Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Jan 1880, p. 2

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gp don nnd they would likely shut. ET down. sftogother- were it not that pluye down they have gouo on short, very _{ short time. The session only lasted - | twenly minntes on Monday. "on Thorklny. 'last and the Lieu-Gor- urnor read the speech which amongst other things indicates that 'the Government of Province are prepared. to-go inte @@iixiderable haphazard expenditure ecuring displaywhile the fonds that areabout fo be eqandered should be applied to works of utility and profit Swill be spent in erecling gorgeous * leginlative halls' which may not be required forsngh purpose as the el _ectars of this Province' may "within "a felt years wipe out of existence the Logislative 'Assembly snd would not the Province look particularly stapid to be burying some two millions or so of our otherwise Jose money in a pile of buildings IgRurs ofiin Assembly which ready been wiped out of exis- Ponca, We hope hon. members will dppinse othe expenditure as in jastice to the Province they are bound to 'do. Were the local ITouse to continne, of which there is not the least liklihood (if it con- tinnes at all it must be in a greatly altered and much modified form) the present house is abundantly sufficient for every purpose; & log shanty is qnite good enough for the quality of legislation. Why should two more millions of the peoples' money be squandered on buildings which are really unnecessary only atify the splendor of Mowat nd give an expensive bribe to city of Toronto. As law matters are promised another airing it is to be hoped that hon, members will domand the wiping out of Mr, g © Mowat's dear, dear pet the Court of ] Chancery. It is also to be hoped that the peoples' representatives will secure an important extension in the jurisdietion of our Division Conirts so far at least as shall render County Courts unnecessary, and thus save the country a world of un necessary expense. The Province is again threatened with an exuber- ant crop of commissioners as the speech threatens commissioners on every thing imaginable even down to the potato bug. The. speeches of the mover scconder of the Address will im- mortalized neither of the two modern Demostheneses, that of the mover was tho personification of twaddlo, It was excrnciating to witness the unfortunate Doctor. as he wrestled with a something he could no more handle than a mouse can handle an elephant. Bat when the medicine man foll back on his chronology he fell right into it, he did not know whether he wus on foot or on horse. back, he seemed to have forgotten in what season onr farmers harvest their grain for he says: "The time chosen for the appeal to the people was particularly opportune. It was jo the summer, just after the farmers had harvested their grain, and when they had more leasure than at any other time dfiring the season." Every one knows that the electors were appedled to in the month of y-and the elections were ovor on June. No farmer in this had then harvested his - and Tender of the Opposition in parks places Mr. Mowat in i ry regarding his proposal to parliament buildings. -- nt Mr. Meredith said : d the Wh position to erect new ings on every gronnd. In 4, {he Government, when they 'country, took care to say nothing oy a on of making a large expen- Of 1% on hew buildings. Not a single mem. of the Government intimated in the 'slightest degree that they proposed to make an expenditure. 'On the contrary, the , through its official agent, Mr. Patullo who was recognized throughout the having charge of the election, to believe that ndfuxpenditure emplated. He a gross breach of faith The Speaker took the chair at 3 p.m. whon h.petition: was present- ed from thie Connty Council of Bruce prayirg tor amendments to tho school law, Also a petition from the County Council of Middlesex praying 1hat License Inspectors' salaries be reduz. ed 49 pér cont. and that they give detailed statements of receipts and dishnraenrents, Also a petition from the Trustees of the Tigh School, Orillia, praying that thogrant to igh Schools may be increased Also a petition from the Trustees of the Iroquois High School for ad- ditional grants to. Jigh Schools. The House then adjourned at 3:20, having been twenty minutes. in session, Tuesday, Jannary 13, The Speaker took the choirat 3 pm, A host of petititiony came in for imecreased High School grants, = A petition fipm 8 S§ No 3 Digby, praying to have the school law brought back to what it was betore the late tinkering at least in the matter of collecting the school rates, There was a little cross firing between the Ministerial and Opposition sides of the House, but it was not of lung duration for the House only