Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Jan 1880, p. 1

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Hoth Onfurig Obserue & A ou § PAMILY NEWSPAPER, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, vance ; if not $1 subscription and.no paper are paid. For each line, first insertion .. Subsequent insertions, per line .. @ards, under 6 lines, per annum .... . 5 00 dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- ed, will beat ou and charged according to the space they oc- cupy. ? without specific instructions, willbe inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for and others who advertise by the year or half-year. strictly + grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Cards, Ball Cards, solor, executed promptly and atlower rates chan any bills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them. = ' Queen and Perry Strects, by Mrs. Geo, Paxton. e). M..P.S.. L.R.C.P. Graduate of the University of Torouto, & eoucheur, vY Fraspital, London, Eng! + aby Oshawn, lo a BE. F J. A nlicitor, Saad by MAN T.. ENGLISH LL. B., Solicitor in 4 Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &e. Oshawa. ; ca--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Ofilee _ YOUNG SMITH, T.1 ., Barrister, - x. tornay-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, * "ransacts business with the Patent Office gary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared og Atay f the model of the Invention. Ly POLITICAL, AGRICUL: 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. BX BAIRD Eff ons TERMS. --$1 per annum, if paid in ad- -- LY will be charged. No taken for less than six months; discontinued until all arrears RATES OF ADVERTISING. $0 08 0 02 Lettars containing money, when ad- r risk Advertisements mensured by Nonpareil, Advertisements received For publication,' No A liberal discount allowed to Merchants pe These torms will in all cases be ey to Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- Books, Circulars, Business &e., of every style and her establishment in the County. Parties front a distance getting hand W. PARSONS, J. BAIRD. Brofeosional Savas, Physielan, Sur- HB, SANGSTER, M. I J. geon and Accoucheur. Coroner for the County of Ontario | PORT PERRY. OMece over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Officé hours from 9a, im. to12 m. | Residence, the davelling recently occupied p ANDERSON. M BR. MD,FTMS, adnate of the Uni vorsity of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburg, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. Oifice over Corrigan & Campbell's Store (office pied by the late Dr. Brathwaite), Poit R. WARE, Coronor for the County of Donnan Physiclan, Surgeon and Ac- OmMce, opposite the town hall. nd [nsolveney, Notary Public, &e. Ofllce--MeMitian's Block, Brock street; . W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan cery Notary Public, &e,, &o. office hours punctdally from 9am. to 5 p.m. Money ito Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. ¥. PATERSON, (late of B . Barrister an Attorney-at I gor in "hancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- * tie, &c., &c. Uffice over Brown & Currie's Store. Port Perry. ILLINGS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary J. Public, &e, . 25 A large amo per cent. £ ars A 8 POM rae Lis ns ps Denfist." Ottice over Corrigan & Camp bell's Sore, Pot Perry: All work 1 done in the very 4 latest and best style and warranted to give satisfaction. Por Perry, March 28, 1877. Port Persy. unt of money to loan at OC. N. VARS, T.. D. 8. es inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- est, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anasth- esia. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. 4 8 -- ee V Hanning & Lally, Y,, SURVEYORS, CIVIL EN- kL. cwesus. Dranghtsmen, Solicitors of atents. Office, Gould's Block, Uxbridge. ©. 6. HANNING, . 0. W, LALLY. ° Moxey to Loax --C. G. Hapning, Agent for the Freehold Loan & Savings Co. Uxbridge, March 28, 1879. IER NRT ENRY GRIST, PaTex SOLICITOR AND Daavenraay, Ottawa, Canada. and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade ks and Designs procured, Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents neces BATEMAN, ene none i ance of the value of Stock he may soon fi "of Victoria. TR oe Ye : Wt SPENCE, Coxrracror, B 2 -- : __ Business earvs. o ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $3,000.000 PORT PERRY BRANCH. