Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Oct 1878, p. 2

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' S---- -- | A Day of Retribution. Put it to 1 Them. A fsrning to Patents. too glad to be rid of the wasteful More Agony. guilty parties been poor men Who pretenders who seemed to have no had swindled to the amount of a Montreal, Oct. 1--Adelard The Grit faction uf the little, new, The big book says :--* Your sins will find P. Forget, : H=Tu sbi 10d ga A Washin 'The Sosieces sector Fa fri revised this winter. It Is claimed that the Canadians wero entitled to only $1,200,000, against which stand special duties on fish and fish oil, remitted by the United Statos for Canada, amounting to about $3,000,000, regurd for the weal of the country ; their only aim and ambition appear. ed to be the enriching of themselves and their relatives. at the country's expente,and supplying with Govern- ment pap in wny of place, pénsion, office or subsidy the innumerable tribe of hangers on Grit providence, ready at all times to swear by Mackenzie, and prolong his rule.-- t this continual drain was sinking country as surely us an unstopped leak will sink a: 'ship: Latterly they appeared to have abandoned all idea of anythiny furthep than drawing their salaries and handing out something to the boys." They saw the best interests of the country droopirg, her manufactures tottering Mon 5. O Aika--Seator, Secretary of| 0 their full, heFmercantile interests State dwarfed and stinted, her workmen NE Mackensio Bowell Minister of) 1 1king the streets iu enforced idle- Ph John O'Connor--President of the | ness, and the country drifting to uncil bankruptcy, while they, copying the any A Camphel)--Sevater, Sedire patriotic (?) Nero who addled and danced while the capital of his king- dom was burning down, they feasted, foddled, and went starring round the country as if willing thatall should go . | to the dogs and everything wae going to the dogs with a vengesnce. And just as the cup of the political i iniqui- bundred dollars they doubtless, i would have been punished with be- You oh aud js wosld bos Jijfe siungs iF 4 | L wath political sins were excused. The truth of coming severity; but it would not be | the above proposition no one can or dare comme il faute to punish teel deny di Lill of its absolute | Conservatives. swindlers who go a truth are being furnished every day and Our reiidors must . how that especially at this time are the political trans. 8 thousands, e the Brantfordonians have what they Im grestors on the rack fearing the day of et ------ issted 84: 4lle Prepelons Gepravity: of Sige esp , call a Southren Agricultural Exhi- Church Anniversary. SE is sure to overtake them More Chancery. children. ll ey In favor "of the "United FRE o row ie Dlr go Bring they A telegram from New Brunswick says:--| Mr. Badgerow, a Chasouy } Lawyer, has Sales. gentlemen eo Ba bunem will. C.0 r so i been selected as candidate for ouse QE , undoubtedly upon explaty ele they had let it go at that A some Chtrch of Canada, Port Perry, were held" at "Tho Burpee & Weldon Managers are trying beer sclecieC 4s Fav Farmers and others will find it to be to! ot the super Grits their stupid tor East York. If unfortunate East York has conduct their church on Sund dM Tost. to buy oft the threatened protests against 3 eir church on Sunday and Monday las them with an offer of a return by acclamation | nO resident capable of representing them they Soir atlvapiage to examine, Dar Nat of sles It will bo i a wonder. it the Yankees The services on Bunday consisted of two ought to be disfraabhised till they have enter- appearing regularly from weel week the d i t indebted to them afte H i 4 | 10 r. a re 0) ee q 44 zeal attempted to convert the society | powerful and sermons for; Mr, Tilley. There ia a strong feeling prise enough to train a few. the Horses, Cattle, Implements, &c., offered | do not bring us out inde r : and its exhibition into a Grit proj - tolarge, intelligent and attentive congre- against any compromise, as Mr. Tilley is : ats sheh, a all Fain require. JX Ja w for the privilege hey enjoy of taking our - \ matte: nce § : tions by Rev. W. J. Hunter, D. D. of sure of 200 or 300 majority. . aganda. It had been arranged that) 0H ter, D. D. of) Tire "Charlotte County Liberal Conserv wt ausHion prices. Yeigh the president of the society, | = "0 "0 0 vices werd continedto ative Committee bave completed the requi Here is a chance to purchase one of the should deliver an address at the|, " oy feted first of ig ments of Gilmor's violation of the Bribery most comfortable residences in town. Mr: | f y oy ©. Dawes has instruction from the propri- close of the last day of the show, | provided for and well got up lon served in Act, and will proceed for his disqualifica , | etor, Mr. James Broad, to sell by auction at and it he did not choose to speak | the basement of the church, The ladics as on tion," : the 'Walker House, Port Perry, the Inte rosi- himselt he should find a substitute. | all previous occasions proved their liberality It cannot be that all bribery and cor- dence of Mr. Broad.on Wednesday, Oct. 30th, 1 ti re confined to New B ick, Such an opportunity for securing such a Here was a chance for the Grits and | in providing for and activity and' skill fn a a a © Lo property at auction price seldom occurs. -- . tting vp a choice emter ¢ for all *"* en ve bee) See advertisement and posters. Se send Jor Y= Geo: ir The