sat forty minutes and adjourned. . Falling: to Pieces. Our Tneal Legislatnres are begin» ning to fall to pieces from their own weight and it is not a day too soon. There was a time when these bodies were useful and desirable but they have fairly served their day and have now become -mnch more orna- mental than usefal and like all other trashy ornaments they are expensive toys. The Quebec Local Legisla- tare have already began to disband, commencing with the Legislative Council they will go on to the tail. The Reading room attached to the Legislative Council has just been closed for all time. to come. So mote it be. Bat what in creation has taken the rate payers of the Province of Ontario to induce them to allow Mowat & Co., to squander two or three millions of dollars of the peoples' money in'erecting legis: lative halls which wont be requiried for more than a couple or three years for the patience of the ratepayers will be exhausted by that time and thoy will either demand the wiping out the whole farce or reducing the number of representatives to ome fifth of what they now are and the present buildings will be good for twenty years after the Local Legis- lature has been wiped out. Three million dollars is rather a costly sop to give 'the retiring" (?) city of Toronto for favors received and to be received. Can nothing be done to choke the vultures off the provincial funds. As It Should Be. We are pleased to observe action being taken by several of our County Councils imseeking to let their voices be heard by way of pe. tition before our Legislature. It is not enough that councils either town ship qr county,glidealong in the old rut from year to year, do what ever thuir pedecessors have done and as near as possible as they did it. Ifa eouncil wishes to perform.all its duty much more is to be done than simply keeping up the old rutine. They especially the township councils, should regard themselyves'guardians of the rights and interests of the municipality and should be leaders and advisers for the general good and the medium through. which the electors make their wants known to the Legislature Dominion or Local. Wherever they perceive a wrong they should point it oat and take immediate action forts suppression and remotial; and" they should always be on the look ont for the wellbeing and protection of the people, and the people on _the other hand should be ver, ready and willing to countenance andsup- port every effort of the council theg.ant to secure the bogs their | he municipality, But if they hare not shyt {appoint as license inspector within/ the iniciality, or what remnnerstion fnght the funda raised from licenses wi within the municipaiity should go into the tiewsury of And surely no govern- ment will pretend to say that they know as well as the municipal cauncils do dine to be giver for the duties, I things are so and we believe that there is not a dozen sane men in any municipality who believe that they ave not ro, then it becomes the duty of every municipal council in the Pro~ vince at once to petition the Legislature praying for the necessary alterations in the! mode of working the law, most municipalities ; the municipalities would have the appointment of and couttol Lover their own inspectors and «x discretion in giving and witholding leenses; « the law would be more jiwtly administered 'and the provisions of the law would be mare strictly 'eareied ont hid they wre by the Present mode. And seeing that the electors of P every municipality 'give their councils full control of all the pnblic interests of the municipality and the direction and laving out of thousands of dollars, surely no Gov. ernment will have the impertince to assert that municipal councils cannot be intrnsted with the working of the license Act, -- Municipalities shonld demand this right find it will be to the peril of any government to refuse, one of the other, | he should live, not, ---- Municipal Councils." An Rowna, Canada is still roving along nt the even tenor of her way, a flowery - "pathway when compared to that of other lands; there is pence within her walls and prosperity within her homes she has got no palaces, and but few lands keep pace with her in the march of progress, The United States too have creat canse of thankfulness and no cause to envy any other land, European lands are very far from enjoying The eftect of, "Minterrnped peace socially, politically, or such changes would be to put three or fonr financially, they ave spending their last handred dollars annually into the treasury of dollars on powder and shot, their standing armies like locusts are eating them wp ; they are fairly worried with jealousy the ruler, is on the sick list and his chances are slim of ever again being of much service if Russia is bastening up her armaments, she don't care much about fighting now but she ixafraid she will be forced into it.