Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Nov 1878, p. 4

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« Divided Up." * Five ragged, unkempt and weeping children were left. orphans the other day by 'the death] of their mother, a, widow who lived on Prospect street. The father was killed?at one of the depots about two yeurs / ago, and sito thentthe mother had kept the family together by bard day's work. Lack of food, exposure and worry brought on an illness which termina'ed fatally, and the "children huddled together in a corner of the room feeling awed and frightened, but yet unable tc realize that death had made them waifs, {When the remains had been send away to potter's ficld n dozen women gath- ered and held a whispered consultaticn. + I'll take one of the poor things, though I've children ot my own,' said one of the women ¢ And I'll take another.' ¢ And I'll take one.' + And so will I! Then thare was the boy--a todding boy. who had been rocked to sleep every night of his life, and whose big blue eyes were full of tears as he shrank behind his sister to escape observation. +I could take him,' said one of the women, ¢ but I'm quick tempered, and the Lord will never forgive the woman who strikes a dead mother's child I' + I could take him, but I am old and will soon die,' said mnother, * When he bad learned to love me, and I had come to look upon bim as a son, death would separate us' A girl not over ten years of age, dressed » little better than other children there, crept into the group and heard what was said -- While the women were looking into each other's faces in silepee, the child reached ont for the babe, patted his white head, Kissed him, and said : 41'Il take this one! I have no brother, and ma and pa will let me keep him, He «an sleep in my trundle bed play with my doll, and they may 'put all the Curistmas presents into his stockiug I' Tho women protested, even a8 they wept, and the girl ran around the corner and re- turned with her mother, who sauctioned all the girl had said. r ¢ Come, bubby--you're mine now I' called the girl, and he laughed as she put her arms around him and tried to lift him up. By-and by a woman said-- ¢ Children you have neither father, mother nor home, You must all be separated, or £0 to the poor house, Kiss eagh other, poor orphans, and all kiss the baby |" They put their arms around him, and kissed him, and they went out from the old honse to go in different directions aud per- haps never again to meet all together. + Good-bye, Jobunie I" cach one gasped as they turned for gglast look at baby, and the little girl called to cach one in turn : + Don't feel bad. I'l] give him lots to eat and learn him his prayers, and when he's a big man he'll buy you all back ee ---- a ------ The life of the Czar has been thrice at- tempted in vain, that of the Emperor of Germany twice, aud that of the Queen of England five times, that of the Emperor of the French thrice, and that of Prince Bis- marck once. The last attempt was com- memorated by a German comic paper, the declared enemy of the Government party, in a very stinging cartoon, reprosentiug the would=be assassin at the gate of Heaven announcing himself to St, Peter as" the man who tried to kill Bismarck." Bt. Peter is scen closing the gate in his face with the stern rejoiuder, You tried, but you did not succeed." Family Recipes. OYSTER SOUP. One quart boiling water, one quart rich wilk ; stir in one teacup rolled crackers pepper and salt, When it comes to a boil! add one quart fresh oysters ; stir well so as uot to scorch ; add a picce of sweet butter about the size of an egg ; let it buil up once, remove from the fire. Di:h up and sind to the table, RICE PUDDING. Take one quart milk, half cup rice, boiled, four tablespoons sugar, four eggs Put milk and sugar in saucepan and let it come toa Loil ; stir io the nice which bas been mixed with the beaten yelks ; let this boil two or three minutes ; beat the whites toa fioth ; mix with them two tablespocas sugar , place vn top the rice and pluce in the oven 40 brown, RAISED BISCUIT. One quart milk, three-fourths cup lard of butter (half and half is good), three-fourths cup yeast, two tablespoonfuls white sugar, one teaspoonfal salt, flour to make a soft dough ; mix over night, warming the milk slightly and melting the butter ; in the morniog roll out a sheet t.ree-quarters of an inch thick ; cut into round cakes ; set these closely together in a pan; let them rise tweaty minutes ; bake twenty minutes, TO KEEP PORK SWEET A VEAR, Prepare a brine as strong as boiling water and pure salt will make it and keep it at or near the boiling point. Assoon as the pork is