Tsentcnt of this chureh | Practicing the Corrupting Art? Can it be e rown ol e notoriety to come ible that these old, hardened hl is admi dapt h possiL'e and hold forth of course in a alusirably aapted for such Social gathers the interests of the Grit facton. The Conservatives, however, found how matiers were going and burst up 'A Grasp Opportumity yor FaRMERS AND bs Ornrrs 70 secure Croior Stock. --Mr. James ings and the fair entertainers know how to practiced corruptionists in North, aye, and do the rest to secure perfect success in tliat the little game by refusing to allow the Grit faction to convert the Stonehouse, lot 11, in the 6th con of Brock, South Ontario too, can at this time have is giving up farming and 'has instructed Mr, department ; a large and highly "htedfgent passed through with wosciled hands, can 3 company patronized the tea tables and. gh society into a Grit nursery and re- fused to allow Mr. Brown to inflict a Wm. Gordon to sell by auction the entire be that these experi ionists can unmistakable proof of their appreciation ng speech on the people just then and Alphonse Christin, Eustache Lemay, Adolphe Lamache, Isaac Pilon, and Madore, were armigned to-day on the charge of * fraud- ulently putting into a ballot-box papers other than the ballot papers authorized by law to be put therein." If found guilty seven years in the Penitentiary is too ght. & punishment for the crime. the police found a number of school 'children of both sexes in the place. The trial disclosed facts of the most revolting nature. Some of those found were from nine to twelve years of age and of respectable parentage, but were old in vice. The parents who were present at the trial were deeply somewhat exacting city of Brant- ford are agonizing over the snub lately given to them by some vile bid stealing Now that the National party no got into power and are hurrying up preparations for the introduction of. the new regime a very nat ~ anxiety is manifested to learn in what direction the changes will take 'The anniversary sevides of the Methodist id -- The following ix & synopsis of a sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Brown, of 'Sunder. land, in convection with the funeral of our lamented fiiend, the late George Brabazon, who died at derland, en 16th 8: b 1873. « For here we have no continuing city but we seek one to come. "--Heb. : 13-14, These words were addressed > the Jews ata time when they were soon to be severed from intions which were dear to them. They should soon leave Jerusalem aod be exiles on the earth, The desolation of which Christ spoke concerning the city was hi This was a time of great "BORN, At the Manse, Wick, on the 7th instant, nay the wife of the Rov. Samuel Acheson of a daughter. The new Ministry bave been Gasetted as follows, viz: -- yoR ontAmIo. Sir Jobn A. Macdonald--Premier, and MARRIED. In the C. M. Charch, Williamsburg, Cart. wright, on Wednesday, 9th iost., by the Rev, George T. Richardson, assisted by the Rev. J. C. Wilson, Mr. Wesley R. Clemens, of uF Tytone: to Miss Brace, daughter of Wm, Bruce, Esq., Cartwright, The airings 'took place in the morning, and a large and deeply interested gathering | especially of the young, the fair, tke gay of She locality assembled to witn 3s the curv. mony and all were on tiptoe of delight and carefully watching the door for the ap- proach of the bridal parly. As the party entered the church Miss Fanny Richardeon, danghter of the pastor, played a choice and' farm stock, machines, implements, &c.&c.-- 'The sale takes placc on Wednesday, Oct. FOR QUEBEC. Mr. Masson--Minister of Militia. Hon. J. H, Pope KComplonjiuipter of Agriculture, Hon. H. Langevin--Postmaster-! Benet; Mr. Baby--Mini of Inland R FOR NOVA SCOTIA; Hon. Charles Tupper--Minister of Public have forgotten their cunning, they nt trial othe believing 30t h stock, implements, & re but | g Jews. But the Apostle t uch stock, implements, &c. the entertainment. fr' long political lifitime have grovellod urges them to bear the reproach of Christ Sida Bd ods By putin: me After tea th embled ia th in the deepest sloughs of political infamy { (po cog ideration of the .-. | ber the time an at Sunderland on the Geiadima Givon ig [he d vile ii hose only electi yin day of the sale. (See posters.) body of the church to partake of the treat | 2% V! corruption, w! only electioneer- | ,¢ yo present state, As if he had said, we prepared for them by the Rev. Dr. whose ing card consisted in tho meanest and most |; 10 regard this as our final home Saturday Oct. 26, will be an important eloquence had delighted his hearers on the contemptible system of bribery, can it be < day at the Walker House in Port Perry, two or fixed abode. and, therefore, wé | fine residences in Port Perry are to be sold by hl 11 Works. Hon. Jas. Macdenald (Pictou)--Minister of Justice. FOR NEW BRUNSWICK. Hon. 8. I.. Tilley--Minister of Finance, f FOR PRINCE EDWARD IRLAND. Hon, J. C. Pope (Queen's)--Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Fourteen Ministers will doubtless appear to many a somewhat cum- brous crowd and it may be expected that the number will be curtailed ere long ; but it will take all hands a considerable time to bring order out of theconfusion which the Mackenzie Government left behind. The new Government have a herculian task before them but they are good for it and the people expect it at their hands. The late decisive vote of the clectors had less reference to a change of mon than a change of tactics, their vote demanded a change of front ; the general weal of the country in place of the interosts of a clique, efficient government in place of fly on-the wheel imbecility, wise legislation in place of sinster blundering, and rigid economy in place of wasteful extravagance.