Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Jan 1879, p. 3

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a SE ad AND MACHENERY; TOGETHER WITH CLass NEL 00S TOWNorPQIT PERRY, e received instruc~ ners, to offer the HE Bubscribe tions from following valual Privat PAR Dominion Pla 'Which are situa Street, together and 30 horse p Matcher, Four- and Cope Ten Scroll Saw, Tu coperfy for Sale by ontract, ONE. ower Mortise Machine, Lathe, Blind Machine Cranks, Circular 5, Dovetail Saws, Pat. ives, and everything lass Planing Factory business, Thegfan abundant supply of terns and Mandi requisite for a water conveyedih¢ Boiler by pipes. The above and two stories new and of thei improved pattern, There hus commencemens itabl gy With sufficient capital onc half of th lliness would be retained by one of the @kng partners if desirable, TWO. Five Lots. jorner of John and Mary PP] House Situate on Streets, bein, 150, and on 24x32, two . with kitchen and wood. the premises. ' fs near the business portion beautifully situated in and soft wal This prop of the! tow sight of the Jal Title ind Fg le and terms easy. iculars, apply to NO. & D. J. ADAMS, i Brokers, Port Perry. Port Perry B11, 1878, Appliéin to Parliament, PPLIGAIN will be made to the Parligmof Ontario at its next Ses- sion for an#diving to Metcalfe Thwaite, Joseph Fifth Eby and Patrick George Close, all of tfity of Toronto, and William Murdock, of {Town of Bowmanville, and such other gon or persons as may here. bd with them, power and authority to ' AN EMBANKMENT LID ROADWAY m a point on the LAKE scucoc nd near to Port Perry in the h to the opposite shore at posite to the place of com. the Towaship of Scugog -- ct a similar Embankmertor y from some point on the shore of (ld Lake Scugog south of and n2ar ta fa, in the Township of Cart. wright tb lf opposite shore or some point opposil place of commencement in the To of Scugog. To drain the ng to the south of the said and to vest all the lands reby in the said Metcalfe oh Fisher Eby, Patrick George liam Murdock, and such other ns as may be associated with cs and assigns for ever, owmanville, this 19th day o crf 78. ROBERT ARMOUR, 49 n Solicitor for Applicants, Ji L. Watkis [JCCESSOR TO ! FEED. ; SEEDS! Pe 5, §s, Barley, Corn, Bt s & Cracked Wheat. Cl & BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, OATMEAL, &C. gent fhiper. Phosphate of Lime, Bone gout artificial manures. Samples J. L. WATKIS, . 30, 1878. properties will make good payment will be required, remain on mortgage for a suit the purchaser. H, McMillan, Esq., Oshawa, undersigned. 3 AN ENGLItH, LYM Ocha, 8, 1878. : -- having been requested by Dh rent his fort- oe, &e., on Coons ith Sal invites application. LS, 5 (AUBERT L EBBELS. PLANINGHILLS ills & Machinery h lot No, 262, on Lilla 20 horse powerEngine Boiler ; Planer and Sticker, Double-head are 54x61 feet in size ht ' The Engine fi oilerand Machinery are large business carried on in the aB@vestablishment since its 08. 77, 18,148, 149, and iarcerected a Frame House shed ; a fran vle 24x36. Plenty of hard Early in the season antici left themselves open for cl THEIR OVER-COATINGS...... oJi4e. A A i a a THEIR WINCEYS AT 5 CTS THEIR BUFFALO ROBES, THEIR GREY COT'TONS.... erie; sevus THEIR LADIES! FUL SBS .........oooc oct vd THEIR SHIRTS AND DRAWERS THEIR BED BLANKETS .. THEIR DRESS GOODS....... THEIR FASHIONABLE HATS & BONNETS ..., THEIR LADIES' MANTLES And the Holiday Season one of pleasure aud profit to all their patrons to The Compliments of the Seas JONES BJS. Port Perry, Dec. 18, 1878. - f «YoU BET" "THE BOTTOMS 007" St AN Jones Brorazs Have improved the opportunity to secure Bargains for their Customers. cotbas _ td 1 Customers Goods AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE EQUALED IN THE TRADE. eevets srnace vevess Are marvels ot Cheapness,and durability t 35¢ per yard ; THEIR RYANNELS. .....0..c ser isos teres sseisesersas A BUTS remedy for Universally admired and ap . THEIR ENTIRE STOCK FULL OF STERLING BARGAJS =Eminently Calculated to make Hard Times Rasy the; sincerely wish T. CHEAPEST GOOS PORT PERRY. C. CALL AND SEE. Of the best materal and Workmanship. They will be sold at such their ready and rapid sale. My ufacture ow belug yuh und 9 tf Targer-portion of this Province, and every effort wil pu facture of the Ontario Cirriace Woks, Port Penny, still more deservedly] ONTARIO CARRIAGE W ron PK » ubecriber has much pleasure In informing his customers and the he has just finished and is mow manufacturing Port Perry, some of the fin esirable OF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE, man! is how being run and MAN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED.<@g ting a great shrinkage in values, as the season advanced they nd as the result have the satisfaction of offering their m" or grumblingdN8S, Canadian + evees ess Models of good taste and Offs, FOR THE 1878 & 1819, call and see the GREAT DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS GOODS AT Ibs Currants for - - - 3 Ibs Good Sugar - - - J "ine Young Hyson Tea at 35 cent per Ib. Ibs Solace Tobacco for eautiful Kid Gloves worth $1 for 50c per pair. Ladies' Cloth Mantles ats; Ladies' Trimmed Bonnets; yard wide 16 yards good Wincey for f fancy articles IVING PRICES, Also a large stock of Gent's Inder-Clothing, Tweed Suits at 88, Overcoats, and Scotch Tweeds all bought rices and fully 50 per cent. cheaper than last season. eware of pedlars, who at $4.50, the suit of 3} yds., double width, BROWN & CURRIE. ge REMOVAL, EE ------ Port Perry, Dec. 12, 1878, ee -------- --- J. PEARCE HasIRemoved his Merchant Tailoring Es- tablishment to Mr. Morgan's Old Stand, opposite the Walker House. OLIDAYS! Persqis désirous of enjoying the festivities usnal at this season year with as little expense us possible will do well to | business and fis aed macs ROWN & CURRIE'S $1.00 1.00 - 1.00 ; Ladies' Fur Sets; Ladies' Trimmed Wool Cashmeres $1; besides a host all suitable for Christmas Presents at Lows goods,.conprising Scarfs, Shirts, Worsted Coat « at rock bottom We would advise our Customers and the public generally to present are investing the country.-- We are prepared to sell you beautiful WorstedSuitings for BOOTS & SHO C. TRICK Would beg to intimate to the inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding coutitry, thal has opened a In the Store recently occupied by J. F. Paxton, as a Grocery. He has everything in Men's; Women's and Children's wear necessary to keep FEET DRY AND WARM. business and fair and honorable dealing to merit a share of public patronage, Remember the place--One door East of Jones Bros, Block Port Perry, Jan. 8, 1879. Highest Price PAID FOR Large Stock of Boots & Shoes ri 2 prices to suit the times, and hopes by strict attention to | dcfault H said, tN christia scription a stuteme! of the secu] excluded Every credit produce the sam® at the Court House, on the 9th day of Jah o'clock in the forenoon appointed for adjudication Dated this 11th day of Dece GEO. H. DARTNEL BOARDERS WANTED. residence opposite the St., Port Perry. The location is pleasant and healthful and convenient to the School and to "the business part of the town, M E. Church, Queen R. WOOD Port Perry, Dec. 18, 1878, A First Class Fam To Rent, HE Undersigned offers to Rent that fine Farm, being the North lalf of Lot 8, in the 10 Con. of the Tow nship of SCUGOG ! Containing 100 Acres, 90 Acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation, The quality of the land is all that could be desired, riciy clay loam. The Fall plowing is dotie, und there are thirty ucres geeded down to clover There are on the premises a large Bum with gcod Stables for Horses and Cattle -- There is a well and pump at the Barn, There Wheat, &c. Week. 'S. II. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, Jan, 9, 1879, Can ¢ uu --HAVE--- Resumed Business, We have much pleasure in informing the public that we now have one of the largest | Y [and best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, marked also at the very Lowest Prices; consistent with profit, 4 OUR STOCK OF BUILDING HARDWARE. (Bonght at the lowest prices for Cash), consisting of NAILS, LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES, BUILDING and ROOFING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, and VARNISHES, TO FARMERS. We have bought direct from the Manufacturers a large stock of Farming Tools, comprising FORKS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, SNAITHS, and RAKES, secon upwa PARR 1 erent Departments. n all the - reduce their Stock with the "season, they will put their In-~such prices as to fully convince a discerning public of the truth- TO MILL MEN -«ATHER We can offer inducements in FILES of the best English mal1LS, BABBIT BELTING, warranted genuine Oak-Tanned Lace Leather, MACP™ METAL, and all other supplies, TO CARP=NTERS. sO! d keep nothing but the best make of SAWS We make a specialty of," Ls an P 8 PLANES, CHISELS, cop mo oLACKSMITHS AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS. aess of what they assert. Goods Sold only for (Cash or Port Perry, Jan, 1, 1879, They invite inspection. Trade. ' CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL, The P and ti lete, embracing the usual lines of IRON, BAR, HOO! AND a ChE BERN, TIRE and SERIGH, Shoe. SL CHAIN, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, BELLOWS, AN , he xy iy 3) ,. Of tock is also well assorted in HUBBS, h , an and POLES, OARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every description. Thanking you for past favors, we solicit your valved orders for this season. LAING & MEHARRY. OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, Slo or STREET, PORT PERRY. PRICES T0 NUIT THE THIEN The undersigned would call attention to his supetior stack of NEW AND CHOICE GOODS atteactt d at prices to suit the times. His Stock has beet ptirchased Mory vo iu o¥el, aud 36 Dries to sult Sos Quality, Style and Price, Gold and Silver Watches, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, HANDSOME PATTERNS, - ELEGANT FANCY JEWELRY = IN GREAT VARIKTY, BOOKS, STATIONERY, §C., §C. \ BEF Call and examine my Stock. | ) W. H. McCA'W, : Rayal Avcade, Port Perry. Sept. 11, 1878, April 10, 1878. | ~~ JUST TO HAND l. CHOICE GROCERIES, CHEAP PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! FLOUR & FEED Wanted--1,000 Bus. Potatoes Port Perry, Oct, 24, 1877.! imrsmtmie A Trini, J. DAVIS' Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, & ec, In Barrels and Half Barrels. - As any House in town. Cigars, &c., always in Stock, Of all kinds--cheap for Oash, For which the Highest Price in Gash will be paid. 3 a or by letter to Port Perry, Oct, 21, 1878, See New Advertisement Next || Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whithy N.B.--All kinds Clocks repaired. order, and warranted. JRESENT| Triple Plated Ware! ay also a good young Orchard of fine fruit isces, . * This Isa capital opening ing to rent a choice Farm, For further parteculars apply personally for parties wishi- CHARLES TUPPER, Port Peri FOR SALE OR SALE, by Private Contrac t, Ten Shares of $50 each, in the Brow & Offers left at the office of this paper will Le promptly attended to, Dec. 12, 1878, ha SEWING MACHINES | --FOR---- HOLIDAY PRESENTS. rn Qs The WHITE! WHEELIR & WILSoRX! And HOWE s-Sewing Machines, T PRICES TO SUIT TEE TIMES. eo WIIITE) is rapids e wherever tried. I'he and Howe Machin nr ) bie for upws 1 a quarter of a century, and need no w praise here, the handreds of thousand T nr them which are in successful operation to day, AND ARE OFFERING beinz a sufficient proof of their. exeelle noe nid superiority. The abv chines fully war. ranted and kept in order for a number of years FREE Machines not kept in Stock, wil] =o" oder and supplied as low as oe Machi rfiand, The best Sewing Me" all the leading yi» EAP, Attachment { Manchester. of Sewing Machines and 1 A d-hand L teh Vac Prices trom $4 rd. ; Manchester, October 16, 1878, --FOR-- Christmas nr £8 Pree thee JR cons! rrrro-- Most Reliable Gods IN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Gold & Silver ATCHED! Guards and Chains! FINGER RINGS 18 Karat fine Gold Wedding Rings, Cuff, Shirtnd Collar Buttons - bg T= nndersizned will be prepared to tale i few doarders after the holidays, at his

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