Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 May 1880, p. 2

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The judges and others having charge of ed a success, -- ee -- Europsan News. 58888388883 comaswoos 25883328 That Biddulph Slavghter. } 24-5w | For the due fulfilment of the contract the party or parties whose tender may be accept- ed will be required to make a deposit equal to five per cent. of the bulk sum of the conténct within eight days after the date of the notifi- cation. The sum sent in the Tender will be considered a part of the deposit. Ninety per cont. only of the progress esti- insles will be paid until the completion of the work. RR AAR % {ling up ¢ ~Some time ago Serious Accident. Bl, Return of the Roll. P damages. ages. : : a the celebration did their duties well nd -- it will be abered, an action was broug . ---_ A ; We have been privileged by getting a. 5 0 punkerty against Lord and others |; Ye os ly fncreasi About 4 p.m _on Wedensday, 26th Inst.) | irivuted much to the success of the cele- 2 y J. Fall Wheat, ...... pus. The Port Perry Fleet lsrmp ns os | 1. ohn Kilpatrick, in company with bia EE glance at tho Asadssment ill or Port PITY | oc damages for the undue dentention in | Soring Wheat, 11." In numbers and quality, © wife, left their residence in the second con. of | yc oather was all that conld be desired | fO the present year and - whatevr clse may | port of the stonmnship Tagus, On the 22nd | Barley. being abandoned and replaced by new and Reach driving along the Reach road on their and the entire proceedings may be pronounc- | be faid of the roll we think all will admit | judge Rainville gave decision in the case 2 much improved successors. Mr. G. B. way to Port Perry, Mr. Kilpatrick, was driv- that for accuracy of get up and good judg Jemning the defendants to pay d ---- McD: had bis magwificent new Yacht| jp o fiery team pretty hard to hold. In ment of valuation it will be admitted. to be | of $250 per day during the time of deten- PERRY, MAY 27, 1880. | afloat on the Queen's Birthday, and had her) passing Mr, Dyers, place in the 3rd Con. one of the best rolls ever presented to our tion. Star, 2 z ===== | chirk d «Irene. She fxn beauty and! oo 0h hoo enaps gave way and the -- council: The totals are $414,170 including - - i Our County Council. will, we think, mmke it bot for anything), wooo oo unmanageable and turning 1 topo mi 1 | real property, personal and income; 175: Wise in Their Generation.--The 3 hy --- { that comes in her track. round short broke the pole, one of the wheels, Posi re tuaves ag a ya! persons, }36 horses, 138 cattle 32 hogs, 11 |Galtonians arc byno means deficient in E ~ Tho Council for-the County of) The "Tempest" owned by Messrs. Currie | ynsoiting the rig in the ditch and throwing fight. The toiling ones, the find producers | $hecp, 64 dogs and 4 bitches, theso don't in| cunning and make shift and if they cant, Ontario is summoned to meet for & Morcraft is a fine yacht and has under- wy ong pre Kilpatrick, heavily to the ground, Jinve » good time of ft contending between | clude the dogs that were away visiting when | raise the wind no other town need try ; their Greaville I bo recelved at 4 + Tuesday | EO™ ome important improvements since | gly breaking Mrs. Kilpatricks' thigh bone and dispair but still drawing {he | the Assessor was round. ~The number of | latest moye is worthy of them, they are Western, mails on THORSDAY pern and the dispatch of business On Lucsday | yet year. There isa perfect legion of row and otherwise bruising her badly. Mr-Kilpat- | "20°", © day is ovidently drawing | "hoo! children between 5 and 16 years is | about to try the half-time system in their DAY OF JUNE nest, for the Construction June 1st and we wait with patienco | boats and good ones too, as fine little craft ick 00, was severely injured but it is hoped | 10 (on the two capitals Iabor and cash | 595 this includes 40 fn that portion of the | public schools, by which it is expected that of two Lift hocks and other works st Greee's the speech from tho throne for Lhe as one could wish to see. Who lives to 808 | 04 c.ridusly. he walked from the soene of the will have a grand and final strnggle for |6chool ection without the limits of the | $1,000 per annum will be saved in salaries OCI Font, Fr Tunas foreshadowment of the measures the Dowjsicn Yup od Tre Weather prove disaster to his own place, Mrs, Kilpatrick of position; those oft repented lock-onts and | Corporation. of Joust, a ie bite ot the WELLAND CANAL. oA map the local dtagstier with iy i eet eee pl Rkely to engage the attention of [favorable will witness one o course could not move from the spot. Dr. strikes are only the ekirmishing of the Ta Ee ee ree wiuiblo This looks precious like sponging rea sen ats On and at the nt ~ hon. members during the approach- Aquatic displays ever witnessed except hs Ware was imwediately sent for but having advance