Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Feb 1879, p. 1

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VOL XXII, NO. 8. § PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURS DAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1879. Forth Ontorig Obseruer 4 . 4A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICUL- TURAL § FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, Business eards. ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $3,000,000 INO. & D. J. ADAMS, Money, Land & Insurance BROKERS, PORT PERRY, PORT PERRY LIVERY: STABLES SEED C. KENZIE, is both. A PROMISE IS A PROMISE. (CONOLUDED.) 'Ilove not holfow cheek nor faded eye. All is fair in love and war, and this T hope I am nou conceited, For one instant Mr. Bertram te- lieved that his power of speech was paralized ; there was a strange sing. ing noise in his ear which took the tune of the old hymn he had dream ily listened to one eventful Sabbath owed to exist without restraint.-- The law has ptt gambling under the ban because it is wrong--because itis an enemy to the peace and substantially of society and becaues ance. did not know where the next was to come from, Well, I have 1 along for over a month and am still alive,-- I am going to escape after all, and as I am still a young man, I have hopes of making i some amends. 1 tell you there js nothing BY . PROPRIETOR, to . it is devoid of a single redeeming |; i ik tin i Tc & lin gambling, Tt BAIRD & PARSONS. PORT PERRY BRANCH. AVE Taigs sues of mstioy . Yas jee 1 let task if a 7080 loves eysning: : oe. quality. As above remarked the |world. i can rah Winget TERMS. --$1_per annum, if paid in ade Zuyestment, DE ee Lover ry Ckped : Poo. hry sufferers are those who patronize | will do it gladly in order to save others, I vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No 'subscription taken for less than six moriths wand no Duper discontinued until all arreais are paid. ¢ RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ...s....$0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line .. 0 02 a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this Branch. Deposits of FiveDolldrs anid upwards received and inter= est allowed thereon. No notice of withdrawal requited. Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale or to Rent. AGENTS FOR THE a supply of superior Horses and Carri. is prepared to furnish first class ges LIVERY RIGS On Moderate Terms. €. MCKENZIE. Port. y Aug. 6, 1873 don't subscribe to that romance' of papas; so if he's an honorable man, he wont trespass on what he thinks belongs to another, and if he isn't an honorable man papa won't hold me to the promise. So that's settl- sciousness. NT Roatan wd og nizga of me then a cold chill bathed him like an atmosphere, and all the nerves stirr- ed and pricked him into dotiblo con- He 10se then; and the gambling houses. Upon these the proprietors of those establish- ments feed as the big fish feed on the lesser ones. They spread the nets and the univafy go in and are have not told you half my experience; I have lightly skimmed over it, * I could not tell you what I have seen and felt. - There are plenty of them here in town who can tell you a worse story than this. One thing more I will say, the pretended efforts of the Cards, Jnler 4 Hines, | Jor angen i 5 on A.A. ALLEN, . a - od' staggered, father than walked to her swallowed up. The young and in- | police officials are hothing but a sham, I wr to this Office, pre-paid and regester- MANAGER. Fhotels. How effectually settled she little side. At that moment thére Were exerienced are the ones sought after. | know how it js and have seen it; The od, will be at our risk 'Advertisements measured by Nonpareil, #ud charged according to the space they oc- eupy. rvortisements received for publication. without specific instructions, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly: No advertisement will be taken out until paid for. A liberal discount allowed to Mérchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year, p@y™ These terms will in all cases be strictly +. a= dto Job Department. BURN HAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- J. We Bt Oifice In Bigelow's Blotkj Port Perry. Office hours from 10a mm, to 3 p. mm. T. C. FORMAN, 3 INSPECTOR of WEIGHTS § MEASURES For the County of Ontario: : Port Perry, Nov 1, 1876. 