Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Oct 1879, p. 2

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great improvement already festin the financial manufactur d commercial interests of our nion must be viewed with of gratitude by every Cana. ot, while the bright and: i rospects of future I il in proving wpe and comfort to all, Viewing matters as, und comparing them | were only ono year the then advocates "change. of Government may oice over their success in ring such a change.' But then opponents of the change have litle Jess cxuso of thankfulness, that they were defeated and that a change was secured in spite of their utmost efforts. When they contrast tho nt eondition of things with hat which existed daring tho Mac~ kenziq regime they cannot fail in being pleased that the change was| made. The rank and file whether} Conservatives or Liberals, the toilprs, dhe taxpuying ones, can have no; ther desire than the national weal, and while they may differ as to the mer and modes most likely to se- 'cure this gentral weal they are one in their approval of and satisfaction with whatever may secure our country's good, make our people happy and Casada prosperous,-- But while this is true of the rank and file of all parties it is not in- variably so with others, there ate leaders who have lucrative positions to gain or maintain and there are camp followers who hang to the leaders from sinister motives, these | latter caring leus for tho country's weal than they do for thejcasual ad- vantages they roceive when their friends are in power have no sym. pathy with anything but party! predominence. These never cease "to growl while their opponents are in power and nothing will satisfy them go long as they are excluded from the flesh pots. But we believe we are within the mark when we/ assert that not one in- ten of the] rank and file, the sons of toil, of thie party who sought at the late election to retain the Mackenzie regime would be willing now to re- store it if they had an opportunity of doing so to-morrow, As we have already stated they can have no interest in desiring to reinstato a Government which either from in- capacity, or eriminal nogligence or both all but ran the country into the ground, crippled her every in- terost, reduced the workmen's wagos 10 starvation point, and cast a gloom over the face, of society. The more inveterate opponents of the present Government were slow to geo or rather slow to acknow- ledge the great improvement already secared to every interest in the country by the wise and energetic fegislation of the present Govern- ment. But even these are beginning to yield and acknowledge in a halt-hearted way tho bonerits the country is recciving from the for- tunate change of govermental regime. Even tho Globe is begin- ning to acknowledge the corn admit the pleasing and highly satisfactory improvement already secured and the certain hopo of better things to come. Of course, besquirms a great deal and hunts around for rome other cause than 'the change of Government to which he may attribute the marked ima rovement, but that is only natural @ is only trying to let himself soft- ly down. It must have hurt him badly to acknowledge so much but now the worst is over and the next step--t0 acknowledgo that the pro- sent Dominion Government are en-- titled to praise for their part in the great change for the better which we now enjoy--will be comparative- 1y easy. We are not of those who believe that the present Dominion Govern- ment have done all that may be ex- pected of them, we believe that they 'bave only taken a first step, an im- "portant one no doubt, but still only one and that only leading to still more important steps. Much as _ they have bad to do and is still to be @ we expect that before the close another session important steps will be taken with a view to a large diminution of our legistors both | ion and Local. Few measures be more uccoptable to the ody of tho people or: tend improve legislation and 0 tly. Such a reform and we believe | can seal il in .