Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 May 1880, p. 3

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7% \ Royal Arcade ! Rupr BE yo i wy Tous Ro TOWNSHIP OF REACH, ; Xr SO CARGADE. NL GN ! For tho present year, will sit at the Tow = AEE : io Tio Nincheato, ox, MONDAY, 147i JUNE = in now next, ut one o'clock p. m., of which all persons Interested are hereby required. to Jakes notige and govern themselves accord- ogly. Va JOHN CHRISTIE, 5 : Township Clerk. Manchester, May 3, 1880. 21-6w Li 'Wick, April 25th, 1880. R. DOYLE, ESQ. Manager y ominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association. 2aR Sir AND Brorien--Plense, convey to . the Directors of your Company my thanks for prompt payment in full of my * 'claim for loss of my Barn destroyed by fire on TT "Lot No. 13 in the 12th Concession of the . hY Township of Reach, insured under policy Noy ASR SN 2845, by cash within thirty days from date Da Bf of loss, without fee or'commission. Such AN : prompt action is very encouraging to in- surers and must iuspire confidence in the 0 Pa of our Ci ERE ok 3 Yours fraternally, i x 0 RICHARD PENHALL 58 : wet pend 1 GREENBANK. se RH eo ME undetsizned would inform the pub- = yrs : 5 : lig that he has rented for a term of . years the premises formerly known as the hd Cottage EIotel, Groenbank, and having thoroughly reno- vated the samo he is now prepared to re- ceive guests, GOOD OPENING. |Of New and Stylish Millinery Goods, Hats and Trimmings a There is a splendid op in Greenbank | Specialty and very Cheap. A large Stock of Ladies' Mantles, Parasols, Dress Goeds, Hosiery, for an enterprising man to open the Furni- | Gloves, Prints, Shirtings, Flannols, Cloths 'I'weeds, Towelings, Tickings. Ready-made Clothing, dels Ly Te o isi &c. A large Stock of Gent's New and Fashionable Hats. Ladies', Gent'sand Children's Boots opening for Lis budies The silliee island Shoes, A full Stock of General Groceries, Crocknay and Glassware. $5000 worth of Tom Coy han phe Bn ae Bankrupt Stock Goods to be Cleared Out at Wholesale Prices. . from Uxbridge village, and en fi 5 + Sunderland pe bls Out (7 The highest Market, Prices allowed for all kinds of Farm Produce. id Agricultural district * . Greenbsink, May 3rd, il THOMPSON. PORT PERRY, May 12, 1880. J OSEPH BIGELO W . T. 8. CORRIGAN BUSINESS . Begs to announce the Opening of his ® ----AND-- WITIL ALL TIE Our business has been removed to the Store lately occupied by B. J. Thorne, Esq., and directly opposite ° the old Stand, where will be found the Crosest VALUE in all Latest Novelties of the Season. _ kinds of Goods This Dopartment is still under the management of MISS HISCOX whose ( TALITY & PRICE CONSIDERED) x superior taste and judgment, combined with Low Prices, bas given such universal satisfaction. ; IN PORT PERRY. BoE N EB i G O 0 D S Terms as coer -- Strictly Cash. : T. C. Forman & Son. For the other Departments of the House| : ; as . ort Perry, May 18, 1880. arriving daily. emer emer re------------ so s&- INSPECTION INVITED. In : ) } \ ! Port Perry. April 8, 1880. . Y- ApH | 8 \ (] ] (] J . . WIGHTHAN BROTHERS Sczeral Cars of I'resh Plaster just arrived. : ) i Land Salt " o J 9 ~ Wightman's Corner, EE PORT PERRY. Seo our lines of New Dress Goods, Te, 10¢, 12}c, 16e, 20c, 25e. Seo our hnes of Whito Cottons, 8c, 9¢, 10¢, 1c. 12}c. Soe our lines of Factory Cottons, 8c, 9¢, 10c. 11c¢, Soe our lines of Best Prints, Ge, Te, 10c, 11e, 12}e. Bee our lines of Tublo, Linens (all widths), 20¢, 25¢, 30¢,.373c, 50c. Seo our All Wool Duke, 50 inches wide, for The worth $1.25, Soo our White Musling and Piques for 12}c worth 25c. Soe our Brown Hollands, all Linen, 73e, 10¢, 12}. Soo our Fancy Sush Ribbons for 25¢ and 30¢ worth 750 and $1 per yard, Wightman Brothers ARE OFFERING 5. 500 Ladies' and Children's Aprons at 5¢ each, 500 Pairs Men's Cotton Soxa ut bc a pair. _ 500 Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs at bo each, 150 Ladies' Whito Lice Ties at 50 each. 50 Satts Lace Curtains from 750 a sott. , 30 White Marssilles Counterpanes at 50¢ each. 30 Pioces Cotton Shirtings, 10c. 12¢, 15¢. 