aciacs-- Ee, a ea _ BS Service men may be much curtailed Hoot fntario Blecher land by sll means the barlesque of sup tion all should be protect the receivers of the paper of the several banks? Why should honest working men be obliged to -- em ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR JAMES BAIRD, - - - Editor. PORT PERRY, AUG. 14, 1879. put a'stop to at once; if men receiv- ing one, two and throe thousand dollars a year cannot or rather will not provide for the infirmities of de- clining years let them want. Toil- ing ones gaining at exhaustive labor three or tour hundred dollars a year must provide for old age or starve. Much very much may be done in the way of economy and nothing short of its accomplishment will satisfy the peoplo or give security to our institutions. Weights and Measures. Tho names of the newly appoint- ed Inspectors snd A t In. spoctors of Weights and Measures have boen Gazetted. The Province of Ontario has been divided into seven districts with one Inspector appointed over each and one or more assistants according to the size of the district. The districts are Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Belle- ville, Kingston and Ottawa. The Ingpectors are W. J. Haywood, James Egan, Thomas, Beattic, G.T. Bolster, Wm Johnson, C. B. Chrys- Jer and A. Code. There are in all inet istant Inspectors, so that the whole staff for this Pro- vince is twenty six, The Province of Quebec is divided into four districts with four In- tors and ten assistants. Now Brunswick is divided into three districts; Nova Scotia into two and Prince Edward Island is one district and Manitoba is one.-- So that the whole army consists of 18 Inspectors and 31 Assistants, in all 49. The only appointment in this guarter is Mr. Joshua Wright, roeve of Port Perry, who is one of the assistants for the Toronto dis- triot. Wo are not in a position to eriti- cise tho appointments as we know nothing of tho appointees, and if we did we bave no inclination for the task; tho parties who made the appointments very likely knew what they were about, and the con- cern of tho people is pot so much who tho officers are as how the duties are performed. If the ehange prove advantageous, if the objects aimed at be more fully secur- ed, if the working expensos prove Jess--and they will require to be very much less--and tho results be more satisfactory, the people will sanction and approve of the change; but should it turn out that the new regime is no improvement on the old, and tho cost is not greatly re~ duced such a storm will and ought to ariso as will upsot the entire ar- rangoment and enforce a change for tho botter. The country is heartily sick of this stweedle-dum and tweedlo-dee legislation, six of the one and half a dozen of the other will no longer be tolerated. The country is no longer in a temper to be satisfied simply with a change of spendthrifts, tho people must have and will enforce a very decided re- duction in our controllable expend- ture, and their anxiety is not so much who the parties may Ete who shall secure this object as that the object be secured; and no amount of palaver or make believo will suffico to blind the peoplo to their true interests, and make them satisfied with the abominable system of the past, that legislation should be more in the interest of legislators and their cliques than for the good of the people. If confederation 'is to survive ; another decade vast re- forms mast be carried through with. out flinching or humbug, and should Tories and Grits both refuse to grapple with that monster, legisla- ive extranagance, a third party must come in between if confederation is worth preserving. No Government could possibly make greater fools of themselves | and of the country than the Mack- enzie Government did during - their ontire reign, another term of that Government would have so rained the country's best interests and dis- gusted its people, that the confoder- ad hal ~The prosont, Sir. EP Another Bank Gone to the Dogs. Tho Exchange Bank, the third Montreal Bank which has gone down within the past three months, closed its doors on the Tih inst., amidst a wild tumult of excitement. This bank came into existonce just seven years ago with a nominal capital of $1,000,000, divided into ten thousand shares at $100 cach.-- In this as in the downfall of all our crushed monetary wretched ineompetency, institations, reckless extravagance apd criminal dis- honesty have been, if not the sole, at least a leading causo of the disaster. Innocent and simple stock-holders are deceived by plausible statements, false returns and cooked reports.