Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Jan 1879, p. 2

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ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR A res portion of the money pevention. | council chamber. The councilors raised for school purposes is paid by those | aloct are Messrs. John Adams, P. who have no children to'educate and the Williams, C. Pascoe and -- Irwin only p that such can bave for the .- oo. Editor. _aamEs BamRD, - - "PORT PERRY, JAN. 9, 1879. More Legislation. The second Wednesday in each yeur is the day appointed for hold- ing the annual school meetings throughout the province and much importance ought to be attached to such meetings. There tho annual record of the progress and condition They have got a capital staff, eer- tainly Scugog will not have cause to be ashamed of her couneil for 1879 and all wish that active, enterpris- ing towdship continued and increas- ed prosperity. BROCK. In Brock® as in Port Perry and Scugog much of the poetry was 'money thus paid is to sce the rising genera. tion all around receiving such an education as will fit them for the efficient performance of the active dulics of after life, and every [ child suffered $0 grow up in ignorance is just so much of the money wasted. But in school matters as in all clse one may "pay too duar for his whistle", and while it is the duty of the trustees to sce that every child in the section is receiving a proper ed=cation it is no less their duty to see that not one dollar isunnecessarily expended and that the taxpayers are not called upon.to pay a taken out of tho election in conse- quence of Mr. Gillespie, the head of the council having been returned by of the school is submitted to the ratepayers, a full, dewiled statement ot the income and expenditure for the year just past, with a careful audit of said accounts. When it is considered that the vital and all ab- sorbing subject of the education of the young has so much to do with the proceedings of said meetings, the cold such meetings ure generally regard. It is most indifference with which ed is difficult of explanation. with much veluctarce that people attend such meetings and when they do attend they appear neither to know nor care anything about the nature of the proceedings. It is true that in very many in- stances no effort is made to render such meetings interesting or even intelligible; some one gets up and mumbles over the.annual report with the most perfect indifference while the few listeners seem impatient for the close of the farce. Now some one within the enclosure moves that Mr be re-elected to the office of Trustee for another term. No soon. er said thar done, the innocent souls all raise their hands in token of acquiescence and the farce proceeds, A short tilt of mutual admiration follows and the invocent crowd are profligate with their votes of thanks 10 everybody winding up with a "tiger" for the chairman which completes the burlesque and the meeting breaks up mot one in ten knowing any mare about tho pro- weedings than they do of the pro- ion of the equi . Noone we believe knowing anything of the proceedings of such meetings will attempt to deny that the above is only a too faitkful picture of nine out of every ter of such meetings. -- T'hat some school meetings are pro perly condmcted does not at all militate against the accuracy of our description 6f a vast majority of such moetings; the mistortune that the jpreture is too accurate and the wonder is that a. intelligentand otherwise energetic people should «den wo loosely with a matter of so much importance. Isa councilor to beelected the whole municipality is on end, évery candidate is subjected to the most thorough overhaul and be must pass through the crucible of an election contestere he can be elected to the position, und this is as it ought to be and none but those pro- perly qualified should be elected to the municipal council. But willany one attempt to assert that the office of School Trustee is less important than that of municipal eouncilor or that the trust committed to his care is less important. Is tho pro- per training and education of the young of less importance than the repairing of roads and bridges, or is the five or six cent tax on the $100 for municipal purposes at the dispos- 'of of our municipal fathers of more consequence than thesixty orseven- ty cents'on the $100 placed atthe dis: