Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Jun 1879, p. 3

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| 4 Yo RE eo] ki - ames . " inst ios - a - . : - TER { 2 ; Cp i NE | : ag wmpez 1am, "{ 001 KEOTHING Inducements | | Ene . | SUCCESSOR 16 i | } ; its " E. WORTHINGTON, i -- . ----DEALER IN--e ~~ J. CURRIE 4T AT-- WIR Qrress forSales nize and well selected JONES B 0 S A Co's Fann. 3 " ' CORRIGAN & SEEDS | L uU MB E R Peas, Oats, Barley, Corn, | ° --v -- . Bran, Shorts & Oracked Wh t LathsShing)es. = C AMPBELL'S, CRAHAM & HE © Bobcaygeoi FLOUR,' jo T ™vL E ? The Ho nummer -- OATMEAL, &C. | u te AL§O ee va May now be passed through with comfort al 'convenience by purchasing one of our DRY GO S g : Sd alt Coal, Plaster, & Water Lime FFICE AND Y ARD, DCAT the Elevator. rm » J | } [ Ime rig May peng x K 0 O L U I 1 S ! Felsina Li oo ice! ice : ET's , leew oun § Low Prive se gi wi ine \ GREY LUSTRE COATS, 2 is 1 ns BLACK LUSTRE COATS, y 0 AUS jos) rs, RUSSEL CORD COATS, BLUE § GE SUITS, LINEN COATS, ULSTERS, LOOK OUT FOR NEW ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK. L. MoLEAN. Which will be found superior in style and Let all who are suffering the inconvenien Port Perry, May 20, 1879, BAKERY! CONFECTIONERY, & HE VUndersigned would remind his customers and the public generally that besides Choice Plain and Fancy Breads of every wariety, the, Best quality of Coufee- Wonery, &c., &c., he rupplies everything in the Bakery and Confectionery line at his establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert. Bridal and other Cakes Supplied on the shortest notice. Public Teas And other social entertainments promptiy supplied and at moderate charges, The best quality of - BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED ICE CREAM Supplied by meacure to the public, Handsomely fitted up PARLORS For the convenience of the public; whete| are mipplicd of the best quality, those' refreshments and dainties so pleasant, healthful and retreshing in hot weather, Ono of the best Fountains now ie use for thaking cooling drinks. Children®' Toys, good and cheap. C. HISCOX. Sh I Port Peity, May 21,1870. REGULAR DAILY SUPPLY CHOICEMEATS TG UNDERSIGNED would beg to inform his customers and the public in general that he ia giving up his Mat Stall || for the season and in futtire his customers und all who so desite may have a daily sup- ply of choice meats from HIS CARTS. 8. I. CAWKER. Port Perry, May 7, 1879, EXAMINATION TEACHERS. HE Examination of Public School T Teachers for Certificates will be held at School the County Town High for Second Class, On Tuesday, July 8th, At 2 e. x. and for Third Class, at the County Tows, We Buy's Straw Hats, Men's and Boys' Felt a CHEAP GOODS AY attention to the choice Stock of New | Cheap Dry Goods, ; CHEAP CROCKERY & GL: and Fushion, bought in the best niark New & Stylish At PEA|CE'S AVING succeeded in purchasing a superior § H \enmt a Made up in the Newest Styles, at Moderate Charges port Perry, March 20, 1879. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Appreciating the difficulty which hathen experienced in securing PROPER Fi 1 ranged with one of the most c@lrat facturers in the Di gr he 5 these goods, aud would iv ad ge that we have a full range of for 5 DRESS SHIRTS, : WHITE DB FRENCH C4BRI( $HIRTS, OXFORD SHIRTS, irt seck immediate relict by securing a Perfect Fiting Shirt 20% A bS, & CO. band Scarfs in great vauicty, Men's and TQ JONES Very latest styles in Collars and Cuffs, stock fully Assorted, JONES BROS. & CO. Port Perry, Junc 4, 1870.. LBERT. PRINCE Sl ht he business lately carried on in [. GOODFELLOW, would call which Lo has just opened out: NIE SUBSCRIBER having assum the village ot Prince Albert, by Cheaf3oots and Shoes, VARE, ERIES & PROVISIONS. bare both as to Quality, Style d on the most advantageous He is determined to sell or Produce. CALL. J. W. SQUELCI. CHEAP GR To has selected his stock with the utn terms; customers will reap the ber CHEAP for