-- At the late annual meeting of the shareholders of this institution the aim of the Directors appeared more for covering up than disclosing the trne condition of the bank, and even the return made to the Government must have been both cooked and crooked or the statement to the sharcholders was incorrect. Here comes in the privileged drones again, if any of the toiling ones get into trouble, take a dollar that don't belong to them or endegvor by false protencos to obtain even food for their famishing offspring, the steol heels of the law aro immediately on their track ; they are hunted down and the legal screws are brought to bear on them with merciless rigor. But the privileged drones may with impunity deceive the public, get their money under false pretences, fake tho funds of widows, unpro=- tected females and orphans; impose their worthless securities on the public, become defaulters in hun- dreds of thousands of dollars and impoverish and bring to want those whose funds they: had secured through deception; but for all this the drones go unpunished, our equitable (7) law won't even utter a foeble protest; the drones must not be disturbed. Are our laws only meant to be a terror to the toiling drones? The day previous to the failure two aged ladies whose whole property consisted in their sharesjin the bank, sent a friend to one of the officials of the bank to enquire as to its condition, as disparaging rumors were afloat? The official replied that everything was perfectly safo; but the day following the bank clos- ed its doors and the two ladies in common with hundreds of otber ladies and orphans have lost their all or nearly so. It is expocted that depositors and bill holders may after somo time be paid in full, but they must have patience. Brokers are offering 75 cents on the dollar for the bills,but holders should uot part with them at any such figure. The stock holders are the gnes that will suffer. Seventeen cents on the dollar is the price offered for the stock. In the July report the circulation of the bank was $546,635 and the amount of deposits $697,305. We should judge, however, that thowshareholders of the Exchange will faro betler than those of the' Consolidated ; five cents on the dollar is all that is being offered for Consolidated stock. i The stock of the Consolidated has | not yet been all paid up, some $35,~ 000 has yet to be paid and the officers of the bank have ordered its | collection at the rate of 10 per cent. vo Per month till all is paid--rather | their trust, this they bave own power; but what is to ones and a praise and protection to |' tako scraps of paper which may prove almost worthless ? A united demand should be made for a Gov- ernment legal tonder redeemable issue; then every one getting such notes would feel confident in being able to use them for any purpose ho pleased, all would be ready to accept of them at their face valne, and the toiling ones would no 'longer be at the mercy of the incompetent, reck- less or dishonest officials of mis- managed banks. Whatever may bo the remedy the disease is sufficiently alarming to call for a speedy and powerful remedy and such should be demand- ed, and 1f necessary enforced. ---- » Another Bank up the Spout. The Ville Marie Bark, another Montreal coneern, closed its doors on Friday last. 1t was rather a small affair, its entire capital being only $700,000, but even that is enough to create mischief in a small locality. Before the opening of the Bank a number of people had collected around tho door and the moment the door was opened tho crowd entered ir a rush and it soon becamo obvious that the run could not be met, so a Clerk informed the excited crowd that no further business could be done for the present and the doors wore closed, At the time of sus= pension the eirculation of the Bank was under $300,000 and the deposits amounted to about that sum, but 'even that is not inconsiderable in times like these. This is not a bad crop for ten day's suspensions; three banks in ono city with about five and a half millions of the people's money in their clutches; it cannot be expect- ed but that much confusion, disap- pointment and suffering will follow, But the community should not act foolishly: under the circumstances by crowding and annoying solvent institutions, by foolishly creating a rush and begetting a general scare amongst the more timid, croato further disturbance in our fi ial ers, All wish continued and increased Prize List. orthy an institution, . - Success {ou go