Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Feb 1879, p. 1

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/ \ J ------ VOL XXII, NO. 11.{ SE ----------------------------) Porth Ontarig Obaeruer, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICUL. TURAL § FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., 'EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, x BY BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS. --$1 per annum, if paid in ad- vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than six months; and no paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ... ..50 08 Bubsequent insertions, per line 0 02 Cards, under 6 lin's, per annum . . 5 00 Lett rs containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre paid and regester- ed, will be at our risk 'Advertisements measured by Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they oc 'cupy. Advertisements received for publication, without specific instructions, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. No 'advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and-others who advertise by the year or half-year. pi g@ These terms will in all cases be strictly eo to Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Rec Books, Checks, Book sirculars, Business Cards, Ball , &c., of every style and lor, cxceuted promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. i Parties from a distance getting hand %ills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them J. BAIRD. 1", PARSONS. a I. ANG J « Seon and A He ra Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over No irniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry ts. Ome hours from a. in. to 12 m. the dwelling recently occupied xton , Physician, Sur- ARE, , Physician, Surgeon couchenr, Office, opposite the town hall. rort Perry. RS. MeGILL & RAL, Phy &e., &e, Olice and Re Osiinnn, inl Not S. IL Cochray [ YVAN [. ENGLISH LLB " L Chancery, Attorney, tonveyaneer, &¢ Ohana, @@leo--Sim coe strect, opposite the Poste Tie YOUNG SMITH, Ll. Gr. Yommv-nitinw, So! nd Insolveney, Ni V Omee--MeMi n., WwW. Maurier Thchrane TTORNEY. A itor in Chan A cery Notary | Office hours Vort VRAY, Bacrister hile, Ko, y to loan at ~ | John A. MeGillivray TRD, Attorney at Law Mite in th 4 Solicitor yal Areade, Jd. ATE Patt 1 & _ Feuton, Surgeon Office ovr Corrigan & Camp- Bell's Stor, Port 3 Au work © ind vay latest and oo tyl and warranted to give satisfactio, Port Per ch 28, 1877. OC. N. VAS, L. D. 8. AEETH inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, aad as cheap as the cheap- -st, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anwesth- sia. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa, eee BAL HE Subse wonld beg to. inform owners of Ho sex and Cattle that having completed a Session in the Ontario Vetetin- ary College, Toronto, he has now located in Port Perry. for the practice of his pro- fession and is now prepared to give advise on and successfully treat all diseases to which horses and cattle are liable. From long study and close investigation of the mature and habits of Horses and Cattle and jong practice in toeatiag the Diseases of such together with the great advantages derived from a Session at the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, I flatter myself that parties placing their Horses and Cattle under my treatment will find it to their advantage. Any order or commuaication for me left at Mr. Allison's Drug Store will be promptly attended to. D. BATEMAN Port Perry, March 27, 1878. PAusic RF. HARRINGTON, Teather of Music Port Perry. -Also dealer in Musical In- struments. Residence, on Union Avenue, S 8. 8. HARRINGTON, Teacher of Musie. Applications by Post or in person a cited. Residence, on Union Avenue, Port erry. Phe VICTORIA i © MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company : of Canada, HEAD OFFICE,....... HAMILTON HIS isdecidedly onc of the best companies in the Dominion, and parties having property to insure 'will do well (0 consider the many advantages of insuring with this Company. T. H. WALSHE, Agent, ' Cannington, Ont. Cannington, Sept..26, 1876, 1 "ONTARIO BANK. CAPII AL $3,000.000 PORT PERRY BRANCH. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department js now open in connection with this Branch. Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter= est allowed thereon, 3 No notice of withdiawal required, A.A. ALLEN, : MANAGER. i i ere pm . BURN HAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- Tl: biE%: Lint of Oltico In Bigelow's Block, Port Perry. Office hours from 10 a. m, to 3 p. m. T. C. FORMAN, . INSPECTOR of WEIGHTS & MEASURES For the County of Ontario. 48:tf Port Perry, Nov 1, 1875. OHN CHRISTIE, ., TOWNSHIP CLERK, ssuer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, Commissioner &c. YC. FORMAN, i . ISSUER OF PORT PER Sale or to Rent. i Of Steamships. Port Perry, JAMESLUND, BROKER, Aer yao licenses. ev flarriage Act. Port Perry, July lst, 1874. NRY CHARLES having been © ppoirted Marriage License Agenl-- < duty) continues to fur- herctofore--at Port Pei o ov win J R. RIC" ARDSON Re-appointed Issuer 5, 1874. 33 ICITOR AND { , Parex.: 8 i i , Ottawa, Canada ess with the Patent Office nd other departments of the Government Js and the. Registration of Trade nd Designs procured. Dr 18, tions, and other Documents cure Patents of Tuvention, pre \ V M. SPENCE, Coxvn i, BUILDER, &C. ¥ The Sabseriber in hanks for the ver, him in th erally 1 viet" hi inio the in future hip. WL 5 1 TL, COX cg LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ETURNING my sincere thanks to my numerous friends and patrons foe their liberal patre ¢ bestowed upon me as Auctioneer during the past - eight years, 1 to offer my services to all farm Stock, Implements, or rty to sell by Auvction anywhere io, the township of Mariposa would now t who may h wher proj in North Or or Cartwright, : My loi and extensive practice as Auc- tioneer enabled me to judge the value of Farm Sock with an accuricy second to none the County, and this is of import- ance as il the Auctioneer is not a good judge of the value of Stock he may soon lose far more than his fee in any sale, Bill stamps always on hand. Sale Bills arranged and notes supplied free of charge. Days of Sale may be arranged at the Opsgrver Office, where a Sale Register will be kept Terms Liberal, W. MW, Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877. E. MAJOR, © ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties ; wishing his services can call at the "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and arrange for days of Sules. Glen Major, Oct. 10, 1876. WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, { Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, p@s™ Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, . Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in prompt J. & R. WOLFENDEN, tles, Monuments, &c., Dundas £¢ , Whitby Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite, Also Building Stone cut to orde:, JOHN. NOTT, Agent, Port Perry. Whitby, July 29 1874, 3 NC One door west of the Walker House ; MON EY TO LOAN Port Perry. | In any manner to is all | permit repay part or' prin ont ons MONEY TO LOAN. | VM arvinge Lacenses. | tudor the Now Act. Office, lot 10, in the' st con Brock Brock, An. to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unust the borrovie Whitby, April 10, 1873. NUTICE TO FA. MES & OTHERS SLL i MONEY TO LOAN. |! h ) and most reas le terms assur one to twenty y Savings Company, yore Auctioneer for the Township North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria, Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, cor otherwise, and i R nade. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer. : STEAM MARBLE WURKS. HOLESALE and Retail dealers in Foreign and American Marble Man- 2 |IN0. & D. J. ADAMS, Money, Land & Insurance PORT PERRY, AVE large sums of money on hand for Investment, Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for AGENTS FOR THE ALLAN LINE JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Jan 1870, MONEY, LAND & INSURANCE NONVEYANCER, Commissioner for taking | » Aflidavits in Court of Queen's Bench, &e. ||] suit borrowers, Mor os, &e., Colleete Boug 1 ow te binding thems h repay ment. ns mde from 2 to ) years on farm, or good p:oduetive town pr ;. In all luator for publicity in the transaction. If the title is perfect the money' 111 be | paid here in two weeks after mak tion. JAMES I Parrislis Flock, Cor, Br streets, Uxbridge. Uxbri o, May 17,1877, { | Thes Conte The undersigned hasany amount of Money lly Low Rates of Interest! | Loans ¢ 1 be repaid in any manner to suit Investments made in Municipal Deben | tures, Pank 2nd other marketable Stocks i Apply to | JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &e. 