guards, 'The unhumane Pitt's 5 : ie 2 little ones, but affer all half a loafis better NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Engineer's Office, 6 ge. on and afer h > . .,imay be on our city waters, There will|y,., visiting a patient in that direction he |, ; «The more heavily you burden the | 8/18 Of sight and hearing cannot possilly be | than no bread, . ei 'HURSDAY, THR ia y t debe Tor somapiouon | P1081 0h tn Pot EYL yon i rad ae me nd wa io ee er Bn Le a sy of | someon or Tock Go ter | Es pred rs er hn will doubtless form a conspicuous saw before as there will assuredly be some | overtaken and brought to the spot. The Dr, be fully applied to the toiling |the organs of these senses make it of the| The York Herald says:=¢Mr. Spriaur fised to be let on tho amo or JUNE Contractors are requested to bear in mind f 1h i en. fuccessfully app e g i next, is unavoidably postponed to the fol- | y, t tenders will be considered part of the business of fhe 80s8ion.-- | fast racing as well by yachts as row boats, had the sufferer cacried home to ber own | =o for a very long time but the march of | greatest consequence that they be handled | Of Markham, has snppliod tho. street Car 1owiog do af ers Joh be Counties' Councils are being shorn {large bers of comp are exp : idence where he roon set the leg aod at- | jo 1ligence is reversing this stato of things, | by only the best and thoroughly reliable | Company, Yorkville, with two wagons and endure willbe: roostved until f r of their powers and prerogatives | from a distance and we vise v5 Sato tonded to the patient otherwise and very po {oiling ones are togo along smoothly | practitioners, J. D. Stewart, M.D., who|8ix carts; formerly these els Ton oo Tuesday,the 23nd day of June next. es and lence of each mem- from year to year, The Mowat men to fit upand prepare for t 2 ap a soon had her as comfortable as possible they must be treated intelligently, justice | will be at the Walker House here from the | 170m the other a $5 fue on the en Pi, Spotter a wr err egg ill riher, 'un TO ernment is making inroads upon certainly have something good and ery under the circumstances. Mr, Kilpatrick must be done them, the value of their Inbor | 3rd till the 7th of June, is famous as an The Mourning Economist mus for en one ae bank cheque for the sum of $2,000 must ac- ©! g P ompany the Tender, which sum shall be for- 4d f : t d both in sailing and sculling but there is] ~~ 0) over attention "was geon- | must have its full recognition. Oculist and Surist. . of this lest the sad news should break its ; i ful re Io ch Jura shall be for- them from session to session a something fast of both coming to match them. sidered y and all that medical skill| The Nihilist trinls are now ding at little heart already torn with grief over the Tuesday, the 8th day of June. ing into contract for the work at the rates taking the business of these councils | Almost every family in town lmg now got A could do for them having been done the t;,6 Russian capital and of course conviction doings of the N. P. (Ed 0). By oyder, F. BRAUN. sui onthe Seems stated I Yao oflee subinitind, into the hands of the Government. | boat and some a couple, so that if we don : patients were left in a hopeful condition.-- | will follow fn every instance. » 2 5 A a3 be shee ug Sone 10s Will: tn retumned to When that Government made pro-|improve in navigation itis not for lack of | Fymyathy is felt for the sufferers,| Incipient rebellion still lnrks not far from | As a matter of course the Biddulph mass-| Another Big Fire Eomamen, " | Department of Railways & Canals accepted. wisions for an increase ia the number | opportunity and those who have no boat can especially for Mrs, Kilpatrick in her greater | the gnface throughout tho Spanisd domains: | acre is about as near being ferreted out as it May 23.--Last evening flames were iscavere * Ottawa, 13th May, 1880. 3 i be supplied on short notice and on low sufferings ; the thigh is an ugly bone to have| France in decidedly the most Prosperous | wag a couple of weeks after the tragedy.-- | © issuing from the window of the Unit, of counties councilors they were ine host Dewart who has lots of i op v Tg States Hotel, an nnoccupied building. Twen- Committing trasspavent fraud on charge by mine war : det broken as it will allow of scarcely any| pation on the European continent, They have got some half-dozen or #0 who cs Hotel, A pie ding. we , gs, : Ting thet) oj dor lire. We have. alto aTlett and | O¥Ement of the body, and perfect stillness| In Germany the people are chafing under | 1 alleged know more of the massacre than | 1¥ Houses were in es fous Tilrod sires the publie Simp y giving their | two first-class boat Luilders Mr. Mallett a is scarcely compatible _ with such hot| the Bismarckian 'one man rule, and an ap- 1 is safo to kriow but it would almost appear to Main, from Main to Pennsylvan Hg sanction to an increase