| to work, too selfish to want, aud try : The whole thing} ur ila a dotias of the 'money, the _ | law should take present condition of our markets proving highly to the producerand son Good prices help on hen farmers get well | public partake of el pi 1 prices tor the pro dueer mean good prices for" labor nnd for all else that parties have got to sell, De benefit, For some reason or other the grain sellers have so far fought shy of Port Perry market this scason and we would like to ask the | farmers why they are doing so? we hate ono buyer--Mr. Currie-- well known and justly esteemed as an honorable, upright man, a just and generous buyer and long known and acknowledged as such by the entire farming community. The Manchester market is doing well and it cannot fail in maintain~ ing the confidence of farmers. Mr. Christian, the only buyer there, is well known and justly regarded as one of the most honoratle and liberal buyers in the Province, al ways giving the very highest price the market will allow. Mr, Chris- tian is better nlone and the market there is better than if there were other buyers less generous than he, buyers whom all dislike. We are pleased to note the prosperity of the Manchester market and long to see our Port Peiry mdrket assume its wonted vigor. Reliable Returns. . Francis Hincks and other officers of the unfortunate Consolidated Bank are being prosecuted for making what is allegedito be a false return of the condition of the bank to the government in February last, The return sets forth the liabilities of the bank as follows. Deposits payable on de. mand $2,180.374; deposits payable after notice $2,013,098; amcuut dug to other banks Assete--Specie $311,461, Dominion notes on hand $267,734; notes and cheques on other bagks $263839: notes discounted $7,250,149 ; other assets $. Here is a return which barring the two flexible and abominable dashes, might please the most cxacling, Assets amounting to $7,826,449 with $----; with liabilities amounting only to $4,193472 with $ ¥ But what do these dashes ($ ) cover ? they may cover ten dollars or ten millions. What would be thought of a man who should pretend to give the state of his affairs by stating that his assets amounted to §---- and his liabilities amounted to §----? He would be regared as either a fool or a knave or perhups both, Thes dashes are now bring- ing the officersinto trouble, GUILTY, MY LORD! On Tuesdey last the trial of Sir Francis Hincks,. President of the now unfortunate Consolidated Bank, for making a fraudulent return to the Government, in Jan, last, of the financial condition of said bank, by which return the Government and the public were deceived us to the true condition of the bank, was con-- cluded and the jary after an hour and a half's absence returned into court with a verdict of "guilty." Prisoner's counsel secured an arrest of judgment. Much general sympathy is felt for Sir Francis in his-present position, we do not suppose, however, that thehundreds, nay thousands. who have lost so heavily, and many their all,and been subjected to the greatest distress resulting from the infamous mismanagement of this wretched concern will figure amongst the sympathisors. Doubtless the "Sir" bas many more sympathisers than tho " Hincks." If aristocrats render themselves amenable to law, so far from their aristocracy or high po- sition sheltering them from the punishment they deserve, such should only aggravate the punish. ment and intensify public reproba- tion. If a poor, needy man take a dollar that don't belong to him or betray trust to that amount @ gener- al how! goes forth for his condemna tion and justice sharp and swift overtakes him and all say "served him right." Bat let the culprit be a Sir or a nabob and thousands or hundreds ot thousands involved, and a mawkish, milk-and-water sympa- thy is lisped on all hands--* Don't burt him." We say the bigger the man the better the mark, and un faithful aristocrats should have it put to them without mercy, More Rascality. The great Courtney~Hanlan scul- ling fraud is now an accomplished fact and if either party is to be believed it would be difficult to con- ceive of anything more contempti- bly mean and deceptive than the conduct of whole pack, Frac als and backers. The result goes far to prove the madness and stupi ity of the gaping crowds who wi waste their time and money in going out to be made tools ot by a pack of idle rascals who are too lazy to live by fraad. is an hi 6 gated swindle from bo- ing to end, neither party should it as the most in Fa Fight or Run. The European game cocks are bristling up considerably Russia and Britain are both crowing with all their might and beginning to spar at long range and from all present appearance thoy will soon Germany and Austria are making pretenco to do great things, treaties offensive and defensive, but this is only a pretence meunt to frighten outsiders ; but when oil and water thoroughly blend these two con- tiguous aud naturally jealous powers will unite