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this Branch. Deposits of FiveDollars and npwards received and inter est allowed thereon, ; No notice of withdrawal required? A, A. ALLEN, x MANAGER, ~W. M. WILLOOX Wir & St i 3 7 LICENSED AUCTIONEER. y ETURNING my sincere thanks to my | A numerous friendsand patrons for their liberal patronage bestowed upon me As Auctioneer during the past eight years, 1 would now beg to offee 'my services to ail | who may hive Farm Stock, Implements, or uther property to sell by Auction anywhere in North Ontario, the township of Mariposa or Cartwright, | My long aud extensi practice as Auc- tioneer has enabled me te ¢ the value of Farm Stock. with an aceura to the County, and th it the Auctioneor is second is of import- not a good A mage than his fee in any ale, Bill stamps always on hand. Sale Bills arcanged and notes supplied free of churee., Days of Sale may be arranged at the snvift Office, where a Sale Register will 'm@Liberal, Ww. MW. Sept. 4, 1877. BE. MAJOR, - ICENSED AUCTIONE 2 wishing his servic "Qbserver" Ofhee, Port Per days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. can call -at the and arrange for WM. GORDON, Licoused Auetioncer, Valuator, Le, OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, I Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, ge= Parties entrusting their les to me may rely on the ntmost attention bring given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, JOENSED Auctioneer for the Township 4 of Brock, Thorah, NM & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, cte,, in the County Residenco--Cannington, Brock Orders left at this office, or at his residen will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made, R member-- WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer Vi. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioncer. WHE Undersigned having taken out a to attend to all sales entrusted to him -- Having had much experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imp! of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, &¢., os placing their sales in my hands may rely on getting all for the property that is possible to bring, All orders promptly attended t o, snle bills $ Opsexver Office, Pert Perry, will receive immediate and careful attention, Charges Moderate, WM, HEZZELWOOD, Raglan. Raglan, $04» ASO ~A Bl NTR ~~. The Subscriber in returning his siueo thanks for the very liberal patronage b stowed on him in the 'must would inform Lb public generally that Ifying bought a pro- perty and moved into thé*{jllage of Prince Albert, he will in future attention to bis business as Con now ready to undertake Stone Laying, Plastering, and ever) therewith, which he will exceuteon th est notiee and in the best and most du style, and at the very lowest figure at Wik a good job can be done. The best materi and first-class workmanship, BE if WM. SPENCE, Prince Albert, Aprilb, 1875. OHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHIP CLERK, Commissioner &c. Office--Manchester. * O. FORMAN, . ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses. Port Perry, New in (With power to : Sno OFFICE, TORO} nsurances Shoe at tl on | d aoe inet los or INO. & D. J. ADAMS INO. & I Dal INO. & D. J. ADAMS, BROKER, | pro: ER. All parties | License as Auctioneer is now prepared « ) « notes turnishdd free of : made out and sale notes turnishéd Gl' Tor Westaow CANADA LOAN 4p charge. : : H 3 1 ¢ th Savings Coxpany, partic BRviny rders Parties leaving their orders at Ihe gpa, q100 been instructed to invest a vILDER, 86 e his whole suer of Marridge Licenses--Conveyancer, and Ch! thereby supports Home Insurance Compt: i have now an opiartunity of doing so, either |" One door west of the Walker House rriage Act. Increase to $1,000,000.) Money, Laud & Insurance BROKERS, PORT PERRY, AVE large sums of honey on hand for Investment, Mortgages Furchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale or to Rent. : AGENTS FOR THE Tad] d Of Steamships. JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan. 23, 187 