in the Mr. Hazard, who will soon supply any who| & 0 The patients, however, are all parently successful attempt is being made | that there is not room enough in this broad Down the last Tentioned ogre e number of councilors so that their | want, right in the hands of Dr. Ware as whatever | to resist the tyranny. Dominion to try whether they are guilty or fire Jeet; destroy % adi ye i i p is possible to be done for them will be donc: tria hi t 1 her blowing, i f a ilty. | Among whic y This Department does not, however, bind Sars immortal 55 might be lolorased Interesting ~The. Commitice of Ar. ® The il; deserved spected by all Alun bie yx netiblow 5 { 2on md i7 guilty how far they are guilty County Bank, Brown Hotel, U. S. Hotel and itself to accept the lowest or any tender, for a time at least. Mowat and his Yio oslebiation. of Dominion re family are deservedly respected by all | ghe has no desire to fight but a great desire | London, Toronto and other aspirants to fame ot Lin oboe. Whe NAL 5 ander. . rangement for the cel obra fon of Dominion} Loo them and: mh sympathy if felt | to frighten, and finding that she cannot are fighting hard for the henor or rather the] B® United Pipe Line office. The losses are Li. y Cp. DRAUN chums knew that Co. Councils have t hall in Bigelow's 8 5 de of » hundred' temilies A indir] Day at Port Perry, met ina ha 82°OW S| for them in their affliction. fiighten anybody sho is pulling in her hotos | profit of the trial taking place in theif midst, | $150,000. Upwards of a hundre ®| NOZIICE TO CONTRACTORS. : Secretary. mo longer the power to appoint in Block, on the evening of the 26th inst -- lest she might be forced into a fight. Poor [Of conrse it is mot the wish of the Tegal are homeless. Many slept on the ground -- Dept of Railways and Canals, 0 i i ere interosting and high, : vi ude i . last night. HE construction of Lock Gates ndver- {tawa, 13th May, . -2w ona of Weights and Nessus, ge the ground work laid o.| Sunday School Anniversary Hungray is walering te ets o Sofie gentlemen to throw any impediment in the [ *** "8 7 tised to be let on the 3p er JUNE next, y P- -- connection, thousands of her chi Te | way of the case, it is truo the less progross Carefully propared Sedlitz Powders and Pure Citrate of Magnesia, at McGlashan's Drug Store. 3 is unavoidable postponed to the following' pointing Local Superintondants of one of the most compiste Cel prafions sii The Utica Sunday School havo arranged | famishing for bread, That forced alliance the case makes the more progress their fees dates :-- Schools. The control of granting or bold i» Sis gestion of country. Full parti-| 4; G14 their anniversary services for 1880 | will be torn assunder some day. 4 make but then they don't care for that, it is Tendors will be received until : TP . culars in due time. atthe C. M. church there on Sabbath and Poor Turkey is frrecoverably sick and | 04 fees the: re for, O No! Some time in witholding liquor licenses and ap- S---- ilonday the 6th and 7th of June, and ifthe from all appoarauce her demine 1 simply a | ner roo & 2 we fo5, 0 ms tims [a 5 Tuesday, the 22nd day of June next. inting Inspectors hus been taken| Fortune's Favors.--At the annual matter of time and {bat in the not distant " Died for Lack of Support.--The | Plans, specifications, &e., will bo ready for entire proceedings be not both interesting Court will decide whether the trial shall take i away from all municipalitics. Tho [drawing for prises by the members of the and profitable the fault won't rest with the | future. 1006 Ir Toth Do wom WEE to Montreal Evening Post announces that its | examination on and after option of granting or witholding [Art Union of Canada at their rooms, Toronto, mansgemenh . Britain struggles away up hill, they are | . issue of the 22nd is its Inst appearance,owing Tuesday, the 8th day of June next. money to High Schools has ulso been | 22nd inst., much interest was manifested and There will be services on Sabbath at 2:30 | Putting on as good a face as possible; the ¥ to the failure of the public to subscribe for By order, y 8 4 * h th Pure Hellebore and Paris Green at C. C. | its stock. hd 7; and that annual bar- | Prizes to the amount of $1000 wero taken. |; p.m. Thomas McMurray, Esq., will| rich do Tot know what to do with their taker away ; an Wn The prizes ranged from ten th one hundred conduct the services on both cotaione yery| Wealth nor the poor with their poverty, -- McGlashan's Drug Store. lesque tho oquulization farce has dollars; of course these are not paid in large congregations may be looked or at| The gulf between the rich and the pooris| Magical Cream removes tan and sunburn. | Another gone.