for each Ses good, In Spain the widowed king is about to lead to the altar a second bride. The Spanish Government has decided that within seven years from now slavery shall be abolished in the Island of Cuba. The Irish land question is taking shape, an influential conference on the subject was held in Dublins the other day when it was resolved to form a land league for Ireland with Parnell, M. P. as preside: t. Turkey is wriggling along in the Mind trying to please everybody but having a lively experience of the old man and his donkey, pleasing nobody and certain to lose bis ass in the end. France has her "hands full with party intrigue but she is doing wonders in her omward march. -- She hasany quantity of gold and is hurrying lots® of" it accross tho Atlantic to purshase bread for ber children. A ---------------- hd The Very Bssence of Hyrocrisy The Globe of the 21st inst. comes out with the following would-be startling announcement, headed and decorated to kill witha florish of display ty pe. Orrawa,; Oct. 20 --The Speaker's depart- ment received a surprise this mornidg. On opening the western mail, a letter from Harvey William Burk, the Liberal M. P. for West Durham, forwarding his resignation to the seat, was found, said resignation bearing date October, 18th, This great sacrifice on the part of Mr. Burk will be as much un- expected ou the part of the general public as it was on that of his more intimate political friends, It is understood that the Liberal Edward Blake, of whose election by an overwhelming majority, if not by acclama- tion there is no doubt, One scarcely knows which to ad- mire most the check or the hy poe: isy of the above notice. Ifthe 'Speaker's department received a surprise', dopartment must be hopelessly ignorant of what is going on outside to the children in this entire section of country that Burk had boen offered the shilling ere ho was a month elected, and every one knew from then till now that it was simply a matter of time. The truthful notice goes on "this great sacrifice on the part of Mr. on the part of the general public as it was on that of his more immed- iate political friends." Why the on'y surprise on the part of the weneral public was that it did not take place sooner, all knew, both political friends and opponents, the Globe included, hanging fire and was certain to take place sooner or later. Now, how- ever, it is an accomplished fact and by the grace of the wire pullers West Durham and we suspect thoy must take him. Narrowing it Down. Mr. Wheler it appears wishes to confine his appeal from the judg- ment of Justice Armour simply to won't be disturbed; so that no matter what may be the resalt of the appeal the vacation of the seat must stand and we tion, Wholer will be elligible to run again be a candidate nor an elector for qualification. correspondent of the Toronto Globe, bas been RRB, porntmaent; bo wrought well for it; ut the result only adds another to the many proofs already furnished that "no man can gerve two masters" and that information fur- nished by "our own correspondents' should only be received cum grono sal. An Important Benefactor. The universally known and no less esteemed Thomas Holloway, of London, England, the great. physical benefactor of mankind whose pills and ointment have be. come a household word over all lands for the great good they have effected on suffering and are still £1 ; stuff that weighs upon . ing humanity bave long looked "with he Jie D ope | pills and ; ted. The world wide and still in-| ce to his valuable curatives, his oinment, and have not been dis. creasing sale of hese supply him with unli funds, but these he does not hoard but expends them where they will do the either have to fight or run. ' | candidate for the vacancy will be the Hon, | which we don't believe it did, that Burk will be as much unexpected | that it was only! anether representative is given tol the personal charges which secured | his disqualification, the unseating] will require to have another elec- If the appeal be sustained Mr. | but if not sustained be will neither eight years from the date of his dis- Mr. Molyneux St. John, the Manitoba appointed assistant Land Commissioner of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba The dear fellow deservs the ap- | pain is estimated at viding cures for the mind, | fiscal Foy Mr. Holloway at a great The Mail.--8ee the advertisement of the Toronto Mail. elsewhere in this issue, Its great superiority and genuine worth as a public Journal bi too well known and too widely appreciated to require com- | mendation from us, SL hore ARp aT who | should take itdo not yet patronize it.