dressed cut it for packing, The flanks and thin parts may be left in pieces somewhat broall if desired, but the thick parts should be in slices not more than two inches be- dween the cuts Have your barrel or pack ing tubs prepared beforehand. Put as much pork into the boiling brine agit will conven ieaily bo'd and let it lic in the bet brine from three to five minutes according to the thickness and size of the pioces Take it out of the brine and pack it into the tub or barrel ; repeat this till all the pork is in. -- Then pour in the brine bot and put on weights to keep the pork from floating. Pork may be slaughtered in the hottest «f dog days, and it immediately treated in this way will keep perfectly sweet for any length of time. One of the genus tramp who had applied toa farmer for relicf last spring was asked why be didn't work, and replied that ¢ he ildn't get anything 0 do' + Would you) keep hold of anything if you got it? said the farmer. * Yes, sir | Jest try me,' re- plied the tramp. ' Well, continued the farmer, * catch Hold of tat hoe, keep hold of it and dig tll noen, and I'll give you a din- and would now intial securin greater acco my business to the shop on the opposite side of the street, TH the POST OFFI to wait on all y SEWING MACHINES inspeet my show roo D0 YOU T0 BUY A FARM The pantry shelves are getting grimy, or finger macks around the door-latclies and knobs are looking dark and unsightly. For luck of time they are left, day after day, for it is hard work to scour all the time, and it wears off the paint too. Now suppose the wife hes her bottle of spirits of ammonia to use ; she takes a basin of water and aclean cloth, just puts on a fow drops of the fluid and wipes off the dirt, It is worth a half a day's labour, nud docs not huit the paint either, She could put a few drops in her dish water and see how easily the dishes could be cleaned. A few drops on a sponge would clean all the windows nthe sitting room making them shine like crystal, It would take the stains off the tea spoons, and a teaspoonful in the mop pail would do more in washing up the kitchen floor than ten pounds of elbow grease applied to the mop- handle, ------m Epras's Cogoa.--0aarsroL xp Cox- PORTING. -- "By a thorough knowledge ot the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-sclect- od cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our break- fast tables with a delicately flavoured bever- age which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such ar- ticles of dict that a constitution may be gradually buist up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds f subtle maladies are floating around us eady to attack wherever there id a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure slood and a properly nourished frume."-- Cini! Service Gazetle--Sold only in packets labelled--"Jaxes Eres & Co, Homaopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170 Piceadilly, London." Fuckien's Arnica Salve. The best Salve In the world for Cats, Brulses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of <kin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfeel satisfaction in every ease or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box.-- For Sale by 8, E. Allison, Port Perry. DAVIS & SONS' STEAM | Casmier Factory! PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers always keep ou" hand (and are constantly manufacturing more) a large Stock of just such FURNITURE. As the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. All rnoicE Ma- 1, the Best Workmaxsuip, and at such J'aicks as cannot fail to suit. UNDERTAKING In all its departments promptly attended to and charges moderate. COFFINS of all sizes kept con- stantly on hand. SHROUDS of all sizes and newest styles, CASKET OR BURIAL CASE procured on short notice. The American Style of Hearse. Also an ordinary style of Hearse. J. W. DAVIS & SONS. PortPerry, Nov. 26, 1873 149-1y {ewe [cm FOR ALL. HE undersigned would take this opportun- ity of returning his sincere thauks for the large and still increasing patronaze bestowed ou him since opening business in Port Perry ; te that with the view of 1 odation I have moved JOND DOOR EAST of where | shall be happy wishing to purchase. Sewing Machine Attachments, Oils, &c. 