'ned would say to the owners we funds ich he is sto Manche: 8, er, October 17, Y TO LOAN. ---- | ry HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money | i on improved property for terms from Agent for W He has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds, Inter st Bight per cent. No Commission. | N F. PATERSON. May 20, 1878. Soli ERY CaNapa Lioax um) i | | Port Perr; CLE HS Money to Loan on Farm sccwity in | any manner to suit borrowers. Mort. gages bought at lowest rates. Accounts, | Notes, &¢, collected on reasonable Com. mission. Apply personally, or by letter to | bs C DAWES, Auctioneer, &c., Port Perry, | George Crothers March 7, 1878. MONEY [Private Funds,] I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. LYMAN ENGLISH, Bannister, &c., Oshawa November 21, 1866. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1851. CATITAL . . 8800000 (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. p&5™ Insurances effected at the lowest cmrent rates on Buildings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss or damage by fire. JNO & D. J. ADAMS, Agents, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan 22, 1879, THE ONTARIO Farmers' Mutual [nuance Coy! Head Office, Whitby, FOR THE S. H. CHRISTIAN, ESQ, TREASURER. IN ACCOUNT WITH THT CORPORATION OF REACH, YEAR 1878. MK \ RECEIPTS. To Balance in hands of Treasurer 15th Feb'y.... ces, &e., B Phoenix, Esq ... , A. Earchman, Esq. ndage fees, &c., Wm McGregor, Esq Bills Payable, Ontario Fides, JW. Squeleh, J : Road allowance, W, H. Browne Clergy Reserve Fund. .., Ontario Government, Balance on William Real, Collector. .... . NPR OL EXPENDITURE. ROADS AND BRIDGES. A. Gall, Railway Crossing, Town Line, Whitby. Ross, lot 1, town line, Whitby, ..... Howsam, Uxbridge town line a Marsh, 6th con , east of Centre Road... Farrell, con. 11, Big Mars Doble, con 14, Brock roac Dobson, bridge, Simcoe Street, b Cc N. A. J. ), con 10, lots 1 and 2, $2 C. C. o Brown and J Watson, con 10, 1 Michie and J, Watson, con 11, lot 18......... . Gregg and BR, Acton, con 14, Saunders and P, Christie, . Pickel, J. Gibson and J. M wes where the title is perfoct, the [J+ cost wil v slight to the borrower, Axl am acting both as Agent and V d everal Companies there can possibly be : pn 5 : several Companies thore can possibly be 60 |y_ Poon and 'T, Graham, cons 5 and 6 Centre . Burnett, nerth and south o 1d Dr. McClinton, stdewalks, Saintfield, JA. Horn and E Dusty, sidewalks, Greenbat Heard and J. W. Squ leh, Simeoe sti ee H. Hayes and J. McClintock, 8th con, cast of centre J w. Geo, St, John and J Doble, Lith con . John Leask, lots 18 and 19, north of 8th con , 1 d con , cast of Nonquon F | Jobu Leask and A. Ross, con 12, cast of lot 1 { Daniel Ireland, C dar... . 1 Improved Farms, and Wild | J. Barman, bridge at Pure , chenp | w |G George Devitt, ite, that he has in his hands a | 3° Boar, orde borrow- | Doble, ord xpedition | ££, Whitney, cal | Wm Allen, x H. CHRISTIAN, | A. He nder: Heltby, culvert 4th con | W. Duolop, Tth con, work s Clyde, repairing road . Burnett, 10th con centre 1d « {Th Thos Clarkson, town line Brock C. Talman tor | Mrs Jones, $7 wood 1 MENT DAWES, |X Yous | Mrs Wakeford | Wim Cog h a, "es rs J. Edwards, per J, McDonald MANCHESTER CREEK. J. Gibson, Intereston Coupon. vues sovsse sevens cennns RAILWAY DEBENTURES. Debenture and Interest . 4 Town Hall, &c...... Cash in hands of Treasurer. School Section No. 11 Liabilities over Assets This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insire and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have ndw an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or the local Agents of the Company. Ou; sible Mutual Insurance Company in Ca Head Office--Opposite the Royal Brock 8t., Whitby C. NOURSE, Seereta R. B. Browne, Auditor 15 00 D. M . 