-- Some may not relish itypolities but-all will commend its enterprise, As a ni rit is not excelled by any jonrnal on this con. tinent and all who know anything of it mast admiré'the marked ability with which it is conducted. PT -------- A Rare Ohance.--Mr. J. V. Thomp- son offers to lease his hotel known as the sport l'erry House," Port Perry, decidedly one of the best stands anywhere tp be found | for sceuring a successful and profitable hotel business, A party thoroughly qualified for the business could net find a nore advan. tageous opewring, agreeakle healthy, and pro. fitnble, (Sce the advertisement elsewhere ju this issue). i CruesrATING "THE Fivtn.--Remember | Remember | the Fifth ot November, at | Park's Hotel, Prince Albert, on Wednesday, { Nov, 6th. A pleasant time is secured and ln large turn out is expected, en Hardware in Abundance.--bee | Laing & Meharry's new advertisement, -- They have an extensive supply of the most desirable Hardware and parties will de well to supply themselves wow. Their goods and prices are all that can:le desired. Keeping on tha Vanguard. Jones Bros. & Co. are oud with their nw advertisement. It deserves more than a { passing notice and out readers will do well | to read it, Tt will bo' found ipteresting to | all who wish the bos§f goolls uatithl. t | prices, Ttis interesti to. | the | Indies will find it parfichlar] ersting to them, Don't fail to read it. The Fifth of November --Prince Arthur Lodge 0. Y. B% intend: celebrating | the Fifth of November bya ball in the ! town hall, Port Perry, ------ ee Rivalry. Minneapolis, the capital of iidrcsota; is Hurry on the Work.--In referring to the Toronto and Ottawa railway scheme the Perth or says :--"The clouds are be~ ginning to break which have so long hinder: ed the progress of this road, and, with the carrying of the bonus of $76,000 in. this county} we Juve no goubs fh wa shall see active work commenced next s and it is possible that 'we me Toa a railway communication with Ottawa by 'this time next year. With good exertion there shonld be no trouble in carrying the bonus again, On the southern route petitions to County Council from all the townships in. terested have already been largely. signed, and, on the receipt of the news from Ottawa of the carrying of the by-law, the greatest satisfaction was shown by the farmers. -- 'The last by-law passed in Novemier, 1877, | was carried by a majority of 550, the vote being 803 to 253, and we hope to see the majority increased, now that the people know that a more substantial basis has been obtained by the carrying of the Ottawa bonns."" --_------------ Sleeping Members, At alate meeting of the Sapreme Grand Lodge of the Indepedent Order of Odd- fellows, held at Baltimore, the following resolutions were adopted, Hereafter the suspensions from member- ship for non-payment of dues'in subordinate lodges and encampments be from active to dormant or sleeping membership. ; That a member who shall be in one years' dues shall be considered or siceping Oddfellow, and as such be. de! barred from the benefits (both pec &! attentive), but his name shall be re the list of sleepers.' 2 That the dormant or sleeping Oddfellow arrears for. ad 'on may be restored to active membership v application made in open lodgeyor eng ment by & member therebf, which: sha held over until the Beeond meeting th atter, the scretary or seribe reading the same' at each meeting, and be determine affirma- tively, on a ballot, by a majority of the votes cast, and upon the payment of each amount and the by~laws of the lodge or encamp- ment may prescribe, - That all members heretofore dropbed or suspended for the non-payment of dues are » aleepi putting forward ker claims in pref to | Chicago as the centre of the - g trade | from the great west and she ig luoking for | the sympathy of the: Dominion its presavting | the scheme, Shé claims that if Canada build the road on the Soult St. Marie route that the distance from Minneapolis [to the tide water at Montreal will be short | ened by 250 miles and that the distance | between Minneapolis to Liverpool would | be shortened by 550 miles, and that tho | distance from Minneapolis to Liverpoool | would be 550 miles less than it now is fiom | Chicago to Liverpool, a curtailm2ut whic! | would go fur to sccure for the new aspirant the centre of the carrying trade of the grea | west, The manufacture of flour at