, Debts col- lected in Cannington, or_ otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer. No notice of wittidtwal required. + S¥f- AGENTS FOR THE A.A ALLEN, MaxacER. | ------------------ A or =A) we WwW. M. WILILOOX | Sears INO, & D. J. ADAMS, Money, Land & Insurance BROKERS, PORT PERRY, AVE large sums of money on hand for H Investment, Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale or to Rent. ALLAN LINE Of Steamships, JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office In Mr, Koss' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry: Port Pefry, Jan. 25, 1879, MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subsoriber is prepired to lend money on improved property for terms frouf one to twenty years, Agent for Westery Caxapa Lady Awp Savinas Company, fle hits dso been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Inter.st Eight per cent, "No C N. F. PATERSON, Solicitor Port Perry, May 20, 1878. NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHER MONEY TO LOAN. a HF undersigned would say to the owners of Real Estate, that he has in his hands a faige amount of private funds which he is epared to invest for periods to suit borrow- lers--interest at eight per cent. Expedition and most reasonable terms assured. 8. H. CHRISTIAN, Manchester, October 17, 1877. ee a " MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks, Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &e. Whitby, April 10, 1873, MONEY [Private Fumnds,] lo Tioan on good Furms, at 8 per cent in- terest. LYMAN ENGLISH, BarrisTEr, &o., Oshawa 4 November 21, 1868. WM. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer. THE ONTARIO Farmers' Mutual Inguance Ca'y, Head Office, Whitby, w---- pe Undersigned having taken out a License as Auctioneer is now prepared fo attend to all sales entrusted to him.-- Having had much experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheop, &o., also Farming Imple- ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, &c., parties placing their sales in my hands may rely on getting all for the property thatis possible to bring. ! All orders protaptly atte made out and sale notes charge. Parties leaving their orders at the Ossgrvin Office, Port Perry, will receive immediate and careful attention. Charges Moderate. WAM. nded to, sale bills turnished free of HEZZELWOOD, 8 Raglan. Raglan, Sept 10, 1878. M. SPENCE, CoxTRACTOR, BUILDER, &¢. g his shicere Hanning & Lally, L, SURVEYORS, CIVIL EN- emnumns, Draughtsmen, Solicitors of . Office, Gould's Block, Uxbridge. @. HANRING. 0, W. LALLY. Moxy To Loin.=0, ¢. Hanning, Agent or the Freehold Loan & Savings Co. arch 26, 1879. The Subscriber in returning his elu he very ral - stowed on him in the past would inform the PROPRIETOR. blio generally thal having bought § pro hin Barty id 10 nto the Village of Prince bert, he will in future give his whole Subscriber having now fully ecui; tractol is b g PD attention to his business as ons tok. his new and extensive Livery Stables with Jou re to undertake Stine ork, Brick- | g supply of superior Horsos Carriages, is therewith, wi bho will EE to short- prepared to furnish rst class est notice and in the best and most durable 1 Vv E R Y R 1 Cc S style, and at the very jowest gure at which { a good Job cai be doue, The t material and first-class w Ria SPENCE, On Moderate Terms. 3 aes C. MCKENZIE. Prince Albert, April5, 1870. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1878 is now fully oeganized a Buil. This Company prepared to accept risks on Farm and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Compahy have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rateg will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock St., Whitby. C. NOURSE, Seeretary. W. H. BROWNE, General Agent. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES nd is nt Cc. M°K J OHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHIP OLERE, suer of Marriage Licenség-~Conveyances Commissioner &c. gf Office--Manchester. T .C. FORMAN, . 