-- These are some of the changes which the decisive vote at the late elections plainly indicated and nothing less will bo accepted. We have faith in the electorate that what they have once done they will do again, that they will rise in their might and stamp out any man or set of men who in fatare will go back on their pro- mises, place the interests of them- selves and friends before those of the country or fail to exercise the necessary economy in managing the affairs of the country. Neither per- sonal popularity nor party leanings will again prolong the existence of a government which either from in- capacity or dosign fail to role in the best interests of the country. A reduction in the salaries of Ministers and their deputies will be heads. ty of the Mackenzie (overnment was full to the brim, their term of office expired and Vor Populi ordered ul to prove that the peopl The country ha and honestly' sought Agonizing. We sincerely pity the readers of the Globe in these days of political Grit ddrkness and universal sore We calculated on an unlim- ited amount of Weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth with the Globe and his following, but we the power- the incompetents to at once vacate positions which they had so shame- fully disgraced as to make them- selves a by-word and laughing stock over the land. This act of retributive justice went further to establish the independence and intelligence of the electorate of this fair Doniinion than any other act they ever did, it goes far thoroughly understand the value of the franchise, know howto use it and are worthy of it. reason to feel proud of those brave men (for it is an act worthy of praise) men who broke the shackles of party, preferred the interests of country to pandering to the greed and incapacity of the Mackenzie Government and voted against them and thus secured their overthrow.-- We have not a word of complaint to utter against those who really believ- ed that tho Mackenzie rule was all right and voted honestly to sustain it; hundreds, nay thousands were deteived with the hypocritical cant and fair promises of the party lead- ors sustain them; but the mercenary crew of place hunters, subsidized trumpeters and pap consumers are the bane and disgrace of any party and the greatest enemy to the well being of any people. to this quashed the whole matter.-- The more ardent Grits are just now beginning to feel their sores, espec- ially their sore heads and they are making a fearful howl over their disappointment. The interest of the society and the welbeing of the community are nothing to your su per-Gritin comparison to the success of their little tricks for party sake. A Big Swindle. ¢| The official report of the lately bankrupt city of Glasgow Bank shows a wretched state of things, s | the los: es will bu even more than the darkest surmises indicated; the actual loss will be nearly {wenty-six million dollars; this with five million dollars of unpaid capital will all have to be made good by theshareholders, say, $31,000,000, is a handsome sum to be made up and it must be made up at least to the last cent that any or all of the share holders are worth; the liability is not limited, the gharcholders are jointly and severally hable for the whole. The share- holders have been swindled in the most shameless manner. The Bank- ing Act provides that a weekly statement of the amount of bullion in the bank shall be made to the Government, the statements were made from week to week and appear- ed all mght but these statements were as false as could be they were cooked as mach as $4,000,000 being added to tho weekly statement to make it come out right.-- The Director's returns were also made to deceive the share-holders by making them believe that tho bank had nearly $5,000,000 more security than they had and $1.000,000 more bullion than thre was in the vaults. The effet of this fraud was that the Government, the shareholders and 'that these politi previons day. This is really a fine church, clern, com. fortable and handsome without the slightest attempt at display. It ie well lighted by two fine chandeliers which while supplying an abundance of light prove quite an ornament to the church and contrast favorably with those miserable rush lights stuck on the ends of the seats like so many lathp posts ad we find in many of our churches, While the audience in the evening was notall that were quite resp bl in other respects. Rev. E. R. Young, the esteemed pastor 'of the church, now took the chair and intro duced the second part of the entertainment by calling on the choir for an anthem, -- After the singing, Rev. Mr, Madden led In prayer, The Chairman now in a neat and appro- priate manner introduced "the Rev, W. J. Hunter, D.D., who was announced to deliver a lecture on the important subject of mar |o ringe. To say that the Doctor handled his subject well would be expressing no more than all that know anything of him were prepared to expect ; but the lecture must be heard to be fully appreciated. A report of it, were it even verbatim et literatim, would A be a rather tame aflair compared to hearing it from the lips of the eloquent lecturer.