Minne. | appolis at present is stated to be 5,000 | barrels daily, which will be increased when | mills at present in course of construction are | finished, to 10,000 barrels, It 1% rlso stated hereby rei d toa d t memberghip in the order, rope they will be subjected and privileged to the con- dition hereinbefore stated. The dormant or sleeping members of either lodge or encampment shall in no way be subject to a per captia tax to be paid by lodges or encampments for any purpose whatever. That a 'dormant or sleeping Oddfellow shall be subject to trial, suspension or ex- pulsion from the Order for cause, nnder the Tyw the same as an active Oddtedlow., hat all law inconsistent with the fore-- irr resolution, be and the same is, hereby repealed, 5 That the resolutions shall take effect from and after their adoption, t an iia Robert Watson Boyde, of Gateshead, challenges any ome in the world but Hanlan | that before the road could be com; eted the | daily "production would amount tu 26.~ 000 barrels much of which would go to | England, The system of railroads at Minne. | apolis is planed so as to bring the produce | of the country west, north-west and south- for it is notorious to every one, even | west of thecity to that point and a new | vecovered damages | route to the sea must be seenred, The next | question is what will Cliicago say to all this, | can't she affect all this in some way, --e | | Going to the Dogs i If the city of Ottawa be only one half as | bad as those of its own citizens best qualified to judge declare it #o be the sooner it is walled in the better, 'The "parents," its school boards, its police, its detectives and | its press appear to vie with each other in begrimming the already too dark picture.-- | Police Sergeant O'Keefe knows 16 houses of | ill-fame in one square, Detective Gionlx states that there ave 50 disreputable houses | in the city, and McVietty says there are 200 female inmates of such houses, | al is making a fool of itself, rivaling ancient Sodom. et ein Deatn on the Rails. We take the following from the Toronto | Globe of the 22nd inst, :-- An Accident oecurred on the Northern Railway, here, last night, which resulted in | the death of John Neill, senior partuer in | the firm of J. Neill & Sons, proprietors of {the Soho Foundiy, After seven o'clock he drove down Brock St, and crossed the ¢ over the Grand Trunk Railway | crossing, Here he turned westward along | the Northern Railway track. When he had | proceeded a short distance a freight train | which was shunting ran into the conveyance killing Mr Neill instantly, Abont thirteen cars passed over deceased before the train | was brought to a stand still. The carriage | in which Mr, Neill was riding was smashed | to atoms, but singularly enough the horse | escaped unhurt, The body was not identi | fied by those who saw the accident, and in | order to discover whose the remains were i a boy was placed bn the horse's back- and it | was allowed to proceed at will. The animal { ent direct to the stables at the foundry, | Esplanade St, The body was shortly after- wards identified by John Neill son of the deceased, who had it removed to the resi- dence of the family, at 37 Simcoe St. The deceased, who was 60 years of age, had lived a long time in the citys a A Dreadful Hurricane. Maprip, Oct. 17.--The, hurricane on Tuesday was accompanied iy heavy rains, which overflowed the rivers Mundo aad Segrua, and flooded the populous and fertile valley. The citivs of Cracoa, Oribula, Mur- cia, Crevillente and many -villages were injured. The rivers suddenly rose several yards during the night, The inhabitants were compelled to fly without their pro. petty, The streams are covered with the wrecks of farm houses, agricultural: imple- ments, dead cattle, aud human gorpses.-- Soldiers and marines, have been sent from the nearest stations to the scene of the dis- aster, The churches and id buidings' are occupied by fugitives. 6 telegraph lines have been destroyed between Madrid, Murcia, Oribula, Alicante, and Albacete. -- The same stort also partially fluoded Mal and interrupted telegraph aod railway com- 'The SpanishCubinet met yesterday to Spcide upon messures of relief for the -suffcrcrs by the disaster, 3 i dr "Phe floods in Murcia still contin 'hundred and nineteen co; covered from the vil Thousands of pesauts ar The total damage by th usand five hu 'Over' 'Whdred a destroyed. The King The capit- | munication as far as Huelva and Seville.