15 00 F. Earchman, Assessor wares 100 00 F. Earchman, Selecting Jurors 8 00 Geo. St John, Selucting Jurors 5 00 John Mowbray, D. Reeve . 22 00 Geo. St John, Reeve - 28 00 L. Burnett, Councilor o 24 00 P. Chri 42 00 J. Dobson, Councilor . 23 00 Geo. St, John, Reeve, extra services 10 00 D. Daniels, Messenger nw 11 50 J. Dafoe, D. Returning: Officer, 1879 8 00 A do 6 00 R do 8 00 R do 8 00 N. do + 800 P. do 10 00 Ww eae 05 00 8. MH. Christian, Treasurer 100 00 John Christie, Clerk 350 00 $883 50 PRINTING. Baird & Parsofts 'eee eas 'eee 129 50 E. Mundy, "ese 328 $1328 COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Wm Laing, County Treasnrer, County rate ,. $3072 50 Wm. Laing, County Treasdrer, School rate ,, 734 00 $3806 50 BILLS PAYABLE. Ontario Bank, Port Perry.....uvvuiias $1000 00 Ontacio Bank, Port Perry....oovuvuans 500 00 81500 00 SUNDRIES. W. C. Heard, cleaning stove pipes, towh bali. 1 00 Ontario Bank discount on $500 for 3 months 10 40 $i000 for 3 do ois 20 82 rencwal of $500 tor 1 month, 3 60 c $1000 for 2 months, 13 80 Hatt & Rawlinson, blank rolls... ...... 25 42 I. Ex Judges order re voters' list, 3 00 Ww; . 22 00 Row & Hutchinson, M. Manuels, &c J. Christie as per account ordered. » S. 11. Christian sundries ag per bill 8, H Christian, posta SIRtONULY, &C. vs sas tase vaes 6 00 J. Heard use of town , Prince Albert, 1878 and 1879 4 00 Hart & Rawlinson as per accoutt........... . v bd -- | 8. Sec. No. 1, W. O'Bry 5, Thos Horn and 6, Wm Leonard §41 Wright. .... H. Brown &e., $287 93 Thomas Lamb I'S Netherton, 1 C. R. Boynton... J Jos John Holtby, R. Gilroy.... SCHOOLS. nt... vans 3, George St John. 30 are Deb. and Inteicst on SALARIES. J. Dafoe, Selecting Jurors, 1877 J. Dafoe, D. Returning Officer, No 1, 1878 DOG FUND. FOR SHEEP: KILLED BY DOGS. o 19 do Richard Widden Commissi J. Mowbray and I. Burnett, Rodds and Bridges. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS. Roads and Bridges... , Orders of Council, Roads School Salavies,.... Printing ,... County of Ontario, Bills Payable Ontario Bank Sundries . Foor Fund Dog Fund, Interest on Coupons, Manch: Debenture and Interest, Reilway, and Bridges, By balance in hands of Treasurer.......svveuvaenenss, J. Bowles, J. McGeoch, and L. Burnett... J. Christie, W. Saunders, and P, Christie J. Munro and George Dewey. J Dobson........ Manchester Cri a Messrs Cameron, McMichael and Hoskins. Hart & Rawlingon....oo'vvi ro senn snare vers vast 6 months interest on $4000 Debentures due 1st July... 120 00 Total Liabilities ......«.,.... ter Creek... . Our Travellsd Parson. DY W. CARLETON. I For twenty years and over our good parson has been toiling, To chip the bad meat from our hearts ahd keep the good from spoiling ; But finally he wilted down, and went to looking sickly, . . And the doctor suid that sotnething must be put up for him quickly, So we kind of clubbed together, each accord- ing to his notion, And boughta circular ticket in the lands across the oce: we thought would easy do him-- And appointed me committee thati to go and take it to him. I found him in his study looking rather worse than ever, i And I told him 'twds decided that his flock and he should sever, Then his eyes grew wide with wondet, dnd it seemed almost to olind 'em ; And some tears looked out o' window, with some others close behind 'em. Then I handed him the ticket with a little bow of deference, And he studied quite a little ere he got its proper reference; And then the tears that waited, grew un- managable creatures, Let themselves quite out o' window and came climbing down his features II. I wish you could lave seen him coming back all fresh and glowing, His clothes so worn and seedy, and his face so fat and knowing ; I wish you could have heard hith when he prayed for us who sent him, And payed us back twice over all the money we had lent him, "Twas a feast to all believers, 'twas a blight on contradiction, To Lear one just from Calvary talk about the ctucifixion ; Twas a damper an those fellows who pre- tended they could