Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Nov 1879, p. 1

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v nist IO AND GENERAL ADVERTISER _--_-- nimi Ru OL. XXII, NO 50.{ PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, N Worth Ontarig Obseruer. WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICUL RAL & FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, ml BY BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid ia ad- vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than six months; and no paper discontinued until all arrcars are paid, 4 RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ........ $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line .. 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum ..... 5 00 Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- ed, will be at our risk ; Advertisements measured by Nonpareil, 'and charged according to the space 'they oc-- cupy. : Advertisements received for publication, without specific instractions, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. No advertisement will be taken ont untilpaid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year, g&@™ They terms will in all cases be strictly e dito Job Department. Pamp'ilets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, ('hecks, Books, Cirenlars, Business Cards. Ball Cards, &c., of every style and solor, vxcented promptly and at lower rates shan any other sstablishment in the County, [5 Parties from a distance g "tting hand bills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them. J. BAIRD. #1. PARSONS. ANGSTER, M. D., Physician, Sur ind Acconchoenr. OfMce over No Queen and Perr Teasidones, the by Mrs. tied, Pax DS; WARE i ntario, conechenr, OMee, opporite the Coron 10) lan, . Attorna Safleitor, 10] N curtail by 3, I, ¢ F YUAN I Soleitorin 4 Chaneer y or, ec. co ce gam. tod pm t 8 per gent on all finds of zoo Oli Povi Per NGS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary TN Port Perry. amount of money toloan at 8 a= A large per cont. Give over Camp- done in fatost and best sty satisfaction, PortPuorr 3. MN. VA SEYEETH inserted on ull the latest prin ples of the art, nad as cheap as the ch st, and as good as the best. with Gold and Silver. without pain by producing local' aniesth- esin, Dontical Rooms--in Cowan's new Block, ovr Atkinson's Drug Store, King treet, Oshawa, snp- Tecth filled th extracted PD Patents + GINEEKS. Office, Gul' Block, Usbridie £ G HANNING C. W LALLY Moxsy 10 Loax =C G. Hanning Agent for the Frochoid Loan & Sivings Co, Uxbridge, March 26, 1879. imi iene et ENRY GRISE, Pores * SOLICITOR AND H Diavanrman, Ottawa, Canada Pransacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government Copyrizhts and the Registration of Trade Marks and Dosigns procured. Drawings, Specifications, aud other Documents neces mary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared in receipt of the model of the Invention. « PD. BATEMAN, fn we Veterinary Surgeon, FORT PERRY. CALLS ly day or night promptly nded to Orders by mail or 3 » attended to without delay. PR rect, directly south of D BATEMAN. mmr 33 URN HA ) Third Divi- ve Wiies 1h Bigelow's Block, Business Cards. ONTARIO "BANK. CAPI AL $3,000.000 PORT PERRY BRANCH. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this Branch, Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter= est allowed thereon, No notice of withdrawal required. A.A. ALLEN, Fd C. DAWES, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THB COUNTY OF ONTARID, ---- AND {aipoza ownship of Charges to suit the Times. C. DAWES. Port Perry, Feb 12, 1879. on 1D AUCTIONEER my sincere thanks tom ds and patrons for t liberal patronage bestowed upon we as Auctioneer during the past eight years, 1 would now beg to offer my servi who may have other property to sell by Auction anywhe in North Outarid, the township of Mariposa or Cartwright { y lonz and extensive practice as Auc- ue of DUINErons tioneer has enabled me to jade the Faim: Stock with an accnrac second to pone in the County, and this is of import- ance as it the Auctionecr is not a good judge of the value of Sto lose far more than his fee in any sale, Bill stamps a on hand, ; 1 and notes sapplied he may soon Days of yp' bo 1 ut the Op.gnver OF 3 ister will Tp WoL W. MAJOR, R. All partics can call at the Port Perry, and arrange for Port Perry, Jin 10, 1879, WM. GORDON, Auctioneer, Licensed Valuxtor, &e. ; TOR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, H "Scott, Thorali, Runa, Mar, Mariposa and Eldon, aT Parties entrusting their to me muy rely on the utmost attention being given to thivir interests. | WM. GORDON, Bunderiand, TH. WALSH 4D Aitetionect for th ; Mara & Rai the Coithty i, I one to twenty inship ni in Orders left af this I will be panctnall lected in Canniv or otherw prompt remittances made. Remember-- WALSHE, the North Ontario Anction- cer. vv HEZZELWOOD, Tizensed Auctioneer. | 