Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Feb 1879, p. 2

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tama ---------------- Rout futavio Bhsecher ONLY ONB DOLLAR A YBAR JAMES BAIRD, - - - Editor. PORT PERRY, FEB. 21, 1879. The Budget. Tho phrase, "distant hills look green" has a world of meaning in it the tiuth of which is verified almost every day. How very much concern is manifested regard- ing the management of provincial affuirs by our Tocal Government, and of our dominion affairs by our Dominion Government ; this i§ as it + ought to be and if even more anxioty was manifested in these matters it would be better for all. But while wo look after the distant and that over which we have comparatively little control we are apt to over. ook or feel indifferent to the man- agement of the affairs of our own municipalities of which we should know everything and wher2 to a very great extent the electors have all the control. The annual budgets or audits published from year to year by our municipal councils ought to receive much of the atten- tion of the ratepayers as showing the amount of expenditure under the several heads during the pre- vious year together with the then financial condition of the municipal: ity as brought out by the as:ets and liabilities, It is true that the goveral councils do not submit their own budgets, but rather those of their predecessors; this i3 certainly undesirable and requires a remedy, in place of having the accounts audited and published in the begin- + ing of the year after the responsible parties have passed away and a new council in power, they ought by all means to be audited and published at the close of the year and before the nomination or election of the new council. Such a change would bea step very fur in the right direction and would have a salutary influence in the management of our municipal affairs, Electors would go to the nominations with the printed audits in their hands, the retiring council | more of three or four hundred dollars than could then be called upon to explain jhe would of ten cents if he had to earn { them. Here is the slp.shod fashion in which | every item requiring explanation and their chances of nomination and re-election would depend greatly on not alore as to the amounts expend- ed but as to the value given for theso amounts. Tt is only just that the courcil should have an oppor- | entries, Bill, Tom, Sam, &c., &c, carrying | | tunity of defending their expendit- ure before the electors, and that the electors should have an opportunity of demanding such explanations -- A large item of the outlay is on roads and bridges and if the money 80 expended has been judiciously laid out and gord value got for it little need be said as to the amount so Jong as it is within reason--but it is a notorious fact that in some muni- | cipalities much that is expended on roads and bridges is not laid out to good advantage and with tho audits |. in fFenson to feel proud over the result of the [he gots rid of the taxes of the people, theirsuccess indefending the several | go 3 Ou + J lworth expenditures exhibited in the audit, | bridges will likely be withdrawn, so that Reaeh isin a prosperous con- dition. } "The Audit is a carefully got up document and no less creditable to the Auditors than encouraging to the municipality. The detailed statement of the ac counts of the Treasurer of the town- ship of Brock for 1878 as furnished by the Auditors will be found on our second page. The total receipts for all purposes for the past year amount to $16,809.05 and the total expenditure for all purposes was $16402,59 leaving a balance of re- ceipts over expenditure of $405.36 in the hands of the Treasurer. For the purposes of schools theres 84,- 784 which should be deducted from both receipts and expenditure as far as general township purposes go 50 that theexpenditure after deduet- ing the schools is $11619.62. But the expenditure on railway purposes was $3860 and this taken from $11, 619.62 leaves $7759.62 as tho ex. | penditare for general township pur- poses and of this no lesss than §4118 was paid to the county --asomewhat expensive toy! The roads and bridges cost $1540.75 but this is by no means an expenditure to be re aretted if full value has been given | for the outlay, and the men under whose eye the expenditure is made --the" municipal council--will be regarded as a sufficiebt guarantee for the expenditure. The audit is a highly ereditable documente proving as it does the accuracy of tho accounts, the ability of the Auditors and the high: ly satisfactory condition of the fin- ances of the township. There are few municipalities in the Dominion which stand as well as the munici pality of Brock, and certainly there ix none