Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Apr 1880, p. 2

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S---------------- ~Qorrection. a wore not altogether correct in stating in our last that the mer hants of our town bad unanimously peril od, overy emphatically g Itis highly cin continent was of great a degree of prosperi in Canada shull have mother Natare we may have our' fui that prosperity, of represent the dreadful future, thes Parliament. ings are echoed by a reseuted as almost Jes. indeed must bo such a land. Such a the best interests of preventing many tent Scotland will fa "hardy sons and fair our shores toseok thrift and blessiugs which Tho om left. of Janvary x thon arp outlook is coustauly sign is watched | (0 the thought, and we may have much care and the slightest in- mistaken our informant, in the national barometer i8 mistake w; with the utmost precision, pation and hope; the results oponding largely on the know that the 'outlook for the Amori- mre cheering than it is now as there ~ jyovery reason to hope that a scuson prosperity is now before us, Atlantic cousins can have no conception, and of which their over- peopled lands ure not susceptible. Very much, however, depends on the efforts of our people whother we of that prosperity which is evidently dawning on this continent. Kind so cCosigned that equally as sulubrious, our people equally intelligent, industrious and persevering while our resources are no less numerous and valuable than those of our sonthren neighbors. But all these won't suffice if for sinister party purposes or political spite any considerable portion of us unite in repelling the natural flow of that prosperity which is certainly drifting in this direction, But if leading men for party purposes mis- condition country, belie its institutions, de- fame its rulers, pretend to mourn over the alleged sufferings of its people from ovor taxation, want of | employment, a fearful present and a disgust our own people not lo speak of foreigners, vide the specches of the Opposition leaders in our Dominion And when these howl- public press, when our country is h «bitation, when a shout of exulta- tion goes up when partios leave our borders or when immigrants from other lunds pass over our torritory to find a future home amongst our neighbors south of the lakes, reck- who believing one half of the how! ers' moans would seek a home in fail in baving a damaging cffect on amongst us who otherwise would be glad to make Canada their adopted home. The emigration hegira from old Barope during the present year will be without a parallel, Germany, England, Ireland, and to a small ex- smiling, fruitful lands where the industry of the wel come straugers shall meet an ample reward. Tue figure to which immi- gration tv this continent will reach during the present year will astonish all and Canada it may be oxpected, | wi'l have ler fair proportion of the living wave which sball be wafted to our shores and sproad amongst us to enjoy part of: thoso numerous are amongst us With bountiful band. -- 2 iigration returns made ap by of Trade returning officers show that the tide of from the Morsey has point nover before experi- During the month of Muxch the Mersey with 13,< from Germany es proportions ox- witnessed for many is made that between a number baving em- Gn B is togeher agreed to close their places of busi- ness at 7 p.m. (Saturdays excepted) from and after the first of May, dur- ing the summer months; we should have stated that most of our mer chants were willing to adopt that rule, Perhaps the wish was fathet season of tle buy tho a pardonable one, it was on the side of right; it was in favor of the host of intelligent and exemplary young mon employed in our mercantile establishments, young men who in tho. not distant future will at least uve their share in the management and control of the mercantile affairs of our country. While the immortal poet says Tis the mind that makes the body rich," wo must not overlook the fact that the intellectual powers sympathize with and largely depend on the sound condition of our physical powers, and a fair portion of free air amd out-door exercise are as os- sential to the maintenance and pro- motion of the latter as training and study are fo the development of the former, ~ Our uctive and over- wrought merchants too require thoir seasons of relaxation, the bow which is always bent soon losus the spring. The business can all be done within the earlier hour 7 p.m. quite as well as if the establishments kept open till midnight. Let the change bo unanimously adopted and it cannot fail in proving satisfactory to all. -- the the scason oncouraging to perhaps never ty of which our our fair share x proportion of ur climates is A Valuable Addition. A highly important, though not permanent aldition has been made to the population of cur busy town during the present week. The Ontario Conference of the M. E. Church have done us the henor of helding their sessions in our town, and in the pame of a people not insensible of the