worse The prize list of the Dominion Ehibition to be held at Ottawa during the fourth week in September is now before us and is quite encouraging to competitors, the premiums are both numerous and generous and: secur fnga prise at such an exhibition is by no means confined to the money valuo, All entries of animals, implements and machines must be entered with the Secretary A Blast of War. Wild war's deadly blast begins to blow over the Editorial camps of the proverbially pious town ot Bowman. ville. The worthy Editor of the News threatened to handle his dear at Toronto not later than Saturday 23rd inst. All farm products must be entered not later than the 30th inst, Horticultural products, Ladies' work and Fine Arts not later than Sept. 6th. > The Gov.-General offers three special prizes. A Gold Medal to the takerot the greatest number of first prizes on cattle. A Silver medal to the taker of the greatest number of first prizes on horses and a Bronze Medal to the taker of the greatest number of first prizes on sheep and swine, ee ~A-- The Governor General's Visit. At the request of the city council the Gov. General and his royal lady have inti d their jon of coming to Toronto to open theggentral Exhibition on Friday, September 5th, All railways lead- brother of tho Statesman without gloves. The fighting Editor of the Statesman at onco picks up the gauntlot and dares his loving brother to mortal combat after the following fashion :-- « By all means, Frederick, wade in, Let us feel the weight of those blue-blooded, dainty, gloveless hands of yours, and for pity's sake don't hold the sword of ven. geance dangling over our head any longer.-- We are just in fighting trim and though we cannot sport high sounding titles, nor array ourselves in war paint, we promise you and the little clique all you ask, and are prepared to pay our respects to your staff every time. Let us have it then and less brag and bluster Seeking Nomvoux, Va~Aug. 7---Mrs, Tewe's house at Portsmouth for a month past was reported haunted. Last night a crowd of people visited the house, when a high porch gave way, precipitating the throng to the Nine persons t, ten fest below. were seriously injured, "a Ghost and Found & 7 Reality. Lawyers Can't Live.~The Camp-, bellfprd Herald of last week says :--*Lawyers | do not seem fo thrive in our. sister village, Hastings | for & few days ago, an inhabl-}. tant of that village told us to warn young limbs of the law from ever going there to appear with 4 Bolicitor in Chancery, eto.," figuring over their door, Three have been plas Si ovisier BSE A Whole State Repudiating. Nasavie, Aug, 7.--The people of Ten= + nesee decide by ballot to-day the proposi= tion to settle the State debt of about $26,~ 000,000 at 50c., with four per cent. interest. Tt is expected the proposition will be de- foated as tho majority prefer repudiation, pure and simple, and accordingly the pro. position was defeated. and the third, who settled there recently, a lawyer. A BE IE -- Orop Prospects in Europe. et --ee More Beef for "Jonny." Nsw York, Aug. 9.--The steamship City of Londen for Europe to-day, takes 500 head of this port catile, the largest shipment from this po remarks that remained a month, made $1.75, became dis- | heartened, packed his collar box, and has sought other pastures. Unlike Belleville (which has forty,) Hastings is now without The harvest prospects in Britain are as gloomy as can well be imagined the best authorities all concur in stating that the look ont isa murky one the London the wheat ear fis there within a few years, The first, we are August 13, 1879. told, went away minus a shirt; the second in mistaking a kettle of boiling water for a 1 fat job in Chancery, 'was scalded to death ; INSOLVENT ACT OF 1815, ' In the matter of ny THOMAS ALBERT VALENTINE, An Insolvent, WRIT of Attachment has been issued in this cause, and the creditors are notified to meet at my office in the Town of August, 1879, at one o'clock in the afternoon to recive Statement of his affairs, to appoint an Assignee if they see fit, and for the order. ing of the affairs of the Estate generally, L. FAIRBANKS, Official Assignee, ever made in one vessel. : . Jad filling: but slowly; the stalk is | Whitby, Aug. 13, 1879. Haurax, Aug, 9--Five steamers laden fy... t4o plade of a hat sickly hue; with cattle for Europe, put into North Whitby, on Wednesday, the 27th day of Sydney this week for coal. Sad. About two o'clock on the morning of the 13th inst, the startling sound fire! fire | roused the peaceful slumberers of the entire village, in