45:tf OHN CHRISTIE, A TOWNSHIP OLERK, Of Steamships. JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office In Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port, Pefry. Port Perry, Jan. 23, 1879, JAMESLUND, THE WALKER HOUSE PORT PERRY TE Subscriber having leased the above hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the approbation and patronage of the public, 'THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo: dreamed ; nor how love, like fire; has a knack of smouldering and laying perdu in unlikely places awaiting the friction of circutfistances j fatal to name, love is always near when one thinks of it. Fate wore wont to sound a trumpet before her, one would, perhaps, be ready for the emergency. Accordingly the parish of Meriden that, gain. Truly, if rich reward. two sensations struggling for the mastery--pain at his own infinate loss, and pleasnre at her incalculable 'Itis great thing,' he said ina glow ot enthusiasm, pushing his pain out of sight for the nonce ; ¢ you have chosen the right, and reaped the You have that which neither moth nor rust doth corrupt They are the green ones and the mont foolish. The professional gamblers make but little out.of one another, and if gambling were con- fined to them little ovil would follow A Post reporter met a young man yesterday who isa victim to the gamblers. He told his story. Said he: 'I have been reading the articles in the Post on gambling, and I have reason tolsympathize with ths efforts gamblers have it all their own way,' Thus ended the story, The young man who told it lives here in the city, ands well known both to the gamblers, and' 'the employees of a prominent dry goods house. St. Louis Post, 8 HEREBY CIVEN that I, the under signed, am the only person authorized and empowered to collect <or receive monies due the Paikphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- TveyATCES, dati qua, ; i : love, the immortal. It issurely a saps Hund i Fors, Ev nr of Migs asmor Govern HONEY, LAND & INSURANCE ifn iodo "nin was lcd oni lowing week, "7 of tho paper to brsk tw. came tary Conner hl Rocks, Cheeks, Books, Circulars, Business| * omc Manchester. . best cities. By the reughation of helt plete); 'Oh d le itl' 1 85. Louis three yeurs ago su nano oper ig ning l Co. Cards, Bail Cade, ko, of very style and B R 0 K EB R Commercial Travelers, the Traveting| he Rev Erastus Bertram. There , do not speak to me about it | [LE Le ST Sor the : mptly and al 4 #1 ' : : t 1 i AMILTO: splint bo hn in the County. T ©. FORMAN, : 8 | Public, Farmers and others doing business | Wa8 a host of rumors rife anént the she cried ; 'I have nothing absolute } Lp. 01g dry goods houses on fifth » BEF Parties from a distance getting hand Mills, &c. printed can have them done to take Some with them. ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses. One door west of the Walker - House ONVEYANCER, Commissioner for taking AfMdavits in Court of Queen's Bench, &c. MONEY 10 LOAN in the Village and the general piiblic will find in THE WALKER HOUSE matter; sothe Were cotivinced that ho was going abroad for his health, ly nothing. I have given all, but he --he returns me nothing I' 'Is the man a dolt?' he exclaim- street, I bad been in a country store and had become a very good In the Counties ot Ontario, Victoria, Dur- hath, and Peterborough, either on notes of hand, orders or accounts; put up in these Counties for the past three years, J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS. rt Perry. J which, unfortunately for their saga- : : . ) or Any ; -- ( i, ar masse st, rr MOSES ind can bo required tn he mate of cu. was mot impaired other, 8; not onco questioning why sho [CEPR | REREGD, TU BELO FUEL JE MU, BS : e g e, accom i - : . ry - a week. - ol er wi Professional Savas. $5 [PRR genio edain, wad moderation I chaos |e guid ho ust Faverecelved should give bim such eomfidonee, |" CSL Sie' fog [omit poy he wnoust again. ? iy ; EP) without commission, at the Lowest rate, and | The Charges are Nq Higher at the & Wile and one liltle wy an but carried along by the swollen All partics interested will govern thems NE 1 allowed to fix his' own time for payment | Walker House than at any |"°™° fabulously magnificent call » ¢ | x : y the future looked very bright tose seordi . J H. SANGSTER, M.D. Physiclat, Sur- 17 } ) of interest once % Fear (hel in aiivehod) sn other Hotel in Town. trorh the Far Wost while yet others | current of his emotions. 