honor conrrred we Did them a bearty welcome ; and while the procecdings cannot fuil in proving loth interesting and profitable to all who take part in them, we hope that our Rey. visitors and all others connceted with the Confer- ence may have to say when they leave our town that it has been a season of much pro- fit and satisfaction to all of them, Our M. E. friends hold an important and highly honorable position in the front ranks of Zion's hosts ; nene clutch the standard more firmly, guard it more zcalously or defend it more bravely, no sinecures or camp follow- ers, but an active host of fearless defenders ofthe right and the first to scale tho ramparts of the common enemy and no surrender to or compromise with the foe. of the will certainly section of the unfit for human ----] An Important Auction Sale. The public will be pleased to see by the posters and by an advertisement elsewhere in this issue that the heirs of the Crandell estate are throwing a large portion of that valuable property on the market and that the same will be offered for sale by auction at the Town Hall in Port Perry, on Saturday the 8th day of May next. In u town like Port Perry, whero every foot of available property is eagerly sought after and where people are more anxious to buy than to sell, such an opportunity as the present of securing valuable lots suitable for al!, will be regarded with much favor and parties will be pleased that so desirable an opportunity is thus presented, such an op- portunity as may npever again be offered the immigrant course cannot our country by from locating ily pour their lation rm rerroees ~ Spring Show. i The Reach, Port Perry and Scu- 4 gog Agricultural Society held their Spring show for 1880 at Manchester on Tuesday, 27th inst, the roads were unfavorable and the weather about as cold as December, but still he show may be sot down as u suc- coss in all the chief features of such shows. A large and intelli- gent gathering of people from Reach and the surrounding municipalities had turned out to witness the ex- hibition and belp to make the show a success. Oue of the principal de- signs of such shows is to create and foster a laudable rivalry in the securing of and exhibiting superi- or stock animals and thus encourag- ing and facilitating the rearing of such stock as are always found to be most profitable and advantageous not only to the breeder but to the country at large. The encourage- mont of an enlightened competition in the manufacture of agricultural machines and implements is another prime motive for the maintenance and encourngement of such shows and in these main features the show of Tuesday last may be regarded as a decided success and most credit- able to all concerned. In the matter of machines and implements we certainly had the best display ever seen in this sectiou of country as well for the extent of the show as for the superiority of the articles shown, the very best implements and machines to bo found in the Dominion, aye, or out of it were exhibited here. In the department of machines we have the Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Coy o:cupying the foremost place in the froot rank. Their Whitby Harvester carried all before it, carrying off first prize were WADY excellent This machine n the from all competitors und there machines pitted against it. has imnny superior points as well 1 manner in which it is constructed as in the choice materinl used in its make up, combining lightness, durability and reliabil- ity as well for keeping in order as for the superiority of the work performed. Many of its puints.of excellence are obvious to ull but these who use them can speak with con- fidence of the manuer in which they petform | their work and it must Le highly satisfactory to the manufacturers to hear from farmers who use the Whitby Harvester a universal verdict in its favor; it is a decided favorite with all who use it and nearly all use this The facilities for d from | | The Young Canada machine who can get it, their year to year and still the demand increases are being i with equal speed. Mower and Whitby Gleauer Horse Rake; were also shown from this establishment | and bear the imprint of that cellence which characterises the out-put of that establishment. Hall Manufacturing Co'y Their fam- thorough ex- | The Joseph showed some choice machines, 1 are ux- danghters on homes on our and parties, whether for use or sy will be glad to secure such property as will be offered on this occasion. - Property here may not now be all that could be desired, but the cloud is fust passing away, and the chances are that so favorable an opportunity may never again present itself for sccurivg Dargains in choice lots in Port Perry. Read the advertisement, sccure the necessary iu- formation and be sure to attend the sale. Mr. E. Major is Auctioneer, Mone Smurupsts oF 81005. --On the 23rd fost. the Whecler Bros. shipped from this port for the European market a large num- ber of as fine cattle &s one could wish to sce. Buch shipments speak well for the enterprise and liberality of the shipper and thie energy and skill of our farmers in stock raising. On the 27h inst. Mr. Grossman, the well known American horse buyer, shipped a car load of splendid horses from this port, for which capital prices weré paid. These are good times for stock raisers. scatfered Prices. Mr. John Coates, an enterprising farmer of Reach, afew days ago sold a mate aa colt for $500; the colt was Ll months old and soldfor $200, Mr. Staples, of Caven, was the p ;and Mr. Hood, of Mark. Liam, bought the mare at $300. Good stock pays both buyer and scller. : ee A --e x Acocident.