Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 May 1880, p. 3

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Loa Look | 8T0CK OF NENTAL TREES, 'Shrubs, Vines and Small Fruits--s fik © A large portion of the above is growing on ground which I have sold and MUST BE MOVED THIS SPRING ¢ Now is your time to purchase what you want at TTOM PRICES. #0 NURSERY GROUNDS AT NORTH END OF VILLAGE, C. C. KELT.ETI: Box 9%, Port Perry. Port Perry, April 28, 1880. i " 2 Here! © eek! ex T. C. FORMAN. - BIGELOW"S Royal Arcade. T.ock 'Gut for 'New Advertisement Next Week. JOSEPH BIGELOW. PORT PERRY, April 28, 1880} . TOTHE FARMERS , OF THE "DOMINION. i en () eee Weoffer §ou for the harvest of 1880, tho following first-class Farming Implements: BROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTER, (Improved.) ; YouNG CANADA MOWER, (Improved,) CAYUGA Ja MOWER, (Improved.) The above mavhines require no comment from us, after passing throtigh "sucha hakvust as the past and carrying fl the Gold Medal for Canada, We also notify all intending purchasers whowant durable machinery and urpose to pay CASH ON'DELIVERY, to call at our office in Whitby, Beto : 8s it is our intention to adopt the re placing your orders elsewhere, a CASH SYSTEM! As nearly as practicable, and thereby mals our price list at lowest livin Give us ko ; } | Anticipatin _|and cotton & + BROWN & PATTERSON MNF'8 Coy. SE Greet their customers and (riends on the com- " |mencement of another Season, and while they have always en-| ~ |endeavored faithfully to serve the interests of their customers| they were never in a better position to do so than at present.--| | Their Stock is large and varied and will be replenished from time to time by fresh arrivals of New and Desirable Goods.-- |. the great advance in prices of all kinds of wool brics Shiels purchases were made eafly in the season so that they are enabled to supply their customers with nearly every line of Goods at old prices. Their constant aim has been to foster and encourage a demand for the better class of goods and this will continue to be their policy, believing it be the only one calculated to insure mutual confidence and per- manent success. The benefit of all bargains in buying have been cheerfully shared with their custothers, and to the fact that it has been appreciated; they are doubtless in a large measure. indebted for the success which has attended their busi- ness. Notwithstanding the almost universal falling off in trade, owing to the unfavorable winter and continued scarcity of cash, they are glad to be able lo report a successful year with sales in advance. 'This they take as an evidence of increasing con- fidence which will stimalate to more earnest and vigorous effort in future. Want of space forbids special reference to the various departments of their business, yet they cannot forbear calling the attention of their Lady Customers to theit Dress Goods which are this season more than usually attractive and varied. They have Silks, Saliiis, Fringesand all necessary trimmings to match. They have devoted particular attention to the selection of White Goods of every description such as Muslins, Piques, Marseilles, Brilliants, Laces, Edgings and Embroideries. Our unequalled stock of Prints, Bleached and Brown Cottons, Shirtings, Ducks, Denims, Brown Hollands and Tabl8 Linens, on all of which there has been a decided advance since their purchase will be of advantage to customers. Gentlemen will find the stock of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds much in advance of anything we have ever shown heretofore fot extent, variety and style. Gent's Furnishings, whicli dre usually much neglected by general stores, have re- ceived special attention and the stock presents attractions to any one wanting a really stylish Hat; a perfect fitting Shirt, or the latest novelties in Ties or Collars. Prices are steadily advancing in- the wholesale housed and any one in want of goods for the Spring should improve the present opportunity to secure choice antl seasonable goods at less than actual value. THEIR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is now Open and they are prepared to show a magupificent assort- ment of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, and Trimmings. A visit to their establishment will be esteemed a favor. Port Perty, March 23, 1880. JONES BROS. & CO. WIGHTMAN BROTHERS, Wightman's Corner, PORT PERRY. Seo our lines of New Dress Goods, Te, 10¢, 123c, 16¢, 20c, 25¢.