doubt it, To have a mun who'd been there stand up and tell them all about it, Paul maybe beat our pastor in the bible knots unraveling, And establishing new churches, but be couldn't touch him traveling | Nor in his journeys pick up half the general information , But then he hadn't the railroads and the steamboat navigation; | And every foot of scripture whose Jocwtion used to stump us Was now regularly laid "out, with the dif- ferent points of compass, When he undertook a picture, he quite natural would draw it; He would paint it out so honest that it scem- ed as if you saw it, | An' the way he chiseled Europe--oh, the way he seampered through it! i Not a mountain dodged nis climbing, not a tity but he knew it ; | There wasn't any subject to explain in all | creation, | But he could go to Europe and bring back | an illustration, So we crowded out to hear him, much in | structed and delighted ; "Twas a picture show, a lecture, and a ail 4 80 sermon, all united; 2 26 | And 83% wife would wipe her glasses, and | 8 00 serenely pet her testament, 1 is And whisper, 'that 'ere ticket was a very 2 00 good investment,' 24 00 111, 10 00 2 00 | Now after sfx months' travel we were most 5 33 of us all ready 8 96 | To settle down a little, 80's to live more 5:83 staid and steady ; g81 84 | To develope home resources, with ho foreign cares to fret us, Using home-made faith more frequent; but «1611 51 the parson wouldn't let us, . 218 27 : 7462 09 | To view the selfiame scenery time and time a 883 50 agatt he'd call us, . 132 78 3806 50 1500 00 "es 27 60 + 2180 00 Over rivers, plains and mountaius he would any minute haul us; : 261 97 | He slighted our home sorrows, and our . 414 14 spirits' aches and ailings, "es 81 84 To get the cargoes ready for his regular Sunday sailings. "-------- | He wold take ts off a-touring in all spirit- 80 Fi5u) 2 ual weather, Till we at fast got homesick like, and sea. --r £20240 76 sick altogether; LIABILITIES. School Sec, No. 1. Bi " do And ¢ I wish to all that's peaceful,' éaid one free-expressioned brother, $1000 00 "That the Lord bad made one continent, 4 20 and then never made another I" 13 41 4 20 | Sometimes; indeed, he'd take us into sweet 420 familiar places. 4 20 | And pull along quite steady in the good old 13 4 gospel traces ; 18 38 | Butsoon my wife would shudder, just as if 76 30 a chill had got her, 46 94 | Whispering, ¢Oh, my goodness gracious ! 20 Lie's ataking to the water! 20 | And it wasn't the same old comfort when 20 he called around to see us; 20 , On a branch of foreign trayel ho was sure at 41 last to tree us; Waeravanai ve ve 91 ci peor ond Bride aa All unconscious of his error, he would Roa 44 07 sweetly patronise us, 2 91 | And with oft repeated stories still endeavor . 56 24 to surprise us, 50 00 4 50 1v. 250 11 | Aud the sinners got to laughing ; and (hat 12 53 finally galled and stung us 11 10 | To agk him. Would he kindly once settle down amongst us? veveveieeses.: $4838 26 | Didn't he think that more home pruduct would improve our soul's digestions ? ny of statement of the same. W. H. BROWNE, General Agent, Manchester; Fob. 17, 1879 To the Municipal Council of the Township of Reach: GEnTLEMEN,-- We bereby cettily that we have carefully examined the books of your Treasurer and Clerk and found them correct in every respect, with the vouchers therefot, and that tho foregoing is a correct e very much appreciate the correct and satisfactory state they are in. also submit that on account of the danger of fite, the Corporation should procure a Fire Proof Safe to secure tho safety of the Books, &c, of this totnship. All of which is re pttifully submitted: WILLIAM McKAY SPENCE, } ? AUDITORS + / We would They appointed me committee-than to go and ask the questions. 4 1 found him in his garden, trim an' buoyant as a feather; 4 He pressed my hand, exclaiming, ¢ This is quite Italian Weither, distant hearts caressing § Upon my benefactors I invoked the be blessing! 