~The plant of the been rendered unnocessary by the money but in whatever Works of Art the both sexyices widening 8nd decpening at an alarming | Prepared only by C. C. McGlashan," Chemist | /Zerald newspaper, of Ottawa, was sold on valuation process which does not re-| prize-taker may choose to the amount of his The Monday's exercises too will be highly | tate, Dives and Lazarus is being enacted [and Druggist. ; Saturday by the Cigy Tresurer for rent, taxes quire to be repeated in ten or fifteen | prize. We are pleased to observe that our important and attractive. Dinner will be| there every day on a magnificent scale, only sitesi <a somioer and water rates. Other bands have taken it years. Wo aro not saying that all {respected townsman, N. F. Paterson, Esq, | gat 1 o'clock, chair will be taken at 8| the Diveses are a little more Dives and the The Ladies to the Front--A casey, of the above changes are for |! one of the leading prise-takors amongst | | ©" "lone Rew centlemen, | Lazaruses, barring the sores, much more of Woman SIRNENICE took pluce in Californie Orany. E : 725 subscribers. He carried off a $50 prize. : : 7 Liev. 5 : '| Lazarus ; we know not, bat most likely the | village, Cininnati, on the 19th inst., a widow Go to McGlashan's for your Helleboro the better but we do say that » music by the choir, dialogues, recitations, } ' : named Bateman shot and killed another fand Paris Green 353" & -_ ic, '&c., by the pupils will occupy the : 5 £i unties' Councilors havo fewer music, '&ec., by the pup py widow named Slinger ; the women of that Sou B and: less responsibility than => ronal--0n Wednesday, 26h Inst, yj. ti) 5 grclock when tea will be served ts ; nied an Pp y we had the pleasure of a passing call from | 6:30 after which an attractive entertainment ying Iynch | Ne shootiste. : they had once, and so far from re- the proprietor of the Campbellford Hearld and | will be held, Lots of choice music by the | country in disgust, driven to self expatria- | ing lynch law to the shootiste, night an old ccuple named Strader, living IE onder ign ng 3 fia 8 tende y pected to fs J : "1u LL is . -- : > . Butler, in that ne Bn rown Prince, wonld ¢ | practical knowledge of works of this class, quiring more men than formerly | were gratified to know that the Campbell- | Greenbank Choir and stirring addresses from | tion 80 that they may find in the iand of io Much 24 At axey spe Sider in a house owned by . Be er, fut hat part this De Tas ot Tn he pine | bactica] cnowle get ¥o ky ihe Slam, much fewor would do. One man (fordians have intelligence worthy of their | such speakers as all like to hear, Amongst | the stranger that of which they aro being Farland pretends cane] of the Townshipf Wine ey be | that he will keep him for service at west-half | wil not he considered unless made strictly in toe + sei oa 3 i i land--! gh | £2 tend MN i ©! = | the Boyne, burned to death. e nccordance with the printed forms, and--in from each municipality would man. |risiog town as manifested by the generous | others the name of Rev. S.C. Philp, jr., a uni. | deprived in their own land-brend enoug feal process he produces an. "everlasting 19. 5170Yney: Were: burned todo : lot 18, iu the 14th con. of-Brock. the tase of FHus--ortept ther ne tac] b busi br tha support given to their local press. If the | versal favorite in this section of country is for themselves and families. oh ant . Y building was also destroyed. Cause of fire Charge for the season..... $1.50 | the actual signatures, the naiure of the ocen-- ago the business better on: 3 Bro. is a fair sample of the 'press gang" on the list; there arealso the names of] The new British Parliament met for the light" which shines as many hours 'at night not yet known. To insure, ..... .. + 2.00 | pation, and residence of each member of the greater number possibly could, do of that town thelr press is worthy of a large | Revd's Prosser Loo and Hawley. James | dispatch of business on the 19th inst. The [AS it is exposed to the light fn the day time. --_-------- Parties bringing cows will confer a favor Se aud farties eet bai ehegie Members of Counties' Councils like | coeur of support and of more than: local | Squelch, Esq Sialic expected to speak Queen's Speech as on all similar occasions [ Once charged with the chemicals, a glass | pxtending their Business.-- srs. i Jooping as: much id possible to the fol- | wie, an offer is made, must accompany ench other legislators are not infalliable, notoriety. > Parties who bave attended any of {he| did not amout to much, it goes: far to show | bowl can be placed on a buoy or a ship's | McGaw & Winnett, of the Queen's Hotel, | 2")"8 10Urs, viz:--Before 7 a, m., from 12 | Tender, which sum shall be forfeited if the 3 however that the new rulers mean to walk | mast and will furnish a light. He claims Toronto, have lensed the Tecumseh House, Notice to Bridgebuilders. QEALED TENDERS addressed to the nn+ dersigned (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed * Tender for Bridges, Welland Canal," will be received at this offica until the arrival of the Western mails on TUESDAY THE 1578 DAY JUNE next, for the construction of swing and stationary bridges at varions places onthe line of the Welland Canal. These for highways are to be a com- bination of iron and wood, ind those for rail way purposes are to be of iron. THAT SPLENDID THORO-BRED BULL t Plans, specifications and géneral conditions CROWN PRINCE can be seen at this office on and after MON * | DAY, THE 31sr DAY OF MAY next, whero ---- Forms of Tender can also he obtained, HE undersigned having purchased that Parties tendering are expected to have a ¥. BRAUN, Secretary. Department of Railways & Canals, Ottawa, 13th May, 1880, } 24-5w -- t-- ot « eel eet similarity will be carried right throngh.