fact the hedious shouts and in- cessant clatter of bells could not fail in awakening all who might be expected ever to awaken, No sooner said than done, people had no sooner opened their eyes than the glare of light told them there was hot work somewhere. Mr, Prince's barns and stables, on the highest point of the village, were found to be in a blage, Our fire brigade hastened to the spot but they were powerless for two reasons ; first, the fire had So well did both sides acquit themsclves {already got such hold of the premises as that it was not easy makingarun and ensured their destruction and second, had "white washing" was of frequent there been a chance there was no water. -- with both sides, and in so well a contested There were any number of spectators but all game twelve runs to ten was quite victory. | V°° powerless and barns, stables and their The Uxbridge boys treated their conquor~ contents were soon reduced to smoking ers to a fine supper in the Revere House, embers. . Manchester, after which all parted gocd The loss will be considerable ; one of the friends, the Uxbridge boys delivering up | DTDs was but lately erected. The contents their ball in token of defeat, but we think | consisted of a large quantity of hay, this we hear them whisper 4It was only lent." | Year's Crop, oat sheaves, plows, wagon and Much interest was taken in the game and large numbers of smaller articles. quite a large number from all the surround- The origin of the fire is a mystery as no ings turned out to witness it, fire of any kind had been on the premises And ald walt J wa for a number of days. The Manchester baseball club measured bats with the Uxbridge club on Saturday last. Tho game came off on the grounds of the former, and competent judges say the play was magnificent that both clubs did themselves credit by their fine play and honorable bearing all through, and taken altogether they were a lot of active, good looking young men, Tho Manchester club secured the victory by two runs, and two runs were by no means easily secured, for of 18 innings there were only 22 runs made, of these Uxbridge got 10 and Manchester 12. in future," ing to the city have agreed to carry pass- Sromuaxp, Aug. 9.--A thirteen year old Coffeo and pistols for two, harry | *"&°™ for half fares from the 5th to the 8th |, of George Roberts, living near this up! both days inoluded. They will doubtless | village, caught his clothes on tho tumbling Em have a big time in Toronto, rod of a threshing machine to-day and was trotabt] Base-Ball. Fire in Port Perry. YE esi Bad Blood. Quesko, Aug, 8.--The cry which has had its origin in the recent excitement at the labor mectings in Bt. Rochs, is provoking a great deal of bad feeling. Last night the English residents on the Vallier road were notified to quit the division, Bs Setting a Post. Mr. Wm. Fleming, of Markham, "has rent a challenge to Prof. Post, of Whitby, offering to play him a match of eight games of pionship of York and d ing tl Bcugog Bri ghts for the ch Ontario counties, for $50 or $100 a side. The match to come of during the prosent month at either Markham or Whitby, et re Killed. --A Miss Adams of Hanover while walking along Saugeen river on Friday last, on her way to a pic-nic to be held at Blue Springs was crushed b.neath a falling tree and instantly killed, S---- Te the Editor of North Ontario Observer, Sir,--There appears some grave misap= prehension on the part of the public regard- he mode in which the contract of dge was finally awarded to Mr, Trennum, of Poterboro, and as one of the resident Commissioners, who were finally d by the whole Board, to dispose of came off at Sunderland on Saturday last The family retired early in the between the Invincibles of Uxbridge and the might ad Brew Bobing of he oe m Silver Stars of Sunderland which resulted y RB 4 ing ti h th ilding, Had th in a decisive victory for the latter club, they wing Pious Soy Bhai os as securing 21 runs against 15 of their oppon- that from which it waa the elics- And all ents, The play was described as very fine i to gc must have been consumed. and it was no easy matter 0 secure & run. The loss is partly covered by insurance, The return match will take place at -------- i --e Uxbridge, on Saturday. Lay on the Gad. affairs, That an uneasy feeling and much distrust is entertained regard- ing many of our monetary institu- tutions is not to be wondered at; and if the people do not demand and enforce & radical chance in our whole banking system the more fools they must be, but the utmost caution will have to bo exercised in tiding over our present difficulty .