whose affairs are more effi- ciently conducted. When we compare the manner in which the accounts of the above municipalities are kept with the jumbled and unsatisfactory madner ; i which the accounts of depart ments of the dominion are kept we have comparison. A natural genius who distri buted the bounties of the Mackenzie Gov- ernment in British Columbia thinks no If the payment were under $1000 he thought little of it that he did not consider it the trouble of the surname of the party receiving it-- | The accounts abound in such entrivs as + paid to Frauk $218," paid to Harry £436 ; to Jim $128 ; to Jouny $147; to Joseph $253, and so on with a whole host of such writing down | away their hundieds on no higher claim so | far as appears on the face of it, than simply their being called « Jim," * Tom," &c, and being on the Mackenzie side of politics. rr -- « Your Sins Will Find You Out." Tho above proposition is by no means new bat its truth is no less pertinent that account; tho big Book asserts it aud every day's experience corroberates the | truth of the proposition and no mat ter what effort may be put forth to on brought out at the end of the year parties residing in localities where | the public money had been expend- ed: and seeing the amounts in the | audit the matter would bo fresh on their mind ani they would be in a position to say whether or not value had been got for the outlay, and the council would there and then have ~an opportunity to defend the outlay or bear the ceasure, The same may be said of the other items of axpend- itare,and the only satisfactory mode whieh ean be adopted is to have the audit before the council at its last meeting every year. This could be accomplished without the slightest confusion. Such a change would be of vast importance and by it the audit would fully answer the pur« pose for which it is designed. In Justice to municipal councils no loss than to the taxpayers such a change ought to be brought about without delay. - We have in this issue the detailed ts of he ts of the township of Brock und also of Reach, two of the most prosperous, intelligent manicipalitios in the province. Tn tho Reach audit which appears on the first page, the Receipts amount to $20,241. Of this $1,829 was for roads and bridgos; $7,462 : paid for schools, and. no less a than $3,806 was paid to the y ; the railway cost us $2,180. tnt - Was som - Amount of school trustev's shake the truth of the assertion it is every time, no. matter whether those sins be religious, civil or political, and no better illustration need be asked than thatof the late election contest for tho representa' tion of North Ontario in the Do- minion Parliament. Means the most abominably vicious and cors rupt were adopted in order to secure the return of Mr. Wheler ; and bere lot us state once for all, that we do not implicate the party in whose in- terests Mr. Wheler was running in the political frauds connected with the contest, it is neither their inter est nor desire, ro more than it is | thut of the Conservative party, to aid and abbet in such frauds as se- cared for Mr. Wheler the short lived, move than doubtful honor of gain- ing the suffrages of soimportanta riding as that of North Ontario.-- But while we fully exonorate from all blame the good and true of tho narty we cannot find language suf. ficiently strong lo expyess our utter detestation and loathing of those miserables by whose damnable plots and iniqui intrig the purchasabl portion of the electors Was. bought like brutes in the shambles ; and gil honor to W. H. Gibbs, Esqyq who step to the breech and advanced the necessary funds to bring to light and fully exposs, ene of the most infamous election frauds ever perpetrated on an intelligent community, There were only a very "ew of the party who had either inclination or desire to descend to the depths to which the corrupt ones would verified lead; it is the interest and desire of Conservatives and Reformers alike that whatever may be the result that election cc shall Le conducted on the broad principles of honor and fair play and that the unbought and unintiwi- dated voice of the electors shall decide who rounded, we let the law take its course, we attended the trial all throueh and took the evidence with some care, and had made up our wind from the evidence that no other judgment was possible than that of unseating and disqualification, but we the sycophants with whom he was sur | former" is giving himself no rest night nor day whining tor the in- irodoction of the budget. The an- xiety of the Globe and its worship ors reminds one of the bay who had {have "Glorious old Oxford" ranking with misbehaved in the evening and his [* Glorious old Norfolk" in the Grit calendar, father threatened that he would whip EE The Newest.