-- Austria would like to attack her but dare Germany is jenlous of her and would Create A rumpus were it not that France would be apt to take a hand In, seck to res venge Sedan and try to get back a few mills ions of the cruel indemnity extorted from her by too severe Germany, WiLL LANDLORDS' BAILIFFS PLEASE Nore taE FoLLowING ?--A case in- volving the right of landlords' bailiffs torrell gnods by auction while they have no license as auctioncers was bronght before the police magis- trate of Ottawa on the 10th inst. It appears that ono Huckell had seized goods on a landlord's warrant and had afterwards sold them by | auction while "he, Huckell, held no' license as' suctionser. A p wrt named Brewer laid- an information" before the police magistrate of Ottawa against Huckell for selling without a license. The following is the result of the information: -- Orrawa, Jan. 10.--The police magis- trate gave a decision this morning in the test case of Brewer v. THnckell, involving the right of landlords' bailiffs tose goods seized by pnblic anction. The decision wag in favor of the plaintiff, the magistrate g've ing it as his opinion that landlords' hailiffs dia not have the right to sell by public anct- ion A fine of $10, the heaviest allowable, was vacorded with costs but the magistrate stated that, as the ease was a test one he would only require the costs to be paid, Bismark, the German That Soiree. As annonnced in our issue of last week ¥he |; "Tritain foo | 1adies in connection with the Presbyterian ly buyers at any previous fair] but neither the | Tho several next. throno" gives forthccming legislation, legislation of our municipal conncils is far from being unimportant, and the manner in which the municipal affairs are managed has an impor- tant influence on the conduct of the municipal councils thronghout the Province hold their first meeting of the year on Monday These moctings are heralded by no display ; no " speech from the indication of the sill t would like to have a brush with Russia if she could get a fair excnise for doing sh, -- Want and suffering prevail toa fearful ex- tent amongst the pesantry of Enrope and as a nalaral conseqnence much discontent and ill-feeling exist, and the time is not far dis. he tant when the wronged and oppressed one will no longer plead, they will then demand justice and if need be enforce their demand. The condition of India if not absolately alarming is very far from being satisfactory, Britain has a costly and hazardous task on her hands and noone can know how she soiree as it shonld be, inthe Town Hall, Port Perry, on the evening of Wednesday, 21st inst, and they extend a pressing and cordial invitation to all to come And take part in their really social entertainment, The ittee have made pl mngements for 'a grand intellectual feast after tea, First-class speaking and choice rousic go far to furnish an enjoyable intel. lectual' entertainment and the committee have made arrangements for lots of both, Amongst the speakers we may mention Revs. J. Abraham, of Whitby, J. Hastie, of Lindsay, J. A. Carmichael, of Columbus, E. Cockburn, of Uxbridge, and the resident are hurch are making preparations for Frinton of.active bnyersy Monthly Patrs. The Manchester Janundf Fair was held on Wednesday, 14th inst., and proved some- what lively, The roads wero specially good for driving stock and the day was not uncomfortable. Phe number of cattle on the ground was. not good and the quality of the stock below an average, There were no sheep offered and they did no seem to be | rought after, There was a perfect lost of Rood buyers on hand, in fact we hare sel- dom seen as many active business lookin number nov quality. of the cattle: was at all | equal to the occasion. If breeders want t> keep fairs in an active flonrshing condition they must put forth an effort to keep np na generous supply of good marketabla stock. Of conrse there was quite a number of cattle on hand and some of them pretty good but not at all in keeping with such an array of buyers as were present on this oncasion. Buyers and sellers conld not see each other at all in the matter of prices, but this was partly owing to the quality of the cattle and patly to the comparatively small number offered. as pnyers were not likely to secure numbers worth while driving, The number of prople present was un- ually large, there was a perfect rush in the village ; the accommodations of the Revere Honse were taxed to their utmost, The fair at Saintfield on the previons day ere; Sibter Mrs W MoO, For; '| Mrs G Jackson, Lady Assistant Steward. After the installations several appropriate addresses were delivered by lhe Master and other officers, --Con. Oash Sale.