JAMESLUND, 14ONET, LAND & INSURANCE YON ANCER, Commission ) Ailidavits in Court of Queen M( \ NEY 10 LC 1 any Manner suit borrowers Bought, accounts, Notes, &e., Coll pr tances made: mpt remit il, nort- + or {7 ) . Loans mde per In rst an Roy pabliel | If the title is perfect the money will be { paid here in two weeks after ninking applica ition. i JAMES LUND, Rroker, &e., fe nnd Has 5 Uxbridge 1 Parrish's Block, Cor, B str », Uxbridge, May 17, 18577. MONEY TO LOAN. | The undersi; i to lend upon | { Unusually Low Rates of Interest ned has arm and mount of Money 'own Property, at | Loans can be repaid in any mavner to suit the borrower. ! roved Farms, and Wild ) several Ty sr ale. ol Investments made in Municipal Deben tures, Eank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to | «JAMES HOLDEN Broker, &e, ' Whithy, April 10, 1873. : oo 5 TICE TO FAR & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. | MEES ay to the owners in his h: la, pr: EY TO LOAN. YHE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from a 4 i one to twenty years. Jarge amount of Private Funds. | Inter st Eight per cent. No Commission. i Port Perry, May 20, 1878 MONKEY | [Private Funds,) approbation and patronage of the public, in the Village. and the general public will ' nd in THE Walker House, PORT PERRY. HE Subscriber having leased the above _L hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo- lations is equalled by few Hotels in the Province and surpassed by none out of the best cities. Commercial Travelers, the Traveling Public, Farmers and others doing business THE WALKER HOUSE allthat can be required in the matter of accommodation and moderation in charges. I'he Charges are No Higher at the Walker House than .at any other Hotel in Town. The Mouse is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Tables and Bar supphed with the choice ot the market and the utmost atten-- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL GUESTS. No better stable and shed accommodation in the Province, Attentive hostlers, W. HASLAM. Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1879. P ORT PERRY HOUSE, The urd ned having leased for a term of years this comfortable, pleasantly located convenience and comfort of guests to make the Port Perry Ho: se a desirable place of entertainment for the general public, Choice supj for the table and bar, The stable and yard carefully attended to. JOHN RUDDY. Port Perry, Dec 9, 1879. GFT HO C. DAWE The prog iL, Brock st., Whitby or will spare neither labor nor expense in securing the comfort of his guests, He invites all his old friends and the public generally to call and see him. ps 10 sT10 THE TIMES. ttached to the Hotel, {(|CMMERCIAL BOTEL, J The subscriber "having sncceeded Mr, Dowart in the Comm Hotel, Willinms- burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up with a view to the comfort and convenience of {guests |" he supplies for the table and bar cate- | fully selected. PET Cartwright, March 4, 1879, "R HOLT. I ) EVERE HOUSE, v MANCHESTER, By GIO. HOUCK. be endeavor to it will be my bation and patron: Manchester, Oct. ¢ of the public. 0" . WHITBY, T. MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. will please feel at home. Whitby, Nov. 9th, 1876. Q UEENS HOTEL, Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Oxr. D. CAMPBELL, ProprisTor travelers g45™ First" class Sample Rooms. attached, Cannington, Oct, 20, 1875. mv =sod Fars, at 8 per "ONTARIO | nsuance Co's Company is now fully pre d togaccept risks on FAN ou q1dings {and Ye, Sa aguntry Sch ous, . Those Wishing to in an | by applying to tix Head Office, of to any of 'the local Agents dthe Company. Our rates '| will be found as lovas those of any respens sible Mutual Insurake Company in Canada, Head Offico--Ophsite the R Bran tt Whig © Royal Hotel : C. NOURSE, "Secretary. W. H. BROWNE, Genial Agent. z C. M°'KENYIE, cent in- guests, SY Prince Albert, TR 7 . fp v5 Sry oS > ES ue > <7 A SeLe-ANERIoAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. jre premises even t kod with th . Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the b Taving leased the above excellent Hotel conduct it in every particular so as to. merit the appro- The public well carid for, and all Guests This Hotel is now furnished in the best style, and offers every accommodation to! jug Livery 43 PROPRIETOR. sed the above pleasantly ve thoroughly repaired been furnished The Old Bachelor Mr. Bobbles was delighted at Mrs Wigley's reply. Ho thought her a remarkably intelligent woman, and he resolved to raise her wages im- mediately, but prudence stepped in and Mr. Bobbl®s determined to pat Off doing so for a short time, After ordering some chops to be cooked for his dinner, Mc. Bobbles dressed himself with great care and went out, called on his tailor, and ordered anew blue coat, As Mr, Bobbles was never known towear any other color" but black the order so surprised his tailor that he could hardly enter it for agita- Mr. Julius Bobbles is an inde- pendent gentleman. In his youth, he entered a large commission house as errand boy. By industry, and a certain amount of cuntiing, he raised himself, step by step, to the positon of confiden- | tial clerk, ' During his clerkship, he managed by several little successful specalu- tions, to amass a fortune, and after thirty-five years' hard service, he retired. Ho was fat, forty-seven yoars of age, and had a bald place on the top you said blue ?' ¢ Yos, Mr. Snipem, I said blue, and I bave said'so four times. I suppose there nothing so very extraordinary in a gentleman order. img a blowout hair over it. He wore no beard or moustach, and during the latter part of his bus. iness career, ho caused tho discharge is of no less than seventeen clerks who insisted npon wearing mounstaches, velievod by a white waistcoat and |" black, blue, yellow, red, or groen necleloth, : There is nota man that has ever geen a speck on the one ora wrinkle on the other. > Mr. Bobbles has been known to send a shirt back to the washer- woman five times, simply because there was a minute stain on the it, is it 2" asked Mr. Bobbles slightly irritated. Mr. Snipem gave an apologetic wave of the hand. Good morning. wristband. The mu ldiest day never caught {upper lip, consequent! Mr. Bobbles with a spot of mud on fortnight, it assumed his highly polished boots. ance of a cheap tooth brush. Mr. Bobbles missed the Plossuros Mr. Bobbles to add grace and was a pleasure, and became melan- choly. "known school for that purpose. One morning as was taking his solitary breakfast, he looked sound his room and heaved a deep sigh., Julius," he bogan, mentally addressing himself, " you ought to got married --you wunt somebody t1 look over your linen, and see that your toast is properly done; for the last three mornings Mis. Wigley {has burned it. You canu afford it. Julius, and you are not ugly--no, snid Mr. Bobbles, looking at himself | "You are not ugly, Ab, you cunning place at Mr. Bobbel's school. friends. It was to be the grand affair o ment of five shillings. Me. Bobbles had made great pro gress in tho art of danging. in the glass, Julus far from it. dog, yon." And Mr. Bobbles playfully shook his finger at the reflection of him- self. What will people say at your marrying, Julius ? Pooh! dont care | what they say, Jilson got married | the other day, and be's ten years 'ment of each set. The evening of the ball came a ast. arrayed in a bine» dress coat, wit while satin facings, a fancy waist coat with a gold vine running abou all over it, a fancy shirt so fanciful that it would bewildé endeavored and paten older than I am, and not halt so rich. Pity you have not mixed more in society, Julius, for I really don't know who to choose. Poor Fanny, Bobbles, while a tear stole into his eye. 'I had no idea, when we parted, that I loved you so much. Why was not I richer? Oh, non- sense ? I was only five-and-twenty then," and Mr. Bobbles threw a pioce of toast at a fly, that was it to commit suicide in a milk any who person find out the patern, leather boots that excezdingly, but he bore it like martyr,and white kid gloves. The master of ceremonies intro duced Mr. Bobbles to a Mrs. Glee son. sighed R asked Mr. Bobbles. Mr. Bobbles was one of those men who have not the moral courage to marry on two hundred a year. - Poor fool | he broke a poor girl's heart, and is a fussy old bachelor himself, in consequence. ¢« Yes, I certainly ought to marry,' thought Mr. Bobbles. *Natare in- tended man to marry. Dear me how shabby my coat is getting. I must got a new one. Yes I'll have and Mr. Bobbles departed. but she was exceedingly pretty. laugu--she had such a charmir fellow immediately. Mur. Gleeson, and he was so charmed th he took her into supper. 