'The Best Machines Cheap for, Cash Repaiging promptly attended to. The publicare kindly invited to come and m, . C, TUPPER, Dec. 4, 1877. : SEE THE LIS. FARMS fir SALE Weekly Mil | Wnts WANT [5 ates, © Advertisements for Farms for Sale are in- serted in the WekxLy Maiv, 20 words for 50¢ each insertion; each dditional word 2c. Advertisements of | Farms for Sale are in- sorted in the Day Mair, 20 words for 25¢ hi itional d grtisements T "of tock, Auction "OFFICE OF THE BROWN & PATTERSON MP'& C(0'Y. WHITBY, ONT. TO THE PUBLIC: ten! 1 3am In presenting our Twenty: d Annual Ci of A 1 to the Ia in for the year 1877, we do so with more than an ordinary degree of pride and confidence, from the marked favor and patronage conferred upon us, and the steady and in- creasing demand from year to year for our new celebrated Farm Implements. We shall continue as heretofore. as manufacturers, to make a specialty of Agricultural Machinery--the Johnston Self-raking Reaper, the Triumph Combined Reaper and Mower, the Cuyuga Mower, the Young Canada Mower, and our new Whitby Harvester claiming a large share of our time ard attention. For the last twenty-two years we have given our most careful and undidvided attention to the manufacture and operation of the various machines in use, sifting out the best oiuts, remedying defeets, modifying and correcting errors, strengthening weak points, adapting an proportioning every part as our increasing experience has suggested. We employ only the best mechanieal skill, and our machines pass under the most careful supervision and serutiny--every detail being subjected to the severest ciiticism--and each machive is thoroughly tested before leaving our works, to prove the completeness of every part, and there is no difficulty in putting them in operation by any person of moderate mechanical i machinery has been selected and constructed with a special reference tv the manu- facture of our own machines--muany tools having been made for this particular purpose, and not adapted for other work, and our workmen are educated cp to the wants and requirements of our manfacture--obtaining a thorough knowledge of the construction of our machines, and are thus enabled to obtaiu a higher degree o skill and proficiency than where geueial munu- facturing is carried on. a We rig therefore, enabled to Introduee a more perfect system into all the departments of manufacture, adding not only to the perfection of the work, but also to the rapidity of its exe- cution--and a consequent reduction of cost. . This prineiple is regarded necessary in a well regulated establishment, and we are enabled to turn out gur machines with a higher degrev of perfection, and at prices so low as absolutely to defy competition. The Johnston Self Raking Reaper is now 80 well known as a Single Reaper, that a word of commendation would almost seem su- perfluous, but as there are many claiming to manufacture this machine who bave adhered to the old original Johnston machine, without keeping up to the improvements, that justice 10 ourselves and patrons require of us to state that we have modified it in almost every essential pact, and for strength, durability, and equality of cut, in every rind and condition of grain; lightness of draught and ease of manazement--the "Johnston," as manufactured by us---stands pre-eminently ahead oi all other reapers. In proof of this position we have only to point to the many First Prizes awarded us--at the last Provincial trial of Ontario, and macy county trials which have taken place all over Caucada, within the last few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED 'MACH! with late improvements, Is all that can be desired in a combined machine, and cannot fail to meet all the requirements of purchasers. Our Improved Cayuga Chief, Jr., and our Young Canada Mowers are both first class machines--gonstrtucted almost wholly of Iron and Steel. The Cayuga Jr. has a rear sut, and the Young Casuda a frost eut; both strong, durable machines, and not e celled by aay machines in the markes for quality of eut, durability, lightness of drat, adapta- bility, and ense of management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER." As the country has beeome better adapted to machinery, and many of our furmers" have be- come skillea in the use of machines, a growing demand bas sprung up tor a Light, Durable, First-Class Reaper. Alive to the requirements of the day, we have succeeded in iuventing a machine witha Wrought Iron Frame, wich the least possible gearing--with large, broad-faced drive wheel, -- and 80 constructed that the frame and table tilt at the same time, thereby keeping the pitman i ith the knife. The rakes are driven directly from the main shaft--there being de draft, and veight upon the horses necks. We are confident that we have succeeded in inventing st perfect Reaper, taking it in all its parts, that has ever been produced. We have » { for letters patent, and shall hold our invention, for our own si spectfully suggest to intending purchasers, that they should re ng their orders