--We egret to learn that Mrs A. Campbell, Prince Albert, broke her left arm in splitting 8 board for kindling wood, on the 28th inst. Dr. Ware was soon on the 8 spot and relieved the sufforer. | +) the and April 26:h emigrants sail- 'and at 11 Treds.--Mr. 0. C. Kellett, whom all know to be a thoroughly reliable dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, &c., &c., is announcing through an advertis emenc else- "A where in this issue, such an opportuuity to purchase choice and cheap trees, &c., at low prices as are rarely met with. (Sve the adv.) ous Ci pi single and tensively used and their merits well known all over this region of country, This Com- pany have an active and indefatigable staf. Mr. D. Carmichael is one of their chief agents and being well known and much ve- spected throughout his territory does good sorvice for the Company. The several machines mauufactured by this Coy are worthy of the spleadid rocommend tLey get from thoss who know them best--the farmers. The Kirby Reaper was well reprosented by their active agent Mr. Urquhart, These machines are really good and in Mr. Urqu- Latt's hands are likely to huve their popul- arity largely extended. They Lave many excellent points and work like a charm, . No further proof is required of the superi- ority ofthe Kirby than the fact that the following leading tarmers have in preference (0 all others offered purchased the Kirby Reaper, viz; Geo. Hadden, John Michie and J. Real. The Toronto Mower and Reaper were here and attracted a very large share of the atten- tion of farmers and others. They are really first-class machines, their principle of con- struction is very simple, eff 'and dur- apd scufflers thete was @ grand display: The Uxbridge Agricultural Wotks Lad on the grounds a fine show of their excellent plows, These works arestill rising in pub- 11 favor from the excellent and reliable work turned out, a great favorito with all who know it. Mr... i justice. jack. This is a uscful, convenient little imples - SE Tn the class plows, gang plows, cultivators Paxton, Tate & Co's. gang plow, with higher in the estimation of the farmers, it is J. Fitchett wal the agent and did it full Mr. Wagoner had something new and really good in the scuffir line; this is a handsome adjustable scuffler, It would be difficult to conceive of a more convenicnt, A ------ --18t Wm. McGill ; 2ud J. Claughton, 2nd, J. Graham. Rolph; 2nd, Wm, McGregor. Howsam; 2ud, every additional improvement, sill rises ricultnral Works. Brood , General Purpose ; 6 entri: at J. Marti; 2nd R. Harper. Brood Mare, Suddlg or Carriage 4 ; 6 entries CATTLE. ® Durham Bull: 3 entries--18l, A. Watson 3 year old Durbam bull: 3 entrics--1st, J. 1 year old Dubam bull: 2 entries--1st, J. Durham milch cow--1st, Joseph Bryant, Buggy with top--1st W. Whiteford. Buggy without top--1st W. Whiteford. now and again with {i dit Aank ed, nad it cannot come in coritact with the | atmosphere wut the glass globe is Lroken ey Tron Plow: 3 entries--1st, Uxbridge Ag- really useful or Pp v Pp it should be on every. farm and we think that all who sec it will incline to have one, Mr. Wagoner is one of our ingenious artizans, his gang plow is hard to beat and now this Swan. Company. plow: 6 entries--1st, Iron hatrows: 3 entrics--1st and 2nd, Jus. | Grain Drill--1st Masson Manufacturing, | 4 1st Masson Manufac- 0 tri scuffier, his own get up, is most te his ingenuity, Our enterprising townsman, Mr. Swan, showed a fine useful scuffier and several sets of iron harrows, both usefnl and valu- able articles, - Mr. G. Urquhart showed Paterson & Bros. Richmond Hill, famous No 14 sod plow which carried off the 1st prize and diplomi at the Toronto show of 1879. rie Mr. Sylvester of Enniskillen stistained his well merited reputation by the many supesi- or implements he showed. his plows are beauties and general favorites, Mr. Whiteford, of Greenbank showed two charming Buggles one with top, and the ditable not to turing Co; tagturing Co.; 20d J. R. Billington, Dundas. Patterson's Whitby Harvester. Toronto Mower. A. Smith. Thorndike and H. Jeffrey. 2nd B. Wagoner. Horse rake: 2 entries--1st Masson Manu- Grain cradle--1st J. B. Lasier. Barley fork--1st J. B. Lazier. Single Reaper: 4 entrics--1st, Brown & | Single Mower: 2 entries--1st, J. Wright, DISCRETIONARY. _ Chas. Sornberger's Fox's Jack. Kentucky's colts--1st, C. Johnston; 2nd, SWEEPSTAKE PRIZE. 