Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Jul 1879, p. 1

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at _ For each line, first insertion ...... and ather dep VOL. XXII, NO 29.t = . J i TARIO OBSE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURS DAY, JULY 3, 1879. \ Forth Onfarig Obseruer. 4 WEEXLY POLITICAL, AGRICUL- JURAL §& FAMILY NEWSPAPER, , 18 PUBLISHED AT POLIT PERRY, ONT., EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, . BY BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid in ad: vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than six months; dnd no paper discontinued until all arrcars ate paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. i ..$0 08 Rubsequent insertions, per line ...... 0 02 Lo 6 lines, per annum ..... 5 00 Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- ed, will be at our risk. : Advertisements measured by Nonpareil, aud ohasged acording to the space they oc- eupy. ; vertisements receive Ly apecifio instructions, will be inserted witil forbid and charged accordingly. No advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for. A liberal di t allowed to M t and others who advertise by the year or half-year, p&y* These terms will in all cases be strictly a werd to Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and salar, exccuted promptly and at lower rates that any other establishment in the County. a Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &c. printed can have them done to take home with them, J.BAIRD. Shar m---- Professional Cars. J H, SANGSTER, 'M. D., Physician, Sur- 4 Bean and Accouchour, Coroner for the Cotinty of Ontario PORT PERRY. OMbe over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. Ofeo hours from 9a. m. to12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently occupied by Mrs, Geo, Paxton. for publication, H. PARSONS. R. WARE, Coronor for the County of SE Physician, Surgeon and Ac- cougheur, Ofte, opposite the town hall. Port Perry. Surgeons, er RY, MeGILL & RAF geont, &b,, &e, Oddice and Residences, Oshawn, WG M GILT, MT. FRANCIS RAE, M.D. Ww _F. MCBRIEN, M.D., M. R. (*. S,, Guy's Nedepital, London, England. The Kye R. 9, H. 1a, Oshawa, Ik, County Crown arrister, Attaimey, Office lately oc= 1sq., Brock street, HK, FAREWELL, L oJ) . Attorney for Ontar Bailojtay, and Notary Pub cuplad by 8. H, Cochrane, : Whitb, B., Solicitor in ERE sda A . ENGLISH I YAN T. ON ance, &c. 4 Ohancery, Attorney, Ou Oshawa. pe--Simeoe street, opposite the Post OfMee OUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At- ] TN od, Solicitor In Chaneery, and' fnsolvency, Notary. Publie, &e. OMeo--MeMiilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan A cery. Notary Public, ¥e., &c. Office jours punctually from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Money to Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. mp emt RC . PATERSON, Beaverton,) 5 rristor and Attorney-at Law, Solici- tor 0 Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- &e. I ed over Brown & Curries Stove Port Perry. as a McGILLIVRAY, Barristers Blikictor Notarles Public, &e, Port Perry. 2 3 large amount of money to loan at 8 r cen John Billings. J. A. MURRAY ATE Patterson & 4 Fenton, Surgeon f Dentist, Office over Corrigan & Camp- § bell's #tore, Port Perty. All work ope ip the very Jone and best style and warranted to give satisfaction. Port Perry, March 28, 1877. C. N. VARS, L. D. 8. BETH idserted on all tho latest princi- dL of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- ost, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. = Teeth extractei] without pain by producing local anwmsth- esid, Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Btreet, Oshawa. Hanning & Lally, P L. SURVEYORS, CIVIL EN. . anges, Draughtsmen, Solicitors of ents. Office, Gould's Block, Uxbridge. ©. §. HANNING. ©. W. LALLY. - Mowny 10 Loan --C. G. Hanning, Agent forthe Freehold Loan-& Savings Co. Pxbridge, March 26, 1879. BY GRIST, PateN SOLICITOR AND Daavenruax, Ottawa, Canada. Transgyots business With the Patent Office te 0 G t | John A. McGillivray. the and the Registration of Trade cs atid Designs procured. Drawings, and other Documents neces- Patetits of I pt of the tiodel of the Invention. D, BATEMAN, Veterinary Surgeon, _ PORT PERRY. business Eads. ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $3,000,000 J PORT PERRY BRANCH. --_-- SAVINCS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in io ith this Branch. Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter- est allowed thereon, FOR THB COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Township of Mariposa Charges to suit the Times. C. DAWES, Port Perry, Feb 12, 1870. JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Money, Land & Insurance BROKERS, F-- AVE large sums of money on hand for Investment, Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale or to Rent. AGENTS FOR THE No notice of withdrawal required. A, A. ALLEN, Xam "MANAGER. 1 =U - C. DAWES, ALLAN LINE : Of Steamships. LICENSED JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, : Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, ! | Port Perry. A 3 Port Perry, Jan. 23, 1879, JAMESLUND, MONEY, LAND & INSURANCE BROKER, ONVEYANCER, Commissioner for taking Afdavits in Court of Queen's Bench, &e. MONEY T0 LOAN In any manner to suit borroyers, Mortgages Bought, Accounts, Notes, &e., Collected and WwW. M. WILCOX . TE ol LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ETURNING my sincere thanks to my R numerous friends and patrons for their liberal patronage bestowed upon me as Auctioneer during the past cight years, I would now beg to offer my services to all who may have Farm Stock, Im plements, or other property to sell by Auction anywhere in North Ontario, the towuship of Mariposa or Cartwright. A My long and extensive practice as Auc- tioneer has enabled nie to judge the value of Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the Contity, and this is of imports ance as if the Auctioneer is not a good judge of the value of Stock he may soon lose far mote than his fee in any sale. Bill stamps always on hand. i, Sale Bills arranged and notes supplied free of charge. Days of Sale may be arranged at the Onsgrver Office, where a Sale Register will bo kept, T en Liberal, W. MW. Port Ferry, Sept. 4, 1877. E. MAJOR, y ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties 1, wishing his services can call at the «Observer Office, Port Perry, dnd arrange for days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. WM. GORDON, 3 Wi , &e. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, i L a A may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. BG5™ Parties entrusting their Sales to me DL prompt rem made. The party borrowing money can get it without commission, at the Lowest rate, and is allowed to fix his own time for payment of interest once a year (not in adva y time, just as circumstance: art or all of the principal, rinding themeelves inthe mort- such sum, whether large or d apply it as a direct reduction of nediately cancelling th prest . N' X rge 1s it. Loans made 0 to 0, or good productive town pre ye In all eases where the title is perfect, the cost will be very slight to the bor r. Asl th as Agent and Valuator 3 in the transaction. If the title is perfect the money will be paid here in two weelis after making appliea- tion. vor publi JAMES LUND, iroke Parrish's Block, Cor, Brock and I streets, Uxbridge. y 17, 1877. Uxbridge, M MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also stveral Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap, Investments made in Municipal Deben tures, Bank and other marketible Stocks, Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &c. Whitby, April 10, 1873, ROTICE TO FARMERS & GTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. 11C per cent. Ixpedition teving assured. 8. H, CHRISTIAN. Manchester, October 17, 1877, hotels. THE WALKER HOUSE PORT PERRY 4 i Subscriber having leased the above hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to metit the approbation and patronage of the public, THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo- dations is equalled by few Hotels in the Province and surpassed by none out of the best cities, Commercial Travelers, the Traveli Public, Farmers and others doing = in the Village and Be general public will nd in THE WALKER HOUSE all that can be required in the matter of dat and mod: in charg fhe Charges are No Higher at the 'Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Tables and Bar supplied with the choice of the market and the utmost atten-- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL GUESTS. An abundance of comfortable Stable and Shed accommodation, and attentive hosters. W. B. McGAW. Port Perry, April 20, 1876. ORT PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY. JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comtort- ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers,-- Additions have been made which maker this the largest and best House in this section of country. Fare $1.00 per Day. (ouEroIAL HOTEL, The subscriber having succeeded Mr, Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams- burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up with a view to'the comfort and convenience of guests, The supplies for the table