185UBR OF Marriage Licenses. One door of the Walker House Trade | Port Perry. moved v8w Marriage Act: 'Port Perry, July lst, 1874. RY CHARLES having been re- i ZLacense Resappointed Issuer Marriage Licenses. Under the New Act. Office, lot 10, in the 18t con Brock, ; Brock, Aug, 8,1874. Stings OF the Dri Cou COUNTY OF ONTARIO, 1880. Published by order of the Court f Gener in the Village and the general public will find in THE WALKER HOUSE all that can be 'Yeqitired in the matter of accommodation aiid motleration in charges. fhe Charges are No Higher at th 'Walker House than at any . other Hotel in Town. The House {i fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS ,STYLE. The Tables and Bar supplied with the choice ot the niarket and the utmost atten tion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL GUESTS. No better stable and shed accommodation in the Province. Attentive hostlers, : W, HASLAM. Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1879. Per PERRY HOUSE, The tindersigned having leased for aterm of years thie comfortable, pl ly located Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the convenience and comfort of guests to make the Port Perry Hovse a desirable place of entertainment for the general public, Choice supplies for the table and bar. The stable and yard carefully attended to. : JOHN RUDDY. Port Petty, Dec. 9,1879. (ouusrclAL HOTEL, The subscriber having succeeded Mr, Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams. burg, Cartwright, intends fitting It tip witha view to the comfort and convenience of guests. The supplies for the table and bar care» fully selected. : PETER HOLY, Cartwright, March 4, 1870. A oL0-2NERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, PROPRI . Having purchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 have th hly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of guests. The tab.e and bar well supplied. W. H. PA RE. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. J, TUSTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. HE QUEEN'S HOTEL, WHITBY, ONT, McCANN & TAYLOR, ProrrirToRs. Every accommodation for the traveling public, WESTERN INCORPORATED 1851. OAPITAL 8800000. (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ASSURANCE COMPANY. § Very carefully and marked every article in the above departuients at the Very Lowest Living Profits | I have no hesitation in affirming that my prices will bear comparison with the lowest quotations made by those who are continue ally blowing and boasting that they ate underselling everybody else in the trade, Call and get BARGAINS in Cottons, Tweeds, Flannels, Wincies, and Wincey Shirtings, My Teas are extra good valiie, and a ld Stock of Raisins, Currants, &c., Cheap. ge Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Over Shoes in endless variety, having been bought before the advance jn price, will be sold very low, p@y~ Highest market prico allowet Butter and Eggs. owed for { JACOB DAFOE. Utica, Dec, 24, 1870. GREENBANK. HE undersigned would inform the pub- lic that he Las rented for a term of years the premises formerly known as the a Cottage EFIotel, bank, and having thorough, no- vated the same he is now al ww ree ceive guests, GOOD OPENING. There is a splendid opening in Greenbank for an enterprising man to open the Furni- tureand Undertaking Business. A first class Shoemaker would find Greenbank a good opening for his business. The village is situated oh the Center Road, about 7 miles from Port Perry and about the same distance from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from Sunderland. It is in the centre of a Splen- did Agricultural district J. V. THOMPSON. Oreenbank; May 3rd, 1880. CAUTION! Each Plug of the Myrtle Navy! 1S MARKED T. & B. In Bronze Letters. None other Genuine. HITBY, PORT' PERRY & RAILWAY. LISDRAY Change of Time and Additional Train Service. Commencing Monday, July 19th, 1880, Traios will run as follows : Trains Going North. 'There the premises hs Young Orchard, rn good Safiood theiving Water Privilege. Al Water P 50 for Sales, goo a Pe (a never SAW MILL, On lot hin the 7th concession of the town- ship of UXBRIDGE. It is about two nijles from the thriving village of Uxbridge. For lars, a) TIAN W ARRER hy mop Boa Br Io | oe th "000 FRM FOR SHE undersigned offers e that Fine the Stall he 8, in the 14th con f the | Township of Reach, EL HE ABINEL PHOTOGRAPHS, only $3 Insurances effected at the lowest No.6. No.4 No.2 cnirent rates on Buildings, Merchandise, | ; MIKE: ERIE BX and other property, against loss or damage Sma i 2 w 7 1 by fire, Whitby. "B40 % oh INO. & D. J. ADAMS, etl i a 3 st Be gen rt Perry. 