-- Thousands and tens of thousands of the : poor and the toiling ones are leaving the | Place are stepping round and talk of apply- Sad.--CHESTERVILLE, Ont., May 22.--Last to 2 p. m., and alter 6 in the evening. party tendering declines entering into eon they can't claim absolute perfection, ¥ Eran. The firm of Brown & Currie at the com- mencement of the present season set our other business establishments a worthy ex- ample and we are much pleased to see that many of our merchants are following in the That firm in the early spring had the wood work in front of their business establishment painted black very much im- proving the appearence of the establishment and giving a fine effect to the display in the and it invariably happens that the most blustering, insolent and abusive stand most on their dignity and will trampel under foot every vistage of honor and manliness to get a fling at any one who happens to get be- tween the wind and their mock dig- nity. Even the journal that refuses to pander to their whims and dares anniversaries of this school need not be told that the.ladies know how to get up a choice dinner and tea. ------------ Be, Laing & Meharry's for reliable Hard- ware, the best quality of Spades, Forks, Hoes, &c. Every vanety of builders' hardware and carpenters' tools. Their goods always give satisfaction as well for quality, finish and price. Sce their new advertisement. ------------------ pretty closely in the tracks of their prede- | that it will last for ages, provided it is pro- Co3SOTR. perly scaled, That is where the joke comes Beaconsfield speaking on the late defeat | 10. of his party laid the whip pretty sharply on Tr ------ en the whips as he attributes the terrible| Then and Now.--In 1876 when the slaughter in the Conservative ranks to the | Mackenzie regime was at its height we are want of organization, and as a matter of | reminded by the Montreal Post that a pro- course blames the whips for this lack of | ¢éssion of the unemployed paraded the streets organization. of Montreal with the red flag, while at pre- Mr. Power foolishly provoked a test of | sent, in the days of the N. P., strikes for strength on an amendment to the Address | higher wagesare the order of theday. Facts London, for a number of years and will at once proceed to refit and refurnish the place. ~--Sun. MARK HOWSAM. | tract for the work at the retes and on the Pinedale. MAy 20, 1880. Crown Prince took first prize in bis class at the Reach, Port Perry and Scugog Agri- McGaw the head of the above firm is |C%itural Society's Spring Show of 1880. brother to our respected townsman, W. B. | Ca McGaw, Tsq. Criinote of Registered Pedigree of Bull o cal The Best Time on Record.--To- |, nerty of Mr. Robt. Dobson, Epsom, Co. |: roxTo, May 22.--Yesterday afternoon, Tip |i Arthurs, amatenr champion quarter mile ranner,of Toronto, and Arthur McLean, of nddian Short Horn Stock Register.~ Vol. b. If; No. 745, Crown Prixce, red and white, ved May 11th, 1878, bred by and the Ontario. Got by Breadalbane (28073) Dam Fair Flower, by Lothair [17:8] 10393 G. dam Belle of the Valley, by Lord of ths terms stated in the offer submitted, The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whoso tenders are not accepted, For the due fulfilment of the contract the party or parties whose teader it is proposed to accept will be notified that their tender is accepted subjeet to a deposit of five per cent. of the bulk sum of the contract--ot which the tin with the tender will be considered irt---to be' deposited to the credit of the ceiver General within eight days after the date of the notice. Ninety per cent. only of the progress esti- mates will be paid until the cempletion of tho . . . 