25 Piecos Cottonades for Trouserings at 12jc. A great variely of Black Cashmores from 2c up. Black Lustre, good colour, 10¢c, 124e, 15¢, 17c, 20c. Mourning po ig avery description. Lid A few of those Tapestry BOOTS AND SHOES AT : ual gh ' ] and Children's in great variety. bi 's Colobrated Plow Boots, : 5 50 Pairs Fino Tweod Pants to be gold for $1.75 a pair. The very , of Teas, Sugars, Raisins, Biscuits, and Provisions always on hand, ay Cae ; . ODCERIES., d Currants 18 poundafor $l. © To rat i Fancy Toilet Soap just received, ALL S JOB TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. - AN BROTHERS \ PART PERRY. Gi aL Everything | and a perfect fit Stock of General Dry Goods and Groceries fully complete, me AND oem PRS TO NERY THR TINS! sores, BUT LAR, puree, i 000,000 POUNDS Highest Price will be paid. | {Choice Butter for which the very S. H. CHRISTIAN. (OW TOR CHOICE OUTRIR PEARCE'S Morchant Tailoring Establishment. Manchester, April 28, 1880. % 3 SECOND SUPPLY OF SPRING SUMMER G00DS BRING ON YOUR ORDERS! Tho nowest styles of matorial, the Latest : pusranteod. Prices always placed at tho lowest possiblo figure. The undersigned having had to bring on a | Has much pleasure in. that his Stock has NEW, CHEAP CASH STORE! Port Perry Wlol T tended to him since his eommoncemont in business, and would respect- . THOMPSON'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, * IED RETAIL, MAY 2nd, 1879. HE undersignod takes this epportunity of thanking his namerots friends and customers for tho very kind and liberal patronage ex- fully inform them that his Stock of - FRESH GROCERIES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE! FRUITS step AN Dest CONFECTIONERY ! Is now complete and well assorted in Every Department! And will be sold on the T.owest Terms for Cash, or its equivalent in Produce. Having mado extensive alterations and Improvement in the Store and premises; he is in a position to fill all orders entrusted to him with promptness and despatch. @. B. McDERMOT, 'CHINA HALL, FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL ' SHOW R Bear witness that our Stock in this Department is the ° Cheapest, best assorted, and' most Fashionable in the County. If you want a new Hat or Bonnet or anything in Flowers, Feathers or Trimmings call and see us. We have all the Novelties - of the Season and cannot fail to please you. A DECIDED BARGAIN. New Linen Costumes and Ulsters, + New Galatea Costumes with Pompadour Trimmings. We have had the good fortune to secure a large Stock of these. Goods at a very great reduction, and WE ARE NOW OFFERING THEM AT THE REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICES. Be sure and see them. They are really Cheap. JUST RECEIVED All the latest Shades and Styles in Dress Goods, Gloves Hosiery, Parasols, etc., etc. ALLDEPARTMENTS FULLY ASSORTED. Port Perry, May 18, 1880., JONES BROS. & CO. mm------ Always Ahead! Our reasons for keeping ahead are-- OUR GOODS ! OUR FAIR DEALING! OUR LOW PRICES ! -- Encouraged by the liberal patronage of an intelligent public, we shall in the future. as if the past use every end to intain the | of our friends and patrons.-- Some Houses aro cutting down prices of a few lines for tho purpose of a catch. Do not be misled by such adver and Special D but J We will NOT be undersold by any House in the Trade. RGDOSCINBERELIED 0% 1t 1s impossible, for want of space, to quote the prices of all our Goods, but the follow- ing sre a fow of the principal lines : 20 yds Roller Toweling...... arene $1 00] Ladies' Priel Boots for. . 8 os 2 good TOWElS uuu sesveecccnnees 00 | 25 Ibs Good Currants, ) 3 Towels sys» 1 004 2 1b Dried Apples. . 100 20 yds good Fast Prints, .. 1 000 va Ten DUAL voz soa 0 90 Lace Curtains oceans vess 0 7313 1bs Young Hyson Tea . 100 Beautiful Dress Goods ..... FERRE 0 103 1D TODACCO cuvs'sarssraennssesase 100 and Remember, these are only a few of our prices, and in justice to every ome, call look through our Stock. We cousider it no trouble to Show Goods. If You want Bargains call early at : BROWN & CURRIES, The Noted Cheap Store. Port Perry, May 12, 1880, THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND Shrubs, Vines and Small A large portion of the above is growing on. MUST BE MOVED TE | Now is your timeto & J. PEARCE. Port Perry; May 11, 1880, Port Penuy, Dec, 18, 1879, ¥ i

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