0 nded to. THE Uv taken out a Licens s now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted to him -- Having had much experience in handling Real Bstate, Live Stock such as He y Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple- | ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, &c., purtivs placing their sales in my hands may rely on getting ull tor the property thatis | ossible to bring. o All orders promptly attended to, sale bills made out and sale notes turnished free of charge Parties leaving their orders at the Opserver Office, Pert Perry, will receive immediate and careful attention, Charges Moderate, WM. HEZZELWOOD, Raglan. of Raglan, Sept 10,1878. WH SPENCE, CoxrRACTOR, Buber, &c. The Subscriber In returning his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage be- stowed on him in the past would inform the public generally that having bought a pro; perty and moved into the Village of Prince Albert, he will In future give his whole attention to his business as Contractor, and is now ready to undertake Stone Work, Brick- Laying, Plastering, and everything counecte therewith, which he will execute on the short- est notice and in the best and most durable style, and at the very 1owest figure at which a good job can be plone, i st material class workmanship. and first-class boat. SPENCE. Prince Albert, April5, 1575. OHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHIP CLERK, suer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, Commissioner &c. Office~Manchester. T ©. FORMAN, . 18SUER OF Marriage Licenses. " One door west of the Walker House PortPerry, BOARD. J am---- OUR 'or five young men can be accom- "modated with Board, two doors north of the M, E. Church, Port Perry. ; : + MBS. W. LEE. { ¢ INVEYANCER, Commissioner for taking INO. & D. J. ADAMS, Money, Laud & Insurance BROKERS, PORT PERRY, AVE large sums of money on hand for Investment, : Mortgages Uurchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale or to Rent. AGENTS FOR THE Of Steamships. JOHN & DAVID J. ADANS, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan, 23, 18790, JAMESLUND,| 1ONEY, LAND & INSURANCI BROKER, in Court of Queen's Bench, &e. TO LOAN rowers, Mor , &e., Collected Aftldavii MONEY In any manner to Suit he Be 1 N @ party he money Ont corm owed \ ean get it ith, nl ns Ives int m, whether t wuon inter exact of | the est | he | cost wil i am wy st ibly be no | i he | = title is perfeet the money will in two weeks after making applies tion. | Uxhri MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned Las any amonnt of M ud upon Fann and Town Proj to Low es of Inte an be repaid in any manner to suit wer mproved Farms, and Wild | Deben Stoves, 1 MES HOLDEN, | Broker, &e. | Whitby, 2 I i v and most re IRISTIAN, MONEY r 6 HE Subseriber is prepared to lend money i on improved property for terms from | S s ; a srry Canapa Loan asp | a mt for 5 Company, instructed to invest large amount of Private Funds, | Inter st Eight per cent. No Commission, | N F. PATERSON, Post Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor CLEMENT DAWES GiN F AS Money to Loa - any manher to suit borrow gages bought at lowest rates, Accounts) Notes, &c, collected on reasonable Com. mission. Apply personally, or by letter to C DAWES, Auctioneer, &c., Port Perry, , 1818. He has also been 1 on {farm security in) Mort. MONEY [Private Funds,] "I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest, March LYMAN ENGLISIT, BarnrisTER, &0., Oshawa November 21, 1866. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1851. CAPITAL . $200000. (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) - HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Insurances effected at the lowest cairent rates on Buildings, Merchailise, and other property, against loss or damage by fire. JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Ageuts, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan 22, 1870. THE ONTARIO Farmers' Mutual Ins. a (uy, ' Head Office, Whitby; This Company is now fully organized and is repared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head OfMce--Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock St., Whitby. ~ C. NOURSE, Sceretary. also, fist ela m 2tol,e owl | A MSTRONG HOUSE, Hotels. it in every particular go as to merit the HE Subscriber having leased the above approbation and patronage of the public, PORT PERRY T hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extentoor quality of accommo- dations is equalled by few Hotels in the Province and surpassed by none out of the best cities Commercial Travelers, in the Village and the general public will find in THE WALKER HOUSE all that can ion and d fhe Charges are No Higher at the Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Tables and Bar supplied with the rket and the utmost atten-- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of choice of the n ALL GUESTS. An abundance of comfortable Shed accommodation, and attentive ostlers, W. B. McGAW. Port Perry, April 20, 1876. port PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY. MPSON, JAS. V, The above House is now ably furnished, and Gue the Home Style. 