Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Sep 1878, p. 3

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&- - lh x hn " a 48] 1 7 x | { | ! | 3 I --OF VALUABLE-- Te TRUSTEES OF THLE CRANDELL ESTATE, Will offer the retnainder of that Estate for . Sale, on" 4 'WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80 & 31, 1878. Intending purchasers may find Plans and all necessary information at the Law Office of P A. Hurd, Eeq., at the Law Office of Billings & McGillivray, Esgs, or at the Store of Mr. Thos. C. Paxton. The property will be sold in lots to sult purchasers. Parties wishing to purchase any portion of the property by private bargain before the days of sale may do so by applying to the Trustees of the Estate or to C. Dawes, Port Perry. Bale on the premises to commence each day at 10 o'clock a. m. Teaus.--~Ten per cent of the purchase money down, and the balance in one, two and three years secured by mortgage. --~ Interest at 8 per cent. By order of Trustees. C. DAWES, AUCTIONEER. Port Peary, Aug. 22,1878. FOR SALE CHEAP! OR TO LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEARS HAT desirable family residence, lot No, 66, Bigelow street, Port Perry, is offered for. le at a great sacrifice, or it may be leased for a term of ye: Ars. Payments to suit purchaser. For further particulars, apply Port Perry, Aug. 2), 1878. C.DAWES, LiceNSED AUCTIONEER! BE Undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking the public for the Exten. sive and Generous patronage bestowed upon him since his entering upon the duties of Auctioneer, and would now state that all Sales entrusted to him, of whatever descrip- tion, shall be promptly attended te and the interests of the owners carefully guarded. -- Sale Bills prepared and blank notes furnish- to . B. HAM. tr All orders left at my residence, Bigelow street, Port Perry, the first residence North * of Dr. Jones' office, will be carefully attend- ed to. Charges Moderate, C#DAWES, Port Perry Aug 1, 1878. FOR SALE FARMS. 'FY HE Subscriber offers for Sale that Choice Farm being the East half of lot 4, in the 5th con of the Township of . Cartwright! Containing 100 Acres, about 70 Acres clear- ed, well fenced, and ina good state of cultivation. There are Smtable and Com- fortable Buildings on the premises, a good Dwelling House 20x26 with a back Kitchen attached 18x30. A Barn with convenient Stables, &c., 37x56. There is a vigorous young bearing @rchard on the premises, -- The supply of water is choice and abundant, a good Well and several Springs. The location is healthy and pleasant aad only 8 miles from Port Perry, one of the Best Markets in the Province for all kinds of faro. Produce. 5 Also, that Excelicnt Farm Being the East half of lot 3, in the 4th con. of the Township of Cartwright, containing 100 Acres of which 50 are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the property a Dwelling House, and good Barn 85x55. The property is well watered by a living stream running through it.- On this property there is a Brick Yard with a full supply of Machinery suitable for the manufacture of bricks. The supply of clay is abundant and of the very Best Quality every facility for manufacturing good Also, a Quarter Acre Lot on Queen Street, Port Perry, one of the finest Building Sites fin town; just west of the School House. It but seldom happens that so favorable an i ts itself for profitable in- Pp yp vestment, For particulars, apply to the proprietor. E. BRYANS, f Excuaxus Horr, Cartwright. Cartwright, July 27, 1878, 34 A SPLENDID OPENING. MS ndensigned being about to move this section of country offers for Sale his entire Business, Bulchering and Grocery ! And no better opportunity could present it- wolf for securing a comfortable and safe in a prosperous town like Port Also, for Sale my present RESIDENCE, Grocery, Stables, &c. wlth avery convenience for gusyig on fhe acre and a quarter of land newly and stb: stantially fenced. Good fruit trees and shrubs and fine water. I will also sella fine 5. ACRE LOT 'OF FIRST CLASS LAND tn Pott Perry, and near the othet The land is in" a fine state of cultiva- gion. It would be difficult to conorive of _advantageotis opening for a good, le business or & pleasant and agrees residence. | It is one of the finest lots d not part with tho business or ty were it not that a highly profitable Tas presented itself elsewhere, easy. Title indisputable be I will Sell the Business and Rent the to the proprietor on the pretuiscs. |. JAMES PRINCE. ry, June 26, 1878. sms B TWO VIEKS JONES PROS. NEW FALL GOODS 1t offords them more than ordinary satisfaction to state that Dry Goods of almost every description are Cheaper than they have been for many years, and as they are selling at the Smallest Possible JMargin they are enabled to offer their customers inducements of mo ordinary character, They stating that thelr Millinery and Dressmaking Departments hare Re-opened For the Fall, The stock in these branches will be found all the Novelties of the Season. REMEMBER In Millinery, Dressmaking and Tailoring those who come first are served first hence the advantage of placing your orders at the earliest possible