0 e The tbe anda N dR ~niment ! E. ARMSTRONG, FRUrn... Tee QUEEN 'S HOTEL, WHITBY, ONT, Every accommodati ' y patie on for tha ti Re-appointed Issuer i | Maxrria | Under the New Act. Office; | 1st con Brock. 3 Brock, Aug. 5,1874; 83 ik eo Licenses. [Ather lot 10, in the -_ 1 Oct' S20 [Nov SHEER [Deo SEE BD oa | Sept * 'Thirty-five | Oh, W ley,' said Mr. Bobblee po with quite 80 young as that--lat i 1 Wig thirty-eight last , More likely forty-eight,' tho ably well,' la blue one for a change. think They got remarkably con denti over supper. a bachelor, and they both lnughe Gleeson's. y Take care--take care! tiere it goes. a Tal Amc, atbanlr T kvow not, 1f I knew iy Boots hadn't entered he you've lust your heart, away the breakfast 2 Wien the ball was over Mr : . obbles hired a carriy : Soars Yes. Wigley," said Mr. Mis. Gleeson to her home, 1 5 oti , Good morning to you, I He took her hand at parti wi to sk you a question; I had giving it a gentle squeeze, sai ispate with a friend of mine last * You will allow Me evening, about my own age, How FOU tn mortow J Fy igh me Mrs. Wigley - room to clear things, and to callupon And Bobbles won* extraordinary state of ----. . Mr. Bobbles called on Mrs, - following day, with a ng was made happy immense gatisfa : but she said aloud-- you bear yonr age remark- {his way fo Hite, on heres Mr Bobbles was very partienlar ¢Oh, dear, no, sir, said Mr, about his dress. He always wore Snipem, rubbing his bands. > A i black, the sombrepess of which was| Well, than, it I like to wear a coat, it's nothing to you if I pay for «Well, then, send 'it home this week and don't disappoint me.-- Mr. Bobbles left off shaving his y in abBut ad the appeur- Pehould have a quict little supper at Mrs, of business, for business to hi | dignity to his carriage, determined to learn dancing, and joined a well A grand ball was about to take All the pupils were invited and they had invited a number of their the season and the friends of any pupil conld be invited by the pay- Ho could dance a polka and a schotische, and could go through a| Mr. Bobbles almost chocked himself with ' which have tiny a mouse holding a diamond, quadrille very creditably by being told what to do atthe commence Mr, Bobbles was gorgeously front, to hurt his corns, ¢ Will you allow me the pleasure of your hand for the next polka?! «I shall be happy,' said Mrs. Glee son, as she booked the engagement She had a finely formed face. and such lovely hair and eyes, while her Bobbles danced with Mrs. | Ab, that winning laugh of Mrs. ob fi) other ke. % And grace wing Bobbles had made her a number of presents, from a silver thimble to w gold watch. and from a reel of cotton to a Cashmere shawl, She smiled upon him and he was remarably happy. 1 One day Bobbles called upon her --he had his moustache very caro: fully died for tho ocoasion--and found her reclining on tho sofa, reading the last new novel. Bobbles sat down beside her took her delicate little hand in his, and said-- 2 "Julia, I love you: You are the only woman of his head, which he endeavored to | Lion. J = conceal by carefully brushing his «If I understand you aright, sir,| And Mr. Bobbles dropped one knee and placed one hand on his heart. ¢ Oh; Mr. DBobbles, this is so sudden,' said Mrs. Gleeson, simper- ing. «Oh, Julia, say that you love me; please do,' continued Mr Bobbles. ¢Pray rise, Mr. Bobbles. Ifany one should come in,' said Mrs. Glee be at all likely to come in. said Bubbles passionately. and make him happy.' an early date. to be tied, Bobbles arranged (leeson's apartments. nice little supper it was too, with one two bottles of choice wine to wash it down The supper was on the table,"and Mr. ing for the appearance of Mrs. Gleeson, who bad just retired to her room ment. f have made a mistake.' «1 think not,' replied the mon, ¢ Wha pair of ducks. | menced to devour them, { anger, t touching it." ¢ Mis. Gleeson won't mind my havin some,' said the man ; ¢ for I'm hungry.' Mr. Bubbles looked as it he would like t h t but he was about a size too big so he re