-- | ths Polick Court Guillau ¢ | walalie | Magistrate upon a sumuions, Miss Gerard g | promise of ma ) : give back tive part to row over the Tyne course for £200 a side. --e-- | | Tha Pries of a Leeg.--John E. Green, | who lost a 162 at the Wallaston disaster on | the 01d Colony Dailrond on October 8, 1878, | sages in Rogton, in $15,633. -- | He sued for £20,000. ------ ll Law's Delays.--Judgment _in - the | Orange case, Grant v, Beandry, will not he «given for some time vet, the evidence not having yet been transcribed by the short- hand reporters for the Judge, Send Them Down.--Mr. P. J | Smyth, M, P., has granted a reduction of from 25 to 30 per cent, to the tenants in his estate in Cornagunbov, in the county of | Cavan, bsides in one case remitting an en. | tire gale, . en cre { Much Anviety,--~The Englishnews. papers have special representatives at the land megtings now taking place in Trelphd and it ig reported that the Governmeng also proceedings for official nse, te ice If Thine Enemv Hunger Teed Him --During the last week there were ghippped from Treland to England and | Scotland no less than 52,224 head of live | stock made up ag follows: horses 781, cattle 17,584, sheep 27,102, and swine 5,757. Woman's Righte.--There are forty female physicans in practice in Philadelphia ten artists, and one senlptor--Miss Blanche Nevin, whom the state has lately selected to execute in marble the statue of Muhlenburg, 4 Tixtonsive Sales --Mr, Long, one of the Poronto stock exporting firm, bas just retirned from England where 'he has been for the past five months, and during that time he bas rold $110,000 worth of Canadian sheep and cattle, A Handfn! --New Yong, Oct. 20 --The anit of Henry Hoffmant, infant, against the Central and Hudson Riger railroad to re. cover $25,000, vesnlted in a wvordict for $5,- 000 The infant lost his right hand in 1869 by being shoved off the car while stealing a ride. eee. 3 More Thieves at Lucan,-Lucan Oct, 17.--As R. B. Orme, a farmer residing on the sixteenth con., London township, was | returning home from the city of London last night about eight o'clock, be was pounced upon by two men, gagged and tied in his wagon, and robbed of eighty-seven dollars there is no clue to the robbers, J eee A Lesson to Thievish Employe --Charles L, Lancaster, the defaniting of the Menchant's Bank, was brought up for sentence before Judge Elliott. The sentence was two years in the Penitentiary. The Judge remarked that he had proof that the prisoner had suffered much misery and re. morse and the effect it would have on hig. molher, se et 1% 1 Another Bonus. Farman, Oct. 21, --The by law granting a bonus of $25,000 to a cotton factary was carried to-day by aJarge majority, only votes being recorded against it. . ~ How the Witness" Puts If. a This Monday, Oct. 20th, there appeared in Borne , 8 gay Lachelorof sed a ween t before a_Police is scarcely yet and appear hats es of jewelery, under some welery, SE and that eT un. neither marry him nor faithful one wou ack 1 © The Magistrate tori the presents. A New Bnterp waking up ; at Vienna, the have opened a e x bureau where ladies desiring husbands pay | a fee which is regulated in extent by sort of husband desired, and the length of r each day at the office," Men wanting wives call have specials at each meeting, to report the 0 p= Undersigned offers to lease his Hotel, "| a highly profitable business. | Port Perry, Oct. 20,1879. AE | Reach, first.class SUFFOLK BOAR, large rise.--Austria is capital cify they factory or time for Which the application is meant<to stand and the lady must attend two hours. and are introduced to the Jadies in waiting. Ladies who posress accomplishments are re-- with regard to their sentiments and acquisi- tions, One visit sometimes settles a case, but more are often paid. The ladies have the privilege of rejecting candidates without ! being subjected to. the. additional tees during the perioc for which they are paid. I Auction Sales. An Important Mortgage Sale.