0 Port Petty, Jou 23,1870, y ogy ue E if uz VALUABLE ol lox M 2 5 1120 30 2 13 PROPERTY 5 15 1 Lb ng South. 1 No. 8 0. 5. FOR SALE. yr, ait. wb i oie in HE jindersigned offers for Sale 200 Acres Tot Lana, belog lot 3, in the 7 conses- 3 Bin 1% sion of the = 8 B 8 % TOWNSHIP OF REACH, 2 5 22 140 acres of which are cleared and in a good 32 623 state of cultivation, the balance of the land is | Mancheste 36 632 oud lintdwood bush. Suman 8 a s o There are ted on the premises a Good tiie 6 miko Sh 224) FH j i iE in| Dwelling House and Woodshed. To 3 #oww | po Farm for Sale wee NEAR : PORT PERRY. HE Sumner, unde nrc ri wp uruion, fio for ale ok 3 Beseuin, the Township of Reach, good and commodiotis dwelling, bain and -&o. Terms easy and title indisputable. = If not sold application to Rent will be received. Pr at once. ek hory Port Perry, July 7, 1880. © 30-3m ree mee ------ LC FARM toRENT. apdersigued offers to Rent his farm inthe. TOWNSHIP OF F out-buildings. Well watered vation. Young |zling eyes to ming, and lisped: . Rifty Erohardy | 0 | Dret me ¢ own I was puzzled At last I discovered the joke they bad deen keepifig up amongst them, 1t was on this wise I found it out, I had started by myself for a drive one afternoon, and had gone about half a mile from the gate, when I spied a fluttering gow and a dainty hat, which T recoghized. But what could have brought the little fairy 80 tar from homie? She was stand: ing by the roadside talking to a child of about hér own years--a pale, thin ghost of a thing, Whost uncared.for locks, ragged frock, and broken trodden-down shoes formed a striking contrast to her own trim gracefulnoss, I saw the children's hands meet. The little bogger girl courtesied low: The tiny benefactress turned and faced me, * You here!" she eried, crimsotiing to her brow. I sprang out of the low pony-carriage, and almost lifted herin, "You naughty child," I said, "why are yoii wander- ing so far by yourself ?" « Boonuse I had purticular business' she said, "And, Mr, Donnis, please let me go," "Tell me where your particular business lies; and I will drive you there,' I answered ; giving the rain to the spirited ponie, and carrying off my dear little prige. " No, no! Please, stop--please, lot me go," she pleaded, "1 want to visit an .old friend of mine who lives near this, Do stop at this stile." She half rose from her seat; but I flung an arm around her dainty little waist and held her fast. "No, no, my little lady," I cried laughing, "We wont part so easily," She did not struggle for liberty; but tarned and looked steadily in my face, saying slowly: © Mr. Donhis, will you kindly releas me ?" How womanly the child could turn all at once! Hor face flushed ; not oheof her sweet rose-leaf blushes, but a hot angry red upon each cheek; and an ominous light came into her groat oyos, which scomed to. darkon as sho looked into mine, Really sho was vory amusing; ber assump tion of maidenly reserve and dignity was charming to see, "What 8 little Tarter you grow?" I said through my laughter, still holding her fast, «You aro rude;" she said--and there was a little quiver in her tone, « And you are naughty," I replied, « and must be punished." She did not speak again for a while. We drove on. At last I said: "I won't release you until you look at me and say; "I'll be good." She turned her face. Thedimples were playing around her rosebud mouth, She put her little hands to- gether, lifted the lovely, wistful, daz: «Please, I'll be good--very good." I know there is no excuse for me ; I know I was dreadfully wrong; but could not help it. I drew the slen- dor child<form to me, and kissed her once, twice. : With an angry cry she tore her- self from me, Springing to her feet she would have leaped from the car riage; had I not ¢aught her arm. « How dare--how dire you ?"' she cried in 8 voice ¢hokiiig with in= dignation, "I thought [could trust you--thought yon woro a gentle man--" « Sophie--de#r child"--1 stammer. _ "I ari not a ohild, I &m twenty- ons. I--I--I played a joke upon you--I--Oh, ob!" she cried now sobbing angrily, in the coriier of the carriago, 5 Isat thunderstricken, Oneand- twintyl I taroed the ponies' head for home. I could not speak, I knew fot what tosay, All words wherein to form my apology seomad to fly from me. I only felt: y go to the Elma at once, and be off boforeSevern or his wife hears of my misdsings, I confess 1 never felt so angry with myself before, In tho meantime Sophie began to recover herself. Hur sobs ceased, -- Kenzie's Gallery, Port 10 Perry, per dosen st Mc bt SL gato of the Elms and sped up the avenue, As we camo to the door, I sdid ; "I am most sincerely sorry for «1 am as much in fault," she re. plied, without turning her head.