for the coming harvest. Whitby Harvester" pounds, but being made principally of the best quality ofiron aad steel, s and.compact construction, it combines the strength aud durability of r machines. the hes All our machines are fully warranted. With this list of maehineg, we feel confident that we can meet every requirement, and we respec:fully solicit a trial of our machines, believing that we can furnish a better machine for the money than can be obtained elsewhere. Respectfully Yours, BROWN & PATTERSON MPG CO. Whitby, Ontario, March, 1877. "CHAMPION" RECORD FOR 1877. THE Ocer Thity--fice Thousand Machines Sold. NO BREAKAGES--No vexations in gathering the crops--NO CROPS DAMAGED while waiting for repairs--No telegraphing for repairs--NO REPAIRS TO BUY--No express charges to pay-- Easily adjusted to all kinds and conditions of grass or grain--A CHILD CAN MANAGE IT--LIGHT IN DRAUGHT--A PERFECT MOWER--THE BEST REAPER--The <most simple and durable of all Harvestors--The best and cheapest Machine in the market, Purchasers Always Entirely Satisfied. Se a FOR 1878. FORTY THOUSAND MACHINES ARE BEING BUILT. STEEL FRAMES BEING SUBSTITUTED FOR WROUGHT IRON FRAMES. MALLEABLE IRON CHIEFLY USED IN PLACE OF CAST IRON. ONLY SLY PIECES OF CAST IRON IN COMBINED MACHINES. WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCED OVER THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. SINGLE REAPERS, OR LIGHT MOWERS The result is that the " Champion" will be the lightest in weight and draught of any machine in the market, at the same time equally as strong and durable, and as free from liability to breakage as those built in 1877, The manufacturers are determined that it shall excel in every particular all oth r machines offered, regardless of first cost, and bave therefore taken this UNPRECEDENTED STEP IN ADVANCE OF ALL THEIR COM- PETITORS in the manufacture of Harvesting Machines, For further information, address, Joseph Hall Manufacturing Cay, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. Oshawa, Feb. 20, 1878, AGENTS--E. WALKER, Port Perry ; GEO. URQUHART, Sandford, PUMPS! PUMPS! na 0 You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRVIN?'S PATENT PUMP FACTORY, PORT PERRY SEE THE PRICES. Fonce Puxp--A complete Pomp and Fire ie with Hose and Coupling complete for 25. : Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cta per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cents per foot. Common turned suction Pumps at 35 cents per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from §3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump, at er EQUALLY LOW RATES! having had long experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Carada and theUni'ed States, the subscriberfeels confident that he can perfectly satisfy all that will favor him with a call. Allorders f ofthe above, whether by mail orotherwise premptiy attended to. it ? 2 JOHN TRVIN. Pact Berry. Sept.29,1870. M. O'DONOVAN, 22 Fi PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. ----O A GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material. -- Work made to order with neatness and despatch, Particular attention pui. to re- pairing. {| upon them since they entered into business , | door west of our old place of business. 1 A SPECIALTY. Magnificent iE AVING purchased one of the finest \ AL / | Hearses in the Province, BeauTmruiiy Trixmep, and in the latest AmericAN Styis o-- with all the modern improvements, and T owning a fine, suitable team of = REMO UNDERTAKING County of Ontario, 1= OF DIVISION COURTS FOR THE For the year 1878. z 2 glmlzlalzle HEHEHE 11) 7221) 2 [33 |2 2s | 4h gle 12121] | 5[11,15/20 2(2! 1 6l10] [18 i 9 fis THE GREATEST G, H.DARTNELL, |Wonder~ of Modern Times Junior Judge, Whitby, Jan'y 7, 1878. Shaving and Hair Cutting as they should be done. TE arrival in Port Perry of the two first class Tonsorial Artists, The Pits Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys HE undersigned would embrace this opportunity of retarning thanks to their numerous customers for the generous B 1 ac k H orses 3? and still extending patronage bestowed I would respectfully call attention to my in Pért Perry. Hitherto it has been our UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, aim to fill the orders of our customers on the shortest notice, furnishing the best ma. Where everything that is necessary for the A ih Sod p y ry ites due to terial and superior workmanship, and so far Proper observance of the last rites di our efforts have beer, snccesstul, We haye | the departed cap be furnished on the briefest now much pleasure in informing our cus. DOtige, on the most moderate terms. and at tomers