Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 May 1880, p. 3

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J. Forall kinds of Seed also. Plaster and Salt BUILDERS, We have just to hand a large supply of Western W hite Lime At a reasonable price per bushel. 7 LADIES! > + We have choice Flower Seeds, and a fine assortment of Geraniums and Fuchsias. FLOUR #» FEED AS USUAL. T™ MADILI. Port Perry, April 21, 1880. K 2A CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Tenders for Tanks and Pumping . Machinery. ENDERS will be received by the under- signed up to noon onSATURDA Y;thel str MAY, next, for furnishing and erecting in place at the several watering stations along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway under construction, Frost-proof Tanks, with Pumps and Pumping lower of either wind or steam, as may be found most suitable to the locality. Drawings can be seen and specifications and other particulars obtained at the office of the Engineer in Chief, Ottawa, on and after the 15th April: By Order, Of New and Stylist Specialty and very Cheap. A &e. Bankrupt Stock Goods to be C Dept. of Railways and Canals, F. BRAUN, PORT PERRY, May 12, 1880. Ottawa, 1st April, 1880. 17-6w Becretary, } 'Bigelow's Royal Arcade | Is M0 =x LS 0 PN BA IMMENSE Gloves, Prints, Shirtings, Flannels, Cloths, Tweeds, Towelin A large Stock of Gent's New and Fashionable Hats. aud Shoes. A full Stock of General Groceries, Crocknay and Glassware. $5000 worth of WS Va 0 2\® ARCADE. & 1 Millinery Goods, Hats and Tr large Stock of Ladies' Mantles, Parasols, Dress G leared Out at Wholesale Prices. (7 The highest Market Prices allowed for all kinds of Farm Produce. JOSEPH BIGELOW, FT. 8. CORRIGAN Begs to announce the Opening of his MILLINARY SHOW ROOMS WITH ALL THE Latest Novelties of the Season. This Department is still under the management of MISS HISCOX whose superior taste and judgment, combined with Low Prices, has given such universal satisfaction, RSE NEW GOODS For the other Departments of the House arriving daily. pay~ INSPECTION INVITED. Port Perry. April 8, 1880. WICHTHAN BROTHERS, Wightman's Corner, PORT PERRY. Soo our lines of New Dross Goods, fe, 10¢, 123e, 16¢, 20¢, 25c¢. See our lines of White Cottons, 8c, 9¢, 10¢, 1lc. 123c. "Seo our lines of Factory Cottons, 8¢, 9¢, 10¢. 11e. Bee our lines of Best Prints, 6¢, Te, 10¢, 11¢, 123. Sée our lines of Table Linens (all widths), 20¢, 25¢. 30¢, 371c, ble, See our All Wool Damasks, 50 inches widey for 76¢ worth $1.25. See our White Muslins and Piques for 124 worth 25¢. Seo our Brown Hollands, all Linen, Tie, 10c, 12}e. . Bee our Funcy Sush Ribbons for 25¢ and 30c worth 75¢ and $1 per yard. . Wightman Brothers ARE OFFERING 500 Ladies' and Children's Aprons at be cach. 500 Pairs Men's Cotton Soxs at Be a pair. 500 Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs at bc each. © 150 Ladies' White Lace Ties at 5c each, 50 Setts Tice Curtains from 75¢ a s6tt. 30 White Marseilles Counterpanes at 50c each. 30 Pioces Cotton Shirtings, 10c. 123c, 15c¢. 25 Picces Cottonades for Trouserings at 124c. A great variety of Black Cashrhores from 25¢ up. Black Lustre, good colour, 10¢, 123c, '15¢, 17¢, 20c. Mourning Goods of every description. A fow of those Tapestry Carpets still left at 50c. BOOTS AND SHOES ir. bts 18 pounds for $1 y Toilet Soap just received. YTS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN XCHANGE, WIGHTMAN BROTHERS, BUSINESS ----------AND---- CHANGE OF FIRM ! NESS REMOVAL Our business has been removed to the Store lately occupied by B. J. Thorne, Esq., and directly opposite the old Stand, where will be found the Croskst YALUE in all kinds of Goods (QUALITY & PRICE CONSIDERED) IN PORT PERRY. Terms as ever -- Strictly Cash. T. C. Forman & Son. Port Porry, May 18, 1830. 0, SPRING, IN Scrernl Cars of I'resh Plaster Just arrived. " Land Salt " Stock of General Dry Goods and Groceries fully complete, PhS vee AND ---- 10 URRY TOD TO pe surres, BUTTER. porres, i 000,000 POUNDS ! : : i Choice Butter for which the very Highest Price will be paid. S. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, April 28, 1880. FOR COE Ho PEARCES DCERIES: «| ah hic ; *|SH00ND SUPPLY OP SPRING4STMNER 001] Merchant' Tailoring Establishment. The undersigned having had fo bring op a | Has much pleasure in stating that his Stock has been fully replenished and fs now com 'the choice of the Mark ote: Everything in the line of Gent's wear of such style | plete : ite Nit fhe oh desire, 3 : | : BRING ON YOUR ORDERS! The newest ityles'sf material, the Latest Fashions possible figure. : J. PEARCE. and & petfect fit guaranteed. Prices alwys placed at the lowest Port Perry, May 11, 1880. WIGHTMAN CORNERS, , PORT PERKY. = I ---------- immings a oods, Hosiery, gs; Tickings. Ready-made Clothing, Ladies', Gent's and Children's Boots ~ NEW, CHEAP CASH STORE THOMPSON'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, Port Perry MOLINE IND RETA OPENED MAY 2nd, 1879. ! 8 Te undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous frionds and customers for the very kind and liberal patronage ex- tended to him since his commencement in business, and would respect= fully inform them that his Stock of FRESH GROCERIES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE! FRUITS sicivimsnn A ND eesti. CONFECTIONERY ! Is now complete and well assorted in Every Department ! And will be sold on the Lowest Terms for Cash, or its equivalent in Produce. G. B. McDERMOT, oN CHINA HALL. |A DECIDED BARGAIN. Encouraged by the liberal patronage of an intelligent public, we shall in the future. gd in the past use every endeavor to maintain the confidence of our fricnds and Some Houses are cutting down prices of a few lines for the purpose of a sateh, Do not Beautiful Dress Goods .... Barbed Fence Wire, Harvest Tools, Spades and Shovels Field and Turnip H Fishing Tackle, Builders' Hardware. WE KEEP NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS GOODS And will sell them at Bottom Prices. LAING & MEHARRY. SICN. OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, May 27, 1880, S------ The Crowds of Purchasers that daily visit Our Millinery SHOW ROOM Bear witness that our Stock in this Department is the largest, Cheapest, best assorted, and most Fashionable in the County. If you want a new Hat or Bonnet or anything in Flowers, Feathers or Trimmings call and see us. We have all the Novelties of the Season and cannot fail to please you. New Linen Costumes and Ulsters, New Galatea Costumes with Pompadour Trimmings. We have had the good fortune to secure a large Stock of these Goods at a very great reduction, and WE ARE NOW OFFERING THEM AT THE REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICES. Be sure and see them. They are really Cheap. JUST RECEIVED All the latest Shades and Styles in Dress Goods, Gloves Hosiery, Parasols, etc., etc. ALLDEPARTMENTS FULLY ASSORTED. JONES BROS. & CO. Port Perry, May 18, 1880. -- 4 head! ra Always! Our reasons for keeping ahead are-- OIE GOODS ! OUR FAIR DEALING! OUR LOW PRICES ! A ---- bo misled by such advertisements and Special Discounts, but remem We will NOT be undersold by any House in the Trade. GOS (0Y BE RELIED ON Having made extensive alterations and improvement in the Store and|, 1¢is i ie, for want of Sace; to quote the prices of al] vee but the, premises, he is in a position to fill all orders entrusted to him with)" *®® vf the principal lines : promptness and despatch. : : 20 yds Roller Toweling...... veers $1 00] Ladies' Prunclla Boots 32 good Towels , 1 00 35 fhe ood Gorenule, 20 yds good Fast Prints... 1 'ou{J4 Toad , Lace Curtains ..... ven 0933 Hyson . 0 10|3 Ib Tobacco "Remember, these are only a fow uf our prices, and Igok through our Stock. Wo consider Ito trouble 1 Show ho If You want Bargains ca Por Peary, Dec. 18, 1879,

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