convenience. Cash and Ready-Pay Customers should not meglect to call and and secure the Splendid Bargains now being offered at AGN CO SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS OF Clothing ? Parties im want of a Port Perry, Sept 4, 1878. In order to clear the bance of their Stock with the Season. Se ---- ------------------------------------------------------------ PRICEY 10 SUT TH TOES The dersi ti stock of d would call #0 hig super INEW AND CHOICE GOODS Move attractive thar ever, and at prices to suit the times. His Stock has been purchased with o viey #0 setisfy his customers in Quality, Style and Price, Gold and Silwer Watches, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, HANDSOME PATTERNS, ELEGANT FANCY JEWELRY ' | IN GREAT VARIETY, BOOKS, STATIONERY, §C., &C. B&F Call and examine my Stock. W.H. McCAW, Royal Arcade, Port Perry. 1878 & 79. JUST RECEIVED) =----FOR THE-- FALL TRADE Sept. 11, 1878. Newest designs in Canada Tweeds, Latest styles in Dress Goods, Novelties in Ladies Mantles, Choice Winceys, Latest out in Cretonnes. All Choice and Seasonable Goods at the owest living prices. OUR MOTTO---Popular Goods and Popular Prices, Which the Public appreciate. BROWN & CURRIE. Port Perry, Scpt. 4, 1878, GOOD FITTING SUIT, Can have an Extensive Variety of New Designs in Scotch, English and Canadian Twe 10 select from. Also, a beautiful lot of French and English Worsteds, which for appear. ance and endurance are unequaled, A large variety of HATS AND CAPS, In New Styles at prices to suit the limes. Also, a full supply of GENTS FURNISHING Goos, In White and Colored Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., to be sold Cheap. Call at once and secure your Clothing, as you will positively save money by so doing. Boot and Shoe and Grocery Departments fully Stocked, BEF TERMS--Cash or Produce. Port Perry, June 20, 1878. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. BUTTER! 3000 Tubs Choice Dairy Butter Wanted for the English Market, for which the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Will be paid either in Cash or Goods. Tubs farnished to Customers and no charge. S. H. CHRISTIAN. ' Manchester, June 30, 141. Bo GUILDING aod ROOFING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, cotnptising FORKS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCY THES, SNAITHS, and BAND. SHOES, HORSE NAILS, BELLOWS, ANVILS, VICES, AXLES, SPRINGS and WAGON BKEINS. : assorted SHAFTS and POLES. CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every description, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TT CC. FORMAN Intends Resuming THE DRY GOODS Part of his business fully. NEW STOCK COMING FORWARD DAILY. Just Opened.--2 Cases Hats and Caps. latest styles, and Cheapest ever offered. T. C.. FORMAN. Port Perry, Aug 21, 1878, SPRING. 'We have much pleasure in informing the public that we now have one of the largest and best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, marked also at the very Lowest Prices consistent with profit, OUR STOCK OF BUILDING HARDWARE, NAILS, LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES, tight at the lowest prices for Cash), consisting of tb h pa OILS, and VARNISHES. TO FARMERS. large stock of Farmin: We have bought direct from the Manuficturers a Be ES, TO MILL MEN We can offer Indiicetnents in FILES of the best English make. LEATHER BELTING, warranted gentine Oak-Tanned Lace Leather, MACHINE OILS, BABBIT METAL, and all other supplies, TO CARPENTERS. 'We make a specialty of FOOLS, and keep nothitig but the best make of SAWS & PLANES, CHISELS, GOUGES, &0. TO BLACKSMITHS AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS, IRON, BAR, HOOP and Ml, OHA Rs Our assortment is complete, embracing the usual lines of CHAIN, HORSE STEEL, CAST, SPRING, TIRE and SLEIGH SHOE. Our stock is also well in HUBBS, SPOKES, RIMS, Thanking you for past favors, we solicit your valtied ordets for this season. LAING & MEHARRY. THE COLDEN ANVIL, SICN OF , QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. B. J THORNE Having decided to retire from the RETAIL DRY GOODS TRADE ! Is offering the whole of his Stock at and BELOW COST. PROT IS ND OR) BUT THE CASH IS. And those having it can secure Immense Bargains. Those who want credit can no doubt (if they are worthy of it) oblain # from other Houses in the trade by paying from twenty-five to fifty per eent advance Big imierest means Bad Security, and those who pay such rates for aceom muet expect to make ap the losses made on those who do mod pay. Special attention fe drawn to Oheap Lines of TWEEDS witeh offi bo offoredl at HALF the usual rates. : B. &. YHOENE, Port Perry, Aptil 18,1878. earth being thrown up at the rod. Shed A My rods are to-day th 86 good & appearances, as when erected. JOHN Greenbank, Ang. B, IST Port Perry, Way 31, 1879. . A MOST DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE TUE Subscriber tatends moving from this lecality, and mow offers for Sle that fine proper situate on the eormer of As a streets, Port Perry, containing 3 iid § choice land, a comforts able frame Dwelling Mouse, Stable snd ne cossary Sutbuilifatt; a vigorews Yeung On ebard of choloe fruit, a