-- Let us not make matters worse by getting nervous over it and make confusion' doubly confounded. A detormined and persistent run was made on a Savings Bank in Montreal, it proved perfectly solv- ent and withstood the shock, but it was not till after more than six hundred thousand dollars had been paid out to the panic stricken cus- tomers that confidence was restored, the institution was proved to be perfectly sound and many of the nervous ones redeposited their money on the following day. -- Sunday School Pic-Nic. The Sunday School in connection with the church of England, Port Perry, held , their annual pic-nic in Mr. Rogers' grove, north of the village, on Tuesday, 12th inst, That beautiful grove is one of tho finest = places that could be desired for holding a genuine pic.nic; the day was most pleasant and if the number present was not to call large Business Changes. An attempt was lately made in the British House of Commons to do away with that worse than brutal practice, lashing in the army and navy, but Premier Beacons. field and his government succeeded in suse taining the use of the "cat" to a more limited extent it may be but still the dis- grace is maintained and we are only surpris. ed that our brave soldiers and sailors should not revolt against the outrage, Some sensation was caused in the House of Commons two weeks ago by the discovery that some wag had posted up in one of the principal corridors a clever drawing of Lord Beaconsfield as a domestic cat with nine tails. The likeness was excellent and the We have had two important business changes in Port Perry within the past couple of wecks, Mr. I. J. Davis in consequence of failing health finding it necessary to retire from business sold out to Mr. W. B. MaGaw, proprietor of the Walker House, so that Mr. McGaw has now taken possession, and hav-- ing effected extensive and important repairs on the premises and got on a choice new stock ismow in full blast in the Grocery, Provision and Liquor lines and is prepared to satisfy all comers in both quality snd price of goods. See his new advertisemwut in this issue. Mr, J. L. Watkis having received tie the contract according to specified instruc- tions, I beg to solicit the favor of a small the bank of the and it is quite within the compass of possi- bility that the yield will be indifferent in both quantity and quality, and our best bread will be from abroad, In the course of Jast week the dreaded potato blight show~ ed itself here and there, and now threatens to be general. Apples, a poor crop to be- gin with, suffering from lengthened and re- current frost and from scanty sunshine, show worse every day. The fruit that should have ripened have come to their day without ripening, quent; ithout flavor or tenderness. Strawberries, rasp. berries currants, only remind us of what FLOUR eee AN Drees FEED STORE! THOS, MADILL ' AVING purchased the Business lately carried on by Mg. J. L. Warm, begs nform the inhabitants of Port Perry, and vicinity, that he will constantly keep on they ought to have been, and have to be hand'a good sud largely supplemented with sugar in cookery. Cherries very early succumbed to the in- Fresh Sup Pp 1 y clemency of the season. Everything in our --OF gardens has been running to stalk and leaf, | Flour, Corn, Plaster, There is a full crop of peas, but everybody | Shorts, Pos, Sater Lime, ran, notices that they want flavor. Beans will Oats, Gta Flour, Coal, fail in quantity as well as in quality. As| Barley, Cracked Wheat, Garden and Ficld Seeds. RE5Cash for Hides aud General Produce, N. B.--Blacksmiths may rely on obtains ing the Best Coal, at a reasonable figure, as I am determined to keep no other. THOS. MADILL, Worthington's Old Stand, Port Perry. | for the wall fruit, happy are they who poss. ess no walls, or no trees trained against them. Barley and oats may be said to have the summer still before them ; but the former is aa ill color, and will not be an abundant crop. What seems hardest of all, and will be a paradox to some of our readers the meadow grass itself is poor, and does not feed or cheer the cattle as it ought. It wants body and flavor. The Mark Lane Express takes a very gloomy view of the harvest prospects in Great Britain and the continent, * It says :-- «The unfortunate farmers of our own and other countries are the chief victims of the catastrophe, Next to them, perhaps, their laborers will stand in the order of suffering, and it is to be feared many industrious men will be thrown out of employment