-- The subject was well handled and maby good things said which all present were the better for hearing common place it may be, but by no means the less useful on that account, The tendency of the lecture was to benefit all who heard it, and the pity is thatall did not hear it. The speaker made no rhetorical display and attempted nothing in way of oratory, yét the lecture was forci ble, interesting and not uninstructive, as evinced by the marked a'tention of the audi ence. and repeated manifestations of applause, A vote of thanks to the speaker, follnwed by the singing of the Doxology, brought the proceedings to a close, The anniversary services thronghout must, in justice, be pronounced a success, + It may be that the financial department did not come quite up to expectation, but on all other partipniase the occasion was a succes® hout, and if ly it may not have come Quite up to expectation, there was little cause for complaint, even on that score. -- as wel} in as é cards, worst form, in which the Protonites, Over-coaters and Grit Government hacks played their most desperate If only one-half is true that ixurged against him, Mr. Wheler,his seat is not-worth an hour's purchuse, and he will neither be candidate nor lector for the next eight years. Corrections. Errors corrected and omissions supplied in the prize list of the township of Brock gricultural Society's late show : One year old gelding or filly, draught, 1st John McLeod, instead of F'. Harvey. Foal of 1878, Saddle or Carriage--1st Jas Waddingham instead of Jas Doble, Two Cotswold Ewe Lambs--2nd J. Stone- house instead of J Johnston & Sons, Wagon--2nd A Campbell insiead of Arch. Mclean, Wax Fruit or Flowers--2rd Miss M. J. Bagshaw instead of Miss Riddett, OMITTED 2 year old Dnrham Bull--1st J Malyon. 2 year old Durham Heifer--1st and 20 Wm Shier, 1 year old Grade Heifer--1st J. Rennie, 2nd J. Stonehonse. Huifer Calf, Grade--1st Wm Bagshaw, 2n Jacob Shier, Peas--2nd T. H. Glendinning. Reaping Machine--1st J Pool, Collection of Preserves--1st Mrs, Richardson. Lady Organist--1st Mrs Pringle. Mr. Pool's present was presented to her by the Secretary of the Society after a very keen competition, during which there was! some excellent playing, the Concert passed off well aiid was quite a success. pords have changed their spots? Ah, nol old Proton and the overcoat tricks are the work of adepts who never will leave off their iniquitous courses until they have filled up the cup of their iniquity an achievement 'which they have thoroughly accomplished in the late election, and now will be the time for the avenger to overtake them and make an end of them, holding them up to the merrited scorn and contempt of every one could wish in point of numbers still . it honest man. We, in North Ontario, have a repetition of the old game, in its J. C. The re. should be willing to bear reprouch the little time we remain here. I --How are we reminded of these words ? The word of God represents human life as very. uncertain, Here man is compar- ed Bot to'a great oak but to the morning mist or the tender flower which lasts but for a little time, « For what is your life? It is even a vapour that appearcth for a little time and then vanisheth away." -- « Man that is born of a woman is of few few days and full of trouble, He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down; he flecth also as a shadow and continneth not." But not only does the word of God but also the events of Providence remind us of the truth 'that here we have no fixed abode.' When the aged are cut down by the stroke of death we are led to think that the front rank has fallen before the enemy and roon wi'l it be our turn to fall before his fell power, But how much more is this very solemn thought impressed upon us when from our mnmdst, in the prime and vigor «f life, friends and neighbors are suddenly re- moved from us by death, We should all feel that the hand of death is very near and that it soon will be our turn to bid fmewell to all that we cherish herv, And, further, also, the brevity of human life reminds us that here we heve no con. tinuing city. When we compare human life Auction, the late residence of Mr. G. U. White, and the late residence of Mr, James Broad, (See the advertisements). That Tmportant Sale of Town Lots. ~The Trustees of the Crandell Estate are appropriate piece of music on the organ, and again when the wedding party retired from church the young lady played another charm. ing piece which predueed a pleasing eflect.-- offering the public a special opp ity of securing valuable town lots at auction prices and we advise all who wish to secure choice town lots either for erecting resi dences thereon or for profitable speculation, not to allow this opportunity to slip. Every such' sale is making available lots more' scarce and as a matter of course more diffi- cult to be got and only obtainable ata mueh hightr price. Mr. Dawes has iustraction to sell all the remainder of the estate in such ities as suit p The public are indebted to the Trustees for opening up that fine estate for public occupance ahd not keep it locked up for higher prices which it certainly would realize if kept a little longer The sale takes place on the 30th and 31st inst. (See posters ) Mr. E. Major has instruction from Mr, W Brown to sell his large and valuable stock of Horses; Cattle, Pigs, Machines, Imple- ments, &c, on lot 2 in the 12th con of Reach. on Monday, 29th inst, This ita grand