full supply of excellent water and everything necessary the com+ fort and convenience of a pleasant read is one of the most agreeab Say 1. PEARCE"S MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, PORT PERRY. The undersigned has much pleasure in informing his customers and the general publis that he has juet received a splendid New Stock of such goods as cannot fail to meet the wishes of all who desire choice summer goods, the style, quality and price of which make them favorites with all who see them. The Newest Fashions, Finest Stylesand Most Handsome Fit always secured. Come and inspect my stock of Superior Worsted Goods, Choice Cloths and carefully selected stock of Hats, Caps, Shirts and everything in the Gent's Furnishing line, cheap. J. PEARCE, MERCHANT TAILOR. Queex 91., Port Peary. May 16th, 1878. JUST TC HAND I. Jd. DAVIS' Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, &c, i In Barrels and Half Barrels, CHOICE GROCERIES, CHEAP As any House in town. PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! Cigars, &c., always in Stock, FLOUR & FEED Of all kinds--cheap for Cash, WANTED, 1,000 BIS. POTATOLY, For which the Highest Price will be aid. . I. J. DAVIS, Port Perry, Oct, 24,1877. THE "CHAMPION" RECORD FOR 1877. Over Thity--fice Thousand Machines Sold. NO CROPS DAMAGED while 0 REPAIRS TO BUY--No kinds and conditions of IN NO BREAKAGES--No vexations In gathering the waiting for repairs--No telegraphing for repairs--. expross charges to pay-- Easily adjusted to all or grain--A CHILD CAN MANAGE IT--LIGHT DRAUGHT--A PERFECT MOWER--THE BEST REAPER--The most simple and durable of all Harvestors--The best and cheapest Machine In the market, Purchasers Always Entirely Satisfied. 5 FOR 1878. FORTY THOUSAND MACHINES ARE BEING BUILT: STEEL FRAMES BEING SUBSTITUTED FOR WROUGHT IRON FRAMES: MALLEABLE IRON CHIEFLY USED IN PLACE OF CAST IRON. ONLY SLY PIECES OF CAST IRON IN COMBINED MACHINES. WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCED OVER THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. SINGLE REAPERS; OR LIGHT MOWERS The result is that the " Champion" will be the lightest In weight and draught of any machine in the market, at the same time equally as strong and durable, and as free from liability to breakage as those built in 1871. The are ined that it shall excel in every particular all other machines offered, regardless of firsf cost, and have therefore taken this UNPRECEDENTED STEP IN ADVANCE OF ALY THEIR COM- PETITORS in the manufacture of Harvesting Machines, For further information; address, Joseph Hall Manufacturing Co'y, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. Oshawa, Feb. 20, 1878. AGENTS--E. WALKER, Port Perry ; GEO. URQUHART, Sandford. 2 & te bealthfnl tobe found, duing oom) of 1, 11,13and13 in the plan of the village of Port erry. A The property may be divided to suft pur« chasers. One acre with the Buildings, Orehard, Garden, Well, &e , c., may be sol one lot and the 3; aeres in one lot. Tt would be dificult to find a better o) tanity for securing a fine property, or mal a profitable investment. itle indisputable and Terms Easy. For partieulars apply to she proprietor om the premises. GEO. WALLING: Port Parry, June 11, 1578 2 ALSO FOR SATE FINE Driving Horse, Buggy and Harness and 2 Good Milch Cows, Apply te the owner. GEO. WALLING. Port Perry, June 11, 1£78. : REMOVED. HE Undrsigned would embrace this op= portunity of returning thanks to his numerous customers who have so long favored him wilh their patronage and would now inform them and the public at large that be bas moved bis place of business to his 'NEW PREMISES Where he will be glad to weet his old customers and all requiring work in his line, BLACKSMITHING In all its Departments, HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. JAMES SWAN, Port Perry, July 24, 1878. CHEAP! CHEER | CHEAPEST | Pi 5%. BOOTS & SHOES FOR THE TIMES. OPENED up this week the following.--= ing Please note the very LOW PRICES. Ladies' Prunella Gaiter Boots, good stock high cut, sold at $1.50, for $1 per pair. Ladies' Prunella Gaiter Boots, foxed, sold a$ $1.50, for $1. Misses' Buff High Cut Balmorals, good stock, for $1 per pair. Ladies' Tipped Prunella Balmorals, sold ad 90 cents, for 60 cents per pair. I have no hesitation in sayiag that these are the CHEAPEST Boots and Shoes evet offered in this County. 1 earnestly ask tha public to examine these goods and be cons vinced of the above facts. Nore--I will repair no other goods buf my own, and them free of charge. Port Perry Shoe Store. J. G. MORGAN: Port Perry, June 27, 1818. For Sale or Exchange FOR PROPERTY PORT PERRY., HE Subscriber having a large amount of business in way of contrac for build. ing in Port Perry this sean veiising big 2 constant attendance in the vil is de- sirotis to sell or exchange his house iff owned by Sinclair, and direcly opposite Major For. man's, for a suitable dwelling in Port Pe The hiss pg Jo eine Alber endidly for a DL ehen state of repa and the garden well stocked with Sheien: x fruit trees, &c. Hard soft water a every other suitable ence fortable home. Li aS 2

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