Ca pe HE SOLICITS THE FAVOR Prince Albert, May 28, 1879. ARRBIV OF A i --=--0OF --- S, Merchant Tailoring and Gent's hing Establishment, OPPOBITE THE WAY HOUSE, e Newest Fashions of Goods on benefiting by thie purchase, USERING. LADIAN TWEEDS, §C. fect Fits Warranted, terms, Custo m the most ad LORNE TWEEDS, yr) BEACONFIELD COATING, jest uality and Lowest Prices, hto Town, Gent's Tur in the g t variety, HATS AND CAPS the Best aad Cheapest ever OX MONDAY, JULY 14th, AT 200m. 1t is indlispehsablo that Candidates shouhl thotify the Co. Inspector, not later than the Hirst of June, 'of their intention to presonit themselves for examioation. A JAMES McBRIEN, 3 Insp. P. 8, Co, Ont. $yrtle, May 1, 1870. CHOICE FARM ! IN GREENBANK, TAINED LORD LORNE Tariff Humbugs Swakd Tp and sh, jerfect in fit, and durablo in texture. -- sxaton and annoyance of an ugly fitting I, SOUBLCI, IMMENSE BARGAT AND Jos ery Cheap. BOOTS AND SIOES a (0G= Highest Price paid for goo$UTTER. Terms--Oash or Produc Port Perry, June 12, 1879. Summer Driss Goods See them. Fxtra Good Value. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Very Cheap, CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL, Wantedby Where the . Port Porry, June 5, 1879, - 1 FOR NW ADYERTISENE! And expect something New anferesting in way of BARGAINS IN ROCERIES, Wines, Liquoi &ec., &c. Ar FORIN'S CLOSINGPALE! a See our all-wool Tweeds at 43c. S Worsted Coatings at 80c. See our Brown check Duck$ic. See our Dress Goods at [0c. See onr Black Grenlat 10c. See our all- Wool Shirtings at 24c. See our BlLustres at 10¢ up.-- See our 6c Grey Cottons. See otirpamlooms. See our vig' DAT WE, Ilighest Market Price in CASH. Ce" GROCERIES BOOTS AND SHOES At Prices to suit the Times. S. HO. CHRISTIAN. Maricliestor, May 28, 1879, immense Stock of Embroideries. Black Silks at 72c. [00,000 POUNDS BROWN & CURRIE, Highest Cash Price will be paid. WANTED! CHEAP DRY £005 J. L. WATKIS, Port Perry, Oct, 30, 1878, REMOVAL Pi J. 6 MORGAN v HAS REMOVED ----INTO HIS-- NEW BRICK BLOCK [Dn door East of the Ontario Bak J. G. MORGAN, Port Perry Boot & Shoe Store, Nov, 21, 1878, } VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE Township of Reach. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. 1 OT No. 2, and the South-haif of Lot No 47, In the 5rd Concession of the Township of Reach, well situated, good soil, and a dwelling house on south-half of lot No. 7.-- Thers is over 100 Acres of Timber on Lot 9.2. 'These tics: wi Hes These properties will make good A small cash payment will he required | the balance to remain on mortgage for 8 term of years to suit the purchaser, > Apply to T. IH. McMillan, Esq., Os| |} Ont, or to the undersigned, © Re Oslawsy 1 ; LYMAN ENGLItH, Oshawa, Ont a1.d Oshawa, Sept, 13, 1878, THE IMPORTED ENGLISH BLOOD STALLION, See our Prunella Boots at 48c, Sefe:ther Balmorals at $1. See our Buttoned Leather Boo§.25. See our hand- made Calf Boots at $3. See our Kis $2.65, worth 84. New Cutrants bc per 1b. Nefns Gc per Ib. . 13% lbs Bright Sugar for $1. No.1 P. of Wales Chewing I No deception, I am determined t at 37ic yer 1b, p business. ". C. FORMAN. Port Perry, June 4, 1879. and best assorted Stocks of Hard i consistent with profit, Ro (Bought at the lowest prices for Cash), cohsis SPRING. We have much pleasure in infor DUR STOCK OF BUILDING HARDWARE, ming the public that we now have one of ti he largest the Ccunty, marked also at the very Lowest A n or ting of NAILS, LOCKS, KNOB: i BUILDING and ROOFING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, and yas, HI property of Frascis H. Ervior, Esq 3 T Epsom, Out., will stand for mare; i Season, 1879, as follows :-- oF mares is MONDAY, April 28, will leave the stabl mo + A os of Mr, D.T, Eck, Port Perry, and proceed ~ Seagrave, at noon ; thence {o and remain all night, TUESDAY, proceed to Little Dritain, at oon ; thence to Oakwood, and remain all hignt, WEDNESDAY, proceed to Manilla, at hoon ; thence to Sunderland, and remain all