opportunity to secure choice stock at anction prices. Remember the time and don't fail to attend. (See posters.) By instruction from Mr. G. Devitt Mr. C Dawes will sell by auction, near. Manchester, on Friday 25th inst. a valuable stock of horses, catt)e, sheep, machines, implements, &c. At the same time and place by in- struction fiom Mr. W. C. Heard Mr. Dawes will sell some fine horses, carriages, mach with the life of higher created i ig 5 ita brevity is very manifest, We do not know how long it is since God created the angels but we do know that it was in a time reaching far back in the history of the un iverse, for when creation was completed « the morning stars saug together and all the sons of God shouted for joy." The holy beings may have been for millions of ages cotitemplating the glory of the Divino per~ d | fections. How very short do the lives of the Antediluvians seem when compared with ines, impl ts, &c. Note the time and place. (See posters.) Mr. Wm. Pengelly will sell by Auction, on lot 3, in the 5th con, of Cartwright, on Monday, Oct. 28, all his Farm Stock and Tmplemeuts. Mr. Wm. Lucas is Auctioneer. Mr. Festus Upton will sell by Auction his entire stock of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Im. plements, and a large quantity of Oats, Turnips and hay. The Sale takes place on Lot 9, in the 5th Concession of Reach, on Friday, Nov. lst. Mr. C. Dawes is the life of these holy intellig But shorter does human life in the present state seem when compared with eternity. How short does life on this side of the grave seem when compared with life beyond the tomb and death, 'When millions of ag's shall have passed away eternity shal! be still un. epding. While lite is so short we may truly say, ' here we have no continuing city." 1I--The considerations to which these words should lcad us, In the first place, we should set our affcc- tions upon things that will abide. We d A Mr. W. T. Harper will sell by Auction on Lot 22, in the 12th Con. of Reach, on Monday, Oct 28, all his fine stock of Horses Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Implements, &c. Mr. C. Daweg is Auctioneer. Mr. '8. Scenes has instructed Lucas & Lattimor, Auctioneers, to scll by Auction, on Lot 21 in the 8th Con of Cartwright, on Wednesday, Oct. 30, his choice and eaten. sive stock of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Machines, Implements, &c., such live stock machines, implements, &c., a8 are requir The i ing and i couple have the respect of all who know them and all wish them a long, happy and prosperous lite' together. At the residence of the bride's father Scugog,on Wednesday, 23rd inst., by the Rev. E.R. Young, Mr, Wm. McCormick, of Port Perry, to Miss Devinda Collins, The interesting and intelligent young couple. are much respected and have the best wishes of all for their future happiness and prosperity, The Markets. Ossenveg Orrice, Oct 24, 1878. Fall Wheay, .. ve. $075 to $0 85 Spring Wheat, . to 078 Barley ..... 0 v0 Butter , Byggs Oats .. Peas ...i00.e C.over Seed... Hay per ton, ... Smoked Hams , Dried Hams, Cheese, ..... rCPoCPovono®oe NOB wom OON oto A First Class Farm To Rent, T= Underrigned offers to Rent that fine Farm, being the North half of Lot 8, in the 10 Con. of the Township of SCUGOG.! Containing 100 Acres, 90 Acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation. The guality of the land is all thar could be desired, rich there are thirty acres seeded down to clover, 'There are on the premises a large Barn with gcod Stables for Horses and Cattle, There is a well and pump at the Barn, There is also a good young Orchard of fine fruit trees. This is a capital opening for parties wish- ing to rent a choice Farm. For further partrculars apply personally or by letter to CHARLES TUPPER, Port Perry, Oct, 21, 1878, Port Preey. Magnificent Residence for Sal clay loam, The Faltplowing is: dene, and fey were not prepared to witness the excruciating agony manifested from day to day by this once blustering, but now disconsolate organ. The Mackenzie Cabinet did not trouble him in the least. He could make it and unmake it at pleasure. Which of them be would he kept alive, and whom he would he slew politically ; but Sir John's Cabinet tortures him. So far from having any influence with the new Cabinet, or interfering in their affairs, he dare not even touch the hem of one of. their gar- ments, and the terrible fall has driven him desperate, and being kept in utter darkness; be is fairly agonizing to get oné ray ot light.-- He cannot understand why the uew Cabinet has not been formed ere now and their names published. It would be amusing were the agony a little less severe, to witness the struggle for political existence of the lately blustering Dictator. But he is only misdireciing the little encrgy that is left. He needs not trouble himself in the least. The Cubinet will be formed and "their policy matured and promulgated en- tirely in the interests of the country without the slightest referanes to the scolding and threatening of Mr. Brown and just as if" were no Globe in existence, agd. while the constant aim of the new Govern- ment shall be the best interests of all alike, irrespective of party, it is fondly to be hoped. that the Globe will confine its interference to its legitimate field, the cold, cold cheer- less shades of opposition. No one (denies now that the Lovprbearing dictation of the Globe contributed to largely towards the destruction of