'Is he me, The icity. was DY SE selves according to the Move Seties: oi geon and Accoucheur, 3 VEY o Y . : » . sk s 4 ' « G . hy drontarin i Ny, ) porult topuy, part dr ali of use principal The House 1s fitted up thronghout tn [spoke of lagacies, and hinted at a|mad? he pursued; does he know aid.' bine nataralls. of & very JLo Deny; Jun, 27,2878, . PORT PERRY. Cit SIRS Sao tauseept sch sum, whether jane or FIRST CLASS STYLE change of faith, and an ivory crucifix that he is throwing away that for : bi i) ii y d Te uuts , Store, cor! all, an y ect. reduc ) : : OMoe over Nott's Furniture Store, corne DHinelpal, Im mediately cancelling the interest ' which another goes hungry all his scclable disposition, © mace many A CHOICE FARM FuR SALE hanging in his study. There was one persoti behind the scenes, and that was Rhoda. But sihco it whs inevitable, the| His words were like sparks to het good people who apprecited hin vied | struck out beneath the anvil, show- with euch other to make the parting | ing tho strength of feeling that pro~ a merty ono; and thers followed a | duced them, and she sat looking at rotind of tea-drinkings, which Mr. him there, with her watchful troubl Queen and Perry Streets. OMee hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. ' Residence, the dwelling recently occupied by Mrs. Geo, Paxton. on the sum paid. No extra charge is exacted on such repayment. Loans made from 2 to 20 years on farm, or good productive town property. In all cases where tha title 1s perfect, the cost will be very slight to the borrower. I am acting both as Agent and Valuator for several Companies there can possibly be no publicity in the transaction. If the title is perfect the money will be paid here in two weeks after making applica- tion. New Marriage Act. Port Perry, July lst, 1874. ENRY CHARLES having been re- appointed Marriage License Agent-- (after sixteen years duty) continues to fur- nish Licenses as herctofore--at Port Perry. friends. Among the number was a|- gentleman who was at the head of an extensive boot and shoe house.-- He was well known among all the "salesmen in town and commanded a large salary ; poor, poor fellow he i~{ |{ not here now, went down to nothing and slunk out of town like a dog. The Tables and Bat stipplied with the choice of the market and the utmost atten= tion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL. GUESTS. An abundance of comfortable Stable ahd Shed accommodation, and attentive hostlers, W. B. McGAW. Port Perry, April 20, 1876. days? The best of earth ; the breath of heaven ?' --AT A---- BARGAIN! y -- R. WARE, Coronor for the County of Ontario, "Physician, Surgeon and Ac- SoS oe. apposite the town hill ce, Oppo! e 3 Port Perry. OR Sale, that fine farm being the East quarter of lot 3, in the 8th con of Reach. This is a grand opportunity for securing & TRS. MCGILL & RAE, Physclans, Surgeons, & Fe had a | fine property on Easy terms, c., &c¢, Office and Residences, King st., JAMES LUND, re : / Shei toe on pe lan Bertram thistscons {0 enjoy, thotigh | ¢d hve nt the veins standing out oe and one of his children wana beau- For pretlotlAS ApuIvE FRANCIS RAF, M.D. streets, UXbriIge. Rhoda absented hetself-from every | upon bis forehead, at the eyes cor-| in, gitl, nearly grown. I had formed a P pply to | } + : t one; and what pleasurd in sipping | ruseating with the lightnings of love, nectar and ambrosia without her ?-- |at the firm, unsmiling mouth. Buffalo meat cooked on sticks before| 'Do you know who he is?' sho a brushwood fire ; would have been asked, with every pulse strained to satisfyfhg if she sat beside; bit not detect the first change in expression, all the wine of life and the spice the drooping of an: eyelid, the , = 1 cont home I would almost die of thereof tould atone for her absence treachery of a muscle. 'No, yOu | remorse, I had somegood luck at faro, 1 -- could be other than tasteless with- can not guess--and I must not tell |reinetmber one tinie I went into a place on N FOR SALE! out her. 