and bar care- fully selected. PETER HOLT, Cartwright, March 4, 1879. VERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, By GEO. HOUCK, Having leased the above excellent Hotel it will be my endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the appro- bation and patronage of the public. Manchester, Oct. 8, 1875. NTARIO HOTEL, WHITBY, T. MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. The public well cared for, and all Guests will plepse feel at home. 2 'Whitby, Nov, 9th, 1876. UEENS HOTEL, Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Oxr. D. CAMPBELL, ProprieTon This Hotel is now furpished in the best style, and offers every accommodation to travelers. | Ba First class Sample Rooms, Livery MONEY TO LOAN. T. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township 4 of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, cte., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt i R b WALSHE, the eer. made. North Ontario Auction- WM. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer. HE Undersigned having taken out a License as Auctioneer is now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted to him-- Having had much experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple- ments of all kinds, Farm Produce, &c, &c., parties placing their sales in my hands may rely on getting all for the property that is possible to bring. All orders promptly attended to, sale bills made oul and sale notes furnished free of WH SPENCE; CoxTrAGTOR, Buisien, &¢, ¢an_be done. Wi Prince Albert, April5, 1876. , CALLS by day or night tl lp CALI iy or night promp bend SN er by mail or y will be attended to without delay. Street, directly south of D. BATEMAN. 79. age Licenses. Pa Office; Tob 10, in the 5,1874, 33 Jou CHRISTIE, TOWNEHIE OLERE, Commissioner &c. ssuer of Marriage Licenses--Conyeyancer, HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years, Agent for W Saas Company, He has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds, Inter st Eight per cent, No Commission, N. ff. PATERSQN. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor CLEMENT DAWES, "J AS Money to Loan on Farm security in any manner to suit borrowers, Mort. gages bought at lowest rates. Accounts, Notes, &c., collected on reasonable Com. mission, Apply personally, or by letter to C DAWES, Auctioneer, &c., Port Perry, March 7, 1878. MONEY [Private Funds,] T'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent ifi- terest, ¥ ERN CANADA LoAN AND i leaving their orders at tho LYMAN ENGLISII, Osserver Office, Port Perry, will receive Bagrnister, &o., immediate and careful attention, ; Oshawa Charges Moderate, November 21, 1866. 4 WM. i an. Raglan, Sept 10, 1878, WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1851, The Subscriber in returning his sincerp -- thanks for the very liberal mibhags, bit loarrTan, . . 8800000. puslis x ally that ving bought Bebage| (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) Albert, he will in future give his whole i attention 16 1 Nia business as Céhizactor, nd is HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Faying, ring, and everything connect | pay Tnsurances effected at the lowest Herewjon, Tan tha best and id EN cmrent rates on Buildings, Merchandise, | style, and at the very lowest Jette at which | and other property, against ,loss or damage a The it rial | py fire, JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Agents, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan 22, 1870. oy their contents, count and Churches, Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so, either applying to the Head Office, or to any of | x, local Agents of the Company. Our rates T 0. FORMAN, » ISSUER OF One door Port Perry, Marriage Licenses. wv of the Walker House will be found as low 4s those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--~Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock 8t., Whitby, 2 C. NOURSE, Sceretary. W. H. BEOWNE, General Agent. School Houses Cannington, Oct. 20, 1873. 43 JA NOLO-ANERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, - = - PROPRIETOR. Having | 1 the above pl 1 ¥ situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated tlie entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of guests. * The table and bar well supplied. W. H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. A BUSTRONG HOUSE, (LAaTg ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. The Only First Class House in Town. PENsox MOUSE, late Jewett Honse, Kent Street, Lindeay. Board, $1.50 per day. E. BENSON, Proprietor. T QUEEN'S HOTEL, WHITBY, ORT, McCANN & TAYLOR, Proprierons. very dation for the 1 public. ag (ENTRE HOTEL, SAINTFIELD. § The undersigned havin; vated and ired the on tly located Hotel, would now inform the traveling public that the utmost attention will be given to the comfort and convenience of all guests. Choice supplies for the table and the bat. Good Stabling and a careful hostler. : JOS. BROWN, Proprigtor., | Saintield, March 25,1879, © reno- IN PIssING HOTEL, BUNDERLAND. 