Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Mar 1880, p. 3

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T- CA un ersigned offer offers for Sate that Fine : Thy Sou! nt : Dwelling House and Woodshed. _ Young Urchard, and a good Well. © frame barn, stables, etc, a good beming th concessiol Township of Roach, About 80 f lan d anf rate Shdraion lot No. §, the 'or further pattictlars apply to the pro tor on the premises. Wit. McDONALD. It by letter pre-paid to Epsom P. 0. Tenn Se VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. me undersigned ors for Sale 200 Acres of Land, peng Jota, in the 7th conces- sion of TOWNSHIP OF REACH, 140 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance of the land is good hard w bush. There are erected on the premises a Good Frame Barn with underground Stables, good outbuilding, also a good, comfortable frame There are on the premises a good, thriving Water Privilege. Also for Sale a good Water Power (a never filing stream) and SAW MILI, On lot 24. in the 7th concession of the town- ship of UXBRIDGE. It fs about two miles from the thriving village of Uxbridge. For further particulars, apply to WILLIAM WARREN, Lot 3, 7th Con. of Reach. "Ifby letter pre-paid to Epsom P.O. Reach, Feb. 3, 1880. tall ae I Rawr TENDERS FOR_ROLLING STOCK, reeset are invited for furnishing the Rolling Stock required to be delivered on the Canadian Pacific Railway, within the next fonr 'years, comprising the delivery in year of about the following, viz :-- Locomotive Engines, 16 First-class Cprs (a proportion being sleepers), 20 Second-class Cars (a proportion being sleepers). 3 Express and Baggage Cars, 3 Postal and Smoking Cars, 240 Box Freight Cars, 100 Flat Cars. 2 Wing Plows, 2 Snow Plows, 2 Flangers, 40 Hand Cars, THE WHOLE TO BE MANUFACTURED IN THE Dowmrsion oF Caxapa and delivered on the Canada Pacific Railway, at Fort William, or in the Province of Manitoba, Drawings, specifications and other infors mation may bé had on application at the office of the Engineer-in-Chief, at Ottawa, on and after the i5th day of MARCH next, Tenders will be received by the undere signed up to noon of THURSDAY, the lst day of JULY next By Order, F. BRAUN, Secretary. Dept. of Railways & Canals, Ottawa, Tth February, 1880. 10~td he i ot AR a hy of a ARCADE. TRoLTRL ACT OF 1875, AND AMEND- ING ACTS. A General Dry Goods, Tweeds, §C., FOR SALE. The undersigned will offer for sale, by public auction, On Thursday, 19th February, inst. at One o'clock, afternoon, Ar tie Rooys or Tuomas Burrows, Merrick TREET, HAMILTON, the whole stock-in-trade and shop furniture, belonging to the estate of David scConachie, of Norwich, also much on the dollar onin- Stock consists of i-- $1,748 50 575 00 ventory prices. General Dry-Goods.. weeds, Coths, and Smallwares, Gloves, Hosiery, & Gents' Furnishings. Shop Furniture. 475 50 351 26 97 56 $3,248 01 Inventory and stock can be seen on applica- tion to WM. STROUD, Norwich. ALEX. DAVIDSON, Assignee, Hamilton, Feb. 10,1880. z By Scott Sutherland, & Co. DE GOODS STOCK AT COBOURG By Auction The undersigned have been instructed by JOHN MCINTYRE, Merchant, of Cobour who is relingishing business on account of Hi health, to sell by AUCTION, at their Ware« rooms, No. 29, FRONT STREET, WEST, on MONDAY, the 23np inst, at2 o'clock, the whole pri stock in trade, comprising :-- Silks, Carpets, . Velvets, &e..... Flannels, Blankets and Stoff Staples, Boyes: Dress Goods, &c. Shawls, Furs, &c Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, &e¢. Muslins, Small Wares, & Millinery, &C...ccousrensirnns. Fixtureg, Sewing Machine, $4,611 95 To be sold at so much on the$ as per in- ventory prices, Stock sheets can be seen at our offlee, and stock can be examined at Cobourg any time beforelday of sale. SCOTT, SUTHERLAND & CO, TRADE AUCTIONEERS. " 4.300 neo « 2,300 1,600 2,900 2,100 9700 " 40 Doz "« 110 4,600 Yds. 3200 « CANADIAN PACT RAILWAY. fpEsbEes for a second 100 miles section West or Rep River, will be received by the undersigned natil noou on Monday, the 29th of March, next, The section will extend from the end of the 48th Contract--near the western bound- ary of Manitoba--to a point on the west side of the valley of Bird-tail Creek. | Tenders must be on the printed form, which, with other information, may be had at the Pacific Railway Engineers Offices, in Ottawa and Winnip:g, on and after the' 1st day of March, next. By Order, F. BRAUN, Secretary, Derr. oF Raruways & CaNaLs, Ottawa, 11th February, 1880, 11-5w FARM for SALE BY AUCTION! ON THURSDAY, MARCH 25th ee Subscriber has instructed Mr, E. Bowles, Auctioneer, to sell by Public Auction, on the premises, the North-halt of Lot No. 22, in the 8th con. of the Township of Brock, CONTAINING 105 ACRES, Eighty-five or ninety of which are cleared, the balance good Cedar timber. There aro on the premises two dwelling houses, a hew Orchard, two Wells of water, aud a good stream of water tuning through the lot, -- The farm is situated nearly half way be~ tween Manilla and Cannington, on a good is i somo ite A Tes a ealth, the proprie~ tor has determined to retire from business, Port Pe ----IN ORDER---- variety of Dry Goods and small wares. IMMENSE BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN ! No such opportunity has ever acenrred of getting Goods at a trifle over half the value, as all Goods have ad- vanced fully F IFTEEN per cent in tho Wholesale Houses within tho last two months. 