during the great agricultural crisis that is now in- evitable, The farmer may lose his all ina season go utterly bad as the present one, and Aug. 12, 1879. J w $310qOY id Pp *§)S0 space in your valuable journal, to set the action of the Commissioners in its true light. The primary determination of the Com- missioners was to require the work to be completed this fall, and to remove the floating portion of the old bridge to one side and use it 80 as not to- interrupt traffic. With this end in view the original specificay tions were drawn, and advertisements for tenders, inserted in the local papers. Upon the expiration of tho time for the reception of tenders, but before any of them wero opened, the Commissioners so far modified their original design, as to allow till the fall of next year, This was done with the two- fold object of lessening the cost and of securing a_ better job by allowing plenty of time for the new bridge to settle so as not to be a subject of further exp to the County. Accordingly, we instructed Mr, Yarnold--one of the persons tendering and understood to represent two others, viz; Messrs, Christian and Graham, of Manch ter--to aller the specifications to that extent, Before opening the tenders ample opportunities were offered to the parties concerned to mako such modifications in the tenders as circumstances would warrant. comforts to which he has been accustomed without capital in the colonies, " ranging from 69 to 75, the England and France next winter, the average. 1, myself, saw Messrs, Yarnold, Bigelow, Thompson, Ireland, Deveril and Dyer, un- derstood to be, all, or to represent all the be will then be in a worse position than the laborer, as he not only loses a position and but he is less able to get a living as a man A private letter from a gentleman in Eastern Germany, dated July 23, says :-- "There has been no summer, but rain nearly every day, the thermometer in my room In some places harvesting has begun, - but unless wo have some warm, dry weather soon much of the grain must rot in the fields. Adding to this mt of grain and other food crops destroyed by the inundations last month and it looks as if America would be called' upon to feed Germany us well as The acconnts from Russia are also not very encouraging ; of rye the crop will be below In Podolia and Volnynia the yield of rye will be very slight. The out look for wheat is slightly better than for rye in some of the governmeuts, but in Kieff there are some flelds that will scarcely repay "L "M Jo 81q jooq put sao 91," HILLON 'y 01 sio)oadsuy ayy Aq paoe saws 0) Apdwoad pajas aq sn pue 'wonjodjjoy Joj spaeqy , 029q JAvY ysiavg 'M parties tendering, and asked them to take ield of 1 back and opea their tenders and make such below that of last year. nine tails were supposed to the cat o' nine tails applied to the backs of our soldiers and sailors. Some, however, pre- tended that the nine tails were meant fo represent war, slavery, bankruptcy, imperial ism and other evils which have heen associ ated with the policy of the Government by its opponents, The drawing was in its way quite a work of art. Many members in spected it before it was removed by the officials of the House, -- P ---------- ee Some time between the evening of the 12h il appointment of Bailiff of the third Divisim Court has gold out his business to Mr. The. Madill who has just Jaid in a carefuly selected stock of everything in the flour axd feed line of choice quality. Also a large supply of coal which he 'will sdl in any quantity--see his advertisement mn this isspe. He offers choice goedsat lov prices. S-- Caught in a Hen Roost. Hawi h therein as they saw fit. This they declined to do, one of them remarking, that at most the alteration would not make a difference of $500. Under these circumstances the Board of Commissioners decided to open the tenders. These were found to average from $11,200 to $8,800, and were nsidered goth too high. The Warden of the County, who way present, freely stating his conviction, that he could obtain a responsible man who would undertake the work for $7,500, After mature and careful consideration, the Board adjourned--first, however, instructing the d issi to let the job, if oats, barley, &c:, promise a good crop." Fall Shows. day and Tuesday, the 29th and 30th o Wednesday, October 1st. day and Thursday, October. pilled.