'What Makes a Man, Not years d life, Not pretty children and a wife, Not pins and chains and fancy rings, Nor any such like trampery things ; Nor pipe, cigar, nor bottled wine, Nor liberty with kings to dine; Nor coat, nor boots, nor yet a hat, A dandy vest or trim cravat, Nor all the world's wealth laid in store ; Nor mister, reverend, sir nor squire; With titles that the memory tire; Nor ancestry traced back to Will, 0 went froth Normandy to kill ; Nor Latin, Greek, nor Hebrew lore, Nor thousand volumes rambled o'er, Nor Judge's robe, nor Mayor's mace, Nor.erowns that deck the royal race. These all united never can Avail to make a worthy man. A truthful soul, a loving mind, Full of affection for its kind ; A helper of the human race, A soul of deauty and of grace ; | A spirit erect, firm and free, That never basely bends the knee ; That will not bear a feather's weight Of slavery's chain for small or great ; That firmly speaks of God within, That never makes a league with sin; That snaps the fetters despots make, And loves the truth for its own sake; That worships God and him alone ; That trembles ot no tyrant's nod-- A soul that fears no one but God, And thus can smile at curse and ban, That is the soul that makes a man. THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE. A survivor of the celebrated ride into the juwes of death gives inthe Boston Commercil Bulletin the fol~ lowing graphic picture of the charge: 'Lord Cardigan's oyo glanced us over; then spurring his horse forward a few paces ho said : 'My men we have received orders to silence that battery.' 'My G--d !" my brother cjaculat- ed. Then grasping my hand he suid : 'Fred, my dear fellow, good-by ; we don't know what may happen God bless you, keep close to me--' What more ho might have said was lost in Lord Curdigan's ringing shout of -- ¢ Charge I' INTO THE JAWS OF DEATH. We went in at a trot, tho trot changed to a canter, and the canter to a galop. Through the lines I could seo Lord Cardigan soveral horse lengths ahead riding as steadily as it ho wero on parade.-- Now to tell the plain truth, when we had ridden a short distance, say one htindred paces, I folt terribly afraid. The truth flashed upon mein a moment that we were riding into & position that would expose us to fire on both flanks, as well as the fire from the battery in front of us, which we had been instructed to silence. Isaid to myself, 'This is the ride to death I' but I said it loud enough for my brother to hear, and he answescd and said : 'There goes tho first |' 'The first was Lord Lucan's aido~ de-camp, Capt. Molan, who after making a slight detour, was croas- ing our left to join us in the charge. A cunnon ball had just cut him in two as my brother spoke. 'My heart leaped into my moath and I almost shrieked with tear, but I restrained myself and setting my teeth hard I rode on. A moment later the rifle bullets from the sharp shooters oun the hillside began to whistle about our ears. Saddles were emptied at evey step. Then came the Ywhistling shot and then tho shrieking shells tore through our squadrons, mingling men and horses, ploughing bloody furrows through and through our ranks.-- Then my fear left me. My whole soul became filled with a thirst for revenge, and I believe the same spirt animated every man in the ranks.-- Theirfoyes flashed and they; ground their tetth and pressed closer to gether. The very horsos caught the mad spirit and plunged for- ward as if impatient tolead us to our revenge and theirs. At this time there was not much to be seen. A heavy dense smoke hung over the valley, but the flaming;mouth of the guns rovealed them to our eyes at every moment as they bolched forth their murderous contents of shot and shell. ¢Now a shot tore through our ranks cutting a red line from flank to flank, then a shell plowed an oblique and bloody furrow from our right front to our left rear, anon a hetting shot rose over our £ W.BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- Tho LR J « sion Court. Office in Bigelow's Block, > 'he undersigned having leased the above ; n A : THE ONT ARIO Hotel 1 . renovated and tted itp with 2 rich Office hours from 10 a. m, to 3 p. m. | 3 | Lp Supplies Jor The fable au, bar, sore, SE ~ r cled, e traveling public wi ind T. C. FORMAN, Farmers Mutual [nsuance Co J every accommodation necessary to. comfort at INSPECTOR of WEIGHTS § MEASURES y : ipissing Hotel. 