4 fe How it 'minds te of the evenings, whieh your {WHOLE NO. 1108 V, I went ahd told the brothers, "No, I cannot bare to grieve him He's 80 happy in his exile, it's the proper place to leave him. 3 I took that journey to him, and right bittery I rue it; But I cannot take it from him ; if you want to go and do it. Now a he restraint entirely seemed next Sun- day toinfold him, And he looked so hurt and humbled that I knew some one had told him. Subdued like wus bis manner, and some toned were hardly vocal ; But every word he uttered was pre-eminently local Wrapped some Soobk 'matey Tn tiowhat| Thederiioh soinded awkward, and we awk ward felt who heard it "Twae grief to see him hedge it, "twas pain to hear him word it, 'When I was in --' was maybe half a dozen times repeated, But that scutence seemed to scare Lim, and was always uncompleted. As weeks went on his old smile would oceca- slondlly brighten, But the voice was growing feeble, and the face began to whiten ; He would look off to eastward, with a listful, weary sighing; And 'twas whispered that our pastor in a foreign land was dying. VI. The coffin lay 'mid garlands smiling sad as if' they knew us; The patient face within preached a final ser mon to us; Our parsotf had gone touring on a trip herd long been earning, In that wonder-land whence tickets are not issued for returning. Told of scenery that burst on you just the minute that you started | Could you preach once more among us, you might wander without tearing ; You could give us tales of glory we would never tire of hearing. -- Harper's for Feb. Balky Horses. The Socicty for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals puts torth the following rules for the treatment of bulky horses: 1. Pat the horse upon the neck; oxamine the harness carefully, first on one side then on the other, speak- ing encouragiongly while doing so, then jump into the wagon and give | the word go; generally ho will obey. 2. A team: ter in Maine says he can start the worst balky horse by taking him out of the shafts and making him go round in a circle till be is giddy. If the first dance of this sort dosen't cure bim, the second will. 3. To cure a balky horse, simply place your hand over the horse's nose and shut off his wind till Le wants to go, and then let nim go. 4. The brain of the horse scems to edtertain bau one idea at a time; therefore continued whipping ouly confirms his stubborn resoive. If you can by any means 'give him a new subject to think of, you will generally have no trouble in start- ing him. A simple remedy is to take a couple of turns of stout twine {around his foreleg, just below toe knee, tight enough for the horse to feel, and tiein a bownot. At the first check he will go dancing off) and after going a short distance you can get outand remove the string to prevent injury to the tendon in your further drive. iii epa---- < The day betore a Turkish girl is married she is taken to the bath by her lady friends and lumps of sugar a9 broken over her head as a fore- cast of the sweots of matrimony .-- A year or two afterwards her hus- band breaks the whole sugar bowl over her head. WINTER PEA SOUP. Wash a quart of split peas,Fwhich put into a stewpan with half a pound of streaked bacon, two onions inl slices, two paiinds of veal or beef, cnt into small pieces, and alittle parsley, thyme and bay leaf; add a wallon of water, with a little salt and sugar; place it upon the fire,and when boiling, stand it at the side, until the peas are boiled to a pusee, and the water has reduced to half; then take out the meat, which put upon a dish, to be eaten with bacon, keeping it hot; run the soup through a hair sieve or tammy, pat it into another stewpan, and when boiling serve. The meat may be served in a tureen if approved of. Sant Frsa.--Salt @sh should be put in a deop plate, with just enough wuter to cover il, the night before you intend to cook it, it should not be boiled one instant, for boiling venders it hard; it should lie' in scalding hot water for two or threo hours ; the less water that is used and the more fish is cooked at once the botter; water thickened with flour and water while boiling, with sweet butter put in to melt,'is tho common &4ilte, It is more econo= micul to cut salt pork into bits, ant fry it till the pork is brown a crispy ; it should not be done too

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