its own party and their everlasting a from power, and now to 80 over the delay in the an: should place our minds upon heavenly things. We should be regardful of our present well-being, but not so as to neglect our eternal interests. With many it is all for the present life, They are anxious to make fortunes, but regardiess as to their eternal wellbeing, They labor for many years to secure wealth, but are unwilling to make the least effort to lay up in heaven, Be thankful tor the world's goods, but remember we will not need them very long. Be thankful for friends, but remem- ber the time of separation will soon come, These words should also lead us fo conse. crate the whole life to Christ. Since we have only a short time in this life, we cannot afford to waste it in the service of Satan, If we desire to make life useful and honor. _( ing to the name of Christ, we should spend it all in His rervice. There are very many spending their best duys in sin. The young are apt to think there is time enough to serve Christ after spending a few years in the vanities of the world, But there are wany who if they do not serve Christ when they are young will never have the privilege of serving him. Further, we should seck eternal life, How important that we have an interest in Christ as our Saviour? When united to Christ we have eternal life, and shall never perish. -- But this we cannot bave while we reject the offers of Divine mercy. "But further,if here we have no fixed abode, no abiding city, we should live prepared for death, A dying hour is a poor time to make. preparation for death. "Now is the accepted time ; behold now is the day of silvation." We should not trespass upon the future, for God only knows what the future may bring to pass. But these words are full of comfort to the christian, 1f here we have no abiding place, we should bear up under lifes trials. Sor rows may multiply, but they cannot be long at the longest, Life may be very rough, but the voyage will not be long. A few more weeping days and all tears shall be wiped away, The grass may be now growing which shall cover some of our graves, Bear up you who pass through the deep waters of sorrow, for the journey will soon end, The deceased was a member and liberal 4 School Houde Burned. supporter of the Presbyterian Church, and aie ki evinced a strong interest in its prosperity' Markham, Oct. 21. ~ fire broke out to- | During his affliction ho regretted that he had 'night about ight o'clcok, in the woodsshed not been more devoted in the service. of ing the Markham High School, and in Christ, but rejoiced in that he was building short tiie the school was tolally destroyed, | UPOD the only foundation. As be neated the a0 of fhe funiture god books were saved. solemn houm of his departure it was com fraternity were deeply interested in Mackenzie's forting to find bis faith in Christ stréngthen. : ating 3 Money. plot to fleece the tax payers. Here isthe way | ing." When asked by his pastor if he could, rest all upon Christ. he replied that he was a Battleford correspondent puts it :--* Most * Adoording to Vanity Fair the Aastralians vesting on a glorious rock. Lot us not or al of these parties are organ'aed evidently 'pode a good thing of it in their visit to_mourn as those who have no hops. Let. to give a few favorites a 'soft thing' at the England, They took away them a public expense. They arrive hero bout the yuy'of over £10,000, the net receipts from those. who mourn without hope mourn tches have it the management * middle of summer, camp and go shooting for a without measure, May we each follow the pu of month or 80, ton certain point, drive a few 'the matches in that country, after paying all d where y he has followed Christ 80rders had fo the Glasgow bank are to be proceed- and get back to Ottawa in the fall expenses. For one match alone they re- X stakes and where he may have erred, may we take ed against fof frand. {1lad the having had a summer's pic- nic." "ceived Wor £150 18s. 6d. the friendly warning, J the public all supposed that the The Fifth of November. + around every well regulated farm, bank was in firet class order, stable as a rock while it was really rotten to the very core. These false appear: ances however kept it floating with flying colors. The weck before the failure $500 thares sold as high as $1,100, and just the day before it fail ed 8500 shares were sold for $1,000. A call for $2,500 has been made on each of the eharcholders in order to meet the liabilities of the concern; but suppose this sum cannot be coll. ected from all the shareholders those who can pay will be again called upon and again till the liabilities are met. This sad banking disaster will take the very bread from the mouths of hundreds who were in comfortable circumstances the morning on which the failure took place. Their money was all invested in Bank stock.