=The newest rumor has it that Mr. Oliver, Mi P, for North Oxford, is about to resign his seat in favor of Mr. _ | Blake. If the on dit prove tiue we shall B@~ You can get four Aitibroiypes for 50 cents, at McKenzies Gallery, Port Petry. ne " BIRTH. X ear Saintfeld, on Friday, 21st inst, the wife of Mr. George Brown, jr., of a son. et eer. An Important Invention AlNew York steambos$ captain has fo- vented an apparatus fof steering steam vessels by the use of a simple lever. sdserts that a boy can handle the largest ship with the greatest ease. He The captain pre- be rtd is to rep t the it No effort was spared Ly 'the corruptors to secure an | 'unrighteous verdict at the polls and to back | this ip by the most abominable swearing | lever perpetrated in a court room, they re- | ing likely to defend their | orion soul : found to their bitter experience i but conveniently: forgot that they had x : that anything likely | was transpiring , but | their ardeut eal and their course of i rath of veritas vinet, for Mr. Wheler has 'been unseated but disqualified. rto we have It this matter severely . pave neither blamed Wheler por The Globe that waited the superior judgment of the Court| him in the morning; the boy went Personal.--The community Tere are dicts that his discovery will revolutionize : ; f : : ; ntario, 8 HEREBY given which unhesitatingly declares that Mr. |10 bed but had not lain long when he | much pleased at rvesiving 8 visit, from Rev. The Markets. the art of guiding stednt vessels. Cotiuty of Os 21 that the YE of Wheler is both unseated nud disqualificd-- | shouts "father I father! come and | Mr. Abs, late Pastor of the Port Perry Oisgsven Ormice, Fob. 27.1879 = Assize Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and in futwe we think Mr. Wheler will adopt | Whip me now and get it over for I Circuit of the M. E. Church. 3 2 a : General Gaol Delivery, will be holden in the phrase " save mo from my friends." can't sleep for fear of the morning's Mr. Abbs was deservedly esteemed for his Pall Whee cons [osart see $0 & bo 2 2 BUSINESS NOTICE. and for the 8 ey i + x pring eal . 0 4 Go on, gentlemen, go ou! with the ele= whipping.' The virtutnsly anxious many Sood qualities as well by those of Pas. y als oa Gounty of Ontario, vation of the standard of clectoral purity. ones IMA possess their sounlsthe other deyominatiofis as by his own charge, Oats . 0 25to 028 In the COURT HOUSE, in the ------ budget and policy will be announc-| and all are pleased to sce him looking 040to 055 Mr G H : Ss TOWN oF WHITBY od i bi i v p 0 3» VZorthy of Consideration, ed just when they should and will | healthful, active and cheerful. Clover Secd 310to 325 ° ° PY Abb y oe be such a comment on the extrava- thot itr favo ton. 3 i 10 ol AS this day been admitted asa partner ---- ON i J . 10 ork Leases 0 4 1 Attempts are being made in gant do- nothing policy of the Mack: Covering Up their Tracks. Huet 3 00 t in 'the 'Dry Goods firm of JONES| Tuesday, 8th of April, 1879, ; ; 3 ? e . 0 400 ry bo fitm of ' several quarters to curtail tu some | €NZ1 Togime as will take the wind ha dembere of {hn Conntiss Cotati Cheese . 009 to 010 BROS. at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, of which all extent the superabundant legisla--| 00% of that party for all timé to el ounties Council 6f | py teer Ful... Le ie buses will heventter ba continued | Justites of the Pence, Coroners, Constables, tion with which the people are come. Northumberland and Durham, ordered the | Butter Roll 010 te 013 under the style of and all others concerned, will take notice carroll: communities impoi@- ---- purchase, at the Counties' expense,of a copy Eggs .. 000to 014) and govern themselves accordingly. tabod ar : idate " io for | Smok 9 ishod and logisiated to death are Another Paper. of the Consolidated Shatutes of Ouraria for Trashed Hams B fo i JONES BROS & (0 Rewsoy Bait . bestiring themselves, Moro than wi each Reeve of the several Municipalities ¥n | po 400s 040 045 1 1 Short ifs Othe . 2 . 3 i 1 : ' one of the Canadian provinces are The Nationale Newspaper of|the united Counties, the outlay amounting Hides. . 