posal of our School Trustees. Is it a matter of no consequence who our School Trustees muy be, will not incompetency and neglect of duty on their part militate against the jnterests of the school and of the gection and do a lasting injury to tho children? Granted that trustees are not teachers, but an active, ut- tantive board of trustees co operating with the teacher can do very much in the in'erest of the scheol and in forwarding the education of the pupils. Trustees' duties are no less varied than important and without the active sympathy and support of the trustees the bost teacher that ever entered a school will find bis efforts crippled, his hands tied to u greater or less extent, and were the -people foolish enough to appoint a _ trustee who cannot or will not at- fond to bis dutics the unworthy rustee is no less blamable on that ¢ and it is a contemptible din any man accepting of the 'who is not in a position and ned to perform tbe duties 15 pitchfork a teacher into | and fot Bim sink or swim; of trustees that they will hold single dollar more than is absolutely necess is it all education which is, title. In the education of when they come to maturity, The Day of Battle. the 'beautiful snow" roads. over those living at a distance from the polls. In Port Perry the vote was well in and much interest was manifested in the contest; the candidates show- favorite candidates. The Reeve having been returned by acclama, tion there were only four coun- cilors to elect and there were six good men in the field to select from, viz ; Messrs Major, Bruce, Crandell, Dawes, Rolph, and Phillippo. They were all elected the first four to the council and the last two to stay at home ; personally the last two are gainers by the loss, they are both any council. The corporation will have no cause to regrot their choice The voting was close except for Mr. Major who took a sweeping vote of 192, the others were 156, 147, 135, 126 and 126. Popular favor is as fickle as the wind. REACH. In Reach the snow banks had a cooling effect and while there was not a little underground work going on all day there was scarcely a rip- ple on the surface, Mr. Dobson having been returned for 1st D. Reeve by acclamation left only four to be elected for these positions, there were 8 real candidates. There ballots but three of these Messrs. T. Graham, H. Fitchet and A. Manderson ab- solutely refused to have anythirg to do with the position and Mr. McKay though putinto the field and kept in it doubtless lost his election by go- were 12 numes on the ing round urging people not to vote for him. The aspirants for the of Reeve were Messrs. Christie and Mowbray ; for 2nd D. Reeve, Messrs. Bates and Bnrnott; position ates. REEVE, Christie...... . 424 Mowbray ,.... 179 BECOND DEPUTY KEE Burnett...... . 409 ese 179 COUNCILORS., McFarlane... «.covevennia. 274 229 176 141 Cragg.... sosane cesses 83 The minority we think have the majority to bow to that decision with as good a grace as possible and while as their duty enjoins them they may watch the proceedings of the council with scrutinizing gaze, they will accord to them every man. ner of fair play and wish them every success in the dischumge of their important duties. I BCUGOG. This active little township came to the scratch in capital form, they bad returned their Reeve, Mr. Grabam, by acclamation, but to show tBGir wealth of available and od good ---- put into the tield a whole, ont. of candidatos, nearly the whole male population. The resuit of the Ballot showed a clean sweep of the old couneil except {the Jueve; oe not a soul of tho old' ary for securing thorough, practical educa- tion. "It is net all gold that glitters? neithigd ified with the r children we should follow the advice of the noble Roman who when asked what children should be taught ? replied that they should be taught those things which they ought to practise Monday, Election Day, was all that could be desired pleasant and agreeable and had it not been that blocked the roads tho vote would have been a large one, as it was it was not bad considering the condition of the Tho villages and neighbor- hood bad a considerable abvauntage ed a laudable zeal in securing their olection and the elect xs werenot id'e in furthering the interest of their good men and would do credit to for Councilor, Messrs. Brown, Cragg, Holman, McFarlane and McKay. The following are the votes polled for the