8 irt > i to call things by their right names siiow windows It the bist proof of the Sue Zby Quon Fiuday a5: Prince and came out with the 'maguificent count of | are stubborn things, Then they could get | Jamilton, ran a mile race for a gold medal Valley [421] 5002 work. is beld up before the council ar effect produced lies in the fact that so sa 47 out of a house of 347. no work and no wages. Now they can eet | McLean Jilly for the first threo-quarters of a | g. dam Favorite, by Ethelbert [231] Hg aor tant does ate Jowsven bind malicious and untruthful while the many of our merchants followed suit, Mr Prince Albert was the contre of attraction | py. Bradlaugh who had already refused | both work and wages but they want still | mile, but. Arthurs passed him and won by | 1516 See Herd Jock. . i : + By Order, Mact is it is the too much truth that Allison, at once snapped at the bait and on in this locality in the celcbration of the to take the oath, on sccond thugights made | higher wages. fifty feet, making the fastest time on record Bigned, JONN R. CRAIG, > y er F. BRAUN, y ped -- Yothers: tho: Frat We 1 viz : 4 minutes 48 seconds. See. Ag'l & Arts Association. Secretary, irate ones. We have lots of good men at our County Council,'men who havo the bost in- terests of the county at heart, who know how to legislate and go there for that purpose and not to badger the shortest possible notice had his entire Lang & Meharry, T. C. Forman & Son and Mr. Pearce soon came out in black, a change which added greatly to the appearance of these establishments. Mr. Sovereign and while these celebrations are from year to year changing their character and may be keeping pace with the advanc- ing years of her whom all delight to honor the enthusiasm is certainly none the less sincere though it is certainly less boisterous than in days gone by ; the Village of Prince annivesary of the natal day of our beloved up his mind to swallow the pill. The oath is not so formidable a matter afterall ; here | Served Them Right.--The miserable it is lick-spittles and. title worshipers of Col- "J, A. B., do swear that I will be faithful, | umbus, Ohio, bave got neatly bitten and and bear true allegiance to her Majesty | served them right. A fellow styling him- Queen Victoria, her heirs aud RUCCORSOMS, AC | golf Lord Arundel lately made his advent cording to law. So help me God. amongst them and was at once welcomed fo When Bradlaugh stepped forward to take | rq) tonable homes, though he was plainly an the above subject in the Woodville Advocate of Inst week : Road Work. Hae We clip the following from an article on «At the last meeting of the Eldon Town- Office Ag'l & Arts Association, Toronto, April 15, 1879, } Derr. oF Ratnways & Cavats, Ottawa, 20th March, 1880, 17-10w and abuse members who refuse to dopied the improvement of imving the woud Albert the name is a significant one--has| it, Wolf, an Opposition member raised a | ,neducated cockney, He was invited to the | ship Council it was moved that a by-law be Ea TR = follow their dictation or help them Work 1a the Yionta of thelr, gstablishments always boen famous not alone for its ex! io-| Point of order asserting that Sunk floor of the Legislature, and the women doted | introduced at the next meeting of the Coun- {+ ve ' ' v 10 suceced in their sharp practices. jatuited black and with capital results. Grain itons of loyalty but for its devotion and] should not be allowed to take sach an oafh, | on him. After borrowing all the money | cil to appoint a Road Commissioner for the Court of Revision. . Canadian Pacific Railway, Tow cunning and deep-mouthed HO Ne 0h he Ai So argon postions allegiance to the person and rule of our he- as by his. pt axserriont ad writings he possible he absconded. township. We hail with pleasure the in- HE Conrt f Revisi ¢ ise th en si cneral hand i + 4 . | loved Queen. True to their instincts of days en 1s. submission fo. either party - me troduction of this movement as it tends to ourt of Revision to revise the bias ge IY £0 2 In had quire a Better FeStontics Sean reiuing gone by the anniversary just past was cele- | fefrred to in tho oath, Bradlaugh had to| yg Worthy Dead.--A distinguished | show that the present Council are open and Assessment Roll of the Townshipof | TENDERS FOR ROLLING STOCK. ig . 9: wack Sconts prove a dec "PIO: | prated there with a vim and whole hearted. | Withdraw without taking it and the matter writer has said : «Men's evil manners live in | alive to beneficial reforms in the adminis. Cc ARTWRICHT i nei \ couneil is actually wasted in check- | ment and once the Improvements have buen ness in keeping with their past record. The | 18 placed in the bands of a Committee 0 | ass, their virtues we do write tration of our affairs. The appointment of ' TPENDRS are invited for furnishing the ing the former and combatting the | completed they i have a good effect on athletic games were the chief attractions, | 8% what can be done under the circum- |i, water," and there is only too much truth | an able man to supeiintend the Road work | For the present year will' sit at the Town | op the A Railway, wh latter. One or two such members | the appearance of the town. but the fire-works in the evening were very | StaDces. 