500 to 605 Port Perry, Feb. 24,1879. Whitby, Feb, 18, 1879. [4 looking around for a remedy in one | Montreal died of starvation a couple to $167. A ratepnyer related to have this -- direction or another. Limiting the lof weeks ago; its worthy and intel | money ¥eplaced in the treasury when the | ' number of representatives is a lizent proprietor, Hon. Mr. La- Chuncil very cunningly passed a resolution favorite mode with some while | fromboise, hus lost $30,000 on the de:lming that the copies of the Consolidated y 1) ' others propose to hold the sessions | concern during the past four years. | Statutes, formerly purchased for the use of Jers Dioj ; # lone Y of t.ieLiocal Legislature every aitern But still another gets into the gap| members were to be considered the pro- I ACCO UNT WW TTEL ate year only. This desire is not and a new eve! ing paper called The] perty of the Corporation, and not of indi- confined to the provinces of Canada | Patric is about fo take the place of| vidual members, Oo oO T™ r for we find that the Legislature of | the defunct Nationale. We wish the SR THE CORP RATION F E tho State of Maine has so amended [adventure much success but we dare An Unexpected Return. : the constitution as to provide for scarcely hope for success undér the Py -_ holding the sessions of the Legisla- | circumstances. i. Saturday last quite. a rumpus wis ture every second year. The matter wa created in McNab street, Toronto. ¥ is to be submitted toa vote of the < The guid man of one of the dwellings of that ? RN e 3 " P A . jo 0 : 4 dlectors and if carried will become rompt ction cosy street had gone off to visit Yeaving his | N Al law and if defeated the sessions will The Council of the united Counties of| Letter half and a hired maid to keep the ad 4 Y . b 9 . bo held annually as now. The | Northumberland and Durham at their late parison mn the absence of their lord ; but | y : S chances are twenty to one that the g. i + whether by accident or design pater familias | amendment will carry as it will re Benslon: Jot thelr voice be heard on thel 1 cooner than was either expected or | 1878. DR. | 1878 CR. duce the public expenditure to a matter of reducing the numbers of repre-| gq giiple by the inmates, for on his return (Jan. 1, To balance on hand as per last a¥dit,. ,o.....0 $410 82 | Nov 20. By Paid Interest to Bank of Toronto . 1860 00 very great extent and greatly im- sentatives of Counties Councils. The fol. | he found "twa overcoats Whar nae coats 1, Tora of Moen Debentures 60 00 Dec. 3, for Brock 1ehentires Nos. 9 00 prove legislation. lowing gentlemen were appointed a ghould be." The ford of the mano wen( for L 9 Howick ec dot go 00 100, nt $540 such .. 2000.80 . . R 2 eo . 1, do Elma do 15 00 31, By «mount to balance ........ 601 34 Local Legislatures cannot find [Committee to draft a petition prasing| the invaders and made it so hot for them r do Tyne do '® 75 00 logitimute business every year and | the Legislature to make a special Agt for| that they had to beat a hasty retreat minus | Feb 1, do Minto do 150 00 for a make belieye they 'indulge in |amending clansc 68. 36 Vic, Cap. 48, of the| gome of their outer garments at least, i hy do' Tay do 45 00 < costly mischief, making laws one Municipal Act, witha view of reducing the didi] -- ---- July 5 do ne o w ay session and repeuling them the next. number of representatives in the County Ladies. i do Morningt : g h on d 30 00 Did not the Mowat government | Council, viz: Messrs. McNaughton, Cocli. = 1 do Pion ? 15 0 presenta pitiable sight at the open- | rane, Spinks, Bedford, Fowld Swandic | Fumson, Feb 21-A Fionchwowat po 5; pobentures ss 100 (0 pres ble sig the open- | p, § ks. Bedford, Fowlds, Dinwoodie | wag stopped Ly the Customs officinls at the ee. 1, he bye SE 0p * ing of the present session? they | Crouter, Hagerinan and Carveth, upper oe to-day I Ti tie ferry ly Interst ny : 29 00 were compelled by law to meet hel steamer Victoria, She was smuggling # L Debenbire § 8 Pot Tp 0 House and they had not an hours Another Victory. 'ure quantity uf ai goods. Khe is 1, InterestonS 8 No 15 do 80 00 legitimate business to bring betore now & PE - Hie Graton House. In ), Cash from Collectors...vun ions 307. 72 them, and had it not been for very , oy grawty of stiplion by in a Shama ihe. He iobt 1 Y | The party of progress and good govern- | Women, it is reported that female searchers 1461 34 $1461 34 i s r av + s re 0 0 sO a through Wl th bo > ave ga | ment has carried another splendid victory in re be employed by the Customs depart- z = \ i To tho SAI a u | the election contest in East Hastings fora ? -- ee Tr E Fo z ey, --- Statutes ase -- soe ay. pitt ho | # re 'he BORIC] 'i Svs James Spe Selecting SurorSiciae aan . ' ssints. bash biennial Ye ren of | representative for that riding in the House] Tie uv searchers will prove more then RECEI 1 7 Wm iy ASHCRNOT. 4 vs is : 60 00 annual for the past ten A i the | of Commons. The contest came off on| a match for the lady smugglers, i aio Pr nr AS POR TAS SHUI at ison seve 206 08 | Wir Ewart, Selecting Jurors. 4 00 an yours the | ny last, Mr. White being standard | = C--O Sr Taxes of 1877. fr tex. Camerci. Tor 3 * [ fo | Bdward Edwards, Collector 60 00 yrovince would bo lens Lo | Tuesday ) I'axes of 187%, from Alex. Cameron, Toronto... A) , fel ii i Ey | bearer for the Conservative party and Mr| Shopbers Punished. . Taxes of 1877, from Lsnac Grays 0 68 H Walshe, Clerk... 