1st, Du nfrieshire Jock. JUDGES. Light Horses--T. Graham, E. Major, and J. Wells. Ileavy Horses and Cattle--Geo. Mustard, W A. Earcl other open ; they are highly the manufacturer alone but to the town- ship. We must not overlook Foxes cartiage ment for raising carriage or wagon wheels for the purpose of oiling. It is the very thing for the purpose and is not expensive. The show of stock animals was no less encouraging and satisfactory than that of machines and implements; and no better proof could be given of the vitality of out township thau the very superior exhibition of really first-class stock borses and cattle. In the class blood stallions, Elliott's Bymen was regarded with much favor, he never be- foro showed as well as he does now, he is a perfect picture and just such a picture as firmers should secure stock from. In the heavy dianght, Dumfriesshire Jock was & universal favorite, aud he certainly deserved atl the praise given him ; nothing in the impor fed draught stallious could ap- proach him, The Canadian draught stallions were well represented. In the general purpose stallions there was a goed show. Amongst the six entries for saddle and carriage stallions we were not a little sur- prised that Aurora Chief did not carry off the first prize as he is doubtless the Lest horse 1n the pack ; of course all judges go ou points and give their decision according ly and outsiders have no right to complaim but we are very much mistaken if the stock of the Chief do not distance that of eithe of the other horses. The general purpose teams were beauties, ill have to go far to find a tewn lice one wi that of Mr. Wm. Coates' which cairied off the first prize. The show of. single drivers was really grand, some 14 horses all of which ove would suppose deserved a first prize. It was | generally expected that Mr. B. McQuay's | handsome driver would bave come out with the red ticket but the judges ordered it other- | wise, of course Judges occupy a position off which outsiders know nothing. | In the class Gen. Pur, Brood Mares Mr, R. Harper showed a beauty. Mr. Wm, McGill's Saddle or Carriage Brood Mare was gencraily admired aud was | deservedly awarded first prize, ! Of the seventy entries iu the class Horses the township--not the township but the! the Province Lave reason to feel proud, | In the Class Cattle the display was uot to | suy extensive but there caunot be two opinions of the quality of the stock, such | stock will be heard frown cre many years, puss ! round. | In the Durham Bull class there were three | beautics and the judges had their bands full | to decide a8 to the comparative merits. | Mr. J. Howsam's one year old Durham | Bull is a peifect picture. Mr. Joseph Bryant's Durham milch gow | was allowed to walk the track, she 1s a) splendid animal sud worthy of first plage in i any show still it would be more satisfactory | if partics , would bring out their stock and have a satisfactory contest. Mr. A. Earchinan's 2 year old Durham milch cow carried off the first prize and she deserved it Mr, Wm. Real showed some beauties in the grade class, which carried ull | before them. As might be expected Manchester was in its thorough business trim and everything went lively. There are but few places in the Province where business is conducted as il able and those who have proved their value by using them are enthusiastic in their praise, ¢ Mr. Hall,of Port Perry, showed the Maxwell Reaper. This machine looks well but it is little known in this locality. Green, Bros & Co, Waterford. Ont, had one of their Royal Reapers on the ground but it was not entered for competition. This isad 1 hin and poss- esses many points of superiority, the applica. tion of the power is simple and eftuctive working to great advantage. The intelligent aad! hl ds its merits and has a pleasing facility in describing them to. others ; but as we could not find any one who had used it we are notin a position to give or with equal duspatch. Being the capital of the township we are pleased to sce our townsmen rally round it on the gala days. To say that i Impl Joshua Dobson The Danger of Throwing Stones. | --1{ is not only those who live in glass houses Who should uot throw stones, but it is 1isky for any one to do it, as muy be learned ! of Raglan, was arrestad on the 26th throwing a stone through the window of one | of the passenger coaches on the Whitby, Port Perry & Lindsay Railway. He was brought up before John Nott, J. P., and sent down for trifl at the next court of compe: tent Jurisdiction. -------- The Other Way On. Our dear Grit cotems appear to have en- tered on a crusade against Canada and are doing their best to belittle it in every pos- sil le way. Not even a tramp can leave our borders to seek an asylum with brother Jonathan but the howl is raised of a general stampede from Canada to the United States. The other day no fewer gan three hunded of the intelligent and enterprising iuhabis tants of the Eastern States passed through Montreal on their way to the great North- West, Canada's fu ure home for miliions ut earth's best and bravest sons. There were