3 in the assertion especially as regards public | cannot fail to be a great saving to the town-- Hall, Williamsburgh, on next four years, comprising the delivery in aro quito capable of annoying n Barn Raising. good. Amongst the games tho following] Wolf brought in a regular motion to the | mon, but in this and all other enlightened | ship, besides having our road work done Monday. the 8lst day of May inst, | each year of about the following, vis :-- whole council, preventing useful The rising of Mr. R Harper's may be mentioned as especially attractive | ¢ffect that Beadlangh Should ok be Miphed countries 'we reverse the proposition when | in a much more efficient manner than form- { At 10 o'clack a. m , of which all persons in-| 20 Locomotive Engines, legislation and eausing: the Tate. Tl ¢ raising of . R. persfine new |, = 'he keen competition and excellent | 10 take the oat 5 ut he motion was vote dealing with the dead ; the past virtues of erly." terested are hereby required to take notice Fo First-class Cars (a proportion being i on his farm near Manchester, took | cord of each. down by a majority of 75 sohe will be |guch we writein brass and their foiblos in and govern themselves accordingly, slevpets), payers unnecessary expense, Sach | place on Tuesday last and it certainly was In the standing jump Manchester carried | lowed to swallow the pill. sand. Steps are being taken towards the| Another Weather Prophet.--A WM. LUCAS, 2 Second-class Cars (a proportion being unbearable babblers pride them-|no light job as may be gather from the fact i A DREADFUL FAMINE, of a Dobws statue to the | gentleman named Oates has entered the Township Clerk, | o¢PeT): all before it R. Ewers, taking first and J. i press and Ba, . selves on the length, breadth and [that the building is over a hundred feet Welch the second. i, z The Archbishop of the Syrians wrote the | 440 hon, Geo. Brown und an efficient com. | 9angerous field of weather prophet. We | Cartwright, May 8, 1880. 22-3w 3 Bape oe gs Cura ive at C le | mittee has been appointed fo mature the| Advise Mosesto hold on. until he I thickness of their haranzues, mistak- | ong by fifty-six feet wide and of a height In the hop step and jump Manchester| American rep Pp 240 Box Freight Cars. ing sound for sonso hEn 0} 50. for in full proportion to its other dimensions again a op ® obs Ao Feny "i about the beginning of last month of a dread | gop e ne. with Venor and learns his sad experience of 100 Flat Care, ge . and the timbers all of the same solid nature. + . ful famine then devastating Mousoul and the d Listen to Moses.-- 2 Wing Plows, argument they dignify the rubbish to be satisfied with second place I. Welch. : 2 Snow Plows, y y But strong arms and willing minds over- surrounding country. The privations and| jan Statue.--St 11 Jack. | He says there will bo heavy rain falls for 2 Flangers, with the title of debate. come all difficulties and the timbers of the sufferings of "these unfoftunates are said to son, the famoys leader the Southern {roops | the early part of the summer, followed by 1st F. Hunt second, ERR ls of not be ted In the quoiting match Port Perry, had almost entire 'absen f rai t Cc fR Ne 29 Had Cts. course wo can ©xpocted | great structure were put in position in a r ? bo incomparably worse than those of the |in the late American war has hada fine) 80 almost entire 'absenco of rain, excep urt THE WHOLE 70 BE MANUPACTURED IN THE 0 know what measures are likely to | short fime for such a building. This is Shing Jbels awa ay Nu. Realy, Snkjug famished districts of Ireland. Hero is a copy | equestrisn statue. ercotod to his memory at | What falls i thunder-shiowers, and that dar. 0 0 evision Dowion or Canina ry hm me up, an attempt was made last | Partly to beattributed to the accurate fram- anifested in this y o besides bei of the letter: Nashville, Tena. The statue was unveiled | Ig the summer we shall have one of the HE Courl of Revision to revise the As- . j, ag racic Railway, ai Fort William, or on to have a re-valuation of the [18 of Mr. Worden, the builder, who is with- | ™ Bl Ea ' "8 S| The terrible famine in which wo oxist is [amid the greatest demonstrations of joy on | hottest spells ever experienced in Canada, sessment Roll of the Drawings, specifications and other fnfors De jor. | Out doubt one of the most skillful builders | 'portant athlotic game there is consider-| qyjing aif the inhabitants of the town and Thursday, 20th inst mation muy be had on application at the ly but the wisdom of the major- 1a the try, the barns he has erected | ADI€ 8ciénce displayed Ly those who wold | those or the, neighboriug Villages, who are ' MA; D TOWNSHIP OF REACE, office of the Engincer-in-Chief, at Ottawa, " 8 th f assembling herein masses. Their suffering RRIED. vented (ho unnccessary ©X-| throughout this section of country are not Yo sucosestul. For pind Jat aI taut Pras io croncee ro. |- Bigslow's 'Royal Arcade--Large| At Sonya, on the 24th inst, by the Rev. | For tho present Fear, will sit at the Town on aud ae the vio tay of Mazon next. ure, if the valuation we now | only creditable to his energy and skill as a | hie E3me has occupt P A en or Tom attire fll 10 | additions