0 TUCREE. For the County of Ontario. Head Office, Whitby, Sunderland, May 5, 1879. : that was a ride. Port Perry; Nov 1, 1876. 4], 1 is now fully ized and is ; : less, and men Sor oe op Form Dinomes [THE NoNgUON HOTEL, dersirned The having p d the aboye Hotel has had it thoroughly overhaul- ed in ei department in and around the ses fitting it in every way to secure the comfort of g ts. The eptites for the table and bar will always be the best tlie market can supply. No will be spered in making this large and pleasantly located Hotel an agreeable resting place for the traveling public. Seagrave, May 1, 1879 W. 8. LATTIMOR. first ranks, fell into our centre and hewed its way to the rear, making terrible bayoc in its passage. Oh! Horses ran rider- bareheaded, and splashed with the blood of their comrades pressed closer and ground number grew smaller: INTO THE GATES OF HELL. the centro of the battery. their teeth harder, and mentally swore a deadlier rovenge as their Alone in the front rode Cardigan still keoping the same distance ahead. His horse was headed for Silently we followed him, Up to this time neither my brother nor myself bad received tho slightest scratch, al- though wo were now riding side by side with comrades who at the start were separated from us by several files. We reached tho battery at last. Up to this time we had ridden in silence, but what a yell burst from us as we plunged in among the Russian gunner! Well would it have been for them if they bad killed us all before we reached them. They had done too little and too much. They had set us ou fire with passion. Only blood could quench our thirst for revenge. We passed through tho battery like a whirlwind, sabering the gunners in our passage. I don't believe one of them lived to tell the tale of that ride. Out of tho battery and into the brigade--an army it was of cavalry. Our charge was resistless. The Russians fell before our sabers as corn before the reaper. They seemed to have no power of resist-- ance. And there was no lick of material to work upon. They clos. ed in upon us and surrounded us on every side, but we hewed our way through them as men how their way through a virgin forest, and only stopped when we reached the bank of tho Tchermaya river. BLOODY REMINISCENSES. 'Wheeling here we proceeded to cut our way back again. On the return ride I was assailed by a gigantic Russian trooper, who made a stroke at me with his sabre. I partially guarded it, but not wholly, and the next mohent felt'a stinging pain in my peck. It passed in a moment, however, and I was about to make short work of the trooper when,I heard my brother cry : 'Ah! you would, would you?" and the Russian fell cleft to the chin. 'We cut our way through and once more entered tho fatal valley. When half way back to our starting point, a cannon ball struck my brother and beheaded him. Tom, uh, thank you!' "Tho color-sergeant drained an- other glass. 'When we formed up on arriving at our starting point Lord Cardigan with the tears streaming from his eyes, said; 'It was not my fanlt my men.' And the men replied in one voice: 'We are ready to go in again, my Lord, if you will lead us.' Just then I became dizzy. My scalp had been lifted by the stroke of the Russian's sabre, tho skin of my cheek cleft across to my upper lip, and I fainted from want of blood. 'When my time expired in tho cavalry I ro-enlisted in this vegi- ment. I am always proud to hear myself called one of the six hundred, but--poor Jack, fill that glass again, Tom. Thus ended the sorgeant's story of this famous charge. Happy Thoughts. Necessity does tho work of cour- ago. A thousand parties of pleasure do not leave a reeollection worth that one good action. Ambition often playes the wrest- lers trick of raising a man up merely to fling him down, A mother dreads no momories-- those shadowes have all melted away in the dawn of a baby's smile. In the man or woman whose childhood has known taresses there is alays a fibre of memory that can be touched to gentle issues. | Smiles are to life what tho sparkle is to wine, or scintillations to the diamond intensifying its boauty and the rainbow. Fow nights are so dark that no stars are ta be spen ; the thing is to look out and keep ane's eye on them, and make the most of what light can be discovered. The goldon moments in the stream of life rush past us, and wo see noth. ing but sand; the angels come to visit us and we only know them when they are gone. By love's delightful influence all the injuries of tho world are alien~ ated, the bitter cup of affliction is sweetness and fragrant flowors are