twelve first-class cars on the regular train, and it was found pecessury to desp ich a special of sixteen cars afterwards. There were over four humidred pieces of bonded baggage. The passcugors were all of the better cluss und take capital with then. There ure none so blind us those who will not see, and those who are so iutent on watching emigrants appear to Lave no relish for immigrauts and won't even look at them. --t 4 The bes: remudy for biliousness is Me- Giashan's Family Pills. They act dirertly on the liver Prepared only at' the Port Perry Pharma y, ee ee tea acai Hard op the Night Watch i One Joe Beef' sucd the proprietors of the Montreal Watness for libel. Jug, it ap- pears, is the keeper of a canteen and the Witness newspaper contained un article re- flucting on the respectability of Joe's estab- lishment, this made Joe mad and Te rushed pell mell into law, claiming ever so many thousand dollars damages. The case was conclided lust week as will be seen from the following taken from the Star, The night editor of the Montreal Gazette has no very exalted opinion of the veracity of the police force of that city, and that Joe lost his ruit. At the session of the Court of Quuen's Beach Charles E Roche, night editor of the Gazette, testified that the information reecived from the sergeants of police was worthless, that he had been deceived several times by them§ and under no circumstances would be be- lieve their statements unless supported by other testimony. Counsel for the di fence contended that the suit bad becn instituted by Joe as an advertisement, and raad a loug| «ist of swells" whom the latter invited to) his abode and offered to for a mere song. The roading created some amusement snd appeared to edify the jury very much, Mr. Cater, for the Crown, pleaded strongly in favor of his client, after which - His Honor charged strongly in favor of ati acquittal. The jury retired at 5:15, and returned into Court at 8:25; when they announced their inability to come to & decision. After 8 brief pause, Chief Justice Dorion said : «This is tbe very firet time I have scen a jury disagree when the Court has clearly in- timated its opinion that the defendants should be acquitted It seems to me utterly ingfdible. 1 bave known jurics to disagree when the Court has given its opinion in favor of a condemuation, but this is the first time in my experience thata jury has dis- agreed when the Court has 80 clearly pro- nounced in favor of an acquittal " The jury were then locked up for the night. The jury came into Court next morning and returned a verdict of "not guilty." -- The Fatal Bullet Again. Our readers will remember that 'some eight months ago Kalloch, Mayor of San Francisco, had a quarrel with Chas. De Young, editor of the Chronicle newspaper of that city, and that De Young shot and went rusbing would be only stating what might have been under the circumes stances. The past was certainly one of the best if not thu very best ever held in the township. H Blood Stallion--1st prize I. Hymen. _Dringht Stallion, Tm| 1st J. W. Hockins' Dumfriesshi -- Alexander's Chancelor. Di ht Stallion 1st Wondorful Lad ; 20d Louden Netherby. General Purpose Stallion ; 3 entrics--18t Glenesk ; 2ud Hoaest Billy. ; Saddle or Carri ngs Stallion , 6 entries~--1st Kentucky ; 2nd Victor. ? E 'Threo year old General Purpose Stallion ; 2 cutries-- 1st. Young Oxford. rent H. Elliot's ported ; 4 entries-- re Jock ; and 5 GEERT 14 entries; 1st W. Hallett ; 204 Conrad Johmiton WHEN rood Mace, Draught; 3 entries--1st Wm ¢ Canadian ; 2 entries-- | but not g ly, the irate Mayor ; the Mayor did not retaliate, but eal 1 the strong arin of the law, but Tike the law elsewhere, if it is strong it is fear. fully slow, for the trial had not yet come; on; but the parties concerned hated each | other with a perfect hatred which culumioated in the assassination of De Younz ou the evening of Friday last by J. M. Kalloch, son of Mayor Kalloch. Sax Francisco, Cal, April 24.--Just be- fore eight o'clock lust evening, Churles De Young entered the vusi office of the icle on the ground and stood th sume gentlemen there. Sud. nN Kalloch ehtired, aud drawing a Onsel without, 80 fr acm bo Nona ¥lbo gate of the counter to 08 ok ah inside, Kalloch fir ride, the dusk De Young. turned wi i light is steady and R.! states it as his belief that it won't be long 1 x 1 purp fore it supercedes coal Sylvester; 3nd, Uxbridge Agricultural Yorks tire gentleman tops off with Be following, which may be a little too good, but we hope | not, we hope that his most sanguine expec- tations may be more than realized, Ho says the most wonderful thing connected with this system is that besides liglh room in which the artizan is will drive the machinery with works, all from the one wire, and a lady may drive Ler sewing machine by the same means, at & cost of some four cents per day, whilst the manufacturer requiriog 20 horse- power may be as easily supplied ut a pro- portionate cost, without the trouble | petting up steam or fear of an explosion. in other buildings