800 04 IE oo A. Farley doing battle for the Grits At the| : The Crown Prince Randolph got himself Tax: s of 1577, tron G. Laidlaw, 2 2 - ou less cumbersome and vastly ifpro | close of the poll it was found that Mt White a Sapee? the Snr Jer i Prague. He hy ht Ti 1x 2 2 8. 11 : Esq, Reeve... . 20 00 d in every directi op | had a majority of nearly a hundred. Sorstymsenn gad iwi] suisinterinitie } Ric N ' son Font Goltection 0 00 Bx lecting Jaros, 4 00 you in evergdiseption, The me : oa ail Hine theatre of that town, requesting her to call Ty ; Yard Sle Hoh onsre foun Ex, Services ax Convtissioner .... .... 12 00 i E n upon him to givea few lessons in singing Peter ~vott adie J 2 00 , Exq, Equalizing Assessment of Union 8 8. no amount of consideration will An Interesting Entertainment. wn a Jad 2 2% vw oSsens mh singing A on : * 400 K and Mariposa, Fide idi ti tiaden 4 00 work tho cline but a little con. The lady has two brothers, who are officers M ) Hy . 1 00 expenses to Toronto in piirchising y . soba y -- tered age: ; . alcolm McLean. 4 i i Slewin th Sonsings all of the! One ot those entertainments alike crotits) ies Np To W Se handed WV. Armstrong . 10.00 R. Cunningham, Dey ® J oo advisability of such a change. - | . 0 , te called o he W. Armstrong 4 00 | RB. Cun ham, De " a able fo the heads and hearts of their pro-| Crown Prince and asked for ¢ satisfaction." a a4 McG R. Cunningham, sv 13 00 le ae ad y G t sfaction. Samuel McGar 400]! ph, Secvice Where is the advantage of having | o is to be given in the town hall, Port| If his position did not enable him to gran 2001: Deputy Burve ys -eiaens 20 00 two sessions of our Counties Conn |! g i ! i 1-00 services as Commissioned 12 00 ¢ilsin one year? One se: sion would | Per, on the evening of Tuesdny, March | them this satistction, they would, they vy TH, Councilor. 20 00 be better than a dozen, With our |11th. suid, accept it from the aide-de.camp of bis C MeDonuld ... 5 00 x ax Commissioner 6 00 Connties' Councils reduced to the| The Oddfellows' Lodge hore, true to the Tmiperinl Highness, Finally it was agreed Pais Colle on it 10.00 Jos Thompson i 3 » in rcs oy iia t t Crow! Prince sidel fines imposed by R. n iS 0 200 Reeves of the several municipalities |ingtincts of their noble order, are getting up ne Dy Crown rie roy tender an Thos dng . i 4 00 | G Stephenson, Cure-taker, Town Hall... .. iia 15 50 and meeting only once'w your, and a magnificent entertainment for benevolent poi p ry James Body 1.008 TT. our Local Governments largely re- # 6 hi mee ---- amount from Collectors, 11735 74 $782 90 duced in numbers and meeting only | purposes and thus furnishing the public an| Small Pictures enlarged and framed for -- GRANTS TO INDIGENTS. every second year the taxpayers opportunity of enjoying one of the best] 81.60, at McKenzie's Gallery, Port Perry, | 0 balance, Jan. 1, 1879 iio 3 Mrs. ET. Condon... eridy 38 00 would soon be relieved oft a vast|.jtertai i | -------- bane, Ry ARR sent ovr petenery 2 Mis Anson. 70 GO ¥ 81 | entertainments held here for a long time and --_-- : ' incubus of taxes whic! v Bane Good for Little Ones Croup. 5 Mis Wickno! 40 00 over De Tey i ang at the same time have the satisfaction of pe 4 §12543 69 J P Winters, 39 00 N +4 u 1 & fegislation would be vastly improv | knowing that the money paid ix to be devot- rate a large lump of alum to a fine mmm Ns 8 un ed by the change. Of course the ed to the purposes of benevolence, so that powder, or better still, purchase one ounce EX PEN DITURE. Ye - - change would not be palatable 10 | the money thus paid will be twice blessed, | °F finely pulverized 'alum at the drnugists, | pe pap won Samuel Cla 38 00 tho place hunters and feeders at the | ylessing those who give no less than those and twice its bulk in powdered sugar or ROADS AND BRIDGES. y EDizenis 5 4 0 a 3 . py RVI ive i i Tebire Mr 'Grady... . & 40 0 public crib, but that is one of its} who recuive. syrup. Give a teaspoonful of this mixture | wm Umphrey, grant on 3rd con... cxein PR $30 00 NL J 3 recommendations. I'he unstinted but well directed benevo- dissolved in'hot water to a child over six | R. Morison, grant on ith con . : 20 00 Nee ei 2 : : £ - -- = lence of the order of Oddfellows is one of | years old, and from a quarter of u teaspoon | & Bellamy, repaiiiig bridge Lith con, 36 00 | Apuie McDonald..... : 10 00 Our Local Legislature. drt ot ar Toth orawa of Oa | 1) 1a three quarters, In § Saunier oid, Je Le D0 peat on ih a, 101 Me Melean, vi. a2 j00 ---- fi 50 | will cause it to throw up at once, and put it ai r arruvol Nt Bh cin P. Goodman 5 14 00 T 2 . fellowship. J : y . y Jus Iair, for grav. pit 5th cn. fuses 30 00 | A Semple. . 