several candid- sufficient regard for the decision of acclamation ; the following wero the candidates placed in the field for ¥ootith: for 1st D. Reove, Messrs. Cunningham and 'Glendinning ; for 2nd D. Reeve, Messrs. Amey and Brothour; for Councilors, Messrs. Bryan, Lloyd, M. McPhaden, A. Shier and John St. John, In Brock as in many other muni- cipalities there were soveral names on the ballots who had no desire fo withdrew but not having withdrawn in time the law would not permit off the The electors showed their names to be taken ballot papers. their preference for the following candidates :--for 1st D. Reeve, Mr. Cunningham; 2nd D. Reeve, Mr. Brethour; Councilors, Mossrs.Bryan and St. John. There is not a township in tho province with a better supply of that material trom which first-class councils are made and the presont council will eompare most favor- ably with any other council in the province. Our Skating Rink. The enterprising young men who at considerable risk and much labor have succeeded in preparing and fitt- ing up a SkatingRink for the accom- modation of all, deserve the coun- tenance and support'of the public in their enterprise. This is a splendid rink and got up for the accomioda tion of all, especially for the young folks of this and the surrounding municipalities. They have thus furnished an opportunity to ull of enjoying the most healthful and in- vigorating exercise during the cold season a means of proper and agree. -|able enjoyment especially for the soung men and fair daughters of the whole neighborhood. The Rink is finely lighted up every evening (Sun- days excepted) thus affording an opportunity for pleasing and health- ful recreation invigorating to both body and mind when the business of the day is over, The strictest order is maintained, the proprietors will under no circumstances allow any approach to impropriety of any kind so that while all are welcome the slightest attempt at disorder or impropriety would be suppressed at once or the party expelled; even were the proprietors not to interfere the young mon themselves would at once crush out any attempt atim propriety, so that no one either male or female need fear annoyance of any kind. The energy and enterprise of the proprietors deserve recogni- tion and parties should patronize the rink; the season ticket is only $1. In this connection we cannot re- frain from alluding to the follow ing paragraph clipped from Standard of lust weck and Lin' us. " After the grand masquerade and skating carnival, the kitchen mechanics, who con- stituted the greater portion of the fair sex, cut a sorry figure next morning in effecting an entrance, through the back window to their respective place of abode, and not a few of the other inmutes were disgusted thereat," Is it possible to conceive of a more dastardly milignant attempt to in- jure the prospects of the proprietors of therink by means the most con- tomptable, an attack on tbe charact- ers of the young men and yourg women who attended the opening night. of this locality will compare most favorably in point of honor, intelli- gence and general bearing with any class of young men any where else in the province and the young men who attended on the opening nigby were just such 2s any community might feel proud of. The partics had done nothing for which they could be assailed, but a wretched subterfuge, false as perdition, is bad rccoursv to in order to got a slap at the proprietors over the backs of those who attended. Could there possibly be a more treacherousslap aimed at the prospects of any enterprise ? Ilere is your Skating Rink with the young men and "Kitchen Mechanics" hov ering round it till four in the morn- ing, then sneaking home when the "Kitchen Mechanics" must "crawl in by a back window." Fortunately there is not a word of truth in the the infamous slander. Were it even partially true it would te damning alike to the characters of the young men and of those whom the Standard anics.' 