g at him as be ran. ing d n| pleasant, The : A a A SER As the car of enlightenment sud sofentific progress rushes "the treated every of some y rivet Lis attention and make him bow shrine of the indefatigable discoverer whose talents and indomitable perseverance lay mankind ander weighty and lusting. obliga- tions to their great benefactor. The scien- tific idol of to-day is the whom all eyes uré turned light. veler is glimpse | four dol lay d to| ing $1.26 al the, very few famous Ldiscn, to quest of more while the | party ! | ok | ing some | drive, ans ition left here cn steamer Tropic." The cargo comprised | 8. Cuban exped- ednesday on the clipper ; war munitions and a new torpedo bout. The, « Tropic' isone of the fastest steamers in | | iting the toved. i ing the local laws in existence when treaty was concluded, ington special says the tt THE LIGHT ABOARD BHIP. Mr. Edison bas entered on a contract to fit up. the new steamer " Columbia," of the San Fraucisco aud Chester, Pa., Oregon line, just launched from Roache's yurd, Peon. with the light throughout the vessel, 200 | lights, thus securing the ship against The « Columbia" will go to New York in a few days aud when fitted will be on view. five ee Light up. Much is looked for. fiom Edisons' electric light which still seeks itsway upward a strong T. Coates and | company for its promotion Las been formed | in New York and are now about to give the value of the discovery a divisive test,they have | purchased an important building on one of | the most important streets of Now York aud { 4 are now putting in the nucessary apparatus for furnishing electric light to the city for a circuit of a mile distant in every direction. from the following :--One Archibald McLean, | It is said that the power that will be con- | 7 just. for centrated there will enable the company to i furnish light four miles cach way, but that { for the present they will coufine themselves to one wile in radius, The advantages to be derived are an in- creased volume, a greater iutensity aud cheapee light than bas ever yet been inggo- uced, 1t is belived that as well as being every way better the new light will be furnished at one third or one fourth the cost of gas or words a much beter light will be supplied by the clectvic light for $25. than can be furnished by zas for $100. privtors of several of the largest halls and district have made arrangements with the company to introduce At present the officers of the company are not inclined to give any information as to what their plans or intentions are. witliin the the light into thelr establishments. All (xcept it may Le gas companies, wil pray for the complet success of the new departure, rent We hear great things about Pectoral Balm. It is certainly an coughs and colds. excellent remedy Prepared only at th Port Parry Pharmacy. me en Struggling Through: a The dividend to Le paid by the Mechanics' Bank to creditors next month, will be 20 1t is expected that 45 pee cent. per cunt, will ultimately be realized. et -------- The Pound of Flesh. A emall baker of montreal named Ozean got into dillicuitics some months ago and raised one hundred dollars on a chutth mortgage from a wholesale grocer. He failed Wis to raise Lis instalments, and execution put in yesterday aad everything was take away cxcept a table and a motto on the wall " Peace beto this on which was written, house," The cradle was taken away frou a five months old baby, and the bed aud bedding from the sick mother, Toere is a good dual of indignation at the conduct of the merchant who is very wealthy und Las no apparent excuse for his action. -- Dr. Carsou's Homedies, Hop Bitters, Shoshonecs Remedy, Green's August Flow! &c., &e., at C. C. McG lashau's, er t-- Got his first Lesson: An English immigrant named James Spry on board a Grand Trunk train from Montreal, and he had scarcely stepped upon the plat. form to await another train to take him to when a Yankee-lookiug individual out Lis fricnds. « Why, my dear fellow," said the stranger, because 1am very intimate with your friends in London ; he, expressed himself delighted to have such a welcom companion ou his trip-west. After beating about the bush dor some time, the arcived in the city yesterday alternoon London, accorsted him, and found 4 I'm so glad to have met you, stranger left Mr. Spry, but he came back in to London, as I bave to pay a bill here, and this cheque for $750 cashed, but you migh as woll keap it as security ; the immighu he might have it. T songht aud was 1 Cream: Prepared ouly by C. C. McGlashan. A n-of- war, young men for the ou board young home given u; A frente grief in consequence. andred young men in active and vigorous spirits and high hopes to be thus snatched that are nea: and dear to thew m sorrow to all co) of for paog of and cast ployed, 1 which be of The pro- for hurry, and addressing the young Euglishman, he said: "1 say Spry my dear fellow, I wish you would oblige me with $60 until we get have no chaace of getting to the bank to get was rather pleascd to find a man ready to place such a heavy cheque in his hands for safe keeping, replied that he had not as much as sixty dollars about him, but if ten pounds in gold would be of any use to _ hi he stranger thanked him cerdially for his kindness and accepted the gold, promising to refund the sum as soon as they reached London. Spry then inforation in a neighbouring hotel, told that the cheque was worthless and {he man who gave it to him a swindler, ------ - Magical 1cbrated for its healing powers. Cures chipped hands und lips. 1s She Lost ?