--8ee Posters and remember | the auction sale of choice Furniture for cash on Saturday, 17th inst, at]. W. Havie store, on the corner of Queen and Perry streets.--Mr, E. Major is auctioneer, The Perry, sale is at noon and 'don't you forget it." For preventing disease and improving the condition of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs use McGlashan's Horse and Cattle Spice--it will do it. Fer sale at the Port Perry Pharmacy. ------------ en Mz. Eprror--Dear Sir,--You will do me a great kindness by giving. place in your colimns to the folowing certificates ax a vindication of the character and veracity of myself and friends, as it has been currently reported that we have been guilty of abnsing and persocuting my sister Ellen. The facta of the case are, she is insane and we have done all in onr power to care for her and procure proper medical treatment in order to secure if possible her recovery a sane condition, MRS, W. QUACKENBUSH. This ir to certify that Mrs. Quackenbush never prohibited in any way either myself or my colleagne, Rev. W. J, West, as min- isters of the gospel, visiting her sister, Miss Qnigly, while at her place, I can further state that as far as I could jndge from ap. yas very good and i 'the number of cattle brought ont as for the sent, But here buyers and sellers fo "at very Tong range. The stock market except for very choice animals is weak and slow, ------ School Magazine. The first number of val. 1, of the new series of the Hamilton School Magazine is now before ns and in our opinion is just what is wanted by school men whether in- . g aswell for | p she was well cared for and kindly WELDON, Meth. Minister: Chngtop, "Dec 23, 3 #2 To 'ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN :--I hereby certify that I examined Miss Ellen Quigly, of Cannington, on the 17th inst., in refer- ence to her mental con dition, and most unhesitatingly pronounce her insane, R JONES, M.D. Port Perry, Der. 24,1879, This is to certify that on several occasions during the month ot November last, I ex- amined Ellen Qnigly of this place, and I do treated, spectors, teachers or students, all of Whom will find itto be to their interest to sab- scribe for the Magazine and carefully pernse every number as 'it comes to band month after month, The January number is brim- ful of interest and instruction--inatruction general 'business thronghout the municipality. If'our council meet- ings are properly conducted and the business managed in a business like manner, the ordinary meetings throughout the municipality will to ta certain extent at least follow the example both as to the management of the business and the condact of the meetings. Important appoint- ments are made at the first meeting, two auditors and an assessor. There will be few councils throughout the Province whore some increased action will not have to be taken with a view to diminishing the dog nuisance, a beiter means of making all pay for all the dogs they own or harbor. When parties come into possession of or harbor dogs any time after the. assessor has been round they ought to be obliged to enter snch dog or dogs and be jiable to a fine if they neglected to do so. Parties owning or harboring a dog over gix'months in any one year ought to pay the full year's tax, and it half a year or lesa they ought to pay a half year's tax. Onglaesday, 27th inst.; the sever: al counties councils meet for the despatch. of business. Tho first business will be 'the election of a head, and who may be the fortunate one isi yet only & rhatter of con- jecture and may very well be leit to the ballot, as the criterion is more the municipality than the man, there is no saying where the choice may reit. A serious effort will likely be made to induce*the Govern: ment to so amend the municipal law as to provide for only one represen- tative going to the county council from each municipality. An at. tempt will also be made to restore to municipalities the control of the liquor licenses as far at least as granting or withholding licenses, appointing inspectors, disposing of license funds for the benefit of the municipality, &c. Very likely action will be taken so as to confine the meetings ot county councils to one meeting in each year. Both county and township councils should soek to have the jurisdiction of our Division Courts greatly extended in every direction, making them ro that they can handle a $400 claim, and in fact supplant County Courts altogether. But perhaps the best way, the most econo- mical and most efficient would be te divide the Conuty into five districts for county re- presentative purposes and have one member elected from each of these districts to repre- sent said district at the