1f there were even n foan~ contest the election and virtually, the | As a whole the young "men. is Pleased to stlye "Kitchen Moch- would not Port Perry be a precious parterre for rearing either young men or young women, who would wish to bring in children or send young men or young women into a locality where such habits are toler ated? The slander is a sweeping one, is not confined to the "Kitchen Mechanics" but it is a direct and in- tamoas libel on the morality of the households where the "crawling-in- by-a- back-window" process is tol- erated or even possible. But fortunately for all concerned the libellous Standard paragraph is a base fabrication from beginning to end and is 48 malicious as it is false. Wo are in a position to know that the young men who wero present at the opening of the rink would do credit to any community or gather- ing and that there were only two ladies present und these were such as any company might feel proud of. The manifest aim of the Standard 1s to vont his spleen on the proprietors of the rink, and rather than be de- prived of the malignant pleasure he will sacrifice every principle of truth and honor, and assassin like stab at the reputation of our young men and fair davghters and tread over their prostrate reputations to get at the object of his malice. But who are they referred to in the contemptuous phrase * Kitchen Mechanics" ? They constitute one of tho most deserving, industrious and useful classos of the female portion of the community, of whom we havo reason to feel proud and who so far from being maligned, in. sulted and dubbed with insolent epithets are worthy of the esteem | and regard of the whole people. If our worthy girls were not in every respect superior to their reviler thoy would sharply resent the base slander attempted to be cast on their fair names by tho Standard scribbler What sort of mechanics were they whom the Standard iately imported into the village, or if not imported, at least domiciled and nourished in a quondam parsonage ? We would be recreant to our trusi as public journalists were we to allow to pass unchallenged so foul a slander' on_ the fair fume of our young men, fair daughters and the family circles. A Disastrous Year. The United Kingdom was unusu- ally prolific in business failures dur- ing the past year, there being no fewer than 48 every day on an average during the year. And if Earl Derby is good authority the prospects for 1879 are no better than the experience of 1878; he recom- mends emigration on a most exten- sive scale as the only hope of the the British workman. Such connscl is by no means cheerifig, but it is honest and the sooner ihe worst is known the better for all concerned. Lengthening the hours of labor and shortening the pay of the work- men are trump cards with employ. ers and the workmen are preparing for 'a stubborn resistance and cer tainly the outlook is dark cnough. To add to the commercial gloom some recent heavy failures are announced and tho. stock market has received a fearful shock in the failure of another Bank with liabil- ities at $5,000.000. The startling news of the failure of the Cornish Bank came floating over the Atlan ti- cable on Saturdey last. Much stress will result from this addi- aonal failure. I'he Afghan steeple chasesill con- inues, the Afghans still proving .chemselves _.he better runners.-- According to British authority the Britishers can't keep in sight of their enemies. But like all other war news little reliance is to be placed on the scraps received from headquarters, especially where--as in the present case, only one side can be heard from and every dis- patch sent by corespondents must be submitted to or dictated by the Officer in command. Every dis- patch so far has been couched in the langunge of the noble Roman, veni, vidi, but minus the wici, for he has not, been able to catch them. The Afghan chief has packed up his treasures and is off with them no one knows whether. The fighting men have kept out of the way and the non-combitants--the women and children wisely refrain from resist ing the invaders. County Council. at Whitby on Tuesday, January 28th for the dispatch of business and will consist of the following members, viz: Messrs Gillespie, Cunningham, Brethour, Bharp, Rae, Hodder, Blamey, Wright, Christie, Dobson, 'Burnett, Graham, Smith, Rowland, Feasby, Parker, pbell, Bickel, Smith, prevented the three latter townsbipg from holding an electiou, Warden for the present year, James Graham, Esq. , the worthy Reeve of Scugog, is generally expected to hold that highly honorable position for the present year -- The County Council has not in the past shown any disposition to act unfirly in the selection of their Wardens and they certain, Qur County House of Commons will meet James, Gould, Smith, Mothersil, Ray, Cam- Pickering, Thora, Mara and Ruma