--The Atlanta, a British used as a training ship for | Royal Navy with eleven officers aud three hundred men in training, was on' her way from the West Indies but she has been Jost sight of for several wecks and is now for lost with all on board and many of familics are plunged ih the the early morn of an life, fuil of health and Mast. thenot distant future AE, with. y them) | Gov 0) | damages for t put a stop to all movem nts reciprocity. k 8 y Evarts to duty Cu pudian fish and fish oil. MARRIED. pusa, to Mies i The Markets. Fall Wheat, ...oe0vees Spring Wheat, Barley ats , . | Peas . .. Hay perton , Clover Seed 118 to 0 50 to 0 3ite Swe Saad dS 33 | Hides .... Shecp Skins cePoocwac c= we ge bn 35888%8¢ cCOoO=OCoWe ------ We SMO OSOS takes. the gronod that the United States WwW fishermen in drawing their seines from shore were trambgressing the privileges granted them under the treaty which does not in- clude the right to land for the purpose of drawiog scines from shore, In fishing with {seines the American fisherinen wero violat- r the armers from & ee eee § eee ere. 'Taking the pep New Yong, April 24.--The Herald's Wash- refusal of the English . personal application is our claim for he Fortune Bay outrdge will for Cnnadian . Congress will probably at once i the papers in the Fortune [ay business. 16 ia | most probable the result will be a demand for the abrogation of the fisheries treaty, and . | a repeal of the statute which exempts from By the Rev. J E, Howell, M.A, on Feb. 21st, at the residence Of the brother of the bride, Newcastle, Mr. Thowus Moase, of Mari- Mary Aun Licett, of Clarke. -- / Opsenrver OFrpicE, April 29, 1880 i = until ... $117 to 81 18 ppg 0 65 | at variou 0 356 Canal. These fur highways aie to be a com- 0 65 | bjpation of iron and wood, and those for rails 0 'i TIL and CRARDELL BROWN of this Court ut Lindsay, By Edward Major, Auctioneer, AT THE TOWN HALL iN THE VILLAGE OF PORT IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, 1 © DAY OF MAY, 1880, the following Situate in the said Village ot T, Lots\numbers. Paxton Street, each containing jh of an acrey taining ji of an ucre; Lot 51233 00 Himeoe Street conta Street containing 1% 11 Reno sod McDonald! t x Streets, | and T0 on- Crandell Street; Lot number 102 on Caleb Village Lots numbers 104, | acres. separately. lots, which bas been fixed Ly stor. eS 5 ok gd will be required to per cent of urchase mpaey at of sale to tie Bonelvety and thirty days thereafter to mi the purchase mon ) URSUANT to the decree and order for Sule wade in {his cduse and bearing date texpoctively the twonty-cighth day of March, 1877, and the fifteenth day of Octo: ber, 1879, there will be sold with the appro- bation of W, W. DEAN, ESQUIRE, Muster ' PERRY, ON SATURDAY, THE EIGHTH At the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon, LANDS AND PREMISES PORT PERRY, Being parts of Lots numbers seventeen and vighteen in the Sixth concession of the Township of Reach, us shewn on a lan thereof méde by W. E. Yaruold, Esq. P.LS Lot number 226 on Simcoe Street containing 81% acre: j Lots number 225, 227, und 228 oir Liosa Street, euch containing 2 acres; Lots numbers 229 and 230 on Paxton Street, each containing i204 acre; "Lot number th 231 corner of Simcoe and Paxton Streets containing 23 adres; Village Lot numbers 181, 132,183, 184, 185, 186,4187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192; 193 and 394 on West side of Rosa Streat; £5 23% und 238 on |g; 4 pum equal to $250, for the gates of euch Lots numbers 235, | lock, 240 and 239 vil MgDonald Street, T.0t, at the-rates end on the terms stated in the number 232 an Simcoe Street eon: mber ng one acre; Lot nunber 2B4 on Simdoe acre; Lots numbers 241, 242, 2iffand 240 on treeis each containing one acre; Lot 'namber 245 on Simcoe, McDonald and Reno containing 1 acre; Lot number 246 on Simcve, Reno and Silver Streets containing if of an acre; Lot number 247 oh Silver Streot containing fh of un acre; Lots numbers 249, 250 'and 251 on Silver Street; Lots numbers 252, 253 and 254 on Ottawa Sureet; Village Lots numbers 80 and 81 on Northside of Queen Street ; Villuge Lots numbers 108, 109 and 110 on Elia Street; Vil- luge Lots uombers 65, 66, 67 /i%.59 Yillage bun , 108,106 aud 107 on Casimir Street, and Block E on Lilla Street coutaining 2G Each of the said Lots. will be offered The propertiés will be offered for Salo sub: ' too | Joct to reserved bid on each of the said}, * 3year old Durham Milch cow--lst AA Herald ndent has just been in- the mercantile marine. Sig i Earchman. terviewing one of u's stuff who speaks - > Grade milch cow: 3 entries--1st, W. Real; most hopefully of the ultimate, perfect suc-| oo Wont Bleed. La scone 2nd, John Claughton. aon of this gaat discovery. | First there] , NEW Y0uk, April 23.