of New Stock in the Millinery | A. Curie, M. A., Mr. John H. Tarner, of the | Hall, Manchestor, on K p.m, of witch all | slinel ap to oes. near oi ls were to bo allowed (0 stand for | builder but creditable to the localities jn |th® manly sports aad it well deserves the e. Their | ions are heart- | t, replete with style and beauty township of Pickering, to Miss Julia Mc- y lock p. m., of whic igned up to of THURSDAY, the Ist five years longer no t of | which they ate placed, Mr. Worden adopts | POsition. rending. Most of them sre dying as they | 4°P Innis, of the Township of Mariposa. persons interested 'aro hereby required to | day of JULY next. have nothing to eat, Those of the inhabit- | A Most successful scason's business done At th ence of the brides Tathos on take Duties aod govern themselves accord- By Order, Ip the running race 100 yards Port Pe ly would suffer and the * Puticulns icda of Sonatyction in SverY | carried: off (he laurels, 40 Hoot nn 'ants who have lived until now, between | 80 far, a a I de her Tor would be the gainers by quoipor, Sunblennd ny | aA. Sinclair 20d. lic and dost ron Te Shem auch Pure Time Tons Sor Sore oo 0 on Won. Irvin, to Mise Sarah E. Holmes, all of ? , more durabl vastly more con- stance 11 enabl ye stde if . or six bundred dollars.-- |yenient. Parties who have seen Worden's | In putting the heavy stoncScugog distano- | take the liberty to present their prayers with Glashan, Chemist and Druggist, ort Perry : "would be a striking | barns prefer them to all others, The barn | od all competitors Manchester had to be sat- tears of expectation, which are flowing from gglst EESTI " wocoed ran, overed with bl ' 3 z : letting well enough lbs ho Duiiding tor Mr, Harper will bo» jad with a Place 0, Gran, Jak du, OY eu Soir Lit improved sioce| Another Danlel--A shool trusieo| 1. pq Thy, ae ast fuck? Mr. ; DV : making money by it. -- In the threo jumps Shannon, was %oo| then. Sut wash iva Daniel Brent, agod 74 years. 1 | gf A Thorohgh Repair. b be dismissed on the event of their TRICK'S x much for his opponents and took 1st prize Use McGlashan's Family Pills, for all marriage, because women got Yoo independ- In the 4th Con. Reach, on the 24th inst. IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR F. B RAUN, JOHN CHRISTIE, a a Township Clerk. | Dept. of Railways & Canals, } 2» Manchester, May 3, 1880. 21-w Ottaws, 7th February, 1880. 10-td lo Manchester sustained a good second R.| pilious disorders. when th t married, and fhifok Lulu, infant daughter, of Mr. Allen Edgar, Due worth 7 Savastip Clk Wsiviog bia Ewers taking secontl money. Got your Tollet Soaps from C. C. Mo. |p ror oney Ect tarred, and (hink they | agod'I month and 6 days. timbers and lumber scattered round inall | Th 8045-you-pleaso match was hotly) Glashans. A large variety at very low | such a trustos should at bo a super- Birections and the: of uot sounds}: , there were only two competitors prices, a » . 3 othe workivos E Priest, of Prince Albert and T. Martin of & ------ aap ™ Bcugog and neither contestant need be] Throwing Nine Hundred in.--It Ph phy.--Now is the time when ashamed of his record and the party will | has been goivg the rounds of many of the nature wears het spring clothing, to have bave to step out who enters the lists with newspapers in this section of country, some | io 0 akon of the many fine residences ta |p ep SL) Tat, fil, J | tr sr ot wo | Prince f 3 y for his opponent. If. wo are ) st. Mr. H. McKenzie fs now g Albert too the healfhful de-| Pil Priest, would trouble awything in| shipped from Bowmanville for the English Ee views and wé should mippose this location in a go-as-you-please match. Market one thousand head of cattle, while that parties owning fitie residences would be Martin did well and would do a vast deal | the fact is the number expected to bo ship- pleased at the opportunity of getting a bgtter if he. were fitted for a little, there 1a} ped was only one hundred--pot a thousand. |, 0 hor of euch views. After one is taken' a good deal of run in him. Hay Bat porhaps it was considered that the latter they ean be multiplied at a very small cost. On this as on all simlar occasions there | figure was near enough as it was only throw=| 41) "oo tha Mr. McKensfo cannot be ex. ; : for the good taste and fine appearance | of his. work. - Go'to his rooms and see what ai 8 : {hes doing, all are welcome, 2 ft Abel's Freckle's Lotion for Bale by C.C.| Masonic Oharity.--The Masonio| JUNE Ga ROA Ni .~ I'McGlashan. THEA a - | Grand Lodge of Canada dh ayeiied ud os pu 'The wind up in way of fire-works was not| Choice Lavander Water, Cologne Water, | poses of benevolence during the year 1879, ; bad though scarcely qual to what was ex-f and Florida Water, at C, C. MoGlashan's {the handsome sum of eleven thousand dol- County Secly, pected. } 1 Drug Store, ; lars. + Udora, May 26, 1880. -

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