to hear from. The snow Llocade is said to have All eyes are now turned to the probable The Last Session. The last session of the second and last parliament of the Mowat regime commences to-day --pursnant to notice--and of all the jury system they have already given it more stab. Of course lots of crocadile tears will be shed, they will sit in sackcloth and ashes mourning the frailty of human nature and its tendency to follow bad example and a large share of the blame will be charged to the bad example of the defunct than one severe kenzie & Co. Plausible Casey will make a spread with a view to palm off on the provi a ial sham if possible to tide the Government over the breakers.-- Another manifestation of Govermental death hed repentanee will most likely be the re- linquishment for the prescnt session of their iniquitous "salary grab," Of course it would only be for one session if they relin. quish it, for give them a new lease of power and they will at once return to their wallow. dato) Annual School Meeting. The Port Perry Annual School Meeting was held in the town hall on Wednesday 8th considers that the audit should have been printed and circulated amongst the ratepay- ers some time previous . to or at the meeting. It must be obvious to all that the taxes for the maintenance of the schools form a very large item and the taxpayers cannot be blamed if they do feela little curious to know what is done with all the mouey expended on our schools. He is glad to sce so many present on an occasion of +o much importance, It has been noised around that more is being expended on our school than is necessary and he regards this as a suitable opportunity for having the matter fairly and fully discussed, what he wanted to know was whether the amount demanded by the school trustees was really y for the of the school in its most efheient state or whether a less amount would not suffice to run the concern in its full efficiency. He for one would not consent to bave the ex. ing in the mire of Some other conciliatory measures--as make Lelieves--will be pressed on to an interest- ing stage and left there with the promise that if' they are sent back these will cup «f iniquity of the Mowat Government is full to overflowing and the electorate will show their disapprobation in the most unmistakable manner when the opportunity presents itself, So S---- Well Done Shirley. The opening day of th the New Year was one of unusual interest amongst the good folks of Shirley and neighborhood, the family of John Stonehouse, Esq, one of the most deservedly esteemed families in the province was almost carried off on New Year's Day. -- This is admittedly one of the most intelligent, exemplary and deserving famil- ies ia the province and much intercst is manifested in their welfare, and intelligent young men of highly re. Three active spectable families having wooed and won three of the fair daughters of the Stonehouse family and fixed New Year's Day for the tripple marriage and accordingly the interest- ing event took place at the residence of the brides' father, Mr. James Waddel, of Brock, leading to the altar Miss Rachael eldest daughter; Mr. John Martin, of Reach, di curtailed if by doing so he would militate against the efficient working of the school. But he regretted that the commun, ity are not put in possession by the local press of the transactions of the Board, All must admit that we haveieason to feel proud Messrs Nitt and RiIph were allowed to re- tire and (he contst came between Messrs Parrish, Bchardsa and Rogers, 'I'he vote being talen it was declared in favor of Messrs Rbbardsa and Parrish Dy a large jori ently Messrs Parrish and taking Miss Sarah, second daughter ; and Mr. Robert Graham, of Cartwright, taking Miss Ellen, third daughter. We very much question if another instance of this Richardso} wereleclarod duly elected, 'The antial rgort was now read showing inst. The very large turn out of electors | F residence, Perry street, Port Perry--the late residence of Mrs, Whartman, is pleasant and bealthy and advantageously situated both for school and the business centre of the village, . | simariog sessions ever held in this or any and He -- Sumtereet Hesifend in She P ub hd proceedings were of the most cheering nature | ahesd of al ottiet land His will be theerowner..: The ands in pleasing contrast with such meet-| 0 : of tho are already | ingy in past years. at i UBSEaNT tod the Decree made in this frightened out of all propriety: they scarcely | Gea. Currie, Tieq., was called to the chair o ie a of eiiop Sate Ji twenty know whether they are afoot or on horse.