5s are cared for in Good Liquors and Cigars Stabling and good Ostler + heen made which makes this and best House in this section of Fare $1.00 per Day, { {OMMERCIAL ROTEL, The subscriber having zncceeded Mr, Dewart in the Comme I Hotel, Willinms- burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up with a view to the comfort and convenience pf guests The supplies for the table and bar care- fully selected, PETER HOLT. Cartwright, March 4, 1879, EVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER. 20. HOUCK. > excellent Hotel aver to conduct it in to weit the appro- n. of th iblic, uchester, Oct, 6,1 DY" T. MASON, evi had ARLIO MOTEL, WHITBY, PROPRIETOR. The public well cared for, and all Guests will please feel at heme. ULE S HO iy Oo Cower of C and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Ost. D. CAMPBELL, ron Prornieron This Hotel is now furnished in the best style, and offers every accommodation tc travelers $5" First class Sample Rooms. attached, nzton, Oct, 2 Livery Can N £ L PRINCE W. H. PARK, ALBERT. PROPRIETOR Having purchased the above pl situated Hotel, 1 have thoro and renovated the enti the Sheds. The Hotel n furnished in First-Class » and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort o guests The 'tabie and bar well supplied, W. H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875 (LATE ALBION) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. Tho Only First Class House in Town. » ENSON HOUSE, Street, Lindray. ate Jewett House, Ken Board, $1 50 per day. E. BENSON, Proprietor. ? the Traveling Public, Farmers and others doing business be required in the matter of tion in charges. table and PROPRIETOR. most comtort- OV. 27, 1879. { WHOLE NO. MARK TWAIN ON BABIES, A NEW-FASHIONED TOAST. Ata banquet given to Grant*in Chicago on Thursday night by the Army of the Tennessee, Mark Twain was called upon to respond to the toast of "The Babies; as they comfort us iu or sorrows let us not forget them in our festivities." Mr. Clemens said: Tlike that, Wo have not all the good fortune to be ladies. We bave notall been Generals, or poets, or statesmen, but when the | toast works down to the babies we stand on common ground (laughter), for we Lave ali been babies. (Re- newed ltis a shame that, thousand years, the world's banquets have utterly ignor ed the buby (laughter), as if he laughter.) for a didn't amouny to anything.-- | (Laughter) 1f you will stop and | amt think a minnte,--it you will go back fifty or one hundred years to your early married life (laughter) and recontemplate your first baby, vou will remember that he amount- ed to a greatueal, ani even some- (Roars.) You soldiers all know that when that little fellow thing over. urived at family headquarters you had to hand in your resignation.-- (Laughter) Me mand. You became his lackey --his vant (and yon had to } (Renew - pr) He wus not took entire com- mere bodys cand od aro too, laught one form of machinery in his man- unl of that the! louble quick. (Shouts) Ile treated tactics and wus (Laugh er). renowned astronomer is blinki the milky way with but liquid and dis the bravest of you didn't dare to say a (Great langhter.) You could the death vou with every insolenc respect -- (laughter) -- und word, nee storm of Donelson and Vicksburg, and give back blow but puli- ed your whiskers, and clawed your tor blow, when he hair, and twisted your nose, you had < (Roms) Whaen the wae were sounding ig to thunders of vour ears, you set your fuces to the batteries with steady the whoop--you advadeed in the other { the ¢hiance,too, (Renewed laughter). | When he called for soothing syrup, did you venture to throw ont any re- and vanced but. ward y ad tread, when he tarned on terrors of his war- litection, and were mighty glad o marks about certain services being unbecoming of an officer entleman ? and a | a (Boisterous laughter.) No. You got up and got it. (Great laughter.) When he ordered his pap bottle and it was not warm did you talk back ? (Laughter) Not 3 (Renewed laughter.) You went to work and [Shouts.] far in your menial offico as to take | a uel at that warm insipid stuff-- [laughter] --just to see if it was right,--three parts water to milk -- [tumultuous laughter] --a touch of sugar to molity tho colic--- cou, warmed it. - You even descended so i f one [laughter Lind a drop of pepperimnt | to kill those cmmortal hicconghs,-- | [Roars]. 