or vay for fo Sle Chen ried in pr Wha 'Towasiip of ; JOSEPH BIGELOW. or Pry, June " 1880. lilt Pail Tal TENDERS FO ROI ROLLING STOCK ENDERS are invited for furnishing the Rolling Stock required to be delirered on the Canadian Pacific Railway, within the hext fone years, comprising the delivery in _ + each year of about the following, viz :-- 20 Locomotive Engincs. 16 First-class Cars (a proportion Yeog sleepers), # 20 Second~class Cars (a proportion being slevpers). 3 Express and Baggage Cars, 3 Postal and Bmoking Cars, 240 Box Freight Cats, 100 Flat Cars, : 2 Wing Plows: - +2 Snow Plows, + 2 Flangers. 40 Hard Cars, Tug WHOLE T0 BE MANUFACTURED IN THE Doxtxioy or Caxapa and delivered on the Canada Pacific Railway, at Fort William, or in the Province of Manitoba, Drawings, specifications and other infore imation may be had on application at the office of the Engincer-in-Chicf, at Ottawa, on god after the 15th day of MARCH next: Tenders will be received by the under signed up to noon of THURSDAY, the Ist day of JULY next. By Order, aud Shoes. P. B RAUN, Sceretary, Dept. of Railways & Canals, Ottawa, 7th February, 1880. 10-td PORT PERRY, May 12, 1880. ow's Royal Kroado 1 | IMMENSE STOCK Of New and Stylish Millinery Goods, Hats and Trimmings a Specialty and very Cheap. A large Stock of Ladies' Mantles, Parasols; Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Prints, Shirtings, Flannels, Cloths, Tweeds, Towelings, Tickings. Ready-méde Clothing, &e. A large tock of Gent's New and Fashionable Hats. A full Stock of General Groceries, Crocknay and Glassware. Bankrupt Stock Goods to be Cleared Out. at Wholesale Prices: 17 The highest Market Prices allowed for all kinds of Farm Produce: Ladies', Gent's and Children's Boots #5000 worth of JOSEPH BIGELOW, T. S. CORRIGAN Invites attention to the (AT | He is offering in Every Department OF HIS BUSINESS, And is prepared to PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE For any quantity of GOOD BUTTER. .T, S. CORRIGAN. Port Perry, June 15, 1880, DARCAINS WIGHTMAN BROTHERS, Wightman's Corner, PORT PERRY. Hoe our lines of New Dress Goods, Te, 10¢, 124e, 16e, 20c, 25¢. See onr lines of White Cottons, 8c, 9c, 10¢, 11 12. Soe our lines of Factory Cottons, 8c, 9e, 10c. 11e: See our lines of Bust Prints, 6¢, Te, 10c, 11, 123c: ! Seo our lines of Tsble Linens (all widths), 200, 25¢: 30c, 5c, 50 B0c, " Bee our All Wool Damasks, 50 inches wide, for 75¢ worth $1.25 Bee our White Muslins and Piques for 124e worth 25¢, Bee our Brown Hollands, all Linen, 7c, 10¢, 123c. Seo our Fancy Sush Ribbons for 23¢ and 30c worth 75¢ and $1 per yard. Wightman Brothers ARE OFFERING 500 Ladies' and Children's Aprons at 5c eachy 500 Pairs Men's Cotton Soxs at 5c a pair. 500 Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs at 5c each, 150 Ladies' White Lace Ties at 5c each, 50 Setts Lace Curtains from 75c a sott. 2 Nuits Marseilles Ovguierpance at 50c oach: Fg Ho Cotton. Shirtings,10e. 12§c, bc; ieces Cottonad % for Trousorings at 124c, » great variety of Black Cashm meres from 250 up; Black Lustre, good colour, 10c, , 150, 170, 20¢, ourning Goods 'of every doseriy fon. A fow of | Tapestry Carpets still loft at 50c. : AT ildren's in great variety. Roos a ated in mnt Tweed Pants to be gold for $175 a QUERIES. Currants 18 ponds for $1. w | HTMAN BROTHERS! | Fancy Toi isi yousfeeds ST BOOTS AND SHOES of Teas, Sugars, Raising, Bisel a Provisions i | Manchester, April 78, 1880, (IDE) BARGHN pei I] recenn T. C. FORMAN & SON'S Beautiful Tweeds for $1, worth $1.50. Bargains at 60c and 80c, worth 75¢ and $1. Beautiful New Dress Goods at 10¢ up---Cheapest Goods in Town. Handsome lot of Lace Cur- tains from 75¢c per pair. Beautiful assortment Embroideres from 3c to 25¢, cheap, cheap, cheap. Cheap Hosiery, Cheap Gloves. 