aud the public generally that we | £rices 10 suit the Times. have moved into our new premises one door Funerals conducted with the ut- west of our former place of business, where | most decorum. we shall have increased facilities for filling A large selection of Walnut and Rosewood orders and driviug business generally. Caskets and Coffins, The pubhe may rely on having their Metallic Caskets furnished when required. orders promptly filled with Barial Robes in all 'sizes and styles. Gloves, Hat Bands and Shoulder Scarfs } J 'E A furnished free of charge. J 3 aM 4 al y i . Public attention ie called to this fact, Good Workmanship, |that without any exception, I have the best Ps AND A Undertaking Outfit in the County. Heglelrlslalale]l 1p: A large and well assorted Stock of Fur- ture on hand at all times, Picture Framing.--Special attention given to the Framing and Mounting of Paintings, Chromos, Lithographs, &c. By paying strict attention to business, fair dealing and selling at prices consistent with an honest profit, I hope $0 merit a share of public patronage. B&™ Remember the place, Sign of the Big Rocking Ohair. W. J, NOTT. Port Perry, June 18, 1878, PERFECT FIT! Give us a call at our new premises one DOUBT & MOTHERAL. Port Perry, Sept 25, 1877. Richardson's FACTORY! PORT PERRY. Fresh Arrivals HE undersigned would embrace this op- LEWIS & POWELL, Has created quite an excitement with their Smooth Shave and Artistic Hair. Cutting, -- The Rooms are over Thurne's Dry Goods Store, opposite the Walker House. An agreeable and smooth shave and hair and whiskers cut. in a stylish manner, Remember the place, over Thorne's Dry Goods Store and opposite the Walker House, Port Perry, Dec 5,1877, ---- HOLE, TE, ----AND-- and Bowels, and are invaluable in all com- plaints incidental to Females, The OiytuexT is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old - Wounds, Sores and | Ulcers, of however long standing, For | Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS Spurious imitations of * Holloway Pills and Ointment" are manufactured and soid under the name of "Holloway & Co.," by J. F. Heury Curran & Co., Drucgists,and also by the Hetapolitan Med ol Skolitanlied icine Company - with an assume Joseph Haydork§ 4 likewise passes off counterfeits of his own muke under the name of Holloway & Co., having for a trade mark a Crescent and Serpent ; McKessen & Robbins of New York are agents for the same. These persons, the better to deceive you, unblushingly Caution the Public in the small books of directions affixed to their Medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Unsernpulous Dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment, I most earnestly and respectfully appeal re the Clergy, to Mothers of es ay Ladies, and to the Public geneially of british North America, that they may be pleased se denounce unsparingly these frauds, Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Stréet, London, they are Counterfeit. Each Pot and Box ut the Genuine Medicine, bears the British Government Stamp, with the words "HoLLowaY's PiLLs AND OINTMENT' Loxoox," engraved thereon. On the label is the addres: » Uxrorp Strekr, Lospox, re Manufactured LF" Parties who may be « dors selling spuric A Ointment," as of my) communicating the amply remunerated, a divulged. PROVISIONS FOR ALL! 1E undersigned thankful for the liberal Patronage bestowed on him since opening business in Port Perry would inform the pub. 8 on hand a thing in the ive kresh and lie generally that he has wlw: carefully selected stock of ev Flour, Feed and Provision 1 Good and sold cheap. Iirst-Class Catmeal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Remember the place opposite the Post Oftice. 3 WAM. TUMMONDS, Port Perry, June ¢' 18 Sizned, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, January 1st, 1871. portunity of returning thanks to his many customers for their liberal patronge | in the past and would beg to remind them and the public in genersl that he is still! planing lumber at $1 per thousand, REDUCTION tv PRICES The Subscriber begs to advise his customers and the public in general, that be bas received | LARGE vn Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES ! And a FINE assortment of CLOCKS, All of which Goods he will Sell at Greatly Reduced Prices for CASH. Jno. Diesfeld. Port Perry, 1st Oct, 1878, CHOICE FARM ! IN GKEENBANK, FOR SALE: ToT concession of th Eleven acres in th South-half of lot 12, inall TI acres of first class lar Doors, Sash, Elinds, &ec., &e.