-- Parties unacquainted with such matters ought to give stock buying a wide berth and not be swindled out of their money by infernal trick- sters who live upon their cheek and rascality combined. - Parties with- in the ring who want to make bank stock or any other stock appear whatit is not ean very easily accom plish their purpose. They prepare a decoy bird, a man of straw, this|. decoy goes to a certain broker he; offers to purchase so many shares of the Bank or other monetary institu tion. Inthe meantime the ringster who prepared the decoy goes to this same broker ard tells him he bas some shares in a certain Bank or other institution which he is willing to sell at say fifty percent premium. The broker tells the decoy that he has so many shares in such a Bank which may be bought at fifty per 'cent premium. Decoy' at once pur- chases the shares; the sale is pub lished and it goes abroad that the a move in the right direction; a significant reduction in the indem- nity of members would also be satis. factory, and so soon as the way to a reduction in the numbers of Minis- tors, aye and of members too, van be seen and taken advantage of the « better for all. The praning knife may be pretty freely used in the| department of the Civil Service, and _ the system of superannuations and pensions should at once be put a stop to. These Civil Service men are paid from one to three thousand dol- lars a year, and it they cannot lay past as much during the period of their service as will maintain them when they become untit for duty, how can plodding and toiling men, with ten timee the tear and wear on their clothes, and bodies, and not getting one-half the pay, lay past money to maintain them when they are no longer able to toil? No superannuation for them, if they have not funds they may beg, and where is the justice of making such or any one else, in 'fact, help to pay ruperannuate allowanees for men who ought to maintain themselves. An entiro new leaf in the matter of economy must ba turned over, and 'no Government, whatever may beits personnel or political: complexion, will again be tolerated:unless theyrule in the best interests of the peoyle.-- The eloctors "will not allow either 'compact or another to swindle t of their rights. It will no ( considaed in order for the ceipts at the door during the day amounted to $114.00. The celebration of the coming 5th of November, at Port Perry, is to be more than usually interesting. The mode of celebrat- ion is by a grand Supper and Ball, to be held in the Town Hall, The Celebration is under the auspices of thie 0. Y. B's of thig place, and they are putting forth every effort to secure complete success and make it Gibson, John Lilburn, William Garven and worthy of the patronage of all, ~| John Cromwell for $5,000 each. The suit --_-------- is brought, not against the Corporation, but Sale Postponed. against the Mayor personally, and in case it goes against bim he will have to foot the little bill out of bis own pocket. The damages in all are laid at $40,000. ee rm Playing Soldier. Following it Up. The Montreal arrested [4] have served notices of suit for damages on Mayor Beaudry, David Grant sues for $10,000; Thomas Ingtam, Pred. Hamilton, Alexander PORT PERRY. rp HAT t New Brick Resid on Queen Street, just cempleted in a most taxtey and satisfactory manner, the property of MR. D. URQUHART. For a more tasty residence no one could well desire ; there are two lots connected with it ; the size of the main building is 21x32 feet, with a tower 2 feet 4 inches by 10 feet -- The attached building contains dining room, bedroom, pantiy and kitchen, The rooms are most complete and all of nice size; the ceilings in both stories are high which is very desirable. There are ten rooms be- sides the pantry and a most complete wash room above the woodshed ; a sink caries off water to a most complete drain, The wood- shed is 14x17 feet; there is a cistern of the very best kind with good pump. A No. 1 Y Well stoned most: complete with a good pump init. 'The cellar is large and divided by a solid brick partition, two-thirds of which is one roum ; there are two windows in the cellar hung on hinges and screened in the most complete manner, Access to the cellar from the kitchen or woodshed. No pains or expense has been spared but all has been done that reasonably could be done to make it warm in winter and cool in sum- mer. All the labor was done, by the day, by the best of workmen except such as is usually done at a factory. The other build- ings are good--the stable is about 25x30, The fiuit trees are crab, zroening, hath, talman, astrican, snow and ear apple trees, common red and a arreey trees, egg plum trees, about 120 currant bushes. The trees aro as good as nur- series can furnish, some of the apple trees are bearing, and no better fruit conld be desired. Queen street is so situsted as do make it one of the healthiest and most pleasant streets in town. There are erected on this strect threw churches, town hall, public and Ligh school Lyildings, also as complete and handsome dwelling houses us one could wish, and make it all that could be desired for ' comfort and pleasure, The t end of the street runs lo the water's of Lake Scugog, and the W,, P. P. & L. = Railway station is only eight rods off this street. The bank, post office; &c., are also" on Queen strect. The cause of "Mr, Ura " Do unto others as ye would they should do unto You.' To the Editor of the OpsErvER. Sm--If my neighbor across the way, a jealous rival, had studied the above and act- ed dingly thinks he would have saved himifelf considerable trouble and not a little hard cash, but he chose to do otherwise, therefore, he must abide the conseqnence.