'She is afraid of me now,' |you--and you will go away and [Sixth street. with only $5 in my pocket. -- ho thought. ¢Tt is well that I am never; never know- and was yienough © me through the sua. L : . eck, but I put jtall up. aad won, I put nT 1 to go--well for us both ;' and then And then, was it something in her id won A Yoni Si and 4) A COMFOR TABLE NEW HOUSE when tho day drew near for him to | stricken face, the wounded look of as high as $560 at a time. Sometimee I lost AND 5 ACRES OF LAND leave the dear fields of Meriden, | tho eyes, or an inspiration of his {put juck was with me most of the time, and Union Avenue where he had loved and labored, | ©! sudden and effectual, that gave | at three o'clock in the morning I was $600 NEAR PORT PERRY toners. . wings to his thoughts and words to | ahead. I resolved to draw it out. The, eri : dreamed and diapaived, he went to g g y : . . heshrineo his love ? begged me to keep on; said I would break HE Subscriber offers for Sule that Fine make his last call atat the shrine on New Residence aud Lot containing five the hill. ¢Is it--can it, by any possibility, the bank and get rich in a single night; | © FN CERCA AC OO oF . (be me, myself? Darling, let m tbat I had better play when my luck was . He found Miss Rhoda in the cozi- , my 2) e est chair, in the sunniest window, P= PERRY HOUSE, Uxbridge, May 17, 1877. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned hasany amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at . 33 ' Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Souiciror AND | Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit E. KINDALL, on the premises. Or to C. Dawgs, Auctioneer, Port Perry, Reach, Jan. 8, 1879. £. RICHARDSON Ye-appointed Issuer Marriage Licenses. Under the New Act. Office, lot 10, in the | 1st con. Brock. Brock, Aug. 5,1874. YMAN T. ENGLISH I slicitor in ENRY GRIST, Paren Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. I DravenTxax, Ottawa, Canad {the borrower. osnawm. Iransacts business with the Patent Dffice | Algo several Improved Farms, and Wild \OMeo--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office | und other departments of the Government Lands for sale, cheap. TT AMITI -------- 1 opyrights and the Registration of Trade | 1,0. ments made in Municipal Deben Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Specifications, and other Documents neceh- ok. in sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared Pp : in receipt of the model of the Invention. JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &e. favorable opinion of him, and looked upon him as a model; Through him I was led into the gambling businesss; I had confi- dence in him and have seen him win a great deal of money. I would stay away from home till one or two o'clock frequently, and Fiospital, London, England. The kiye R. « dbey 1. 8, Guy's Wl nan natin. Fs PORT PERRY. & JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comfort- ably furnished, and Guests are chred for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigats; also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers,-- Additions have been made which maker this the largest and best House in this section of country, Fare $1.00 per Day. Oshawa, a ---- a ----e BE. FAREWELL, Ll. B., County Crown J) , Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, Walleitor, and Notary Public. Office lately oc- vuptad by 8. H. Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Wiithy. AILWAY HOUSE, (Opposite the Railway Station,) PORT. PERRY. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B.,, Barrister, At- torney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Public, &c. Omce--MoMiifan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. eit impel ee W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan * cery Notary Public, &c., &c. Oftice hours punctually from 9am. to 5 p.m. Money 10 Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. This House bas been thoroughly over. hauled, fitted up and arranged with a view to the accommodation and comfort of guests. Meals and Refreshments on the arrival of trains, First-class stable and shed accom- modation, On WwW