|8nd Mr. T. C. Paxton was appointed Seere- thing vy be sold with the approbation of this back. If the Opposition bo foolish enough | "7. , 3s fain vut at Whitty, by ©. Dawes, Auctioneer, 03 ors' report wus now countr ay tt i y \ to let them swing they will make a short adoption moved, This brought on a dis- i 2 THE WALKER HOUSE, session of it and the short time it does | cussion, fhe atm I the Vil 1 +h n last will be occupied in works of repentance, | Mr. W, M. Jones said he regretted much | 1p 0 rf 4 ® Vilfags v trimming and whitewashing with a view if| that the ratepayers present were notin a} op. A ' PORT PERRY, f possible to deceive the electors into giving position tu give an intelligent vote as to the : ¥ PD adoption of the report ; the once reading of 1 County of Ontario, at the hour of one ht the Government a new lease of power and | 4 long report of this kind was not enough i o'clock p. ib, on a thus afford them prolonged opportunities for | to satisfy parties hearing it so read us to its lay,the 28th day of January wasteful gxtray, agance and silly and iniqui. | accuracy oranything else about ithe would The Eu . D. 1879, tous legislation. They would also have an. | Peak for himself when he stated that if he | bent onan 'owing lands and premises, in one other pPportunity for further strengthening Bevin Yio for ihe a option i ou not kings appe heir ambition. a My The Soh Ea ir or the raf ers justice in 5 g if the Chancery brigade to the injury and ruin | sanctioning that which bo dtd nat under, | ©TH0 SR ic the year kill off thelr westyigur mn ae sesond souees.. i of the country, They would also have an- |stand and all here outside of the board of | 4702¢% 824 Rhe the would-be assassin Aion of the : other chance to have another fling at our | trustees must be in a similar position, He | seek to imit sin their kingly a § nship of Brock, d in a deed from ene James to John McTaggart except there- ie more o1 less off the west side £413 comprising the track of the Perry and Lindsay Railway. frame house erected on the Wa about seven acres are cleared, PC ready for, cultivation. There Piyenty.five 'acres well timbered Ka and maple and a mixture of tempts or oq attempts are the zd conspiracies seeking] ' y by the threat of 3 ler the threats are only | 1 to bringing about a e present system of caste or ulass inky toned society appears to puzzle the eng} Attempts have been made, on everyf§luned head now in Europe, outcome of to tone down agsassination ol made with a radical change 'are situate about nine miles: ge of Port Perry readily ac- ito by good roads, which said good market for the sale of : Sonya Station of the Whitby, td Lindsay Railway is only abou ' (mile distant therefrom. {A A stranger whoRq into the town of Guelph, the other gypscribed for the Herald, and the is so jubilant over the event that it hQ it to its world of readers, The M evidently envious of this slight increadk, 1igt of its co- temporary, and hd announce to its own, must be gearce, when having secured one squeal all round over as the new subscribetbiocted to pay in advance, If oor cot aries, however, are §0 eagor to secure Mpibers, there are a good many on our Ion we would ® } will be offered for sale sub- ra bid which has been fixed by no addition to that subscribers confrere boasts of | © is a cackle and y small matter, . tenth of the purchase 'aid down to the Vendors" lay of sale, and the balance reafter without interest. Upon. bc ot the purchase money' the patch) be entitled to a convey- ance and possession. - 'The Pury a11 prepare the convey- nce wh expense and tender the be put through. Such baits will be{of the position occupied by our School gladly transfer to: thd ho supplying i thrown out wih the view of | amongst the schools of the Province, and he thei with readin th The ir be entitled to a Regist a Bi 1 to and] for'one would not consent to the dimmiution | = 5 g ma i of charge for brary of 5, Copy thereof and to such VEE of the expenditure by one dollar if by doing so | ere cing a V'§ we no longer of the fs as are in the possession i duce them to Sontine the fs sfegorers, he would curtail the efficiency of the school. wish to bear,--Orangevili},, sayeth Sell Jobe en { ment which has proved an absolute expen-| Suyural other speakers let their views --r---- --_---- not in ees ; on and he will be i sive failure. Mr. Mowat and his friends {on the matter under consideration Le heard Pity the 1§. 