+ Seo our lines of Whito Cottons; Se, 9¢, 10¢, 1lc. 123e¢. See our lines of Factory Cottons, 8c, 9¢, 10c. 1le. Seo our lines of Best Prints, Ge, Te, 10¢, 11¢, 12e, Soe our lines of Table Linens (all widths), 20¢, 25¢. 30¢, 874c, b0e. Seo our All Wool Damasks, 50 inches wide, for Thc worth $1.25. See our White Muslins and Piques for 12}c worth 25e. See our Brown Hollands, all Linen, 73e, 10¢, 123e. Seo our Fancy Sash Ribbons for 23¢ and 30¢ worth 75¢ and $1 per yard. Wightman Brothers ARE OFFERING 500 Ladies' and Children's Aprons at 5¢ each: 500 Pairs Men's Cotton Soxs at be a pair. 500 Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs at 5 each, 150 Ladies' Whito Lace Ties at 5c each. 50 Setts Lince Curtains from 75¢ a sott. 30 White Marseilles Counterpanes at 50c each, 30 Pieces Cotton Shirtings, 10c. 124, 15¢. 25 Pieces Cottonades for Trouserings at 124c. A great variety of Black Cashmeres from 25¢ up: Black Lustre, good colour, 10¢, 12}e, 15¢, 17c, 20c. Mourning Goods of every description. A few of those Tapestry Carpets still loft at 50c. BOOTS AND SHOES J iy WIGHTMAN BROTHERS' Men's, Women's and Children's in great variety. A large lot of Roo's Celebrated Plow Boots. § 50 Pairs Fine Tweed Pants to be sold for 81.75 a pair." The very best GROCERIES. B "JUST TO HAND AT IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, PORT PERRY, TLAND ROLLERS {GRQUHART'S ERY superior Land Rollers, Combined Another lot of splendid Currants:18 pounds for $1. 75 Boxes of our celebrated Fancy Toilet Soap just received. ALL SORTS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. WIGHTMAN BROTHERS WIGHTMAN®S CORNERS, : 4 PORT PERRY. of Teas, Sugars, Raisins, Biscuits; and Provisions always THOMPSON'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, Port Perry ! WHOLESE 1D RETAIL OPENED MAY 2nd, 1879. 4 tindersigned takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the very kind and liberal patronage ex- tanded to him since his eommenedment in business, and would respect= fully inform them that his Stock of FRESH GROCERIES, (CROCKERY & GLASSWARE! FRUITS ANDe--= CONFECTIONERY ! a 1s now complete and well dssorted in Every Department ! And will be sold on the T.owest Terms for Cash, or its Gang Plows, Plow Haudles, | and oa immense Jot J i Single ahd Ging Plows and other I nents and Machines, shipped to any : ight. pre-paid, { ire solicited; assarh Seed Drills; Iron Husrons, Single and bl the usderigsed | under construction, rec or shim a Fay be found 3 Yowe r of eithe most fui wil signed up to noon onSATURDA¥ thels: al g and erecting iio Wh reral Watering stations along ne of the Canadian Bacio Railway Frost-proof Tanks, with wind Aches hon afeatine . equivalent in Produce. ; 2 WITH ALL THE J i DD 'ver i Having made oxtensivo alterations ahd itnprovetnént ih the Store and st Novelties of the > CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT. picasa, he is in u position to Sil all ordors entrusted to hin with Late * = a -- : __ | promp! and despatch. ' 4 ior Tanks abet T ? P . This Departuient {s still under the management of MISS CL em. : ; : supesior tdste and judgment, combined with Tow Prices; vill be received by the ulider~ universal satisfaction. dame : to vera Car of Pres i Pp is Stock of General Dry 6. PRS 0 MEET TOE TRS BUTTER, BUTTER. BUTTER, 1,000,000 POUNDS Choicé Butter for which tle very Highest Price will be paid: AlwaysAhead! SPRING GOODS ! New Dress Goods, New Hats, & Land Salt or and Groceries fully complete, * SAND : 8. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, April 28, 1880. on ¢ CIE, New Prints, New Tweeds, New Worsted Coatings: New Ties, New Laces, AND A HOST OF New Goods! T66 nunierois to mention which will be soldat PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. BROWN & CURRIE: T. §. CORRIGAN Bogs to announce the Opéiing of his Ss MILLINERY SHOW ROO! row| Pont Pas, Dec. 18, 1879,

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