County Council, The County Council would then consist of five members only, being only one represen. tative from 'of 'the five districts into The sald will eome ont of it. mow down victories worth ance of any people. The wish being feeler to find out regiment stationed in the soldier established occupied" Jands, on his back. such costly toys. facts, exorbitant, The largest Rink charges are low) and 3 children Toronto rink, lad, $750, in all 815 rink it would cost a under 16 years of and 20 per g ladies and $12.40. $3. diected towards the general weal. while we would not be willing » 0 g to right or au imp duced in public affairs. Tt is said by some voz populi voz dei, but J "aty should be diyided. The o tatives thos chosen. would hav, of hod $A " nt cnmtorons issued at Toront F 1d be a saving {0 the county | gr rq it costs $4. a 11200 a year, aod the legislation of! would be proved in every particular. wes pe it may there can must be made in our 1t may be that confining po from each municipality ils. surro ma Seat rtant on sh. tine i nota re [strict system or blotting armaments and military skill have enabled her successfully to invade these lands and their inhabitants like grass. hoppers ; but what then? they are conquor. ed but not subdued and to make the anything armies must be maintained on the spot and this could only be done at at a cost which wonld sap the exchequer of any conntry and gxhaust the taxpaying powers and forbear. some parties are again throwing out the of British Dominion, Canadians want with British or any other has no desire to go into the business of fighting and if the had so stupid a desire she has no one to [fight with, objection to a regiment or even a whole arnyy comifig if the they turn their swords into 'plow shares and go and till our un- but as soldiers we don't want a man of them ; payers have quii® enough to cag without each taxpayer having fo carry an idle'soldier Europeans seam to relish the luxnry and we make them perfecily welcoma to it all, Canadians have no desire for any Skating Rinks. That the skating rink is becoming an institution in Canada is too ob- vious for denial, and no one, we think, will be disappoinfed or regret that such is the case, for it would be difficult to conceive of a more inno cent,healthful and enjoyable exercise than that obtainable on the skating rink. No one appearstodeny these but some of the Brantonians appear to<consider that there is a possibility of paying too mich even for tho pleasures of the rink. take the following from the Brant- ford Expositor :-- "The following statement of facts may as- sist persons, who think the prices here are to make a fair comparison be- tween our rink and those elsewhere, here. It is 1,400 square feet larger than the swell Toronto one. Like it, it is lighted with ~ gas; has as many musical evenings, and in { all respects as well appoipt A family col tin of 8 er 15 yer 2%, tatives in place of | 4. curlers Yieket at Montreal. costs bh For Brantford Rink, alady's ticket §3 two children $4, twenty per cent be no doubt makes the whole cost $5.60. 1s time has como when 8 YEIY| yo game tickets would cost 81. gl : Pater familias in Port Perry 'and yundings muy take an im lesson from the above. wit comparing the prices chai Port Perry with : elsewhere for no better accomios - sched ot ministers, A good choir will take charge of the musical department.Amongst those who have kindly consented to take part we are in a position to give the names of Miss Bongard and Miss Cleghorn of Prince Albert, Miss McGillivray of Uxbridge, and Mrs. Swift (best known to the musical world as Miss Sibley). Mr, J. G. P. Rooks has kindly consented to assist, No one will willingly miss =o enjoyable a time, Lot them havea full house, they deserve it. (See posters.) Doubtless her superior overpowering A Rich Musical Treat, father to the thought - which is of great value to school inspectors, teachers and students and to all others taking an icterest and pleasure in educational { matters. This excellent periodical" supplies {a want much felt by both teachers and students but scarcely touched by any other periodical in the Dominion. The Hamilton School Magazine shold be on the table of every teacher and student in the land, Send one dollar tothe publisher and secure the Magusioe for 1881, ---- ot ---- n important announcement nex Most unhesitatingly pronounce her insane, and would further say that I have always seen her treated in the kindest manner by her friends. J.W. HART, M.D. Cannington, Dec, 30, 1879. BORN. 