-- When a man will descend to assist a worth- less creature to vent his spleen in a malici' ous prosecution because be got fined for violating the law of the land he must ex- pect to pay dearly for it. Having had to pay smartly for past acts he with his. part. ner who signed the notorious bond will be held responsible for all future cost. The trio have had their way of it in their mal. icious moves and actions but a day of retri- bution will come on all evil doers, It is now my time to act to vindictae myse!f and defend the public which I shall do so sovn as Ilget my papers ready, Surely those men have enough to do to attend to their pwn atfairs, keep their own door yard clean and let other people alone ; but if they will persist in their nefarious work, and dig pits to let their neighbors in, and they should fall in themselves, they are alone to blame. Like Haman, who erected a gallows to hang Mordecal, sod got hung himself; so in like madner will those men who have tried their best to injutd mo in. business and otherwise, and that 'Without any just causs. I try to mind my, own business by letting others alone, which I think is the best way to success, If a business man can't stand on this principle, the sooner he leaves town the better for himself and thse around him.-- Hoping this timely advice will be taken in the same spirit and manner in whigh it is given, thereby prompting them to do right, and not injure their neighbor, but in future live in peace with all men. : 1 am, Yours Respectfully, JOHN NOTT. October 18, i878. . © -------- A --e Mistake Corrected. Emaney's Great Clearing Auction Sale at the Ontario Cerringe Works, Poit Perry, of: all descriptions of Double and single Car: ringes, with and without tops, Cutters, Sleighs, &c., &c., which was advertised to take place on Wednesday, 23rd inst,, bas, on account of unfavorable weather, been postponed till Saturday, Nov, 2nd, Parties will please make a note of the time and ot fail to attend. Choice carringes at Auction prices but seldom present themselves. -- A Rare Chance to Lease a Good Farm. See our advertising columns, 'Mr. Chas. Tupper offers to rent that fine 100 acre farm, north halfoflot8, in the 10th con of Scugog. Europe at this day is an overgrown military camp. The toiling ones, the tax- payers have each of them a soldier on his back. In France the war estimates for the current financial year is about one hundred and twelve million dollars, 'The Military and Naval forces reach the enormous sum of $3,600,000, of these 1,200,000 men could be placed in the field on short notice. Germany, too, is increasing her torces rapidly. Reports come from several sources that the annual military conseription in Germany is to be increased by 20,000 men, Some contradict the story of 80 large an increase. ee EL AOI dT A Male School Teacher holding a Second Sick of Dunkin. or Third Class Certificate will find something The good folks of "re County of Grey sts a hem i ou tvestieing Solypus fairly tired of that specious. burleaquo the ls Dunkin Act, and they went to work like Mr, C.C. Kcllet is now offering for sale men to repeal it, and did so by a rousing Fruit 'and Orramental Trees, Shrubs; &cj fosjority. The fact that only about 100 votes Hig stock is reliable and choice. See his ve been polled against the repeal, shows advertisement, ar the temperance people were utterly Tindiorent as to the result, The difficulty B&F Go to Christian's at M 'hest in enforci the Act, and its cheap, desirable and stylish goods. neral unpopularity throngh the County See Mr. Christian's new advertisement in eaused them to cease exertion. In taking this issue, His 'stock is fully complete, is this stand, under existing circumstances, always selected with "the greatest HE with a view jo the fh promotion of bought on the most advantageots terms and ged that they acted wisely SWill not our his get the full of hie slow friends a of the Conoty of West Durham superior facilities in buying. the County of Ontario take a leaf out of | the book of the Greyites, and get rid of the Dunkin farce ? ee -- me for" town so arranged as to live in connection therewith, He will sell his alusie pro, : hs perty for hundreds of dollars less than it 8! cost him, as it is built too onl) dor the mony i cont fora bid, iP Su ai gl i i gs change. the A Hi #@" CO. N. Bright, of Philadelphia, will of preach the Gospel of the Grace of in the Old School House, next | Sunda; afternoon and evening, at 3:30 and 7:30. Al are invited. a Sin ~Around Uxbridge, Brock, &o., dame rumor has it that I received money to favor To Mr. Wheler's election by canvasing voters ¥ for him | 1 .can make affidavit, if necessary, | tbat [ did fot do so--and further--TI did not | firet speak to Wheler immediately before, of t during, or after the election, nor attended & | | i 'meeting of his; or derived any advantage : hy from him or aby Grit' farmer since I pub ; © Port Perry, Ont, «1 lished my hasty letter (ince. withdrawn in XN. B Look out * my Auction Sale Bills - the Guardiah, in July. 1 wish idle scandal of Ctiatils, and owe and Td Jometling. 1 1 any of you wel now tl Ve NO 10. In a leave of Iying about muse. | [LF yi" portion could ako te igh 48. Yoon, §6. from , 3, Wud $10 of on' their purchases at great Auction Manchester J. CATHCART HUTCHISON. oar foi eu ' : | 220d October, 1878, Port Pity, Sept, 26, 1878. 3 ns ing at fifty per cent promium.: 'The unsuspicious rush in and buy, per: wh norvous system [hapa invest their all , while the fact ng from the delay. The] is the stock may be 'worthless or nearly eo as in the case of the Bank above referred to. Many such sules re only put. up jobs in order to en- trap tho unwary. As latest die~ Surveyors 1 the Pot Tt admears that hol » few of He Sarveying 5. Rie

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