Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Sep 1880, p. 3

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s clearer than that Soriptura st The blood is the life ii he leaves shall be for the healing of the Nations Burdock Bwood Bite torn ie purely vegetable and makes pure renovates, invigorates, and restors the system when impoverished by disease, - One bottle, at the nominal cost of bne dollar will convince the most sceptical of the truth assertions. RRR FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY. ROOM-PAPER, FANCY GOODS, &t. § HAVE NOW ON HAND THE BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST 'COMPLETE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO NORTH ONTARIO. Will sell at prices to suit the times, Call and examine my Stock, W. H. McCAW, Port Perry. Royal Arcade, PINE HONUSTEAD FOR SALE iN TUE TOWNSHIP CF REAGH! The Property of the Estate of the late Charles Black, Esa, decsased, COMPRISING 162 ACRES! CHOICE LAND. HE Subscribers liave been instrncted by the Executor, to offer the above Farm for Sale by Private Contract, Being composed of Lot No. 24,in the 14th oncession of the Township of Reach, contain- ing 162 acres more or less, of which 120 acres are cleared and in an exeellent state of cul- tivation ; the remainder i§ covered with ex- cellent Hardwood timber. There are erected on the premises TWO FRAME HOUSES, One 24x32 with kitchen 20x24, the other 18x24 itchen attached 12x15; Frame Barn 34x60; rame Stable 24x60, There are an Orchard and two wells on the premises. The above is one of the first settled Farms in the neighborhood and has been in posses: sion of the late owner since it was first cleared, and bas never been run out or over-cropped. The place is pleasantly situated alongside Simeoe street, about 8 miles north of Port and half a mile north of the Seagrave W. P. P. & Lindsay Railway uality of the soil is a rich clay loam and endidly adapted for raising Grain or is sp Stock. The Executor being desirous of closing the Estate forthwith -- ivtending purchasers should apply as soon as possible. Liberal terms, of payment will be given. Possession for plowing at once; full posses- sion of the entire premises on the 1st of March aext. For particulars apply to - JNO. & D.J. ADAMS, Brokers, Port Perry. Or to the Eexcutor, ALEX. BLACK, Sonya. ~ Port Perry, July 6,1886. IMPROVED #ARM LANDS, * MILL PROPERTY, &C., FOR SALE! : --BY-- Private Contract, The following Lands situated in the Townships of Reach and Uxbridge, are offered for Sale at Low Prices 30-tf 'payment. "or upon short terms of | P and ready for inspection at BROWN & CURRIES. RA -w ow opened oul J na Our selections for this season's trade have been made with the greatest care and nothing that experience, capital, taste and skill can command has been left undone to make our stock unsur- passed for Quality, Style and Value. Our prices, based upon a scale of moderate profits, cannot fail to ensure the continued support of our vast army of intelligent patrons. We have the LarcEst EsTABLISHMENT, we carry the LArcEsT Stock, we do the LarcesT Busi- NESS, and give the Best VALue orf any House iv Port Perry. WATe cannot and will not be undersold. We call special attention to a few of our Depaftments. IN DRESS GOODS We are unexcelled. Our styles and prices are correct, and it will be our costant sim to have this Department up to the highest standard of excellence. We are now showing some magnifi- cent lines in Satin De Beiges, Brocaded Silks and , Satins in Polkg spots and figures, Langtry Cords, Como Cords, Stocingnettes, Roubaux Twills, Fringes and Trimmings to Match all Dress Goods. An immense variety of Pompa- dour and plain colored Vel- vets in all shades. Our Stock or WiNCEY is unapproachable for extent and excellence of value. No better value ever offered. Our Franners exp TwgEDs are admitted to be the best value ever shown in town. In PrisTs we are showing a magnificent assortment in all the new and popular fall styles. Our Ready-made Clothing Department Stand supreme ; nothing like it in Port Perry. The style, quality and workmanship of our cloth- ing cannot be surpassed, and for Price we cannot be approached. BOOTS AND SHOES.