1 that staff' [Laughter.] Aud how many thir you learned as you went along! -- Sentimental youna folks still t: stock in that beautlful old saying | that when a baby smiles it is 'be-| cause the ange's ure whisperivg to Lim. Very pretty, but too thin-- | simply wind on the stomich, my can laste e| t mn) [PISSING HOTEL, N ; SUNDERLAND. Hotel has renovated and fitted it up with a view to the satisfaction and convenience o guests. Supplies for the table and bar care fully selected. v ry accommod:tion necessary to comfort a! the Nipissing Hotel. Sunderland, May 5, 1879. ee NONQUON HOTEL. . The undersigned having purchased th ed in every department in and around th premises fitting it in every way to secure th comfort of guests. always be the best the market can supply resting place for the iraveling public. Seagrave, May 1, 1879 Te oy WHITBY, ONT. friends. [Shouts] If the baby McCANN & TAYLOR, Propmetoxs, [proposes to take a walk at his usnal Every dation for the traveling | hour, 2 o'clock in the morning--- public. [laughter] -- didn't yon rise up, The undersigned having leased the above The traveliig public will find T. TUCKER. above Hotel has had it thoroughly overhaul- The supplies for the table and bar will No effort will be spored in making this large and pleasantly located Hotel an agreeable W. 8. LATIMOR. promptly and remark, with mental additions that would not improve a Sunday school book--[langhter]-- that it was the very thing you were about to propose yonrse!t ? [Great roars.] Ob! you were under good dicipline-- [laughter] --and, as you went faltering up and down the room in your undress uniform--[langhter] --you notonly pratuled undignitied baby talk, but even tuned your martial voice and tried to sing 'Rock a-by baby in the tree top,' tor instance. [Great laughter] What a' spectacle for an army of the Tennestee. (Langhter.) What an affliction for the neighbors! too, for it is not everybody within a mile around that likes military music at an f t © e new Ma ne ENRY CHARLES having been ro Port Perty, Aug. 20, 1879, W. H. BROWNE, General Agent, nish Licenses as heretojore--at Port Perry. riage Act. Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. e- | L appointed Marriage License Agent-- (after sixteen years duty) continues to fur- three in the morning. [Laughter] And when you have been keeping this sort of thing up for two or three hours, and your little velvet head intimated that nothing suited him like noise and exercise [laughter Go on,'"] what did you do ? You* simply went on until you dropped in the last ditch. [Laughter] The idea that a baby don't amount to and and a front ya your can attend to. enterprising, irrepressible, brimful of lawless activities. shouts] Sufficient unto the day is one baby. [Laughter.] Aslong as you are in your right mind don't ever pray for twins, Twins amount to a permanent riot. | dead, I trust [lanughter,] and then 18 rd fall by itselt. [Laugnter] Oae baby can furnish more businers than you and whole Interior Department [Luughter.] Ha is [Liughter.] Do what you please you can't keep him on the reservation. [Great [Laughter.-- Mr. Clemens is the futher of a pair] [Lionghter.] And 'there ain't any real difference between triplets and an insurrection. [Uproarous shouts] Yes, itishizgh time for the masses to recognize the importance of the babies. [Laugbter.] Think of what is in store for the present crop !|-- Fifty years from now weshall all be | this flug if it sull survive--and let us hope it muy--will be floating over a Republic numbering 200,000, 000 souls, according to the settled | laws of our increase. Our present | schooner of State [laughter] will have turned into a political levia- | than-- a Great Eastern. | i The cradled | habies ot to-day will be on deck.-- Let-them be well trained, for we are | leave a big contract on | their hands, (Laughter) Among | the three or four "willion cradles! rocking in the land are some which | this nation would going to preserve for ages, a commander who made all | A i | i i as sacred things, if wo could only | wane for time, distance, . t know which ones they are. In one reather or anything ele. -- | s | ; > : . tot these cradles the unsconscious ghiter) You had to excecate his | : | * . . | Farragut of the future is at this order whether it was possible orm 3 v . moment teething (laughter); think | not. (Roars). Aud there was only | : : | of it, and putting in a word in dead | irnest, inurticulated, but perfectly | justifiable profanity over it too. | In another the future in- terest, poor little chap ! and wonder ing what has become of (he other one they call the wot (Laughter.) In another the future great historian is lying,--and doubts less will to lie until earthly ended, In an- other, the futurePresident is busying himself with no profounder problem nurse.