'At Gagetown, Mich, U. 8, on 'the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. George Masters of a son, MARRIED. On Dec. 1st, 1879, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev, R Allin, Mr. W- H, Stevens, B. A., Principal of the High School, St. Johns, P, Q., to Miss C., A Taylor, eldest aaughter of Daniel W, Taylor Esq, of Port Perry. At the C. M. Church, Seagrave, on the 14th inst, by the Rev. D. M. Billings, Mr. W. J. Hogg, ot Queensville, to Miss Fittie, t Issue. Mr. Bigelow's new adver will then appear. ee BARGAINS THAT ARE By --See Mr. Chistian' Ss new advertisement. in thiseissue. The people of Port T Perry and sur are indebted to the enterprize of the C, M. church for securing them an opportunity of hearing the Taxoy Brotaess, two vocalists who deservedly occupy important positions in the front ranks of the musical world ns solo and duet gingers, Wherever the Tandy Brothers have appeared whether in the United States or Canada. they have created a sensation amongst the lovers of first-class singing, and they have on every occasion how it wonld take if a soldiers should be What do amongst us? Canada We have no where they have sang fully sustained the high reputatation which preceded them, Wher- ever they have appeared the press is enthusi- astic and unanimous in their praiee, This community will doubtless show its appreciation of the rare abilities of the Brothers by giving them a fall hall," Dgn's miss the treat on Monday,ioth init, The Toronto Globe sayss--* The duetsof the Brothers were enthusiastically received.' The Torouto Mail says :--4It is to he hoped that they will sing again in Toronto at no distant day," the overburdened tax- Tue New Doctor's Armivar.--Dr, Ander son has arrived in town, taken possession of his office over Corrigan & Campbell's store and entered on the practice of his profession. He brings a capital record with him and is prepared to give parties requiring medical skill the benefidf his experience and prac- tice. His office is over the store of Corrigan & Campbell, Queen Street, Port Perry, tl ne Jnst to hand--12 dozen Thomas' Ecleetric Oil, at the Port Perry Pharmacy. A full supply of Dr. Ayer's popular medi, cines just received at the Port Perry Phar- macy. C. C. McGlashan, t holds a first position in the front, ranks forquality of goorls, Polen at sty ¥les, and moderation in prices. (See 8 Et --ee Agricultural. The annnal general 1 meeting of the Reach, Scugog and Port Perry Agricultural Socicty met at the town hall, Manchester, on Thursday, 8th inst, "the President in the chair, The mingtes of the last years annual meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary read his report of the fall show the number of members being 196, the total receipts were $486 05 which with a balance of 19.44 from 1878 makes a total of receipts $505.49. The the total number of.entries was 868, of which 188 were of the class horses; There. 69 entries of cattle and only 17 tof sep. There was 188 entries in ladies' work. On motion the Secretary's report was adopted, 1 The audifors submitted their report show ing a balance against the Society. On motion the report of the audi eldest dangl of the Rev. D. M. Billings, Seagrave, ABINEI PHOTOGR yo dozen at McKensie's C Ady quantity of Clean Marrowfat Eas FOOD Which cannot be excelled, T MADII.T.. WORTHINGTON'S OLD STAND. Port Perry, Jan.'T, 1880. UTICA AHEAD, 12% this opportunity of returning thanke to the many friends and. cna tomers who have: favored me with 'their patronage in the past, and would beg most respectfully to inform them that 1 have concluded to adopt the CASH SYSTEM In my business entirely, over the whole of my Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, &e. Very carefully and marked every articlo in the above departments at the Very Lowest Living Profll I have no hesitation in affirming that my prices will bear compariron with thedowest made by those who are continne Having gone The Markets. Osserver Orrice, Jan. 15, 1880. Fall Whear, .... $1 23 to $1 30 Spring Wheat, , 123to 125 045to 0 65 0 35to 035 055t0 060 700to BOO 460 to 480 025to 030 850 to 900 050to 145 450to 600 5175 012 Sheep Skins , Beef Pork . . Smoked Hams, 500 to 0 00 to 0 08 to 008 to 0 06 to 0 06 to 013 to 015 to 008 0 0R 006 008 01s 015 Cheese ,, Eggs . cyeene ss RUTTER, Pagkage or tub, Fo. 1 0D19to oO 017to 0 009te 0 017to 0 015t0 0 008to 0 was adopted, On motion of Mr, Taio the unpaid prem. iums of 1878 were cancelled On motion of 'the Secretary the uncalled for preminms "of the spring show of 1879 were cancelled, On motion of the Treasurer the President left the chair for a few minntes to al.ow members to pay their membership fee. The chairman resumed the chair and the election of officers was proceeded with and resulted as follows, President James Graham ; V, President 8 Netherton, Directors L. Burnett, A. C. Brown. T. Coates, P Christie, J. Dobron, A, Earchman, Wm "Haslam, J Laing and C. Sharrard. Auditors Malone and Baird, The meeting now