'he abstract at his own will find that an intelligent electorate wont | i0 the plainest manner, altogether the meet § , th kn " ; bo caught with such chutt. aud whenever an ing wus not disagreeable and certainly not ong 9 ou pitifuforaplints cf | In all @ fick the terms and con- guught with such cmt, ur unprofitable. working people is that offe nelect of Jitinns To OA conditions of opportunity is offered they * will teach that often wealthy enployers tle ally "pay the Court SAC, ; It was then resolved to submit the |, pittance so bay carned The Furtherb bl tad Governwent sch a lesson as MAY PrOVE| 5 udit item by item and take a vote on the plaints come oftyer f OOM- | Pe LLINGS hwy Barristers, id a warning to them and all other uti-|itums seriatim, when they were passed in [women than from poeticwing Port Perr, Solicitors ; WW. u. faithful and extravagaat rulers, We have order. "The Board was on motion requested | snyptheburce. | Coonan, WhGicitor, and McCarrny, faithful and extravag! A . ] que While these bardslps are got Wnown | Hosxn & Clit; T no reference to what Couservative, Tories, to discontinue the services of a professional here, they eccur me freqntl Dated at ®llicitors, Toronto. A rich; we simp} Music Teacher. After a little more sparring | 4) lines, where thy of z Bross AD Os. iy 7th day of January n Po + pie) «A 9. Reformers orGrits may doas stich; PY | the Auditors' report was adopted as follows : 1th a i ee ben i refer to the intelligent body of electors of all wealthy and promin€} in church wk. -- PG, DARTNELL, hie i" XECEIPTS, In Boston these skinfills grew so bakthat + Master, shades of politics. The 17th of September} pa100 on hand from 1877 ...... » $105 07 | it became necessary fdthe philambpic W. Aeon es .... last proved to a demonstration that party Municipal i eves 17 77 | people to organize a s ty for the ftec- ¢ olicitor, will no longer suffice to screen the incom- a! Shard 50 5 tion of working wemen ¥ providinghem el eaneies i i petent aud faithless ruler ; the intelligent | Qlerk's Desk fur High Sehool 3 00 with legal protection fr§ the on and Morte sleet ini hown | Gov. grant to High School. . 505 44 jimpositions of dishonest cRloyeis. firing s Sarg) electorate of our noble dominion have sho Crit to High Sohool dn eee wad a praiseworthy independence capable of | Refunded .,..vo cons Ah 60 | cases, -- Ex. bursting the trammels of party whenever Bel. paid Mr. Brizgs. . 1 00 NDER andy. of 0 Power of 3 Municipal grant,. 260 00 d Sale conth) 0 Indunt £ - the weal of the country demands the sacrifice; " * 260 00 EIRTHS | Mortgage npon i ey Iogeniore of jone will in the future be | Pwlic School Exhibitio ® 150 2 and which sai yy and 20 party or cligue will Is th ry 0 Government Refund on Prizes, ... 470 In Torento, ut 337 King Yoel hi onl. atthe ti 3 Je produced A allowed to retain power after it has been | Grae to Model School... .. 50 00 ]Jenuary 6th, the wife of G.I umponds, { i show 3 .rs the toiling ones | Grit to Union Section N 14 57 | Esq, Merchant, of a daughter, pre that the ig he toiling pee on en os ) g PUBL TON ' of the country are being unnccessarily) Cowmty Grant ...... 613 80 BY C. 5 i 0) s (IONEER, burdened, 1f silly twaddle, milk and water Intdest on grant..... 85 MARRIED, ; Jim » : § i kl teful Grats to Model School. 00 On the evening of the 8th i} by the| * ny : { legislation, combined with reckless wasteful Fron Corporation Assessment. 00 | Rev. E. Hill, at the residence of{r. James WwW } . extravagance deserve the censure, disappro- Fron Assessment in Sec, No. 8, . 07 | St, John, jr, (the bride's brot! n-law), | 3 AY ouse % f dec then: the Mr. Wm. Shier, of the township Brock, | ¥ J { bation, and resentment of clectors then the £6200 57 | to Miss Hannah, youngest danghtelf ames ! TH { DISBURSEMENTS. Barker, Esq., of Sunderland, 5 " 4 Paid |Ir. McBride oe Tn Eduday, [fre | Janay, 1679 The Markets. AT @ Qe t y Toe All and singullfi Onsenver OFFICE, Jan, 9 hundred aod Fain ig one it Fall Wheat, .... ..... Mary 38 infil go of t Spring Wheat, 4 ge Mss Swan... Carley ..... " i . i Snarns: Bats os 2 PO R "RY. Oo on. ...e cas ... . 