Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Mar 1880, p. 3

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SALE! Private Contract, pg do are offered for Sale at Low Prices payment. Acr : is com- Toe 8Lh Son rame outbuild- and is a the North-half of of Reach, 100 ueres, none PARCEL Lot No. 15, in the this parcel. PARCEL 0.--T8 som bosed of the South-hatf of Lot No. 18, in the 9th concession of Reach, 100 neres, a small portion of which is cleared. PARCEL 7.--1 apres, rt of Lot No. 21, in the 10th concession bf Reach, upon which ix a Jot of valuable timber, and several acres under cultivation. « All the above lands are in {he market and will be sold with as little delay as possible.-- ~ Intending purchasers will not be confined to the various parcels and divisions as set forth, but ean purchase such portions as they may desire, and at prices to suit the times, For further particulars and information apply to : hy THE MANAGER. ONTARIO BANK. and H. GORDON, Port Perry ; . or J. A. McGILLIVARY, Oct. Sth, 187). Barrister, Uxbridge, N. B. All persons are strictly forbidden to os srremove any thinber from off the above ands. rr ee a ae NEXT WEEK. 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENT for cash or upon short terms of --AT---- ROYAL ARCADE. KROPT STK SA! oy LOW'S NSOLVENT ACT 5, AND - i | ING ACTS, OF 167 AVESD General Dry Goods, Tweeds, §C., FORZSALE. . The undersigned will offer for sale, by piblic auction, 'By Scott, Sutherland, & Co. DE. GOODS STOCK AT COBOURG By Auction The" undersigned have been instructed' by JOHN MoINTYRE, Merchant, of LOU. who is relingishing business on account of ill- health, tosell by AUCTION, at their Ware- rooms, No. 29, FRONT STREET, WEST, on MONDAY, the 23gp inst, at 2 o'clock, the whole of his stock in trade, comprising :-- On Thureday, 10th February, inst., at Ope o'clock, afternoon, : Ar THE Roos or Tuomas Burrows; Merrick Se Street, HaMLToN, Silks, Carpets. Velvets, &c.. vo..cuiveres $ 324 72 Flannels, Blankets nnd Stuff Goods.. 475 41 the whole stock-in-trade and shop furniture, Staples, Tweeds, Dress Goods, &e..... 1,604 76 belonging to the estate of David McCoaachie, Shawls, Furs, &c......... 259 7 of Norwich, also much on the dollar on in- Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, 479 TL ventory prices. Stock consists of :-- push, Small Wares, &c. £59 54 General Dry-GoodS..c..in soe $1,748 50 Ye rid B94 80 Tweens, ons: and Glowing. $ 575 00 Fixtures, Sewing Machine, &c.. 233 50 mallwares, Gloves, Hosie! 475 60 Gents' Farnisbings. 361.26 Totahiai iii irene asrrsarnesinsnntns $4,611 95 Shop Furniture... 97 15 To be sold at so much on the $ asper in- sm---- ventory prices. $3,248 01 Stock sheets can be seen at our office, and stock can be examined at Cobourg any time before'day of sale. SCOTT, SUTHERLAND & CO, TRADE AUCTIONERLS, Inventory and stock can he seen on applicas tion to WM. STROUD, Norwich. ALEX. DAVIDSON, Assignee. Hamilton, Feb. 10, 1880, 4,300 760 2,300 1,600 2,900 2,100 9,700 110 3.200 SOLD OUT 2,700 Yds. Black Lustres at from 12 to b0c¢ per yd. " 5 o " te " "« 40 Doz " 4.600 Yds. 910 Doz. Ladies', Misses' and Children's lose at 5 Having purchased the above Stock of Goods at a rate on the dollar upon Cost Price, the whole will be AT WHOLESALE PRICES ! ----IN ORDER---- variety of Dry Goods and small wares. vanced fully FIFTEEN per cent in the Wholesale Houses within tho last two months. ( 1,700 Yds. Wincey Shirting. Colored und Fancy Dress Goodseat from 8 270 Pairs Ladies' Corsets from 25 to 'T5 cents. to 30 cents per yard. Linen ag Union Tabling at 18 to 30 conts 35 cents and up. C Bs To Clear the Whole Out Within the next six weeks, commencing on Monday, the 8th day of March. A Jarge portion of these goods have been recently bought, and largely composed of Staple Goods suitable for the Spring Trade. These com= bined Stocks, amounting to about $8,000, torether with my present stock of $12,000, will embrace every IMMENSE BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN !! No such opportunity has over occurred of getting Goods at a trifle over Lalf the value, as all Goods have ad- 85 Doz. Ladies' Black