| Which cannot be surpassed in quality or had at lower prices, --re-------- i PAY UP " . All parties indebted to me are hereby re. quested to pay up forthwith and confer a favor on A. RICHARDSON, 876. Port Perry, Dec. 21, 1876 ~ MANCHESTER. HEARD'S 3 3 X excellent Farm being composed of South-east part of lot 11, in the [1th Towuship of REACH, ard wcth-west quarter of the in the 11th coneession ; nearly all red, well fenced, and in a I state of 1 > A /, ivation. There are good buildings on the C arriape 14] orks J s, an abundance of excellent water, and S srons, voung orchard of supetior fruit -- AND Hin ie) demands all that can be desired for health, comfort apd convenience, and is w within a short distanee of the best mark: GENERAL BLACK SMITEING the Province. Terms easy and title i ESTABLISHMENT putable, X For particulars 'apply to NEIL McARTHUR, Greenbank, FYHE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable services of One of the best wood-workers in the Pro vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all grders for ' 'Cutters, Sloighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairsin Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work. manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done soas to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling, B&5™ All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted, Or to H, L. EBBELS, Solicitor, Port Perry. Sept. 25, 1878, REMOVAL! HIE Subscriber having removed to the NEW STORE e door east of his old Store, would respectfully announce that he has on hand and will keep during the season all kinds of FRUIT,EARLY VEGETABLES, PLANTS 4C. Also, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, LOBSTERS, SHRIMPS, §C. MAPLE SUGAR, §C. GROCERIES ! Of all kinds as Cheap as any House in town. 3&5 Give me a call and you will be satisfied. - We 5 fT, W. C. HEARD. Manchester, Dec, 17th 1874. BAKERY is L. MoLEAN, Port Perry, April 24, 1878. WM. HEZZELWOOD, Confe ctionery Licensed Auctioneer Cr -- HE Bakery and Confection: + In nes HE Undersigned having taken out a in all their branches carrie: on in my License as Auctioneer is now prepaced | Port Perry and Prince Albe * establishments to attend to all sales entrusted to him -- | Plain and Fancy Breads of Every variety. Having had much experience in handling | Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple- ments of all kinds, Farm Produce, &e, &c., parties placing their sales in my hands may rely on getting all tor the property that is possible to bring, All grders promptly attended to, sale bills made oul and sale notes turnished free of «harge Parties leaving their orders at the Osserver Office, Port Perry, will receive diate and careful attention, Charges Moderate, WM. HEZZELWOOD, Rag, an, Raglan, Sept 10,1878. Dssolution. of Partnershiys - HE Partaership heretofora existing under the name or firm of Graham & Black, Wood workers, Carviage Builders &c., Port Perry, was this day dissolved by mutual consent, + All debts due by the late firm will be paid by Samuel Graham, who will also collect all debts and accounts due to the late firm, Port Perry, Oct. 10, 1878. Signed SAMUEL GRAHAM, Orders filled with the shortest notice. Bridal an other takes made to erder, Socials and otber entertainments supplied on moderate terms, Y CONFECTION in every variety and of the best quality. Children's Toys in abundance, Call at my Bakery, Port Perry or Prince Albert. CHAS. HISCOCKS, Port, Perry, March 10, 1875. TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION AND AROUND TOWN. TEE Subscriber is prepared to convey -1 Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other deseription of Luggage to and from the Rail. way Station or anywhere around town. All orders promptly attended to, Charges moderate, JOS. COOK Tailoring Establishment |! | OVER MR. BROWN'S (LATE MR. CUR-| RIES) STORE. PORT PERRY. HANK UL for many ycars of liberal and | increasing patronage the i would inform his customers and the general We. k / public that he bus got thoroughly arranged Abuse. 1 1n his new premises over Mr. Brown's Store Nervous Deb with increased accommodations for carrying ringe generally ; on every department of his business, ~All Fits: Mental and orders promptly filled The NewestFashions BY BOBERT J. "RWELL, M. D., au- regularly received, The Latest Styles, du= thor of the een Book," Ke. perior Workmat ship, and perfect fits wate The world renowned autkor, in this admire ranted, able Lecture, clearly proves from his own rience that the awful consequences of buse may flectually removed with- and without dangerous surgical operations, gis, instruments, rings, or cor- dlals; point of cure at once cer- tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no watter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply. privately and radically. FIRST CLASS ¥¥ This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. TAILORING. TT Sent, under se n a plain envelope, to any IRST class Tailoring in all its depart Address, on receipt of six cents, or two post- 1 ments, age stampa. " THE CULVERWELI, MEDICAL AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, ii anor en yor pllEDICAL CO. Work made up on the shortest notice ing -- -- the latest styles and at moderate rates. A M A R B LE WORKS! good fit guaranteed. 