strewed along the most thorny path of life. Generous and noble emotions, vivid feelings and active exercises in tho pursuit of some noble object | rarely fail to give grace 'to the beauty itself ta the face. like the spring, aglow with promise; ripened on tho field, movements and a rarer charm than Qur loves should be like days more beaatiful in the evening; or or liks the autum, rich with golden sheaves; when good works have | WHOLE NO. 112 ¢ -- Why She Wept. Old Nancy had been telling Bijah that she give the court as good 'sass' as be sent, and that he might give ber six months and be hanged to him. She walked out with an ugly look in her eyes and her teeth shut, and was impatient for the affray to begin. 'Years and years ago,' began his Honor, talkipg as if to himself, 'I used to pass a white house on Second street. It was 80 white and clean, its green blinds contrasted so prot- tily that I used to stand on the walk and wonder if the inmates were not the happiest people in Detroit. They wero happy. They had plenty.-- They had children who played games on the green grass, and the birds sang all day long in the ar- bors.' Old Nancy looked around uneasily as he waited for a moment. 'As the years wont by the white house turned brown with neglect.-- The birds went away, The child- ren died or grew up ragged of un- civil, I well remember the day the husband and fatber puta pistol to his head and enced his sh and Never bet unless you have a counterfeit 5 bill which it is impossible to palm off ever on a near-sighted conductor by lamp-light, Boware of little things, A coat collar with a single hair on it will cause more Senile thon a tes dollar switch anywhere else, A French widow was bemoaning the ol of her husband, ¢I have at least one con-- solation,' she sobbed out, ¢ I know where he spends his nights now,' i An exchange says women never think, 3 Perhaps the man who penned that statement thinks those spring hats aud those bewitch~ ing spring suits planned themselves, Buf we don't believe it, { Toll me,' exclaims Dr, Mary Walker, * How would Venus have looked had she worn corsets I' Dear Mary, if she hadn'% worn anything else she would have looked ridiculous. Especially at an evening party, An Irishman, at the imminent risk of hig life, stopped a rucaway horse a few days ago. The owner.came up after a while and quiet- remarked, 'thack you, sir.' 'An' faith, how are yo going to divide that betune twq of us * Byron, my, son,' said a literary father to his athletic son, 'Byron never played base ball.' ¢No:' said the boy, pulling on his orango colored suit, ¢ and George Washington never wrote poetry,' Here the morning hour expired, and the bill went over," A legal gentleman met a brother lawyey: on the streot one day last wook, and the life together. The wife was drank when the body was brought home by the crowd.' A low moan of pain escaped the old woman's lips, 'It wus her love for drink that killed that man--that buried--the children--that sent the birds away --that passed the placo to stranger's hands,' whispered the court, 'Is the woman dead ?' Old Nancy groaned as her tears fell. 'No, she lives. She has no home, no friends, no one to love her.-- There must be times when she looks back to plenty, peace and bappinpss and has such a heartache as few women know of. There must be times when she remembers the graves she once wept over, the children's voices must sometimes remind her of tho tones of those laid to rest long ago.- I would not be in her place for all the wealth inthe world.' 'Oh! sir! don't talk to mo--don't call it all up?' she moaned as she wrung her hands. 'You may go,' Le quiotly said, ¢ you have not long to live. There are those here who can remember when you had silks instead of rags --when you rode id your carriage instead of wandering through alleys and lying in the gutter. Some morning you will be found dead.-- That will be the last act of the drama so full of woe and misery and wretchedness that it will be a relief to know that you are dead.' White as a ghost, trembling in every limb, and weeping like a child she passed out. Bija's Hour. Edward Griffith, a man romark- able for the length of his neck and sharpness of his chin, and a stranger in the city, had no monoy to buy soda water, and so he sat down in an alley to coal off. The zephyrs blew over the ash barrels and old boxes to toy with his raven locks for a minute, and the sound of a woman licking a boy in the fourth story brought a feeling of drowsiness to the strapped stranger. He slept-- he dreamed--he awolo with a yell. Some one far above had espied him and given him ten quarts of water at a dose. Ten quarts of cold water down bebind a man's vest on a hot day will jump him over a six rail In this casp the viptim demanded revenge, and he might have secured it but for the arrival of an officer. 