--| Uuder instruction from Mr. Walter Hill Mr W. M. Willcox, will sell by auction, under power of mortgage, on lot 9 in the 11th con. lot of horses, cattle, machines, implements, &c. Good burgains. Beg posters. instruction: from Mr, John Bently, the owner of the property, Messrs Dawes & Watkis will sell by huction on the premises, ot'1 in the 5th con Reach, on Thursday, Oct. 23rd, Jone of the "most extensive and finest stocks of horses, cattle, sheep, wine} machines, implements; &e. over offered &t | auction in this section of country, The proprietor has leased his farm and the goofs must be sold. Bee posters. : Here is a Fine Auction SE Watson,lot 17,in the 11th con.Reach--near Greenbank --is moving from this part of the country and has determined to sell off 'public auction his whole stock of horsey cattle, sheep, swine, hines, impl 8.' rhay, potatos atips, &o,, &0. The stok is both numprous ang valuable, A lot of fine horses\cattle, sheep, swine, &c--in fact 'everything réquired around a first rate, well managed farm, Mr. George Crothers is the auctioneer, The sale takes place on the premises on Friday, 31st inst. Parties will do well to make a note of the time and place and attend tho: sale and get part of the bargains, i An auction sale of valuable horses, cattle pigs, machines, implements, household furniture, in fact almost everything that a farmer can wish. The = proprietor, Mr, Joseph Bryant, is giving up the farm and everything must be sold. The sale takes place on the premises, lot 13 in the 4th con. Reach, on Tuesday, Oct, 28. Dawes & Watkis arc the auctioneers, (See posters.) ---- BIRTH. In Port Perry, on the 18th inst,, the wife of Mr. 8, T. Cawker, of a son. RCE TETRIS DIED. At Manchester; Oct. 17th, 1879, Susan, beloved wife of Mr, Thomas Martin, aged 68 years. Deceased wasa resident of Reach, for many years and was deservedly esteemed for her many good qualities, loving, gentle and kind, an exemplary wifs, affectionate gnother and true friend. At Utica, on Friday, 17th inst..-Anthony Wycliffe, eldest son of Mr. John Broderick, aged 17 years, 8 mos, and 27 days. The Markets. OBSERVER OrFicE, Oct. 23, 1879, 'Fall Wheat, . .. $128 ta 8131 Spring Wheat, 125 to 128 Barley soveee ns 055to 0 60 ats . 0 28to 030 Peas , 0.50t0 000 Bags . ;*011to 012 Potatoes. .. 2025to 030 Clover Seed . ; g.00 to 320 Hay per ton +8400 to 800 Cheese ,. 009to 010 Hides ... 500 to 560 Smoked Hams... "000to 012 RUTTER. No. 1.. Package or tub, " " (No.2.. HOTEL TORENT. "THOMPSON. HOUSE, PORT PERRY. There ave few more eli gible stands in the Province for a lucrative hotel business. _ The Hotel and Premises are in perfect order. A suitable party can't fail in doing ~The condition "of th roprietor's heglth "as well ag that of Mrs Thompson render it advisable to retfre from the business. Full particulars may be known by apply+ ing to the proprietor on the premises. J. V. THOMPSON, IMPROVED STOCK. o I ed keeps for service at his ~ premises, lot 20 in the 2nd con, of breed, § # * He took first prizes at t shows of North and South r '1878 and was also a prize faker gt the united town ship show held at Port Pgrry in Hil Sérvice $1, Casa. 2 GEO, JACKSON. Port Perry, Oct. 20,1879," Music. Fn Mie = Chi To 2 =< pi ME EE a a we Residence Queen street, in house lately occupied by Mr. Robt. McMichael, Port Perry, Oct. 15, 1879, _ | the North quested to play the piano, and are examined | and all wishing to attend as matters of Scugog, on Saturday, Oct. 25, a valuable. : Private Contract, It is earnestly requested that all members "become fmembers will | | f much importan ce are to be considered, . _ Tt is the duty of every Scotchman within |, hail to belong to this Society. ' 3 By order, J. BAIRD, Sec'y. 2 A i COLUMBIA. > QEsLED TENDERS, addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tenders Pacific Railway)" will be received at this office up to noon on MONDAY, the 17th «ny ot NOVEMBER next, for certain works of construction required to be executed on the hine from near Yale to Lake Kamloops, in. the following sections, viz Emory's Bar to Boston Bar «20 miles Boston Bar to Lytton ..,. 29 miles Lytton to Junction Flat... .... 28} miles Junction Flat fo avon WL To t= nies Specifications, bills of quantities, eon- ditions of contract, forms of tender, and all printed information ;may be obtained on application at the Pacific Railway Office in New Wi i , British Columbia, and at the office of the Enginecr«in-Chief atOttawa, Plans and profiles will be open for inspec- 'tion at the latter office. No tender will be entertained unless on one of the printed forms and all the con- ditions are complied with, By order, | Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, Ortober 3rd, 1879, FARMERS, ATTENTION ! Highest Price PAID FOR @Qais and Peas, - AT THON, DILL, Cash for Hides and Tallow, Port Perry, Oct. 15, 1879, IMPROVED FARM LANDS, MILL PROPERTY, &C., FOR SALE! BY The following Lands situated in the Townships of Reach and Uxbridge, are offered for Sale ut Low Prices Jor cash or upon short terms of payment. PARCEL 1.