-- «Please say no more." I obeyed her; and we drove home, a ever had a more uncomfortable drive I felt quite glad when we came to the what hiss happened. I can only say that I humbly orave your forgive ness, ahd hope you wont think very badly of mei" She only dtiswersd by putting her hand on mine as she sprang from the carriage, darted into the house and vanished, Crarres II. I gave up all idea of running away ; but I did not confide my little adventure to either Severn or his wife, feeling that it was much better not to say anything about it. But[l did hear of it before many hours bad gone over my head ; nay before we met at dinner, After tea Mrs Severn called me to look at somo new species of lilinm which had just put, forth its blossom in the green house. I trembled like the guilty mortal T felt myself to be, for I knew what was coming.-- She said laughingly ; * 8o you have discovered the trick which we have been playing on you?" I felt extremely sheepish, and fooked 1t, I am sure ; for she langh- ed good humoredly, and went on; "You are notthe only one Sophie has taken in. Her impersonations are wonderful. She acted my grand. mother to life not long ago, We had a friend of Alfred's staying here, who is fully persuaded that my grand mother is the most wonder- ful old woman in tho world. 1 must say, however, her little joke with you was purely unpromedidated.-- The accident of your finding her asleep gave rise 10 it all." 1 managed to get outsomé inco- herent words of regret for what had happened ; but Mrs Severn smiled. Sophie is quite aware that having put herself in a false position, she must take the consequences," she said ; and we returned to the house. At dinner we met, She swept into the room, a grown up young lady, trailing two yards of cream- colorsd satin after her, clad in the height of fashion, apparently taller and etichantingly pretty, Severn took her hand. "Walter," said; here is the:youug lady you used to know as a child--Miss de Burgh, allow me to present my triend Mr, Walter Dennis," Shs made mea sweeping poirtasy; and I bowed low, feeling very fool. ish and very much ashamed of my- self. I scarcely dared tb look into herfaco: but at last I ventiired,-- There was just the least little twinkle in her wonderful eyes, as she glanc- ed at me through her long lashes; and I know I was forgiven, That night in the smioking-footn, Severn said; "So Sophie played ber joke out. Silly child! She has lourned a lesson." «And so havel," I answered.-- « Bat she completely dédsived me. I had no idea 8hé was atiything more than achild of twglve or thir teon.' «TLuxmore thought hei dighty or ninety. She is} a wonderful little actress. But surely you saw the Ikeitness--" Severn's voice broke od, He went on--"She is wonder- fully like poor Valaria. She was with us all through--nursed her.-- You never saw anything like it, sir; never seemed to require any sleep what I should have done but for We hopes" The door opened her. silent, sombrp pair, I don't think I} --1I knew at once to whom he allud- or rest or anything, 1don't know |o before T 'heard . S-- --_ hotels. UT b AHE AD SOPHIE, AN INTERLUDE. THE : . : #| In Two Cuarrans--Citavres 1. lips Walker House, TAKE! this opportunity of CONTED : mouth twitches wifbs PORT PERRY to the many friends and cus- * of weeping is d 4 Ee tomers who have favored mie with their| A fow bright never to-be forgotten | must say somathinj SR patronage in the past, and woiild beg most | days sricceeded. It was long sincel|t f § HE Subscriber having leased the above | "°° ly to Inform thei that 1 have Shas g Were: fob Te i (2 hot twill be bis endenvor to conduct concluded to adopt the "| had been sohappy. « Only the child | eiperience a not ¥ Hild n every particular so as to merit the was a standing puzzle to me, She |sagion of utter fool © approbation and patronage of the public, CASH SYSTEM ! kept out of my way, and laughed at|alige