-- continue his mission is of state than what the mischief bas become of his hair so early, apd in array of other cradles there are now some 60,000 future office seek etting ready to furnish him occa- sion to grapple with the same old | And in still | somewhere under | ) o problem a second time. otie more cradle, the flag, the future illustrious Com- mander-in-Chiet of the American | armies is so little burdened with | his appros hing grandears and re- | to be giving his mo- ng to find out some way to get his big tov into his mouth-- | sponsibilities as whole strategic mind at this ment to tr) whter)--an achievement which, meaning no disrespeet, the illusted ous guest of this evening turned his | wo; and if the child is but a pro-| pheey of the man, there aré mighty | few who will doubt that he succeed ed. --(Latighter and applaase.) attention to some fifty-six years HIS CHOICE. "It is youn alone whom I love, Frank Iildreth, with strong said de + Surely you have known that, Ella. 1 hoped that your heart had understood and answered mine.' The young girl to whom he spoke looked up with love lit eyes. The lovers were in the conservatory and believed themselves unheard. ¢l--we--that is, they all thought + She am on. you admired Anna,' she said. rich, while I but ber 'poor relation," a cousin compelled to work harder and paid less for it than any stranger would be. How could I think that yow choice fell on me. Her hands werein his, them passionately. *Ypu are my choice,' he said -- 'My darling, am 1 yours,' 'Yes,' she whispered, as he caught ¢ But Aunt Jane will never let me marry you.' Ot course he laughed at that.-- When was a lover afraid of any + Aunt Jane," when his own love's heart has promised to reward him. 'But if you anticipate trouble from her, and indeed she could make you uncomfortable here, my darling, let us say nothing to any one of our engagement until my return from Europe, which will be six months from to day. And now bid me good hye, for I have not one minute to spare if I must sail to-day.' He sailed that day assuredly.-- Their parting hid been so hurried, is handsomé and He kissed her to his breast, anything! Why, one is just a Louse iike his summon to Europe, and the difficulty to get speech with her alone so great, that many things were left unmentioned between them. Not until she bad wept his departure for many hours did a cor- tain very real anxiety occur to Elia 'He promised to write to me,' she cried in dismay. "*f Le addresses letters here they i never reach me.' Never | Mrs. Saunders took care of that. She had been in the con~ servatory too, and heard all. "That chit.' she said to herself indiguantly, 'carry off the prize Iwish to see my Anna win. Not if I can help it. You are right my dear dutiful niece. Your Aunt Jane never will let you marry him.' And so one week from her lovor's departure Bila found herself an out- cast from the howe that had afford ed ber a cold and grudging shelter. ¢ I will not nourish a viper in my bosom to sting me at lust,' Mrs. Saunders cried. 'I am aware your treachery. Mr, Hildreth betrothed to your cousin Anna, and you have tried to take him away. Even could you succeed he would not marry you. You are preparing misery and disgrace both for your- self and your family. I disown you trom this hour. Go! So the poor child went forth into the world without friends or home, and with a sere wound in her heart. Frank Hildreth had deceived hor. Why had he told her to keep their engagement secret 2 It was be- cause he was Anna's betrothed. She found a refuge with Polly Somors, a young woman who had onoe been Anna's maid, Polly had been working in a store and pro- mised to find hera place there, ot . is y ; ' said 'You can get mine, perhaps,' said she. 'I'm going to give up work y at home. a Joe wishes it.' s her husband, to whom she had been married nearly two years. There was a little Joe now to attend to, and Polly stayed at home accord- ingly. ¢ Aud if you like to board with me it'll help me along and be more comfortable to you too. And s0 it was arranged. Ay slowly. Elia earned Ler living patiently in the store and still lived with Polly.-- No from Frank all this time, though she had often inquired at her Aunt Saunders' housd, for letter from him. Mer heart bowed sadly and'silently to the decree. 'Ile deceived me, and now ho hag | rotten me!' par passed word | for One day without a word of warn- ing, a gentleman walked into store and stood before her. Fraok. He scarcely looked at her at first. | "I want some handkerchiets,' he | began indifferently, and then her | | | i | | | gasp of startled recognition made bim look up, and their eyes met. He sprang to his feet. ¢ Bila!" he eried, and gazed on her as she stood pale and panting, like one who sees a ghost. He looked around him. ¢ What brings you here?' he cried 'They said you were married, Ella.' Then he added bitterly; ¢ And could the lover for whom you deserted me give you no better fate than this?' no She him wildly and put out her, trembling hands, and -- But she made only guzel at answer, Next minute she his arms. lay fainting in So a ecarringe was called, and Frank took his lost love to her humble home, where--long before she rvecoverad consciousness of his presence---Polly had explained the siwuation. ¢ And were you never engaged to Anna, after all ? Why did you never write to me?' I did write, until I received your letter telling me that you were married. 