--Containing 20) Acres, is com. posed of Lots Nos. 1 and 2, in the Sth con. cession, and the East parts of Lots Nos. 1 and 2, in the 7th concession of Uxbridge, upon this arcel there are an Orchard, a large Frame welling House, and ecommodious outbuild- ings; the land is nearly all cleared, and Is a very desirable farm. s, PARCEL 2.--Conialning about 200 Acres, is composed of parts of Lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in 1th concession of Uxbridge, She greater por- tion of which is cleared. Jon this parcel there. y large Barns, Stables and Sheds, good" elling "Holse accommodation, and an abundance of spring water constantly ran- ning, making it very suitable for Stock raising. PARCEL 3.--Consists of what is known as the Glen Malor gris ju, 'gether Fin the water power and privileges properly long PAT tity of land fn connection ing ul muy al y PARCEL 4.--Embracea the Noxthehalr of Lot 14, in the 6th concession of ch, 100 acres, none of which A cleared. 5 PARCEL ting 198 acres, being Lot No. RCE the: oconéession of Ea 30 acres are cl and the balance is heavily timbere There is a goed frumeé Burn ou u pareel Ee 3 : : I x PARCEL G--<Telom posed of the South-ha!f of Lot No. 18, jn the 9th concession of Reach, 00 acres, asmall portion of which is cleared. PARCEL 7.--140 rt of Lot No. 21, in He den, upon which is & ot of valuable ti ", and several acres under lands are in the Inarket and af le.-- bh: ned ttle delay as will Bot bo such ons as they may To bali the umes, y Ny. a . i p vs x JA. MeGILLIV. Bi Oct. 8th, 1879. or Barrister, xbrage. a Palle Railway. | Important, Auction Sate. -- Unter PPENDERS FOR WORK IN BRITISH A FRAME (ENCLOSE CARRIAGE FACTORY, 1s and divisions as set forth, |* By Virtua of Powers of Saleseontained certain Mortg: which 1 be produced the Sale, the followiug Properties : PARCEL '1. Under Mor from Dimean Town, South- half of Lot \No, 14 in the 6th concession of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, eontaming i 100 ACRES More or' less. The following vemens are said to be on the premises; a in at 4 eared, having Cd hercon .] hes 8e, ual 0 miles Town of Por} a Fane / PARCEL Under Mortgage from Jam ancy. Th South half. or Vino ons the. Half of the Kast Half of Lot 74 in the Village : sal of Port Perry, as shown on & plan of Village made by J, Stoughton nnis, P.L.S., and filed in the Registry Officeof the County of ontario. 2 The folowing improvements are said to he on the premises: ° D BRICK) AND |DWELLING HOUSE. TERMS--One-tenth of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale, For bals ance, terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BROS, & MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Masonie Hall, Toronto. Or to Messrs. J. & D. J. ADAMS, Port Perry, Toronto Vet, 6th, 1879, 23 mpm IN THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH! The Property ot the Estate of the. Inte Charles Black, Esq deceased, 162° ACRES CHOCIE LAND. rf TE Subscribers have heen instructed by the Executor, to offer the above Farm for Sale hy Private Contract, Being composed of Lot Na. 24, in the 14th concession of the Township of Reach, con- taining 162 acres more or less, of which 120 acres are cleared and in an excellent state of cultivation ; the remainder is covered with excellent Hardwood timber, are erceted on the premises TWO FRAME HOUSES, One 24x32 with kitchen 20x24, the other 18x24, kitohen attached 12x15 ; Frame Barn 31x00; Frame Stable 24x60. There are an Orchard and two wells on the premises, The above is one of the first settled Farms in the neighborhood and has been in posess+ sion of the late owner since it was first cleared, and has never been run out or over-cropped, The place is pleasantly situated alongside Simcoe street, about 8 miles north of Port Perry, and balt a mile north of the Seagrave Station on the W. P. P, & Lindsay Ruilway, The quality of the soil isa tich clay loam and is splendidly adapted for raising Grain or Stock. The Executor being desirous of closing the Estate forthwith--intending purchasers should apply as soon as possible. Liberal terms of payment will be given. Possession for plowing at once ; full possession of the eutire premises on the 1st of March next, . For farther particulars apply to JNO. &D, J. ADAMS, Brokers, Port Perry, Or to the Executor, . * » ALEX. BLACK, i Tm Port Perry, Sept. 8th OR TO HE § ber g ol T that ig Foren Jo ho. to Wg the County f the of in 1st N. B. All persons are strictly, cular Tumove any mDer a Haden fo "Phere There, od | Spe Seyi

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