SPENCE, ConTracTOR, BUILDER, &C. Whitby, April 10, 1873, NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. i THE undersigned would shy to the nwners of Real Estate, that he has in his hands a The Subscriber in returning his stutere thanks for the very liberal patronage be- towed on him in the past would inform the public generally that having bought a pro- perty and_moved into the Village of Prince Albert, he will in future give his whole Attention to His business as Contractor, and is how ready to undertake Stone Work, Brick- C. HOLT, Proprietor. viene HOUSE, MANCHESTER. The House is a frame building and contains seven ronms. There is also a neat Barn om the premises, a fine well and pump and a ood, etc. But I insisted and drew out m hear you say it, or I can never be- grees ole . Sie y sapily of choice water By GEO. HOUCK. $500 of winnings. The next morning I --_-- | Ving, Plastering, aud everything conhecte ge amount of 'private funds which he is : 1 ovine | lieve it. Do you love me? Me?--| ¢ bill und, r wife's pl . i : & = SR 2 on,) | 14 A B! , AL yihl o] : » 3 a w novel, enjoyin ut a $100 under my wife's plate at the or particulars, apply to the proprietor A ve Law, Sotiel- tnirewitn, which The will execute ol ii Sania Prepared to invest for Torinds to wif; tnt | Haute leased the above excellent Hotel | With the Jost ne bo. th Sion yng Will you take me for better or et table, but when she took it ott she ' WM Tr ' a 0 I oave ranger. 2 . P es ehest 8] el eigl re on wi e endei i & it N n ) 5 WM JE LY, for in Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- | #8, BOUCE the very lowest. Bgureat, which and most reasonable terms awired. Sone ir ro hill ; iaflife Vike 3 Kitten, Al worse ?' cried because she had an iden hdw I made _ Lot 17, in the 8rd con. Reach. tie, &e., Jon a good job ean be doue. Ihe H, CHRISTIAN, eTY pariionlur so nerit the appro-| po qiqnot know that the leaves of the or to ©. DAWES, Auctioneer Office over Brown & Currie's Store and first-class workmanship, SPENCE. Manchester, October 4 1577. Part Perry, Prince Albert, Aprils, 1876. ee TTEGOR, MONEY TO LOAN. bation and patronage of the public. M 'I think--1 will," she answered, it. Before I left for the store she and 1 had , Oct. 6, 1875, with her head upon his shoulder, a talk, and I promised her I would quit, I ¢ beoauso--because--a promise is a believed I could when I promised. I went Zz to work that day with a strong resolution to novel were uncut and sprinkled with tears; and the heart under the em- broidered maslin was fluttering like NB. If notsold by March 1st, the property will be rented. | Rench, Jun. 23, 1870. w. J. Brine & McGILLIVRAY, Barristers So licitors, Notaries I'ublic, &c, NTARIO HOTEL, Port Perry. . ; : romise |' jog bette fore nig * ga A large amount of money to loan at & FE, HE Subscriber is prepared to letid mone . WHITEY, a frightened bird ; that the little per- p attend to my duties better, but before night Fir i bl 'per cent. le "on improved property for terms on T. MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. son, with the eye of unconcern and How he Cured th I met one or two friends and I told them of iis dss arm 0 en 1 John Billings. | John A. MeGillivray. | one to twenty years, The public well caired for, and all Ghtests v ow hg Lun om. my good luck. They said we must have a the quiet oyes, was face to face with the great possibility of life, and knew it. «1 have come to say good bye,' he said, at first. «Phat is & haighty word,' giving will please feel at howe. spree that night ; we did, and after we got | peyHE Undersigned offers to Re t 6 Whitby, Nov. 9th, 1878. dersigned offers to Rent that fine Many a congregation make it a |pretty full, I loaned one hundred dollars to Farm, being the North half of Lot 8, part of their religion to twist their |one of the boys to play taro with and 1 went in the 10 Con, of the Township of necks out of joint to witness the en. |home. It was notamonth till my money S C U G Q oo .9 . trance of every person who passes |™"® all gone and I was as bard up as ever.-- rs : ) I bad lived pretty fast and drank a good deal. | Containing 100 Acres, 90 Acres cleared and up the aisle of the church. g oe -- HURD, Attorney at Law, and £olicitor l ( . A Chancery. Office ithe Royal Arcade, ni F, Port, Derry. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Agent for Westery Canapa LoaN Axp | Savings COMPANY. He has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Inter.st Eight per cent. No Commission, N. F. PATERSON. Solicitor UEEN'S HOTEL, Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Ofr. ----- ee J. A. MURRAY ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon +) ETURNING my sincere thanks to my | '\ numerous friends and patrons for their liberal patronage bestowed upon me as Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Dentist, Office over i J y 3 . i ve dollds d went Tuc in a high state of cultivation. The quality Corrigan & Camp- Suctismeer unig fie ik, el - |D.CAMPBELL, , . . PropmEToR|phim her hand languidly--'a wicked | Being worried one afternoon by 1 fol Ge Solids et you fod my Jack of the lund » 4h that woud be dusired, rich s ; would no D Ww $ 3 : : » ae > od | a The Fi ah bal ' 8ioee a who may have Farm Stock, Implements, or | CLEMENT DA ES, Juss Mosel 19 ipl fupishied jn 110 Dent word, and L refuse to listen to it this turning practice in Lis congre- | 4o1lars and believed I was going to be as ey hints ore Ee 2 June and - ry. ct si e, [eT8 evel accom] . . . Y fy nT ey other property to sell by Auction anywhere ho! " ¢T am sory to sy it,' he return. | gation, Mr. Doan stopped in his ser- lucky as before. But the thing changed. | There are on the primises a large Bara riposa H AS Money to Loan on Farm security in | travelers in North Ontario, the township of Ma H ? : i hy ; any manner to suit borrowers, Mort. = First class Sample Rooms, Livery oA; r oil there a¥e SONS Sigrer Eatest and pst otyle and warranted to give inn mon and said: Ilost my three hundred dollars and my with geod Stables for Horses and Cattle,-- : 3 d Tei There is a well and pump at the Barn, Th stu Ports Meh 28, 1877. My long and extensive pr autre us Aus i. Jought 81 Joven flee, AS ont attached. able words that must be said and + Now, you listen to me and I'll [original $5 and was left without a cent. 1| 4; also a good pty a fine fruit : tioneer has enabled me to judge the value of © cl cr "Apply personally, or by letter to | Cannington, Oct. 20, 1875. 43 toll you who the peoplo are as cach went home as miserable a man as you ever | isces. Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the County, and this is of imports ance as it the Auctioneer is not a judge of the value of Stock he may soon lose far more thap his fee in any sale. heard ; and this is one.' «Why must #' giving hi the tan- talizing benefit of her glance. « Bocauso circumstance controls From that time I began to have all | Thisie a spit} speniog for parties wish- 5 5 . ing to rent a choice Farm. kinds of bad luck, but was continually Yy-| "For farther pacteculare Applf personally ing to makea raise at gambling. I went|qor py letter to to extremes to get money--used what of - Q.N. VARS, L. D. 8. EETH inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- 8 Teeth filled saw, C DAWES, Auctioneer, &c., Port Perry, A SOL0ANERICAN HOTEL, March 7, 1878. ono of them comes in.' : Ho then went on with his dis- eat, and as good as the best. course until a gentleman entered, Teeth extracted PRINCE ALBERT. CHARLES TUPPER, d Silver. ; a wr pio | ik Goud ant producing local "anasth- Bil impeniviojs otand, supplied MONEY W. H. PARE, - - - PROPRIETOR.| | when he bawled out like an usher : | my earnings I could spare--often left my | Port Perry, Oct. 21, 1878, Port PERRY sia. Dentical Rooms--tn Gowan 2 | oy of charges [Private Funaa,) Having purchased the above pleasantly we. tretastatie) 1 «Deacon A., who keeps a shop |dear wife and little boy without. what they »lock, over Atkinson's Drug Store, 8 Days of Sale may be arranged at the To! i on good Farms, at 8 per cent in-|gituated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired Qutrageous circurgstanc over the way.' really needed. Finally I was driven to such : F 0 R S A 1 E Street, Oshawa. C Office, where a Sale Register will and renovated the entire premises even to|ghould like to takeit by the throat.' a strait that I pawned my clothes and every- On : 3 eds, been : i He again went on with his ser- HE Subscriber would beg to inform be kept. ? W.M. W. LYMAN