and Colored Kid Gloves at per yard. | 36 " Men's Cotton and Wool Shirts from 25 Linon Towelling at 6,7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 cents each up. cents per yard. 75 " Men's Cotton and Wool Socks. Linen and Cotton Ticking. Colored Lustres at 10, 12, 15, 18 and 20c. Cotton Ducks and Cotton Shirtings at 8 to 18 cents per yard. Prints, fast eolors, from 5 to 11 cents, 90 Pieces Tweeds, Worsteds, Broad Cloths from 33c per yard np. from 5 cents up. Ladies' and Gents Yinen and Lawn IIand- [ 450 "Canton Flannels from 10 to 18 cis. kerchiols at 80 cents and up. 2,400 " Wincey at from 43 to 15¢ per yard. Linen and Cotton Towels-at 4,5, 6, 7, and 8 conta, Grey Cotton at Wholesale Prices. Steamloom at Wholesale Prices. or 36 cents per dozen. 80,000 Needles at 2 cents per paper. 300 Gross Buttons, all kinds und styles. 7,360 Yds. Ribbons, all shades and widths. cents and up. 45 DOZEN MEN'S AND BOYS FELT HATS. $1,950 WORTH OF BOOTS AND SHOES. the highest market rates will be allowed. Port Perry, March 3, 1880. Cassimeres, and 320 Doz. Ladies', Gents', and Children's Gloves 2,760 Yds. All-wool Flannels fiom 17 to 33 cents. G00 Doz. Coates' Thread, 200 yds at 3 cents cach, $1,800 Worth of Ready-Made CLOTHING. 1 BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, IAMS & DRIED APPLES taken the samo as cash, for which JOSEPH BIGELOW. CLEARING - SALE! seine A emt Fo | man Brothers \ STILL CONTINUES. and yay Wises, H. Gorpox. Si debts "partnership. b ted at Port Perry this 27th day of | raary, 1880. a p| NOTE LOST. - OST between my residence' and the residence of Mr, Wm. Baied, in the ship of Brock, a Note for $100, dated on or about July 14th, 1879, due lst March, 1880. made by Thos. Tucker in favor of ?| the Executors of the Estate of the late Geo. Brabazon, Parties are hereby cautioned against negotiating said note as payment 8 been sto) + ne RATHERINE BRABAZON. Brock, Feb, 23, 1880, y iw. they will "up. 8. CORRIGAN. H. 8. CAMPBELL. Reach, Eeb, 19, 1880, Strayed Cattle. Cc To TWO HEIFERS. Coming 2 years old. One red and white and the other red. If not previotsly replevined be gold according to SAMUEL & THOS. BARRETT, NEW, CHEAP CASH STORE Noy THOMPSON'S BUILDINGS, ' QUEEN STREET, Port Perry WHOLENHLE OPENED MAY 2nd, 1879. ! o-- HE undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the very kind and liberal patronage ex- tended to him since his commencement in business, and would respect- fully inform them that his Stock of FRESH GROCERIES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE! FRUITS x wre AN Doreen CONFECTIONERY ! Is now complete and well assorted in . Ard will be sold on the equivalent in Produce. promptness and despatch. . CHINA HALL. Port Perey, Dec. 18, 187d. D Every Department ! Lowest Terms for Cash, or its Having made extensive alterations and improvement in 'tho Store and premises, he is in a position to fill all orders entrusted to him with G. B. McDERMOT, THE BALANCE OF T. 0, Large and Fresh Stock of Dry and Shoes, Groceries, &e., will b Sale every Even At T:80 o'clock and each Satarday afternoon at 2 o'clock, until the whole Stock is disposed of. @ Sale at Wholesale Prices through each - day as usual. TERMS CASH. T. C. FORMAN, rect 1880. BARGAINS! ALL KINDS OF Goods Cheap! Not Selling Some few articles at Cost and Charging more for others to make it up. ALL And See Genuine Goods, Very Cheap. S. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, Jan, 15, 1880. CLEARING SALE OF BOOTS and SHOES AT C. TRICKS. For Six Weeks all Winter Goods will be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices to make room for Spring Stock. Special Bar- gains in Men's, Women's and Misses' Felts. 'NO SHODDY. NO TRASH. {z= No trouble to show Goods. . - TT CAE VIM! ¢ pd We have just received in Stock CARRIAGE GOODS ! Direct from Auburn, Philadelphia, United States, consisting of : Dash Leather, Trimming Leather and Top Leather, : Emanel Muslin Drill and Duck Rubber Cloth, [Floor Oil Cloth, : : Cords of 6 different Patterns, VELVETS, Tufting Rattons, Tulting Nails, Silver A complete assortment of Wi

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