the disady gourse T called ber THE WALKER HOUSE |mm ws fusiicw cntuiy, faving gons|™ 00 Worried mo witha haunting | mus 8 pot but smells 'Sop whither for xteaut on quality, of acoommo..og 21S] Whole of my Stock of. | suspicion that she was making fun |sposk for a wh o| naturally to thy lips k Sr el ae DRY GOODS, of me. Uneday Toaught her trip- statue, looking abril har, | Tof "ening 8¥luay. ani' Frovince a y mone out of the GROCERIES, ping up the garden, and coaxed her |[urged tho ponies on and tried to haps--but I bope iot--abe really did Uiningrial' Toavelews, the Traveling BOOTS & SHOES to stay and talk to me. But she |whistle, and so we drove along the caro for me, Be that as it may we Publi. Farmers and oteos' Jong Haters , |only laughed, and flew away, saying | quit, shady road. At last 1 humbly | were t frierids. She discov« HARDWARE, &o. | her nurse was waiting for hor. I [asked her ifshe ootild forgive me, ered that I loved Shakespeare and' Spencer and all the quaint old-world poets, So many a happy hour pass- od by on golden wing while we sat and read together, About this time--I had been nearly iwo months at tho Elms-- Alfred loft us for a while, I fear we did not miss him overmach, ak though I observed a cloud upon Sophie's usually sunny face more thinonce; but when [ rallied her about "grief for Alf"s departure," she blushed futiously and ran off.-- Harry Severn grew kinder; if poss sible, to me; and Mrs Severn treated me aé if I wore one of the family.-- Poor Alfred! Long before he left I saw how much he loved Sophie. No wonder, She was one any man must love, But I am not sure she ever manifested anything more than sisterly kindness to hit, One thing 1do remember--she never played any of hor pranks on him, but rather I think avoided bm. But I must hasten to the winding up of my sweat interlude, Summer was gliding into auturin, I had entered upon iy third moth of my stay at the Elms, prolonged my visit toa moat unreasonable length, I therefore determined td leave ins tow days, go abroad fot two months, teturn to London at Christmas, gpend the remainder of my leave between Lucy's kiouse and Severn', and retort to India in the spring,-- I 'must acknowledge that I felt not a little melancholy at the pros- pectof bidding uly loved friend and bis household farewell ; but it must be done. I had found, the better fitted I should be for my solitary lot, And yet--andlyet-- Might I not lure this beautiful bird, child woman, to fly with me, and make bright and beautiful that fature, so dreary in prospect now ? May | plead guilty of having asked myself that question once? once only. It fell upon this wise. One delicious,balmy September afternoon we were walking through the plea. sure grounds together, Sophie and I. She was graver than hei wont when when we set out on our stroll.-- Alfred was to returd that evening, | had dropped a word about speedy departuro at luncheon; a word which Mrs Severn loudly declaimed. I was thinking of a thousand things, and silent, She walked by my side silent and thoughtful too. At last & bird carollod merrily overhead and broke the spell. She laughed her old merry, child-like laugh, and we began to chat away much as usual, CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK. Mothers, do not drug your children with poisonous opiates, in the form of Soothing syrups, when ono bottle of Dr. Fowler's Bxtract of Wild Strawberry will allay all irritation of the stomach sgl in bowels incident to teething, It is pleasant, mild, and harniless, and is a positive specifice for every form of symmer complaint. All druggists dell it at 37} cents pet bottle. Le Albert Gray, of Dallas, Texas, had lately buon wonverted to Christians ity, and therefore, when William Young swore profanely in his pre- sence, he was droadfully shocked, He drew & revolver, implored the blasphemer to stop, and then shot. him dead, 0 Holloways Pills and Ointineat.--The mos effectual cure for Gout and Rheumatism. --e A frequent cause of those complaints is fnflammatory state of the blood, lassitude, and of the blood greatly though I balf suspected ; and who had béen room ; dnd Harry, | laughter, told bow at | deceived, and how: Glancing round timidly, Isaw that . 0 what it was that Severn hoped-- dining, out entorad tho |

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