30 doz. Ladies' Black and Colored Kid Gloves at §1 per pair, CANNOT BE EQUALED IN TOWN, UNDER $1. 2b, 3 cases Hard and Stiff Felt Hats, all styles and prices, and marked very low. Bargains in White and Grey Cottons. See our best White Cotton ut 134e, CANNOT BE EQUALED UNDER 17c. See our Buff Balmorals at ¥1 25. See our leather Boots at 90c. See our Frexcu Kip Buttoned Boots at $3.25, equal to any $4.50 Boot in town. See our Buttoned Shoes at $1.40, sold elsewhere at 31.60. Cheapest Boots and Shoes -in town. Groceries at Wholesale Prices. (JiG=Terms as ever, Strictly Cash. T, CG. Forman & Son. Port Perry, May 18, 1880. g bo §3 4, == 9 ry 3 Rl i, ofinisil =" pd Burisitie= bb fp onbgittdin i ¥ E P 2, ES HN =H -- n 5 2 ~ piso IE IR ? eg 0 2 mie 2 2 H Haig ices § P bigs Ep: zn tf £ bP Eimpigip i = PERC BY fo 18, Several Cars of Fresh Plaster Just arrived. é; Land Salt " ' and Groceries fully complete, wee AND eosin sorres, BUTTER dL, 1,000,000 POUNI lo or The hig est Market Price paid. 8. 1, CHRISTIAN. FRING, 0 Stock of General Dry Goods Every Department PACES 10 MRED TH TO To Butter for which the very Highest Price will be paid. | Bring on all the Wool yoii wish a | NEW, CHEAP THOMPSON'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, Port Perry ! WHOLSE 1D RETAIL OPENED MAY 2nd, 1879. {HE undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking his numerotis friends and customers for the very kind and liberal patronage ox- tended 1o him since his cotiiméncoment in business, and would respect- fully inform them that his Stock of . FRESH GROCERIES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE! FRUITS tne AN De CONFECTIONERY ! 1s now complote and well assorted in And will be sold on the Lowest Terms for Cash, of its equivalent in Produce. ~~ Hayihg made extonsive alterations and ith premises, be is in a position to fill all bron pistes and despatch. rovbment in the Store and ors entrusted to him with 3 i "a. B. McDERMOT, CHINA HALL, Port Peitny, Dos; 18, 1879, a CASHSTORE! $C "| Barbed Fence Wire, New Lace Lambrequins; 'New Enmbroideries, New Lace Curtains from 80 cts Set. New Laces, New Fringes, "New Hosiery in Gent's, Ladies' and Childrens', New Gloves, New Maeliat New Dress Goods in Latest Shades, WANTED. 20000 LB Go0D Woof For which the the higliest price in Cash will be paid. JONES BROS. & CO. Port Perry, June 2, 1880. AlwaysAhead! Our reasons for keeping ahead are-- OIR GOODS ! OUR FAIR DEALING! OUR LOW PRICES i t-- Ericotiraged by the liberal patronage of an intelligent public, we shail in the future. as in jhe pact use every Snicaver to maintain the confidence of our friends and me Houses aro cutting down prices of a few lines for the pu f bo misled by such ady ts and Special Di 2 Et JL Sujets Do nok We will NOT be undersold by any House in the Trade. (CR GH0DSCIN BE RELIED O8 It is impossible, for want of space, to quote the prices of aif ing are a few of the principal lines : tog y it Goous, but tho follow 30 yds Roller Toweling...... osees Ladies' Prunella Boots for..: «e.... $0 60 32 good Towels ...: vere a i4 I Dried Appen.....0- eees 100 4 ri pples 1 00 0 yes goed Fast Print8...e00e0sise 100 3 Tbs Ten Dusk, .. sun 0 90 e Curtains ,........ bressiees 0 73|3 bs Young Hyson Tok Eel Beautiful Dress Goods . 0 103 1b TobRCCO ease ected ve 100 \ Remember, these are only a few of our prices, and in justice to eveiy ome; call and Pook through' our Stock. We cousider it no trouble to Show Goods. If You want Bargains call early at BROWN & CURRIES, Pon sy, Mey 1, 168 The Noted Cheap Btores Harvest Tools, -! Spades and Shovels. Field and Turnip Hoes, Fishing Tackle, Builders' Hardw WE KEEP NOTHING BUT i sien OF THE coLDEN anvi, Fok vr, May ps vi,