frained, Mrs. Gleeson entered the room, r t «Yes, who am 17" suid the man, a Mrs. Gleeson gave a startling scream, an exclaimed -- + My husband I" «Your husband?' almost Bobbles. * Why, ain't your husband aead had fainted. and I think you had better go while you! afe,' his hat and wade for home. long before she knew her own wind. 8 a widow When Mr. marry him if possible. al | unexpected return of her husband, Mr, BoUbles has discarded blue coats ar She told Mr Bobbles she was a! poustaches, and has gone back to his old- widow Mr. Bobbles told her he was | fashioned black coat and white waist-coats d. | and is still a bachelor, 2 A -- 'Amazing Grace.'--The following a, voched for by one of the most relinvle Phil ia devines : A young clergyman have sed to supply the pulpit of an older to church Nat Gc the daughter 5 pe am f the pastor, n be iy in her father's RQ ded 1 ba > unconscious tha this rd : tire young lady wag ins excite lively jmq 5 pa * Port Perry, July Ist 4, old would you tak ' efforts in' 4 dil y ? 97 3 PROPRIETOR. \ .| Now, -- me to be r ask. i 3 Sore to say no, what omen "uppress laughter, £2 ong country, whic BY SR AnLES having been re- Spee \ Yoyo on M oy gley had had an No rs Gleason playfully. SH ia the wlifiuous ppp. o1 | VIE Added ton po! arriage * License ; 2 r. : > : m ; {after si Eieen yours duty) continues to fur. Mh ad tana Livorys nipped = OF DIVISION COUY hy bles for some time wrote oy J Seonia be the chosen epics of that Tock, te Indian collection wil License yeuait ; 8! ha a ab 4 : . " : a . H icenses as heretofore. Petry, | 8 De bo rarnish first ols > ki Yor THE 'If I flavter him he may propose,' ' Flatterer I' Yorls dnsing Grnceyang ining wih the oh Foceret 3 9 ' x thought 3 8, 'No fl 3 8 with |. the histor, L 1 Vv E R Y R | 3 Coun ty of O ore . Wigley, whose | uth. attery only the + dition of British Qoly, ] ¢ : : 98x and dry a RANUE on Moderate Horm. " ~ ¥or thé year, night Wore that herigitial ar 2 'Well then you may, INCORPORATED 1851, | port Perry, Aug. 6, 1878 oe RENe! \ i8Yy Shanged front "W. to" iy igh. Through many Maer, fy ay 7 : -- 5 : ; . i 3 : ' or ; CAPITAL J five, I shonld gay, sips ood night. grace lng brought Te lead me he fo thug far, | WH uation was too much for him_ make me wappy: Will gR shiny son konwing that no one would ¢I will not till you answer me,' 'On, Julia, take your Julius to your heart Julia took her Julius to her heart, and then fixed the wedding day at 'About a week before the nuptial knot wag that they Mr. Bobbles provided the supper, a very or Bobbles who bad taken his seat, was wait= | to arrange her Mr. Bobbles was petrified with astonisha | yo ¢ I beg your pardon? said Bobbles, is soon ' opin, I'm fond of ducks,' and go saying, he com- | A ek | While experimenting on gold braceletd" «Sir, said Mr. Bobbles, rising in great turning gold to any disired cologr., wrath, {that supper is mine, sir, mine, sir, succeeded in producing "un perfect mouse prepared expressly for Mrs, Gleeson and colour--through an accident he discovered myself; so you will oblige me, sir, by not that achemical action wonld impart variegat- Julia,' asked Bobbles, 'who is that man 7! shricked M# But Mrs, Gleeson didn't answer for she + This woinan is my wife,' said the man, | Mr. Bobbles didn't answer him, but took It was too true, the man was Ms, Glee- Mrs. Gleeson was not handsome | son's husband, He was a wild, dissipated fellow; and had married her when she was quite a girl, and | He had gone abroad, and she not hearing anything of him for ten years, concluded little laugh, that it captivated al. pe was dead, and gave out that she was Bobbles (came, she thought at | him an excellent catch and determined to But she was prevented by the sudden and A Muing edito ting in church last sunday, and contemporary think the novelty of the Land-steward to tenant-farmer-- Giles, what are you going to sow" in -here Farmer-- Aint ' zactly made vp my sir; but if we could put in a few stewar and landagents--they seem to thrive best the and nowdays." A very old lady, on her death bed, in penitential tiood, sid : ¢ I was a greatwsin. ner more than cighty years and didn't know it." An old woman who had lived with her a long time exclaimed ; " Lors | 1 knowed it all the time, A Rochester pastor, a