--A pl party and morning of the 13th inst. the poulty ft Sanborn driving to Lewist premises of Mr. R. Scott, lot 9 in the Th over ity Je n ng on con. of Reach, were invaded by som on Friday morning last in order to take the miscreants, who stole therefrom some ten & boat for Toronto, there were nino young a dozen fine Turkeys. ladies in one wagon; and in keeping with The fowls were the property of the girh, | the times they supposed they could do their which,if possible, int if the | own driving as well as a gentleman conld the thievish act. The miserables who coukl avd away they went. Tn tho. greatest gles, a be guilty of such an act deserve the pillory, and it may easily be imagined that the hum of voices of nine ladies driving along without a gentleman amongst them must have been a little fatiguing on the team so while descending a hill to the landing the wagon psized spilling its precious load injuring all of them pretiy severely and it is feared ---------- A Valuable Periodical. We have before us the August number >f the Journal of Agriculture for the Provinje of Quebec, an ing and i it was composed of the right ial for iog ahd 3 jodical which evidently fills the purpos ng & ful picnic, enjoyable, Some sixty or seventy active, intelligent, gloeful boys and girls ; quite a number of interesting young ladies and active young men with not a few of the ded by its publication and which eax possible, at any sum less than $7,500, if not able to accomplish this, we were to fall back on the Warden's offer, to find a responsible party who would complete the work for that amount, And in the event of the Warden not being abla to do th.s, we were to once more advertise for Tenders. Fortunately neither of the last two alteratives was taken as we found a good man willing to undertake the work for $7,300, that is for 8200 less than the sum the Warden suggested, $1,500 less than the lowest otherwise fi y tender. It has been treely statea tnat $4,800 is to be paid to the Contractor when the material has been placed on the road. This is a mistake, Tho county is not bound to pay one cent for materials placed in or out of position on the road. We simply pay as the work progresses seventy per cent. thereon of October. October. a ay. i DIED. At C: ton, on T Hugh Munro, Esq., aged 74 years, of the term, dustry marked his course wherever he went the labor of harvesting. In short, the entire will fal iderabl Other grains, as Brock Township, at Sunderland, on Mon- Reach, Scugog and Port Perry, at Port Perry, on Tuesday, September 30th, and North Brock, at Cannington, on Wednes, the 1st and 2nd of North Ontario County Show, at Uxbridge, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 7th and 8th Cartwright Township, at Williamsburg, on Thursday and Friday, the 9th and 10th of , 1th inst. Deceased was a pioneer in the best sense one of our early settlers and one who left every locality in which he resided vastly better than he found it; the tokens of well directed, indefatigable in- Splendid Residence for Sale PORT PERRY. Big Four Village Lots; twa of whicn are corner lots, nicely laid oud with a beautiful Lawn and planted with various kinds of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, &c., Good Young Orchard of Choice Fruit Trees in beating, mostly Plum and Pear, BRICK HOUSE, 26x32, Hard and Soft Water, Wood House, Driving Barn, and Stable, all. in firstclass order. This property commands a magnificent view of the Village, Lake and surrounding Country, is centerally situated and is isolat= ed trom all other buildings. Reason for Selling--Having recent] Tube f chased land for Nursery Grounds, J 0. ©. KELLETT, ding lo our own only be served by such a publication. It would be well if every tarmer, not in Quebec alone but in the whole Dominion, were fo securo and regularly read this my periodical, there is no number of sucha ication. but nf safety, The swing was a prominent mea n of enjoyment and it was not confined to the little ones, though these had all they could desire, Ample provision was made for the comfort of all and general satisfaction was services of sweets, apples, &o. Tho matter of tea set out and partaken of in the pic-nic the result. The children got several | Ls + | exalted Impartality, Indeed, sir, it is th bop d in a high degree th rab) qualities which go far in 1t will thus be seen, Sir, that the person wring the love Bacal, July 30, 1879. Box oh, whose tender was accepted had no advant- age real or imaginary--over his competitors --but that all were treated with the most ohh husband and esteem of all with whom be came in contact, a desirable townsman, an obliging a loving is ich has given offence to style was by no means the least 1 g _ | feature of the occasion. It had been de. termined to make