night, Ge DURSDAY, proces] to Valentyne Cor- Ts, at noon ; thence to Leaskdal: main all night, enue FRIDAY; proceed to Usbridge V ge Village hoon ; therce to Mr, Elliot's, Lot 8, 2. FOR SALE. i A --_-- ow ee we Pa : T (0) F A R M E R 8, Reach, and remain all night, na, te Sum pe A I : ; S 9 SATURDAY, proceed by way of Epson ig ! : 7 d Utica to Mancheste i concession of the Towuship of REACH, ard a ; AR) | ! : We have bought direct from the M, and { Manchester, and remain from 'North-west quarter of t : ' ] y ought e Manufacturers a large stock : 4 ten till one o'clock ; thence } thi-half of lou 13,1 te ie conceston AT Cc. TRI | comprising RORKS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, SNAITHS, Forpins Tog House, Port Perry, and shit s Sidi iW nall 71 acres of first class land, nearly a Sy . : | 3 : : i This route will be continae fe gleared, well fenced, aud In 5 biel SOUS, 10 Special inducements to CYstomers.-- J | (] T (0) MIL L NA season, health and weather permis 1 Eran abuso seen ir ui | (8 A saving of from 10 to 20 § Making oe « MEN PERNS.--To insure 4 Foal $12, fy bo oe Soon nv demas a Hat can bo desired and Repairing by Mr. A. Tot giperior The RL would eall atientioferiat stock of We can offer inducements in FILES of the best I £5. can dom, Crees ow 0s Leap > ; y . 1 Sati iS of the - . 's fee BO 5 for health, odmfort and tontesies iets of| workman. All work warranted. Sati gnaranteed. ; DSLTING, warranted genuing Ouk-Tanned Laco Leather, MACHISCS LEATHER | paid at timo of service, Mates eaterts bo she; Province, 'Terma easy sad fille indis- oh Spring. Goods ch ; x 3 : METAL, dnd all other supplies, ' LS, BABBIT sured must be returned regularly to th | fe New and Stylish Spring Geo NEW AND CHG GOODS be hr Ss 'or particulars apply, to D re foaling time must pay for i aise URN RE a | | TO CARPENTERS. [limbs tome ? : fot attractive than ever, and at prives to stiit the | Stock been . ie rigs 0 owners. To Ses ) been purchased : insure thorough. bred ibid fig Port Pets. A 3 r with'a view to satisfy his customers itfylo and Price. PLANSYC make n specialty of TOOLS, and keep nothing bis the best make of charged, Gn 14. jy Setter: Removed. OUN LANES, CHISELS, GOUGES, &C, make of SAWS | ga For Pedigree and Performances, L | Bept. 25, 1878, . Tw) d i pa , 500 : | : pes E PAID: Gold and Silver Wat 70 BLACKSMITHS D. T. ECK, Grooni Ee ! ¢ AND i Port Perry, 17th April, 187 * Ty : DR. BRATHWAITH MPUE infonid_embiice inti FINE GOLD JEWELRY, a (CARRIAGE BUILDERS: --T A. H | AS Remov 8 Office into those com~ opport ) h PL } [4] rin bite cision the 4 7 ; 4 sie | . fortable and convenient rooms eh forming all parties HANDSOME LATTER, ! BAND. gp Bit Bt fe eonipitte ih ing the usual lines of IRON, BAR, OOP and THOROUGHBRED / | { RiofiARDSO} : xi ht for goods gount = orerwive ELEGANT FANCY JEWE! SHOES, TORSE NAILS, PELL owa: sud SLEIGH SHOE. COIL CHAIN, HORSE| P] RST-CL, Si : 3 R. RICHARDSON Over Cori Mn & Campbell's Store samo rust I an : : IN GREAT WAGON SKEINS. ~ Our stock in glad wel I SeRiNas Ld da ASS BULL *3 | Re-appointed Issiict it Pru the lth" ojo. If not so paid, BOOKS, STATIONERY, $0., $c. "8 and POLES. CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every descriptions | po Se -- " Ee Marriage Licenses. Queen Street, Port Parry, | oection, J other bad Rr pg Cull and examine my Stock. Thanking you for past fuvors, wo solicit your ¥alived ordets for this seasen. a igted will kosp for suivics ¥ A * Resipence-- Second large house south of ¥ . i e Roa X un the 20d con. | Ynderthe New Act. Office, lot 10, in they yo", puda Methodist Church, pest Fens, £§S: DIFSFELD opt. 11, 1898 W. H Aw, SIGN OF THE coiLomAIN G & MEH ARRY. rich Lint sve 4 encuid Sulla sioat rec X . P. ty. May 21, 1879, ort Perrf : f : 3 v4, } rely at " \ (ANVIL; T 1 "Brock, Aug. 5,1874, 33 | Pott Perry, May 21, ' ==% Port Perry: QUELN STREET, PORT PERRY, VIL; erms $2 for the. bach, April 22,0800, 3

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