5 ives we 3 5 00 The Local Legislature is certainly | he energetic Committce are sparing! nto a presperation. Then wrap it up very : Woiclinnm, gags ob ti line Thotah 10 op W. Habbin, passage to Toronto. . alae : 5 00 not doing much but they are likely | neither time nor labor in getting up an | Tm an Jet ae a siéep awhile, and aon, grans ond HE 2 8 | Jobu Johnston, care und burial of indigent child....... 14 00 doine all there is for them to do.-- | Entertainment worthy of the Order under When it wakes feed it moderately and with |p C0000 railing on Cannington bi 0 5 » 3 le {cod oy H H 3 00 07 50° Mowat and his party ave working | whose auspices it is held, and wach ag win | Tpie lod, J Coxworth, lumber for culvert... . 106 SHEEP DESTROYED BY DOGS " like musk rats, when the Opposition |be worthy of the universal patronage ofan | gq Roms Piioaraphs. taken at Bro Hus, for PARE 8 30 | wn McMaster... . : 6 00 attack them on land thoy take |enlightened community. Eh nis a) 22 rep 000 tay 5 ) | McKenzies Gallery, Port Perry, during the on, work «n 11th con. 6 00 iad 18 67 to the water and when a'tacked on| The services of a number of Amateurs| 0. of Fehninie al $1 jor Na ? : fueight on scraper i 46 seer 3 a3 the water they creep out on the |from a distance witha variety of home talent | re ---- Dn 2 Robert Kelly, stamping on 4th . 8 00 sees 2 67 land; but a few more moves and | whom all like to hear, have been secured. -- | A Good Idea James Thompson, work on 6th con. 7 50 cee 2 92 they will be driven out of their holes | see Posters.) ' ' ! 2 Rise pnt on 1h "oles: 30 00 Semen 4 8 JRE . . x . en Mrs McNabb, for gravel pit. 32 00 : * never more to enter them. a v-- | OuFeb. Mr. Harry Sharpe, of Houston, | Loftus Shier, } a] Sy Coy ee 3 33 -- m---- An Important Addition. | Texas, spoke at the Workingmen's Lyceum, | George Payne grant on 6th con. 16 25 | J Wadding OR) sree 3 33 = p | 900, hn Ryuard Dominion House. -- | New York, on the subject of co.operative M. Hendepson, grant on 2nd con 19. 9u (Jun, Bynanl., Tan 3.5 J Pp! d -- The firm of Jones Bros. have made an | : i . | D. Wood, grant on 6th con..... .....« 15 Ov | M. MePnadon. vases 3 3¢ S. : | colonies as a remedy for had times His | 7 07 ve to fields in drawing Timothy Doy 3 14 The Dominion Logislature so fax important addition to their active Dubie] pict 35 0 orannise poor propie in New l Svar v uae 10 be i Sawin 8 50 | M. Gillespie oes cave eens & 33 has only been trimming the ship und power in admitting Mr. G. H. Abbs to 4 York into bodies of one thousand persons | awn, g ton 4th con 5 00 Sm--'. clearing the decks preparatory: to Ce : ) IR. Wilson, grant on 9th col 70 10 ita) : sartnership in the Dry Goods Department, | "4h © settle them on 50,000 acres of land | B. Wilson, ural on 9h colt =» : 13.00 : the introduction of the "budget afl] partner yo RPRIEINELL, | tan: cauitaliets Hindinm the versns by |: ood, grantan Sil eon. 50 50 NON RESIDENT SCHOOL TAX. the public declaration ot ministerial | All wish the new firm that prosperity to . . s |A Campbell, mending scrape 1 50 | gchool Suction No 7 li nd all the country 1s on | which their honorable deali d busi advancing $10 an acre on bonds scured by | ¢, Jefirey, repuinuk bridge 13th 10 00 od 8 siti No 1. = policy ; ana 4 'y. hich their honorable dealing an asiness |g mort f the ve oi Mo Rap . fi School ection No 1, 1 58 ) u, . 1 gAge of the entirs estate, L McEachern, grant on 3rd con 15 00 | & EN lip=too waiting tae event This is | activity justly entitle them A 1. Sante : School Section No. 8. 140 | e } -- Ee Sangstet, grant on 10th con : 156 00 a matter of so much importance that i] Teh Henry Francis, grant on 10th © i 15 00 mend if parties exhibit a little impatience CE iate: octal & Pas. Office. ¥. Gatlugher, runt on 6th con. . 18 30 COUNTY RATES $8 they are excusable tor the eyes of all or i : A member of the present Dominion L Jones, grants on 6th con... " 23 08 County Rates. 4 44) : . 4118 00 the Dominion are turned towards| The ladics of the Presbyterian Clfiireh, | Government received an application for an John Notun grant on 8th con. . 13 50 . $ ¥ y rch, i ™ 0 4 M. Henderson gaat on 4th con 34 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Oulawa and looking for a policy | port Perry, gave another excellent Social in office, concocted fu the following terms.-- | py McCunig, grant on 2nd eon... oo. : 25 83 | T. H. Walshe; Telegraphing nd Sabptena in Curriv vs which shall tend to arrest the down- | gheir church on the evening of Tuesday + Sin,-- There is a young man in the H. Argue, grant on town line Thorah g 2500] Broek .... 