6 1 i McCorquadale, Bheese..., 0 0 Upon thefpiset Bit-clacy ie Coon, part of it Butter T' 0 13 Story Gfic 1 E. Mis Tomlinson. ..,. + 260 00 | Outter Roll . «0 Well finished. Rood House, A Stare Wood. ....... 120 75 | Peet.uuues oo 3 00to well, the whileitn Gl coe, and o f Cattaker, salary §190, extra Turkeys per 1b . 006to Tesidence and Bn thls first-class 5. 205 00 | Geese... 004 to 45 | the business cofof thE" "1 °F Re 37 25 | Ducks 0 06 to el Inedentals, 240 52 | Chickens 004 to TERMS :--Tper ¢ n, balance Pris ... . 191 39 | Eggs ..... 000 to ol | Within ove wl TH onaitions | Se . 105 55 | Hay per ton. . 900 to 10 | witl be the samihe S8g1onditions » Bulancan Treas. haus, ., . 33 59 | Smoked Hams 010to of of the Court offncery gy | --------| Dried Hams. 009to 0 For further pl $6200 57 | Potatoes. 040 to 0 a J § ir i : The obction of Twstees to fill the places | Fil os s00to 6df 0 ah White { brt Perry, of thosdwhose tiny bad expired was now | tttTre ree reese Foon 4 ' N. Bog : proceedd with : thy nominees were Messrs ee EI Solicilh Es ¢ Rogers ad Nott the retiring members ani 5 Port Perry, Nov 1878. : Eee. Messrs herish. Ribardson, and Rolph, -- foarder 8 Wanted. em ------] HE Undersigned is prepared to accom. Exec modate a number of boarders at his The location * Port Perry, Jany 8, 1879. kind has hitherto d in the provi three daughters being married on the same day, When the character apd stand- ing of the young men ure taken into account with the repectable family connections, the amiable young ladies and their family and connections there is abundant cause for universal gongratul- ation. And while all wish the young folks a long, happy and prosperous career together: the intetesting families have reason for satisfaction at the happy occusion,-- Let some of our slow, stick in the mud towns our Shirley friends, E---- That fine farm east quarter lot 3 in tho 8th con, of Reach is offered for sale. (See adv.) BEY" Attend 'to that important auction sale ou lot 7 in the 12th con. ot Brock which takes place on Tuesday, 21st inst.-- Much valuable p; , stock, 1m pl, &c. will be sold by auction--T. H. Walshe is auctioneer. Noto the time and place and don't fail to attend. a Manchester Fair. The Manchester Tanoary Fair was held oa Wednesday, 8th iost,, but the beautiful soow and other causes fully as cffective as and villages take a leaf out of the book of i a total of meson the roll of 488, three of and 101 boys. whom 17 and 21, being all being 294 gir was . Bek full and on motion adopted, The electid of Auditor was now proceeded with whe . Rogers and Jones were put in nol n, Mr. Jones was elected and the med Sijourned; | The schof meeting at Pr Prince 4 Albert in conection wil school section No, 7 passed off most safactorily Mr, J. Bongard the retiring hud va was re. elected. A CHOICE FARM FOR SALE! Fe Bale, fiat fine farm baing | ¢ fine property on re AT A mn BARGAIN! quarter 'of lot 3,in thy Sth This is a grand. tion Nu./ Epsom was held on Wednes- day--punnt fo Statufe, The condition E. Ashton the fetiving / snow banks, told injuriously on the Fair,-- 'I'he Y ith schookation No. 6, Ma er eo; xaos « L i i on the premises The in a prosperous au ike stoner, ory conditj, Mr Joshua Dobe J Beach, Jan. 8, 1879. 2 ing as re-elected. = The atipd sobiool theeling of school sec. Viok's Floral Guide. HE of the best Flowers and /| tables, and how to grow hore en Five Cen Sram, | The Frowsr RDEN, Pages, 81x Colored Plates, and many bundred oy | Engravi q Dn ogaat "cloth 32 Pages. a Colored Plate in every number There were not many cattle in and prices fill were not what our farmers could expect.-- fits c But thero is a good time coming, snow go blockades won't last and madicts will st lo, to satisfy the claims'of of the pi wily il Send Five Cent Sane for a o balance, The would be | containing List and Prices, but severe diseases require" trong information. Address, beautiful work of 100 oF 100 Pages, One Col ed lower Plate, and 300 Illustrations, with In English or Gerinan, AND VEoETantx GA 115 For 50 cents in paper covers | + in German; or "View's TuLustaATeD MoxtuLy Mrcagiiesy fige "Pe 14th, 1879, atk hou | business of m impo before the Lo. All Breths themselves ad Price $1.25 a Specimen num- | | Vick's Sgkps are the best in the world. a Fuozan Gung, snd plenty of |- take ing) BROT JANES VICE, Rochustor; N. v.| © oor. BROW 1. 8 revive, J med Saintficld Jo. 3 0 Eade

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