ENGLISH, the Sheds. The Hotel has furnished ¢That's just what I have done in 8 thing else that I could get my hands on, I Of SALE, by Private Contract, Ten 3 Terma Liberal. CMW. in First-Class Style and Stocked with the : mon, when presently another man ; . owners of Horses and Cattle that having Port P Sept. 4, 1871 Bannister, &o., best Liquors and Cigars! order that it may not seize me ina P SO y drank a good deal, and one morning I was Shares of $30 each, in the Brown & : completed a Session in the Ontario Veterin- ort Perry, p21. Oshawa | "givict attention' paid to $he comfort e passed into the aisle, and he gave told that my services were no longer needed, | Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby x more vital place.' ary. College, Toronto, he has now located B. MAJOR November 21, 1866. guests. i his name, residence and occupation. [It came like a clup of thunder, and Idid| Offers left ut the office of this paper will in Port Perry, for the practice of his pro-| / All parties : ~The table and bar well supplicd. «Well, we ard all slavés ofcircum- he wontinned for some Syopa ot know What on earth to do. I went |be promptly attended to; pape : ression and is mow prepared to give advise ICENSED AUCTIONEER. pa WESTERN Ww PARK. J 3 : So I p 4 'on 'and successfully treat all disenses fo wishing his services can call at the ] bi ; Prince Albett, June 12, 1875, stances, Mr. Bertram,' pathetically. | = 4, length some one opened the |down and got a place in a second-class Dec. 12, 1878. _ 82 aes and cattle ee liable. Pron i Office, Port Perry, and arrange for ASSURANCE COMPANY. tt, ) " to you don't caro at all about my door who was inknown ih Dens house, where I did not stay long. From Ye 3 cl est on. 0 6 ules. . £ 3 * Re A & Tove stony, ES Hhoveen Rant Cattle and | Glen Major, Oct. 10, 1876. pe struggles with fate, or you'd stay | yon he cried out: worse to worse it went all the time, I1had| Por 'rle or Exch J BusTRoNe HOUSE, - and belp me outj you haven't any 4 (ATE ALE10K,) interest in us now. WHITEY, ONTARIO t[ndeod, I haye tho decpdst in- 5. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. terest. If [have seemed indifferent to your struggles believe me it was --it was because I could not seems to 'interfore; not want of interest; not that.' got a t errible mania for gambling, and I neglected everything for it. Nobody knows how I felt and the | ry that was at my house. I went te bie of the gambling houses in town and stdyed there mostall the time, depending on the chances for & living Yong practi [CORPORATED 18517 in toeating the D of such - , INCO] toxether with the EC aatattn derived WM. GORDON, 2% Gna from & Session at the sintario Yerrinary 'Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e. College, Toronto, I flatter myself that parties) yop 4g Township of Brock, Uxbridge, / heir Horses and Cattle under my | Li = Ereatment will find it to KF Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa eir advantage. Idon, order or communication for me left and Eldon, Any Parties entrusting their Sales to me » Mrs Allison's Drug Stote will be promptly | qv" rely on the utmost attention being given : _D. BATEMAN 10 their interests: Port Perry, March 2, 1878. "A little, old man, with drab coat and an old white hat. Don't know him, look for yourselves.' The congregation was eured. OATITAL 8800000. FOR PROPERTY . (With power to increase to $1,000,000) PORT PERRY. It was a terrible suspense. Half the time I ryt Subscriber having & IR tof 2 ) ; i 3 Subscriber havin) rze amount : was without a 'cent of money. One day I asiness in way of contmots. for builds. remember, I went and pawnedl my only ing in Port Perry 'this season requiring his coat for two dollars, and sent half of it to | constant attendante® in the village is de HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. #&5~ Insiiriinces effected at the lowert | yne Only First Class House in Town. cuitent fates on Buildings, Metchendise | ooi,v novsE, tase Jowett House, Ki iss Pas ate Jewett House, Kent and other property, agai or damage | 3 EN Sioamy, Bosra, $1.80 por day. .. WM. GORDON, by fire, Sunderland, Brock. -E. BENSON, Proprietor. A GAMBLER'S STORY. Gambling, as it exists in St. Louis, bas many phrases and many bear JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, teens - : : Agehts, Port Perty, ' Id 11. . i to sell or excha hi : re. WALSHE, Port Perry, Jan 22; 1879 X And 1 dare say you are notat all |: sc Tt involves the men who keep | my Wife with which to get some dinner, 1} sirous to sl of EChonge his house in - ¥Wusic. Y ICENSED Aut fox the T Ap ont For: 3 a HE QUEEN § Borel, curions about--about--any thing ?' HI thie rob who go there P went all day without my coat and at night Fives A ee iui Li k, Thorah, Mara & Rama : ' . tl and went and i= ER GT Te oro Toe Na acter. Maripos, eto, inthe County| THE ONTARIO McCANN & TAYLOR, Popmrons. | 'I'shonld bo afraid to say how |play, and the officers who protect it made a little mise And went aud took it out. | mans, fora suitable. dincliing in Port Peres 1 got to be a kind of hanger-on, and the men who had made hundreds off me had no further use for the. Oh it was frightful-- - The lot and premises in Prince Al splendidly adapted tor a private the hottse is in an excellent state and the garden well dence. on Union Avenue, 8. HARRINGTON, Teacher of 8. 3 by Post or in person Mia Sloped Union 'Avenue, Port of Victoria. Residence--Canni 2 Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctially attended to. Debts col- Hvery abcommodation for the ttaveling public, curious,' with a cold spasam about are: the region of the heart.' 'and allow it to prosper. Those who suffer are the pluyers and tho ones Farmers' Mutual Insuance Co'! leeted in Cannitgton, of : snd E. LEBEAU, ¢ Perhaps you may not recall what | dependent on them. Tho proprio. | worse than death--a hundred times woise.-- | fruit trees, &o. Thee, : = reine | POMP SHE, the North Ontario Auction-| ~~ Head Office, Whitby, + |T once told you about this matter,' | tors reap the first profit; the officials | Tears are nothing--I had no tears : my wife's | every othet suitable convenietice for a e VIOTORIAMASHE: i uPAINTER, PAPER HANGER,|he tered, ber voi taliring| wl, this in rabor delicate ior ves snot did pio sorow, 1\ rhe bome Se aweaL WHITBY a pe ox virhe Ey a i ' treacherously. matter; It is intended that nothing oa uatnd piece Fo furthest partientett appl) to Fir av 3 nT : ntents, School Houses « To the contrary; 1 recall every | unreasonable, malicious nor extrava- |; , ih . SPENCE, Fire Insurance Company and their contents, Sonn oh 0 Ts 8 ry a 3 8- | July I went out on the street and solemiily 1S. J. 3 ean of Canada, MARBLE WORKS. ty sap fom nmr Company K ALS O MIN E R)|thing; I remembet tho promise made | guntly sentimental shall appear in | resolved, by the help of God, I would then we HESSES. 8D, rovers, Fort > By saves HAMILTON have now an of of doing so, either ES 0, either the Post's articles on gambling... It by applying to the Office, or to any and there forswear gambling forever. I was in a moment of heroism--not but all Port Perry, May 2, wel respectfully inform the public Ln, ; mo heroig'-- sniiling |is a grave subject; and deserves | without money aud without friends, Isent of the best com panies the local Agents of the Company. rates that he is prepared to do ll kinds of| your moments are © g g ject; Xithou ds, Te Se of elie iH will be found as low as an 'any rexpon- | work in his line; fo Srobotoas style and at| faintly--* your father's choice and |graveand ddrnest treatment. But | my poor wife to the country, ngs, , however will do well to consider sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, | £050 Waiting, Orusmontal Paintiug, &o, the terrible fact that you did not love |it is intended that "every hideous |till she had pawned some of her jewelry insuring with thi in Canada. of insuring with this pn Oe po pposite the Royal Hotel| Orders lft at Hallct's Hotel, Queen Street, | him." | feature in gambling shall be reveal |that I bad given her when ws. were 8. WALSHE, fe ss C. NOURSE, Seorctary, |T* For®y Will bo promptly sttendet to. | +Yes; but yoti know,' hesitatingly, | ed, so that the public may know of | married, in order to miso $10.--(® - Te maingion, Ont W. H. BROWNE, General Agent, ' October 9th, 1878. gs that--is--no--longer--a fact.' the enormity of the evil that is all- | I kept $2 and aud gave her tho bal- ' 2 = J 3 » 1

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