'Herve itis.' And he drew a well worn letter from his pocket and placed it in her hands. - 'Its Anna's writing!' she cried indignantly. ¢And Anna's plot,' ho answered. ¢ Sho has tried hard to console me for vour falsehood, and has well nigh succeeded in catching me in ber toils. But we will give her a sur- prise. And so they did. Anna Saunders and her mother wondered much, the reception room.' cried Mrs. Saunders. 'He li. does indeed look serioas !' his heart's choice. caso had Dick Burton, chief mate stand, and badgered him so said Suddenly Mr. Choate asked him {¢ Was there any moon that nigh and I'll believe that sooner than a crossed the equator in 2 clipper ship and unable to answer simple a question. simplest I ever was asked in my li ' { Rufus Choate. rv arrived at Montreal by Friday night's tes and were initiated into the Baltimore Uni the | room w It was | The visitors left by the morning train, { him, mm---------------------------- man remarked. 'So I put them Anna and her mother exchang places, ' 'His sister, no doubt, my dear Ca brought her to eall on 'you, Tj They descended into the receptic room together, Anna's fair face a. wreathed with smiles, * Where havo you been for ti week past, Sir Truant?' cried Aus gaily. Frank Hildresh stepped forw:u holding his veiled cow hand. nu 'Getting married," said he 4 et] Then; as Ella raised her veil : *Allo. me to introdce the lady who yeste lay became my wife.' : It was thus that Frank man. re in The Latitude of the Equator. tufus Choate, in an import: marine assult and battery at « the clipper ship 'Challenge,' on i! about an hour that at last Dick his salt water up und hauled by ti wind to bring the keen Bost. lawyer under his batteries. At beginning of his testimony Dick | that the night "was dark pitch and ruining like seven belis Yes, sir." Ah. yes! A moon. 1 you see it?' 'Not a mite." TV how do you know there wus moon ?' 'Nautical almanac said lawyer in the world. u 'A--3yo0a growing sharp, Mr. Barton." Wi in blzes have you been grinding this last hour for--to make me du! And tell what latitude and longitude 3 I shan are chief mate of 'Ba civil, sir. now 'Indeed! You "Yes, "tis t Why, I thought every fool o lawyer knew there ain't no latin on the equator, That shot floor a Oddfellowship.--Six gentleman Vall ield, one of whom isa clérgym L. 0. O. F'., by Mizaph lodge, No. 3. 1 cowded with Montreal brethie ' Monday last Grand Master Lee, D.D.G. Lyon Silverman and a large number of Montreal brethren went to VallyBeld for t purpose of instituting "Vallyfield Lod No. 11." of the Baltimore ofticers of the new lodge were publicly | stalled in Unity. the evening at the Method church, --Star, : ce ---- sn An Innocent Lawver.--Mr, Murpi is suing a Mr. Dobson, & fun Mr. Dobson admits t. 6 which might be coustiu solicitor clieut, for slander, he used langu to mean that Mr. Muiphy stole $150 fv a br The Montreal Horse Market.-- the week endi r, 15th inst, the shipped from Montreal were 132 horses the Stat Not bac the price realized was $8,792 ¢ - i forone week's.shipment in hoi alone, Our live stock trade fast becoming a highly important item Canadian trade Canadian red Eppa's Cooon.=--GRATEFUL AND OC PIRTING.-- By a thorough knowledge of natural laws which govern the operations digestion and nutrition, and by a carefel plication of the fine properties of well-selc ed cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided one bree fast tables with a delicately flavonred bev age which may save us many heavy doctc bills. It is by the judicions use of such . ticles of dict that a constitution may gradually (buiit up until strong enough resist every tendency to disease, Hund of subtle maladies are floating around ready tofpttack wherever there is a wo point. We may escape many a fatal shaft i keeping purselves well fortified with <p slood and: a properly nourished , frame.' Civil Service Gazette ~Sold only in pack. labelled--"Jaxes Eres & Co, Homaopat! Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 1° Piccadilly, London." ----3- Free of Cost. " - The most wonderful remedy of the age now placed within the reach of all. Be rich or be he poor it costs nothing to give ti. great remedy a trial. De. Kina's Canons Goupex Compouso, for Dyspepsia, Sick Hew ache, Low Spirits. Loss during the next few days; what could have become of 'Anna's lover. : "He has been so devoted of late," said the young lady. * I felt quite sure of him. Iv would be too hum, iliating if he escapes me after all for choice. Even while they were speculating a servant brought up a card. ¢Mr. Frank Hildreth.' # & all the world believes I am his | ¢ There's a lady with bim,' the St bh, Comi f Food, Fellow omac ming up of E> plexion, Gonrl Debility, Tanetivity nis, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Biliousness, fof wikeh it = Seriatu and ul i

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