-The Herald's Lou- oh 3 yoar old: grade milch cow: 2 entrics-- CAO bo no four of fire from its use, 4s the 408 apicis says Lord Salisbury refused to 18t, Wm. Real; 2nd, John Claughton. , light is emitted from a hermetically sealed recoguize the justice of the claims of Ameri- ] ® nenesests glass ball, £0 whenever the light comes in 1 3% fishermen for $1,030,000 dumagus for the | © . " ! contact with the atmosphereit is extinguish- 1 Fortune Buy (N. I.) attacks on them. He ILL find I Tr Enron, Wooden Harrows, Land Rollers, aud the | Paxton, Tate & Co's new and improved Gang Plows, Huey 'are ackuowl: very "superior Gavg "Plows ; also on the | beste Combired and Single Grain Drills.-- distance of 18 and 20 miles have purchased them from Mr. Urqul 50, soon as seen. He will sell on liveral terms of payment and ship to any address and pre- Is freight on receipt of order us when & wade, D. URQUHART, + Port Perry, Ont. | | | {buy t Address, April 14, 1880. WELLAND CANAL. Notice to Bridge-builders. GEARED TENDERS addressed to the uns dersigned (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and cndorsed * Tender for Bridges, Welland Canal," will be received at this office the arrival of the Western mails on DAY THE 15mH DAY JUNE next, for the | construction of swing aud stationary bridges is places on the lie of the Welland purposes are to be of iron. Plans, specifications and general conditions can be seen at this office on and after MON- DAY. THE 31st DAY OF MAY next, where Forms of Tender can also be obtained. Parties tendering are expected to have a practical knowledge of works of this class, anid ure teyuested to benr in wind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the puted foriis, and--in the case of firms--except there are atiached the acinal siguatures, the nature of the occu pation, and residence ot each member of the same; and further an accepted bank cheque for a sum equal to $250 for each bridge, for which an offer is made, must accompany each Tender, which, sum shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into con- tenet for the work at the r tes and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted. | For the due fulfilment of the contract the pirty or parties whose tonue} it is proposed to accept will be notified tha their tender is accepted subject to a deposit of five per cont. of the bulk sum of the contract--of which the sutii se.1t fn with the tender will be considere a part--to be deposited to the credit of the Receiver General within eight days afer tie date of the notice. Ninety per cent. onl mates will be paid until t work, This Departaienit does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By Ord r. F. BRAUN, | Secretary, 17-10w a | | of the progress esti- ne completion of the Depr. oF RaLwAYS & Oanaus, Ottawa, 20th March, 1880, ort: Notice to Machinit-Confactrs : QEALED TENDERS addressed to the un- LD) dersigned (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed "* Tender for Lock Gutes, Welland Canal," will be received at this office until the &rrival of the Eastern and Westera Mailson THURSDAY, the 3:d day of JUNE, next, for the construction of gates, and the ¥ hinery 1 with (hem, for the new lucks on the Welland Canal. Plans, Specifications and General Condi- tions ean be seen atcthis office on and after THURSDAY, the 20th ny of MAY, next, where forma of tender can also be obtained. Pariies tendering are expected to provide e special tools necessary for, and to hase | practical knowledge of, works of this class, and are requested ty bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made stiietly ix » accordance with the printed forme, and--in the case of fi pt there are hed the actual siguatures, the nature of the occupu- tion and residence of each member «f the sume ; and, further, an accepted bauk cheque must accompany cach tender, which sum shall be forfeited if the party tendering : declines entering into for the work . offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective puriies whose tenders are not uccepted. For the due fulfilment of the contract the party or partis whose™ tender it is proposeil to accept will be notified that their tender is accepted subject to # deposit of fie per cent. of 'he bulk sur of the contraet--of which the sum sent fu With the tender will be considered a part=to, be deposited to the eredit of the. Receiver General within cight days after the date of the notice, Ninety ber cent.only of the progress estis | mates will be paid until the cumpletion of the work. » Cw This Department does dof; however, bind itself to accept the lowest or #oy tender. > By Order, © __ : v Preh vw BRaUN, D Ramwavs & Casais, Bes kpT. OF RaLwavs & Ottawa, 29th March, 1880 now

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