3 ve a g 1 30 ward progress of the bost interests ag, and notwithstanding the unf TV | here who has the nicest kind of a situation | J Lambert, grant on centre road. es us 50 00 | J Currie for printing, 1877... i 3 te 28 14 of the country and raise the cloud | woather the entertainment t Tknow of He goes strolling down town | W. Micalniunay, cedar for culve . . 4 00 | Wm Till, dog tax refunded. o i - 1 00 cor the people by the sinister wea'lie nen Was most 8uC- | between ten and leven in the morning.stays | W. Hurd, grant on Cannington hill. . . 200 00 | J Baird. attending Cowt, .. 0 i 2 00 vast 0 Yer 'M pe Ya : cessful in every particular as well for the | in the office an hour or two and then goes to. A. Urquhart, repairing Vroomanton bridg, . 9 50 | BR Bitwards inion stretimdnd. 11 ail 16: 00 ie of Je Mokgrye, Ov stom. numbers present 8s the entertainment stones i he Rorth eastern igh) of She city | D MeLean, grant on 10th con... via 5 00 | Henry Jackson. dumnge to horse, .. 5 = 20 00 jvery true triend of the country no | Lo. which takes him from one to two hours.-- | M_ Henderson, grant on 6th con . 26 64 | i. Talbot, Postage i: 3 Be : given, Then h to work h . . . albot, Postage, ee . . a 197 matter what his religious or politi- 'hen he returns to work an hour or s0.-- [A C McLean, grant north of Canni . 16 00 | J, Currie, Printing. seavrres o: ! > > 1g tous. that 'r. C. Forman, Esq, was called to tho | The test of his time he lounges and smokes, J. Farrow, grant oh 8rd coh ..... i 14 40 | T. Walshe, horse hire, notice of special ti $e cal creed may be feels anxio : 5 pecial mecting 2 00 b N a il 2 amin chair and in his usual pleasing and affable | Last summer he tind three months holidays H. Jerman, repaiving scraper... aes n .- 50 | P. Lunchlin, attending Court at Whithy dhe 8 00 y o new % id an 35 o \ i style thanked the company for the honor | ¥IVeu him, and for this hard work he gets JE. Thompson and W Barker, grant on 4th con . 10 00 | R. Talhot, FOstage. «vs cesarean aes as . 4 39 udget may be such as 1s calealsioc |g jntroduced the intellectual part of the Eo per AUAGI and is Sapevting to get his John Farrow, granton 5th con .....eeees. 41 00 | W. TI. Thompson, surveying. ...... »e - 6 00 10 infuse confidence and ruiso the caine commanding with tis covnin salary raised. I want a situation just like M. McPhaden, grant on Tth con ..... 20 00 | D Wood, dg tax refund . o " 100 drooping energies of tho people.-- P E : pening | his if 1 can getit. T have heard a good | M. McPhaden, grant on Oliver's hill 13 50 | J. Currie, Printing, . He 700 mn i le. fiv-on-the-|SoP% and Chorus by Misses Shaw and Pax-| many merchants talking about it and they R. Cockburn, grant on 8th con... 17 62 | School Section No. 1 nce of xchoo on y The wasteful, imbecile, fly-on-the , 30] y | tax from 1877. 16 49 To " | ton, and Messrs. Rook, Forman and Lennox. | *8Y it is shameful, but I don't see that it is DD. King grant on 14th con... 60 00 | School Section No; 14, balance of school ta heol | t the Muck ' ) | tax from 1877 410 wheo policy © the uckenzio Rev. Mr. Ross was now called and gave any-of 'their business At any rate Theve R Gibson, grant on 12th con... 40 00 | R 'I'albot, Postage......... 2m Government. bad allowed the aie Ma | as mood a right tou itnation as he has, end T Taylor, repuiring scraper... 1 00 | W. Ewart, attending Court of Rvision.... +... 2 00 national xhip to drift apon the rocks | 80 excellent ress, subject--The Model if you can give me a hing Low to get it I W. H Rundell, 1 serhper... v 5 50 | Jas Sp finn, do do do or i i 2 ho and would soon' have swamped her |Chureh. shall be forever obiiged, T. Thompsou, repairing culve, 2°50 | Samucl. Baisd,. do' dei do LL 2 00 bud not the electors interfered and | Mr Rook now gavea fine solo. a ---- J. Henderson, 2 culverts ,, 6 00 | Samuel Baird, do do do i a 3 80 disbanded the crew; und now the | Mr F. Yamold gave a fine reading, " A Good: | 7. Rous, grant on 11th con, 10 00 | W Ewart, do do do i" a 2 60 ves of all tue peo lo. are turned handsomer man than you." _-- 4 LJ st. John, timber for culverts Re 2 60 | Jax Speiran, do do do on Ge HONG 2 40 eyes ol ie peop: a 5 : » | The following letter to the Toronto Mail Ww.) calmurray, grant on 1st con wv 12 00 | T Laughlin, tkp nses re pump on St. John st... on 11 00 upon thenew hands anxious to rec Mixs Harrington and Mrs W Ross, Mr 1 J Ulic MeDonneli grant on 2nd con 10 00 | Wm. Ame, serving notices Court of Revisi 4 } should be stereotyped and placed in the . ' K of Revision Lon... 16 83 how they shall steer. But all know | Davie, and Mr A Davis sang #& magnificent art tos hin thre Te J. Pool, 8 scrapers .... 