widower, proposed to 4 ydiing lady a shorttime sinve, but was rejected. Hindueiings id Mie seeond sewers' fest yesterday, when a widow neighbor sent him the following text to preach from :--= « Youask and received not, because you ask a miss"--Jamesiv,, 3, Horace Greoiy--he used to tell the story himself--onze sent a claim to a westerfi attorney for collection ; the attorney to keep half the amount for his fee, After a- while Mr. Greely received the following note from the lawyer: " Dear Sir, I have succeeded in collecting my half of the cluim, The bal ance is hopeless." A new parody on one of Whittier's popu lar poetcs reads ; Mand Muller on a wint- er's day went out upon the ice to play ; Bed neath her Derby gleamed her locks Of red banged hair, and her crimson sock It may Le all right ; but a young ludy 't generally carry her crimson socks in her Derby hat when she gods skating, At least we never saw them there, A Grayton, N. J., ram has during the | summer pasted with some calves in an | apple orchard adjoinitig the residence. everal trees in the orchard well | There were | loaded with early fruit. The trees were about six inches in diameter. One evening Mr, Ciark deralle noise in tie + orchard, and upon inves igation found the ! sheep and ea'ves quietly eating apples under minutes the heard con {one of the trees, In a fow apples were eatten; when to his susprise, he heep back off several yards from saw the hair, when a wi croc p } it wi , when a man, with a ferocious beard and |g, (ree and then butt it with all his 'force, moustache, entered the room and sat down. | bringing down a quantity of fruit, This roceedud to eat as before, and wher | the supply gave out the sheep replenished it This was continued at intervals as he could use Kis tongue; 'I think you pi) peirappetite was nppeas.d.So persistent - { was the sheep in his novel mode of trees bt ehaking that Mr Clark was obliged to pros bave you got here ?' he asked, uncovering a i ior Fou x . » UNCOVENINE & ¢.0t the trees, lest the continual@rnising of ¢ Ducks, as I am a sinner.-- the bark should cauge permanent injury, a New York artizan discovered a method of He | ed hues, and now gold emblems, in all the Au- | tumn leaves are turned ont in gold with the o exact splendour of nature, and gold birds g harmonies of colour, are produced have pitched the fellow out of the window have their feathers tinted in natural colors, One of the hottest regions on the earth is along the Persian Gulf, where little or no rain falls. At Balirin the arid shore has no | fresh water, yet a comparatively large pops dq | ulation contrive to live there, thanks to the | copious springs which break forth from | the bottom of the sca. The fresh water ia |got by diving 'The diver, sitting in his boat, winds a great gontskin bag around his left arm, the hand geasping.its mouth § then takes ic his right hand a heapy stone, which is attached a strong red thus equipped, he plunges in and | reaches the bottom, Instantly openly ver the strong jet of fresh wat springs up. the ascending current; ut same time closing the bag, and is h/%§ 7 | to the d r taking Lreath, plunge: The sour f the copious submarine, is though to be in the green hills some 500 or 600 miles di al The Victoria, B. C., Standa (Deo 3 says that a gentleman has for «11 the Dakota a large and magnificent ion Indian relics, etc, many of theM' munch ethnological value. Among the curl osities are a great variety of stone carvings, stonw implements, and weapons of war, mang of which have been exhnmed in the country ed by id convey abundant information as to the pres historic condition of these uumerous and, at one time very powerful northern tribes. It is designed, we believe, to found a Domin- ion and National Museum, containing specie mens of all the mineral and other resources of the various Provinces forming the Con. federation. A collection of this kind will, therefore, form one of the most useful and instructive exhibitions at the Capital, aad, o doubt, will tend more to bring the resours gp is IIH = | ces ana aboard. The stone is then hanled Dollar of the Hydahs, and the Tsimpsheans. They tive powers of the different . nce than any other ] Large ship= 1

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