--We carry an immense stock, and the quality and the price of goods in this department cannot be beaten by-any house in the trade. GROCERIES, pure and fresh. Try our far-famed 50 cents Tea ; the best value ever offered. : No trouble to show Goods whether you desire to purchase or not. pwison of our Stock and Prices cordially invited. An inspection and com- , Bigelow's Royal Arcade ! fo] =A A [e\"ARCADE."L J . Ce i . Trimmings a Hats and tles, Parasols, Dress Goeds, Hosiery, g, Tickings. * Ready-made Clothing, sand Children's Boots 25000 worth of Of New and' Stylish Millinery Goods. Specialty and very Cheap. A large Stock of Ladies' Man Gloxes, Prints, Shirtings, Flannels, Cloths, Tweeds, Toweling &c. A large Stock of Gent's New and Fashionable Hats. Ladies', Gent' aud Shoes. A full Stock of General Groceries, Crocknay and Glassware. Bankrupt Stock Goods to be Cleared Out at Wholesale Prices. 07 The highest Market Prices allowed for all kinds of Farm Produce. JOSEPH BIGELOW. cE=GROCERY, PROVISION, ----AND--+ LIQUOR BUSINESS. returning his most hearty thanks for the on him since opening business in this PORT PERRY, May 12, 1880. FOR SALE! Lumber, Iath, Shingles, Pickets, The undersigned wonld take this opportunity of d still i i b d in g his and the general public that be ments to meet the wishes of his customers still more fully by the STRICTLY CASE SYSTEM | WHEREBY PRICES MAY BE CUT TO THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE. AN Boome Timser! BE place and now takes p! ARTIES desirous of building can secure cheap material, having a large Btock to select from. Scantling, Boards ed i rah fom 1 a ; Do : My Stock of 'Groceries is New, I'resh land Choice. : : : : | Reliable Brands of Wines, Liquors, Spirits, §e. | Prices may o| Port Perry, Aug. 25, 1880, relied on. W. B. McGAW. Strayed Sheep. ND DINING ROOM | AND DIN} the Walker i into the ; Appiyto. : MRS. HASLAM. nan JOB Bet Cory Special Attention FARMERS! 1 A tall supply of PROVISIONS, Superior Goods and Lowest Possible premises of fhe Sub- An Immense Stock of NIV. FALL Goons I NEW CASHMERES, « WINCEYS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, GENTS FURNISHINGS, ETC, ETC. GREATEST VALUE 1" - To our Stock of Mantles and Mantle Cloths. CHOICES & CHEAPEST EVER SHOWN BIBBINTRT DBPARTBINT d for the Fall Trade and our Stock of Goods in this line this season is Our Show Room is opone ESPECIALLY FINE. LADIES--Do not fail to see our now Fall Styles. All Departments fully assorted. JONES BROS. & CO. Port Perry, Sept, 15, 1880, T.S. CORRIGAN [as just opened out his First Arrivals of EW GOODS! FOR THE THI They are Extra Value. Call and See them. T. 8. CORRIGAN. HICHEST POSSIBLE PRICE Paid for any quantity of Good Buller. T. S. CORRIGAN. Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1880. GOOD NEWS ~------FOR---- HAVING LEASED THE ELEVATOR! Lately owned by Geo. Cumsir, Esq, I am prepared to pay the Highest Price in Cash * For any quantity of WHBAT, DARLEY, O0T, PEA, &. Delivered at the Elevator, Port Percy. = port Pony, Sept. 23,1880, TheCheapest J. WRIGHT. | HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY Is ightman's Wightman's - Corner, PORT PERRY, ay Highest Price pald for all kinds of Produce, GB aa GREAT \ Clearing Sale 30 DAYS! G00DS SLAUGHTER Given Awa In order to Clear Oat preset Stock to make arrivals of New Fall Goods now on © Port Porry, Sept, 13, 1880, . 4 #

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