33 00 | J H. Beers & Co: County Atlus ~ id 12 00 ing nyshing of the condition in piece. Fron 0 Jit oe nts n oma} vi Soslots isin, Brant on ih fn 35 60 | Express Charges ofi County Rates Lb oe 145 2) z - "+ 8r,--Will you allow me space in your Loftus Shier, gravel for ' 2 00 | Standard Bank Commission on Broce be i - which the 2 iokenzle pas ty lett our Rev. Mr Ross sang "Rick of Ages". yaluabie paper to draw the attention of the R. Camplin, 'grant on 3rd con, 5 80 | Win Way, for Cannington Sidewalks Tents . od % public affairs now that it is no eary Misses Shaw and Paxton and Messrs; opyurch-going people of Toronto to the very T Allin, repairing scraper... 3 75 | R. Acton, dog tax r funded a i a i 1.00 task to introduce all those chinges | Rook, Lennox and Forman gavea choice| commendable conduct of 'a gentleman who W. H. Perry, repairing scraper, 4 26 | Jos. Wright, dog tax refunded |. .: .. . 1 00 which are ubssiuiely necessary 10 | piece is at Proms in our city on a Soars : " Giana, site for culten 3 00 | Buird & Parsons Printing . Ele ee 74 50 alter our course and set us again in ' w visit and who was an old Torontonian #-- undell, cedar for culvert... . 5 00 | Jas, Currie, Priniing 5 RT i% : 5 the path of prosperity Thare are M; Potiey read The Ula Clock on the The gentleman 1 refer to is Mr. Denman George Thompson, graveling on 6th ¢ 9 18 | School Section No. T . i ARS : ne * do ar 1 di 3 sited vi Stairs" in fine taste a ving re culled read | Thompson, who ix delighting his audiences Thomas Kirly, grant on 6th cou... 27 18 | School 8 ction No 14 - . is Ray 325 00 oubtiess a lew inappointed, Vil lx Josinh Allen's Wife'! with excollent effect. at the Boyal Opera House, He has called J W Hurd fixing gravel pit 0 8 00 | Schau! S-ction No 4 i / . 3 a 36147 dictive ones who would sink the| pris Harrington now gave a beautiful upon every one to whom he was in debt, D. Warble, grant on 12th con... <0 00 School Section No 15 = o . . 1756 79 country to save party, who seek LO} ong which was highly appreciated and like a troe man he bas paid one hun- Alex. MeLean, grant east of Cannington 36°95 SchoolSection No 13... oo. 840-00 laxurato at the public crib and who & al dred cents in the dollar, When it is known R. Vardon, | scraper... ........ ; 5 50 Netool Section No 1 a oo oe "" 2; 340 00 would fain hurry on the government Mr. J. A. McGillivray gave an interesting gat these debts were contracted more than A. McDonald, grant on 6th con 3 00 School Section No 8 vr a . o ' 545 24 Jd force th y introduce an. iv and ipstructive address, © Scotland and eignt years ago, and were consequently out- Jus Murray, grant town line Roach. ... i1 00 School Section No 12 va . . . 3 275 00 And jorce ham 0 Aa oe oy Cenada," The company followed him Jawed, Mr. Thompson's integrity is even T. Purvie, plank on. bridge 7th con... 2 80 Hart & Rawlinxon, for stationery .. ve " 36 35 complete get a a slip-shc oe move deserving of notice. : ' ~------------ Express charges on County Rates " i 3 > +. | closely in his intersting tour. os ."" 2 policy with a view to con 'use and if hy Sixt wags song. wiich was -ch I am a perf ct stranger to Mr. Thompson, $1540 75 R Talbot, pstage oh ve o " > 2 possible sap the foundations of he i "BW Arm=. dit was while acting for others that I FIOERS ARIES Insurance on Town Hall .. .. .. .. .. "9 new regime; no matter tho amount |B fen by Miss Harrington, Mrs. W- game in contact with him ; but I 'feel it my OF SA : Re Ertwardy, Posnis ovina i ft 2 Tod " Ross, Miss Bingham and Messrs 1. J. Davis duty to say that his conduct has been one T. H. Walshe for Registering Births, Deaths and Mar "PH. Walshe, attending Court of Revision ne . ef injury dons to the country. nd A. Davi 7% " | ot no pest sermons 1 have ever heard of, riages 23 0 2 x, x wont be amusing wer it 104 Fos mn pi Putra 2102 A SL Sad Bi ru emi thoso would-be "patriots who are ESLIRE Lyi tronghont, My objet i ie ton od is This 60 00 Total amount of dishrsements. .s ovo viy.es $1204.60 wi ol ghout, My object in writing is fold ytodo ---- i : AEH pretending that the policy of the new government let it be what it may, will be the ruin of the country, and still they are in perfect agon to have tho "rain' introduced. -- "ylorious old Re- Miss Harrington, Miss Forman and Mig Robins all.took a hand at it. NOTICE Mr. Thompson justice, and, secondly, to put some of the elect to shame, and to pray less and pay more would have a very Lol The i ghout was highly effect on public morality enjoyable and universal satisfaction was Yours, &c., HONESTY. expressed by the large company, « Toronto, Feb. 19. We, the undersigned hereby certify, that we have Treusurer's Books and the Vouchers und Rolly in suppor carefully - mitied the foi6going accounts with the t thereof, and have found the whole correct. ¢ JOSEPH LUCAS, THOS. H. GLENDINNING, } AUDITORS, - ¥

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