2.700 Yds. Black Lnstres at from 12 to b0¢ per yd. Colored and Fancy Dress Goods at from 8 to 30 cents yer yard. Tiinen and Union Tabling at 18 to 30 per yard. Linen Towelling at 6, 7,8, 9, 10, a cents per yard, a Linen and Cotton Tic King. Colored Lustres at 10, 12, 15,18 and Cotton Ducks and Cotton Shirtings at 8 to 18 cents per yard. . Prints, fast colors, from 5 to 11 cents. Ladies' and Gents Ysinen and Lawn Hand- kerchiefs at 30 cents and up. Linen and Cotton Towels at 4,5, 6, 7, and 8 cents. Groy Cotion at Wholesale Prices. Staonal at WW wehesalo. Prices. - U10 Doz. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Tose at b cents and un. 43 DOZEN MEN'S AND BOYS $1,950 WORTH OF BOOTS AND «SHOES. ga BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, HAMS & DRIED APPLES taken the same as cash, for which the highest market rates will be allowed. rry, March 3, 1880. 1,700 cents 35 nd 11 Th 90 20c. 450 2,400 80,000 7,360 320 Doz. Ladies', 11 Yds. Ribbons, all shades and widths." Yds. Wihcey Shirting. 35 cents and up. « cents each up. Men's Cotton and Wool Socks: Tweeds, Worstaeds, « Pieces from 5 cents up. Cantgn Flannels from 10 to 18 eis. « or 36 cents per dozen. Needles at 2 cents per paper. Gross Buttons, all kinds and styles. FELT HATS. A large portion of thes Caksimeres, Broad Cloths from 3c per yard up. Gents', and Children's Gloves Having purchased the above Stock of Goods at a rate on the dollar upon Cost Price, the wholo will be SOLD OUT AT WHOLESALE PRICES ge To Clear the Whole Out Within the next six weeks, commencing on Monday, the 8th day of March. have been recently bought, and largely composed of Staple Goods suitable for the Spring Trade. bined Stocks, amounting to about $8,000, together with my present stock of $12,000, will embrace every ¢ goods These com- 270 Pairs Ladies' Corsets from 25 to 75 cents. 85 Doz. Ladies' Black and Colored Kid Gloves at Men's Cotton and Wool Shirts from 25 2,760 Yds. All-wool Flannels from 17 to 33 cents. Wincey at from 4% to 15¢ per yard. 600 Doz. Contes' Thread, 200 yds at 3 cents each, $1,800 Worth of Ready-Made CLOTHING. JOSEPH BIGELOW. nh ---- ||OPENED and THER GREAT CLEARING NEW, CHEAP ASH STORE THOMPSON'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, ' Port Perry MOLE hil Wy MAY 2nd, 1879. TE undersigned iakes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the very kind and liberal patronage ex- tended to him since lis commencement in business, and would respect- fully inform them that bis Stock of CROCKERY & '& GLASSWARE FRUITS ~------AND. CONFECTIONERY Is now complete and well assorted in Wo Every Department And will be sold on the Lowest Terms for Cash, or its equivalent in Produce. Having made oxtonsivo alterations and improvement i vy the Store and premises, he is in a position to fill all ordets entrusted to him with promptness and despatch. py, His Salary as Sout him $18,000 a year, an his sa "msgs ve the British oa | oe 000 a year, young man is §69,000, osT pitwom. my. ri aod. thi el]. residence of Mr. Wm. Bai township of Brock, a or about July 14th, 1879, due 1 * | 1880. made by Thos. the Executors of the Estate of Brabazon. Hence the annual alaty of thi B Parties are Sores agninst negotiating said note as LA been hi Brock, Feb, ") a6, Note for $100, Tooker c ears old. ol If not Dietiou they oc MUEL & | strayed Cattle. 2 AME into the premises of theSubscribers, d C lot 12, in the 4th con, Reach, TWO HEIFERS. One red and white and sly eplevize G. B. McDERMOT, CHINA HALL, Port Prey, Dec. 18, 1879, i -- nA Large 'and Fresh Stock of Dry and Shoes, Groceries, ®cy ) IN DETAIL, COMMENCING FRIDAY, MARCH Sale every Even 7:30 o'clock and each Saturday afternoon at 2 oelock, until the whole Stock is disposed of. At 5 Sale at Wholesale Prices through each day as usual. TERMS CASH. 1880. BARGAINS ALL KINDS OF Goods Cheap!! Not Selling Some few articles at Cost and Charging more for others to make it up. CALL And See Genuine Goods, Very Cheap. T. C. FORMAN, S. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, Jan, 15, 1880, - CLEARING sali ROOTS a: an SHOES ee AT ee C. TRICK'S. For Six Weeks all Winter Goods will be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices to make room for Spring Stock. Special Bar- gains in Men's, Women's and Misses' Felts. NO SHODDY. NO TRASH. {(JG= No trouble to show Goods. TERMS CASH. C. TRICK. T CAMIGE VEIT! a" We have just received in. Stock CARRIAGE GOQDS Direct from Auburn, Philadelphia, United States, consisting of Dash Leather, Trimming Leather and- Top Leather, . Emanel Muslin Drill and Duck Rubber Cloth, Floor Oil Cloth, Conds of 6 different Paster, VELVETS,

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