the occasion one of re- creation and enjoyment for the scholars and the purpose was fully carried out to the satisfaotion of all ; and certainly the children to be satisfied with the _particul- We are pleased to know that this Sunday | School has done and is still doing much seventy pupilsand twelve or fourteen teach. good in our midst. It contains about! father and an upright, honorable man, The build there convenient to the Nursery. £1 For price asd terms apply fo the Owner, shold have rejoiced )eople had 5 fathers and mothers of the and {ns more ment of ladies'{s particularly objected to. very impartality wl > . , interested . I have more once bows of other d fons Joined in {80d is worth more than & whole yeaw'| 'None ever the balter draw with good 4 hastiey Tis Bind ble pi yous UPR NR adits spent to take partin the ' Mosse, | "uberis i No farmer should be withoat | Opinion of the hints, that & local man should have got the Ee uanied Hoomlity ha ae vers 4 : mioy "| this pertodical and all should resd it sad etooq Cato oven at the bigher price. [The | FNS be yoo gh Rolph, ects, Kilpatrick, | onder over b of tho inf ion ojo Fortune is © certainly ca ane of the beat and most substantial flouring Bduiett, Bood. Kirston and others by their | tained through its columns. | that Senator will succeed Mr. |ed by the implied of their pe mills, mill dams and ther necessary works care and direction over the children in thei 5 McDonald as of Ontario next May | honor or senso of rightcoug action. to be found any. where else in the provi en in their | when that office vacant. Goldwin| Tn this matter I, in common with the | He laid the nencleus of what is now the fine | amusements contributed much to their en- Another Oandidate in the Fie. gyi it is said will offered the seat thus other Commledioters am # counlly Ligh village of Cannington. The joyment and necured their comfort sud | yo CEL ber of a | ToCed 0 the Senate. a ooliseri 0d as uch on boned 42 | sudden. if no carly demise of deceased has it ore of our towns- cast a gloom of sadness over a large section Late ORG : good looking, handsomely clothed, thorough- Liberty of the Press secured t but no' widely known Iy interesting and intelligent candidate bk | - ; tinge by soll IDMSISet | ese wider ee oy = OND 00d adi public favor in the shape of 8 weskly netse | Rogues, Hypocrites and Tyrants havo slc Ee ono £04 1 wand gd: Te for Tht Bae. Sumlly 1 Goel 4ndAen CONTAINING paper, The Sommspetite bailing fram | wholesome fear of the newspaper press. ' $1600 to put ina 5 | loss of one so well deserving of their esteem, | ) oux City, Towa, D. H. Talbot bebe my, Vienna Vaterlond has published some pata" 1m atoms who tendered | respect and love, 4 10 0 A C. 3 mages aud proprietor The new ventwe |, ting revelations relative to the unfavor- AV hink that iy : 21s going ------------------ Thi 1a. enn tifally ai acer. Itise able emnitary condition of the army in puts iris for not The: Markets. mile Kast of Sunderland, on the T tlw oon cath [Dotuly atuaod by bal and Whullclent %3b |veibg to, bia place. 11 on 16 hand "Ossskvan Ovpion; | Avg. 14, 1015, | ud Shrenmilen West of hi ne plies, - It 1s said that the official reports |they think he is to make money they WYIOR, AVE Jy 130%: the y, Port. on aad eo people, Wo w ghow that in December one-third of the from their | Fal] Wheat, .., veses oe. $090 to $095 The 1054 1a good stats a long aud prospeTolis Gareets to 080 fa 0 gs | ati op eR ented. ' --- of veer 08880 040g id Barn Oivio Holiday. el u 1 asso. 010 oir $7 ae premie ate % ; : Wo a Just sow acing our vc . trim 80 Acres Ol shapwit nd Aeey Te hid any. acoptable Tan 009to 010 The remainder is besutitnl Har y excell in matter of se - ; tender for 8 sum lower n | 500 to 560 TITLE INDISPUTABLE, Bo Suey could ellis Sia oF of ~Atthe rais- that in by Mr. Trennum such local 000to 013] Tothor JSDY ; x : we cleo holiday and ng of , fownaliy of Would have assuredly got. the contract 0000 010! Baume Benito Poss Oe of Wray Teoursion ud. those that did vot go tien Bentiok, on the afternoon of Friday last, the | Tiavatho tionor So be, Ble, | ! 00pio 010 Bian, Wick Fost Offce. --' and many of those Who did are pre falling of a half raised bent killed tomen on | Your most obd't servant, ge 008to 009 Dated at Brock this 10th day of July, 179. {bo off now, 'many of them scarcely kag the spot and nine others were severely ln- | J. WRIGHT, : *Totatoes w. 05810 070] ROBERT BRABAZON,) gif 'hetber, § fh. 5 oad TG B.C W0olioia vasarieerrseer 9220-023 WILLIAM BAIRD, }Exicirons, wi © * LE dn =, ! "