1ld inform the publie 'HE GREAT CAUSE OF I UMAN MISERY. Hay ies & Just Published, in a sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A lectuie on the Natura and Radical cure of Semina rermiterrheea, induced by Self- ary Emissions, Impotency, and Impediments to mar- Jousumption Eplepsy, and al Ineapacit, y, = Ph CUL JAMES RIGGS. Port Perry, 15, 1876. R. HUGOE. Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel, Prince Albert, April 2, 1871, ablished thelp 15 "HE undersigned wou A that they have est Take Notice SOBB33 wOBBY PORT PERRY and execute all work in Marble reestone ac., &c., in way of IS isto give notice that I have fold to James V. Thompson, Port Perry, il ents, Fomb Stones, 'Tablets, Pillars, Trade Mark! or THE | and everything In the line, Choice Materials, the st Styles, First-Class Workmanship AUSTRA LIA N | and Prices at the lowest possible figure, HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD, with all rights and privileges to wse and dispose of the same, An Inspection solicited. ROSE & WE(FENBA Port Perry, May 14, 8. rH ADVICE. ANHOOD, WOMANHOOD. wees. A warning against imposition. How youth 1 middle aged (both sexes) may restore their ns, especially if arfsing Herein liea your only of this Feed for Hovses and Cattle, it is un- 88ety : by a professional gentleman of rare equalled by anything yet discovered for im- Abily High Canadian press testimonials. -- proving the dition of these valnable ani- eution § Jig paper Send wals both as to flesh and general health, i 4 Al partics owning horses - cattle should Prof. J. Y. EGAN, Hamilton, Ontatle, have it. The universal testimony of all who have tried it on their stock is that they would not now do without it. It fs cheap. safe and beneficial. The purity of the mix ture is guaranteed, JOHN YOUNG. Port Perry, Dec. 27, 1875. 2:tf For Sale or Exchange FOR PROPERTY ----IN-- PORT PERRY S . | FP HE Subscriber having a large amount of' i business in way of contracts for build. ing in Port Perry this season requiring bis constant attendance in the village is de. psay vous to sell or exchange his house Prince Albert, lately owned "by Captai | Sinclair, and direcly opposite Major For mau's, fora suitable dwelling in Port Perry. The lot and premises in Prince Albert are splendidly adapted for a private gentleman," | the house is in an excellent state of repair V. THOMPSON, J. Port Perry, Jan'y 13, 1876. WHEN RAILW TIME TABLE No. 23. Taking eflect Monday, July 1, 1878. TORONTO TIME. PORT PERRY & LIN AY. Trains Going North. Depart. "Depart: ' and the garden well and the garden well stocked with choice Le 1a G.T.R.......17 N 3 . i Rat. Ry: 20a. i PM. fruit trees, &c. Hard and soft water and $Whitby.. .. B45 6.52 « every other suitable convenience for a com Brookli 9.05 7.08 « fortable home, r Ramm Tm ou For further particulars apply to 'i a a iculars PP y Manchester on . WM SPENCE, Owner, {ort Per na 4 lor MESSRS. J. &D, 3A als Wn ! rokers, Port Perry, ya S18 i | Port Perry, May 23,1818. : Ma Rb) « o 9.03 4 $1 0.15 RUPTURE. REE by mail. Egan's IMPERIAL Savery. 4 MAIL. Depart. Pap Truss ; gives immediate relief: eures 4 5.30p.m. in41t012 weeks. Endorsed by high medieal Moti yy. aisthority. The most valuable surgical inven. 1B 6.14 « | tion of the century. The secret of cure is, this *S0 6.27 « | Truss holds rupture during the hardestexercise . Seng ra' @.35 « |and canbe worn night and day with gress © fi or 7.00 comfort. Very eheap. x Hoe 3 Prof. J. Y. EGAN, Hamilton, Ontarlo. 7.5 w tHrook1i 7.48 can make money faster at work for us tWhithy ... 8.05 than at anything else Capital not uir. Whitby June. G.T.F 8.15 ed; we will start you. $12 per day at home 'oronto, via G.T.R. an 11.07 made by the Industrions. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to wotk for us. Now is the time. Costly outfitand termg UNCAN BLACK. [Port Perry, Jan!'1, 1874, wo], Ade 4 ; 3 Kote of sonar 1 ple. : . mple- uts, eto. Seed for i . Sale, r.xhibitions, ec. ted at the same y rates, Address, } ; | T > MAIL, Torosto *Flag stations--Trains ston on signal only. {Telegraph stations. pe; Address TRUE & Co., Augusta,

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