'Edward Griffith, where are you from ?' asked the court as the wot. backed prisoner was walked out. ¢ Calitorny,' was the reply. «What are you doing here 7' 'Qn a vacation.' 'Been working hard and come East for a rest, eh ?' "Yes, sir.' 'And are you having a good time ?' .¢1 am. 'Well I'll help you aloug all I can. I have control of a watering-place hotel up here in the suburbs, ard I'll book yon for a front room on the second floor. precisely atsix, after which you can play croquet or ait. in the shade and smoke. prisoner, and he began whether he'd have twice a day or change off grepm at supper. h Breakfast is served a + That will be piirty good, and I'll | be much obliged to you,' feplied the calculating g took place, * Well, Judge, how is business? Dull, dull; I any living on faith and hope." Very good ; but Ihave got past you, for I am living on charity,' Instructor in German, after astonishing the division by the announcement that the German words for Heaven and shirt have the same root--*' Mr. X,, can you see any rey semblance?' Mr, X., hesitatingly, + Well, sir, they are both good things fora man tg get into,' How sweet is a father's effort to sootho his infant prodigy to sleep : Hush-a~bye, baby-- Pa's dear little wonder; Baby, lie still, Or he'll spank it, by thunder, ¢ Would you suppose, said Atom, pointing to a tramp on the other side of the street, 'would you suppose that old vagabond wag worth $11,000?" Is it possible?' exclaims ed Molecule, with great interest; tno, I would not suppose so.' 'Well,' said Atom, ¢ you would be a great fool if you would.' * During a severe thunder storm a man, a book agent, and a mule took refuge from the angry elements beneath a shed, Aftes the storm had ceased the man was found dead with his scalp completely removed, After holdlng an inquest the jury were une able to decide whether he had been talked to death by the book agent, kicked to death by the mule, or struck by lightning, Paddy, attending the broadbrim convemt tion for the first time, was much astonished and puzzled at the manner of worshipg Having been told that the brethren ¢ spake even as they were moved by the spirit,' he hed the p di with i ing disgust ¢ for their haythen way of worship,* till one young Quaker arose andftommenced solemnly : 'I have married,' ¢The divil you have I' exclaimed Paf. The Quaker eat down in confusion, but the spirit moving Pat no further, the young man mustered courage and suddenly broke grouni again, ¢ Brethren I have married a daughter of the Lord. ¢ The divil ye have that,' said Pat, 'but it'll be a moighty long time afore ye see your father-in-law, ! StoeFEp Vean,--Get a piece of veal from the breast ; bave your butcher chop it open to allow of filling ; put into a saucepan some lard, a handful of shallots cut up fine and some stale bread previously soaked in water and squeezed as free of it as possible ; season with salt and pepper ; keep it on the fire a little while and stir to prevent burning, When you remove the saucepan from the stove break into the stuffing two eggs and mix well together ; then fill your roast and put in the aven, Baste frequently to keep juicy. Rasen Rots, --Two quarts of flour ; make a hole in centre and put in a piece of butter size of an egg, a little salt, a tablespoonful of sugar ; scald and cool one pint of milk aud pour in ; beat smooth and at last add, a half teacup of good lively yeast. When this sponge is light knead filteen minutes; led rise and cut in round cakes thin; butter one half the cake and turn over on itself} let rise again and bake in a quick oven. To waxs Fruit Pies. --Take a deep dish and line with pastry, as for plo; invert a clothing it in all the superb hues of | ¢on.o withont any one to bet on hit. | cup in the disb, and fill In your fruit; seas: gon, etc., as for any ple, and put in plenty of water ; ptt on an upper crust aad bake 8g usual. When served, lay off the crust, Jif ont the cup and you will have plenty of nice rich juice which the cup has kept fof you. Grease the top of the cup. Bometimeg 1 bake the bottom crtist first if the fraif cooks quickly. Morrins --One quart flous, two eggs beaten separately, one tablespoon lard, ond of sugar, one teaspoon salt and two of powder, one cup sour milk ; beat well bake in muffin rings immediately. Rios Grex Caxes.--To one pint of boiled rice, add a teacup of flour, & butter, a little salt, two well beaten milk enough {o make a batter, griddle or pour in well greased Porato Pures. --Two cup

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