adjerrned and the Board of Directors met and appointed S. H. Christian Treasurer and J. Christie Sec'y, On mation of Mr. Dobson it was resolved Eusoriox or Orricers --At the annual meeting of the Reach L. 0." District Lodge held in the orange Hall, Greenbank, on Tuesday, 13th inst., the following officers were duly elected for the current year: -- | Bro C Brown, DM; Bro H Foy, D D M We D Secretary ; Bro J McKee, D Chaplain; Bro J Dafoe, DD of C. The Ati "a meeting is appointed to be he", r in Ontario is the one ea. The Return of the Pg hile tariff lof Reach at the late The roeve and gent Tinst,, aial will Le held in the basement of the 'Biyterian Church which is also expecte § prove pleasant and interesting Tea wil] held at 6:30, After tea a pleas- nt off | 10 of addresses, music, readings, ora & given, Bue posters and do not fail 10 dpresent. A comfortablé and pamay be expected, vio --The first numbef of g\de for 1880 is now before tequired from us in way of 0) this excellent periodical, a household word not n those charged p onltivate or take pleasuse in of the 42 churches. Teron fy or? to gil Vegetable garden. To say r before us is superior to any respectable' debt, some may ew bad for 42 chusches, of over $7,626 to Fast living is not overnments, eccl : Fn their means and [re G Gibson, D Treasurer; Bro G Brown, | the last atu i would be saying a good | that the Society hold their spring show in the village of Manchester on the last Tues- day in April, On motion of Mr. Durnett the President was instrncted to finance for the balance now standing against the Society, On motion the board adjourned to meet I.°r2= ORANGE ASSOCTATION B.A. Annual Meeting ! The L, 0. County Annual Meeting of North Oviario, for the Election of Cfiicers and other important business connected with the Order will be held in tlie Orange [3 Hall, again at the Walker Houee, Pe were , by D. D. mi cir for the T ted to attend, PHADEN, Secretary. ¢ Office, /" Sunderland, Jan. 13, 1880. - JUNTY COUNCIL. Te Come of the Corporation of f the County of Ontario will in the Town of niin y at 2 o'clock ON esde', the 27th of January Instant. Ali'ac- to be spon during on: me the Clerk on or befo: ith i JOHN SHIER, County Clerk. g z ee <<: 2022 hot? £% BEE - 2 g of Old England held at their lodge fhe evening of Tues-- lowing officers were room, Port Perry, o day, 13th inst., the duly installed. nt; H Roberts, V. Pres.; Sa bri; ;BroC' E J Wheeler, Treas; J H 'of ; | fore the meeti Port Perry, Jan. 6, 1880 5 Hew fea to AK ; Sister Mrs G Moore. "Port " Porrys y, Jin, 12, 1880. Orta Pe Gor Cemetery Co, TEE ANNUAL M E ETING TOWN HALL, PORT PERRY, On the eveniug of Monday, loth Jan's, At half-past 7° o'clock, for the purpose of receiving the Treasurer's Report, aud Elects ing Officers for the current year, &c, is entitled to vote in the and on all questions to come bLe- ng. T..0. FORMAN, President. PORT PERRY, ON WEDNESD, at {pst the ho; Dam, Al thre R. S. WEBSTER, Co. Master, | 2 wil g vin a th the Jarious parcels mud dia lands. Every person owning a Tot in the above ; election. ally blowing and boasting that they are underselling everybody else in the trade. Call and get BARGAINS in Cottons, Tweeds, Flannels, Wincies, and Wincey Shirtings, My Teas are extra good value, and a large Stock of Raisins, Currants, &e. , Uheap, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Over Shoes in endless vasiety, having been bought before the advance in price, will be sold very low. 8&@F~ Highest market price allowed for Butter and Eggs, JACOB DAFOE. Utica, Dec, 24, 1879. ¥E IMPROVED 'i'ARM LANDS, MILL PROPERTY, &C., FOR SALE! Private Contract, The following Lands situated in the Townships of Reach and Uxbridge, are offered for Sale ut Low Prices for cash or upon short terms of payment. PARCEL 1. only 200 Acres, is com. posed of Lots Nos d 2, in the Sib con- Session, and the Fast Sis of Lots Nos. 1 and in the ith concession of Uxbrid ®, upon this I parcel there are an Urchwrd, a Aree rame sling Hous. ana commediods Cutbuits ngs; the lund is heurly all clen very desirable far hurd law 2.--C onialring ahout 200 Aeres, } compsed of parts of Lots Nos, 1, 2, and 3, th concession of Uxbridge, the greater por- tion of which is cleared. nD this parcel here Are large Have, Stable: an Bo unarlIAB, 46 4 Ha and ng, making it very vag es bh, ntly Fat-. on HCEL 8.--Consists ls ~eotit bg Per) win 2 on the Glen ower and Trish oo 1, i Embraces the North Nn Ce oe concession of RS --1Is com of Lot No 2 rd the bth eo sands are in the market divisfons ol elo 4 to suitthe times, A partienlars and information THE MANA Oneanio Ban, "and H. GORDON, or J. A. hy wr 7 pu Por Furies ply to Sth, 157. J. 0. KIRSTEN, Jan. 7, 1880, : Ir «

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